how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    nm- enjoy your day, its day 5 for me and still stuffy but not has had bad, today, no signs of it going to my chest or ears. so will keep on with the fluids and soft kleenex. here's to no asthma , well at least sadie 's protectedHappy

    hey beautiful cammi=no likker! oh no

    nancy- hope your grandfather is painfree and comfitable ,

    mary-nora is one already when did that happen?

    lara- will be in your pocket tomorrow, hoping for a speedy recovery

    sue-sounds like you enjoyed the grands even indoors

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - cwack me up about the liq store.  LOL.  Good am glad you stay up with the rehydration regiment.  Hope you had fun with Joey last night.

    Mary, lol Nora and Farmer in the Dell.  Can't believe she'll b 1 on Monday.  Are you planning a big party?

    Nancy - so sad about the human body giving up when the mind is still sharp.  It sounds like you are doing everything possible to keep him comfy.  Prayers and hugs out to you and yours.

    Lara - truck driver mouth huh?  Well I can relate...I sometimes come out of anesthesia fighting mad, screaming, crying.  It’s weird.  LOL about you cleaning the hospital.  So Tues is surgery, we better get the UFO ready.  You’ll get thru this cuz you’re strong and we’re here to help ya.  ((Lara))

    Lowee - Yes, we just drove North toward Cedar City.  About 12 miles south we could tell there was a storm driving in.  The winds were horrible and the snow blowing sideways.  So we pulled into a Rest Stop and the kids played in the snow around the buildings.  My Maddy was the biggest trooper, she didn’t seem to mind the wind and snow.  It was all of 17 degrees.  Visibility almost nil.  So needless to say we didn’t stay long as we only have front wheel drive in the van.  Next day we went bowling.  Andrew Michael is learning fast how to hold and throw the ball.  Girls sling it or put it down and roll it.  Am surprised they knocked any pins down.  Next day AM’s arm was very sore...LOL.  My Maddy had puking spells 2 of the 3 nights.  Felt fine after, no fever either.  Told her dad and he said she’d done that a couple times at home.  haven’t heard if they took her to doctor yet.  Thanks for you detective work as I cudn’t figure out SOB medically either.  Good news from the lawyer...hope he knows his business.   GR8 DOTD!

    NM - Sadie likes to eat things of yours doesn’t she...LOL.  Sorry you got the nasty cold.  DH has been suffering with it 5 days now.  Even pulled out the vaporizer, he doesn’t seem much better.  Of course he didn’t call off sick from the bar and I kno the yuck has been circulating there too.  Hope you get lots n lots of rest today.

    Julie - glad you are feeling a tad better.  Yes I did enjoy them even indoors.  We played alot of “Go Fish”.  All 3 are very competitive, fun to watch and listen to.  Love the ‘get up and go’, that’s def me.

    Lubslubslubslubs all of you and keeping you all in my prayers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hey girls!

    I slept until 2pm today and missed a 60+ degree day. Oh well, it was fun partaying so hard over the weekend.

    NM, I hate that you are feeling so ick. Good for you for not going to work iffen you are still feeling like crud. I hope you feel better soon.

    Nancy, so sorry you are going through so much with your grandfather. Although you are blessed having a grandparent at this point in your life, it is sad that you have to watch him suffer. I hope that he either bounces back or that the good Lord brings him home soon. (((Nancy))).

    Genny, you cracked me up talking about Nora, what a hoot she is. And one year old, how in the heck did that happen? Happy Birthday to her, give her a kiss for me. Is she back with her parents or do you still have her?

    Cam, I can't believe that they would not stop to git your likker. Maybe they thought you were out of yer mind, bummer. Here is a toast to ya, cheers!

    Sue, good to see you. Thanks for essplaining about the snow. I was also funcused. Glad you all had a fab time away. I hope you are feeling well.

    Lara, I can just picture you cursing like a sailor when you come back from anesthesia. I am lucky in that I wake up happy and tell them to get me a drink right away. I often tell the staff that I do well with it and that I will not get sick, so get me food now lol. I will be there on Tuesday along with the others. I hope and pray that the knife does not have to come out. Thanks for posting, I worry when you are not around.

    Lori, good advice not to disconnect from my daughter. I plan on contacting her tomorrow when SD is at work. I need her to sign off on a form from her attorney stating that she does not need represented for the case against her. She also has two certified letters here from CPS that she needs to open. I hope you enjoyed your squash dinner. Did your DH eat it too?

    Juliet, glad you are winning against the cold virus. I hope you continue to get better. Are you off today or working?

    I hope I did not miss anyone, if so, I pay you one million dollars. hehe. If only.....

    Love you gals! Be good and if you can't be good, be good at it!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    I got an updated photo of baby Lucy today. I will post the old and the new. Her lil snout has grown longer. One week from today and she is mine.

