how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Hm, I'm Dandy Van Wrinkly!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    LDB, I dunno about a candle in our inflatable chappel. I mean some of us are rather clumsy. Maybe one of those battery operated ones would be more appropriate for us dwunkards? Not wanting to take the prozac cuz of SE's and you have to wean off of them. And I just hate taking pills. I have plenty of Vitamin D, I think I'll stick to those, as needed. As for rads, I too hear you can't have them a second time. And the pain getting worse and then better, I've pretty much heard that from those that had it to the hips. Not sure if it applies everywhere. And the rads were only given to help with the pain. I was up way too early, hence the time The Insomniac was posted!

    OMG Dara, I remember some of your fits of rage. I know in reality it was not funny, but I have to say, they did make me laff. But you have been a good goil, and no fits. You desoyve a dwink! Gosh, you have had to take so much time off from work, due to surgeries! Do you know how much total? So glad you are able to do that. And where did that adorable picture of Baby David come from, on FB? And you din't answer my question about whether or not Jennika and/or you are able to bisit him. And iffin you don't answer me, I'm taking your dwink there! Is DD staying with you?

    NM, I think all of those things that cause Alzheimers also cause cancer!!! I don't think they know, it's all rubbish if you ask me. I say if you like it, use it. If you like it, drink it. If you like it, take it. Get my drift? Although I try not to use my teflon pans, plus they are a little scratched. If I had new ones, I would use them more. As for Dr. Oz, sorry LDB, but I don't much care for him or what he has to say.

    Cami, how wuz your party? I think you party more than any of us!

    Nancy, hopefully you are rested up from your trip.

    PRN, conjugal bisit soon, right?

    Ms Mary??? Where are you?

    Oh My, dat was a difficult puzzle to do! And I'm sober! But mese tinks I iz Tinkles Muffintop. Mom called yesterday and was so thankful for the furnace, that she thought we pulled through for her, that she should try harder for us, and she walked from her bedroom to the kitchen!! Told her how proud I was of her! That is where she was before, with walking, so I am pleased with that. She is so afraid of falling. So this has made me feel better, DH and I had a talk, and that has made me feel better as well. So I am going to hold off on the Prozac for now. I have it if I need it. And like I said, I have some Vitamin V too! Which doesn't NOT have to be taken daily, just as needed. I like that better.

    Dandy Van Wrinkly, where's our DOTD? How about this "THE DANDY". And it's nice and summery looking! Ain't it purdy? The Dandy from the Belgraves edible flower cocktail menu manages to be sour yet fruity, with a subtle taste of honey. You can make yours just as pretty by garnishing with a whole host of colourful edible flowers.


    30ml Vodka
    10ml Lime Juice
    50 ml Lychee Juice (no idea what this is)
    75 ml Champagne
    2 Dandelions

    Mix together the vodka, lime juice, lychee juice and dandelion petals in a shaker. Pour the pastel-coloured mixture over crushed ice and top with champagne and edible flowers.

    It’s almost too beautiful to drink!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good morning from bubbles shakenbake

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited December 2014

    I'm skittle knimbleknees!! Lol. Ty NM. too fun!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    candy cane van poofel ? lol.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Hi goils, Sugar Leatherridge here. Haven't done the elf thing yet. Sorry about being MIA and thanks girls for your concern. I am having some major personal problems that I'm not ready to share but it has been all consuming and I have not been on the internet. I have spent the last 45 minutes reading and catching up. Physically I am much better, They upped my thyroid med and put me on Cymbalta. B-12 was normal. I feel so much better in just 1 week, I actually sat on the floor and wrapped presents tonight and was able to get up again. Took the dogs for a 45 minute walk today too. Yesterday DH and I painted our bedroom, today bought new curtains and bedspread, it looks so nice. I babysat Nora on Friday, seems she may be calling me Yah-yah. Kinda cute I think. Then I spent the night at Molly's to decompress a bit. DH and I are going to go to marriage counseling on Thursday which is about all I'm going to say but we are having some issues that popped up suddenly for me and I did not see coming. Never been to a counselor, I hope she's good and can help us. She's the same one I thought about going to last month to deal with my cancer issues but never did. I want 2014 over so effing bad, this has been the worst year of my life.

