how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    lori, we will always have laughter for you or at you ,anybody for a bit of auto b+e. you are a strong lady and this is a minor bump in the road,

    cammi, hope your eyes are better but what med is giving you the blurred vision? hope your enjoying your christmas preparations

    nancy-take it easy and you to mary

    nana darlaHappy

    sue-so sorry for friends loss, its hard to loose a furbaby, you and nancy in vegasWOOHOO

    nm-i know sadie is nice and warm but what about you?

    lara-traffic court! wtf. hpe your friend has very little side effects from chemo, do she wants us to be in her pocket,

    talking with my sis today she had her hysterectomy last year, same procedure but because of the uk's health service it took 2 years of heavy bleeding and multiple visits to docs before she got her surgery, and on the day until she went in to or she never knew if it would be cancelled due to lack of beds, can happen even if your in pre op. i'm doing so well ,drove today where as she said it took 3 weeks before she even felt comfiteble walking, reminded her i went into or in better shape than she did with a lot less stress on me.incision is approx 6" long but healing well

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    I miss you all so much, things are so difficult for all of us right now. My Dad needs me and my DD and baby need me just as much. I had Jess and baby at my house for dinner, made a nice steak on the grill, some mac n cheese and green beans. Well go figure, my Dad took a huge bite of steak and choked on it. I had to smack his back to get it unlodged. He then tries to give the huge piece of meat to my toothless dog, Bella. I think I am going to break if things do not get better. My daughter ended up not eating, she said she was tired and wanted to sleep. So I made her a plate for later. I ended up taking her back to her house as the baby daddy, aka sperm donor, got home from work after being out of state since Sunday night. Oh, I forgot to bring the food to her house. Anyway, the sperm donor has been working in Virginia, just above Washington DC and has not come home all week. He then comes home tonight and we both think he is home for a long weekend. Upon his return, he springs on both of us that he is going back tomorrow to finish the job there and will be working tomorrow and through the weekend as well. My DD is so tired, I am tired and baby has been quite fussy. He has a stuffy nose. They do not have a vaporizer, we have been running the shower, steaming up the bathroom and putting him in there to clear his stuffy little nose. I am just beside myself, my nerves are frayed to the max. The sperm donor informed me last Sunday that he is flat broke. I asked him where his money went as he is making great money at his new job. Come to find out, the state found out that he is finally receiving W2 income and now they are taking the majority of his salary to pay child support that was severely delinquent. I have bought all of the baby formula, I have bought an extra set of baby monitors. I do not want to be mean but I refuse to continue to financially support baby X. So do I buy a vaporizer? I am just so stressed out, words can not explain it. I know that if I buy everything that baby needs, they will expect that from me. And I am not in a financial position to continue to do this. I am sinking, slowby but shirley (I made a funny, get it, Shirley instead of shirley, but duh, most of you girls know of my dearly departed lady friend whose name was Shirley. whenever I say shirley, I tink about her. She was a victim of the FNRB and is not longer here on earth with us. I am angry about that among other tings.

    I had a break today as I had an appt with my psychologist who suggested that I find someone else in the family to care for my Dad. Well that will not happen as he is happy here, this is his home. He does not get along with my oldest sister's DH and my other sister is temporarily staying in a one bedroom apartment while their new home is being built -- she is the one that had a home at the beach but her DH lost his job an the ability to work from home, has a new job but has to go into the city (of Wichita lol) which is why the sold the beach house (yes, there are really beaches in Kansas hehehehe).

    Well girls, thanks for hearing my ugly rant. If you would all send up a few prayers for us, it would be greatly apporciated. In return, I will continue to pray for all of you girls and will pray harder for those of you girls going through some challenging times (Lori, Lara, Genny, Nancy, Camille).

    I go now, time to get mese dwink on. Will try to catch up and reply to all of my lovely goils. Thanks for hearing my rant de jour, it feels good to express it. And a special thanks to a goil named Kim for her PM messages of support and love. kk, I got for wheels dis time, hiccup! YEAH!

    Peace n and peace be with you all. chEErs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    OMG what's going on here?

    Oh Lori, I feel so bad when u first hear Stge I-I made up stage V, cuz it made me feel better and my sister is doing great with her shot and it's been years and that damn bitch looks wonderful--still beautiful and working FT.I pray everyday for my girls here so don't fret, we all love u so.

    Ju;ie u sound good and 6 in. is big to me (for a cut) not for any pleasure. Please take it easy.

