how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    OMG I just catching up--I'm so sorry, I've been floopy and busy with work and Joey, BTW Julie he does play the Jaws thing on the clarinet.

    Dara I can't believe this whole story, it's absurd--I'm so glad u'r getting a super attorney cuz let's face it a case is only as good as u'r attorney is and having a good one is definitely a strong point for u and u'r DD. Of course u'r a nervous wreck, he must really be a great liar and believable that's so evil what he has done. Justice has to be on u'r side--I like the name Justin in fact. This is temporary, I'm sure. And I know u know this and so will u'r attorney but u do have grandparents rights, I'm almost sure it's in every state now. I'm so glad u have been talking to Kim she's got lots of good advice. He's so adorable but I'm sure SOB is ding all of this to hurt u'r DD not out of love for u'r GS--Did u'r DD have any marks on her from him?, if so get the pictures, like was said take all the pics to u'r attorney that u have taken with u'r DD and u. Aso if u can find out from u'r DD exactly step by step what happened and write it all down while it's so fresh in her mind. EVERYTHING. BTW has he ever been arrested for drugs or anything? I will pray for u and u'r DDand GS like crazy--this is a horrible mistake and I'd like to think that it will end the way it should and I hope u'r DD has finally seen what she needs to see. U know we all love u. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Oh I think of u gals all the time and I'm sorry I've been MIA--wow lots has happened.

    SusyQ I pray u'r back is detieriation  (sp) I know too that sounds awful but I know u know what I mean--mine is like that and I know it's painful but it's better than the alternative, I do know it doesn't get better and is painful so it could just be that. This whole sentence sounds dumb, but I still know we all understand that.-prayers for u- and I'm sorry u missed out on face time with Nancy, but another time is always good to look forward to.

    Lori sounds good that u and u'r DH have decided to much, that's lots f money-and u know I pray for u too--I want no one in pain for scared. Prayers go far I think and I do that a lot. U all mean so much to me.

    Lara did I understand u got u'r Masters---OMG girl I'm so glad for u. Now we have to get u'r body and Drs. all straightened out.

    Julie I can't get over how fast u'r doing things--I know I couldn't but please slow down a little--u know sometimes u feel better than u are.I'm just saying something u would say. LOL

    Genny u'r pics are so precious, what a bright light u have for u'r healing. And it does take longer thn u think, I think.

    Nancy u need to get more pics of Jackson, I swear Nora and Jackson look like brother and sister.

    Oh Leslie is studying to be an Estatician (sp) right now she doing all the medical prt of all types of skin rashes and diseases so she's studying like crazy, all medical jib jab -she said no A on this test she'll be glad to just pass it. So I help Joey more with his math--one thing he has a problem with and I'm not much help but I dig deep and try and when Les isn't home I put him to bed, he still likes that talking and cuddling--Marty's already in bed. LOL

    PRN u are really movin' on up--this is a huge thing and I'm so happy for u.

    NM u'r weather sounds icky, ours isn't to much better--I lved the picture of Sadie, haha she worked so hard she needed a good nap. And now I'm getting the taste for Shnopps--there are so many yummy kind lately.

    This weekend is our Christmas party on one side of the family--my cousin (who I talk about) about 40 people so I have t come up with some kind of recipe I think I have a couple of easy things  U gals always know how much I love my family parties and joey is all excited too. Oh and thanks for laughing about Depends u all know I have to wear them every day now and my DD hates buying them for me--Boy if I knew about these yrs ago, I would have worn them over my pad and panties when I had my period--it was always so bad. Now I think of it so I don't know why she's so embarrassed. LOL

    My prayers will be big tonite and I hope they matter--sometimes I feel that instead of praying, I'm nagging so I spread my prayers over to saints. I still think like a catholic girl. Cuz that's what we were taught.

    I LUBS all u gals and want the best possible results for tests.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    hurray cammi here. have a wonderful time at the party. i'm resting a lot,i remember your advice about the vacuumingHappy

    sue-praying for arther ritis to your back,

    looks like your having fun at the conference nancy

    well my aunt who lives in the group home that also has the frb is not doing well, nm -apparently in the uk dnr are good for 2 years! then have to be renewed, my mother just renewed my aunts. she has major fluid retention from her heart failure and whole body swelling so now mainly confined to bed, she is under the care of the local hospice, so being kept comfitable with morphine ,the staff are letting her eat what she wants which is chips and chocolateHappy but while her body is failing, her mind is unchanged because she was born on christmas day, to celebrate she normally goes out a couple of days before her birthday for a special treat,well this years treat is a trip to the pantomine, she's still says she is going. we went down this path in jan when she had the flu , told us time was limited.her cardiologist said 3-6 months in 2012. the home staff are adament that they will keep home so full agreement there . i send her flowers every so often, well the shop i used had been running specials and there was a box of chocolates included in a few of the deliveries, so when i sent her a bunch of very nice iris and yellow roses ,the message i got back was i opened this big box and there was only flowers in there ! so ever since, chocolates have been included, so prayers for continued comfort would be appreciated. had a flash if you like while sitting down that she would be a christmas angel, so time will tell

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    Thanks all for the prayers and name choices for baby. I am going to go with baby David, that is my brothers name and a name I like. I was thinking of naming my DD David if she was a boy although my sister in law, who was due three weeks after me, had her son a week before I had Jennika and named him David, she stole my boy name, the biotch!

