how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Goldie--I think Dara should tell DD's counselor, too. Love the helmets you found for Collett! No, I am not posting from FB directly.I can't post onto FB without importing the pic to My Pictures on my computer first.I am posting to bco from My Pictures.Sometimes, rarely, I can copy a pic from google directly to bco, but not often lately.And I don't know exactly how a heat pump works, either, still trying to figure that out, but I'm liking what I'm reading so far!Seems like staying with the Faslodex makes sense, at least to me, but good question to ask your MO.How about giving the prozac an 8 week trial?By then you will know if it will help, and if you will get over the side effects like most people do, and still be able to wean off easily if you decide to stop taking it.It's such a help for me that I really do want to see people at least try it, but I am biased!

    Whose B-day??????

    Julie--I am scared, very scared!

    Dara--sounds to me like DD heard some things she needed to hear.Not liking it is not required.Maybe a broken heart and lost baby will convince her to grow up.But maybe not.If the worst you did was rearrange some porch furniture, she got off lucky.I would have piled everything in the yard and told her to pick it up before next trash pick up or it was going to the trash.I am very much enjoying the moments the sun peeks out around the clouds.Now if the sheets and clothes on the line would just get dry so I can get the rest of the load out there!And yes, cold weather is coming.Sigh.

    Nothing like a new puppy in the Lounge!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014 furcited for you! I have not had less than 2 dogs for 20 years. They are great companions to me and each other.I cannot imagine not having one.

    Just finished 9 holes of golf with my DH! It's about 50 here, a little colder with the wind but it was fun! I had a 53 which is purdy good for me. Now I have to go cut MIL's hair because she truly is the only one that matters. She started bugging me about it on Xmas Eve cause it's been almost 4 wks! So I'll go cut the 1/4 inch off and shut her up for another 3 1/2 weeks. I really should charge her more, then I'll bet she'd space them out. She pays me $20. Julie and Lori, love the helmets.

    Thanks girls for the birthday wishes!

    My friend Molly has been on Prozac for over 20 years. I like the Cymbalta, seems to help my joints and hot flashes. Can't hurt to try it Lori.

    NM, good advice as usual.

    See ya all in the lounge a little later for some birthday dwinks!!! love to all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hi girls,

    Just popping in quickly to post some pics of the puppy. I have been thinking of good names for her and so far have come up with Pebbles, Lucy and Brandi. But first, gotta git dis here birfdey partay started! I did not see Lori's post and was tinking the birthday was tomorrow but it is today, yes? Happy Happy Birfdey, Mary. Wishing you many many more birthdays!




    I hope you have a beautiful day!! LOVE YOU to the moon and back again! will brb with pics of puppy!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014




  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Julie, you said your niece is buying from the same breeder? That is amazing, it is a small world with a lot of breeders out there. Can you PM me her name, I can mention her to the breeder if you do not mind? I found puppy through But then I googled the name of the person that emailed me back and found their website and was thoroughly impressed. I am leaning towards the name Lucy, she looks like a Lucy. I just paid the deposit, she will be here in just two weeks from tomorrow. I am glad I slept on it before acting. I wanted to make sure I was up for the challenge today when I woke up sober.

    I just made a dwink to sailabrate puppy and also sailabrate Mary's birfdey, cheErS!

  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited December 2014

    Oh garsh, been quite some time since I being here. And I see you all have been worried about me.....NOT!

    Well, I too have been a bit traumatized, ya my baby in for a baby goat, and then getting that taken away from me! And everyone has so much going on, too much drama for this chickie! But I did pop in to say Happy Birthday to Mary. So don't ya's worry about moi. I am around, and I keep tabs on everyone. I'm just out enjoying life and staying DRUNK!

    Word for the day....WINE! Have some WINE Mary! Happy Birthday from cute, sweet, loveable me!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Stella !!! Oh how I have missed you. It must be a big ass partay here cuz that is the only time you fly into de lounge. woooo hoooooo!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    sorry dara i'm confusing you ,i meant the same breeder they got dolly mae from and not the same on e as you

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Julie, I am easily funcused!

    I am here partaying in honor of our Mary, come on girls, let's toast. *clink*



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    I have a feeling that a certain someone is not going to make her own party. hmmm, boom chickie wow wow again? I hope so! I will hang around a little longer. Heck, there is a band playing here in the lounge and there are some new tenders as well. They are all taking pretty good care of Dara tonight, yummmmmm!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good Sunday Morning, Loungettes!Guess who hung clothes out on the line yesterday whose go rain this morning?Yup, gonna have to bring the clothes back in, spin them out again and hang them up on theindoor rack?