    Daring Dara, this is the worst of times, especially with the sperm donor around. but in about 6 weeks it will be so much better. I remember when Joey was living with me and my Dad was alone downatairs all at the same time, (well he did have someone to take care of him) but on the weekend he didn't lots of times and I forgot whatever I knew about babies, it was a nitemare--I am not the motherly type, When I had Jodie we stayed in the hospital 5 or 6 days, just getting the baby for feedings, it was great but one day the nurse came in and I was feeding her and she apologized and said I had the wrong baby--the other mother noticed I didn't , but see things work out I guess I ended up with the right one. Or we could have made a movie of the week. Damn (((HUGS)))

    Oh I rebooted my computer today 4 hrs and everything is different I dumped stuff and I have no idea what I did and now I can't get into my work part, I had to call Dan to find out the stupid password and he never called me back so my day consisted of more guesses tha 20 questions and stil all I remember is it starts with a dot, Oh of course I wrote it down, I'm smart that way , but not smart enough to know where I put it.

    Concert nite came and went and Joey didn't squel once, a couple did but we know his squeek and it wasn't him, he wor a white shirt and tie. Like he'll ever wear that again. Evdn heard something from Bach altho it sounded like something from blah, they tried. He thought he did very well and wasn't nerveous How in the hell did we give this kid so much confidence and believe me he really has no talent, but he thinks he does. See Dara impossible is just a word, just take the im off and everything is fine. BTW Lori u do know where Joey learned the word hooker from, right?

    I see my primary soon and i'll just put up with this silly blurring my face really does look better. well Lori has seen me and really all those wrinkles aren't there for me. That's Gods way f helping old people having poor eyesite if they are married, their spouse looks ok to them.

    Lara u poor thing, when is this going to be so better for u? It's horrible--so long.

    And who the hell went back to work after rads right away, OMG u gals are either unbelievably persistent or just plain loopy. No way could I hve gone back, hell I can only work from home and I'm no winner at that.

    NM u weather is getting mushy, it's almost the weekend--it's Friday eve so I hope u'r not on call this weekend.

    SusyQ u ball of energy u'r so cute--I bet u make a good hugger.

    Well Leslie had her first test tonight and she got an A--so she was happy about that. I'm ctually LOLing right now cuz I'm seeing double so whatever I type just try to read it in single.

    OK my ladies--I LIBS u all and if I missed anyone I'm sorry, but my computer has driven me crazier than I was.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014


    Dara use this for Logan's stuffy nose it will help just spay a little like two squirts in each nostril and take the bulb syringe they gave you and suck out his nose it will help him feel better. Take it from an RT I used this for Jackson and still do. If you do get a vaporizer you want a cool air one .

    Lori my DS has been seeing Camille for 4 months she said he did ask her to marry him about a week ago but he was drunk so she told him to ask again.

    Cami I know right what kind of fool am I? LolLoopy I love you Cami Hows Joey doing ?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Lounettes!TGIF!Beena bit of a week at work (why do I always seem to get the really weird situations?) but working out OK.Looking forward to a bit of a sleep in tomorrow ayem.

    ORLA--Traffic court?What happened?Yikes!Will you need bail money?Praying for your friend, I can imagine how much help you are to her.Good luck with the LTD, I'll be praying.

    Goldie--I would be crying all the time, either that or drugged into oblivion if I were dealing with what you are.Just want to be NORMAL should be our mantra!

    Mema--DNR orders are funny things.If the original, doctor signed order is not readily available it might as well not exist.Make sure you keep yours with you and your family all know where it is, so they can show it to EMTs and ER people.And no, ER docs do not take the time to go through wallets or purses looking for DNR orders.You've gotta have someone there advocating for your in that regard.

    Julie--Sadie keeps me nice and warm!Glad your sis is doing well.

    Dara--Oh my, you do have your hands full!Rant away and you are all in my prayers!

    Cammy--So glad Joey's concert went well, confidence is way more important than talent at his age.Yup, the weather has been mushy, now it's freezing up solid.Winter has arrived!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Winter Breeze

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1 oz Creme de Cacao

    1 oz Vanilla Schnapps

    1 dash Milk


    Pour liquors into a beer mug, and fill with milk. Stir, and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Woops, Morning Collett--sorry to bump you into the pool, swim on over to the bar and I'll buy you one!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    yummy thanks NM hope the waters warm lol

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Tanks again goilies, I jes luv y'all so much!

    LDB, I am going to find a way to get to you! You can bet your dirty lil bottom on dat!

    Oh wow Julie, what an ordeal to have surgery get canceled right in pre-op! The sister you talk of, is that the one that was there with you? And YES, you are doing fantastic. 6" incision and you are already out driving and shopping. I didn't think you were even suppose to drive for quite some time. So glad you are doing so well.

    Dara sweetheart, I don't have any answers or adivce for you. I do have love, hugs and prayers. I did not know that SD had donated elsewhere as well. So if things don't work out with him and your DD, you can pretty much count on your DD not getting a thing from him. Does he have anything to do with this other child/children? As for the vaporizer, I hear you about not wanting them dependant on you for everything that Logan needs, but this something of importance. I didn't think that the steam was used anymore and that they use cool mist? I do have one of those and I hardley ever use it. What about SD's parents, are they in the picture? Do they help? I think she should check with his pediatrician to see what she should do.

