how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Genny I love those pictures of Nora so cute! That Santa drink looked good too!

    Had our company Christmas party last night Heres some pictures



    My sister and I


    My Brother and Sister in law


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, Sadie and I survived another icy, yucky day.Supposed to stay cold, but at least not rain or snow or sleet today. Got about an inch of sleet yesterday.

    Genny--woops, bumped you yesterday!Boy that Red Hot Santatini looks amazing!

    Julie--good advice.Unfortunately, in Maine,the hospital DNR order is not valid outside the hospital, doesn't have a written Dr's signature.Electronic signatures aren't accepted out of the hospital yet.Soon, I hope!But then, Maine is behind the times.A hospital DNR isn't accepted in a Nursing Home, has to be rewritten in the NH chart.An NH DNR MAY be accepted by the hospital at the ER or admitting doc's discretion, but if he/she accepts it he/she must rewrite it in the hospital chart.Very nuts, if you ask me.

    Genny--Sadie and I are staying home this weekend.Did absolutely nothing yesterday, got to do some things today.Laundry and baking.And Fetch.Hoping the B-12 will be the issue, quick fixes are good things!

    Mema--If there is only one EMS and only one ER, then you should be in good shape, it's when there are more than one that it gets funky, not to mention the state regs that can get bizarre.

    Dara--Did you see Sadie sacked out after going to work with me Friday?She was soooo soundly asleep she was snoring!Praying for you and your family.

    Julie--Nice pics!Looks like a great partay!

    Princess Glitter Sixxle's DOTD:

    Santa Shot

    1 part Peppermint Schnapps

    1 part Creme de Menthe

    1 part Grenadine

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Taste like a candycane layer these in the order listed to get a red green and white(clear) shot.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    nm-its crazy-it should be if you have a dnr its valid everywhere, it is better in the hospitals now, its an admission question about advance directives and the pts package contains info and a basic form but still a long way to go. we need more meeting re your guy and possible elder abuse! hope he has limited that person voice when it comes to his care. still amazes me how some families act even after all these years of nursing.hope you and sadie are staying warm.what dresden book you reading? my choice sounds cultured until i tell you the full title-Queen Victoria-demon hunter

    lori-sorry the deal won't be working out but i'm sure something better is coming along

    camm-hugs and what you smelling of today?

    darla-prayers that your dd makes the right decision for her and the baby

    nancy great photos-looks like you had a great time

    mary-hope your having a good day,have they increased your synthyroid dose or are you having to wait? hate that people with pain have to jump thru hoops to get scripts now, went to a lecture and they talked about the patients we have who are abusing drugs and the message we got was you can;t fix them in the shortime they are in the hospital and they are experiencing the pain of their addiction so give them the drugs but how do you take away the feelings of the nurse who have been told from day one do no harm! when you know that these drugs have side effects that can kill ,sorry for ranting just drives me crazy but they also said that withdrawing from alcohol can kill you without medical help but that drug withdrawl may make you feel that your dying but you won't ,about that for a mixed message

    sue-looking forward to the photos from your's and nancy facetime

    have a good day ladies,have n't long got up so still have the paper to read, its been a tired day

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    a pic of baby today, send from the SD. I am having a day off, only the 2nd day in 18 days.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    oops, trying again.


    Julie, I hear ya on the elder abuse. It is just horrible, I can't comprehend why some families act as they do. Mean people suck! It is nice to see your face here, it is quiet today.

    NM, yes I did see Sadie snoring, tooo cute!

    Love you all, keep praying for us. I will eventually let you all know what is happening, it ain't pretty!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited December 2014

    Dara...He's so sweet.

    Genny...Nora is such a peach. Hope you are feeling a bit better. I have started taking Cymbalta for the joint and nerve pain. It has made a significant improvement.

    Julie.., I am so glad that you results were benign and that you are doing so well.

    NM...I hate winter. I did not want to get out of the warm bed today but I did.

    Lara...I hope that you are hanging in there.

    Sue.... Enjoy your face time with Nancy,

    Nancy...the pictures of the party look great!

    Lori...sorry about the deal going sour. I hope you all get it worked out.

    Cami...I'm thinking of the Jaws theme and Joey...LOL

    4, cyndie, anyone else...HI!