    Happy Birthday Genny!

    Great helmet for Collett!

    Genny--Your MIL sounds a bit like my Mom, tends to obsess over things like hair cuts and such.

    Dara--She does look like a Lucy, cute little thing!

    Hey Stella!I see you've been busy, glad you made time to stop in!

    Princess Glitter Sizzles DOTD:

    Stella's Stinger

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    1 tsp Creme de Menthe

    1 tsp Pernod

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Pour tequila, Pernod and creme de menthe into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Strain into a cocktail glass, garnish with a twist of lemon peel, and serve.

  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited December 2014

    A new puppy for mese?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2014

    Morning everyone. Lori can you repost my helmets I cant see them fur some reason and I gots to pick one out to wear.

    Dara you are doing the right thing with your DD, Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we wake up and grow up.. I love love love wittle Lucy. You know I love Doxie pups. Post more pictures when you get her.

    NM I hate when it rain on clothes youve just put out on the line,

    Mary I hope you had a great birthday

    Mema hope your feeling ok.

    i go to the RO and my neurologist tomorrow, Im thinking I probably will be told I cant work. I think some stresses at work are what started this seizure mess and the hit on the head didnt help. My seizures are a mixture of stress related and epileptic so when I first started back to work my brother told me my first priority is our accreditation which makes sense since they are coming in 8 months, Then the next day he tells me my priority is to train our sales staff on our vents and to get vent manuals together. Then while in Vegas my priority was to make out an education calendar for the year and start in-servicing our staff, The Monday we got back it was I need you to get these billing policies done ASAP and then the very next day he want me to be a billing collector, because our majority owner insist, we call all patients with balances and get money. First off I have no clue what Im even doing second im feeling extremely overwhelmed and told him this and explained due to my traumatic brain injury my neuro psych wants me working on one thing at a time and not multi tasking so I dont get overwhelmed and stressed and he told me this is a buisness where we have to multitask. So i think I may be looking at going on disability, I see my neuropsychologist 1/7 Im still having seizures last night Jackson was playing with a dino toy and the noise made me go into one that made me black out my husband said, Sorry for venting bout work. Love you girls,

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2014

    Morning girls, sorry I missed mese own pardy...geesh... too much wine, came home, considered boom chickey wow wow but passed out instead. We went out to a wine bar, had 2 glasses there, then to dinner, 2 more, then to another place for dessert and another, then came home and opened mese presents and had 1 more. Pretty fuzzy after that, till I woke up dis mornin. Starting my diet today so virtual dwinkies for awhile, then I can have wine or tequila, no vodka so that'll be a new one for me. The only time I ever have tequila is in a margarita but I can't have the sugar in them. I'm hoping to lose 15 lbs before the exchange surgery which is hopefully 1st week in March. Don't know if I mentioned it but my right TE has a leak. He fills it up and a few days later it's small and squishy so I have to keep going back so the skin is stretched enough. I'll be so glad to get these things outta me. So thanks for the party.. and the birfday wishes, I had a nice one. Can't believe I'm 57...don't know how that happened.

    Dara, I love the name Lucy, that was my gramma's name but they called her Lulu. What a cutie that puppy is, I'm so furcited for you and I tink the timing is poifect.

    Hi Stella, good to see you pop in the lounge! Thanks for the birthday wishes.

    Nancy, so sorry for all you're going thru, sounds like a good case for disability. And don't let anyone make you feel guilty, you have to take care of yourself first.

    NM, ugh, wet laundry. and muddy paws. And the DOTD has tequila... great!

    Lori, thanks for the cake delivered by the nice tender. Glad to hear your TM's are down a bit and everything is stable. Hope you get to hold off on the Xeloda. Love the helmets for Nancy.

    Julie, thanks for the cake, cute helmets as well.

    Well, my house is a mess and I go back to work tomorrow so I have to get all you girls, have a good Sunday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Cute Minion Jules, but me no think you are cra cra! Ok, so you have a niece or two, here in the states?

    Dara, I too love the sun. If we just get one day of cloudy weather, I have no inkling to do a thing! Please be very careful in what you say and do in regards to DD. Like I said, those things can not be taken back. Congrats on the missing money and the new fur baby. Do you have a name for her? Oh yes you do, I think I like Brandi. NM likes Lucy. Anyone else?

