how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Happy New Year, gals. I am watching Rockin New Years Eve on ABC. I enjoy the entertainment. I hope that you all have the Happiest Year ever, wooop woooop!

    Wishing you all great Health, Peace and Love in your hearts for the upcoming year. Give yerselves a pat on the back for surviving, it's what we do!

    I am having a shot of teakilla for each of you gals. ready?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Cami, I think the world would be most poyfect if everyone were like us goilies. Your brother was a judge? He he, I Googled him and then went to images. He is a handsome man. Praying his surgery and rads will help him and he can get through them rather easily. Is her there in IL? "UNPLUGGED" you need to be UNPLUGGED. Oh wait, you need to be PLUGGED, so no more "D"!

    Dara, how could they fire you for having to have surgery? I think you could sue over that. Heck you would probably have a better case with that than what you are having from the RB. We had a nice visit/lunch with our friends. Came home, DH in bed by 7, me by 8:30, party animals we are. Oh dear, I'm so sorry DD won't let you see BD (baby David). And please don't be biotch, you have to be the mom, nana, the bigger person. If she needs something, and it costs money and helps her and SD, then NO, you can say no to that. But be the bigger person, that way you won't have anything to regret later, k? Love you girl!

    Oh Nancy, so sorry for all of the confusion over your gramps and the busted door and all. But how scary that he drove himself, while thinking he was having a heart attack!!! Glad he is ok, and made it to the assisted living. Bless his heart, and yours.

    Good to see you Red, love the New Years wish, thanks! Wishing you that date with NED, he's a great guy to have an affair with, and I don't think your hubby would mind either!

    Mary, you and I WILL meet. Even if it's both of us driving half way and having lunch!

    Jules, you made the 12 hours, WHEW! Sorry about the panic with the RB, damn him. 6.3 miles at work, who needs a gym???

    Dara, that CEA is a part of the tumor markers. And has something to do with protein in the blood, I think. That's about the best I can do, as trying to read about in Wikipedia, it's all Greek to me and I don't understand a thing they are saying! I do know that my number for that is within the numbers it's suppose to be, it's the other markers that off for me. Do you ever get blood work done? How about some of you other gals, do you still get check ups? I know Cami, Sue, Mary, Nancy and myself do. Just wondering about the rest of ya's.

    Well, we got snow overnight. Tradition for DH and I is to chill a bottle of bubbly in it. So that is the only reason I like it today! Also it is going to be COLD here. Happy Happy New Year girls!

    DOTD.....your choice of Schnapps! I will have some HOT DAMN!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Happy 2015 Loungettes!Sadie and I did not stay up last night, and slept in this ayem, and we've still seen the Times Square ball drop, a local beach ball drop, and fireworks off the Needle.Gotta love TV!

    Goldie--Sounds like J has his work cut out for him.Doesn't seem right that J should get stuck paying for building issues, I would think the leasing company would be taking care of that, isn't building maintenance their responsibility?It's good of you to be helping him, I'm sure he appreciates your faith in him.I hope he can turn things around.Julie has a lovely voice, I'd love to hear her sing!

    Champagne Indeed!I'll have some!

    LOL!At the car

    Cammy--We are all very different, aren't we?And we do get along pretty well, don't we?Gotta love us!Hoping the D stays away.

    Dara--Back to work the 16h?Well, I suppose work is necessary.Sounds like you won't be back long before the next surgery, though.Sadie and I had a super belly rub party last night, we both had a lot of fun.CEA is one of the tumor markers that can be used to monitor cancer of the GI system mostly (colon cancer primarily) and is sometimes ovarian and breast cancers, and is used to monitor pregnancy.The CEA is a tricky one, Lots of things can make it go up, things that have nothing to do with cancer, and it's not always clear what a set of CEA results really mean when the numbers are under a certain level.CEA does stand for Carcino (cancer) Embryonic (pregnancy) Antigen (a protein made by some cancer cells and during pregnancy).I think it's safe for me to say that Julie is not pregnant without giving away any private health information.I can imagine you do miss Baby David.You gave Jennika every possible opportunity to break with SD, she has to do some of that work herself.Now she will need to deal with the consequences of her choices, and no one can do that for her.All you can do now is let her know that you will be there to help if she leaves SD, and stay out of things until that happens.I can just imagine the response to the Code Grey.Finding the resident on another floor is much better than finding her outside.Does the facility have doors that you have to put in a code to get through?Very effective at keeping residents from leaving the building, except when someone lets them out without realizing!You know, boring can be a good thing in life, sometimes.

