how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Holy chit, that doesn't happen so much in my movies. What a mess. Why is it messes are like mountains they start out big but things keep on getting added to make them huge all at the same time. Jeez

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    imageseems very applicable right now

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good evening all

    oh nm what a cutie,

    dara-well i'm glad your dd did not loose control of the car when the tyre blew ,how far did she drive on it? as i'm usually driving alone o always thought if i had a blown tyre i would have to drive it until i felt the area was safe enough for me to stop. triple a or something similar for christmas. love your car and completely understand about the colour as thats why i bought mine

    mary gHappyThumbsUp

    lori-so glad you weren't sick with your scans. cont to enjoy your ca trip, just some more pills too take! we should tally up all the pills we take,i wonder who would win?

    cammi- it said in the book on hysterectomy , no vacuuming for 6 weeks! good thing it didn't say no shopping, well it said no pushing a shopping cart for 2 weeks or heavy lifting but i am getting extra exercise because with my shopping trip , where i would take one trip to bring everything in i now take 3. my nieces collect those pop vinyl toys so i have been tasked with getting the usa exclusives for them, so regular trips to walmart. love joey

    nancy, was able to order ,thanks for the info.

    sue how was your party? hope your back didn't hurt too much

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi again girls,

    Well we are the proud owner of a Buick Regal. It is old but it only has 35k miles on her. My daughter is talking to me again. I am not sure if I told you that I was very rough on the point that she left without a coat on, was hiding in the woods across the street. I went out looking for her, called some of her friends. She was only gone an hour but i was so worried. I told her that she had to get her priorities in line. Instead of buying a new outfit at a price I would not pay, she should have bought a car charger for her iphone. Then she could have called me and or AAA.

    Cam, errr I mean Cinderella, you crack me de hail up goil. How on earth did you think of making electricity from an elephants ass? And I wish, oh how I wish, I could see you with your one shoe and one slipper. I hope you thought to limp a little hehehe!

    Lori, great idea to write a letter back to foster mom. oh mese oh mise, I am so sorry you have to endure so much treatment. And more chemo, wtf??!? I hope it is a type that will not cause your hair to fall out? I love your beautiful locks girl. Although you do look adorable in the wig and even bald. Other goils, if you have never bisited Lori's "hair diary" using the link under her auto signature here on BCO, check it out. She is beautiful in every pic and I mean that. ooops, I was talking to Lori, ,,sorry bout talking to you in de turd person. But chit, I am three peeple my darnself. Some call me Cybil. Yep, someone here once called me dat. Ooops, dis not about me. Enjoy your time in cali and yay for not getting sick on de contrast. I am praying for ya girl. You are such a tropper. I will keep praying for your results as well.

    Mary, yippee for you and your hubby. I tail ya, men need jest a little sumting sumting now and then and I promise, they will do anyting you ask. A little lub goes a long way. Really though, I am so happy for you and glad yer goily parts still working. About me for a minute again, sawry parts worked for the first few years of tammy then took a chit. Mines shrunk and dried. hey, sounds like I talking bout washing mese clothes. but really, I hope to God your parts keep working for ya. Dis BC chit is the pits and you are quite fortunate. I will not stop praying that things continue to go well. your hubby really IS a hunk. If ya git sick of him .... well nebermind, sawry. hehe! and tank God you are okay,, whatta scare. Your life seems to paralel mind in a way lately where it is jest one blow after another. Speaking of.... Jock, I has a little sumting for ya hehe! Really, praying for ya girl.

    Julie, all of that damage happened in less than three miles. My suggestion to ALL mese goils, keep a working car charger in de car AT ALL TIMES. In this day and age, there is no reason to be stranded without help. I love the quote on marriage, so true. You is a smart lady! Damn, no vacuuming, wdf? That is cruel and unduzual puneeshment.

    NM, love love love office baby! I wuz so furcited to see a pic of him. I hope you had or are having a great sailabration with your family.

    Mema, I hope you having a fun partay. Or wuz that last night, ooops, mese brain is chit. turdteen pounds of it to be porcise.

    Nancy, hoping for good tings for CHristmas for ya wink wink, you know what I mean. Well maybe not, I mean rings and new relatives?? Is it bad to pray for dat?