    Dara, I am so sorry for all that you are going thru. My heart aches for you and your daughter and little David. Thanks for your concern for me, and for the PM on FB. I am going thru a rough time as well, hopefully we will both be in a better place by Christmas.

    Lori, I'm praying for you everyday. I hope you have good news by Christmas as well. Thanks for the messages and phone call. I will try not to stay away for so long again.

    SuzieQ, I hope your back pain is just arthritis, praying for you too.

    To everybody else, love you girls, miss you all, will be back soon. I posting pics of my sweetie when I took her to see Santa last week. Sweet dreams to all of you...Love, love you goils!



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Hey everyone. My uhmm stripper name is Hide Glitter Tush lol. My Elf name is Bubbles McPopples lol. Both crack me up.

    I am still trying to recover from last week. Still tired and very sleepy. ") Since rads I just have not been hungry. I am not sure if they got some of my stomach or what but I just do not have an appetite. Maybe its the Tamoxifen Im not really sure yet. Most times Im nauseous. I have been eating Ginger gum like its going out of style. It helps though. My pants are falling down. Im gonna have to ask Santa for more clothes. My breast is still slightly pink and still sensitive. But I expect that still.

    Mary hang in there girl. My DH and I had our problems too but they were at the beginning of my diagnosis. It will all work out the way it is supposed to. I am glad your getting help. I am seeing a Neuro Psychologist now due to my head injury and it really has helped me. It will be a long road for me but she is also helping with the Cancer crap too. Its a lot to deal with. Communication is huge. Hang in there. Hugs.. Nora is adorable!!

    NM our company party was awesome. My sister is a great party planner and always puts on a fun party. I will post some pictures of us for you all.

    Dara love little Davids pictures he is adorable! You hang in there Nana it will all work out.

    Lori that drink looks awful yummy!! Love ya!

    Hi Mema big hug!! Lub ya!!


    This is Brandi, my sister and Lora our Business Manager at the party


    My brother and his wife


    Me and our Sales Rep Josh


    My honey


    Poker anyone




    Our Two Drivers and his wife

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014


    My Niece Emily Morgan and Nephew Matthew. Emily is a Freshman at BSU and Morgans in 8th grade Mat is a Senior in high school. I love them!!


    Jackson with my DBIL


    Jackson dancing at church last night at Jingle Jam


    Emily and Matthew


    Jackson and my DBIL


    Jackson making a reindeer

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good dark ayem, Loungettes!Ah, it is Monday again.What can I say about Mondays?One day needs to keep the weekend from bumping into the middle of the week, right?

    Goldie--good point about a battery operated candle in the Inflatable Chapel.Better to be safe, right?You are right, there is a maximum amount of rads a person can get to any part of the body, 'cuz the rads causes cancer, the more likely the higher the dose goes.Yup, I think everything can cause cancer, or Alzheimer's, or something.I think the only thing that doesn't cause all those things is death, and I ain't goin' there anytime soon.

    Oh, my, that Dandy looks . . .DANDY!

    Mornin, Bubbles and Skittle!And Candy Cane!

    Genny--Sorry to hear about you having issues, praying it works out soon.Nora calling you Yah-Yah is very cute!

    Collett--hee, hee, great names!Great pics!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Dandy! Too good not to give a second day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Dandy Van Wrinkly, Tinkles Muffintop, Bubbles Shake n Bake, Skittle Knimble Knees, CandyCane Van Poofel, Bubbles McPopples. Love it! Tinkles fits me quite well!!!! If ya know what I mean?

    Yah Yah, that is coot! And iffin you wanted, you could keep it. My DD called everything dia, well my mom wanted that to be her name. And to this day, my DD calls her Dia and the other grands call her D. Oh dear on the counselor, or rather the reason for. I'm so sorry, is the issue about DH and BC? Please share when you are ready Mary. I really do believe we are the best support group for one another, and of course you have Molly too. Give her a hug from me! As for me, I won't know anything until AFTER Christmas, per MY wish. And see what happens when you share your number and you don't show up for awhile? Which makes me think, I should call a few others. We have had some gals disappear, and because we don't have a way to contact them, we don't know what hurts. You goils are my friends, my support and I love and care about all of you, and I think I speak for everyone of us here.