    Last week


    and the photo of her today.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    hi goils, I"m a little dwunk... DS and DIL got here about 1:00. Then DH and I decided to go to BW3 for som Linner. We like to compete against each other in trivia there. I think he kinda beat me but not by much. Anyway, I had about 5 glasses of wine, so I'm feeling perty toasted. So much fun with Nora but I feel like I spent 2 days in boot camp! Wow she wears me out, I miss her already, especially when I think of her telling the plants off. Like it's their fault for getting her in trouble!

    Dara... oh what can I say... I want to just squeeze that little sweetie! Nothing cuter than puppies!

    Goldie, love the frosty snow cocktails. Gonna have to try those when we get some snow.

    NM, I think you should call off tomorrow. I have the feeling you have plenty of sick days built up. 1 extra day can make a big difference. Just be lazy and cuddle with Sadie.

    Lara, hope no big knives come out. You are a yer back pocket, hope you're feeling better in no time.

    Nancy, glad to know you're feeling a bit better. So sorry about your grampa, prayers are with you, no matter the age it's still hard. I pray that he just dozes off and drifts away. 97 is a good long life.

    Sue, Nora's party was supposed to be at my DIL mother's house last Saturday but because she got sick it was changed to next Sat. I can't believe she is the same time I have gone thru the longest, worse feeling of my life.

    Love to all, I'm tired, see you in the ayem.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Hello everyone, had an awesome day with Camille's mom. She is here from California just in time for the Winter storm we are getting here in the frozen tundra. She was telling us that they are having 70. Degree weather in the LA valley. I said let's go to the valley!

    Lori I apologize SOB is shortness of breath. I thought I heard that you guys had gotten some snow there in AZ. Your squash dinner looked really good. I love squash.

    Cami Jackson is 2 and will be 3 in March. Samara is 3 and will be 4 in August. Jackson is still so thankful for all his Christmas-toys he brings them out and had to show you what Santa brought and then he wrote Santa a thank you card. Samara says Nana you buy this to me not Santa lol.

    Lora good luck with your surgery.

    Genny when is Nora's birthday?

    Dara I love little Lucy!,

    I go to neurologist tomorrow. Getting tired. Night all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning ladies;

    NM if u don't feel well please don't go to work, this virus cold is so tricky just take care and I LMAO at Sadie eating the Losenges--she better not cough.

    Julie I hope u'r feeling better, don't rush anything my dear, u tend to.

    Nancy it'd fof fawn on my about i'r Grandpa and u still have him, wow that's amazing but sorry this bad time has come. All I never knew was one grandmother, and everyone here knows she didn't like me so I never really knew her even tho she lived across the street. Italians can be crazy.

    Dar I want a Lucy too, I think my Katie would have a it but oh so cute.

    I can't believe Nora is one year already, she's going to be talking up a storm so soon. And Nancy Jackson and Samara are good ages, BTW anything new with the parents??????

    Lori u and SusyQ talk about weather oddly to me==I never think of u 2 having any bad weather, of here it's below zero and snow is a-comin'-then staying cold cold.

    I got my bathroom all nice and warm before I took my shower, which BTW I smell lovely from--I dressed like winter today. And some of the schools are closed, but not Joey's--Oh am I going to miss him. His GF was over most of the day yesterday, yes the same one--he's loyal. LOL

    OK ttomorrow is Lara's day right---we're ready for u Lara, swear all u want I usually tell them if I was younger they'd leave their wives fo me--I think I should be swearing instead.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    NM and Julie, you poor sickies. I hope you both feel better very soon and NM, I hope yours doesn't last as long as Julies has. AND....NO ASHTMA ATTACKS!

    LDB, sounds like a fun time with kids, except for little Maddy getting sick. I hope you don't sick from DH either. And don't you see doc soon? I thought today? Re your scans?

    Dara, my DH did not eat the squash soup! Why would DD not need to be represented in court? Lucy is just too cute, it won't be long now.

    OMG, I forgot to comment on Sadie eating the lozenges, until Cami mentioned it. The things she gets in to!

    Cami, we have 4 seasons here where I live, because we are so high, we HAVE winter. But generally Sue does not get it, but a drive to the mountains is not far for her. Joey will be getting some kind of spring break coming up soon, so he will be home again.

    And I think today is Nora's birthday. That little cutie, too bad you didn't get video of her telling the plant off. That is just  hilarious. Dinner out with hubby sounded nice too.

    I'll be back with a DOTD....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Ok, this one's easy for today!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Today I see my MO and get results of my bone and CT scan.  No phone calls since the tests so I'm taking that as a good sign.

    Happy birthday little Nora!!  Mary, she is a blessing ya kno, as she was there to help keep your mind occupied sometimes during the horrid year.

    Nancy - so cool you got face time with Cami's mom.  Little Jackson, so precious, wanting to show off his toys AND send Santa a thank note.  Good luck at the neurologist, sending prayers.

    Dara - Lucy is jes toooo darn cute.  Glad you are getting her.  She will help lighten your heart.

