how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good snowy ayem, Loungettes! Dark, snowing after a bunch of rain yesterday.Welcome to winter!

    Mema--the student--a single student--who sent the threats that closed down a school district for 3 days was arrested on terrorism charges.16 years old.What an idiot.Did it for "fun". Specifically threatened the faculty.

    Dara--Yes, I am east.Eastern edge of the Eastern time zone.There is a whole lot of the state that is east of me, so no, not the eastliest person, not me.Although, Eastport is only a couple hours drive from here.Sorry about the computer issue, it's a PIA when the tech doesn't work!

    Julie and Cammy--YEAH!Great phone call!

    Dandy van Wrinkly's DOTD:

    Christmas Snowstorm

    1 oz Kahlua Coffee Liqueur

    1 oz Godiva Chocolate Liqueur

    1 oz Van Gogh Vodka

    1 oz Goldschlager

    2 oz Cream


    Pour ingredients over crushed ice in a shaker. Shake until frothy. Strain and serve in a wine glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls, I have so much catching up to do, I've been gone awhile. I'm feeling so much better (physically). I haven't had hot flash in over 24 hours, and then they've only been mild. I'm thinking it's a combo with upping my thyroid med and the Cymbalta. This is just a quick pop in, I have to work today so I don't have a lot of time. I've read everything up until I went to bed last night. We go to the counselor tonight for the first time. Lori, you asked me if it had to do with BC and mostly it does not but I suppose that has been the icing on the cake so to speak. My DH and I have slowly become more like roommates and friends over the last 3 years or so than we have a married couple. We are both terrible communicators I think each expecting that the other should be able to figure out what is on our minds. With menopause and lack of libido on my part and seemingly lack of interest on his we have drawn apart to the point of a peck in the morning, when we get home from work and before bed...followed by "love you"... and "love you too". Then the BC came and I've felt about as desirable as Chaz Bono. If any of you have seen Hope Springs with Meryl Streep.. that's us...except we sleep in the same bed. Anyway, I'm not excusing anything...believe me... but instead of talking to me about how he's been feeling, he went elsewhere. That's all I can bring myself to say, I'm sure you can all fill in the blanks. I am broken and devastated but willing to forgive and work on it. He is terribly remorseful and ashamed and says he will do whatever it takes and I believe him. We have talked more in the last 7 days since I found out than we have talked in the last 3 years. We have a lot of work to do but I'm hoping in the long run we will get something back that we had lost. So this wasn't just a quick pop-in after all. this all just spilled out of me, he is out with the dogs and I must've been ready to come clean with you all. So there you have it....I'm ok (sort of) and taking life an hour at a time for now.

    I'm thinking of all of you, Lori...praying hard, Dara...praying hard...and all the rest of you thank you for being a part of my life. Now I have to get in the shower and get ready for work, love you all, hope it's a good day.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    My turn for a quickie!

    NM, I think we are light out by 7 am, but dark I don't think until about 6 pm.

    Cami, I told you Julie has a beautiful voice. And I can't imagine Joey being shy and embarrassed. And you were out until after 4 am!!!

    LDB, sorry bout da traffic to St. George, but if it was through the gorge, you had more time to enjoy the view. Let me tell ya goils, it is fricking GORGEOUS!

    Mary, praying things will work out for you and DH. Glad he came clean. It is hard to keep a relationship going after a while, you fall into the same ole, same ole. I have to say, my DH is very good about trying to keep things going, and planning surprises for me. But it needs to be at home too. It takes some work and from BOTH parties. The RB and drugs we have to take don't help matters at all. Having no desire and being as dry as the dessert doesn't help. How long have you guys been together? And no hot flash for hours??? I'm jealous!

    Wacko, I hope you get to see that little sweetie today. Sawry bout all da puters, I hope Best Buy helps and they don't take you for a ride.

