how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Tuesday!

    One of the police officers killed recently had a son attending college in Maine.The Maine State Police picked him up and drove him to the airport, another police department paid his airfare home.The college is giving him free tuition if he decides to continue his education.I wonder why we aren't hearing more about those officers' families?Where are the protests against killing men just doing their jobs?

    Goldie--Moxie is a regional soda pop, pretty much a Maine thing.You either love it or hate it kind of taste.I love it, personally.Some people say Moxie has a medicinal taste.It's not as sweet as Coke or Pepsi.Odd that your brother would turn around completely like that, but if he was buzzed that may explain it.

    Julie--Oh my, wait till I tell them about the champs at the office!

    Cammy--I have Christmas Day off, and the weekend.We take turns with the holidays, I usually work on the 4th of July.I didn't realize how narrow a market Moxie had!Moxie is a regional soda pop flavor, one of my favs.

    Mema--I've got Ocean, too, and love it.I've also got Lavender and a bunch of others, I really like the Peony, too.They are such fun to play with!

    Dara--Sadie loves people, and Mom's partner loves dogs.Mom won't let him have another dog (too much hair, too much work, can't go away whenever you want, etc, etc) so I take Sadie over whenever I can so he can get a doggy fix.

    Collett--Great pics, must have been a great party!

    Julie--Christmas food does us all in, doesn't it?

    Dandy van Wrinkly's DOTD:

    The Pool Party

    4 shots vodka

    4 shots bacardi

    2 shots Bells Whiskey

    2 shots Jack Daniels

    1/2 pint strawberry MD 20-20


    Put all the spirits into a pint glass and then add the MD 20-20. Top up with cloudy lemonade add a few ice cubes and perfection.

    This cocktail is very strong but worth it for the taste, feels like all your summers have come at once :) Just remember you have been warned about the strength.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Good morning NM and all my girls.

    Gearing up to go to court to see the FPS judge. Say some prayers altough I think this is just an official placement since the placement of baby David was an emergency placement but who knows. we will have our lawyer. I can pray.

    NM, you ask where the protesters are against killing men just doing their jobs? I think they are working as most dignified Americans do. Don't get me started. This whole race war has me so upset. I just say wtf is wrong with people? Such a tragedy for those families and all families of those who serve losing their lives in the liine of duty. hmm, I mighten jest riot my dern self. And maybe do some looting so I can save on my Christmas bills. Sad for your Mom's partner that she does not have a dog and is a dog lover. I personally could not live without my doggie. When I last my prior one and only dog, I was out the next day getting a new furbaby. Sad. I hope you and the other goils have a funfantastic day.

    Love and peace. Peace and love.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2014

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    NM - I've got lavender too plus a few others.  Question, if I want to change scents how do I get the old wax out,, when it's melted or a solid?  That DOTD sounds gr8 but afraid I'd b sliding off mese barstool after jes one...heehee.  So good of you to take Sadie over to your moms...sharing the love!  I've never heard of Moxie either, didn't kno anything was regional anymore, but I guess somethings are.

    Dara - will be saying prayers, good luck today and keep us posted on the outcome.  I sincerely hope baby David gets to go home with his mommy and granny (((Dara)))

    I thought yest was Tues.  C my mind is going haywire!!  So I made my chili and worked hard yest, even started packing for overnight.  Then later after all done I realized it was only Monday...sheesh.  So now I have today to start the bills, that will help my stress level.  And now I can really say I may be MIA Weds and Thurs depending on wifi at DS's.  So saying Merry Christmas to all my beautiful breasties!

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs to the moon and back!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good afternoon all,

    merry christmas sue,have a fantastic time.

    lots of prayers darla

    nm -so good of sadie to share the love and snacks. too many police being hurt and killed right now. yesterday was when the local police took the children out to shop, so i'm there at walmart thinking there won't be much shoplifting now with police in every aisle. must have been so hard for them, to be joyous with the children with the recent events. i know if a officer is brought in to the hospital,it does not take long before the halls fill up with their colleagues, even the off duty come in. so good of the maine police to help that young man.

    nancy have you tried different tastes from usual to see if because your taste buds have changed.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Hi mese ladies

    Dara u'd better check in tonite to tell us exactly what happened today (((PRAYERS)))

    Julie u sound good but I have a little feeling u could relax more, so just do it K?