    Collett--Your poor grandpa, sounds like he needs a little extra help.Assisted living will probably be great for him, many people, once they get used to the change, actually likeit, there are usually things to do, people around to talk with.It isodd the things that people come up with when they get confused.Glad you got him to eat, that will help.

    Red Riding Hood!Long time, no see!Hooray for doing so well, and being busy with life and work.Happy New Year!

    Genny--Happy New Year, hope you cleaned up bowling!

    Julie--Hooray for surviving your first 12!6 miles, hmmm?Reminds me I need to get my pedometer out again.Happy New Year!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:



    2 ounces Prosecco

    2 ounces Pellegrino Aranciata

    1½ ounces Zwack

    Half an orange round, to garnish


    In a rocks glass, pour the Prosecco, Pellegrino Aranciata and Zwack over ice and stir until well chilled. Garnish with the orange round.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    good morning all, i can confirm i'm not pregnant,

    cammi-hope your having a good start to the new year

    lori-if your renting ,i thought building maintenance was the concern of the owner to, i was in bed at 930pm but fireworks started at midnight and went on until 0230am so was awake then

    dara- i know on my disability sheet ,it said i had to go back to work at my regular job , if i couldn't do that then the company does not have to accomodate me unless it was workers compensation when they must make some allowances. i could support baby david but like you could not give any money to dd or sd

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2015

    Happy New Year gals!!! I've been reading for two days!! I will come back and write more mostly wanted you all to know unthinking of you and wishing us all a terrific 2015!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    "I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment because they'll never come again." - Jean-Luc Picard

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Hi ladies, another quick pop in, going to bed in a few minutes. Had fun bowling but we all drank entirely too much, good thing we had a cab. My DIL has strep throat so I'm going to get Nora in the morning and keep her overnight so I'm gonna be busy tomorrow.

    Princess, nice to see you, hope you get some breathing time now that the holidays are over, I'm sure you prolly don't even want to look at chocolate by now.

    Dara, Sorry about DD, lots of good advice from the girls. I think NM is right about stepping back and just letting her know you'll be there when she's ready to ditch the SD. Sounds like she's got a lot of growing up to do and you can't do that for her. I'm so furcited about Lucy... a new puppy in the lounge..yea!

    Lori, big warehouse! Hope the building issues get straightened out. Nora's hand is fine. Next time you go to Michigan we are going to make a point of meeting for sure.

    NM, glad you and Sadie got to sleep in. None of my doctors seem to have any interest in tumor markers. I don't think they plan on running any on me. It's cold here too but at least we're staying in the double digits.

    Julie, glad you made it thru your first day back, hope you get to rest this weekend. I did 12 hour shifts for a long time, the extra days off are nice but the work days are so long.

    Cami, hope your D went away, glad you are smelling pretty.

    Red, good to see you, try and pop in more often.

    Nancy, hope your grampa likes his new living arrangements, glad he had you to help him. How are you doing with the seizures? Hope they've lightened up. When do you go to the neurologist again?

    Whatever happened to 4 I wonder?

    Hi Lara, glad you popped into the lounge too. Hope you're felling good with no pain.

    Hi Sue, hope you're having fun.

    Well that's it, I'm tired. Happy New Year!! Love you girls!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls, Happy New Year. Wishing you all a very Healthy and Happy 2015!

    NM and Lori, tanks for essplaining CEA. I tink I get it. And Julie is good, right?

    Lori, I do see an oncologist every six months and will have to continue for a long time. I think he is keeping me on arimidex for another seven years or so. I missed my appointment in December, it was a day that I was in court and I did not see the reminder. I got a call stating I missed it and have to reschedule. My onc wants me to take the estrogen blockers for ten years total, I took tammy for a couple of years then switched over to arimidex a year or so ago. I also get blood work done by my primary care doctor, have that appointment late Jan and a follow up early Feb. I do have it easy compared to many of you girls that have to see an onc on a monthly basis or even more? I am with the other girls in that I do not understand why your new "partner" has to b ix a building that does not belong to him.