    So today was very eventful. The attorney consult was good. She assured us that she can make all charges go away, a cost of 1500 which I do not think is too bad considering her expertise. She is not able to help with the family protection order. Wait until I tell you what happened to SD today, omg. Typically I would be sailabrating but it was such an event that baby David is now under custody of Child Protective Srvs. ugh, I am sick over it. They will not turn David over to me, I quote "I am JUST the grandmother", the state of KS does not recognize grandparents. Further, SD threw me under the bus in telling the social worker that I drink like a fish. I am beyond pissed. But here ya go, karma IS a biotch and here is what happened, are you all ready? Sit down for this! As I said, under any other sitsheation, I would be gloating. We got a call from CPS late this morning while with the attorney. Jennika did not take the call, let it go to voice mail. Worker left message to call back asap, she kept calling and not getting her until she called and pressed zero and told another worker that it was urgent. Turns out that SD showed up at CPS with baby David to "turn him in". He indicated that there was a warrant for his arrest and he was going to turn himself in. He apparently had another altercation, this time with his sister. I was told that he would be in jail. While this is good for our case, it has but baby into the foster system. This means no baby for Christmas, no baby until CPS gives my Jennka custody again. I am sick over this. I told the biotch tree soial worker that SD was lying and would say anything to sabatage my family, she said that they had to error on the side of caution. This should be the happiest of times in my life and it is the most miserable. I am just sick over this. My DD might have made a horrible choice in selecting a mate but she does not deserve this. She did get to see David today, he was sleeping the entire time.

    NM, congrats on being the winner of the name the baby game. I was going to go with Joseph but since Camille has one of them, decided on David. Thanks all who gave ideas for names, I jest love you goils.

    I have to get my Dad his ice cream but will be back in a bit to talk to the rest of you. And no matter what goils, never forget that none of you nor I am alone through this, I am tankful to God that I have all of you. Just reading through my tears made things a bit better for me. I thank you all for the concern, love and prayers. i jest lubs lubs lubs ye all so berry muchliest, more so than my friends here, no kidding!

    Talk to you all soon!!! Much love!

    cheerS! (I am trying)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    where eberybuddy at?? me is lonely. I guess i jest find a few tenders to keep me warm!

    My dear Mema. so sorry u r having so much pain to yer back. I am praying that it is nothing to do with the RB and hopefully nothing but some arthur or evan jest de change in weather condiitions. and omg funny joke. I really really needed dat. It took me a minute to get it, I am slooooow. Hugs to you (((Mema))

    Lori, I know you say you are not courageous but I tink you are wrong. I am praying so so hard for you girl. I told God that enough is enough, keep this goil RB free. and girl, you jest do not slow down, do ya? I admire you girl, keep up the strength, keep biddy and keep reporting to the lounge. You and NM are de only goils that we can count on for a bisit to de lounge on a daily basic, well cept when you be outta town. be a good goil and I know that Santa will be good to ya ((((Lori)))

    lara congrats . and omg your dream! iffen you wanna PM me the name of that doctor, I can do some bashing for ya. I use three email addresses for each one. A big congrats on yer masters degree, wooo hoo, you go goil. I tried to go back for mine when my Jennika was about two years old. I ended up withdrawing at my first course I took. It was a statistics course. To this day, I have a big fat F since I never returned to turn the W into an actual grade. I am glad that you are spending so much time with your friend who is dealing with the RB. You are a good friend, foah shoah!

    Nancy, the pics of you in Vegas are awesome. You and Vegas together jest glow like de lights. The party pics are so delinquent, your employer or the entity that threw that partay did a great job. Enjoy yourself and report in when you can.

    NM, you got the end of a storm system that hit here yesturday. We had buckets of rain. It started as an ice storm but quickly turned to rain as the temps went up. Glad for you that it was rain and not snow. I think it is so sweet that you can take Sadie to work with you. Iffen I took mese Bella to work with me, she would prolly bark her head off, pee in the boss's office, then bark some more. I often think that bigger dogs are smarta since they has bigger brains hehe. but really! *disclaimer, goils with small dogs, please do not take defense errr I mean offense. Oh de word offense, reminds me of a sign in a nearby town... long story short if I can....This local town was featured on Good Morning America along with another town in PA that had a record number of illigal immigrants. Well the townspeople got together and started a fund raiser for these illigals. And on a marguette at a super market was a sign that read "illegal defence fund"! It always cracked me up, sounded like the illegals had issues with their fences hehehe! anywho... I do not mean to offend anyone, all dogs RULE! and cats too!

    Julie thanks, FOR playing my game and for the kind words of support. I am praying for you and your family, so sorry to hear that your Aunt is doing so bad. I pray that if she hangs in there for her next birthday (and then some), that she is comfy and able to enjoy the chocolate. You are such a dear and I know she must love you so much for being so kind and for sending her such great gifts from your heart. ((((Julie n family)))

    Camille, omg, Joey plays the Jaws song on clarinet? Oh God, I hope he does not squeak when he does it. I sure hope that you get to make it to your relatives Christmas partay. I pray for no D and that you feel good from dis moment going forward until after de New Year den onto manny manny new years aka anos to come. and goil, I miss you when you do not report to de lounge. Can you pick a time to meet me by de percotini fountain? reminds me, MEMA SUE, you TURNED DOWN GOOD DWUGS? Please say that I am dwunk and making dis up. Oh mese oh mise! say it isn't so!!!!!!

    Mary, dahling, I miss you and miss seeing new pics of Nora. I will have to check yer FB page for updates. I hope you are able to come in and partay with me in de near future. I miss ya face!