    NM that drink sounds like we'd all be on the floor in no time, of course if u remember that is my favorite place to be in the lounge, with company of course.

    Mary if I understood right Congratulations for having coitus, see things will work out.

    Lori I just want to send u loads of HUGS so u'll feel better. Like I said my sister has very few SE's with that, but she wouldn't tell me anyway. bitch, she never wants me to worry.

    SusyQ all I take is Tylenol 4 for my back, it really doesn't do much but make me tired but I'm skeered to take much else.

    Oh today I wrapped presents, cleaned and fried peppers (Thank God or Joey. he's feeling better- folded clothes and put them away, cleaned the cat crapper and a couple other little things and my back is on fire, so pain meds it is today. And I will never be able to fast tomorrow, like I usually do before a Holiday--they'll be all kinds of food I really like Dammit--so I'd better start my meds for that too. From someone who didn't even take an aspirin and what I'm like now it's really funny.

    OK I know I'll be busy, but I'll try to be back if not please now I love u all and pray u have the kind of Christmas u all desire, with hearts full of love, and I'm so thankful I know all of u- it always lights me up inside.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    A quick recap of the days events, crazy! Both restraining orders are dropped. SD made a total foul of himself on the stand. He was caught lying several times. He refused to admit that he had anger issues. I loved watching him cringe then cry when our attorney asked him about the incident with his sister. We still have a huge issue with getting him out of the house. It is ugly, just ugly. The reason that the attorney wanted us to drop the restraining order against him was that it is the same judge that will hear the case of baby David. She thought that it would be best to leave his last impression as one of a stupid foul and not have Jennika testify. I am not so sure we did the right thing. I am furcited that I will get to see the baby tomorree, will post pics.

    Sue, not sure if you will see this before Christmas but merry Mary Christmas to you and your family. Lol at messing up on what day it is, I do that all the time. I tink you can remove the wax from your ting by putting it in the freezer. That is how I do it when I use wax tart burner tingys, the wax jest slips off the tray after being frozen. Love you to the moon and back too goil.

    Lori, I shirley do miss ya when you do not report. Hope yer having an excellant time, sending ya some hugs and Christmas wishes of happy and healthy happy non poopy days, k? hehe! I hadda say poop, it makes me laugh. Speaking of.....

    Julie, you made me laugh when you said coitus, hehe, that a funny word. You are jest so proper, I jest love you! I can jest hear you saying that with your lovely accent!!

    NM, hope you had a great day. What are you doing for Christmas? I hope you do not have to work. I will be off hehe! I am such a slacker but not much longer.

    Nancy, Mary, MIA Lara, hello and please report asap'lyest, k? I will post pics of baby tomorrow if i find time. Off to see baby in de aye em then shopping for presents. I went to the store today and could not stomach the crowds. I was nearly sickened with claustrophobia so I left as quick as I got inside the mall. ugh, going to prolly hit a drug store and stock up on gift cards and buy anyting I can find for my people. I am soooo off this year.

    well I am off to take a dip in de pool. ahhhh, splash!!! join me goils if ya ken. love ya all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Christmas Eve Day!


    Mema--I change the scent by warming up the current one just a little, just enough that it will pop out when I work at one edge with a spoon or letter opener for the candle warmer.For the Zen rock, I take the little cup out, hold it upside down under the hot water tap until the wax comes out.I have tried changing it when it's melted and end up making a mess and burning myself!Have fun at the family's for Christmas, check in when you get home.

    Julie--It is amazing how much the law enforcement community does this time of year, as well as all the rest of the year.I wish we heard more about that part of what they do.

    Cammy--Do we all still have our own pillows on the Lounge floor?And are the Tenders still showing movies on the ceiling?Very comfy place, the floor. Gimme a LONG straw, a comfy pillow, and Loungettes to yack with and I'm happy as a clam at high tide on the Lounge floor!