    Julie, did your onc bring up the CEA figure or did you just see it on a paper or sumting? I sure hope that your number is not a concern. Did you work through the ringing of the New Year? Or did you dwink and eat chocolate or both lol!?

    NM, glad you and Sadie had a nice NY together. Nothing better than a partay with a dog. I am having my own dern partay right now. I hope you do not have much catching up to do at the job.

    Deb and Tobi, nice to see you goils pop yer heads in for a dwinkie. Come in more, it gits lonely in here.

    Cam, leave it to Lori to find a pic of your brother. Butt how did she know his last name? My guess is that you mentioned it before and she remembered it? Or that you said before that you use your maiden name? I dunno, she is amazing. I also have an image of you and Joey sipping your morning coffee. And with him in a new robe, funny, I picture him with a sort of smoking jacket. He is just such a doll, I wish I could meet you both.

    Gennie, how did you do bowling? I did not think we could bowl if we had nodes out, lifetime weight limit of ten pounds I tink? I do poo poo that and do lift more. But I tink I was told that was the limit if nodes came out. Did you get to see sweet Nora? I hope you are feeling well.

    Lara, happy new year. I would love to see you before I get back to work, is that possible?

    Nancy, are you out of town or do you live in the cold tundra? Mese funcused. Ok, so I tink you are outta work for a week. After that period, does it turn into STD (short term disability goils, not de disease hehe). When do you see the neurologist again? I hope you are feeling better and no seizures, chickie. (((Nancy))).

    Hello to the rest of mese goils, hopen you ALL had a nice new years day. I went to my sisters house for dinner with my Dad. It was nice, it was only my sister, her DH and two of their three boys. I got to see the luxory apartment she is in while her new home is being constructed. It was quite nice. I do not know how she keeps her place so immaculate considering so much is boxed up. She has a way to organize everything unlike me. I told Jennika that she has three days to clear out her drawers and closet, I need the storage space. She did wish me a happy new year via text and I responded same to her. I am glad she is being somewhat civil. I hate having any type of family dispute, it is all new to me and very painful.

    Well goils, enough about me, I wanna hear more about you all and what you all did for the new year and new years day.

    Will see you all tomorree, big cheeRs to all!

    and peace be with you all too !!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy first working day of 2015!

    Julie--sounds like your disability sheet is saying you don't have any disabilities!That can be a good thing.

    PRN!Great to see you!

    Genny--Poor DIL, but good you get to have Nora.If the tumor markers weren't checked before treatment started there really isn't any good reason to check them later.It's only when they are checked before treatment AND are elevated that tumor marker are helpful.If they go down during/after treatment, the treatment is working.If they go back up, there may be recurrence or mets.BUT, they are expensive tests, and of limited help most of the time.I must admit that sleeping in until the sun comes up is a nice treat!

    Dara--Yes, Julie is good.And Sadie and I had a very nice belly rub party while listening to a good book.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    3 oz Captain Morgan Spiced Rum

    3 oz Cola

    1 can Pineapple Juice

    1 can Berry Punch


    Add Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum and Coca-Cola to a collins glass. In a separate container, mix all of the pineapple starfruit concentrate and the berry punch together. Pour into the collins glass until full, stir, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Morning all. Up early to go get Nora since her mom is sick. It's a bit blurry but here's our wild bunch on New Year's Eve. My son called me yesterday to apologize for being a crab on Xmas Eve. Said he was just so tired and he even asked to speak to my DH and told him as well. He starts his new job next week, I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it has more family friendly hours. Right now his wife is almost a single parent with him working 70 hours/week.

    NM, thanks for splaning about the TM's. I asked my RO and she didn't think we'd learn anything from them. And I know my MO doesn't plan to run any. I go to him later this month for my end of treatment appt that will let me know what if anything will be done in the future. I suspect nothing unless I have symptoms of mets. Different doctors, different ways. Hope you're not getting too behind at work.

    Dara, sorry about your situation with your DD, I hope it all resolves soon. Glad to hear about the text.

    Time to jump in the shower, hope you all have a good day.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Hmmmm NM, Julies sings??? Glad you and Sadie had a nice belly rubbing day! As for the lease, it just pisses me off. I mean if you were to lease a building for your business, the leasing company can't expect you to pay for damages that the previous business did! That is ludicrous! But if they lock the doors on us, we can't make tubing, and if we can't make tubing, we can't make money, and if we can't make money, DH and I are out 10's of thousands of $$$!