    Who did I miss, I tried to remember who posted on prev page but it escaped mese pea brain. Make that flea brain, smaller than a pea, foah shoah.

    wut happened to Lara???? Please report asapliest. I am worrying. I texted ya and got a message but nothing bout how ya bese.

    Well it will be mese goal to liven dis place up and make it more furciting. so with that siad, mese going to hang out and surplize ya all with a little spayshall entertainment. Each one of you who posts gits an awesome present from me, kk? I feel like I am being drab on here lately and it is time to change that and be the silly goil that I am. I refuse to continue to let dis chit get me down. Again, as a great woman jest told me, leave the past and sailabrate de future...(quote in odder words but ya git it)

    Prayers, peace and love and of course CheeRs to mese goils!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    I decided that I was too smart to be blond. so hense de change of face.

    well really, I wuz too skeered cuz the one I wuz using was oh just not me. I mean it wuz me but not me. I had an off day with the dye bottle. k, i all done talking. come back to wiin a present goils. I lonely.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    I am in the lounge and am enjoying some great music. I especially enjoyed this piece, have a listen, a great throwback. I had to look up many of the performers that I did not recognize, 44 in all.

    We are the World!

    Brought to you by your HTL DJ, Dara Diverse (live from Kansas)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I had a lovely day with the family yesterday.Lots of laughter, lots of stories, lots of food. I am STILL stuffed!Sadie has gone out to potty and gone back to bed, I can hear her snoring from the bedroom.

    Goldie--Yeah, I was a bit upset with Sadie getting into the cake I wanted to take to the party, but I was also rather tired all last week, and had to struggle to find the time to even make it.I should have just realized it wasn't a baking week and rolled with it. Seeing how she picked out the pineapple from the cake is really funny, though.And I am a bit irritated at having to be renting a car while mine is getting some work done that I wasn't planning on.I don't like spending the $ on a rental, and really do NOT like the car, but it is accomplishing the purpose, so I need to suck up and deal, right? Office Baby is awful, awful cute, isn't he?Glad you didn't get sick from the contrast, hope they can reduce the dose in the future.

    Cinderella--Don't worry about burping, Office Baby is a champ at burping, he usually starts a burp contest when he visits!Oh, my, so glad that customer had a good sense of humor!

    Dara--Good heavens, it's a wonder she didn't crash and get hurt!

    Julie--wonderful pic! I hear you about making more trips to unload the car and do other things like that.I need more trips every year, it seems!

    Dara--so glad you have transportation again!Good lesson n priorities for DD, too.Keeping a car charger in the car is a great safety tip, and very easy and inexpensive, too.Here's to looking ahead and not back!

    Great video!

    Dandy van Wrinkly's DOTD:

    Christmas Tree Water

    1 part Gin

    3 parts Sprite


    Place one part dry gin into a cocktail glass. Do not bruise the gin! Carefully add two parts sprite. Do not bruise the sprite. Optionally, add a dash of cayan pepper for added flavor. Add 3 tablespoons of dry ice for that mystical, yet strangely, psycho effect.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Hehe, I come just to get my prize, iffin I'm not too late. It's been quite the visit here, I can't even begin to esplain. But I find it very comical anymore. This kids are so bad!!! Don't get me wrong, they CAN be absolutely adorable, but usually only lasts for nano seconds!
    Going to church with them this moring, my grand daughter is singing.

    Cami, my husband picked up the phone one time thinking it was me and said something like "hello love" and it was a customer!!! Love your comment about putting wire up the elephants ass.

    Dort, sorry about DD's car. We keep chargers with us all the time and both vehicles have those cigarette lighter plug things too.
    I know things will be quiet in here as Christmas is getting closer, I will continue to check in when I can. I don't think it will be as much, when I get to Vegas, as we will be up out over to the factory early each day.

    Julie, what are your Xmas plans? Do you have any family near, or are they all in your home country?

