how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    NM, you're getting in lots of pool time this weekend! Here, have a Snickerdoodle with me. Then we'll share some Christmas Cheer! You gave me goose bumps when you told Dara to put lil Logan in her momma's arm and she will see magic. BE SURE AND HAVE A CAMERA READY DORK. Love the baby room. I think they all should have their own personal bounce house, where getting hurt is just NOT an option...totally safe!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Morning goils, quick pop-in cause I'm going out for a run. Yep it's 50 degrees here so of course DH is golfing. I worked out yesterday for the first time since???? March maybe??? Lifted a few light weights and I'm not even sore. Feeling good. Boob almost completely closed up now, just 1 tiny little open area left. Got Nora's Xmas shopping all done yesterday without ever leaving the house. Found her some boots and snowpants which was no easy feat since she wears a size 3 shoe and snow boots don't start till size 5. Found these hoove looking things just for walking babies. Nora's mommy made her an extra large baby jail yesterday that included her room so she could get a few things done and when she peeked in on her she had crawled up in the baby swing and was just swinging back and forth laughing. She took a video...super cute!

    Nancy, don't worry, your energy will start to return. I finished rads 16 days ago and I'm really starting to feel like my old self. I'm not having that sluggish feeling in the afternoons anymore... Next week you'll notice the fog lifting. Pictures are great! Jackson is a doll.

    Dara, have fun with Logan.

    Lori, crossing my fingers. Good pics, your granddaughter is so cute and has such pretty hair!

    Julie, enjoy getting waited on.

    NM, love the new baby lounge, perfect for when I'm missing my girl and I get tired of watching the tenders bring me drinks. Have a good Sunday with Sadie.

    Cami, I hope you had a good Thanksgiving too!...

    Gotta go, love you girls!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good morning all,up for my first cup of tea ,have a wonderful monkey day

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Oh Dark Hundred and all is melting, and going to get colder as the day goes on, so says the weather guesser.At least the sun will be shining.

    Goldie--not getting to stay home until Jan?That seems like a long time, guess I'm just a homebody at heart.

    Oh boy that Snickerdoodle drink sounds YUMMY!!!!

    Sweet looking family!

    I always forgive getting bumped into the pool, gives me an excuse to visit the swim up bar, one of my fav places in here!

    Genny--So Nora has a deluxe baby jail, complete with swing, how cute!Personally, I think baby jails, when used properly, are a great thing.Baby is safe, Mom gets to cook or do things that require a certain amount of concentration to prevent disasters and injury (I'm thinking of burned dinners or burned hands and arms).And baby learns to amuse him or herself a little.I can just picture Nora swinging away!

    Morning, Julie!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:The Snickerdoodle!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    GG (Genny's Girl), you know we want to see the video of Nora playing on her swing! Glad you found her boots. My grand daughter does have beautiful hair, color is gorgeous and it's so soft. But most of the time it's hanging in her face and she looks like a rag-a-muffin.

    Good morning Julie, how are you feeling???

    NM, the pool is not bad at all, cuz the temp is just perfect for us. I'll meet ya at the swim up bar for more Snickerdoodles. Sounds like cold, wet and sunny. Have a good day at work.

    Well, not too many to respond to, ain't nobody around! Sad  Makes me sad. Well, today I get the call. Happy Monkey Day!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Morning girls, quick pop-in, gotta get ready for work. Dogs are crazy11 DH took em to the park to run already but when they got home Moose decide it was time to play chase the cat...sounds like a herd of buffalo in here. I ran 5 miles yesterday, took me forever and I could hardly walk last night but I'm feeling ok today. Feels good to be coming back. It got up to 60, DH golfed 36 holes!

    NM, you are right, I sit in baby jail with her when Im there ad play with her, otherwise you are just chasing her around. I think I'm a homebody too, vacations are ok but unless i can take the pets I'm usually anxious to get home.

    Lori, I'll get that video up on my facebook page when I get a minute.

    Hi Nancy.

    Oh and a bit of bad news, Molly's 10 yr old goldendoodle was dx with terminal CA of the spleen. They removed a fist size tumor from her stomach and took the spleen last week and got the path report yesterday. Sweetheart of a dog and her DH's best friend. Damn FURB!

    Gotta run, maybe see ya all tonight.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    (((((((((((lori)))))))))))))) thinking of you

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2014

    Im still still in turkey coma

    I love the baby room idea

    Hope everyone had a great holiday

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Lara, about time you checked in, glad to see ya.