    Wow Nancy, not eating is ok for the weight loss, but we know not healthy. Please try and get some protien in. Most ladies I know, including myself, GAINED weight! I gained 20 pounds, but lost most of it about a year ago. I am now only 5 pounds heavier than I was pre-cancer. I'm good with that. LOVE the pictures! Who's the little girl getting smushed with the hug from Matthew and Emily? Cute! Thanks for sharing your family with us.

    Had a nice long chat on the phone with someone in Kansas, could have talked for hours more! Love ya girl.

    Good point NM, the only thing that doesn't cause cancer is death. And I don't want to go there anytime soon either!!!! The Dandy is great for today too, and it's so pretty! I would really like to try one! I see SS (Silly Sadie) saved you from taking defective candy to Gotta love her!

    DH and I had a wonderful day yesterday and a great dinner. We usually sit at the counter and have something on TV. Well, I decided to have it at the table and we had wine as well. Also, he doesn't like to talk when he eats. I told him I wanted dinner and conversation. So we had steak, shrip cocktail, baked potato, salad, galic bread and a bottle of Merlot! It was wonderful and he enjoyed it as well. Much better than Prozac if you ask me!

    Tinkles Muffin Top aka Sugar Lusty Heat

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good for you lori, and knowing your mum is trying i bet that put a smile on your face

    nancy- hope your lack of appetite resolves soon, i'm only 6lb away from my weight before i went to the wedding! love the photos

    (((((((((mary))))))))))) miss nora is absolutely adoreble

    dara-ok baby david photo on fb does this mean you all got to see him

    sue-thinking of you

    nm-how much candy did sadie leave you?

    ok cammi update on the party please?

    hello 4, lara,,prn, have a good day ladies

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    I'm Snappy O'Flooples?!?!  WTF is O'Flooples...LOL!  NM u r prolly right about 'the unknown' when it comes to Alzheimers but my DH believes as if gospel.  I agree about the Christian population just not caring enuf to rise up, we shud start a movement.

    Lowee - LOL how u talking smack to Dara. Am surprised u take a supplement of Vit D.   Don't you get that from the sun?  I heard 15-20 in the sun a day gives the body plenty of the vit D.  I can see those in long dreary winter states would need it, but thought u and I get plenty.  I started taking it after my dx, then pc did a blood work up and I was way high, so haven't taken it since.  idk! And oppps, no real candles is a good idea, we shud get some and set em up in there.  Awwww sounds like the poyfect dinner.  I wudda loved it.  Wish I could drink wine, I do that with my dh, not that it would make a diff, but I'd try it, even drink the wine...LOL. 

    LOL, loving all the Elf names

    Mary - My heart aches for you and all you are going thru.  Am glad healthwise you are doing better, now just get the emotional aspects on the road to healthy too.  Praying for ya and sending positive energy  (((Mary)))  Cutiepatooti pics of Nora n Santa.

    Dara - I hope you find a pretty tree and get it all deco'd up so it'll brighten you days.  When do u go back to work?  Where is DD living now?  And do you two get to visit David at all?  I kno someone asked but I don't recall your answer.  Do you have a date for you elbow surgery yet u f'n slick woman you!  (((D)))

    Nancy - Ginger gum, hafta look for that.  I'm still nauseated much of the time but the compazine helps.  Cool pics, looks like fun was had by all, thanks for sharing.  ANd of course Jackson is just adorable.  Hope you get your appetite back soon.  Be a bummer not to enjoy all the xmas goodies!

    lubslubslubslubslubs and lots of smiles....muah muah muah, kisses too!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls!

    NM, loving the elf names. That is funny. Sorry you have to get up while it is still dark. The days will start getting longer next week. I am counting down days until Spring, it is 96 days, 4 hours, 24 minutes, lol.