    I know things will be quiet in here as Christmas is getting closer, I will continue to check in when I can. I don't think it will be as much, when I get to Vegas, as we will be up out over to the factory early each day. I need to boot scoot and boogie, but will leave you with the very cute picture of mese grands.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Lori those two are adorable and look just like each other. How cute. I hope u'r feeling good so u can enjoy everything u'r doing, even I it is business. And I want u to have an easy wonderful Christmas.

    NM I'm sorry but the cake cracks me up, I'm sure it wouldn't if I went thru that trouble. And I love how we all call the baby "the office baby"

    Julie how fitting is that post for everyone, actually--well who has a partner---perfect but then again u always say the perfect thing. U really do.

    Dara my dear another avatar??? U get me so confused somedays. Oh well. OK now the car thing sounds like it's all under control but I'm sorry u had words with 'r DD,, but that seems better too. And I pray that David will be home where he belongs very very soon. 

    I hope everyone has a good Sunday and has almost everything done, I do--almost


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Good Sunday morning girls! I just got an email from Ann Gates who has been working so hard to pass legislation here in Ohio that will force insurance companies to pay for further screening beyond mammograms for women with dense breasts. And the people doing the screenings will inform these women that they need further screening. Hopefully many will be saved from going through what I have. I had 15 mammograms and all they ever said was "no abnormalities noted" followed by "extremely dense breast tissue." Not 1 medical professional ever told me the tests were meaningless for me, and I just didn't know, which is how my slow growing grade 1 cancer got to stage 3. Anyway, that's enough time on my soapbox, but this is great news for the women of Ohio. I hope it is soon passed in all 50 states. So anywho, had our family Xmas party last night at my house. It was fun, my son took all the pics and I will post some when he gets them to me. Nora is getting cuter by the minute and she is so good. Such a happy little girl. She has added more words to her vocabulary, Santa (Danta) and hot, only she uses that for hot or cold. Junior spent the evening trying to figure out how to hide from the little ones while Emma made friends with everyone. I'm being a lazy bum today, got up at 5:30 then went back to bed at 8 and I'm still here. DH took dogs to the park and then went golfing. He's crazy, it's 30 degrees out there. I'm snuggled up in a warm bed with the pooches. Had leftover lasagna for breakfast and it put me into a carb coma I tink.

    NM, that baby is so cute. Glad he's getting a happy ending...getting adopted, right? Moose is my cat, he goes outside, 15 min later banging on the screen door to come in, the crying and ringing the bells 10 min later to go out. That pretty much goes on from dark to dawn. Glad you and Sadie had fun at the party, So what did you end up taking since Sadie got the cake?

    Dara oh Dara...that car! Was your DD in an isolated area? Can you get anything for the f-d up car? I'm glad you were able to find her another one and glad to hear you had a nice visit with David. Sounds like foster mom is a good one. Hoping and praying you and DD will have him back by Xmas. And hoping SD disappears forever. Loved the video. 30 yrs since that was made. Now they try to do sometin like dat the singing sounds like a buncha wounded animals ifin ya ask me. I watched the whole ting, thanks for the memory.

    Lori, you are such a trouper, hopefully the xeloda will agree with you and you'll break all the records for success time with it. So glad they got the contrast thing figured out. Your grandkids are so cute, glad you having a nice visit. Hope you get some fun time in Vegas and it's not all work.

    Julie, yep that quote pretty much hit the nail on the head. Thanks for the thumbs up, I think we're gonna be ok, we just got lost in the shuffle for awhile. Are you off until after the first of the year?

    Cami you just crack me the hail up! When I had my own hair salon my DH would call me all the time with fake voices asking stupid questions about hair and stuff. So one time this guy with a really heavy southern accent called and started asking me a bunch of stupid questions and I said "Oh you asshole!" Well it really was a customer and the guy said excuse me? and I just tried to breeze past it real fast and booked him with someone else and he actually did come in and get his haircut. I was so emabarrased! Then I called my DH and yelled at him just because I thought it was him. What's joey wanting for Xmas? Maybe a set of drums?

    I imagine PRN is busy with chocolate making with the holidays so close.

    Nancy, hope you're feeling better.

    Lala...where are you?

    And anybody else I didn't mention, hope you're having a good Sunday!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Anybody up for getting their pic taken on Santa's lap?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Happy Sundey Fundey goils!