    Cami, you are such a dear and I love you so much. I am such a wuss, I am not the strong person you all think I am. I need STRENGTH! And I'm just having a hard time finding it again. I really need to work on that. WHERE ARE MY BIG GIRL PANTIES???? OMG, you had the wrong baby, really? Sorry bout your puter problems, I hope they get bixed today. But if not, you get the day off, right? And YES, I know where Joey learned "hooker"!!!! Give that kid a hug from me, and tell him I wish I could have been there for his concert. He is confident because of the people who raise him. As for your wrinkles, I saw none. I only saw a beautiful woman, for whom I love dearly. Congrats to your DD for that "A".

    Ah haa Nancy, as I thought, cool mist. Did not know it came in a can tho! Too funny bout your son being drunk when he asked his GF to marry him and her response is priceless! Getting close to Samara, I know you would be heart broken if things didn't work out.

    Ok NM, we want details on your "odd" sitshashun. Being normal again, I know that will never be. TGIF, no sleeping in for me! Altho we are getting alot accomplished, might go see BELIEVE tonight at the Luxor.

    My mom had been in her room for almost 2 months after a fall, was hoping to get into rehab, saw her doc and they looked into for her, medicade will only pay if she has been in the hospital for 3 months. Also found out that her aide has been stealing from her, pain meds and she even went in my sons room and stole my moms wedding ring that she had given to him just recently!

    On a funny note, I got in the shower yesterday morn, wanted to shave my legs, get out to dry off and realize I only shaved ONE LEG! HAPPY FRIDAY CHICA'S!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning Ladies;

    Lori one leg--??? well at least u did one, nextt time the other one has a turn. Oh Lori I just want to hug u.

    NM Good weekend for u==YAY and I really like all thes Snapps drinks that I never heard of vanilla sounds ummy by itself. Chit I remember when batending I knew every likker there was and had some of everything, Now I'm a dud. LOL

    Oh I love the proposal, but she didn't say no--so who knows it might be sooner than u think. So exciting to see u'r son happy. That's always one of the things we ll want for our kids We all want them to be on the corner of Happy and Healthy.---or is that just Walgreens. Oh well

    K I have to see what more damage I did to anything that I had files if I did.

    Julie I hope u'r feeling good and Dara more prayers for u too.

    And u worker bees u'r making honey so I can't really judge anyone, I'm just teasing. Cuz I'm still a wimp.


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited December 2014

    hi ladies. Crazy busy cooking candy and work. Saw DH for holidays and as always a whirlwind and too fast.

    I think of you all everyday!

    Some recent work!!!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Yep, if things go according to plan Nancy and I will have some face time next week..woohoo.

    Julie - am so amazed at you.  Already driving, what's it been a little over a week?  And u said 6" incision, was that robotic or reg surgery?  My niece said they had to resect part of her colon and bladder so they made 2 little extra cuts.  All done robotically and she's doing well too.  Amazing what they do now.

    Dara Dahhling - I don't think courts take all his pay, man's gotta live.  But if that is the case he can appeal it as he has a new baby. My heart aches for you and the chit you are going through.  Ya gotta talk to them about the cost of raising Logan.  Doesn't sound like he has a clue and Jess isn't able to go back to work right now.  I feel helpless that I can't help you...but I'll send u lots of lubs and webk's too, oh and (((Dara))).  Give you dad a hug for me too.

    Cami - funny story about your mothering skills...sorry but that a funny story of u feeding the wrong baby...but some peeps say all babies look alike LOL.  I can relate to writing stuff down but forgetting where I put it.  And the concert went pretty good, Joey didn't squeel....hooray.  Now where did he learn that word???  YAY for Leslie gettin an A. 

    Nancy - oh oh, look out, gonna have a wedding on your hands sounds like.  Keep us posted on the lovebirds.

    NM - Thanks for the info on the DNR.  My hosp here has it scanned but I kno I'll need my DH to 'tell them to look it up'. 

    Lowee - never a doubt in my dirty lil bumm that we'll see each other again.  I think you'll like Believe, let us kno.  That is just CRAP that the caregiver stole.  I hope she filed a police report so they can alert the pawn shops.  People really lack in morals, makes me sick.  LOL on getting one leg and not the other.