    Dara--sounds like SD showed his true colors in court, and sounds like you have a good lawyer advising you.I wish things moved quicker, and Baby David's custody was being decided a lot quicker, but some things are out of our control.Enjoy your visit with him!

    Dandy van Wrinkly's DOTD:

    Merry Christmas

    1/2 bottle Vodka

    1 bottle Raspberry Vodka

    1 can Sprite

    6 cans Cranberry Juice

    Best served in a Punch Bowl.


    Pour all ingredients (chilled beforehand) into a large container or punch bowl, preferably on top of another similar container filled with ice. Allow to chill. Serve in punch cups or tall glasses.


    Christmas Eve

    0.75 oz Gin

    0.25 oz Grenadine

    0.5 oz Apple Sour mix


    Pour gin, mix with sour apple mix, slowly pour in grenadine. The green and red separate to form a Christmas treat. Drink either room temperature or chilled.

    Christmas Cocktail Recipes

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Mema to get your wax out you can warm it up a litte bit then take a spatula or spoon and get I out that way or if its liquid just poor it out and wipe out your dish with a paper towel. That's the good thing about scentsy the wax is safe so if it doesn't burn you if you get any on you. Now the plates do get a little warm but try that and see how that works.

    Dara I'm so glad you had some good news. :) have fun with that precious baby boy. And then come on back later tonight and we can have us some Grasshoppers since its Christmas Eve or a Brandy Alexander if you prefer.

    Julie is just dont have an appetite. And am nauseated. My PCP says its either rad SE or from my brain injury since I had such a bad concussion

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    well the vicar just did a lovely eulogy for christine, used lots of kleenex, have a lovely christmas eve ladies

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    (((HUGS))) Julie

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    hope you all had a good day , talked with my mother and she's in good spirits, was worried because chris is her baby sister but going to her funeral helped, it was a lovely service, lots of flowers, everybody had gone for flowers which chris would have liked so lots of bright colours, a lot of people went which i thought for 1200 on a christmas eve was good. when the webcam became active and then the music started -love me tender by elvis, the tears started flowing.thank you for all the good wishes and thoughts very appreciated

    nancy, have they suggested anything for your appetite/nausea? the scentsy order arrived today which was a good thign as i was using my last wax block

    darla-glad some of the issues are resolved and sd showed his true colours in an official setting so everything is on record, enjoy your visit with baby david tomorrow

    cammi-joey was sick! glad he's feeling better ,enjoy the party tonight

    have a blessed christmas ladies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    oops. did not refresh, bumped Cammi, Nancy and Juliet right off their bar stools, sorry! But the hottest of our tenders picked you all up and rubbed down where it hurts so you are all feeling no pain.

    Julie, the service sounds like it was just beautiful. Glad your Mum is going alright. Sending much love to you and your family on this very solemn day.

    Cam, what is this about Joey being sick? I guess I have to check facebook? I hope he feels better. Thanks for the Christmas wishes.

    Nancy, I will join you for some grasshoppers tonight. Funny story, my Mom's Father loved to drink (likely where I get my lub of likker). One Christmas, he made us kids grasshoppers. I was only about 15 and had never had alkamahol before that. Well when I drank it, I did not realize what was in it (would prolly be considered child abuse in this day and age). But I loved it. The same day, Grandpop kept saying he did not remember drinking all of his beer. Well don't ya know that my sister was stealing his beers and got very drunk. the two of us were giggling away and my parents were clueless. My oldest sister was a prude and told on us. Grandpop said that he just put a splash of likker in our grasshoppers but I know it was more than a splash. From that day forward, every time we visited, we had grasshoppers with him! Sad story about him...on Christmas day, when I was just 17 years old, my sister and I said that we would visit Grandpop the next day. Further Mom said that if we did not go, she would ground us. We had our own cars and wanted to hang with friends. We promised that we would go the next day ourselves. Well don't you know, when my brother and Mom showed up on that Christmas, they found him inn bed, he had closed his eyes for the last time and never woke up, he was gone. Technically, I am still grounded.