    Had friends come by last night, here at the hotel and they had dinner with us. Filet mignon for DH and I and a lil too much wine fpr moi. Scans later on, then my step daughter and her fiancé will prolly come by and off to CA tomorrow morning. I'm hoping that stupid contrast doesn't make me sick, but so far it has every time!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    hope the scans went well lori and your not sick.

    mary g -hugs and prayers . ,hope the session goes well,no hot flashes for 24hrs, i'm jealous, my hormones have bottomed out so the hot flashes are back.

    dara -are your computers fixed yet? trying to set up for the web cast for my aunts funeral , my current one won't let me run the test video, its keeps saying download the software and if i tried to download it,my computer was telling me i had it, and tried to,uninstall but said its on a disc, well everything was factory installed,so no disc, so got my old one out,its slower than a tortoise but i could get the site up, will check over the weekend to make sure still available. just finishing restoring my current one to its state before i tried accessing the funeral site, so at least things are running now

    and lori iforgot to rib cammi about being out until 4am, we did discuss her lost shoe tho, loved talking to her and joey.

    hope everybody is having a blessed day.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    I just read and, cant type because this computer and mese eyes are flowing tears for Mary. Oh ma gosh.

    I am so hurting for you Mare, I am praying just as hard. I'll be back. I put up a pic of my tree but it was sideways so I took it down. Will try to come back later.

    Love you all,

    CheerS and chins up!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Dara thats a beautiful tree! You have a beautiful spirit!

    Lori good luck with your scans I hope they turn out well and you dont get sick. I hate the sound of even contrast. Yuck.

    Cami I bet it was fun to talk to anyone on here in person.

    Julie I hope you dont have any problems viewing your aunts funeral. That is so awesome that they put it on line so you can be a part of it.

    Mary I know what your talking about. My DH and I had just went through something similar this last summer. While he didnt go seek someone elses attention as far as I know, I too have lost all interest and he went as far to tell me that it was something that needed to be fixed ASAP, until my BS onc explained to him why I was feeling that way. Now we sleep in different beds but he is more compassionate and towards me and is a lot more attentive my needs since we have both been more open and communicating more. My communicating more about whats going on with me physically and him communicating more of his fears. I hope you guys can work it out. We have been together 28 years. We are in separate beds now due to my severe hot flashes and the fact I need to sleep with my head up.

    Mema wasnt your back hurting a while back? How is that doing? Did you get everything you ordered from Scentsy? Just checking. Somethings were on backorder for a bit. I just got one ladies thing today so I just want to make sure everyones getting what they ordered.

    Love you all. I gotta go finish up my shopping for Santa.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014


    This was my IV in Vegas lol

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    haha nancy, very cute. Sitting in the shrinks waiting room now, my 30 min done now his turn then next week we come together. I've never spilled my guts to a total stranger before, it was ok. We talked and cried a lot before we got here, but I was fine by the time I talked to her. We'll see what DH thinks but she seems ok to me. I showed him what I wrote to you girls, wanted him to know where my head is right now. I can't imagine us not together so I have to forgive him. It'll take some time but hopefully we'll fix the part that's been broken. lori, we have been together for 16 years, married for almost 13. I love you girls, even told the counselor about you. We're gonna go to BW3 and have a few drinks and play trivia when done. I'm off tomorrow will catch up with each of u then. Lubslubslubs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    mary-your talking togetherHappy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Mary, thanks for the update. Julie the DW does not say much here, but her words are so meaningful. I am happy that you both are making the effort. Face it, it has been hell for you and for him too. Try to appreciate each other for all the good, tail him I said so. And I see why you wanna keep him, other than him being a hunk, he was by your side through your journey, well mostly. I will keep praying for ya hon.

    Nancy, love the jackinator (I made that up). Looks like your IV sucked it dry lol.No

    Lori, have fun in Cali, you are not allowed to be sick.

    NM, sorry Sadie ate yer upside down cake. She is a smart gal foah shoah!