    Juliet, glad you are not prego! Now that was funny! I was in bed before you and no fireworks to wake me up.

    Tobbi, hope all is well with you and you had a nice Christmas and New Year with your fam.

    Mary, we want to have a sleep over at your house with you and Nora. My doc wasn't interested in doing TM either, I insisted since it's only blood work. And walla, that is how we found out I had cancer again. More times than not, they don't mean anything and it's scans that will usually see it. Did Nora enjoy Xmas, or still a bit small to really know what's going on? Next year will be really fun!

    Dara, I think I just googled retired judge Michael or somthing like that for IL. and there he was! I am nosy sometimes, ya know? Well, has Jennika been over to get some of her things? The new baby David picture is so cute, he is such a little angel. I'm hoping she comes around and allows you to go on the visit. But you need to keep your feelings to yourself. Tell her you won't say a word about her relationship with SD, and you must stick to it.

    NM, I did not know the the TM testing was expensive. But I'm glad I asked for mine. No telling how long I would have gone on with mets and not knowing the cancer had returned, as I had no symptoms. I still don't have any symptoms. So if I did not have the testing done, the cancer would just be spreading with me not knowing.

    Mary, almost bumped you into the pool. Glad your son called, and that it made you feel better too. Give lil Nora lots of kisses from all of us. I bowled for many years on a league, loved it and love the pic of all 4 of you.

    J is driving out here today and will be spending the weekend with us. Happy 2015 to all my lovely lounge lizards!

    Another version of the DOTD!



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    good morning all, back in work one day and get a respitory virus, so have a goo day ,i'm sat here with kleenex and fluids

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi breasties!

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

    Genny, cute pic, you look great!

    NM, great drink today and great pics from Lori. I have never tried spiced rum.

    Julie, chit, sorry to hear you are not feeling well, I hope you feel better quickly. (((Julie)))

    My cousin is coming over for the night so wese will be up all night. To prepare, I slept in today. I was so tired last night, slept twelve hours.

    I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

    Cheers girls!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    ok let me splain the markers, they weren't done before the breast frb diagnosis ,i had to have a surgical biopsy to find out what the califications were on the mammogram as they couldn't do the sterotactic, but when i had the bleeding last year a us showed a complex ovarien cyst which is unusual to grow at my age so he did the ovarien markers in case ,which is where the whole bloody cea started, the other markers were normal so got sent to the gi to see if they were concerned , theey weren't . thought it would be the cyst causing the increase, so i was to have a repeat draw the end of dec with the expectation that with the cysts gone(found one on my l ovary too)the level would decrease but it went slightly up so when i see gi on the 23rd will discuss what i'm doing about it, does that make it a bit clearer

    ps i 'm the only welshman that can't sing

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Mese so dwunk!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi friends of Dottie Dara, I am Dara's cousin Cheryl and we have been partying since about 9 tonight. She said to say sincen 9 pee em. She has told me all about you crazy girls, my head is spinning. But I read through everything she said and have determined that she has a heart full of love for each of you ladies. She also said that I am not allowed to type more than one sentence. Also, she was a bit witchy about it in dictating buttons to push for crossing out and so forth. lol.

    here is to each of you reading what I would call nonsense...and at 5:30 in the morning.

    nice talking, thanks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning my Ladies-I slept til 3pm yesterday??? and then my boss came over for a couple of hrs. and I was so tired I went back to sleep. WTF Joey was counting the hrs. LOL

    OK Happy New Year everyone.

    Julie I'm so sorry u got sick again, just rest, but u'r still funny, u can't sing??? u should hear me, I sound like a wounded elephant who won't give in. Oh well. Just feel better.

    Dara I tink u been partying loads, and having u'r cousin there sounds like fun. So enjoy. I just pray all this stuff with baby David gets figured out really soon and u have to stay open for u'r DD no matter what she chooses to do cuz u want 'r little one and she has t come around someday and in the meantime u can still see u'r baby loads and u can bond with him, so important. (I think)

    Mary how can u bowl??? What a woman LOL U pic is adorable. I'm sorry u'r DIL is ill but u do get Nora so... it's great for u and we get t see more pics. And I swear she looks like Jackson's sister--Nancy do they live close by hmmmm---Oh Mary I'm sure u'r son is so tired and the Holiday extras too, so I'm glad u havethat all settled.