    NM, I hope the heat pump is the poyfect choice for you, regardless of how it works. I'm feeling pretty good, so still holding off on the Prozac, at least I have it on hand iffin I feel I need it. I did some laundry, but had to hang it in the house, too cold outside! I can take pictures from Google, I right click and copy the UrL, and then paste it in like you would the ones from your computer.

    Mary, glad you enjoyed your golf outing. Funny about MIL needing her hair cut after only 3 weeks. Gosh, it's been almost 4 months since mine was cut!

    Cami, you ok? How is your brother doing?

    New Tenders? You hogged them all Dara??? Guess I shoulda been here, iffin I wanted some.

    Stella, bella da ball. Look at you girl. Best if you did stay away, we don't need you around causing even more drama. You just behave yourself girl!

    Nancy, the helmets show for me. Anyone else not able to see them? Sorry bout the drama, and you get on that soap box anytime you want. Just be sure and do what's best for NANCY!

    DOTD has some to kill ya in it, maybe it will entice LDB to come it.

    Uneventful day for me yesterday, today as well. It's so good to be home!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    OMG again I've missed so much, it took me forever to read, and lots of problems going on , but some good stuff too.

    STELLA in da lounge--OMG she must be bored, well she's not staying wid me I have no patience for her tomfoolery--kinda like that word----

    Lori u'r results sounded good, it's better than before and I hope and pray all the time that all the numbers get lower and u'r mind is at more piece. And u do have the option of the Prozac so that's good to keep in mind, knowing something else can hep u feel better, even if u don't take it. And I know u'r brother barely remembers it or feels bad about it and it's so kind of u to just let it go, cuz u 2 are just to close.

    Lara glad u pooped in and we'll get ready for u'r surgery--oh another one u poor thing--I've told u I don't know how some of u gals can have so much surgery, u'r amazing.--I was worried about  so I'm glad u came in.

    NM still no snow here WOO WOO, I can't believe it but it is supposed to turn much colder very soon, like in 15 minutes LOL==so I'm glad u had some good time off, but Laundry OH u gals who hang it are like old souls, I couldn't do that anymore.

    Mary.Mary--I think I missed u BD--so Happy belated Birthday, but it seems like u didn't mis it and had a good time.

    Nancy all u go thru with these damn seizures, I'm so sorry--How can u possibly go back to work? I'm no authority but I would think going on disability is the best thing u can do,

    I'm afraid I'm going to loose thi so I'm startng another 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    OK I've lost so many posts, I got skeered.

    dara when I saw those puppies eyes I thought OK I couldn't say no and  Mary my Grandma's name was Lucy too. Well in Italian it was Lucia but that's funny and my sister is Lu and we call her Lulu.

    Julie u'r like such a pioneer person to me moving so far away from family and being able to do what u wanted to do. I couldn't ever do that.

    Dara I'm kind of speechless too---I thought maybe with the damn SD did what he did, u'r DD would have seen the lite. But she's not ready and she's ging to be so sorry when her eyes are opened and absolutely tell the lawyer everything, and I'm so sorry but none of this sounds good. And honestly I think whatever u or anyone says won't make a diference to her yet. Cuz she still has that type of obsessed feeling for him and he knows it,  And now that that idiot put little David in the system getting back together is the worse thing they can do now for him. Unles the court can overee and check on everything, but usually to busy for each case.Put it all on the table for the attorney and see what she thinks, they know from their own experience exactly what will happen. And I don't blame u for all u'r anger and hurt but saying it to u'r DD is not going to help anyone so please try to calm down, u will not be able to stop what's going to happen, only she can and if she still feels gaga over him, it's a loosing battle. And I hope she wakes up soon, before it's to late--I don't know what I'd do, I'm sure I would loose it too so I can't imagine faulting u fr anything. All u've ever done was try to help her in all ways, that's all u could do. I'm sending big prayers for u, u need them.

    Well everyone is feeling better finally.==Both of my brothers re in the hospital now and my one brother who just went in is so quiet about everything and he does not want my sister or me to diagnose him, he got upset with us.Well we do know now (from his DD) that he had lung cancer--and he sees his Onc tomorrow. He's staying with his GF, so he must feel very weak,, cuz he would not normall do that and my sister and I spent 2 days on the phone most of the time trying to figure how bad this is. He's on strong pain meds, all his bones are in pain especially his back and shoulders and even his voice is weak. U know men are so goofy, if that was me or my sister we would tell each other word for word what the Drs. are saying and instead we know nothing of what they can do, or how bad it is. He doesn't smoke, eat healthy and excercises and does all the so called pretty good things. My BIL is falling apart cuz he loves him so much, he love all of us like we have always been his family and he won't even talk to him about this--so it's a mess. I don't know we're not telling my other brother cuz he's in FL in the hospital so what can he do? He's still fooling around with sepsis--whatever, I know he's anxious to come home and when it's time one of his son's will fly there and get them to come home, at least my other brother is home now. But my sister who is usually my strength is so sad and crying a bit saying now it our turn. So I told her take u'r turn I'm not taking mine yet. I feel so bad when she gets sad. Well hopefully we'll find out more in the next couple of days and it might not be as bad as we think, cuz there is so much that can be done.