    Cam, glad you and Julie got to talk, isn't her accent the best? Funny that Joey blushed, poor thing. He is such a doll, give him my love. And I lol'd at the thought of him playing clarinet for Julie! Maybe next time. Or hmm, I might have to call and tell him I used to play clarinet. And I will play him a song on my flute if he plays for me. I would promise not to laugh at him hehehehee! Oh God forgive me!

    Love you girls. Not feeling much like talking, it is like they took my own baby away. I see him again tomorrow. But it hurts to leave him behind. The foster mom wrote a nice note about him, warmed our hearts.

    Have a good night, stay warm, spayshally you NM!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Dark and cold, snow on the ground and trees.Some roads got closed down temporarily last night after the temp dropped and everything froze over and drivers didn't slow down until they hit the ditch or the median.Office party this afternoon, I made a pineapple upside down cake, it was cooling on the counter, Sadie helped herself to a big chunk of it.I was soooooo mad at her.

    Genny--I am so sorry about your situation, and will be praying for you and your DH.

    Goldie--enjoy the extended daylight time! Good luck with the scan and contrast.

    Julie--amazing how the technology that's supposed to make life easier sometimes makes it harder, isn't it?

    Dara--sorry I missed the pic of the tree, hoping to see one soon.

    Collett--I got my Scentsy order yesterday, hooray!Love the smell of the pine right now.

    Genny--good for you guys for working on things!

    Dara--Silly Sadie made up for eating the cake by keeping me toasty warm last night.She even let me have one of the three pillows all to myself most of the night!

    Dandy van Wrinkly's DOTD:

    Christmas Cheer

    1/2 shot Peppermint Schnapps

    1/2 shot Eggnog

    Best served in a Shot Glass.


    Stir it up and shoot it down. HO! HO! HO! Tastes like christmas with a pine tree twist.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    NM I'm so glad you got your items and thank you for ordering. The pine does smell so good. Looks like we are gonna get a Winter Storm for Christmas. Just as long as I can get to my babies.

    My DD and Jackson came over yesterday and we made some cookies. I went to the BC center yesterday for a open house at the art center and the dietician was there so we were talking about my weight loss. She is going to leave me some sample of yep Boost and Ensure to try at the RO office. I see him on the 29. She said Im loosing muscle mass.

    Is everyone ready for Santa? Gotta get ready for work. Love you all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    I'm awake for now--I can't seem to stay awake very long.

    Lori u'd better not feel sick, that's an order. Prayers for u'r scans too.

    dara this has to be a realy hard time for u, and I hate what that SOB-SD did to u and u'r DD--I hope u get to see him today and cuddle with him. And u'r right Julie has the most beautiful accent and so sweet.

    Mary I'm so glad u'r seeing a counselor, u'r DH must be so sad too, or he'd never agree thh it. So it seems like u'r on the right track, oh it might take some confusing time but he does sound like he's sorry and men are strange, we all know that--This is a good step u'r taking.

    Nancy I''m surprised u have the energy to work, u are a trooper--drink those drinks they'll give u some supplements.

    NM u must be in a hurry this morning, but I do like the DOTD of the day. And it's TGIF day yea---

    BTW Dara I'm glad u changed u'r avatar clowns and dolls are not my favorite, Lara understands.