    It has been a very busy day here, I am going to my DD's house after dinner and will try to catch up with you all then.

    Lori, I am also thinking about you and saying prayers for good news soonliest!!! Lots of love going to you.

    Love you all!!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Wow, it's quiet here....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014


    it is quiet becuz de babies are sleeping. shhhhhhh

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2014

    Hi goils

    Deres twos of us here and we had wee dwinkies for you all tonight.

    Slainte and TITTIES UP!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Chrissy is here.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!The sun isn't even coming up for almost an hour.Blah.Oh well, I have my first cup of coffee going, should be waking up in a bit.

    Goldie--did you notice that the Tenders have renovated the pool--there's a jacuzzi onthe other side of the swim up bar!We can slip over and simmer ourselves whilst getting served lovely drinks.Very nice for this ayem with temps in the teens.Very crispy out there!

    Genny--hope you hada good day at work.I'm anxious to get home when I go away from Sadie, too, know what that's likeNot chasing a little one around is a good thing at times!So sorry to hear about Molly's furbaby.FURB is right!

    Julie--Love the pic.And the other pic.

    ORLA--that's one long turkey coma!You need to wake up soon for Christmas Turkey coma time!

    Dara--Morning, GrandMaMa!Love that title, with the English accent, on Downton Abby.

    Aly & Chrissy--Titties Up!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Flaming Gorilla Titties

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Add the kahlua and then add bacardi 151 rum to the shot glass. Place a small sipping straw in the mixture and then light on fire. The straw is so you do not burn your eyebrows off. Once lit suck the shot through the straw till empty. Tastes like chocolate milk.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    GG, good for you on the running, wow! 36 holes of golf, can we say the guy likes to golf??? And I'm so sorry to hear about Molly's dog. I hope she can keep her comfy.

    LOL, quiet...da babies are sleeping.

    Hi Lala, how is your friend holding up? And what's going on with you? Didn't you see a new PS?

    Aly/Chrissy, I know you two are enjoying each others company. Have a drink for us.

    NM, the jacuzzi is poyfect for these crisp mornings.

    Well thanks for all the thoughts girls. TM's are now up into triple digits, so they continue to rise. Waiting on aproval from insurance company to get my scans. Hopefully for the 18th, as we leave on the 19th to CA.

    Just looking at the FLAMING GORILLA TITTIES. Look at the ingredients and then read the instructions. They don't seem to go together, but I love the name!

    I found this too.....GORILLA FART!

    1/2 shot of Wild Turkey 101

    1/2 shot of Bacardi 151

    In a shot glass mix equla parts Bacardi rum 151 and Wild Turkey 101.  Guaranteed to put hair on your chest


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    imagewho does this remind you of

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    lori, wish you had got better news ,that drink might kill the frb plus everything else! love you and thinking of you

    aly and chrissy-good morning

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Shame on me for being MIA but been busy putting up some xmas decos.  And my cleaning lady has her 3 yoa doggie at the vet and might have to put her down today.  So she couldn't come clean for me.  I don't her not to worry and I'd say prayers to doggie heaven that Pookie comes thru.  So I had to do some straightening up around the house.

    Dara - funny u n Cyn wif da meatloaf...LOL.   I too love my DD's backyard and pool, wish I lived a little closer sometimes.

    Julie - love the xmas wish...back atcha girlfriend!  Sounds like good news for your sister and glad to hear you were waited on for tg.  And now no work til 29th...wooo hooo!!

    Nancy - Finally got a time for my tx on Mon the 8, it's 10:15, which means I should be done like about 2pm.  When you kno when you're arriving let me kno.  Got most of my Scentsy.  2 warmers on B/O.  But tried one scent and jes love it, it lingers for a few days...amazing.  Wonderful pics of your family.

    Lowee - glad ur turkey and all the trimmings was delish.  The money cards go the older kids, 3 of em.  LOL no, boots just a gag gift.  Thanks for splaining the splints, cudn't wrap my mind around it.  DOTD was sounding good til I saw the sweet potatoes....can't imagine that being good...LOL.  Any word on your tests results?  And those are pretty good pics of you g'kids.  Can't always b bootiful for the candid shots.

    NM - Eggzackery - who wants all the stress this time of year.  I will have to hit a store here or in St George for my DH.  I drew his name and he is diff to shop for.  He gave me something I cud buy from ACE.  I bought and told him they were sold out.  He went and asked and they had plenty just not unpacked yet.  So he gets one and brings it home dangit.  Making him return the one I bought, serve him right, j/k just can't surprise him.  Love the idea of a nursery in the htl for all our babies. 