    Lori, your grandbabies are soo beautiful, love the blond curls. As for your prize, it is a brand new toaster oven, nah, just kidding. thanks for playing! Here is your prize:


    NM, so glad that everything went well. You sure deserved to get out and have some fun. And what, did Silly Sadie reject the pineapple and eat the rest of the cake? Lol at her going back to bed. I guess she had a big day yesterday. Did she come with you or stay home and prowl for cakes all day hehe!

    Cam, I changed my avatar for you dahling, sorry to funcuse you. It was one I have used before. Can you do the lounge a huge favor and get Joey to play us a Christmas song on clarinet and post for us? OMG, I would love that sooooo much. And you would get to experience the sounds too. About your shoe, if you left it in someones car, can't you call them and ask if it is there? Thanks for your well wishes and prayers for Logan's return. It will not be anytime soon. The attorney we talked to said that she was working on a case that closed in July and the child has yet to be reunited with his Mommy. That sickens me. Oh well, I just focus on th the positive for now. And that is that Jennika has registered for winter classes. She just has 12 credits to go to received her BA. I also focus on the fact that Logan is a beautiful healthy boy. I think of the other 'what ifs' and relatively, this is not so so terrible. It is bad, heartbreaking etc etc but nothing we can do but wait and do what we need to do to work the system. Kansas makes it very difficult to cut through the red tape.

    I hope the rest of you are doing well. Lori is right, it will get quiet around here for the next few weeks. But no worries, I will be here to enttertain you all, or at the least, I will try. And I am confident that I will see our own NM here on a daily basis, or at least for the majority of the days.

    Have I told you all that I have yet to buy a single thing for Christmas? I work best under pressure. I will get it all done. Oh, I still owe you all a pic of mese tree. Love you all, keep the faith and remember to dwink up!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    goils goils goils, it is lonely here.

    actually, I had a pretty good day. I spent a lot of time playing flute and piano. I record the piano and dub over with flute, I call it playing with meseself hahahaha! I do pretty good after some practice. Cam, I want to do a cyber duet with Joey. Or maybe on the phone. Seriously!

    I miss you all. I will try to find a good song for you all. At least NM liked the one I posted. I have been listening to music then became inspired when I played my favorite tune which is Pachebels Canon in D.

    I am so anxious to get my Jennika's care outta my driveway. I called two junkers and one is coming tonight to get it. and I am getting 200.00 for scrap metal. Sort of ashame, a good running car. But not worth getting it fixed, had no collision insurance. It is an eyesore. The damage is quite severe. I just checked out Kelly blue book and with nearly 200k miles, it would only be worth 800.00. It is a 2003 Chevy Malibu. Will post pics of her new car when I have a chance. Well not quite new, a 1991 which was the year she was born lol.

    I go now. Will try to come back and entertain ya'll. Just drinking now, wow wow wow.. I nearly went to AA but nah, they are partay poopers in there, not for mese hehe!

    Love you all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Nighty Night Dara...sweet dreams....wanna play his flute??

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014



    The interior is perfect. And it was the crème de la crème of its day. Look at the radio controls on the steering wheel. And it has a casette player, wooo fn hoooooo lol. The exterior is a bit faded and the back hood has a small dent from where a branch fell. Not bad for 1200.00! And I am pocketing the scrap money so I figure I got it for 1k. It really is a shame, had she had her phone, she could have called AAA. The car was in great condition. Oh well, I acted fast and got it done. I am proud of myself. (pat on back), ouch pulled mese dern muscle doing dat. hehe.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    oh baby, I play skin flute quite well Mary hehehe!!!! I am very experienced in playing flute.

    womp womp womp!! sweet dreams girl.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another Monday, another oh dark hundred get up.Sigh.

    Goldie--oh my, look at the pretty towheads!

    Cammy--the Office Baby is his official title in the office, he's our mascot, has been since he was a few days old.And Sadie eating the pineapple out of the cake IS funny, now.