    Well that's one of the reasons I haven't been on here too, just to much on the phone and a little work mixed in there too.

    I lubs u all so very much.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Hello girls, happy SUndeY FUndeY!

    Stella, you had better stay far far away from my puppy. You would sale her for a bottle on cheap wine girl. I ain't gonna talk to you anymore, you are a nessapointment to me and my girls here. Go find JohnBoy aka moler focker and get lost. lol

    NM, I sure hope that your sheets dry before the rain comes again. Or snow if that is the case. It looks like the cold is coming there soon as well. I hope you and Sadie have a peaceful and relaxing happy day. I am sure that Sadie will be happy to spend the day with you. Give her a belly rub from me.

    Mary, so glad you had such a special day. I had a feeling you would not be here last night and I completely understand. Best wishes on the new diet. I hope it works for you.

    Nancy, oh my goodness, you have been through so much already and now this. So sorry. I hope you are able to get on a disability leave. Your job sounds so stressful and that is the last thing you need right now. As the other girls said, you need to take care of YOU. Please keep us updated. I am skeered for you. ((((Nancy)))). Have you ever had wiener dogs? They are the sweetest lil dogs with the biggest hearts! I just love them and can't wait. I will get updated pics of Lucy next weekend and post them here. Then the following weekend, I get her! Hoping that you feel better today and no seizures, k?

    Camille, oh no, lung cancer? And pain to the back and shoulders? This does not sound good. I hope and pray that the cancer is curable. I knew of a guy from my hometown, was in his early 30's with young children who was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. He is now in full remission and it has been a few years. I am so sorry for you and your family. FURB! It has to be so disturbing to be left in the dark and not know what is going on. Sending lots of prayers for both of your brothers to get well soon. (((Cammy))). I love you and have missed you here but understand your absence.

    Lori, I hope it is a sunshiney day there. It is cloudy here again with rain on and off. It is at 52 mild degrees but like Cam, it is going to get cold any minute. I still have not talked with Jennika, she will be coming here to pick her car up. I am going to have to let her have it so that she can get to her therapy tomorrow. I am going to try to talk with her and see where she is coming from in all of this. I believe that she wanted to be back home at her own place so much that she is just tolerating the SD. I am sure that he will again show his true colors. It is hard for me to close the door on her. I will tell her that I will be here for her as long as she does what is right by Logan. I plan on calling her counselor in the morning to give her a heads up and also ask her to let me know if Jennika does not show up for her counseling sessions three times a week.

    Julie, love the pic you posted, looks a lot like my Bella! I hope you are having a good day, are you off today? Sending you some cyber chocolate just because I love ya!

    So I see my psychiatrist on Tuesday and pic my return to work date. I do not see the hand surgeon until the 19th of January, that is the day I will get my surgery date. I have to be back to work before the 18th of January to avoid being terminated. I am thinking about asking my doctor to use a return date of the 9th. It will suck that I will be back to work for the arrival of my puppy but my Dad, my sister and my nephew are willing to help with getting her outside and help housebreak her. I did firm the name Lucy, I wanted to sleep on it and look at her again. She totally looks like a little Lucy. I Love Lucy hehe, get it? I can't wait to smell that puppy breath and the puppy farts lol. Puppy farts are the worst but I will have someone to blame for my own stanky farts Happy. I had the worst gas on Christmas night, so much in fact that mese Bella left my bed. She was under the covers and one snuck out that smelled so foul, she just up and left me. hehe! The next morning, I pooped like a farm animal. TMI? Hey, thinking back to last year this time, I was still on a wound vac and very constipated. I went over three weeks without going except for a few times with the help of every medicine out there to get me moving. So now when I poop, I am thankful sincen I do not need any medicinal help in making it happen GO ME!