    Mary - No regrets ok, for not doing the race.  u did the turkey dash, am pwoud of Mary for doing that.  At 1st I cudn't understand the carpal then u mentioned being a hairdresser for 40 years...n yup, that cud definately be all or part of it.  Hope you find some relief.  I imagine sleeping with the splints not so comfy?  Cutie-patootie pic of Nora and story about the crawling up in the swing, so precious....waaa I want my Madison.  Sad Sad FURB about Molly's pooche.  How do you explain such things to kids...idk!

    Dara - glad you are there for your Logan.  These memories will live in your heart forever.  U cwack me up with your dreams LOL. 

    Hi Cami - how you doing lately?

    Lara - good to see you, still in tryptophan fog? 

    Hi Aly - sorry I missed cocktails last night.  boohiss on me!

    Lowee - I am just sick, heart breaking news on the tm's.  Trying not to panic til you can get your scans.  Doc knows ur leaving and will put a rush on em right?  Feel a bigBIGBIG HUG from me, wish I cud give in person.  Love ya girl!  And then you lighten it up with the Gorilla Fart...lmao!!

    Lubslubslubslubslubs and prayers to all my goils!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Hi Ladies==

    Damn Lori I've been praying so hard for u, but they will help u . u'll see. I just know it. U'r babies are beautiful and I LOVE her hair, it's gorgeous u know how I am about light hair, it can not be rag a muffin. We've got some beautiful children here. Even if they are in jail.

    Julie I love how u post something to ponder, then u post something else to ponder, just differently. I hope u'r feeling good.

    Mary wow u really got energy back fast and Nancy will be right behind u.

    Aly/Chrissy I hope u 2 are really enjoying 'rself--it.s u'r summer now or something isn't it?

    I like to see Lara pop in, hoping u'r doing well.

    And now what's going on with Molly--so sad.

    SusyQ u always sound like u r so up, I want u to be u have such a wonderful soul.

    NM u'r weather sounds nicer than here, it's cold and love all the DOTD'S--Wish I had all the likker in de hhouse den I'd be happyful.

    I do want to ttell u gals I starteds not long ago and of course some new SE's come with them, but one of them is blurred vision which I have started to have and I'm having a hell of a time on the computer, even tho I've made it big, so I hope this goes away or I'm stopping these meds, I've cchanged glasses but blur is blur.

    Dara or whoever u mist be in joyland with Logan, it's wonderful.

    Plese remember even if I'm not here a lot lately I LUBS u all and my prayers are with u--I can hardly see hahahaha, I actually look OK in the mirror n wrinkles.for ging on 70 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good snowy, sleety ayem Loungettes!2 inches of sleet and snow, very yucky this ayem.Gonna sit tight here at home until the road is sanded, that's for sure.Sadie's already gone back to bed!

    Goldie--I wish the jacuzzi was on my deck this ayem, the sleet falling is so pretty sparkling in the porch light and street lights.Just a tad cold to stand out and watch, though.TM s in triple digits, yuck.Praying for clean scans.Love the Gorilla Fart!

    Julie--you snuck into my house and took a pic of Sadie!

    Oh, my Goodness.There is a business selling bullet proof plates to put in school children's back packs.Then the children are taught to put the back pack up in front of their face if there is a shooter in the school.What has this world come to?They also sell bullet proof plates to put in lap top cases and tablet cases.I mean, really.

    Mema--so sorry to hear about your cleaning lady's fur baby.Praying for a good outcome.Some people are just so hard to shop for, aren't they?

    Cammy--I pulled out my likker basket the other day and discovered that mostly I have empty bottles!Not sure why they didn't make it to the return for deposit pile before, but now I've got lots of room for restocking!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:Gorrilla Farts!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Hello everyone sorry I have been out. I started back to work so I have stayed a little latter then I was supposed to too. I was bad. But I am so far behind. And I needed to get my office reorganized since I hadnt been there since July. It was a mess an I had to get rid of an RT right when I got back first thing. It was ugly.

    Mema I am so glad you like your Scentsy stuff. I have some things on back order too. Let me know if you have any problems. I believe your backorders should be in next week. My flight arrives in Vegas at 1035 on Monday and we are staying at the Luxor, My brother is going with me so we can both get our CEUs and I dont have to travel alone. Maybe we can meet for lunch or something. Let me know.

