how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Good Afternoon Ladies and Merry Christmas to all my breasties!. Had my DS and wife and Nora. DSS (step-son) and his girlfriend and MIL last night for dinner and presents. Everything was going fine, I had just got salad done and was working on lobster tails. lasagna cooked, all ready to go when I hear this blood curdling scream from our little sweetie. Well, I have this Xmas wax warmer thing with a candle underneath. (not a scentsie, unfortunately). Well it was in the middle of the coffee table, Nora couldn't reach it but my MIL thought she was gonna grab it and went to move it and the hot wax ended up spilling all over Nora's hand! Second degree burns... she screamed for an hour! Of course any advice I gave was dismissed, I know nothing about burns, meanwhile DSS girlfriend has read all about them on the internet. Finally I called Molly and she said if they brought her to the ER they would use Silvadene and wrap it. DIng..ding...ding..why didn't I think of that, I have Silvadene. So I bring it to my DIL and she believes me cause Molly said so but by that time Nora was climbing up the stairs and happy. The whole horrible episode took about an hour. Then we finally sat down to eat. My DS had to work at 10 pm then all night, which he was supposed to have off. He's getting so hard for me to talk to, I have to walk on eggshells. Everything I say to him he seems to think is me challenging him or something. If I say, Can Nora have pasta? He'll start in about how it's their decision on what they choose to feed her. I said I wasn't saying you should give her pasta, just asking a question! Geesh.... think I'm gonna have to talk to him about it cause right now I don't even like being around him, he's so defensive. He has been working about 70 hours/week and I think he's just tired and crabby so I'm trying to cut him some slack. We did have a nice evening from then on, opened gifts and I slept in this morning while Rick took his mom to church. DIL said Nora slept all the way home and then slept till 7:45 this morning. Oh and we went for counseling again on Tuesday and it went well. Really getting us talking a lot. Then we went out and ate and came home and got drunk and then?.... more coitis! Thanks for reminding me of that word Cami! So 3 times in one week after none for 3 yrs...Hot damn, the libido really has woken up!

    Lori, too mech work, glad you decided to go home. I am praying everyday for good news about your scans. And I hope the new chemo is easy on you. Will you see anymore from your brother, I'll bet it was the alcamahal talking. Sounds like he loves you and wouldn't normally say such a ting. ((Lori))

    Cami, have fun with Joey and family, hope your D goes away and you don't get the cold.

    Nancy, any engagements?? Have fun with your family.

    NM, love the snow pics, no white Christmas here, it's about 50 degrees. Enjoy time off with your Sadie and family.

    Dara, beautiful pic of you and David, sounds like things are heading in the right direction. I balled my eyes out last night, sometimes it's just necessary. I still miss my mom so much when times get rough, and for you I tink eve harder cause she's still here but she's not. I'm cutting back on the drinking on Jan 2.... Maybe we can "sponser" each other. Hugs and prayer ((Dara))

    Julie, so sorry about your aunt. Hope you have a happy day today.

    Sue, thinking of you, hope your day is great!

    PRN, Lala, and everyone else...Love and Xmas blessings to all!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    mary-way to go mary at jump starting your marriage! hope nora is ok today, ds working so hard ,your ight he is tired and crabby

    cammi-hope your having a great day and feeling good,

    lori-thinking of you

    nm-your right, crying does help ,love the maine photos

    to sue, dara and lara,4, nancy-hope your having a fantastic christmas day

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Hello everyone! Hope Santa was good to you all! I had a great Christmas! I ended up hitting my head really hard on the staircase wall getting the stockings down Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day had quite a few seizures. So I have to call my Neurologist tomorrow.

    No engagements :( but both girls did get promise rings a step in the right direction right?

    I see my RO Monday so we will see what he says about my nausea and weight loss. PCP seems to think its either med related, rad SE or due to my traumatic brain injury.

    Dara David is adorable! I love the grasshopper story. That's a Christmas tradition in my family. I too used to get small drinks from my grandma. At first they would make alcohol free ones and just put green food coloring with some mint ice cream. Then as we got older we got just enough of the real stuff. Then in high school we could try Brandy Alexander's but just one.

    Mary I'm glad things are going well at home. I'm glad you had the Silvadine cream at home for poor Nora's little hand.