    Tobbi, congrats again on your website. I was out to dinner with my Dad and my sister and we pulled up your site on my phone, I wanted to show her my testimonial for your bidness, I wuz pwoud to show you off to my family. Great job in selling out, please remember to take time for yerself.

    well goils, mese, Dara D (for dwunk) Diverse, is gonna twy for some sleep now. Mese has to gits up at f**k o'clock in de aye em to be at court at 8:turdy sharp. So I go now.

    Cheers from Ms. CheerLess in Witchita, may peace, good health and happiness be with all mese goils. love ya all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good morning all, thanks for the prayers ,my aunt died this morning,very peaceful in her own bed, she is our christmas angel now

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Looks like the rain is moving out, now if it will hold off on the freezing temps for a bit things will be good for a while!The wind was really blowing last night, though.Fun to listen to, since the power never went out.

    Oh my, there is a story on the news about a new big hubbub--Maine has had a requirement that welfare recipients with a history of drug convictions be drug tested as part of the qualification for welfare benefits.The requirement has been on the books for a couple years, they're just getting around to implementing it.All kinds of "unfair" uproar.Really.How is it unfair?They don't have to tell anyone they've been convicted of drug charges, they can enroll in rehab if they test positive and still get welfare, AFTER at least one re-test option.I mean, really.

    Goldie--yup, no school on the day with no rain or wind until afternoon, full day of school on the day with driving rain and gale force winds.Makes lots of sense to me! Although I did hear that the school officials aren't the ones who make that decision now, it's the bus companies.Most schools contract with bus companies now, I guess, and the drivers make that call.Still sounds odd to me.

    ORLA--hope you find a good lawyer!

    Mema--LOL, lawnmowers and vibrators!

    Julie--good one!

    Cammy--I'm with you, the whole thing with Dara's grandbaby's sperm donor is absurd.But abusers are SO master manipulators.The weather has been icky, but could be a lot worse, so I'm trying to stay positive.I'll join you in the inflatable chapel.

    The Inflatable Chapel

    Julie--So bittersweet about your Aunt!I can just see her looking for the chocolates with the flowers!Praying she is comfortable and peaceful, and able to do what she wants as long as she is able to understand where she is and what she is doing.

    Dara--OMG!What a twist of events!SD just turning up at CPS to "turn in" the baby, like he's a borrowed tool! Of course, that is just how SD sees the baby, another tool to get what he wants, whatever that is.Good that SD is going to be arrested, and for assault, that will help Jenn's case, big time.I didn't realize all states had not recognized grandparent rights yet, so sorry KS is so far behind the times.Know this is no help, but foster parents are very loving and caring people, and David will be getting very good care while this is being sorted out.And it will get sorted out.How is your Dad doing with all this, does he understand what is going on with Jenn and Baby David?

    Julie--oh, my dear, I am so sorry for your loss.And welcome to our newest Christmas Angel.May you be forever pain free and full of the joy of Christmas.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Christmas Angel

    • 3 gin
    • 1 oz applejack
    • 1 oz apricot liqueur (Luxardo)

    Add all the ingredients to a mixing glass and fill with ice. Stir, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of orange peel.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Good morning girls,

    Julie, I am sorry for your loss. May your Aunt Rest peacefully (((Julie)))

    I am up early, have to leave for court in 45 minutes so better get moving.

    Thanks all for your support. Peace out!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    LDB, I hope you can hold off a long time on the rads. I have heard they help with the pain, but it gets worse before it gets better. Have you heard that too?

    Oh Julie, Baby Joseph is so fittin!

    Cami, I'm so glad you checked in and a party for you this weekend....wooo hoooo! I'll bet your family is a hoot to be with. Wish I could come and join in with y'all. Are you taking food or something for cocktail?

    Julie, sending love and prayers for you and your family. How old is your Aunt? I do hope she gets to take her little trip to the Pantomine. What is that anyways? I hope she is not in too much pain and the morphine is helping. For my neighbor, it would only help for like 15 minutes.

    Oh Dara, what a mess!!! Glad the SOB turned himself in, but now the baby is in foster care! Well, you have to know he will be safe and well cared for. I'm so hoping you can get him back for Christmas. Are you guys allowed visits? I just can't believe this! If Jennika takes him back, I'm going to have to come there and personally kick her little butt! You cracking me up about Mema Sue turning down good drugs! Mese tinks you are in court....please post asap what happened.

    Oh Julie, I'm so sorry. Just read of the passing of your Aunt. Sending my love to you and your family. So sad. (((((Julie))))) I drink a toast to your sweet Christmas Angel Auntie.....CHEERS!

    NM, testing the folks on welfare should be mandatory, AND repeated every so often. What is not fair, is the fact that WE pay for these a$$holes. I think we should move the entire party into the chapel, what do ya think? Oh I hope your winter is not too bad!

    Cami, we are gonna proceed with this business deal. Leasing company has agreed to put the lease in this other guys name.

    Well, I need to scoot. Doctor appt. later and trying to help my mom out. Her furnace went out, and it was flagged as it was putting out too much carbon monoxide. And guess who has to pay for it??

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good luck for the court appointment this morning darla,at least baby david is safe and hey let dd see him ,hope sd is in jail for a long time and i will also come and kick her butt if she takes him back

    lori-good luck with the deal, glad your mum is ok,not so good you having to pay for the furnace tho, my aunt was 74 , a pantomime is a show usually at christmas time based on a fairy tale, the men play the women and the lead male is a girl,lots of jokes ,most on 2 levels , the kids are laughing at one thing and the parents are laughing at some thing elseWinking

    nm-i can get drug tested anytime so if i as taxpayer can , then somebody being supported by the tax payer can too! stay safe driving this am.hope sadie is nice and warm.

    my aunt died in her own bed with one of her favourite carers lying in bed with her ,holding her, she did get a little anxious this morning so the oncall doc came out and gave her something and that helped her relax and she drifted off to sleep and about 20mins later died. she died the way we wanted her too, in her own bed. our only regret is my mother was being taken to see her today. but i did get to send her flowers one more time plus chocolate and she got to eat some of the choccy too .take care.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Hi Gals.