    This was a good weekend for the Goodman Sweets team. Be had a shower with 90 pretzels and 45 caramel boxes. Then we did a show on Friday evening and a show on Saturday. We sold out of everything so I am very pleased. Now we start with our Christmas work....Thanks for all the well wishes.... the site is coming along and DH is making new touches each day but you all can go and take a peek if you and up in the left hand corner is the new logo for us! WE are hoping 2015 will be a great year for the Goodman Sweets team.

    I had a nice visit with DH when he was here for the Thanksgiving holiday and look forward to our visit at Christmas. He will be here for a week.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Chilly ayem, as in single digits with a breeze.Going to have to give in and wear a jacket today, I guess.

    Julie--LOL at the nip in the air! You are right, a DNR should be good everywhere, I'm currently reading, well, listening actually to an audiobook, Skin Games.Dreseden Files and Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum stories are my favorite audiobooks.Queen Victoria-Demon Hunter?I was imagining a Gothic Romance or historical novel!


    I am Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Julie is Queen Victoria.

    I am definitely watching out for my patient.The family member/NH administration person (DON, would you believe?) was not present at the family meeting, I wonder why?Time will tell how this works out.

    Dara--Handsome little man!

    PRN--so glad the Cymbalta is helping with the pain!Winter wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't cold all the time. . . .Hooray for a good weekend for Goodman Sweets!Love the pics on the top of the site.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Santa's Little Helper

    1 1/2 oz Apple Schnapps

    1 1/2 oz Butterscotch Schnapps

    1 1/2 oz Goldschlager

    5 oz Apple Juice


    Pour apple juice into a cocktail shaker. Add Goldschlager, apple schnapps and butterscotch schnapps. Shake and strain into a large cocktail glass. Garnish with an apple slice or cinnamon stick, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    GG, Nora is just too cute and I'm so glad you post pictures of her. Oh I hope the B12 bixes you right up!
    Same with you Nancy, and I hope Dara continues to share Seth with us!

    NM, interesting info on the DNR, wow! Glad your patient is or will be able to go home. It's one thing if you NEED to be there.

    LOL LDB, wearing depends for the sleepover! We did not make the show, too much time discussing this business ordeal. I told the other young man to tell the leasing company that we will not put our name on lease because of my health issues and to explain what it is. Told him to go ahead and play my cancer card. Hoping it helps. As for my moms wedding ring, I'm pretty sure she will not get it back. And the cops DID check the pawn shops for us.

    Dorky Dara, I have not had scans yet. I go the 18th, then on the 19th we head to CA. I will tell them yet again, I do not want to know the results until I get home, as we will be seeing DH's daughter, husband and the grand kids. Oh dear, so sorry to hear that SD is being an ASS. Oh how I wish your DD would open her eyes.

    Nancy, looks like you had a nice time at your Christmas party, and today you head to Vegas!

    DW-Julie, lol @ your book! DH keeps bouncing back and forth, whether or not we will do the deal. So it's back up in the air, he's driving me nuts!

    Oh Dara, BB (baby boy) is just too adorable. How I wish I could hold him and kiss him. And look at that hair!

    PRN, the website looks great! Are you going to have a "store" where people can purchase online? Also, you could put the city, and/or state on your posts of "what people are saying". Such as Dorthy K. Kansas.

    Cami, where are you hiding out??? Are the phones keeping you from us?

    And where's my Lucy?

    DH had a Christmas drink whilst we were away, was The Christmas Cookie. Baily's, Kahlua, Peppermint Schnapps and Hot Chocolate, topped with whipped cream. OMG was it sweet! No way could I have drank one! Looked like this.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Only a quick poop in, slept too late today, gotta be on the road in less than an hour ugh, hate rushing.  BB is sooo cute, love seeing his head of hair.  Lowee - love LOL the post...lmao!!

    WOOHOO - hoping no glitches in my plans to meet Nancy...whoop whoop!