    Ok here's some Christmas pictures :)


    My son Michael and Camille

    Michael Camille and Samara


    Jacksons Blue Truck


    Jackson and Samara


    Samaras Pink Dune Buggy


    Jacksons saying Oh My


    Camille's Promise Ring. Mike tells her its not an engagement ring but its a I said well put it on her finger.


    Lindsay just got Jackson out of the tub turned to get his pull up and Jammie's and this is what she found he was wore out and so was Prince. Lol


    Lindsay Matt and Jackson


    imageLindsays promise ring and the pearl ring I got her.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Day After Christmas!No White Christmas in Maine this year, we broke the high temp record, it was 55 degrees.Rained and rained, though, with lots of wind in places.

    Goldie--Praying for good scan results, as good as can be, and that the chemo pills are an easy treatment for you.Sounds like you are working hard, no wonder you just want to go home!


    Genny--oh my poor Nora.I love how she was over it and playing by the time the internet searching was done.Kids bounce back so quickly, I think it's partly cuz they don't hide how they feel about things!They let it out and then move on.Sound like your DH is really tired, working all that time.Glad the libido is working again!

    Collett--Yikes, you have got to stop hitting your head!Maybe you need to wear a helmet to protect your noggin?Beautiful pics!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Love in the Afternoon

    2 oz Dark Rum

    1/2 oz Strawberry Liqueur

    1 oz Orange Juice

    1/2 oz Sugar Syrup

    1/2 oz Whipping Cream

    3/4 oz Coconut Cream

    3 Strawberries

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.


    Blend ingredients in a pina colada glass until smooth. Add half a glassful of crushed ice and blend again briefly. Garnish with a strawberry, add straws, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    have a good boxing day people

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Good Day after Christmas Morning--it's al over, after all that crap. Well I missed my Christmas and so did Marty and Leslie---they stayed in bed all day and I was in the bathroom for the day.--But my oldest DD came and got Joey cuz he loves to go to my niece too. Of course they sent me pics of their nte--Animals that they are. My Brother Mike tho was taken to the hospital and they are checking him with tests--I talked to him but he won't tell me a thing because I'll diagnose it and he really gets upset, even tho I'm right most of the time, so I didn't want to upset him. So it was a crazy day.

    NM those pics are so pretty and no snow here eight, kind f warm--An this time I'm going to buy some Schnapps just have to igure out the flavor, but not peppermint, but the rest sound so good.

    Lori I'm glad u went home to slow down and pray news is good.

    Nancy how big is u'r head? U are always hurting it, I hope u get answers so that u'll stop all this U'r pics are wonderful, that blue truck is really something..

    Mary things are sounding very good for u and u'r DH. Of course the whole burn thing was horrible, OMG that's so scary. And surely u'r DS is tired and crabby as hell right now, but if it were me )And u know I'm a bitch) after he starts working less I would do what I want cuz grandma's have special rights that parents don't, it's a written law somewhere.

    dara I hope today u have some peace n u'r heart and I really hope u can relax some. And my mom has been gone 14 yrs now and I still want to call her so I'd feel better, still in my mind I forget for a second.

    Julie Joey slept over t my other DD's house last nite so, I'm always anxious for when he comes home Oh we got Joey his own computer windows 8, we put it onlayaway as soon as it started and paid a bill every week, spoiled brat--He set most of it up Sunday morning and he was so excited and me too, now he doesn't have to use mine anymore and jam it up with all his crap. These kids are so smart, I can't even figure it out and it's a breeze for them. He was saving for a computer so now he'll save for something else I guess. He is a saver. And u helped, LOL

    Where is hell is Lara? She better be busy and all right that what I have to say. My movie buddy.

    Well it's scary movie day for me and I'm hungry today and we have so much food in this house, but by tonite there won't be.