    Julie I'm so sorry about u'r aunt, but it was good she got u'r chocolate and she passed quietly, There cn't be to many angels now she is one. (((HUGS)))

    Lori I know nothing about business but I do know whatever u and u'r DH decide to do it will tun out well for u. U 2 seem to be on the same page for all u do and that's so important. But u'd better pamper u'rself at least one day a week (for me) Oh I'm bringing an appetizer and a dessert. It's the safest things I can bring.

    Dara should be home soon, I'm anxious to hear what's going on.

    NM I'm gad u'r not getting a lot of snow, I think that's what I mean. We aren't, I hve a feeling once it really starts tho we're in for it. The drug testing reminded me of a sign that one of the protesters was hoding when that awful shooting with the police. It actually said We shouldn't have to worry about being shot if we're robbing a store--it's unfair. This was a serious sign. I understand carrying signs and protesting but that one caught my eye.  I'm not really into any political stuff anymore, only because I never seem to like anyone anymore.--way off subject I know but the the drug testing just reminded me.

    Oh I thought today was Wed. and all of a sudden it's Thursday.--Little busy today--I had one man , after decorating his home, he keeps tripping the electric--he doesn't know why. LOL I told him it's cuz he was going for the Griswold look-when he should have gone for the scrooge look, he'd have no trouble.

    OK, I'm checking in later to see wht happened today with Dara.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    Well the fn sperm donor ended up showing up and did not drop the charge. So that matter is rescheduled for dec 23rd. We did get a restraining order on SD. The only thing we loss was the right to boot him out of the house. I am peesed off over that. I have to talk to my attorney to see what direction to take. If I have to break the lease to get him out, I will. We are playing hardball here.

    Thank you all again for your support and love, it means so much.

    Julie, glad your Aunt passed in her sleep. But good God, she was much to young. FURB. Sending you more hugs and lots of love. (((Julie)))

    NM, I hadda crack up reading your posts with the new names and such, thanks for the tickle. You girls all rock with that.

    Sue, I hope you are feeling better today love.

    Lori, good news on the bidness deal moving forward, wishing you continued success with the bidness.

    Camille, they trust you with drinks and desserts? ha ha, jest kidding. I am glad to see your face in the lounge, I hope you do come back in today to dwink with me. Who is drinking? Yep, jest made one, it is only 4:34 but it is five o clock somewhere!

    Cheers girls!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014
    • OH Dara, I was hoping he wouldn't be there, but being the jack--ass that he is I guess he liked being there after all the problems he caused, he's enjoying this, I didn't know his name was on the lease, that's to bad---how is u'r DD holding up and how is she thinking about him now.? I hope she's getting tough inside so she can deal better with his crazyness Chances are when this is all settled he won't be around or the baby, and that will be good. Prayers coming u'r way.
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Lounngettes!Getting up this ayem to a dusting of sparkly snow, so very pretty!

    Update on the Christmas decorations at the University of Maine--now the e-mail is being characterized as a "misunderstanding".There was a huge backlash from students and the community as being anti-Christian.Now candy canes, wreathes, Christmas trees, Santas and sleighs are going back up.

    Goldie--I completely agree with drug testing people getting welfare.The system they are trying to get going has so many loop holes and second chances and ways to qualify even if someone tests positive that it's probably pretty useless.All this ruckus about getting drug tested for free money, food, housing etc, and I have to be drug tested and take a driver safety course if I have a car accident, even if not during work hours--condition of employment for me!One of the girls I work with got T-boned not long ago, she had to go through the whole thing.Yikes about your Mom's furnace.Hope it's not too expensive.

    Julie--Sadie and I are nice and cozy.She was using my head as a pillow last night, then I used her as a pillow.All that bed I get just a little corner! So glad your Aunt got to eat some of her last chocolate delivery.And that she was comfortable and peaceful.

    Cammy--shouldn't have to worry about getting shot while robbing a store, REALLY?What on earth are people using for brains these days?

    Dara--Well, so SD showed up to create more havoc.Not a big surprise, really.BUT, you got a restraining order on him, that is good.Talk to your lawyer, see what would happen if you stopped paying the rent on the house.I think you would be able to get out of the lease if you can't use or be in the house anymore.Don't do anything that supports SD in any way.And when this is all over Jenn and the baby shouldn't be going back to that house anyway, they should go somewhere else, harder for SD to find them again.Sounds like things are moving the right direction.Still praying for you, DD and baby.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    3 oz Vodka

    1 oz Peach Schnapps

    2 oz Light Rum

    2 cups Ice


    Pour all ingredients into a blender. Blend on high until the ice is crushed completely. Pour into a collins glass, and serve into two highball glasses or one very tall glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    JulieDW, my mum is NOT ok! She is back in the bedroom, not walking. Stopped her PT as it was only 2x a week, and it's not enough. She called me last night, my brother is not picking up half of the furnace, so mom says she is canceling it! She is just falling apart, and I can't be there to help. Driving me nucking futz. The Pantomine sounds like lots of fun, I wish your auntie could have gone one more time. Oh I hope your mom is doing ok, since she did not make it in time...DARN. But so nice that she got your flowers and the taste of choccy one more time.