    Nancy I hope u'r doing better.

    Lori I don't understand any of this business stuff, I just don't want anything to g wrong for u and u'r DH. You work to hard and give everything 100% so I always feel everything will be all right. And Dara is right  would never know how to look anything up and u are like a detective, u missed u'r calling there--U are just so smart in how u think and plan that's why I always feel like u'r going t be all right in all ways. I talk to my sister about u a lot. And she said did u tell her about me? well I just LOLed  and said to her he is the person we laugh at when we feel like it cuz of what I tell everyone--she just wants u to feel like she 's been with bone mets for all these years still going well and wants u to know that. See I talk about u ladies just to my sister and cousin, like we live close and see each other all the time--I don't talk private to other friends, just general--but everyone knows about u gals. hahaha

    Tobi and Red so nice to see u and u both seem busy which is good cuz u must feel OK.

    NM I love hearing about Sadie, I don't have that kind of relationship with our Sox, but she's not mine, it's funny--even tho he does come in here and lays with me sometimes he knows he belongs to my DD 1st then my SIL--it's funny cuz my cat know's she;s mine first then the others.

    Our lunch is cancelled this weekend, boy are we wimps--it's snowed last nite and today rain maybe mixed, well it could be slippery so the chickens stay home.

    Latest report on my brother--which I don't understand they have found cells of cancer in different areas in his body--they will start with radiation FOR PAIN??? They're getting a plan together now, but what I don'tget doesn't this mean he has cancer thruout his body? but they are not saying that exactly.  I know u gals understand so much more than I do so if my nurses know anything please chime in. Thank you.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!I'm coming down with a cold and have absolutely no ambition today, so today will be a couch potato day for me and Sadie.Lots of fluids, Zicam, zinc lozenges, and naps for me today.

    Genny--Looks like a great time bowing!Hope Son's new job has much better hours.Statistically mets and recurrences are picked up only a month or so earlier with routine scanning than by checking when symptoms appear.For me, scans are scary, and I just as soon not bother, but other people feel differently.Work is getting busy, but I'm managing to keep up, thanks for asking!

    Goldie-- don't know if Julie sings, but I bet she has a wonderful voice if she does, she just sounds like she would.Leasing must have changed over the years, I remember when my church leased a space a few years back, the lease included paying for renovations to the building needed to make it usable as a church.I thought it was just the stinginess of the owner, but maybe that's the way of leases now?I am glad that the TMs are helpful for you and that you did push for them.Good for you! Not good that you found mets, but, well, you know what I mean.

    Julie--respiratory virus, occupational hazard, hum?

    Dara--spiced rum is good, I like it a lot!Have a good weekend with your cuz!

    Julie--You can't sing?My fantasies are destroyed!

    Dara-Cheryl--Good morning!

    Cammy--our furbabies are pretty good at figuring out who to adopt, aren't they?And they have their own minds about things.I am glad Sadie chose me.Radiation is used to stop pain from cancer that is in bones.It does sound like your brother has cancer that has spread to other places. Do you know where the cancer started?Lung cancer often spreads to the spine, and that is often treated with radiation to stop the pain.Praying for you and him.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Wrong Island Iced Tea

    1 part Vodka

    1 part Triple Sec

    1 part Gin

    1 part Rum

    1 part Whiskey

    1 splash Coca Cola

    1 splash Lime Mix

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Just like a regular Long Island, only with Whiskey

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Just popping in for a few--NM I hope u catch this cold thing fast, if t is what going around it's crazy. OK My brother (mike) got thyroid cancer 2 yrs ago and everything seemed fine. Then I think they found it n his lungs first, now it sound like it has traveled around somewhat. It just sounds awful to us Thanks for a quic answer. I just can't fathom all of this..

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Julie, WTH? Now where did you catch that from? Mickey? You couldn't have picked something up that quick from work. Hope you feel better soon! Hope you and the Gi doc can get things figured out. Puzzling isn't it? I'm not whelsh, but I can't sing either!

    Hiya Cheryl and welcome! Well, I see y'all DID stay up all night! We all talk nonsense most of time, so you fit right in. Give your cuz a hug and a kiss from me!