    Genny--Good for the women of Ohio!And good for Ann Gates.It's hard to think that in this day and age someone can experience what you did.Especially with all the money raised for bc awareness and research over the years.Office Baby is in foster care, gets regular visits with birth Mom, but the expectation is that birth Mom will not get parental rights back and my office mate and her husband will adopt him.The adoption for his older brother was recently finalized. I wound up going to the store and getting soda for the party--all kinds, trying to make everyone happy:Coke, Pepsi, Cream soda, Root Beer, Orange, Fresca, Gingerale, Cranberry Gingerale, everything I could find, but I couldn't find any Moxie!

    Dara--no, actually, Sadie ate the pineapple out of the cake, then ate part of the cake when that was done!She did go to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas, got just tuckered out trying to get our chocolates and stuff.She had to rest up yesterday.Nice car!

    Dandy van Wrinkly's DOTD:

    Black Christmas

    1 1/2 oz Black Sambuca

    6 oz Eggnog

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.


    Mix black sambuca into a glass filled with 6 ounces of eggnog. Stir, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Wacko, dearest Cami reminded me in her comment about DD running away. Please make sure no one knows about that, surely DPS would not take kindly to it. G.ood for her for signing up for classes and you did a good job on her car.

    Cami, the kids CAN be cute, but this picture is VERY dicieving! They are little monsters most of the time. Throwing fits, talking back, fighting with one another, screaming, etc. They rule the house hold. But I did enjoy them!

    Oh my Mary, golfing that early when it's 30 degrees out??? LOL about telling off the customer cuz you thought it was DH. Sounds like your Christmas party was a nice one. As well it should be with family. Is Nora still calling you Yah Yah?

    Ooooh, I like mese pwize Dara, tanka ewe.

    What is Moxie NM, never heard of that.

    Talking to my brother last night, I tink he had a bit of a buzz going on and I was telling him about my new treatment plan. He wouldn't even let me finish and interupts me saying something like "well, that's the fortune cookie you were given". Kind of luck, those are the cards you were dealt, deal with it. I was quite shocked, as the last time we talked about "IT", he was crying and saying how I was the only one he had. So I won't be discussing my treatment with him and if he asks, I will tell him it's my fortune cookie and I'm eating it! to Vegas today, after we stop at a plastic supplier here in CA. Always so nice to have my girls near, no matter where we are.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    well lori have some nice wine with that cookie! and enjoy your prize

    nm-office baby is burping champ and sadie is farting champ!

    cammi -is your prize a elephant lamp?

    lara -hello

    dara-nice car , good reminder of lori for dd that she is going to be scrutinised by cps and she needs to stop and think, how it would look on paper to them, if nothing else it would prepare her for a career in health care!

    hello to sue, mary g,prn, nancy,4

    been for a walk today , did have breakfast out, need to go back to work eating out way too much, a week today see doc

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning Ladies--

    LOL I don't know what Moxie is either--Or whatever it's called.

    NM I hope u have a good day today. now what do u have off this week? U'r job is so 24/7 do u take turns?Or did I miss something.

    Oh Lori, like u said he was probably buzzed a little and really didn't know what to say. Like we said it's hard on all of our loved ones, see how he is next time u talk to him-- don't have to share but maybe he just couldn't take it. And u'r right we're all her, maybe out bodies live all over the place but our hearts are together all the time, I think--I talk about u girls like u live next door to me (I wish u did) but that's how I feel.

    Mary u know exactly what Dara likes and needs.

    Dar that is a great car--u said 1991 wow looks good.  And I'm always praying u get our new baby back soon, very soon. Ad Lori is so right don't tell anyone personal things now, cuz we know what it means but the courts can be crazy. I know that from experience.

    I have to go--for now

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Dara - just love love love seeing pics of da baby...wanna smooch his face off.  Nice car too.  Had a good time, and was too tired to stay and dwink, so by car did not get dwunk.  Sounds like DD car needs some tlc.  Sorry to hear about the drama continuing.  LOL on face painting Nancy...heehee.  We need another face painting party.  And you can bring the judging here, When things calm down for you and you get back to work, you'll do better.  Now...Who is she (avatar)....spill it girl.

    Hi Julie!!  Hope you are paying attention to your body and sleeping when you feel the need.  One of the best ways to heal, as I'm sure you kno.  But u do sound pretty spunky girl!  I've been taking naproxen for my back, almost 1 a day now.  Gotta call soon for another massage tho. 