    Well Cam, what dessert and appetizer??? I sure hope you can enjoy yourself. Is it Saturday? Yeah right, shouldn't be shot for robbing a store! Their brains are SHOT!

    Dara, how the heck could he show up? I thought he was turning himself in? Stoopid basTURD. Please let Jennika know that she has all of us in her corner and praying for her and to stay strong, she must stay strong.

    NM, our frickin government is bass ackwards if you ask me. Furnace is $2500.00. And to me, that is nuttin purdy about the Glad the Christms decorations are going back up. That Snowball sounds yummy. I'm always surprised to see different liquors mixed, like rum and vodka.

    Saw my primary yesterday and as I thought, thyroid and cholesterol. She is not concerned about the cholesterrol right now, gave me script for thyroid and put me on anti depressant. Not sure yet if I'm going to take it, plus she said it would take 2-4 weeks to start. I hope everyone else is just bizzy with holiday schtuff and family. Love, Cheers and Huggles.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning my Ladies

    Oh Lori u'r poor mom, more chit she has to go thru. It's so hard or u to be so far and hear all this so what can u possibly do? And or u too, u need to get some numbers up. I wonder why this whole thing really goes after thyroids--my whole life I never had that problem, now mine too just keeps shutting down and I take meds for it everyday, but I always tell people I'm big cuz my thyroid is screwed up, so I use that excuse. hahaha But u don't need that, but it must make u feel not so good. And I know u don't want to but consider the anti-depressant, I don't think that some are very good on us, but others can do wonders and being more positive u'r literally fighting the FURB better--wel that's just my theory and some start working within days--Personally I think u need an anti-anxiety meds, not a antidepressant. They work much faster and blocks  the feeling of OMG this isn't happening, it's much more useful to my thinking, anyway. But that's not medically speaking. Xanax just is so temporary on really crazy days but these even things out daily. Just a thought cuz I care so much and I do say I don't know anything so I might be 100% wrong.

    NM we are having a dusting too--lake effect which as years go by we've had as much as 6 inches of lake effect so I hope it's not like that--I hope u'r not on call this weekend but it seems like it's about time for u. Can u take Sadie to work whenever u like or is it limited to certain times?

    Julie how is everything going for u, I hope u'r finding peace in u'r heart, cuz u have such a big one.I never asked u this and I know it's stupid really but I picture u with an accent--am I right? LOL

    U know I have never been in a target or walmart Store  in my life? 'm so glad I have Les who loves to shop and goes to Ulta for me--which I've never been either. That's how much I hate to shop, but I love to shop online and I used to use the phone.  But she is super busy now with homework, more than I ever thought she'd have, but she still likes to shop.

    Oh she wants to cut my hair now--that mean NOW LOL

    I LUBS u all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2014

    Dara sis tah I missed something big the baby is in the foster care system wtfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

    I can have a lawyer that deals with family child removal make a call PM me

    I have the flu... Juliet in my prayers big huggggggggg

    so we were cleaning this big house they oen some big insurance company.I love the house because when you are upstairs u can look over the balcony and see all of the down stairs. So they have two dogs they cage while we come in a nd clean they are right by the door everyone goes in to enter the house. We were in th ebig master bath and I heard a door slm lous,I saod nic did u hear that she said no just say hello no one was there and I got the chills all over my body after she said well the dogs did not we move into th ebedroom of their one child he is like 16 and all of a sudden loud as day I hear two little girls singing and giggling and one said hello.Well nicky was in the second bathroom comes out sheet white and says did u hear that, we both heard the same thing! The dogs did not bark and they have no small children.................I was freaked

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    wow lara is it an old house or built on something, don't work too hard.thank you for the prayers,

    lori, can she turn the furnace on ? because of her resp situation, scared if the thing is putting out the carbon dioxide, if she gets cold would she use it, wish the law was better so she can get the pt, she needs, i know the feeling being miles away and not being there to give help and how it sucks, did they increase your thyroid med? because low thyroid makes you depressed. what antidepressent did they give you?

    nm thanks for the sadie smiles and the drinks

    darla- is he out on bail from the sister incident ? anyway you can legally state you will not be liable for anything he does financially, ? can your dd get into the house to get her stuff and the baby's

    cammi i need to call you and talk to you then you can see about the accent!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    I really did not feel like writing or talking about the CPS thing as I am hurting so bad. I just read the report on the case and it sickens me. I am having a problem eating and sleeping too. As I always say to others, This too Shall Pass. But it can't pass fast enough.

    Lori, Lori dahling, some more hugs for you ((((Lori))). I am so sorry that you are so far away from your Mom and feeling so helpless. I know what it is like, when my parents where in SC and I was in KS, I felt powerless and so sad. I hope your Mom is able to get the help she needs. And yikes, her furnace being red tagged, I had that happen before. And incidently, the handyman I used to bix it murdered another client, I have told this story before. BUT this is about you and not me. I hate that the cost is so much and that your brother can't help. I hope that she is able to find someone to do the job for less money, has she gotten at least a couple of estimates? Geez, girl, AS IF you do not have enough going on. I feel yer pain. Love you.