    Hi Genny, Lora, Lori, Julie, Nana Dora, PRN, NM, Cami, 4sew hope Im not forgeting anyone. I love you all!

    Oh a friend of mines mom just got diagnosed with tripple negative breast cancer they told her that it was stage one and that the tumor was small. Talked about doing a lumpy but they want to do chemo first. Why would they do that first if the tumor is small? Just wondering.


    Here is some fun my hopefully future DIL and I did last night

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good morning all,trying to get motivated to do something but not working.trying to convince myself its my body telling me to rest ,not sure where the lets eat chocolate is coming from tho

    take it easy nancy,

    be safe nm

    have a good day sue,cyndie,darla, lara,cammi,4,mary and prn,who did i forget

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Sad to say the doggie, Pookie, didn't make it.  Vet said she had Addison's disease.  I looked it up, pretty scary. 

    Cami - thank you mese tinks mese soul is pretty cool too, only not as cool as yours! Meds can really mess ya up right?  I am proud of you for hanging in there even with the blur se.  I pray for you all the and that precious Joey.  How's the practicing coming, his recital coming up soon?

    NM - It is frightening what we have to do to protect even our elementary children.  I can understand the metal detectors in high schools in certain areas, but how to protect our young without forever scarring or making them paranoid, I just don't kno.

    Nancy - Back to work, oh my, not too soon?  Physically and stress-wise you OK?  I got my b/o yesterday, was very busy but will open today.  I will pm you my cell so we can coordinate Monday. Woo Hoo, face time!   Sorry to hear about your friends mom but wish I could offer explanation on why chemo before, perhaps one of the other breasties could chime in?  Love the pics especially the wine glass, LOL, and cept not sure what they are....candle forms?

    Juliet - eat the chocolate AND rest, jes let it go!

    To all my other breasties....hope n pray you are all ok.

    Lubslubs to all!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    I have been so busy with helping with Logan. I wish I could take the time and write my usual novel to you all. I have read and am praying for all of my girls.

    Lori, darling, I am sorry about the tumor markers. I had to google the term to understand more about it. You are always in my prayers girl. Keep on keeping on.

    Cam, sorry about the blurred vision. Maybe you can call your dr and report this side effect and he/she can find a better RX to replace the one causing the issues?

    I miss you all very much, have so much to say. Logan has been crying quite a bit over the past few days, my heart goes out to my DD. She is doing a fabulous job with him. She wants to do everything herself, I help when she lets me but usually helping with housework or caring for her puppy. She is rocking the mommy thing and I could not be more proud of her.

    Drink up girls, have some for me as mese been slacking in dat department.

    cheers and lots of love to all.


    Dara Diverse, friend, daughter, sister, Mom and Nana ♥

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    k Work is kickin my butt, I worked until 2 today but then went and got my hair done and went shopping, I guess life is kicking my butt. I just have so much to do and now the lady that came and did the deep cleaning for me had some kind of life changing thing happen and cant clean anymore. So Im looking for someone again. I was so cold all day my fingers were even blue and then I got real hot and just exhausted and kinda started to freak out. Is that common with Tamoxifen? I was better after I layed down and relaxed but I was just on over load.

    Memaw Im looking forward to Monday :)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Warming up today, so they say.Already 35 degrees, higher than yesterday ayem.Another winter storm over the weekend.Sigh.

    Collett--Going back to work can be a good thing, but it can be stressful, too.Sounds like your first days back were very busy!Hate the ugly stuff.Nice looking candies!

    Julie--taking it easy, believe me.The roads aren't bad right now.

    Mema--So sorry for Pookie and Pookie's Mom.At least with our pets we can end the discomfort and suffering.

    Dara--having a new baby is a busy time!