    Prn - pretzels looking good.  Will be placing my order soon. 

    lubslubslubslubslubslubs all my beauties.  Have a wonderful FRI!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls, sorry to be so MIA lately. I've been working and at night too tired for typing. I'm watching Nora now and she is taking her 1st catnap of the day, could be 15 min, could be an hour so I'll type till she wakes. The AI's are kicking my ass, I hurt everywhere, knees, elbows, ankles, wrists. I feel like I'm 100. Went to the MO on Tuesday, he has the personality of a jellyfish but he did listen to me and seemed to have some idea of who I was and why I was there which is more than I can say for my previous one. Anyway he switched me from Arimidex to Aromisin to see if if might help lessen the joint pain and finger numbness. So anyway, script called in, deductible met for the year so no payment. DH picks it up and throws it on the counter. I come home and look at it....$637.00 for 30 pills!!!! Holy chit! So I call the 800 # for the manufacturer to see if they have any assistance with pricing and they tell me they can send me a coupon for $125 off/month. Well whoopty f-in do!! Brings it down to almost $500/month! Of course I'll make my deductible next year anyway but they've got to be kidding! I'm gonna fill it again on Dec 30 and take it for 2 months and see if it helps. And now my B/P is getting pretty high so i'll probably end up on yet another pill for that. Arrgghh... this is part of the reason I haven't been on here much either cause I feel like such a complainer. I'm going to my PS for 1 more fill on Wed and I'm gonna beg him for just 1 Percocet/day. If I take 1 at about 5pm my evenings are so much better. My MO wouldn't even discuss the option with me. By the time I get home from work If I sit on the floor I can hardly get up. I hope my body adjusts, I don't want to live like this. My energy is back but my body hurts, I hate it. Anyway, enough of my whining, when I typed earlier today Nora took a 15 minute nap, now she's down again,so I'm back.

    Nancy, I suspect they want to do chemo 1st so that they can shrink the tumor making surgery easier and lumpectomy more likely. Also when they do chemo 1st they can see how well the cancer responds to it. I researched it a lot since that's how they did mine. Different doctors have different preferences but the chance of recurrence is exactly the same. I hear ya about the Tamoxifen, hopefully our bodies will adjust, I've been on AI's for 2 months and I feel more stiff and sore everyday. Ugh, we finally get done with rads and now this.

    Gonna post this, be back soon

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Oh wow, I apparently was behind a page or 2. I have to go back and read, I've missed a back soon.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    oh genny m , hope you get relief soon,is miss nora still in jail? thats a lot of money for meds, if it suits you ,are there any programmes thru the local frb soceities that would reduce your cost even more

    prn-looks scrummy, do you have the website up yet? ,glad you got to see hubby before the hols

    darla-how many children is he supporting? i was under the impression too that they could only take so much of his cheque for child support

    sue-glad your niece is doing so well too, no had regular surgery not the da vinci robot,my cut really is a bikini cut so i think thats helping as only coughing and sneezing made me hurt the worse, well on the driving the doc said when i stop the narcotics and the nurse said 2 weeks, so i split the difference.

    cammi- lmao off the wrong baby! so joey is well mannered, thoughtful,smart and handsome, tell me again how wrong you all went again raising him, so happy his concert went well, congrats to dd on her a,

    lori-only one leg,you know the next time we meet i'll be looking,there's a special place in hell for those who steal off the weak,don't you love regulations that force someone too be in hospital for that length of time with all the risk factors with that before they get rehab which could prevent any further deterioration

    well ladies time to actually do something today,they had the water turned off for repairs today so didn't see the point in getting out of bed too early

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    sorry sue forgot about the dnr, you could be the like a nurse at the hopsital here and have it tattooed on your chest and no it's not an urban legend ,i've seen it. do you have just one ems company covering where you live? could file with them and also if you only use one er ,especially if they have electronic records it can alert them that you have a dnr on file, does medic alert cover dnr status too?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Hi ladies, home now, great day with Nora and then Santa Claus. Pics to come, that little darling just melts my heart like no one ever. She's so busy, I'm exhausted! Molly came to DS and DIL's after she got done working while waiting to go see Santa cause her DD and 2 grandkids met us there. Anyway, she was just sitting, using my computer and watching me and my DD with Nora and she agreed that the little sweetie is more active than the normal baby. She said she was tired just watching us. She is such a happy little thing but she never stops moving! So she sat on Santa's lap and she didn't smile, but she didn't cry either. Then at the end of the evening I took her back up there and wanted a pic of both of us and she was tired and boy did she scream... big old pout.. poor sweetie, so that will be the crying pic. OK, also, I got very good news I think since I was on here earlier today. I was telling my RO at my last rads how I felt so much like I do when my thyroid is out of whack. Well she blamed it on the rads and AI's but gave me an order to get it checked just to be sure. My MO blamed my symptoms on the AI's and I thought I just can't live this way like I said earlier. Well on Tuesday I went for the TSH (thyroid test) and it was 3 times higher than last time I had it checked which was during chemo. I know what number makes me feel good since I've had this for 13 years and I knew what I was feeling was familiar. So I called my PCP who of course is out of town all next week. They got me in with her partner but not till Thursday so I'll call my cardiologist on Monday and see if he'll get me in sooner. Anyway...woohoo!! Even if bumping up my thyroid med it helps me by 50%... that will be huge. Also a certain friend helped my cozy up to the percotini fountain for a week or so till I get to the doc. Helping some, things may be looking up within a few weeks....yay!!