    Julie, good point in reminding Lori about the dangers of CO poisoning. How are you feeling, I do not think you have mentioned that with so much else going on with all of us. I hope you are enjoying your time away from work. To answer your question, I am not sure if SD is out on bail or if he was released on his own recognizance. The incident with his sister was spelled out in the report and boy is it ugly. He is one twisted SOB. I told my ex that I would not mind if he was hit by a bus and killed. But then I retracted the statement. And here I am talking about it again, it is beyond disgusting. My poor Jennika is just so sad that she is missing out on one of the most important times in a baby's life. It sucks so bad, Julie. I can't tell ya how bad this hurts and can't imagine how terrible Jennika feels. I do best at night, after my Dad duties are done for the day, and I dwink. I dwink and I dwink and I dwink some more. And eat chocolate. Yep, I did not tell you goils my most recent guilt -- I bought two packs of choco chip cookie dough and have already eaten one. And mese not worry about dumb salmonella. oops, sorry I ranted at cha, have a hug for ya ((((Julie))). I wish I could deliver one to you in person.

    Lara, I tink I would need a child protection attorney here in KS. If yer guy is in NY, I doubt he could help. But if he can, I will certainly PM you jest in case. And what a crazy story about de ghosts in the house your cleaning. And for the record, I love the way the homes look with the 2nd floor landings where you can look down at the first floor. But mese vertigo does not like it a bit. Mese sister has one of these homes and iffin I go upstairs, I has to walk in a straight line in de middle of de floor and focus on not looking down either side. IFFIN I was rich enough to have that feature, the upstairs hall would be 15 ft wide and not have railings to the bottom. I hate any height where they have rails vs wall board etc to keep one from falling down down down.

    Hello to those I missed, I love all of my girls and thank you again for your support in the most difficult time in mese life thus far. And from what others are telling me, it gonna get worse before it git better. CHIT, mofo, ahole systems suck!

    I am going to hit send as my letter are lagging, that makes me cray cray. Plus I gotzta get mese Dad his ice cream, it time. I be back, k?

    Ok, sorry for that last minute rant, gotta fly. cheers!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited December 2014

    data.... I'm so sorry for everything that is happening. I hope baby David is well. And you and Jenica keep holding up.

    Julie... I hope you're feeling better try not to do too much! I'm sorry about the loss of your aunt.

    Genny... Where are you? Hope you're feeling a little bit better. The Cymbalta really helps with my joint pain from my AI.

    Nancy... Enjoy your travels. Safe trip home!

    NM.... It's nice here now so it should be coming your way I can only hope. Keep Sadie warm. And scratch her ears for me! Hope you enjoyed all your treats!!

    Lori... Wow I'm really sorry about your mom. That's so stressful and so upsetting. It's very hard to be the responsible one from thousands of miles away. Also I'm concerned about you. You're in my thoughts every day.

    Cami... Hope you're feeling a little bit better. As it comes to the Christmas season. Enjoy your family party and say hello to Joey for me!!

    Lara... Super congratulations on your masters! How wonderful for you!!

    Happy weekend everyone cooking and cooking and cooking for me!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Oh dear, went to bed early (7 pm), therefore I was up at 1 am!

    Cami, you are such a sweetie, thank you. I didn't know there was a difference in anti depressants and anti anxiety. In fact, I'm not sure if I've even heard of anti anxiety ones. I got my thyroid meds and some high dose Vitamin D, and I don't mean diarrhea! My hair has been falling out like crazy. Doc said that could be the Vitamin D too. Julie has a beautiful accent. You've never been in a Wal Mart or a Target??? Wowsa! Is your party today?

    Lara, sorry you have the flu. But OMG, hearing those little girls.....freaky! You know someone that might be able to help Dara?

    Julie, mom got her new furnace yesterday. My brother and I paid for it, $2500.00. The anit-D is Fluoxetine. As for thyroid meds, I was not any. I ran out about a year ago, and of course you need to see the doc before they will give you new script. So back on the Armour Thyroid.

    Dara, my mom could have had the state pay for the furnace, but she would have had to get 3 estimates, and they would cover the lowest. But with temps below freezing, we could not wait for all of that to transpire. My heart aches so bad for you and DD. I just can't even imagine having my baby taken from me. Are you guys allowed to visit the baby? This is bonding time, for both mother and baby! Just makes me sick.

    Tobbi, stressful for sure! Thanks for thinking of me. You are cooking or baking? When I think of the candies, I think of it as baking. Are you making any special Christmas caramels?

    NM, you and Sadie may be around soon. I hope you are feeling better after whatever happened at work. Hopefully you two will enjoy sleeping in and lots of cuddles.

    Well, it's almost 3 am now....I wonder if I could possibly go back to bed??? I don't think so, I don't think I can go back to sleep yet. Ummmm, what to have for a cocktail??? I know....

    The Insomniac!

    3 oz espresso 
    1 tbsp instant coffee 
    1/2 oz hazelnut liqueur (frangelico) 
    1/2 oz coffee liqueur (tia maria,kahlua) 
    2 oz milk 
    2 oz cream

    Blend all ingredients with 2 scoops of ice. Pour into a poco grande glass. Sprinkle some optional nutmeg or cinnamon on top.
    Serve in "Mug"

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    lori-all i can say is that your mum's state has got limiting access to things they pay for down to a fine art! and that is not a good thing. it took about 2 weeks for the increased dose of thyroid to make me feel better ,if your nervous about the anti d , start your thyroid first and then your anti d, my sister has been on that one for years and does well with it.

    (((((((((((((darla dd))))))))))))))

    hey prn ,hope your not working too hard

    cammi-enjoy your party today

    nancy-hope your back home after your travels

    mary-hope your feeling better

    hope you all, have a good weekend ladies

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Got a very pretty little snow going on here, very, very pretty getting up this morning.Not going to amount to anything, which is nice for a change.