    Well I am going to mosey on over to the brunch buffet and have some dwinks too. I can dwink early sincen it is a day that ends in Y! woo hoooooo! I hope you all have a great day. I will continue to pray for all of you and your family members that need lifted in prayer. God Bless.

    Love you all!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    lucy is beautiful, you are not going to blame that dear little puppy for any of the smells you make, maybe you and sadie can have a competition. thanks for the choccolate

    cammi-well glad your feeling better ,sounds like the brother in fl is doing good if he wants to come home. wish you had got better news about your other brother.will add him to my prayers

    nancy- you need to do what is right for you,feel better soon

    well today is probably my last lazy day, i see the doc in the morning so expecting to be back in work tuesday,ironed my uniforms ready, just need to get my work bag ready ,then its a glass of wine and the sunday paper

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2014

    hi all just looking in to say hi. Was tinking of going on da wagon but den Ise touht again and tis nearly new year so slainte.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    s.lainet Alyson. lubs de pic in yer aveetar, iz tihat your grand d? berry purdy ya see.

    Mese, no see, no tawk. ~SIHG~

    mese partay farty hearty w de dog, wese hasing da'quilla ~ hiccUP

    Jules, tail yer dr if ya wanna keep partaying all dey long, you need mo time offa de worka. hehe, sorry, meze taught me wuz ITaliAn for a minuto dere. hehe, make me tink about a minuet. I wanna play in the htl band. here is mese first number. I sing like franky him dern self. tehehe!

    I pracktisssing de handel messiah, hard to play de fingers when dwunk!

    opus 56

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2014

    Good Monday morning, Loungettes!Another short work week, should be interesting. Not really looking forward to it, but I'll cope, right?I need more coffee.I can cope with anything with enough coffee!

    Collett--I don't mind rain on the clothes so much, as long as they dry out, but it was gloomy and damp yesterday, so no drying.Got it all figured out, hang everything on the rack, move the rack under the fan in the kitchen overnight and wahlah!Dry clothes!Just don't smell as good.Yikes, the work situation sounds like a lot going on, health care is a busy, fast paced work environment.I hope you get it all worked out.No problem about venting about work, we all do it!

    Genny--Sounds like you had your own B-day party with all that wine!So you're 57--do you have an AARP card?If not get one, you would not believe the discounts it gets you!My fav card to pull out!Sadie does get muddy paws, but she's really good about heading straight to the crate until they dry off.

    Goldie--Sometimes I can do the URL copy thing from google, sometimes it won't work for me, so I just keep trying.

    Julie--LOL, bellies don't rub themselves, do they?

    Cammy--No snow, hoping it stays that way for a while.At least I'm not spending a lot on snowplowing so far this season! Holy cow, what a lot going with your family!I am praying for you and your brothers and your sister and everyone else involved.

    Dara--Sadie got so many belly rubs yesterday she lost track of which one came from who!She was just a big belly rub fool for some reason.Not that I minded.The clothes came in and got dry, but the duvet is still on the line.Hopefully it will dry before any weather starts in, which shouldn't be for a day or two from what I heard this ayem.

    Julie--Good luck with the doc!Good for you for getting all your work stuff ready.

    Hey, Aly!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Snow Melt

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Amaretto

    (Fill to Top) Hot Chocolate

    Best served in a Coffee Mug.


    Pour Vodka and Amaretto into a coffee mug then fill with prepared Nestle Hot Chocolate.Top with whipped cream or marshmellows and cherry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Cami my love, I miss you when you are not here. I love hanging my laundry. The only time I use my dryer is for small things, like socks and undies. It also uses up my electric and propane! You just now found out about your one brother having lung cancer? How many of you kids are there? I know you have your sister, and 2 brothers, both of which are in the hospital, and 3 of you with cancer!!! How horrible! We SOOOOO need a cure, FURB! Your sister is Lu, what are your brothers names, so we can say a prayer for them. Sending my love and prayers to you my dear friend. Glad the rest of your family is feeling better. I had a dream with you and Joey in it. I wanted him to play his clarinet for me!

    Dara, if you talk to your DD, please tell her to NEVER touch SD again during a fight. The last thing she needs is to be taken to jail again. I hope her counselor will let you know if she shows...confidentiality, ya know? Who is taking care of Lana? Wow, I can't imagine how hard it is going to be, going back to work.




    Julie, hopefully you feel ready to go back to work. I know you sure sound like you feel fine. You breezed through this surgery!

    Slaint to you too Alyson! Glad to see you and we hope you din't get hoyt when you falled off dat wagon!