    SusyQ hope u had a good Holiday. We have another one coming next week. No presents just likker.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2014

    I hope everyone had a great x mas lost my whole post

    I have been so busy, sorry I have not posted

    goldie you are right it is hard for the caretakers

    dara I am here is ok to cry NM Is right it does take care of stress

    we were all over the place yesterday,I was so tired

    Juliet sounds like u r healing great

    my surgery is the 6th, not sure yet because ill go into surgereical menopause with the ovaries out, but better then dying of ovarian cancer

    geeny I have no idea what happened with DH looks like u r wking it out. DH and I did the counseling route.

    good thing we all have each other

    Hi mema

    lmao cam about what u said on the phone

    I am typing on my new laptop its weird

    kk poop in latah

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Mary, poor NOra. I'm so sorry, but glad you had the cream!!! And sorry about your son's tude, I hope the "talk" helps. And counseling is going well, things are looking good! I talked to my brother yesterday, we DO love each other very much, of the 4 kids, him and I are the closest and he told me to keep him informed of how things are going.
    Julie, do you have any family here in the states? Boxing day today, indeed. We have to head to town as we need some groceries. Wal Mart should be fun.....NOT!

    Nancy, your pictures are great and such a good looking family too. I can see where Samara gets her looks! Love the ones of Samara and Jackson in his bwue twuck! So sorry about the siezures, they need to take a hike! How did the brain injury happen? You may have told, and if so I have forgotten, so forgive. Or if you don't want to tell, why just tell me to mind my own bizzness!

    NM, you were warmer than us! We did make it home, ran into some snow and it snowed here, just enough to cover the ground. Best keep that drink away from Mary, doesn't sound like she needs it!

    OMG Cami, all 3 of you had to stay home? How awful, I'm so sorry. But glad that Joey got to go....shoot! And your brother in the hospital? He is in FL, right? I hope you hear good news on him soon. Kudos to Joey for working with Windows 8, I hate it! Good for him on saving his money.

    Lara, glad you pooped in and glad all is ok. Of course we will be with you on the 6th.

    LDB, waiting for you to check in. Certainly you had a nice Christmas?

    Time to get ready and head to town....yippee, I'm home!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    cammi-hope your all feeling better today, and your brother gets discharged today. joey is online-yeah.

    lori-have fun at walmart,i was there this morning and they were putting out the valentine cards, glad you and your brother talked

    lara-starting to pack ready for the 6th, chocolate-check, alcamahol-check. my hot flashes had been fading away before surgery but came back with a vengence about 2 weeks after, all i can say is cotton rich pj's, my ac has been on so much even if its 70f outside.

    nm-love the drink, did miss sadie enjoy her christmas?

    nancy-you need a helmet! thought the pic of dd and future dil and samara on fb was lovely, thought they looked a perfect little family. so 2 promise rings , its a start

    mary-hope miss nora is ok today.

    have a good day ladies, bbl

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls!

    I missed you all yesterday, had a very busy and enjoyable day. I hope you all did as well.

    Camm, sorry you were all sick. Glad Joey got out and had a nice day. Woo hooo on his new puter, that is a great gift for a ten year old, he certainly deserves it.

    Lara, good to see you, congrats on a new laptop. It is hard changing how you type wiht a new keyboard. I am helping Julie load the UFO for your surgery (((Lara)))

    Julie, what is boxing day? Does it have to do with boxes, as in putting away all the boxes for Christmas? Or people box as in the sport? I also wonder if you have any relatives in the US, thinking not. We are your family though, yippee for all of us!

    Lori, still praying for ya hon. Hope walmart is not too crazy busy for ya, you are a brave one. YOu could not pay me enough to go there.

    Nancy, love love loved the pictures of the kids and the big kids too. What a sweet pic of Jackson, he looks like a baby all wrapped up. Beautiful promise rings for the ladies, congrats on a pre engagement. Maybe Valentines day?? Sorry about the head bump, hope all checks out ok. Keep us posted.

    NM, you had the weather we had on Christmas eve day, we had over 8" of rain and the temp maxed out at midnight to 64. It was in the lower 60's here yesterday. I saw on TV that it was warmer than on Easter, Halloween and Thanksgiving yesterday here in KS. Crazy. What did Sadie get for Christmas besides spoiled? hehe!

    Mary, boom chickie wow wow again, wooo hoo. Yes, I tink your son is overly tired. Please do have that talk with him. Our kids really know how to hurt us, eh?