    Goldie--so sorry your mom is not doing well.And furnace bills can be the pitts.Glad to hear your thyroid is off, that's pretty easy to fix, compared to others.

    Only here in the HTL would the statement "Gladto hear your thyroid is off" be considered a positive one!

    Cammy--nope, not on call this weekend.We're fully staffed, so no regular call or weekends, only when the weekend nurse or the weeknight call nurse is off on vacay or out sick.I take Sadie to work with me on a limited basis, around once a month or so, on a day I know I'm not going to be busy and the weather is ok for her to be in the car for long periods of times.When the power was out she went to work with me every day as it was too cold for her to stay in the house, but that was an exception.I don't want her presence to become a distraction or bothersome to anyone at the office.Have fun getting your hair cut!

    ORLA--how'd you get the flu?Isn't the flu shot program supposed to make the flu go away?(Be sarcastic, don't much believe in flu shots!)Take care of yourself, ok?Wow, sounds like you hear ghosts!I would have freaked, too!

    Julie--Love the Friendship saying!

    Dara--I cannot imagine how much this situation is upsetting you.It will pass, but in the meantime you have to live through it.Hopefully SD's altercation with his sister can be taken into account when he and DD go to court.Trust your lawyer and do as he says, OK?Sill praying.

    PRN--I did enjoy the pecan caramels, ate the whole box at once!I'm trying to spread out the second box so I have more time to enjoy them.But there is no eating just one!Sadie say thanks for the ear scratches.

    Goldie--anti-anxiety meds are the benzodiazepines--valium, xanax, ativan, and are very helpful medications at times!Fluoxetine is the generic of prozac, that's the one I take.It does take a few weeks to kick in fully, but it makes a huge difference for me.And yes, the whole thing at work is in the past.There's one person at one of the nursing homes I go to that is not a supporter of Hospice, and the patient was a favorite of her's, so she was lashing out in grief that she doesn't allow anyone to see.Her rant just hit me wrong after I'd worked really hard to put a lot of things in place in a very short period of time (that nursing home often does not refer to Hospice until the resident is actively dying).The fact that the whole scene was done in front of someone from the doc' office and family members just made it worse, since I couldn't say anything.But it's over and done, and I am praying for her.

    I like that insomniac drink!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Hello everyone. I am back after a long week at Vegas. Checking in was eventful and so was coming home. We just got out of Vegas in time. We had to circle around in the air in Minneapolis before we could land due to air traffic for 30 min. Then after a 3 hr layover there we had to sit on the plane for an hour because they needed a safety part and they couldnt leave without it. So they make this announcement and my brother and I are sitting in first class so I said well since we are sitting here I am gonna have a Jack and Diet Coke so I did. My brother decided to join me and when he took a sip he says what did you have them put in here? I said Jack and Diet Coke. He makes a funny face and I said Oh I forgot to tell you I was a whisky girl didnt I. We laughed. Hes a Rum guy. We finally got home around 1130 pm our time. I was exhausted. One of my friends who lives in Reno got delayed 6 hrs out of Vegas. There was a bad storm or something and lots of air traffic we could see lots of planes last night.

    Dara I am so so sorry you have to go through all this crap. Just remember your not alone. We are all here holding your hand and praying for you. Things will work out in the end the way they are supposed to. Gods watching over lil David, I like that name too. I love you girl.

    Julie I am sorry about your aunt. This is a hard time of year to loose someone you love.

    Mema I hope your back is ok. Hugs to you and love you too.

    I go to my Neurologist on Monday. I still am having trouble eating. Just not too hungry. Anxious to see how much weight I gave lost. The conference was really good. Oh and Dara my sister and I decorated for our company party. We came up with the ideas and she and I put it all together. But she is a great party planner.

    Love you all. Genny how are you?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Julie, my mom is so frustrated and depressed. She has had so much happen to her recently, plus being almost bed bound. Which is her own fault on that one. I just don't know how I can help. I guess I just can't! I look up that anti-d, it's Prozac!

    NM yep, just like you said, Prozac. I guess I don't like the SE's that I read and when you go off of it, you have to wean off of it. I do have some Vitamin D though. Usually take that at night on occasion for sleeping.

    Welcome home Nancy. I hate having travel plans messed up like that, as it can really cause some issues if you have other flights to make. Glad that wasn't your case. Funny about your DB and the whiskey. I think you, Mary and Tobbi need your Stripper Name, you can see some of us have it in our tag line. Here is how you get it.....

    1. Use the third letter of
    your first name to determine your new first name: a = Chesty, b = Fantasia, c =
    Starr, d = Diamond, e = Montana, f =Angel, g = Sugar, h = Mimi, i = Lola, j =
    Kitty, k = Roxie, l = Dallas,

    m = Princess, n = Heidi, o = Bambi, p = Bunny,
    q = Brandy, r = Sugar, s= Candy, t = Raquelle, u = Sapphire, v = Cinnamon, w =
    Blaze, x =Trixie, y = Isis, z = Jade

    2. Use the second letter of your last name to
    determine the first half of your new last name:

    a = Leather, b = Dream, c = Sunny, d = Deep,e =
    Heaven, f = Tight, g =Shimmer, h = Velvet, i = Lusty, j = Harley,k = Passion, l
    = Dazzle, m =Dixon, n = Spank, o = Glitter, p = Razor,q = Meadow, r = Glitz, s
    = Sparkle, t = Sweet, u = Silver, v = Tickle,w = Cherry, x = Hard, y =Night, z
    = Amber

    3. Use the third letter of your last name to
    determine the second half of your new last name:

    a = hooter, b = horn, c = tower, d = fire, e =
    thighs, f = hips, g = side,h = jugs, i = shock, j = cocker, k = brook, l =
    tush, m = sizzle, n= ridge, o = kiss, p = bomb, q = cream, r = thong, s = heat,
    t = whip, u = cheeks, v = rock, w = hiney, x = button, y = lick, z = juice


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - I think u may b right about my back, but still hoping it's arthur ritis.  When will Leslie be finished with her classes?  Did realize they had to learn so much, but find it comforting. 