    Saying prayers for those in pain, I've read but can't comment to all...please forgibs me!!  Ya all kno I


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good afternoon, stayed up until 0415 to finish my book, kim harrisons last hollows novel, also rereading cusslers books,about to order the new janet evnovich book.. we read the same stuff nm-hope you have a good day

    lori-we will be in your pocket for the 18th ,bought some lindt chocolate today ready

    sue-have fun with nancy

    prn-want to order some caramels ,do i just email you?

    cammi-the jaws theme! wait until he starts playing it for youShockedon his clarinet.i love that boy

    hope the rest of your day is good ladies

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2014

    Ill take a dirty santa drink

    a lot of snow coming are way uggg

    Genny I am still like that everything hurts my body was in ER yesterday my leg gace out fell under my car.I have a cotusion

    Goldie girl thats to much money to have that under any ones name.I was going to open a tanning place in the mall acroos the gym in the mall that offered zero tanning. But they said they could move us at any time if a big cajonie came in like another macys etc I said forget it

    Hows the baby big sis u r alwys blonde lol surgery is the 6th had aterrible night mare about my implant being connected to my heart and it exploded and I was trying to awake while out and no one heard me and I was feeling everything it smy ptsd,I hate those dreams. I want to stay in bed all day.I see my new primary today and I am cleaning, have not mentioned that I have beem helping my friend clean because u all would think I was nuts.She pays me and I do the light stuff she also does it to get me out of the house it really is helping me alot

    I put are charlie x mas tree up and did some shopping for DH hes done.I need to get my mom, and neices. My parents hate presents and they are in Florida so I will not see them.I graduate this week whooop eeeee I am so excited /I did it my MS in higher ed.

    Nm that story is very strange about that patient ,I was thinking he was being scamed and hello the women goldie said to your mom that she sa smoker and going top die.I would of flipped some people should NOT being helping people u think they screen them but u never knoe

    My friend is doing great just has head ache so far,and she sleeps alot

    k ck in latah cam u can say what u say never worry half the things we worry about just is not true

    Hi mema

    PRN hope the biz is going well

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another storm coming in, not even snowing yet, not expected to start until this afternoon and schools are already cancelling for the day! Really, at least wait until the snow starts, get half a day in and it won't have to be made up in June.Ah, well, I don't have kids so I suppose I can't be expected to understand.

    Goldie--Yeah, it will be good when he can go home.He's really upset at being in the nursing home, he's upset 'cuz he agreed to go for 5 days, it's been almost 2 weeks, he still doesn't know when he's leaving.It's getting touchy with him starting to say he was tricked into going to the nursing home.

    Mema--Good morning!

    Julie--Nothing like a good story to escape reality, is there?

    ORLA--OUCH!Getting out of the house is good, but not if you are going to try to run over yourself!Heal up quickliest!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:Goldie's Christmas Cookie!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Julie, you and NM should trade books. But I guess she really can't if hers are audio, right? Will love to have you all on the 18th.

    Lara omg, you poor thing. You spend way too much time in the hospital and not enough here in the lounge! So sorry you bumped your noggin, but glad you are ok. Nice that you are making a little extra $ by helping your friend out. Congrats on getting your MS...let's party!

    Whoa....where is everyone on a Monday? I can see iffin it were empty in here on a weekend, but a Monday???

    NM, I agree with you on closing (or not closing) the schools until it starts. I mean, what if it doesn't get bad? When I lived in MI, more often than not, prediction for 8-10 inches of snow and we'd maybe get 2. Oh that poor man, I so feel for him. Is he at least where he can see his wife?

    Waiting to hear from Nancy and LDB. I hope you ladies got to hook up, even for just a short bit.

    I see my PC Thursday to go over my labs for my thyroid and cholesterol.

    Hmmmmm, Christmas Cookie.......I'm passing. That was just waaaaaaaaaaay to sweet for me. We shall have some Grinch Spritzers too. I like wodka!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Sad news on the face-time adventure.  Nancy ran into big problems at hotel, her room was not ready and she needed to chill after long flight.  Anyway, the window of time just could not be widened so we didn't meet up....boohoooHiss!!!  We may have another opportunity in the future, ya never kno.

    Lowee - I'm liking that dwink with the sherbert....mmm mmm.  Keeping my fingers crossed and saying prayers that all good news on Thurs.  I'm being scheduled for more tests.  My back has been giving me fits, even been going for regular massages and taking naproxson (sp) and it just seems to get worse.  Onco says she doesn't want any more surprises so ordered another bone scan and CT.  They will be calling me to schedule them in the next couple of days.

    NM - I find that odd about the schools cancel just on the call for snow, and 1/2 a day is better than no time.  I sure want my kid to go at least 1/2 day cuz I have an aversion to schools still in sessions in June,  I think it's cruel and unusual  punishment for the kids.  June supposed to be the start of summer vacay idk!