    Thanks for the compliments on baby David, I jest love him so much. It was sad not having him with us yesterday. I am furious with my daughter, never guess where she went last night? I got her reg and tags for the new car today and am not even going to tell her i have them. I have never been this upset with her in my life. Yes, she spend the night with sperm donor. This is after telling the judge just three days ago that she will not reconcile. He says he will get help, yeah fn right, sure he will. I am close to putting my house for sale and moving south with my Dad. I need to run from all this crud. I just can't take it. Jennika is a smart kid, wondering how SD influences her? He used to fool me but I am not a fool, ya know? She was very disrespectful to me yesterday. I told her than she must not want to be a mother. Her response was the wants to be a mother more than I ever wanted to. That is low, just hurtful. I am over it all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    oh dara, words fail meBawling, is it worth letting the attorney know so they are not blindsided by anything the sd does because i'm sure he has an ulterior motive.will this night stay screw up the custody hearing?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Lori I was rear ended by a drunk driver two years ago when I was at a dead stop that's what caused my traumatic brain injury, seizures and balance issues. Her alcohol level on the police report was 2.0 I had a pretty good concussion from that and now have post concussion syndrome from that and they have told me to be careful to not hit my head. Well I hit my head not once but twice hard Christmas Eve and saw black spots. Yesterday started to have seizures again all day and still today and now balance is way off again and I'm a little nauseated and very tired, so I probably have another concussion. I'm waiting for a call from my Neuro but PCP wants me to go to ER. Uggg!,, Ill fill you all in..

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, I hope you do go to the ER just to make sure all is well. Head trauma is nothing to mess with. I am so sorry you have gone through too much already. Sending prayers to you.

    Julie, I am not doing a thing. I will not put out another penny either. We have only paid primary lawyer half of the fee. Jennika will be on her own at the assault trial. As for the FPS attorney, I have paid out 2500 and will not be doing any follow up. I am just that pissed off and upset. I had received a call from her therapist on Tuesday, she had not showed up for her group therapy despite taking my car out. Futher, she bought Mexican food and it spilled on the carpet of my new car, she did NOTHING but flip up the mat and leave it there for me to find. I flipped out on her. She is severely influenced by SD. I had a strong suspicion that she was talking to him again. Last weekend, I caught her in a lie. She said she was going to her friends house. I needed to get her car keys late on Sunday for the scapper who was hauling away her impala. I called her friend on her cell and she was never with her. She lied. I am done stressing myself out over the baby and spending money on her mistakes. She had such a bright future. I am thinking baby Logan could possibly be better off getting adopted. He needs a responsible mommy, Jennika is not stepping up as she should. I am so sick over this, I could vomit.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    please tell me that they didn't ask about any contact with sd at the hearings you had this week, i don't want to even think she lied under oath

    nancy - get to the er. if you think you have concussion get to the hospital, hope they can give you something iv for the nausea

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Julie, the judge asked them to be civil to one another. She did say that she was not interested in reconciling their relationship. She told me that she thinks that being with SD will help her get David back, wtf, she is not thinking right. I did something bad. I took her meds and dropped them on her porch. I turned a chair up against the door just to say I was there. She texted me and called repeatedly. I finally answered the phone and we got into yet another disagreement. At this point, I am worried about her well being.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    is it time to talk with her doc because if she think being with someone who has charges filed for violence will help her get a child back, defintiely not thinking straight. dara, prayers that the situation works out best for baby david and hugs and prayers for you

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Great idea, Julie. I will let her counselor know, my guess is that she did not tell her...that is IF she went to therapy today. Thanks for the hugs, I felt them. Keep the prayers coming.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    btw, I am dwinking, gonna make my second. I could not drink last night, tried but felt very close to being sick. and being sick at Christmas dinner would be a no-no lol.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    by de way (again) I am making my turd dwink now ~hiccup

    stay tuned!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    I tink I need a breathalizer hooked to mese PC as I do bad bad tings when I dwink and surf. I am about to buy a puppy. Is that dumb? It will help my heart right now and be a great distraction. When I joined BCO, I had three dachshunds, I now have just Bella who is approx 11 years old. And I can take some time with her before returning to work. I am waiting for more pics but she is in the link below, on the middle right, named Dark Red Girl. I tink she is beautiful. My Dad said he can help with training. He loves my dog and is good at caring for her in my absence.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    My Neurologist called and told me to get to the ER ASAP.So I went to the ER. Probably have slight concussion,no bleed or anything major. Just increase in frequency of seizures. They were going to keep me hut then changed their minds. Probably cuz my othrer blood work is very good

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    nancy-Happy to no bleed


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    This post is from yesterday and I never finished so I'm sending it on thru and wil catch up and start a new one.... see ya again in a few minutes.