    I have been very emotional for the past week, I do not usually cry. It started the other night when I was driving. I heard Silent Night on the radio and broke down crying. It was my Aunt's favorite Christmas song, the one that I lost a few months ago. I was good for a few days but broke down last night then three times today. The first time was when I saw a little gift bag from foster Mom. She had a photo of Logan and Santa, I broke down very hard. The second time was while on the way home from our visit with Logan. We got to the point in the road where I broke down the day I had my biopsy and I was told that my odds of cancer were at 80%. That was really the only day I cried over my cancer until today. On that day, May 18 2010, I started to cry and was in the wrong lane and nearly crashed my car. I pulled over on the side of the road. Well today when I passed that same landmark, I just started to cry. My Jennika asked me what was wrong. She thought it was about David. I then told her my story. So later today, I am driving my Dad to visit my Mom. Christmas music was playing and I heard a song that reminded me of my Mom, The Christmas Song (chestnuts roasting on an open fire....). My Dad asked me what the hell what wrong with me and I told him I thought of Mom when I heard that song and that I am really missing her. We both then cried in the parking lot and into the home. Dad cried so hard, then I laughed at him as he had a snot coming out of his nose that was two feet long, we laughed through our tears. We had a nice visit with Mom. I have tears rolling down my face as I type this. I think with everything going on, I just stuffed my emotions and everything is hitting me at once. It does feel somewhat refreshing though. As Barney the dinosaur would say "Though your face is wetter, you'll feel much better, it's OK to cry"

    Well it is 5:00 on the dot, time to make a drink. Sorta wishing I had a grasshopper to celebrate my Grand Pop. So many years ago but on my mind like it was yesterday. With all this said, Julie, I really feel your pain. It is a tough time of year to lose a loved one. Not that any time is easy but losing someone on or near Christmas is just the worst. Again, I am sorry for your pain. May the happy memories of your Aunt bring you comfort.

    Love you girls, thanks for hearing me, always!!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Collett--that must have been some concussion if you are still having issues with your tummy from it!  Hope it clears up ASAP!

    Julie--I so glad the eulogy was well done and you could go online and see/hear it.  {{{{{Julie}}}}}

    Dara--awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!  The Grasshopper tradition must have been a lot of fun!  At least it sounds like he died peacefully, and that's the best thing.  Frankly, I'm surprised you haven't broken down and cried a lot more recently.  Did you know that when you cry from being upset or sad or hurt that the tears actually have stress hormones in them?  Not so with happy tears, though.  So a good cry actually helps your body get rid of stress hormones and is actually a healthy thing to do!  image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Hmmm, not sure why that is so small. Here's the translation: 

    "What is Christmas?
    It is TENDERNESS for the past,
    COURAGE for the present,
    HOPE for the future.
    It is a fervent WISH that every cup
    may overflow with BLESSINGS rich
    and eternal, and that every PATH
    may lead to PEACE"

    Agnes M. Pahro


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    NM U always teach us something that I never knew--u r so smart and sharing things with us.

    Julie all I can say Is I'm so orry, but glad u could "be there" (((HUGS)))

    Joey's fine now, kids get better quickly and has been a huge help for everyone.

    Dara u need to cry and so let it happen--This is such an emotional time for most people, plus u have extra going on now with u'r granbaby, who is so beautiful and looks like he's already growin, I'm so sorry that SOB-SD did this to u and u'r family--it's heartwarming seeing u hold him and it will be soon til u get to anytime u want, u'll see. We're all praying for u and the happy ending will come soon. And with all of u'r mixed memories they're also beautiful ones too, I always try to remember those, I was so lucky being brought up with such a happy family so I try to go with that. But I slip sometimes too.But I know u will bring all that happiness to Logan soon and he'll be wonderful--Oh but I am sorry u were given the bad news on the 18th--that's my birthday--geeze I didn't mean to ruin u'r day. But now I'll never forget--Oh oh I just membered I was told about my stuff and Stage I around my BD, cuz I remember saying Happy birthday to me. So I guess my BD isn't such a lucky day--it's my mom's fault, we'll blame her OK? She wouldn't mind anyway.