    So now to catch up....

    Dara, babies are so much work, and our kids never stop being our kids no matter how old. And then when parents become the kids.... you've got the triple whammy. I'm so sorry, I know this is all so stressful for you. I wish I had some way to help or some words of wisdom but I don't. Just know I am praying and thinking of you and hoping the best for your DD and Logan and your dad and mom.... and you. Please vent as often and as much as you need. Don't forget to take time for yourself, you are no good to any of them if you don't take care of your own self. Meet us in the lounge as much as you can...

    Cami, I hope you get the double vision thing figured out soon. Maybe you should drink a lot and instead of seeing double it will fix it..?? Or we should send you some really good tenders and seeing double would be a good thing! So glad to hear no squeals from Joey. Funny story about nursing the wrong baby. And so glad you clarified about the 6 inch thing. By the way, you just crack me up... love reading about your chit. Hope you found your files.

    Lori, OMG, I would be crawling out of my skin. Please don't minimize or apologize for the way you feel...or talk like you are not being strong and brave. What you are going thru... I think of you everyday, (((Lori))). Please hang in there and the advice from somebody about staying busy sounds good. I just hope the elevated TM's are something that has nothing to do with FURB.... too funny about shaving 1 leg, I did the same thing about a month ago. Figured it out the next day, haven't bothered to shave at all for awhile, need to do that soon. Terrible about your mom's jewelry, has happened to quite a few of my clients... i agree about the special place in hell for those thieves.

    Nancy, hope you have 2 future weddings to celebrate this Xmas. Don't know if you've had your thyroid checked but you might want to think about it, seems the rads really screwed with mine, but I don't think you had to have the neck done so maybe no damage with yours.

    NM, hope you get to sleep in tomorrow and hope your weird situation at work got figured out. I forget more snow this weekend? Hope you get some good chill time with Sadie.

    Sue, yay on facetime with Nancy! We want lots of pics. The top of my bucket list would be to meet each and everyone of you. Glad you are there for our Lori.. I signed a DNR paper on my momin the ayem. Well tha tnight the nurses asked us to step out while they made her comfy. My brothers and I go to waiting room and 2 minutes later hear code blue to my mom's room. I jump up and run in there and they're doing CPR! So I look at my 3 brother and ask them if they want them to continue and they turn white and tell me to decide. So I tell em she's no code and they throw a piece of paper and I sign it and they stopped the code. It sucked, wish they hadn't started the code, made it harder than it had to be. I can understand why people resort to the tattoo thing.

    Princess, pretzels look yummy, glad you got to see DH even if it was too short. How do you 2 manage Xmas?

    Julie, so glad to hear you're up and about and doing so well. I drove about a week after mine, felt good quick. Enjoy your time off, you don't go back till the first of the year, do you? Nora was not in jail at all today. She's beginning to learn the meaning of the word no, so sensitive.. you tell her "NO" in a stern voice and the bottom lip comes up... and ...wahhh...!!

    Lala, hope your lawyer can help with the LTD, my brother had to get one. He was dependent on a walker (a carpet/floor installer) and they denied him 3 times till he got the lawyer. Attorney said they deny most everybody just hoping they give up. When he did get it he got backpay so that was nice. Sorry about your friend, hope she comes thru it all ok.

    Hi Ally!

    Whoever I'm forgetting...sawry..gotta get to sleep now, going to post this then pics of my sweetie. Love to all and sweet dreams.

    Pics to follow

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Hi ladies--wow lots of stuff happening==face time, pretzels and Julie running all over the place and sweet Nora knocking Mary out of energy.

    Mary and Nancy u 2 sound like u r healing nicely, boy from what I saw I would think it would be really a ong time. U both sound good.

    Julie I still can't get over how busy u are, that's a lot of cutting especially for nowadays, everything now is jst some kind of hole, yea and from robots, my sister had Robby the robot on a operation--we share the same surgeon. but I didn't, of course I told him he just didn't want anyone else to touch me but him. (don't I wish)--I'm glad u'r healing nicely.

    PRN and u'r energy u look like u have a factory going on there, plus u must have had a great weekend too.

    Lori I hope I didn't say anything to make u feel bad in any way, I'm not good at saying the right things, I'm good in person cuz I cuddle, but words don't always work for me (((HUGS)))

    Oh my computer again hrs of configuring and I don't even know what that is--Jeez im really dangerous with a computer as my own country knows.

    Well Leslie is really studying they are now learning all the medical terms for anything and everything on the skin and how to recognize it. I didn't know it was this complicated--Well 6 more months keeping fingers crossed.