    Hiya girls, I've got the lazies today...all I wanna do is sleep. I'm trying to talk myself into taking the dogs for a walk, the sun is shining, it'll wake me up. DH is golfing. Got The Primal Blueprint book for Xmas. It's the paleo diet, gonna start on Jan 2, supposed to really help with inflammation. I want to give it at least 6 wks and see how I feel. DH is gonna do it with me so that'll help. tomorrow is my b-day, 57 such a stupid time for a bday. Told my DH I wanna go to a place with a fireplace and some nosh type food and drink. I sure hope next year is better, this was the worse one of my life. Made the year of my divorce seem like a walk in the park. I'm ready to bring on 2015!!!!

    Nancy, rings are beautiful so are the pictures. Love the pick of Jackson sleeping. Sorry about the nausea and the dizziness, hope they figure out the cause soon.

    Julie, I know all about those hot flashes,I guess most of us do. Nora hand is blistered but she does not seemed bothered by it.

    NM, good drink, you are prolly working today, hope it's not too tough.

    Lori, so glad you're home. Glad you talked to your brother and everything is ok, I'm sure he didn't mean it the way it came out. My DS still hasn't had a day off, I think not until Sunday. He found a new job and gave his 2 weeks notice, hopefully this on will allow him time for wife and baby. He hardly gets to see them at all now. So glad you are home, no place like it ifin you ask me.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Dara, I think a puppy is a wonderful idea! And selling your house and moving to Florida with your dad not too bad an idea either. What would you do with your mom tho? Leave her where she is? I am so sorry you are going thru all this. I remember in the very beginning of the pregnancy you were saying you did not think Jennika was ready to be a mom and you thought maybe baby should be adopted. You know your daughter better than anyone, maybe that would be best. I agree it is time to stop helping her, she needs to do this on her own, perhaps you not helping her will get her to figure out what she should do. The puppy is so cute! Sounds like a perfect distraction for you now. Praying for you everyday ((Dara))

    Nancy, hope the meds are helping, glad you didn't have to be admitted. Praying for you too.

    Lara, good to have you back, in yer pocket on the 6th, you'll be joining us hot flash girls prolly. Better start getting the spaceship ready.

    Cami, hope you didn't catch the crud from your family and hoping D is gone.

    Sposed to be in the 50's here, might go with DH and do a little golfing, then prolly out to dinner tonight for mese b-day. Haven't talked to DS but DIL says Nora is OK and she will use Silvadene until blister scab over. I'll poop in later, have a good Saturday goils!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Was actually able to wake up with the sun this ayem!Of course, that was around 6:30, which is an hour too late for a work day, but perfect for a weekend!

    Cammy--sounds like your Christmas was less than fun and exciting.Sorry bout that, hope you and yours are feeling better.Praying for your brother.No snow here, either, but at least not enough to mention. Some years there's more than we can deal with, I'll take this any year!

    ORLA--New laptop?Now you have no excuse for not posting regularly!Glad you've been busy, busy is good.Prepping the UFO for the 6th, any special requests?

    Goldie--unusually warm here, but good for the oil prices since not so much demand, which is a VERY good thing!My next major household project will be a heat pump.Seems like the best way to go for me.Cheaper than a pellet stove, may be able to get some incentive money or at least a tax break from the state, can cut oil use by more than 50% AND provides cooling in the summer!

    Julie--Sadie did enjoy Christmas, she enjoys any time where she is the center of attention!But it's fun playing with her any time.

    Dara--Sadie got spoiled, and got some special treats, and then more belly rubs than even she could count!Oh, heavens, the charisma if the abusive male strikes again.What is it with abusive men that they can manipulate otherwise normal women into doing totally stupid things?Words do, indeed, fail.{{{hugs}}}

    Collett--post-concussion syndrome is nothing to mess with!If your PCP suggest and ER eval, that might be a good thing to do.

    Dara--the pup is adorable!

    Collett--so glad there is no bleed, and no serious damage.Glad you got it checked out.