    Mary, glad you popped in, sending prayers and positive thoughts to you. As I said before, iffen ya wanna talk, I am here. Your Nora is jest soooo pretty.

    Julie, we have visitation twice a week. But the pic you saw on facebook is one I hocked from my daughter and posted. I want to keep our issue private so I thought that I should post pictures now and then.

    Sue, glad to see ya my love. I do not have a surgery date, going to get that on MLK day. I do not know when I go back to work, I will pick a return date once I see my doctor on the 30th. I have to return before 1/18 else I will be termiinated as that is the six month mark. This has been my longest disability yet. I have to return for a minimum of ten business days before I can take a new disability. I am looking at late Jan/early Feb for surgery. I am trying to remember when I had my left arm operated on, I know it was this time of year but can't remember if 3 or 4 years ago. It is not an easy surgery but the doctor said should be done asap as I already have some atrophy in my hand from muscle deterioration.

    Lori, thanks for calling and lifting my spirits. Glad your dinner turned out so well and that it was romantic, wooo hooo!

    Lara, I sent you a response to your PM. Hope you are feeling better and over the flu. That sucks for you.

    Nancy, welcome home. I loved the pics you posted. Any talk of an engagement for your son? I am fircited and hope it happens. You can tell us, we will not leak the story lol.

    My tree is done and I must say it is the most beautiful tree ever. I get a fresh cut tree and my house smells heavenly. Now to put all the crap back up in the attic. I was going to decorate out front but decided to just put up my wreath, put bows over my windows and put a spot light on the house. It is just too much for my to drag out everything else and deal with hooking up the electric. I was not going to bother doing anything but I do not want my neighbors to think I was Jewish. That would be easier, would just put out a Minora and call it a day lol.

    I am feeling a little better today, each day is a bit easier without baby David. I miss him so much. I will visit on Thursday or Friday when Jennika visits. The sun has just come out for the first time all month, or at least it seems that long, at least a week. Sigh~

    You are all in my prayers, love you girls and thank you as always for your love and support.

    Have a wonderful monkeydey girls, cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Hi everyone, boy did I miss a lot.

    Dara u have had more surgeries than anyone I know and u know I pray each time. And all u'r going thru has to be horrendous, That SOB-SD has caused so much nonsense trouble, he's evil to do this to his own baby, I wish he'd find someone else and leave u 3 alone. But it has to turn out soon and all for u and u'r DD.

    Mary whatever the problems are I'm so glad u r seeing a counselor right away and prayers that u'r troubles wii start to lessen and lesson.  Love u'r pics.

    Nancy I'm sure they'll figure out what's going on and u'll start to feel better and wow what a party--Jackson is so adorable

    Julie u are to much, Joey was so so so thrilled and he remembered of course last year and we better talk on the phone soon cuz he wants to hear u'r accent now, when I told him where u are from, Thank you Julie u r too kind. And still take it easy please.

    Lori I didn't know about Vitamin D helping with anxiety--I just take mine once a week If that heps than just go for it, bit always know there's other help and I've always heard that Prozac is a good one, I've never taken it but heard it was--I take Paxil and I do know tha's good for anxiety, I've been on it for a very long time tho, And I'm sure u feel better about u'r mom, and glad u got the new furnace, what a relief or u so that part is good. And how sweet to have a special dinner for u and u'r DH--I think everyone should do that every so often, well if they have someone, otherwise a TV is good enough. I'm praying lots for u too Lori, u know that.

    NM I'm glad the weather is better for u and ours is OK too. But getting up in the dark is horrible, I know and as usual Dara is right the daytime starts pretty soon, 1 minute a dayLOL

    Lara I hope u'r feeling better--I orgot do u have a dog or cat? Cuz that's my barametor for me to tell me if something isn't right around me.

    My party was so much fun, we laughed so much, but I didn't go to sleep til 4:30am the next day, that's why I wasn't on here at all, but I did work, but so tired I could barely talk or hear. I acutually asked could the lady on the phone please spell her name (cuz I couldn't figure it out) so she was kind enough to spell ANN, now u see how bad I am without sleep or at least being home cuz my feet looked like balloons in a parade. But it was fun.