    I pray for u all to be healthy and happy



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Good cold and dark morning girls. Moose woke me up at 5:15 banging on the screen door wanting in now I can't get back to sleep. We got a dusting of snow last night, it's so gray here, I guess the sun was out on Wednesday but I work in a basement with no windows so I missed it. I am doing ok, I drank entirely too much wine last night so I was hoping to sleep in but it seems it's not to be. Counselor asked DH if he wanted to be referred to someone for private counseling for himself and he thought he would do that as well. I think my forgiving him is going to be easier than him forgiving himself. So like I said before, we are talking so much more than we have... maybe... ever. I even told him that he needs to spend more time listening and less time trying to tell me how to "fix" things. Which is a universal guy thing.. the counselor and I talked about that. I told him a few weeks ago that I was achey and tired and sick of feeling like crap and I started to cry. He told me that I was overdoing it and maybe I needed to be patient and do things at a slower pace and not watch Nora and blah...blah...blah. I told him I didn't want a lecture I wanted him to hug me and be sympathetic. He got that when I said it, I tend to keep my mouth shut and not tell him how I'm feeling because I don't want to hear him tell me how he thinks I should "fix" it. I've done that all thru the RB tx. Now he tells me he felt like an outsider, just someone who was expected to get me to my appointments. Ugh...Mars/Venus. Anyway, I'm ready to move on and fix the parts that are broken, actually I'm looking forward to it. Still need to catch up with each of you and I will later today but now I gotta run. Typed this hours ago but just now posting. Included is a pic of Emma on Junior's bed...and my Xmas tree.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - funny IV.  I did get my total order.  Thank you very much.  Glad you getting on the Boost or Ensure, need the protein for the muscle mass.  Keep us posted.

    Dara - my computer acting up too.  We have wifi and wireless printer.  Printer won't read my computer all of a sudden, but still reads DH's.  Got puter guru coming Monday.   Hate being able to print.

    Mary - your situation sounds just like mine.  His is gone but mine isn't, not completely anyway.  We've talked and I tried to do a mini-separation.  Meaning going into LV and staying 3 days there.  But after 2 times the brain mets hit and we couldn't do it.  Still feel like leaving occasionally but energy not there.  We been together 25 years and have slept separately for at least the last 7 years.  Last time for sex was over 2 years ago.  Pecks morning and night and the 'love you' an everyday thing like you.  So I can relate, am so glad your dh is willing to seek counseling, wish mine would.  I just keep saying things could b worse and go day by day.  My heart knows the ache and emptiness you feel....wish I could be there to give you a great big HUG!  By the way, gorgeous tree!!

    NM - darn Sadie...sorry mese has to giggle a little.  It's kids like that, think its funny, that need to be watched and evaluated so it doesn't escalate into a tragedy. 

    Gotta a xmas party to go to tonight.  Supposed to wear an ugly sweater of which I own none.  Will wear an old sweatshirt and call it good. Went to store yest, spent $260, then find out I am to bring my hot artichoke dip to the party.  UGH, to the store again!

    Lubslubslubslubslubs....all my ladies!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    NM, lol at Sadie allowing you a pillow. I guess she felt somewhat remorseful. Your post on FB made me lmao. Happy weekend, I hope you and Sadie enjoy each others company more than ever but duh!

    Mary, your tree is beautiful and your place is even more beautiful. I love that you have those beautiful doors and prolly a beautiful view outside too. Might that be an Anderson slider? It looks so pretty without window treatments, who'da thunk. I will keep praying for ya.

    Cam, I had you in mind when changing my avatar. I did remember that you and Lara did not like dolls. I wuz dwunk when I put it there, all I wanted was to be blond. I am a Goldie wannabee hehe.

    Speaking of, hoping Lori is safely in or close to California. I am sooo envious.

    Mema, sorry about your printer issues, hope it doesnot cost must to bix em. Have fun at yer partay. And iffin the car gits too dwunk, be sure to get a safe ride home.

    Nancy, thanks for your PM, you are a doll, love you too.

    Had a great visit with Logan, he has gotten so big. He slept the whole time, I was only a bit tempted to wake him up so I could look into his beautiful eyes! Love him so much. I am starting to understand that things happen for a reason and I think in time, we will figure that out. Here is a photo, I just love the chubby cheeks!


    So I do not tink I ever told you girls that i have already traded in my new car. I ended up not loving the color. I liked it but it was not me. My dealer has a 90 day exchange policy and the only money I lost is for the new registration. I got the same car in white. now I am kicking myself as I just saw the same car, inside the local mall with a spoiler on the back. sheesh, I am all woman, can't make up my mind.