    Genny--Happy Birthday!And my 20-15 be a much better year for all of us!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Big Hug

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1 oz Creme de Cacao

    1 cup (Hot) Chocolate

    1/2 oz Whipping Cream


    Pour the irish cream into an Irish coffee cup or glass filled 3/4 with hot chocolate. Add creme de cacao. Add whipped cream and garnish with shaved chocolate on top.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    OOOOOO MYYYYYYY GOSHHHHH Dara, are you phucking kidding me? I am speechless! Her words, altho hurtful, were said out of anger. But one can never take them back. Too bad that house is in your name, I would be tempted to just throw my hands up and say "you are on your own". I am so sorry! (((((DARA))))) Not so sure a puppy would be the right thing, right now. Please give that some good thought, k? Telling DD's counselor is good, but like you say, "IF" she goes. Perhaps you could take her? Or follow her, to make sure she goes. What does her dad say to her about all of this? Ok, I see Mary disagrees with me on the Either way, it will be fine. But doze puppies are in TX?

    Nancy, I think I remember now about the accident. Praying they can get it under control and the more meds will only be temporarily. And like Julie says, "HELMET" for you girl! Glad you went to ER, best to be on the safe side. I got you two, so you can switch them up!



    Mary, that is some diet, from what little bit I read. And the only reason they didn't drink, was cuz they just didn't know how to make it!!! Let us know how it goes and what kinds of things you eat. As for my brother, we did not discuss his comment, just that he called and we talked, like we always do. He prolly doesn't remember saying it, unless I bring it up, which I will not. And YES, I like being home, unless we are out camping!

    LOL NM, waking up to the sun albeit an hour later than what you get up for work! The days are getting longer tho! Good for you on the heat pump! Not sure what it is, or how it works, but glad you are able to find something to help, and cutting the oil bill in half is awesome! Also wanted to ask if you were posting pictures right from FB, and if so, HOW?

    A Big Hug.....poyfect DOTD, tankaewe.

    Cami? LDB? You goils doing ok?

    Lara, for surgery, are they cutting you?

    Well, we were able to avoid Wal Mart and just sucked up paying a few extra pennies for some of the things we would have gotten there and did out shopping at the grocery store where I get all of my produce. My gosh, I got broccoli, green zucchini, yellow squash, califlower, mushrooms, leaf lettuce and radishes. Already had carrots and celery. Had me an awesome salad for dinner! Got an email with all of my scans results and labs. Everything is pretty much stable. TM's came down a couple of points, they were 100 and 101, they are now like 96 and 97. Not huge, but I'll take it. Lesion on my hip is slightly smaller, 4mm, and there is a new one on that side at 5mm, both are very small. All of my organs are in great shape! I think I'm going to ask if I can continue the Faslodex and save the Xeloda for later, as that seemed like the last resort before having to go on IV chemo. What do you all think? I was considering, yet again, the Prozac, but thinking against it! What a freakin roller coaster!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    OK, TIME TO PARTY.....we gots a boyfday goil in da house!









  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Good morning girls, happy Saturday!

    I am up bright and early, the sun is shining, gonna be another bootiful day, yay. I tink we had about 17 days straight with no sunshine, enough to put a little scrooge into anyone who loves de sunshine.

    Thanks for your words and advise on Jennika. I am going to think long and hard about all of this. Nothing more I would like than to see Jennika and David together but it is not looking good. I do not know if I have heard from her this morning as I was too fed up to even put my cell phone on the charger last night and I was done arguing for the day. I am feeling a little better today. I will just pray and let Go and let God. What else can I do.

    Who asked what my dd's father tinks of all this? We talked for a long time yesterday. He is after all in the mental health field. He suggested that I be honest with her and let her know how I was feeling so I did. I slammed her, prolly broke her little heart. She has not been nice to him either and he does anything she asks of him. He is also fed up with her. It pains me so to say it. I am still hoping she will come to her senses and soon and come back home. I did deliver her meds to her but sorta ting I made a mistake in moving her porch furniture around and facing it towards her door so if she was inside, would have to come out another door. I was pissed when I did it.

    Nancy, a great sigh of relief for you. I am glad you got checked out and all is well as can be. love the helmets Lori posted for ya. Too cute! Love you.

    Genny, you sound good. Here is hoping that 2015 will be a better year for ya. And best wishes to you on the new diet. I could use one myself. I think my added fat is why mese belly been bothering me more lately. Sending prayers to you dahling, love you too. But I love you all of coursarous!