    Much Much love and kisses and hugs to everyone on this Holy night--which actually isn't the real birthday of Jesus, it was sometime in MAY or June, hope June.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Oh Camille, that was not my official DX date at least, I was diagnosed a few weeks later. Don't blame anyone, silly girl. Even if your Mom won't mind. You are de goofiest and I love you for that. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas, goes for all of you of course. I was also blessed with a wonderful family. I just realized this week that my sister, the one I am closest to, and I have never ever had a fight or disagreement that I can recall. And I have not had any major disagreements with any of my family. and really, Jesus was not born on 12/25? No!! Does Joey believe in Santa? At least a little bit?

    NM, you are a wise woman, I did not know about crying reducing stress hormones. I guess that silly purple dinosaur has a good point lol. Thanks for the info.

    Something I read on facebook and want to share about cancer. Since we all have this common bond, I wanted to share it with you all.

    What Cancer Cannot Do" ... It cannot cripple love. It cannot shatter hope. It cannot corrode faith. It cannot eat away peace. It cannot destroy confidence. It cannot kill friendship. It cannot shut out memories. It cannot silence courage. It cannot reduce eternal life. It cannot quench the Spirit. Author: Unknown

    I am being a good goil. It Christmas eve and I am just finishing my second drink. It was good for me to admit I wuz dwinking too much. I know I know, dere aint no such ting in de lounge but in real life, yes, I came to the realization. My shrink said I should go to AA. I was like dafuk?? NO way. I love my likker too much. So I told him I would work on cutting back and walaa. I do feel better in the morning. shh, don't ever talk about this again hehe!

    I still have to get all of my wrapping, or I should say "bagging" done. It is so easy to use gift bags. And for family, I recycle from prior years. There is a running joke about that. But heck, buying new would cut into mese likker fund, can't have that.

    Nancy, where are ya? I jest ordered rounds of grasshoppers for all of us. and btw, saw your pics on facebook (whilst I should have been working on final touches on the house or baggin'. I loved the pics, hope you share them here too.

    So who is doing what tomorrow? I am having my DH1, my MIL and of course Jennika in the aye em until about 4pm. The I head to mese oldest seesters house for a family dinner. There was a dinner tonight at my sister's SIL's house but I chose to stay home. The host sent me sooo many left overs, looking forward to pigging out a bit before I start baggin but after I finish cleaning. All I have to do is reshine spigots, put my clean rugs down (it has been raining for a week here) and little tings like that. I also have to touch up the kitchen floor thanks to my doggie who does not know how to wipe her feet. And she runs from me when I try to do it, she is a smart pupper. I know I know, boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    I can't believe that it IS Christmas eve, blows my mind that tomorrow is uh the birth of CHrisT sailabration. And from now on, I am gonna sing the song "Jesus Christ was born todey, hallelujah" in June instead of December, tanks Cammy for that tid bit of info.

    Christmas cheers!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Oh everyone is gone and gone to bed but Leslie--she took care of Sant's things and yes Dara Joey still believes he put the cookies out or him and asked me how good he was this yr. Of course I said perfect, I shouldn't have cuz he'll expect more LOL

    Lots of people but about 10 didn't come, they were all in an argument with Marty's Mom, I told u, but at least they didn't bring it here--but about 1/2 who did come all brought terrible colds--Marty was already sick and went right to bed, infact almost everyone was sick--so I really didn't stick around to much with them, there was so much food and we can freeze some at least. I don't know now what tomorree will bring cuz I had D today and into the afternoon, so altho I didn't eat I don't feel well and Les started coughing and she said she had a terrible headache--which so far that's how this stupid thingy virus is happening--I don't know, we'll see I don't want to bring this thing to the whole family, let them catch it on their own, especially my sister and niece (the breastless trio)---

    Dara it is wonderful to be close to u'r sister, I'm OK with my brothers but not like my sister, but I'm also just as close to my cousin as my sister so I always feel like I have 2 sisters, it was 3 but we lost one a couple of yrs ago and we still talk about her and miss her like crazy. She was the funny one, the rest of us are just goofy.