    Collett--pretty normal for someone overdoing too soon after rads.Remember, getting rads is like having surgery every day, it takes time to recover, and you are just getting to the point where recovery is starting.Give yourself a break and some time.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    After Work Special

    3 oz Amaretto

    2 oz Coconut Rum

    1 oz White Rum

    6 oz Orange Juice

    6 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour the Di Amore amaretto, Malibu rum and Bacardi rum over 5 ice cubes in a hurricane glass. Fill the rest of the glass with orange juice and pineapple juice, to taste, and serve.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2014

    HI everyone on my way to traffic court whoppeee

    I have been in a funk... I hurt my achellis heal running

    My friend is a mess so I have been running errands for her she got her port in yesterday no pain pills wtfffffffffffffffffffff I instructed her to go to ER they had her on morphine running tests she starts chemo Friday so I have had this on my mind a lot

    DH is switching his position stepping down from manafment going to hourky so less money

    I am not working I have surgery jan 6 ovaries then my next recon. I have not seen PS yet the new one I havebeen lazy getting the paper faxed to old PS to send records to her .DH is doing it today

    I got turned down for LTD but I have a lawyer taking the case with the two surgeries coming up I need a good year for recovering which I never have had because I was in surgery every 6 months

    This stupid pain patch caused welts on my skin so Ill call pain doc doubt she will do anything

    so yes this is my mess,But I am alive and her just struggling through major things, the ovaries, DH going to low pay and my friend and if I should just work but I know I cant it will be to much for me .Plus with the surgeries being all narcotic out no way

    hug s

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Julie, how did you sneak into NM's house and get that picture of Sadie?

    LDB, sawry you cleaning lady couldn't  make it, but I'm sure things weren't too bad for ya, and I hope her fur baby will be ok. And you got some decos up. Booooo on no Maddy. Guess I didn't notice the sweet taters in da dwink eeder. Me no thinks I wuld like that. Oh darn, just saw that Pookie didn't make it. So sad and I'm so sorry.

    Oh Cami, I can't imagaine how awful it is to have blurred vision. Altho without me glasses, things are pretty blurry. Did they say it was a SE from one of your new meds? There must be other choices? Joey must be getting excited for Christmas. Yes, dat Suzi goil has a good soul and like she said, so do you. But I tinks we all do for dat matter!

    NM, bullet proof plates for our children? Indeed....what has this world come to? Glad your roads aren't too bad, but you always hang back until things clear up.

    Nancy, things sound to be going so good with your "hopefully" new soon to be DIL. I mean you are making candy and drinking wine together! How long have they been together? Sorry about the issues you are having, if they are related to the Tammy, there are other things that you can switch to. You must be one of those peeps that gets every imaginable SE there is....hugs to you.

    Nana? Is that going to be your name for Logan? So nice to hear how proud you are of your DD, but very sorry that Lil Logan is crying so much. I hope he is ok, and it settles soon. As a mom you feel so helpless if you can't calm your baby. We miss you too.

    Lala, traffic court? Wussup wif dat? Indeed it sounds like you have a lot on your plate dear. I wish you all the best and your friend too.

    Thanks all for being there for me. It just scares me so, and has me an emotional wreck. I just don't know how to deal with it. Hardest part, I don't hurt or anything. I wish I could put it in the back of my mind and be NORMAL!!! If I start to think about it at all, I start to cry.

    LDB, I am here in Vegas until Sunday, just don't know iffin I can find time to hook up wif ya, and I know you have to be out this way on Monday. I think we are gonna go ahead with this deal, so we may be out this way once a month. I'll catch you soon my pretty! And thanks to everyone's kind words about mese grand kids. I don't really feel like they are mine, mostly cuz we only see them once a year, and it's only for a couple of hours for only a couple of days. Happy HUMP Day! NOPE, it's THIRSTY THURSDAY!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Dara - sounds like DD is doing a damn fine job.  And you Nana, are so incredible too.  That you help out when she needs it.  Y do you think Logan is crying so much lately?  When does he go to pediatrician?
    Nancy - c I thot tooo soon for you to go back to work.  You are going to be exhausted so try not to do other errands after work, jes go home and rest up.

    NM - We've had rain last 2 days, makes the air smell so nice.  Low's have been about 40o but we will get some freezing temps sometime this winter, am sure.  Too bad there are only 2 states, I think, that allow people to die at their will.  I know Oregon is one of them.  I have a DNR but heard recently that ER docs don't even check or if they do, they still try to keep ya alive. 

    Lara - you've got a plateful.  Sending prayers and BIG HUGZ to you and your friend. 

    Lowee - boohoo we can't connect this week.  But we'll for sure meet up ifin your deal goes through.  And I know how hard this tm thing is and wondering where it's at, if it's spread more, etc.  But I kno you are strong and  you will continue to push it to the back of your mind.  No good comes from the stress, so find things to occupy your mind.  And find LAUGHTER everyday!  We are here for you, don't ever forget that.  (((Lowee)))

    Gotta things to do....lubslubslubslubslubs, prayers and positive healing energy out for all my breasties!