    Nancy - party was fun.  I agree with your synopsis of long married life.  And my DH doesn't talk unless I'm at the 'tears a'flowin' state, then he talks, but I kno he is not being honest to me or himself about my cancer.  So we just go day to day like all is normal.  Guess I'd rather do that than talk about this RB everyday.

    Cami - You are so right, my dip is all anyone ever asks for.  Thank goodness it is easy to make and not expensive.  Took that to Fri party, then Sat was another with some of his softball geezers.  Suppose to take appetizer, so I bought something at the store.  They don't kno about the dip, hope to keep it that way.  LMAO about you getting away with not vacuuming for 2 years.  Love love the story of the customer and putting the wire etc etc....thanks for the laugh!

    Mary - WOOHOOO  boomchickiewawa as Lori said. I like that homework, think I'm going to try it.   Hoooray for consummating!!!  So happy, kno things need work, but hey, it's a very positive beginning.   And the fact that dh is a willing participant in putting things back together...well can't get more positive than that.  ((Mary))

    NM - Don't just love the candle warmer?  I bought the zen rock for a friend and the cardinal for myself.  My dh doesn't care for most 'scents' but likes the one I used.  Very clean and not overwhelming, it's called Ocean.  What an adorable wonder you are all soooo googoo over him.

    Lowee- LOL on the FU-5.  I've heard of the Xeloda but kno nothing about the se's, I do hope not too bad.  Yeah for lowering the contrast and you not getting sick this time.  Boo Hiss for this oral med working only for a year or so.  Don't think that far down the pike, see how long it goes and take it from there.  That regiment of pills tho wud make me nutz as I can barely remember to take mine as directed.  I'd have to have a pocket size calendar in hand constantly.  And like Cami says, new things hitting the medical world all the time.  Might wanna consider cannabid oil.  I've been on it about 4 weeks, it helps me sleep, it's a syringe that I load an empty capsule with 1 gram and take like a pill.  Anxious to see if it's doing anything.  Think too soon to see change on the scans I have coming up this week, but maybe in 3 mos.  Stay positive girl, you got this!!   ((Lowee)).  By the way, your gk's are beautiful. 

    Dara - Good job on the new well used car, looks good and can't beat the price.

    Gotta run.  got 'puter guru today and have to make my chili for our dinner tomorrow.  Hardest part is cutting up the meat.  Tomorrow into LV for my bone and CT scan, then to DS to drop off pooches, then to DD's for our xmas dinner and gift exchange.  Then Xmas day over to see Maddy and her family and exchange gifts.  Then home by early afternoon on Thurs, I hope.  Will try to check in tomorrow but if I don't......May God bless each of you and I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

    lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs, prayers and lots n lots n lots of positive healing energy for everyone!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Good afternoon girls,

    Well the Impala is outta here. My neighbors must love me (NOT), it was towed away at midnight. I gotta give this guy credit for being so on the ball. He said he has been scrapping cars for 10 years and makes a good living out of it. I had called him since the website said 24 hours and was shocked to get a call back late last night. So that chapter is closed.

    Lori, good point to not mention that Jennika ran away. Our court dates keep getting changed. I believe we have court for the restraining order matter tomorrow morning at the county then court for the assault matter at 5pm. Anywho, so sorry your brother said what he said and did not sound sympathetic. ((((Lori))). I think you should write him and tell him your treatment plan and let him know you are somewhat hurt over the fortune cookie comment.

    NM, Sadie is so funny. And such a lucky dog to get to come to your family party. I am sure she was a hit! My dog is never invited to family parties :(

    Cinderalla, I know what you mean, I also talk about you girls like you are local. I will mention 'my friend this my friend that' and so on. I love the relationship we all have with one another. And the best part is when we get to have facetime. I still hope to get time with you. That dude in IL and I have not been talking much. I backed off as he was not communicating as much as I would have liked. He always says come on up and I say we need t.o get to know each other and talk more. He just texted me yesterday out of the blue and just said LY meaning love you. I need more if I am going to spend time with him. We talked a lot while I was in SC last time but then he was always too busy to call. I might be seeing XDH2 today, it has been since before Logan was born that I saw him. It works well with him further away. He can be good company when he is nice. All we really have is physical chemistry, otherwise, he makes me nuts. I still wear the diamond from the wedding set he got me just before we separated two Christmas's ago. But only because it is so pretty. My XDH1 does not like that I wear Steve's ring. If only I could take XDH1's (baby daddy) personality and XDH2's body, I would have the perfect man. Ugh.