    This is a pic from the internet, not my car but same car. image

    Anyone wanna come for a ride? I needed a new car like I needed another hole in mese head. But it sure is purdy. I do crazy chit when I am really really hung over. I have got to git my ass back to work. I expect to return in the next few weeks.

    cheers girls, love you all!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good evening all

    mary-you sound so much better today, so glad you and your dh are talking and trying to work things out, being single and never married ,relationships of the married kind sound like they need continuous work, ,all i can say sue is bob!ps cammi was telling me i was doing too much which is why i;m tired now. your tree looks beautiful and so does your furbaby

    nancy- i got a few excess pounds i can donate,hope your appetite improves, can you send me the link for the scentsy again ,i can't find you in the scentsy list.

    dara-he's such a beautiful baby and 4 days until what i hope is resolution of all this. pretty car!how fast does it go?

    nm-how's miss sadie today? hope her tummy is not too upset by her cake,so nice of her to give you a whole pillow,thats love for you

    lori-hope your having a fantastic time in ca

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Hello everyone, Cami I dont know how I do work sometimes. Lol and your right I dont have a lot of energy. I have to go to Starbucks in the am for my Coffee or its really really bad. Lol

    Julie my scentsy web site is if you have trouble with that let me know and I will try to copy paste it for you. Believe me its not hurting me at all to loose any of this weight. I need to loose about 30-40 more pounds. Then I will be happy.

    Dara Logan is so so sweet! I love baby cheeks. You just want to kiss them all the time. He is just adorable! I love the car too and I will go for a ride with you. Lets go for a day trip!!

    Lori hope your doing ok.

    Mema hope you had a good time at your party. Your dip sounds nummy! I understand what you and Mary are both saying about your DH I think it just comes with being with someone for awhile and also with a possibly terminal illness. Cancer is a scary word wether you have chemo or not whether your in stage 0 or stage IV its a very very scary word and you always think the very worse. I just think it takes a huge toll on a marriage. Last summer I took about a two month vacation from my marriage too. My DH and DS got into a fist fight and I had just been diagnosed with BC and had had it. The last thing I needed was to see those two fools fighting like two year olds. So I left for two months and stayed with my sister. It just happens.

    Im falling asleep so I will talk to you all in da morning. Love you all. Night night.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    So my daughter shows up from a visit to a friend and her car was shockingly mutilated. And all due to her riding with a blown out tire. From being so low, it tore off her bumper and damaged her front side panel. I am going tomorrow to look for a used car for her. She is killing me little by little. But I love her more than anyone on earth! I will try to post pictures, it is now comical. That is after I freaked at her and she left here with no coat and yada yada yada. The drama never stops. The thing that kkeeps me going is lil David, love him more than I thought possible.

    Julie, I think your drive is just as bootiful as mines sista. my car goes up to 200. But I bought it mainly for safety. It is an amazing ride and I like to feel pampered. I do not spend much going out to eat, going to movies, bars etc. I am a homebody and just drink . A nice car is one of my weaknesses. Hell, my first car was a 1953 and it was a rusty old bomb. I bought it with paper route money and was a cool 17 year old or so I thought. How ya feeling, ready to go back to work? I do not tink so.

    Nancy, sorry I painted you with my lipstick but dat is what cha get when you crash out in de lounge hehe!

    Someone very wise told me something to the effect that I can not change what has happened, including cancer, I can only change my reaction to those events. I am going to try my best to live that.

    I should be sleeping but am all wound up from too much diet pepsi. and jest enuff jack to anesthetize mese brain.

    And I, Dara Diverse, from Witchita am going to admit sumting big. I dwink soooo much they days. I been going through a 1.75 liter JD in two days.. I just bought a case yesterday and drank a whole bottle, the biggest bottle dey make. And I am hardly dwunk! Sumeting wrong with the barely dwunk part! Don't judge, k?

    love you all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    and bdw, do not make me tail ya who the "twin" in mese avatar is. It is jest so wrong. Sayn no mo!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    hint, me did used to work with her at de witchita manure factory....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Hi Ladies, I' around, not as often but here.