    Oh Katie is crawing all over me and Lori I liked that DOTD, I'm likeing more and more lately.

    LUBS TO ALL really

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Evening ladies!! Its yet another gloomey nasty night here but at least I get to be here with you all.

    Lori I promise I try to eat something I just cant finish or nothing sounds good. If I do eat its fruit or just a few bites. I went to my neurologist today and when I was at my last rad appointment two weeks ago I weighed in at 194. Today I am 180. I really dont understand why Im either not hungry or sometimes just nauseated. The I see my PCP next week and the Rad doc as well so we will see what they say. My Neurologist thinks it is either side effects from the Tamoxifen or I got some scattered rad to my stomach. I hope you get good news. Thats my Christmas wish for you my friend. And I am with you.. You all are my friends and support as well and I care very much about all of you.

    Mema that gum is made by Sea Band. The Cancer Center told me about it. Its Ginger gum by Sea Band and you can get it at any CVS or Wal Greens but it really helps. I have been using it a lot lately so I can eat. If I dont chew it I get so nauseated I cant eat anything cause nothing looks or sounds good. I cant even finish a Beer or a Margarita now you know thats not right. lol,

    Cami I am glad you had a good time at your party. I love parties. They can be so much fun. My sister and I really like to plan them.

    Dara no talk yet from my son about any engagements. Hopefully next week I will get some good news either from my son or daughter. Wouldnt that be nice. Im not counting on it though. They are both doing really good though. I love you Dara. Wish I could give you a big hug.

    Oh and Lori the little girl getting smashed by Emily and Matthew is my niece (their sister) Morgan. I call her Momo. She is my baby. Shes in 8th grade. She is such a sweet girl. Im close to my nieces and nephews.


    This was me and Morgan at Emily's graduation party last summer. I had just found out I had Breast Cancer

    Mema I love the Elf name lol. Love you all!! Oh hey we better be good, Santa's watching!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    My prayer for you all my friends:

    Dear Lord, You've done so much for me

    Thank You with all my soul

    But, I've something to ask of thee

    Needing Your grand control

    I've waged this battle and I've won

    Yet, others battle still

    For some, their journey's just begun

    Please guide each in Your will.

    I've walked this road; I've felt each bump

    I have conquered Your test

    I've grown much wiser, since the lump

    Located in my breast

    I see the world much differently

    I pray others will, too

    So many fight audaciously

    Lord, help to see them through.

    Dear Lord, I ask with all my heart

    Please touch these special lives

    Bless them with courage from the start

    Bring hope into their eyes

    Let their hope shine a hallowed light

    That burns forevermore

    To honor their spirited fight

    And our dreams for a cure.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another day, another adventure.

    Goldie--you are right, I worry when Loungettes disappear from the HTL without explanation.I just pray they are getting on with life and bc has taken a back seat.Yup, Silly Sadie ate a whole batch of cream cheese candies.They weren't hardening up, I must have mis-measured something. She really keeps me out of trouble.

    Julie--Sadie left one batch.She'll probably get that batch, too, eventually, and not all at once!

    Mema--O'Flooples?Too funny!And I agree that Christians need to be more vocal, but we tend to not want to appear disrespectful to everyone else, so we don't say much.We do need to start a (respectful) movement!

    Dara--Counting down the days to Spring?Great idea!And I am so glad that the days will start getting longer soon, even if it will be a very long time before I'm getting up with sunlight!Still, it will come.Don't forget to post a pic of your tree, we want to see!Don't blame you for not doing a lot of other outside stuff.

    Holy cow, a school here in Maine is closed today due to e-mail threats that were received last night.At least 2 e-mail accounts used to send the threats.Exactly what the threat was isn't being said.What is this world coming to?

    Cammy--oh, my, that must have been some partay!We are currently at -6 hrs 48 minutes of daylight.Can't wait for that to start going the other way!

    Collett--That is a great pic!Momo is a very pretty young lady.Praying to find out what is up with your tummy ASAP.

    Beautiful prayer.