    Lara - Congrats on your MS!!  WooHoo you did it...we're pwoud of you!!

    Got appts this am, gotta run.  Love to all my beautiful breasties!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    congratulations lara on your masters, sorry to here about your fall tho, feel better soon

    nm- still like to hold books so have about 50% e books and 50% real books

    oh no sue -hope you can meet again,hope your appts go well

    bbl ladies

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    One appt done, one to go, but wanted to share this.... 

    Cletus  is passing by Billy Bob's hay barn one day when, through a gap in the door,  he  sees Billy Bob doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of an old John Deere  tractor.
    Buttocks clenched, he performs a slow pirouette, and gently slides  off first the right strap

    of  his overalls, followed  by the left.
    He then hunches his shoulders forward and in a classic  striptease move, lets his overalls fall down to his hips,
    revealing  a torn and frayed plaid shirt. Then, grabbing both sides of his shirt,  he  rips it apart to reveal his stained T-shirt underneath.
    With a final  flourish, he tears the T-shirt from his body, and hurls his baseball cap onto a  pile of hay.
    Having seen enough, Cletus rushes in and says, "What the hell  ya' doing, Billy Bob?"
    "Good gawd, Cletus, ya scared the bejeebers outta me,"  says an obviously embarrassed Billy Bob.

    "Me'n  the wife been havin trouble lately in the bedroom  d'partment, and  the therapist suggested I do somethin' sexy to a  tractor."

    (Don't  make me come down there and splain this to you! Read the last line again,  slowly.)

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Morning everyone! I'm trying to get used to the 3 he time difference here in Vegas so far time is winning. 😊

    I didn't get my time with Memaw 😭 but I will be back this way sometime I love Vegas I just feel bad. I was looking so forward to it and it just took so long to get our room and get freshened up.

    Congrats Lara on getting your Masters 💐

    Mema 😘 Lubs ya

    See you all later time to go to conference

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    It was sure a quiet monkey day in here indeed.

    Ok, I am going to share what is happening in our world and I am warning ya all, it is not good. It is absurd to say the least.

    On Friday night, sperm donor decided he was going to leave my DD and said he was going to take baby with him. Well they got into an altercation verbally and it turned physical. Long story short, while my DD tried to defend herself from SD, she bit him. The police were called and by the end of the night, a restraining order was placed ON my daughter, SD has custody and has use of the house that I rented. On top of that, Family Protection services are involved and my DD does not have rights to supervise my grandson. Further, I was told that I am "only the grandmother", SD has the rights to do as he pleases with baby. I believe they are currently out of state with SD's druggy sister. My effing hands are tied and I am so sick over all of this. Isn't that a crock of effing chit? I am sick over this and my DD is not doing too well. I have consulted with an attorney, a very good one, she is the Pres of the county bar assn. We see her tomorrow.

    I was not going to share this will all of you but decided to do so as I could use all of the prayers, support and love from you all. And I am also open to suggestions. Kim (NM) has been helping me through this with guidance and support. Without her, I would be lost. And I need all of you right now. I just can not believe that we are in such an ugly situation. SD is a lying, coniving, manipulating effing basturd, to say the least.

    And I am sorry that I am not commenting to you all. I am reading but having a hard time comprehending anything. My body is shaking internally and I am having a hard time coping. And it pains me so greatly seeing my poor daughter. She is a lost little girl. God only knows that a 2.5 week year old infant belongs with his mother and this little guys mother IS a fit mother. How on early has this happened? Why is God letting things get worse every day? We have court on Thursday for the restraining order.

    Ok, time to change up the names of all parties.

    My DD = Jennika

    SD- SOB

    baby = ? suggestions welcomed, come on let's have a name that baby contest. It will help my mood. Please girls, if you were to have a baby boy today, what would his name be?

    Sending prayers and love to all of you,, special prayers going up to those of you that need them. And where is Dr. Cammy when I need her, ugh. I hope you are doing alright, loves!

    cheerless in Wichita KS

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2014

    ok big sis u will get a kick out of this...................

    The doctor that made my skin fall off dismissed me as a patient .I thought I had heard it all. I call say I need something faxed then I am put on hold this women who I never ta;lk to tells me im dismissed I flipped ranted about the tat and the skin and demanded to know why? She finally said some BS it was hard to work with me????????????? I did everything that was asked she wronged me.I am now really going to sue her and trash her name.The women on the phone was also talking down to me.She goes u do not know the law,I said I know the law better then u think. also said when and if your breasts are removed you tell me how any one would react and I hung up on her.