    Mary u'r situation does sound so promising in how u'r DH want to go to counseling, most men think it's foolish, but that he himself wants to go it.s a good thing. He sounds like he might have been lonely and really didn't use his brains, but now he is, I pray for the happy ending.

    SusyQ I'm sorry all u'r going thru and it's difficult to get a real response from u'r DH. Sometimes I really think men are just not connected in their heads, they drip differently than a woman. Thinking back neither one of my husband would have been good with me going thru this, so for me it was best I did it alone,,,no stress. But u all know that when a Dr. tells me to take it easy, I go to the extreme of taking it easy. Remember my girls found out after 2 yrs that the Dr. never said I couldn't vacuum--hey I got away with it for 2 yrs.-Well now I really can't vacuum, but there was a time I could. LOL And don't u gals ever listen to me--u'r never supposed to make a dish of something good for a party, then everyone always wants u to make it again, instead of buying something already made. When u make something not so good they always say bring whatever u want--translation just buy something from the store that already made.even my own DD didn't liten and now she's stuck making something she doesn't even like and it costs lots to make, she's sorry she started that one.

    Dara dear u'r baby is beautiful he's got a little tiny double chin and looks like an angel, u'll all be together soon. BTW how many times do u think u'r take u'r car back, if u'r in the snow no one will see u.

    Hey Julie my phone pal with the bbeautiful accent. Joey's trying to imitate it. Not well either.

    I hope Lori is having a good time and feels good.

    Nancy I hope u have a good nite's sleep, u need it.

    Lubs, HUGS, and PRAYERS for all

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls, wow what a day I've had yesterday. Had a million things I wanted to do and here's what happened. On Wednesday while I was working I sat down on my stool to cut some 90 year old toenails... (I know you're all jealous of what I get to do for a living) , anyway I got what felt like a charlie horse on my left calf. Was hurting pretty bad by the time I got home, DH tried to massage it for me but it hurt too bad. So I took a hot bath and then iced it down and went to bed. Thursday it was a bit better and by yesterday I barely noticed it. So I forgot all about it, DH had an early morning dentist appt and was getting ready to go get my running around done. I'm having my whole family today for our Xmas today, about 20 people. So anyway, I'm putting my socks on and I notice my left ankle and foot is blue and very swollen. All I could think was DVT (blood clot). I took a pic of it and sent it to my DH who was just getting out from the dentist. So he canceled his sales call and came home and took me to the ER. We got to sit there with a room full of people with the flu for an hour and a half and then another 2 in the room waiting for x-ray and ultrasound. Good news, no clot, they said I have a torn calf muscle. Weird, it really doesn't hurt much now but it's so swollen and bruised all around my ankle. They just told me to elevate and ice here and there and if it doesn't get better call an ortho doc. So WTF??? Really did I need this? So I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, DH and furbabies still sleeping and I have some very good news to report. I told my DH last night that I was giving us a homework project. I told him I wanted to go to bed early..naked and just snuggle. (well I kept a t-shirt on..not quite that brave yet) Anyway, one thing lead to anudder and I'm happy to report that our condo has finally been consummated! All pieces and parts in perfect working order.. which is more that what happened with his reported misstep a few weeks ago if you get my drift. Oh sometimes I wish this thread was private and I could tell all. So, I have a few minutes to type den I got stuff to do.

    Dara, I'm praying and praying that you get you little David back by Xmas. I bin dwinkin' too much too, it's what I do when I'm stressed...or happy...or sad...anyway, when you get your boy back and get back to work I'm sure you'll cut it way back. Can't actually be carrying a baby around whilst schnockered. 1st of the year I want to get myself to my wine on weekends only. David is so beautiful..a precious little angel. And your car.. very nice. My DH and I both have white cars. What's up with the SD? Is he in jail where his sorry ass belongs? The sliding door leads to that patio that I posted pics of last week.

    Cami, glad you had such a good time a your party..was that last weekend? I don't know, been so long since I commented on anyting but meeself. Cute about Joey trying to imitate Julie.