    SusyQ I hope u do get the face time, I love when we get to meet people and like someone said I wish we could all meet and have a slumber party and put out bras in the freezer---well whoever has one.

    OK I'm getting tired and I have tto delete all the crap on my email, if I can get to it.

    Oh one more thing--when I don't know Joey  is behind me he lays the theme from JAWS an cracks up and u can recognize it too. Goofball.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Morning ladies, back again, awake and nothing I can do about it. I feel like I had a day at boot camp yesterday...there is nothing that doesn't hurt, it woke me up. Took my pills now have to wait to eat so I can take pain meds so that I can move. I feel like my 90 year old customers...grrrr. It's raining cats and dogs this ayem. Pups must know cause they're still in bed with DH. Gonna get my tree up and decorated today, Xmas with family at my house this year on the 20th so I hafta get busy, it'll be here before I know it. Can't find my phone cord, may have left it at DS house so I can't plug in to my computer to transfer pics so I'll get them to ya later.

    Morning Cami, I forget, what is Leslie going to school for? Joey playing the jaws theme, I can just picture it..funny. A slumber party, what a great idea. Whoever falls asleep first if they don't have a bra we can put their pinky in warm water and see if it makes them pee. Bet it's much more likely to work at our ages then it did in jr high.

    Lori, what is feeling normal, I forget.

    Well rain stopped, DH took dogs to the grove to undue the $100 worth of grooming they had on Thursday...ah well, knew they wouldn't stay pretty for very long. Have a nice day all, gonna try and pop in the lounge a little later.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Morning everyone! It was raining lots hear too! At least its rain and not snow though. Our power went out about 1 in the morning and then came back on about 6am.

    I feel you Mary on the pain thing. My body aches as well. Damn Tamoxifen. I also cant seem to eat much of anything. Nothing really sounds good but everything I eat goes right through me. But Im not sure if that is Tamoxiffen or Radiation because I think they got a little bit of my stomach because some of my burn went down to where my marks on my stomach were. Uggg. Well I guess I just need to carry Immodium with me and take it before I eat.

    Cami I like the sleep over idea. I would be the one to fall alseep first ( at least right now) lol. Guess I better wear a depend. What is Leslie studying?

    Lori I am sorry your TM are up, Im praying for you and thinking about you.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014


    Nora at The Discovery Center

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Yes Cami, one leg. But I sat on the edge of the tub and did the other one. I hope all of your files are safe and as they should be. I gonna knock you for a loop lady! Of course you didn't say anything wrong, geeze louise, straghten up and fly right, or you can fly crooked, your choice. But stop with the nonsense, you could never say anything to make me feel bad. I know you love me, I feel it every day, and I got to feel it in person! I hope I can feel it in person again some day. Would be nice to fly into Chicago, see you and then just drive to MI....on my next bisit. I will def. give it some thought.

    The pretzels are awesome PRN and thanks for the PM. Glad you got to have time with SO.

    LDB, yay fo face time. We didn't make it to "Believe" last night, got tied up with business stuff. Looks like it may not go now. Company that owns the building wants a 5 year contract and it would have to go in our name. Rent is $18,000.00 a month and DH doesn't want his name tied to that. Might try to get to the show tonight. My mom did file a police report, I did not know that police alerted pawn shops. My son was gonna go and check a few out. Care taker called my mom and left a message saying "you smoke and I hope you die of lung cancer". Mom called the police and reported that as well.

    GG, so sorry for all the pain, and you shouldn't have to beg for ONE pill, get a script. The price of meds is rediculous for sure, insanely rediculous. Mine are over $2000.00 a month, but thankfully insurance pays for it. Can you change policies? We have Humana. Ahhhhh, our lovely thyroid! I had my bloodwork, need to get my EWWA in to see the doc now. A day with Nora, Molly AND, fun, fun! Baby pouts are sooooo cute, get a pic of one of those.

    Julie, you are doing amazing girl! I certainly don't want that girl to go to hell. I have never cared for the care, or lack of, that she gave to my mom. She was suppose to do some cleaning too. She is not very smart and I actually think a bit mentally slow.

    Mary, it took me about 5 years to finally "feel normal", with the weight gain and aches, got off the Arimidex, aches are gone, I lost weight, things are lookin good..... and then wham.

    Can tell it's the weekend, NM and Sadie are sleeping in!

    Another funny....I was wearing some "skinny" jeans yesterday, and when I sit, the pant leg comes up from the ankles. Well we were playing slots, had our friends with us, and when I stood up, I bent over to pull my pant leg down. Male friend thought I was stumbling and grabbed my arm and asked if I was ok. I said "yes, I was just pulling my pants down". We all had a good laff over that.

    DOTD-Your Choice, unless someone else wants to conjur one up. I need to get moving. Love and Huggles.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Nice to meet ya Santa!