    Im very sorry to hear of this sperm donor issue

    Juliet I needed that quote more then u know today just printed it and put it above my computer

    NM yes I know!!! We are really getting hoit hard with weather

    Im sorry u two did not meet ;( hopefully next time.Ncollett hope u r doing a little better pain all the time makes me so tired and frustrated.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    oh darla, so glad you got the wise counsel of nm, can only say praying for a quick resolution and hugs and prayers for you all.

    ((((((((((((oh lara))))))))))))

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good rainy morning, Loungettes!The big storm turned out to be wet and messy but not particularly dangerous.Some school delays this morning, otherwise going to be business as usual today.All that hype for a rainstorm!

    ORLA--Congrats on the MS degree!Hooray for you!

    Goldie--I with you, the rain and snow didn't start until almost 2 pm, and was no where near as bad as predicted.But many schools were closed yesterday.Same ones are open today, so they missed school time for no real reason.My patient is sharing a room with his wife, so they are together.I like the Grinch Spritzer!I'll take a couple!

    Mema--boo, hiss re: the hotel issue.Maybe another time?Hope the appointments went well.

    Julie--My mother likes to hold real books, too.I like being able to carry around a whole library in one little tablet, I love being able to change the print size, and I especially love the text to speech function for my non-audiobooks.Reading is reading, however one does it!


    Collett--enjoy Vegas!Wish I was there.

    Dara--{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}Hmmm, baby boy name.I know, David.As in David and Goliath.

    ORLA--your doc dropped you?Thatis practically an admission of malpractice, to my mind.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:Goldie's Grinch Spritzer


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Sue/Nancy....boooo hisssss from mese too. We try our best to make things like this work, and sometimes it just doesn't. Can't beat yourself up over it.

    LDB, crap, shoot, muther phucker....I'm sorry about your back. It's always been a pain for you, but with it getting worse, I just hate that. If it is the mets, is radiation the only thing that will help? That's sort of the way I understand it. Praying it's just old Arthur and maybe some degeneration going on. Pretty sad when we wish for those things eh? LOL, I got it, I got it!!!! Sexy to a tractor! That was coot LDB.

    Dara, I still can't believe it. He has taken your BB (baby boy) out of state? How can they say, after only one altercation, that your DD is not fit to see or be around HER baby. This is just horrible. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your DD. As for a name, would have to give it some thought. Jacob was the first thing that came to mind for some reason. I had been using BB (baby boy), we could use LL for lil Logan? SOB is too kind for him.

    Lala, I can't believe how some of you girls are treated, beyond unbelieveable. I hope you really can follow through with the lawsuit. How is your noggin doing from the concussion?

    NM, so school called off for no reason? Just as we suspected? Oh yay for the couple being in the same room, makes it a little bit easier (I hope) for him.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2014

    Hi goldie its getting better yesterday I was seeing something in the corner of my eye it was freaking me out

    Ill have a grinch drink yummy

    now I need to work on calling some lawyers

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhlinKs!

    Dara - you have my prayers and positive thoughts.  I kno all too well about domestic violence and how the innocent one so often becomes the abuser in the eyes of the law.  Getting a good lawyer is your only choice now.  Keep a close eye on DD and don't do anything out of anger.  It is all sooo unfair and once CPS (children protect serv) is involved it's a mess to untangle the truth from the lies.  My heart aches for you and DD and of course baby Jonas.  That's my input for his name.  Keep in mind you have all those pic and prob more that might come in handy with the attorney as I'm sure sev pics are of her interacting with Jonas.  (((D)))

    Lara - sounds like you need a good lawyer too.  Freaks me out how some pts are treated.  Prayers and positive thoughts your way too.

    Lowee - Radiation eventually, but she offered stronger pain meds, which I refused, so we're going with another bone scan on xmas eve.  Wont get results til I see her on Jan 5, as long as it's 'no news is good news'.  At least I'll get thru the holidays.

    NM - Yes we'll meet if it's meant to be.  Here's another funny:  "why did God put men on earth?"  'Because a vibrator can't mow the lawn'.

    Hi to cami, prn, mary, nancy hope all going well with you goils.

    lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs to all!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good afternoon all

    baby joseph? its that time of year