    Julie I've got plenty of lbs to donate if anyone's looking. Glad to hear you are feeling so much better. When do u go back to work?

    NM, Sadie and the pineapple upside down cake, I can just picture it. Does she get that real guilty look when she does something? I'm anxious for some longer days too. The problem with Ohio in the winter is we hardly ever see the sun... just one gray day on top of another. I take 5000 IU of Vit D/day per my PCP orders. No way to get the real stuff around here. Hope you and your girl have a good Saturday off, maybe baked goods on top of the fridge.

    Lori, hope you're having a good time in California altho I do admit I can't remember why you're there. Thanks again for the pm and phone call when I went MIA. You too Dara. Nice to know all you girls are here with me all the time. I am praying and praying that your tests results are all good. Sounds like you and DH have lines of communication good and open. We are going to be much better after this. Too bad we couldn't have the libido situation switched. We should be dried up and hot flashy when we're teenagers and horny when we're 50. It'd cut way back on teenage pregnancies and overpopulation and make for great retirement years.

    Sue, I hear ya about the marriage stuff. It's so easy to fall into a rut. I knew from the stat of this that i wanted to work it out. He truly is my best friend in so many ways. We have fun together and enjoy each others company, we just got lost in the day to day shuffle. It was his idea about the therapy, he asked me to make the call. I hope he continues on his own, he is his mother's child and worries, worries, worries. I am more of a wait and see kind of person, try hard not to worry about the things I have no control over. Hope your party was fun. I made beef au jus sliders for mine. Everyone is bringing something.

    Nancy, Hope your appetite comes back, but slowly, you'll but ahead of us all when we make our New Year's resolution to lose weight. Hope you start feeling better everyday. I think my thyroid was the main culprit, my hot flashes and mood swings are so much better since they adjusted the meds. Hope work is not beating you up too bad.

    Well, I gotta run, got lots to do, everyone coming at 2. Everyone I missed...have a great Saturday...see ya all later.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this pretty ayem?Long day yesterday, with an admission at the end of the day, so going to have to write that up tomorrow.Spending the day with the family today four our Thanksmas.Gonna be a good day!

    Collett--not good to be losing muscle mass, need to get some protein into you!Not easy, I'm sure.

    Cammy--Glad you like the DOTDs, getting harder to find Christmas dwinkies!

    Genny--a Moose woke you up?Wow!How did the doggies react?Great tree, pretty pup!Glad things are working out for you and DH.

    Mema--yeah, darn Sadie but it is kinda funny looking back.And it's not like I don't know that she's a counter surfer and I need to keep an eye on things.

    Dara--I was hoping the Fb thing would amuse some people.Sadie is going to go see the family with me today, so she'll be very, very happy.Lots of attention.Logan's chubby cheeks are so sweet!That is a pretty car!

    Julie--Sadie must have a cast iron stomach, very little upsets it.However, she can make some seriously stinky farts!She does get wound up in good shape when she nips off with something with a lot of sugar.Talk about a fetch machine!

    Collett--I love my new warmer, got the zen rock, and it fills the whole house with scent!

    Dara--DD is lucky the only thing that got hurt was the car!She could have been pulled right off the road driving like that! Sounds like she' ok, though.Sounds like you over-caffeinated yourself, hope you get to sleep soon. Wow, that's a hard confession to make. Please take care of yourself, OK?

    Cammy--2 years of no vacuuming?You rock, girl!

    Dandy van Wrinkly's DOTD:

    Grinch's Christmas Recipe

    1 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    3 oz Vodka

    1 oz Cointreau

    1 oz Sweet and Sour Mix


    Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a large cocktail glass, and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Here's a pic of me with Office Baby--was on Fb so it's ok to share:

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Hm, trying again

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    and yet again


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Julie, glad you finally got the site to work for your Aunts funeral. Joey is an adorable young man and not shy at all, at least he wasn't with me. Was like we had known one another for a long time. Which we have, just not in person.

    Nancy, glad you are getting some protein AND that you and your DH worked things out. Oh my, a fist fight between DH and DS, I don't blame you for leaving.