    Not so happy second time around!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    LOL, I bumped Nora into the pool!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Water is nice, isn't it Lori?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014
    How to make Red hot santa tini

    1) Rim a martini glass with cocoa powder with a pinch of cayenne pepper added.

    2) Shake together vodka and Godiva chocolate liqueur and pour into glass.

    3) Top with sweetened double cream.

    4) Garnish the cream with a small Thai chilli pepper.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Started out snowy this ayem,now temps are up to 37 degrees, starting to look icy.The Festival of Lights parade tonight has been cancelled due to expected icing, too bad, that's a really nice parade to see. Still, better safe than sorry.

    Goldie--My latest odd work sitiashun:elderly man, in his right mind, able to take care of himself at home with some help from his wife, referred to Hospice to get him into a nursing home while his wife is in the hospital unexpectedly.He accepts hospiceso he can go to the nursing home so his wife will be less worried about him.An unidentified "family member" has decided he will be permanently placed in the nursing home, but does not want him to know this.Same person has submitted an application for long term care qualification to Medicaid"for" him, again without his knowledge.All this time he thinks he is going home in a few days, revoking hospice and going back to home health services.The home health agency won't take him back but won't say why.The most likely candidate for family member making all the choices is also an employee of the nursing home, in administration.Fortunately, a big meeting was called, with the man and his wife present, and all of a sudden he is going home again when his wife goes home.Amazing what a threat to call Adult Protective Services can do! About your Mom, Medicaid will only pay if she's been in the hospital for 3 MONTHS?Holy cow, they must never pay for rehab in your state!Only shaved one leg, hum?I thought I was the only one who ever did that!

    Cammy--I have no idea what a lot of the stuff in those recipes is, but it's fun checking it out!

    PRN--Wow, what a spread!Looking forward to my upcoming delivery!

    Mema--Good for you for having a DH who will be available to look out for your interests!

    Genny--the AI s are notorious for joint aches and pains.Change from one to another often helps.Another trick is to take Loratadine (the active ingredient in Claritin) once a day.Not the one with the decongestant (Claritin D, Allegra D), just the plain one.It made a huge difference for me.No one is sure how it works, but it does.That, and taking a Vit D3 supplement.Also, if there is any possibility of depression, AI s make it worse, and depression also causes joint pain.Another thing you can try is taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) 650 or 1000 mg in the afternoon.Percocet is a combo of mostly acetaminophen and a little bit of narcotic.Often the part that is working best is the acetaminophen and not the narcotic.

    Julie--here's to lazy days without water! I think Medic Alert covers DNR status, too.

    Genny--Hooray for figuring out what was off balance!Pays to now your own body.Sadie did let me sleep until almost 7!If CPR was done on your mom after you signed the paperwork for a DNR order the hospital owes you lots and lots of money, and her insurance should not have paid for any of the drugs or tests done during the code.That is a MAJOR medical boo-boo, not to mention a legal one.Did you know that a person with a DNR order who gets CPR and survives can sue the hospital for "wrongful life"?And the hospital is not supposed to bill insurance or the patient for any of the care, meds, or treatments given from the time CPR started?

    Collett--glad your power is back on!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Christmas Snowstorm

    1 oz Kahlua Coffee Liqueur

    1 oz Godiva Chocolate Liqueur

    1 oz Van Gogh Vodka

    1 oz Goldschlager

    2 oz Cream


    Pour ingredients over crushed ice in a shaker. Shake until frothy. Strain and serve in a wine glass.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    genny did you sign a hospital or community dnr on your mum? if it was the hospital one ,nm is right,if it was a community one, we still have to get a doc order for hospital dnr, crazy huh but if the person is going home with hospice and sign the community, we usaully call and get the hospital one to,just in case.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Wow, spending a lot of time in the pool this morning! And we get 2 DOTD's!

    NM, I do take Claritan, started when I got my first neulasta shot.I've been mixing and matching Ibuprofen and acetominophen and it's ok during the day but by 5 pm I can hardly move. For some reason 1 Percocet and 2 ibuprofen do the trick in the evenings. I take Vit D3 as well. I was catching my brain up on the thyroid this morning since it been so well managed for quite awhile up till now. Anyway I read that hypothyroidism is often accompanied by Vit B-12 deficiency. And guess what one of the most common symptom of that is? Numbness and tingling in the hands and fingers! Also headaches which I never get much until these past few weeks. Anyway, I'm going to ask for that blood test as soon as I get in with whoever I'm going to see. Would be nice if that were the culprit, what an easy fix. I'm so glad that elderly gentleman got to go home. What a dirty trick that family member was trying to play. Shameful, glad he had people in his corner. Have fun with Sadie and stay off the roads if you can.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Mary - I was on aromisin for over 3 years.  Numbness in my feet is still a concern but the bone aches weren't too bad, for me anyway.  I don't understand if your deductibles are met why your meds aren't covered.  I never got percocet either, I got lortabs which they did up the dose from 5's to 10's.  But am hording the few I have left as they won't renew my script.  That's ok tho, not feeling the need for them now.  ((Mary))  Ooops see that you got some help at the percotini fountain, good going.  Sounds like quite the Santa outing too.  How is your mom doing?  Gr8 pics of Nora, she splashing that water?  Such a cutie!!  Oh and now I see the Santa ones.  LOL what a drink, think that would burn my insides too much but the chocolate part sounds good!