    Awwww, tell Lu I said thanks Cami. Does she live near you? Keeping our fingers crossed on the new business. We just need to get things rolling and checks coming in. The orders are just starting to come in. It's a seasonal business, mainly Jan-June. Good for the chickens to stay home when the roads are bad. We got about 5" of snow. NM has explained about the radiation and using it for pain. I hope it's not too bad and they can get him to NED. I also hope they keep you informed. This is not the brother in FL, right?

    NM, I do know what you mean about finding the mets! Silly girl. It's been 6 months and I still have no symptoms. Love the DOTD and the play on the name. Busy week at work, now it's time to relax and have some Sadie time.

    Hi again Cam! Continued prayers for you and your family....FURB!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    I'm back and I smell beautiful---yes beautiful is the name, don't use this often enough. But I already planned it cuz I thought we were going out today, but this vicious weather, some rain--LOL to my sister is cancelling everything. Lori I've actually never lived this far from my sister as I do now. She's about 20 minutes away---we lived only 7 mins for bunches of years and t's funny cuz she always says u live so far now--I told u she's goofy in her own way.
    And my brothers don't live far at all, but they always had a home in FL too, but I think things are going to change. Infact I live 5 mins from my oldest brother, my cousins aren't far in fact my boss (cousin) is about 1 mile from me--we --as a family--never ventured to far.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    cammi -you,lori and me must form a trio and call it the wounded elephants, dara can be our musical director. at nic's wedding last year ,one of the hymns was the welsh rugby hymn! so the deacon commented after how good the singing was and how enthusiatic we were, , our lot probably thought they were at the match. mind we did have a ringer ,my uncle sings in a male voice nephew was stood next to me and i thought he's got a worse voice than me. so today we don't hate you coz your beautiful,tell your sis i said hi

    nm-all i can say, feel better soon, hope you got soft kleenex,it helps

    lori- hope you get good news about the business soon

    hello cheryl

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!  Happy New Year everyone.  Hope all have a healthy, wealth, happy 2015.

    Not going to try and ketchup. 

    Nancy, jes so sweet of  you to care for your grandpa, sorry to hear his state of health, prayers going out.

    Red - nice to hear from you.  LOL on your post, jes love it!

    Mary - We love you...wishing you'll check everything and more on your bucket list.  Love the pic of ya'll at the bowling alley.  Took my gk's bowling too, what a day.  Praying everything goes well with your end of treatment appt later.

    Juliet - 3/12's I glean.  I did 4/10's, wasn't bad.  Wow, 6.3 miles you must be worn out.  Just love the true!  Respitory virus, oh Julie...Not fair...ur still healing so more susceptible to viruses?  Hope you recover quickly (((Julie)))

    Dara - wished I could have celebrated with my breasties, but gks ya kno.  I'm still recouping.  Prayers to DD and the baby...hexes going out to the SD.  Sounds like you had a gr8 dwunken time with Cheryl...lmao.

    Lowee - we have been in the 20's that last few mornings.  It is supposed to warm up starting today.  Was hard with the kids cuz so cold had to do most playing indoors.

    Cami - with all that D it's a wonder your not often in the hosp for dehydration.  Sorry to hear about your brother....I don’t understand either, mayb 2nd opinion needed? Hugs!

    Hi Prn!

    NM - Did you and Sadie watch the ball drop while doing tummy rubs?  Thanks for the splanation on the TM's.  I insist on copies of all my blood work, my MO only gets the tm's every couple of months and it shows the CEA and the CA.  She told me it's the CA we're most concerned with.

    Lots to do today, hope all have a wonderful weekend...MUAH!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Thought I'd drop in for a minute.

    I went to Walgreens and mail place today and the liquor store was a few stores away, so as we were pulling out I said to my SIL I want to stop at the Liquor store and he just kept on going. Hello--I just sat there with my mouth open and then said Marty why won't u take me to the Liquor stre, And he says what??? I thought u were kidding, I've never heard u say u want some liquor, so I said get used to it--well we were almost home so next time I get my Schnapps.

    Oh SusyQ I used to be in the hospital a lot before, but now I know more of what to do, yea I do get dehydrated but not as much, cuz I'm getting to be an old hand at this. It's funny cuz I've gone in to see a Dr. for a reg. app't and they look at me and tell me I'm dehydrated==yea like I don't know, I take more pills and water with electrolytes then so it's gotten to be a joke.

    OK Joey's coming in so it's our time together now.