    Mary, so glad you and DH are working TOGETHER to fix your marriage. I assume the start of it had nothing to do with the RB? Just the icing on the cake maybe? I (and prolly most of us) can relate. I too tend to keep things to myself. DH doesn't say things to me like yours has, he pretty much says nothing. So with my new diagnosis, I told him how much I needed him and his support. You do have to remember that it is hard for him too. He is going through something totally different than what you are. We have to remember that caretakers have a tough role too. Maybe ask him how he feels about your situation. Emma looks so funny on Juniors bed. I hope that isn't gloria with her! House looks beautiful! Ha ha, no dis not a private site, but I think we get the gist of things.....boom chickie wow wow! DH and I always sleep with only undies on. Having things switched around for libido would be awesome and def. cut down on teen prego's.

    Dara, that was nice that the foster mom wrote a note, perhaps you and or DD could write one to her. Mighten help with the sichiashun too? How long are the visits for? Love the new car, I'll go for a ride wif you. You are FORBID to drive 200...EVER!

    NM, you don't usually seem upset when SS gets to your cooking, but I'm feeling something a bit different on the pineapple upside down cake. Got a lil chuckle out of it, sorry. Have fun with your family today, glad it's a "pretty" day for you. Ohhhhh, look at "office baby". Another baby in the lounge....yippee! He is so very cute!

    Cami my love, did you find your shoe? And did anyone post pictures from your Christmas party? OMG, you are the funniest person I know. "Men....they drip differently than women". HILARIOUS!

    LDB, I hope you had fun at your party and at least you have a store near by to run to and grab what you need. I would NOT have that option, they would have to go without the dip.

    Ok, as for me. Did my scans, tech (who is a sweetheart and very funny little Asian gal about my age) gave me a little less contrast in hope that I wouldn't get sick and it worked. So she told me to make sure I remind her of that. Onc has me starting chemo, but said I could wait until the first of the year. It is pill form, Xeloda. Another name for it is FU 5, so FU very appropriate. I have to take 4 pills in the morning and 3 at night. 2 weeks on, 1 week off. Labs every 3 weeks and see the onc every 6 weeks. He says the Xeloda can work for up to a year and then I will prolly have to go on IV chemo. Not a happy camper, but trying not to think about. Got to CA yesterday afternoon, saw step daughter and family last night for a bit and will hook up with them later today. Will check in tomorrow iffin I can.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning....

    Lori I thought u'r be to busy to write but I'm glad u did--I'm sorry about ll this shit u have to do for FURB, I just pray that something else comes up so u don't have to go thru chemo, it seems every 6 months something new comes along, not that we understand it but they seem too and it's strange how everyone seems to get different treatment sometimes.I think of my sister, she never got chemo or rads that always was strange to me and like u she has bone mets. I don't get that one at all nd she has one of the best Oncs in the State, according to other Drs. and magazines articles. I just pray so hard for u.

    Oh NM another beautiful baby in de lounge--we gottsta, watch our language and our burping from to much drinking.

    Dara I cn't blame or judge you so don't worry bout dat, just take care of u'rself and Lori (as usual) is so right about writing a not back--good idea.

    AND I STILL DON'T HAVE MY SHOE, I figured I could wear one shoe and wear an outside slipper, it'll look like I hurt my foot. Another recockulous situation I find myself in. Oh I just thought of Deedle, Deedle dumpling my son John. My brain always scatters around.

    Oh my job, if I still have it----I thought a phone call was from one of the guys goofing around (they think they're funny) it sounded like him and when the customer asked a question about electricity I said these men are so good they could put a wire in an elephants ass and make it into a lamp. Not a good choice of words for a real customer, then when the man laughed (Thank God) I realized he wasn't one of the guys. Oh mese oh mice

    OK my Cat's here.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014


    Here is why one should never drive on a blown out tire. ughhh.

    I am heading out to look at a car now, will report back and read later.

    Love you girls!