    Dandy van Wrinkly's DOTD:

    Elf Tea

    1 oz Peppermint Liqueur

    1 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Sugar

    3 oz Iced Tea


    Pour the peppermint liqueur and iced tea into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and sweeten to taste. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon over the top, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Julie, I just can't bring myself to take those pills. I'm actually afraid to!!! I talked to my mom on Monday and she did not venture out of the bedroom. Did not talk to her yesterday. And it seems as though you are still doing remarkably well. You have had me cracking up at your naughty elf on a shelf.

    LDB, Dara talks smack to us sometimes, so I can talk smack to her!!! LOL. Not sure if she checked my Vit. D or not, but I know it has something to do with the absorbtion of the calcium. As for getting it from the sun, I'm not really outside much and it's COLD. Wine doesn't have to be the beverage of choice, could have MILK! What's causing your nausea?

    Dara, I too am looking forward to longer days. Spring not so much, as that can be very windy and annoying here. I thought you were gonna share a pic of your tree? And glad you will get to see that little bundle of JOY. I have not one thing out for Christmas. Oh wait, I take that back. I put my Christmas tablecloth on my table!

    Cami, it's not Vit. D for anxiety it's Vit. V (V as in Valium). And I do know you are thinking of me and praying for me, and the rest of the gals too. Too funny about having the lady spell ANN for you. Sorry about your swollen tootsies, but glad you had fun. Who has the pictures???

    Nancy, I did not do Tammy (ha ha, how funny does that sound?) but don't know of anyone that did and lost weight. These pills mess with your hormones and your hormones are needed for metabolism. No metabolism=weight gain. I hope they can figure it out. Fruit is not protein, altho good for you, you need protien. As for the neices, I guess I thought Emily Morgan was one person! AMEN, or as we say here, BARMEN to your prayers.

    NM, less than 7 hours of daylight? Can't be. Or is it going by sun up and sun down, which it's still light before and after those. Me tinks you like to bake? Do you put up a Christmas tree or other decos?

    Weather here has the potential to get bad, so we are leaving tomorrow. Heading to Phoenix, doctor appointments on Thursday (pocket party), head to CA on Friday, stay there I think until Sun or Mon, then back to Vegas! OY VEY! LDB, I'll see if there is a way I can come see you, but we have so much stuff to do and get done, that I doubt very much it will happen. I think we will be back every couple of months, so once we get things running smoothly, then I'll have more time when we come.

    Pants, you are such a dear, escorting me to the hot tub with some Elf Tea in hand......thank you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning everyond.

    NM what time did u get up? seems awfully early? Is Sadie's stomach all right--that's a lot of cream cheese. LOL Our furbaby will eat everything he can get--so we have to be careful, but the cat is much pickier.

    Nancy beautiful poem and I never heard o that gum, but it sounds easy to get, good idea. Thnks for the tip. I'm sure u know but please try to drink things with electrolytes in them.

    Oh the weather is supposed to drop fast today rom upper 40's to 30 in like an hour. And maybe snow, I hate that cuz Leslie has school tonite and has to drive, still worry about my kids. damn does it ever stop.

    Dara I'm gad u put up a tree is's kind of a bright feeling for u and forget outside u don't see that often anyway. I told u all Marty was never interested in any tree==I bought them many years ago a tree for the wall and he did put that up and nothing else. And now this is so true he has more inside and out than most people and he wnts more, Leslie had to stop him this yr. And every room in this house has lites and decorations--it took yrs. for him to become a Griswold, but it's official. Les is trying some new appetizers and so far so good.--Christmas Eve is all appetizers and desserts and everyone brngs them and brings what they want to mix their drinks with--Leslie is not thrilled about it--if she really liked them she would be, but whenever they all get together and drink someone always starts an argument and makes her so sad, cuz it's the Holiday, we go to our side and no one stops laughing and we ll drink too. It's kind of funny cuz my side drinks until they feellike they had enough marty side drinks to get wicked drunk and then they are not so nice. Atleast they have a grab bag tho. I jst buy for my sister and my 5 nieces. (just something small) OK I'm rambling again----