    NM, NOt, looking forward to a short week?? Is it cuz the paycheck reflects on that? As for pictures, I like the fact that we can copy them from our puters, but disappointed that we can't take them from FB anymore.

    Ize been bizzy since being home, working on a new website for the other bizzness. It's not really "our" business, we are just helping and getting a good return on the money we are investing. But it's alot to put out and nothing comeing in right now....but soon!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    Had to do another one! I like this one better.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning my beauties--I really slept last nite

    Lori I know at the beginning of anything u have to work especially hard I pray it all works in u'r favor and the work lessens for you. There are just 4 of us, my oldest brother Nick, next is Mike then Lu and me--All named after our grandparents, that's what u did those days.  Nick has sepsis from an operation 4 months ago and he was doing fine. And Lu and I don't know how long Mike has been feeling vad, cuz he just doesn't tell us--I talked to him a couple of weeks ago and he never said a word but he worries about me and we were laughing. He's supposed to get married in a few months and my thought (I'm bad, I know) will she stick with all this--whatever it might be---It's not that I'd blameher but til now all they've done is travel, they've gone to France, a cruise, someplace else is Europe and out all the time so she's used to enjoying her time with him--my brother is cheap, but when it comes to certain things like cars and homes an travel he always does what he wants, so he's really been good to her and got her a beautiful engagement ring.But they've onl been together for about 2 yrs and it's all been fun basically. Like I said u really can't fault her if this gets crazy, and we all hope it doesn't.

    Julie I can't believe it's time for work again--it went by so fast and u sound ready, and I hope u are.

    NM I still didn't get my Schnapps, since I'll be alone New Yrs. Ever, I should have it by then. And still no snow yet for this week either. And it's always nice to have a short week, especially now cuz not a lot for a while anyway. I think.

    Well today is Monday and I don't feel like it's any day yet, my sister is off so we'll talk leter as soon as we find out something. U know I think my brother knows everything now, u have t remember all these drs. are his friends--they travel together, golf together so most of the time he was even in the hospital the county Dr. was in his room, he hardly left him, they've been friends for yrs. Cuz we did hear the radiologist talked to him after, cuz they know each other so well so he knows, he's just keeping his miserable mouth shut. How can he do that???? Stupid Men Sorry I'm ranting about him here. well u all understand me. soooooo


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2014

    Good afternoon mi' ladies!

    Just reporting in for dwinking duty! Great DOTD NM! Thank you. I could go for about twelve or turdteen of those.

    Camille, love, so sorry about your brother, praying for him. I hope you are able to get the facts. I hope you read the story about the guy I know that beat stage IV lung cancer. (((Cammy))). Glad to hear no snow in the forecast, we are expecting some late this week but nothing big, tank God.

    Lori, you crack me up, taking my little Lucy and putting words in her mouth. I will be good and not blame her for my stank. Hehe, I really only stink when I eat like a barn animal that is starving. It is my Dad that stinks up the place for the most part. Anywho, I wish you guys the best of luck wtih your new business endeavor, may it be lucrative and easy for you both. Does this mean that you will no longer have to do all of the shipping? I am sorta funcused. Forgive me k?

    NM, I think you met you are not looking forward to working even if it's a short week. I feel for you getting up at dark o'clock. I will be with you soon in rejoining the work force, jest a few weeks for me if that. I hope you get your covers dried, good idea to use the fan to dry yer sheets. I am thankful for mese dryer, I washed mese sheets on Saturday and used tide and downy along with a bounce sheet and they smell soooo good. I do like hanging out but only do so in the warmer weather. I did dry my blanket outside and it smells downy fresh! I have gas (not farting gas but gas heat and dryer). It is much less expensive to run than electric or propane. I do not know how you do it without a dryer! Or do you have one and jest not use it?

    Well I am going to mosey on over to the lunch table, mese belly is a growling like a rabid dog so mese gotta eat sumting and get lunch for mese Daddy. Will check in later, hope to hear from Mary, Nancy, Lara and de rest of the MIA goils.

    monkeyDAY chEErs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2014

    well got my offical back to work letter,no restrictions so i guess i have to vacuum now, going in for 4hours tomorrow then my 12 on new years eve and friday, i have a new title ,i will be one of the educators! looking back at some of my posts they got to be kidding , but will be working 3 days a week ,no weekends!

    cammi-i hope she sticks by him,he needs the support now, thinking of you aand your family, give my love to joey

    lori-prayers that the new business goes well

    so need to finih up my prep for work-wine and chocolate, take care ladies