    OK it's past midnite so MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS or whatever u celebrat and I'm sorry Dara for having to break the news that this isn't really Jesus's birthday, They figured it because of some winter solstice or whatever. I told u along time ago I don't know much, but little trivia here and there, mostly there.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Oh Julie I did have to brag about the phone call from this wonderful woman from Wales and u'r precious accent. I love it.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    good morning cammi, , wish the family a merry christmas from me

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas everyone from my family to yours. I hope you all have the most beautiful one ever.

    Camille, I so hate that you got the big ugly D ((((Cam). So you got a call from Julie, how very sweet. I know that Joey will be happy with his gifts, so sweet that he believes. Give him a kiss from me.

    I love you all. I have to get moving, my MIL and Ex will be here at 10am.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas, Loungettes!Wishing everyone a happy and fun day and a healthy New Year.

    Cammy--I'm not so much smart as I love to read and am blessed with the ability to read very fast, and to remember most of what I have read.So I have a head full of useless but interesting little factoids that I like to toss out there from time to time.

    Dara--yup, the silly purple dinosaur does have a point!There was a running joke in my family about recycled boxes at Christmas time.My Mom kept a box of boxes to put things in to make them easier to wrap, and so she could torture us kids by wrapping gifts in front of us.Some of the boxes became "famous" and we'd look to see who got certain boxes each year.The basic rule was to not believe what the box said, always check inside and see what the gift REALLY was!

    Julie--Merry Christmas to you, too!

    Cammy--Gotta love all the sharing that goes on at Christmas time.I remember when I was 15 one of my cousins shared her Chicken Pox with all of us grandkids. . . .

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Drunk on Christmas

    3 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1 oz Apple Schnapps

    2 oz Irish Whiskey

    1 1/2 cubes Ice

    Maraschino Cherry

    4 oz Sweet and Sour Mix

    Best served in a Whiskey Sour Glass.


    Mix and shake irish whiskey, midori, and apple schnapps with ice. Fill whiskey sour glass with ice. Strain mixture over ice in glass. Fill with sweet and sour mix. Garnish with several free floating maraschino cherries.

    Some of the Christmas sights I grew up with:

    image alt="">

    Santa arriving by boat.

    image alt="">

    Trenton Lobster Pound Lobstah Trap Christmas Tree

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Trying again:

    Santa Arriving by Lobstah Boat


    Trenton Lobster Pound Lobstah Trap Christmas Tree\


    Maine Wreathes at Arlington National Cemetary


    Decorated Lighthouses


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Oh my, 2 Big Macs! I have done that in the past, and I crave on a very few occasions. But 2 would just make me sick. I almost feel sick about the time I finish one!

    Julie again, I'm sorry for your loss. But glad you were able to "attend" via modern technology.

    Nancy, per your nausea and loss of appetite, I think the doc is just guessing. Neither of them sound right to me, just my opinion. Loving all of your Christmas pictures. I miss that. Jackson and Samara must be so happy with their new rides!

    Ooooooh, look at that little blessing! He is so tiny and sooooo cute, and you my dear, look gawgeous! I too was going to say what NM said about the tears, as she has told us that before. Sorry for the break down tho. Hoping you get that baby boy home soon, where he belongs!

    Cami, I'm glad Joey is feeling better. I'm sure you will have a wonderful Christmas. You have such a big loving family. Glad to hear that Joey still believes, might be the last year. And he IS poyfect! I sure hope you all don't get sick....darn. Why do people take their sick selves out even?

    Love the Arlington cemetary with the wreaths!

    LDB, I hope you are having a grand time with your family. Mary, you too. Nora will have so much fun and love.

    Well, we have been working fools here in Vegas, putting in about 11 hours each day. We were gonna stay another day, but just want to go home. So, that is what we'll do. I should hear this week about my scans, dreading that call. And I get to start my chemo pills. Merry Christmas to me!