    I can't find my one shoe, I think I left it in the back seat of my cousins car, most people  would find that hard to believe, but when u'r feel are kind of numb it makes sense. So I hope that's where it is cuz they are my comfy shoes. Oh well

    OK phones are going have to get to work Bah Humbug.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Dara - what's the news on baby?  Where's SD and your DD?  I worry so and pray so hard that an agreement can be reached soon.   Glad you get to visit, but only 2 days a week?  How is DD holding up?   OK, now I understand about the time off and surgery.  Pretty cool that you can reapply after 10 business work days.  Hate that you have to have more surgery.  LOL about the Minora, but your tree sounds beautiful.  I love the smell of pine/fir trees.  Haven't had a real one in my house for about 10 years.  I do miss it sometimes. 

    Mary - Sending love and prayers out to you.

    Cami - You sound like you're doing pretty good.  Hope you find your shoes....LOL sorry but that is too funny.  Your party was a success and u were up so late and then phone calls next day, funny about ANN...LOL, you jes cwack me up.  Thanks for the laughs.

    Nancy - thats for the brand of that gum.  I kno how you feel about the nausea, I've lost almost 15 pounds.  My appetite is nothing like it was, for all those reasons, don't sound good, trouble with taste buds, etc.  Hope they can get you something to help but like Lori says you need protein.  Might try those protein drinks until it turns around.  (((Nancy)))  Thanks for the prayer too.

    NM - emailing threats, just too much.  Obviously serious enuf to cancel school.  Just don't know about peeps sometimes.  Love the name of the DOTD.

    Lowee - Ok you two smack talkers....LOL cwack me up.  I kno we could have out killa but my dh is def not a romantic.  Miss it sometimes but can't teach an old dog new tricks.  I did the candle lites on our anniversary, was just barely OK, cuz he just 'went along with it'.  O well.  And no worries about you LV trips and trying to see me, it'll happen when it's 'posed to.  I think my nausea is from my Kadcyla treatment.  I should really test it.  Take compazine only for 1st week after tx and see if it dissipates on it's own til next tx.  Yah, thinks thats what I'll do.

    Gotta drive up to St Geo in a bit.  DS bank does not have a branch here, so it's either St Geo or LV.  St Geo closer as it can't wait, need that deposit now.  Gonna take pooches to the park right now tho, they be whining alot! 

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good afternoon all

    so instead of cammi ,its cinderella now,hope you find your shoe.

    lori-i'm with you on pills,hate taking them,take a load of supplements thoThumbsUp, according to my new mo if the side effects from tammy are too much for me, i can stop it, she thinks as i've taken it for 31/2 years that should give me some benefit ,see how i do with the ovaries removed .

    sue- hope your trip to bank is a quick one

    well my aunts funeral is on christmas eve, wish i could fly home for it but as my dad pointed out, one funeral is enough!, the local crematorium does let you access the services online, so need to set that up. they are putting her birthday and christmas cards in with her plus her elvis blanket, Smile

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    Quick pop in, I have a hair appointment in an hour.

    I ended up doing some of my outdoor decor. I have eight little lighted trees that I lined up both sides of my walkway and I put lights around my front door to light the wreath and the large bows I have over my windows. It felt good to be productive.

    I will come back tonight and address you all. I am praying for all of you but especially for Mary, Lori, Nancy and Sue. And if I missed someone who needs a special prayer, please let me know. I love you girls, Lori is right, you are all so very important to me. My friends outside the HTL have nothing on you girls except they are local. I will say no more.

    Love and peace, peace and love.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good foggy morning, Loungettes!Up and on the computer, that's as far as I've gotten today.Tired for some reason.

    Goldie--I do like to bake.No Christmas decorations, not enough energy for that.Unless you count the card display.I put up Christmas cards as I get them.The -6 hrs 48 minutes is the hours of daylight time change, based on sunrise and sunset.We get almost 7 hours less daylight now than in the summer solstice.I much prefer being on the plus side of that number!Today sunrise is 7:07 am, I will start seeing some daylight around 6:45.Sunset is 3:56 pm, full dark by 4:30.