    Julie - may she RIP, prayers to you and the family, I am so sorry for your loss.

    Dara - that is total bs what is happing with your family.  I don't blame you for crying.  I'd b a blubbering idiot if I was in your shoes.  I will be saying extra prayers for you and yours, and yes, you will get thru this.  I hope he is in jail too.  And yes please document everything that happened, date it too, you may need it later.   Hope things went better in court yesterday.  ((D))   OK so I see what happened now in court yesterday.  Only way to get him outta house is eviction providing his name is not on the lease anywhere.  Curious to kno what your atty says.

    NM - about time they implemented it.  What makes them think they are entitled to welfare????  Oh don't get me started!  Interesting about the bus drivers calling the school or no school days...very odd indeed.  Thanks for opening the chapel, think I'll go in and light a candle while I pray for all our girls.  And, I think peeps take this way to serious, you rarely ever see a nativity set anymore only xmas decos, cuz some are offened supposedly on the 'God' aspect of xmas? why do peeps get all bent outta shape?  Glad UM put them back up.

    Oh yea, Benzodiazepines or something like that I hear the longer you are on it the greater your chance of getting Alzheimers.  The DR OZ wrote an article on it but that doesn't make it so. idk.

    Lowee - no I haven't heard that it gets worse with rads b4 better.  But I did hear once they radiate, they can't come back and radiate again.  Like months later n such.  Don't kno if that's tru either.  Glad you got your dx and that it is controlable, why wudn't you take the meds?  Too many se's?  Am sorry to hear about your mom, must be awful hard on you being so far away.  Do you kno why brother not helping with the furnace?  Never mind, I see brother came thru and you are getting back on ur meds.  Don't be afraid of anti-d's or anti-anx's, they are harmless over short term and I think you do have to wean off them.  Love the Insomniac.  Was strange to see the time you posted that.

    Hi Prn!

    Welcome home Nancy.  Sounds like it was an exhausting trip to and from. 

    Lubslubslubs and lots of prayers to all you wonderful ladies!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    PRN, good to see ya. I wish I had some of your tasty caramels right now. But maybe it is best I do not, I have gained weight and it it making my puka scar hurt more ugh.

    Lori, I think you should give the prozac a try. I was on it for a number of years and it worked very well with NO side effects. You do have to wean off but it is not nearly as bad as it is going off of effexir. I really hope you will give it a chance. For me, it was more for controlling anxiety and anger. I was forced to go off it when I was switched to tammy, I went off of the effexir and now take cymbalta which is working well....I have not yet smashed anything which is good considering what I am dealing with.

    My focus for today is my house. I am doing work and preparing for my tree. I might go out tonight or tomorrow to pick one. I have had a real tree every year. I had thought about just not bothering this year but I think it will brighten up my mood. I am feeling better today, thanks for all the kind words and prayers, I love you all.

    I think I forgot to mention about my dr appt yesterday, I am going to have surgery on my elbow to bix my hand. The girls that have been here for several years know that I had the same surgery on my left arm about four years ago I think. Maybe three. So my plan is to go back to work, work for a minimum of two weeks, then just call out sick and tell them I need emergency surgery. They will assume it is RB related and that is ok. That way, they will not be able to terminate my employment. Oh I am fn slick!

    Well I want to get back to working, I am making some good progress for a change. I have been depressed but God knows, it is understandable. I am trying not to whip on myself.

    Love you girls, have a great SaturDEY night. I will try to pop in and partay with you all. Where is Lara? I want to partay with her again!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!The pretty dusting of snow melted away yesterday.Was really pretty, too.Oh, well, better melted than building up.

    Collett--sounds like you had a great time in Vegas, good for you!Sorry the departure got messed up by the weather, glad you are home safe now.How was the company party?

    Goldie--I can imagine your Mom is so upset with all the changes in her life.Yes, prozac can have some side effects.True, you can't (or shouldn't) stop it all at once.But depression, with the lack of energy, aches and pains, and struggles with everyday life are a whole lot worse, at least for me.I'd encourage you to give it a try, you can wean off it if it doesn't work, but it can make a huge difference when depression is a problem.But that's just my opinion.

    I remember the Stripper Name game!Fun!

    Mema--Apparently the only "offensive" HOLIDAY decorations are Christian ones.Anything else is ok, or better, but not Christianity.It's beginning to make me upset.Time for Christians to start complaining.It was one student complaint at the U of M that started that whole ruckus.And I'm still trying to figure out how getting drug tested or having a photo on your welfare card makes it harder to "access benefits".I have to show photo ID for stuff, too, it's not such a hard thing to do.

    Benzodiazepines may cause Alzheimer's.Cooking on Teflon pans may cause Alzheimer's.Drinking soda from aluminium cans may cause Alzheimer's.We haven't gota clue what causes Alzheimer's, really.

    Dara--Good for you for focusing on your house.That will lift your spirits and DD's, too.How much does your Dad understand of what is going on?