    Julie, good job on exercising today. I am proud of ya. I have been gaining weight and eating so horribly. It is the darn big mac sale at Mc D's that is hurting me. they have them 2/5.00 and I eat two. oink oink. You cracked me up when you said office baby is burping champ and sadie is farting champ! Are you having Christmas with friends? I hate that your family is so far away. You are invited to Christmas dinner with my family. And it is going to be very mild that day, up to 55! On Christmas eve, we are having heavy rain but the temps will be over 60 at night! Crazy weather but I will take it over snow. I wish I was in Florida. I hate winter. Just 88 days, 17 hours, 19 minutes until Spring, yeah! I might be taking another trip to visit Cyndie while I am recovering from my hand surgery. She has invited me again this year. It would be great to see you again girl. Nothing, I mean NOTHING better than facetime with a breastie.

    Love you gals.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    damn, my post is all about me. sorry girls, I do not mean to be so self centered.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Hello to all my lovely friends!! Mary I am so glad that you and DH are working things out and had a hot night. Glad things are all working well too if you know what I mean. I havent gone that route yet but hope to soon.

    Daraloved the pictures of little David. He such a cutie pie. Glad you were able to get rid of your old car ok. I am with you on the Spring count down. I havent seen the sun in so long I forget what it looked like. Oh ya I did see it when I was in Vegas but I was inside so that doesnt count does it. Its been so damn grey and gloomy here Im getting crabby. lol.

    Mema I love the Ocean scent too. I also love the Just Breathe and the Cinamon Clove I think it is there are a bunch that I love. If you all ever want to know which ones smell good I can let you know. Thank you all so much for supporting me :) Mema be careful traveling and I hope your scans all turn out ok. I had blood work done today so we will see what comes out.

    Lori I hope your doing ok. I have been thinking about you a lot. Im gonna say extra prayers for you tonight. Love you and hope you have a great Christmas.

    Cami, NM, Julie, PRN, and anyone else I forgot I love you guys and hope you all have a great Christmas if I dont talk to you all before hand. Here are some picture of my Christmas yesterday at my sisters.


    Me and Jackson and Samara


    My two silly brothers. They won those headbands in Bingo Lol


    Me and my Brother Pete, Im the oldest then Pete


    My sister and my niece Morgan

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    sue,will be in your pocket tomorrow for the scans,then have a wondeful christmas, been very lucky with pain in that only needed pain pills( the prescription kindHappy)for the first week then unless i moved too quick or coughed ,pretty much pain free now i'm down to regular aches and pains and usual meds, the only thing i have is a tight belly at the end of the day but according to my hyst book thats normal

    so far have been holding my weight steady after surgery but i'm pretty confident that will change this week! its christmas ,laughing at you and your big mac but i've been craving a burger and fries and chinese today

    if your coming to see lucy will have to come up and visit

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    i bumped nancy in the pool, pool party

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    yippe, love a pool party.

    and I will join in with the pocket party tomorrow in vegas!

    Nancy, beautiful photos, your family is awesome. You are blessed to have such a close and fun family.

    Julie, really hope to be able to afford to get my EWWA to florida for some sunshine and a tan, yippee at seeing you again. i still have that big bottle of jack you gave me (yah right hehe). I am being good, on my first drink of the night. Damn, I was really drinking way too much and feeling it. It is more fun when I start later in the day. Thanks for your words of encouragement, I love you.

    I love you all, cheers!

    now who can I bump into the pool??

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Hope the waters warm Julie cuz its cold here! Lol I love a good pool party what we drinking? I got some Caronas in da fridge

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, I am boring, all I dwink is JD. But in your honor, I will have a corona with ya. ~ burp