    Cammy--I usually get up around 5:30-5:45, depending on how many times Sadie lets me hit the snooze button.Sadie did not get sick with all the cream cheese and powdered sugar, but it sure took a lot of fetch to settle her down again!She was bouncing like a kid on a sugar high.I can relate, sort of, to not feeling your feet and losing your shoe, I can't feel anything in the foobs and sometimes they get wet (usually spilled coffee) and I have no idea until someone points it out!

    Mema--There is so much craziness in the world, I hate it when it's focused on children, although in this case it is probably children or teens trying to be "funny" and get a day off school.Give the furbabies a hug for me and Sadie!

    Julie--How nice the funeral home arranges internet access to the services!Not as good as being there, but better than missing it entirely if you can't get there.There are good uses of technology!

    Dara--Meet you at the swim up bar latah!

    Dandy van Wrinkly's DOTD:

    Christmas Pudding

    100 ml Southern Comfort

    100 ml Drambuie

    500 ml Guinness Stout


    In a 6 2/3 Paris Goblet add Southern Comfort and then Drambuie. Top up with Draught Guinness.

    No, I don't have any idea what a 6 2/3 Paris Goblet is.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Here's a pic I found on a bar equipment site:


    Paris Goblet Wine Glass 6 2/3

    Price: £0.18

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Good one Julie - Cami now Cinderella LOL!  I was taken off the aromisin when the RB hit my brain, never really asked my MO why?  But I seem to be doing ok without it.  Mayb u'll do fine without the tammy.  Traffic thru the Gorge to get to St Geo was horrible, but I made it, got my watch fixed too and even shopped for DH something he wanted from Big 5 Sporting Goods, they didn't have it, even checked at Dick's sporting goods and no luck. I'll hafta try on-line.

    Dara - awww so good you did some deco outdoors, now when u come home u b smiling before u get to your door.  Thank you for the prayers you kno they back atcha...cuz mese lubslubslubs u!

    NM - those are some short days, I'd be nutz with so much darkness.  I don't kno equiv of euros and ours but that wine glass price looks cheap enuf.  Love all ingredients cept the beer...can't handle darks.  U r prolly right about it being a few students....hope they find em and read them the riot act at the very least.

    Gotta get on the phone with AmEx.  Ordered 3 gift cards and only 1 has shown up and that came last week.  Hope they'll send me 2 more.

    Lubs and lots of prayers going out to everyone...latah!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    Gosh it is mighty quiet in the lounge. I will not write much as I am on a dinosaur laptop that is soooo slow and it takes me forever toget my fingers adjuste on the keyboard, I am pissed, my large HP will not power up, my mini took a chit when I was in SC and will not power up either. I send Jennika ti best buy as they are bith under warranty but did not send the power cords. I would swear that they told me last time that I did not need them, ugh. can't find the cord for the mini, So frustrating.

    NM, you get very littlu e light ytou get yhere. I tink you is closer to the north pole or sumting. You are very east, furthest east on the east coast?you?

    Mema, sorry about the gift card, hope you get yiur amex

    Why so quiet in here? Cam, Julie, Mary, Nancy where are you girls? And Lori, foygot where she went. I missiou all when u do not report. Well tank God my pool is not open, I would toss this piece of chit computer, it making me craz y.

    Went to consult tiday with CPS attorney, ching ching another 5k on my credit card. I gotta gut bak to work or go broke.

    Cant stand this laptop another second. I bought a cheapie android tablet for DD but ooops, I am keeping it. Cant igure that out either.

    Peace gurls, cheers!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good evening all, just got to talk with cammi and joeyHappy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Hi everyone

    I just had a super treat, when I answered the phone I immediately heard this beautiful accent and knew it was Julie--Oh how wonderful.  This is the first time I ever talked to Julie. And Joey had the pleasure but he was all red and embarrassed, don't know why---but after he just thought I get the best friends ever and I agreed. Julie u r as beautiful on the phone as u are in here and u perked up my nite so much U'r accent --Joey said it's between English and Australian ---I'm still not sure LOL--Thank u Julie for thinking of us.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    no cammi the treat was mine too.maybe next time, joey will play for me