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Just popping in the lounge for a nightcap. I ended up keeping Nora tonight too, DIL just starting to feel better. We had a lot of fun, Nora just cracks me up. She started saying E-I-E-I-O when she sees a cell phone or computer cause she wants you to go on youtube and play the Farmer in the Dell. So now if you start to sing the farmer in the dell, she finishes with EIEIO. She says hi to everybody. And tonight she kept trying to pull leaves off a plant, so I point my finger and say"NO!".So by the end of the evening she is walking around and pointing at all my plants and saying "DOE!!". Then I start laughing so she walks over to the plant and pulls off a leaf. We went to the library where they have a DiscoveryWorks. Nothing really held her attention but at least she walked around a lot and got tired. I know I'm tired!!.....Phew she wears me out. She'll be 1 year old on Monday.

    Cami, if I lived closer I'd bring you some schnapps..Hope you get it next time. Glad yer smellin' bootiful. Bowling isn't a problem, easier than golfing, of course I suck at both although did all of us. I did win the 3rd game and I did pretty lousy.

    Sue, hi, good to see you in the lounge. Sounds like you had fun with your grandkids, Happy New Year Dahling!

    Dara, countdown to Lucy! Can't wait for the pics. Glad you had fun and got chitfaced with yer cousin!

    Lori, I'm with you, I rather have the TM blood tests and possibly know sooner than later. I don't think I could talk my MO into it. I'm probably going to look for another one. I feel no connection at all to the one I have. I sure hope your warehouse situation straightened out.

    NM, hope you're feeling better. Hopefully Sadie is keeping you warm at night.

    Juliet, hope you are felling better too. I hope the bugs don't travel thru the whole lounge. Did you have to miss time from work?

    Everybody else... wine glass is empty, time for bed. Love to all, sweet dreams!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    hello girls! I'm back home and my hearts just broke in to pieces. My poor little grandpa has lost about 30 lbs in about 2 months. He's. 97 (?) Failure to Thrive, prostate Cancer,CHF we got him moved and he was glad to be there and perked up, everything went well. Went to see him on our way home and he's real bad again. Very SOB, hardly ate his soup, for lunch has two bites. His bodies just giving out. His will is very strong but his bodies not. He's having trouble swallowing so we are getting a speech consult. I'm calling Hospice tomorrow for him. At least they could help more in his Retirement home and MC will cover it instead of my grandpa having to use nursing services there. You can just tell by looking at him it won't be long.

    I'm better with increase in meds. I see Neurologist Monday.

    Dara keep in contact with your DD i agree with Lori, dont just be careful so you don't loose her or that precious grandson of yours. My brother kinda did that with his younger son . He was making some bad choices and living with his mom not my brother. Well my brother is the disciplinarian not his mom so when he addressed his bad behavior with him of course he denied it same with his DD and now he has not seen nor heard from either one in at least 6 years and his son is married he didnt get invited to the wedding non of us did either cuz we were not allowed to keep those relationships open either. And now hid DS wife is expecting. So my Dumb ass brother is gonna be a Grandpa and he ain't even gonna be able to see his damn grand baby. His DD same damn thing, disowned her cuz of her damn mom, his ex and she won't talk to him. She graduated this summer from iU did any of us get invited? HELL NO.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2015

    Happy  New year my lovelies this is going to b the year for all of us

    yes surgery is on!!!!!! 2 days I am mentally ready in warrior mode lets get this crap done

    chit I am a veteran to surgeries just getting things ready meals done DH can only stay the day of and after, unless the knife comes out but lets all pray that does not happen I will b swearing and not happy.Last time I woke up badlike a truck driver mouth

    we have my meds Norco and a higher dose of some kind of ibuprofen, I told her I have a high opiate tolerance, no percos because ill start cleaning the house.
    but I was clear whatever I need to control the pain just don't let me start cleaning the hospital lol

    so ill switch on and off btw the twounless the knife ill needmybe something stronger

    I was scared but hellmy boobs came off this should be a walk in the park I just hate when I have pain in my tummy

    I see mt new PS tomm then surgery

    I want the new PS to finish revision but ill wait until spring, onesurgery at a timethen pray im done then I can start working god this whole thing has been a nightmare

    thanksfor being with me hopefully its her first surgery 715 I have to call tomm

    ill post when I can

    loveu all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Oh that is nice Cami, that all of your family is so close. How about your other DD? And besides smelling "beautiful" you look BEAUTIFUL! Oh how funny that Marty just kept going when you wanted to stop at the likker store. What flavor are you gonna get? How does Joey like his computer?