    Julie - WOW I'm am even more impressed.  Mine was bikini cut and NO WAY was I able to drive at 2 weeks.  Chit I could hardly walk...LOL.  You are truly a trooper!  We have only one hosp, they have my dnr in the computer and we have only one ems, could check with them.  Hopefully my husband will b around if it ever comes to be.

    Cami - LOL about putting our bras in the freezer...I'm game...hahaha.  And yes it would be great if we could all slumber party somewhere.  Sending some positive energy to Leslie...she'll get er done am sure!  LOL about Joey  playing Jaws theme.  Is he trying to scare you.  I can almost hear him cwacking up!

    Nancy - I'd definately be wearing depends if we every got together for a sleep-over.  LOL!

    Lowee - WTF what's with this caretaker?   I'd be filing report with licensing board on her too.  Sorry the business deal not likely.  I wouldn't want my name tied to that much money either, yikes!  Most po agencies do alert pawn shops, don't think you have to ask, but wudn't hurt either.  Good she filed a report and I hope she recovers all of her things.  Hope you make it to the show tonight...tooo funny about your pant leg..LOLOLOLOL!

    NM - that is a horrible story of your elderly pt.  WTF these people think they always know what's best, glad he gets to go home with his wife.  Good info for Genny too, I'll keep that in mind about my dnr.  Now that's a DOTD...chocolate too....mmmm.

    Lubs n prayers n positive energy to all my breasties!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    Please do not hate me because I am blonde. I just wanted to change up my avatar so that I can stay more anonymous. And I think I am going to change up the name of my DD and my GS, trying to think of some cute names lol. I used to joke that my DD had an evil twin sister that we locked in the basement, her name is Jennica. Hmm, I like that name. So going forward, she is Jennica. Now for a name for little boy.

    I have read everything here as of last night but read on my phone as I was baby sitting little Seth (?, nah, not a good name, how about Noah? Suggestions welcomed btw).

    Mary, so glad you got to the percotini fountain, woo hoo for you. I am sorry you are having so many issues and pain. Nora is so beautiful, I love all of the pics you posted.

    Julie, I knew you would be in when you saw that the DOTD had chocolate hehe. How are you feeling?

    NM, just saw the pic of Sadie on facebook and she is so pretty. I can't believe the nerve of some people, I am glad the old man got to go home. Mean people suck!

    Lori, lol on shaving only one leg, you are so blonde. I am glad that you are feeling alright, when do you get results of your scans? And will you have to take additional medication do to the tm's being up? You are always in my prayers, dear friend.

    Cam, so the concert was bearable, did you go? I know I read about it but do not recall if you were able to make it. lol on Joey sneaking up on you then singing the Jaws tune, that kid cracks me up.

    Lara, I will be thinking about you, can you tell me the date of this surgery? I will be praying for you and also for your dear friend, she is lucky to have you.

    Nancy, I had no stomach issues from tamoxifen. My biggest issue was severe hot flashes and night sweats. But God only knows, there are soooo many se's from the drug that I would not be surprised if it is causing your stomach to flip flop. I was moved to arimidex once it was determined that I am post menupausal and the se's are not nearly as bad. I do have achy feet and achy joints. My fingers hurt the most, I find myself moving them just to loosen them up. Remember, it will not be forever, I would imagine that you will be switched after a year or so on the tammy. Remember to take it easy woman, you are amazing in what you do but you need to slow de hail down. That goes for YOU TOO Mary.

    Mema Sue, I am furcited that you and Nancy are going to have facetime, wooo hooo on dat! I wish that Lori was able to make it too. I know you girls will have a great time together. When is the meet up? I am sorry that I do not remember. How is your DD doing? I was just thinking of her. Sending love to you.

    Hello to Alyson and to Tobi, I miss you girls.

    Well something big and very ugly has happened here. Baby is fine and my DD is well as can be. But things between her and sperm donor got very ugly and out of hand last evening. I feel so bad as I had just left their house when SD started acting up as I could not stand his face. I will think about what and what I do not want to say about this, I have to be very cautious as people here in Kansas are very nosy and this is a very private matter. I have PM'd one of you girls as I needed to vent about what is happened. Just when I tink tings can not get any uglier, they do. Please keep me and my family in your prayers, we sure need them.

    cheers and much love to all mese goils