    Lori, glad you escaped walmart. Heard on the news that yesterday wuz second biggest shopping day of year. That surplized me, used to be for making returns. But with the gift card generation and now more sales than ever, it was almost as crazy as black friday. Good news on your scans. I wish it was better but if you take it, I take it too. Always praying for ya love.

    NM, glad ya got to see the sunshine, yippy. I guess it has been cloudy for you too the past month. It is depressing not to see the sunshine. Enjoy it today and enjoy the mild temps. I imagine you will be getting the same cold front as we are next week. THanks for the PM, will respond after I visit the bathroom lol.

    Julie would love living nearly you. But I would miss my family too much to do such a ting. And I fear that I would end up in a bad financial situation as my parents did when they sold there home in KS. Housing prices are so cheap in FL as compared to KS. I would not have the means to move back if I were to give up my job and move on. I hope you are having a nice day and enjoying an abundance of sunshine! You bring the sun here when there is none girl. Love you.

    Speaking of, I was going to apply to a mortgage company of what I thought was a great builder, Toll Brothers, buiders of luxury homes throughout the US. But did some research and the homes are shappy construction, many many unhappy homeowners having issues with mold, flooring, fascia (a word I learned through my own journey, thanks to NM) etc. I do not think I would want to work for such a company as my clients would be unhappy at the end of their process when the home was not right. I am going to be applying to AIG insurance as an undewriter as well. I used to work in insurance for turdteen years before moving on to mortgage. I dunno, gotta do sumting and I think God will direct me accordingly.

    As for the puppy coming from Texas, I did a lot of research and thought best to rescue a dachshund. But could not find one anywhere. I came across this website that sounds too goo to be true. I emailed the guy and heard back from him quickly. His prices are far better than here in Kansas where a pure bred goes for up to 1800! This girl comes from a breeder of prized dogs, not a puppy mill. They are raised on a farm, pics are on the website. Further, I googled the business name and could not find any complaints. Here is an excerpt from him email to me:

    We start to socialize our pups 3-4 days after birth with lots of affection and physical contact. We also begin to socialize them with other animalls around 6 weeks. We love Dachshunds! We are not a puppy mill. We do not breed as a means of financial support. We breed because we love Dachshunds and want to do our part to better the quality of Dachshunds in the world. Three of our studs (Sherwood, Shogun, and Tiny Tim), are from AKC Champion bloodlines. Shogun and Tiny Tim are brothers and are the great grandsons of a AKC Champion and Sherwood has no less than 8 AKC Champions in the last 5 generations of his bloodline. All of our breeding Dachshunds conform nicely to the breed standard as set forth by AKC.

    I also worry that a new puppy will be stressful for me. But i tink it is now or never. I will be going on another leave from work. And face it, I can't stay on medical leaves furever so now a good time as ever. I love doggies so so much and could not live without one. I sleep with my dog, come home for my dog. Again, could not function without one, have had a dog sincen I was a baby. And we had a very hard time with sick dogs, had three in a row with distemper that had to be put down. That was until we went the wiener dog route. At that time, I though, wtf, a wiener dog, those silly little things? But the rest is history.

    I might have told you girls that I had gotten a letter from an attorney a few months back stating that the state of Ks had money in the treasury from the 80's that was due me. The mail came to my maiden name and referenced my family address. The attorney wanted $100 to do the leg work. Well I did some research and found the website for I filled out my own paper work. Well I got a notice in the mail on Tuesday that my claim was approved for 181.00 plus interest. Yesterday, got a check from the state for nearly 400.00! It was a refund for insurance i had on my 1988 Toyota! I had moved out and my parents sold and moved to SC. I am using this money toward the puppy. It will cost another 300 to fly him to NJ. They use a special airline, AA transport or something like that that caters to moving pets. I am very furcited to get a new furever friend!! And one that will give me unconditional love. She will be here on 1 /12. My Bella will be approx 11 on Jan 2 which is the date I got her in 2009 at approx six years old. She told me that she wants a friend. hehe!

    Ok, time to drop the kids off at the pool, have had my cup of coffee and feeling so much better today. Onward and upward for me, no more taking me down. Time to charge my phone as well and make sure there are no texts to ruin my day again. Ugh. Thanks all for your support.