    LMAO Julie, "The Wounded Elephants". Thanks for the early morning chuckle!

    Welcome back to the lounge LDB, but we still want to know what that was that you took the kids to. Going to the snow or something like that? Is it just going to higher elevation where there is snow? They had snow here in places that don't usually get it, like Phoenix! Of course it doesn't last long, but they got some.

    Oh dear, Nora is turning 1 already? Cute story about the plants, but they learn "NO" pretty quick. I guess she was testing you? Wine glass empty, it's time to refill it, not go to bed!

    Nancy, so very sorry about your grandpa, I do hope he doesn't suffer. Just not fair to live that long and then to have to suffer in the end. Had to look up CHF (congestive heart failure), but the SOB I can't find and only know it as Son of a B! Glad your increased meds are helping. No more siezures?

    I remember your truker mouth Lara. What do you mean if the knife comes out? We shall get the UFO loaded up for Tuesday. Oh, I think I are expecting it to be done vaginally, but something could go wrong and they will have to make an incision?

    Did some more detective work, SOB-Shortness of Breath?

    Oh, and the business lawyer said the the leasing company can't charge us for those damages, illegal to do that. So, we'll see!

    DOTD-Frosty the Snow Cocktail


    •Put about 2 cups of snow in a tall glass and pour 1 cup of lemonade on top of the snow.
    •Add 3 oz. vodka to the top of the snow in the glass. Then, top the igloo cocktail with grenadine syrup.
    •Don’t mix the cocktail. The ingredients are meant to seep into the snow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning mu Sweethearts.

    Mary, nor will be one--this Monday? this is such a sweet time for all of you.

    Nancy I forget how old Jackson is==keep me straight u 2, It's diffi ult for me.

    Lara we're getting ready, u sound good.

    I'm barely awake yet, just started my coffee. and my eyes are closing. We had more snow and now the cold is coming but I have great covers to keep me warm, so the fur comes out. LOL

    MUAH to all, and I'll check back later.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning,. Lungettes!Well, I have definitely caught a cold, and definitely feel crummy.And am definitely going to be a couch potato today.And am probably going to call In sick for tomorrow unless I get to feeling a lot better.NOT going to risk an asthma episode. Didn't have one last year, not going to this year!Had a bag of zinc lozenges, Sadie ate them.Still got my Airborne and Zicam, though!

    Cammy--your poor brother.I can't imagine how you are feeling about all that.

    Goldie--Glad you enjoy the drink, and the drink names!

    Cammy-- your sister thinks 20 minutes s really far away?Too funny!

    Julie--oh, yes, soft kleenex, absolutely!

    Mema--Sadie and I did watch the ball drops during tummy rubs--the next morning on reruns!At the time we were both sleeping, quite soundly!

    Cammy--so funny Marty thought you were kidding about the Likker Store!

    Genny--Nora sounds like an absolutely adorable handful!Such a fun age.EIEIO back at her!Sadie definitely kept me warm last night, and usually curls up on the ottoman and keeps my feet warm during the day.Had to go out to see a patient and put out fires yesterday--long story--so my leisurely afternoon of rest turned into 3 hours of driving and an hour of patient/family care and lots and lots and lots of texts and phone calls.Absolutely not going ANYWHERE today. Absolutely not getting dressed today.Fluids, nebulizers, naps and xanax are the order of the day today.

    Collett--I amso sorry to hear about your Grandpa.So hard to see family members failing.I'm sure Hospice can make him more comfortable, but then I am biased.Good advice to Dara, too.Such complicated things, families.

    ORLA--from your mouth to God's ear re: 2015!Hooray for having a surgery date, praying for no knife and a fast, easy recovery.Getting the UFO stocked up, see you there!

    Goldie--SOB is medical short hand for Shortness of Breath.OK, you found it all ready!Good job!Oh, wow, I was just thinking of putting out a bowl to catch snow for snow ice cream later today!Great drink!

    Cammy- I'm heading to the recliner with the blanky and Sadie for my feet, maybe some TV or an audiobook, and a nap.See you there!