    Cami - our weather nothing like yours and others in the East.  I don't get snow where Lori does.  But I had enuf of the snow in Montana and Northern Nevada.  It was 20o on my patio this morning....although temp rises to high 40's by 2p.  And our cold spells are very short.  BARMEN!

    Lara, I'll b back from LV and ready to board the UFO for ya tamary  ((Lara))

    Lowee - poyfect DOTD for our sickies.  So far I have not gotten full blown cold or flu.  Just some stuffy head chit going on.  But I'm being careful.  Me and the Lysol spray once a day...LOL.

    Hi Julie - how are you feeling? 

    OK, time to get my ewwa in gear for the drive to LV.  Yak at ya'll tomorrow.

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Afternoon everybody, its balmy 7 degrees here in the frozen tundra of Indy. We are under a Winter Storm Warning. Supposed to get 3-7 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow morning with drifting. Glad Im off work right now.

    Happy Birthday Nora!!

    Lori that hot Toddy sure looks good! I think I will have one of those. I think those feel so good when you have a sore throat.

    Everyone please be careful out there. The flu is very very bad. The flu shot is not covering this strand of flu. It would be very bad for any of us to get it. Lysol is good to spray your house down with and make sure you have plenty of antibacterial hand cleanser to wash your hands with. you know those little things you get from the store or bath and body works. I wash with those after I wash my hands in a public bath room or before I eat when I go out. Maybe Im a germ a phobe but cant be too careful right now. Ok I'll get off my compliance soap box :) Just be careful.

    Cami no news from Michael and Camille yet.. but they are in puppy love!! Lol They have their spats but they are in it to stay. They have had some doozies. I have found out some things I didnt want to about my son but that girl is a saint and is in it for the long haul. She loves him and with her he will be fine. He is a good guy he just has to get rid of some things in his past and move on. So they need to wait just a bit and work these things out then it will be time, but they will. Its only making them stronger.

    Dara I love that baby doggie. I want one!! She is such a love bug!! Div her lovins for me k.

    Mema Im praying for good news for you! ((Mema)) I hate this weather cant wait until summer. Skip spring lets just get to summer. :)

    Time to go to the Neurologist. See ya all tonight. Lubs ya

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2015

    kk goils

    surgery 12:15 arrival 10:15 tomm

    get the UFO ready

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good evening, Loungettes--still feeling like crap, took today off work, seriously considering taking tomorrow off, too.  All I've done is sleep and sip at tea and take spoonfuls of a honey/whiskey concoction, which really does help the sore throat.  And if I hear one more wheeze I'm going to break out the nebulizer and see if I've got any albuterol left. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hiya girls,

    NM, where are ya, I hope you are alright. I worry about you, not typical for you not to post. Praying for no asthma attacks. (((Kim)))

    Lara, the UFO is ready. And I am lucky that I will be last picked up, I will git to ride with all of the other loungettes. I expect to be fetched by 9aye em tomorree. Praying for no knife and an easy recovery.

    Genny, glad you had fun last night and dwank lots of vino. There is nothing better than intaxication!! hehe! Happy 1st Birthday to your sweet Nora!!!! Here is to her, cheers!

    Nancy, I took my Dad to visit my Mom today and we were sent away without seeing Mom. We were told that there is an outbreak of something that is very contagious but they did not specify. Thankfully, my Dad is understanding. I hope and pray that you do not get sick.

    Mema, please report back asapliest to let us know what the doctor said. As Cammy would say, we wanna know word for word. Sending prayers for good news! Love you.

    Lori, I am really glad that you suggested that I do not wash my hands of Jennika. Thanks to you and the other girls who agreed with you. I saw her today and although our exchange of words were not sweet, at least we were cordial to one another. We exchanged I LOVE YOUS which was awesome to hear back. And I got a hug!! The thought of losing my daughter over her seeing SD is quite frightening. I had a lot to cover with her and totally forgot to ask her about alllowing me to bisit baby David. And lol, I knew that your DH would not eat the squash!!

    Cammy, how sweet that Joey is still with the same girl. I mean, I know they are not girl friend and boy friend yet, per se, but who knows. They seem like little soul mates. I will see you tomorrow on the UFO. Do not think I am weird if I start smelling on ya! hehe! How is Joey's clarinet skills going, getting any better??

    Julie, hope work is going well and that you are not too bored with not practicing what you do best which is nursing. Are you over your cold? I sure hope so.

    Well I have to go and start dinner. I am cooking on my new grill that my Dad bought me for Christmas. It is a little cold, at 28 now but the heat of the grill will keep me warm enough. We are expecting snow tomorrow and a cold front, gonna go down to single digits by wed night. brrrr. Stay warm girls!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    OK, just did a quic, read back, using the work laptop so not so efficient.

    Lucy puppy is Adorable!

    I gigled at teh thought of Nora telling off a plant.

    My sore throat concoction (a recipe given to my Mom by a real Doctor) is half Jack Daniels, half honey, with a squirt of lemon juice.  I take a couple spoonfuls every time I go into the kitchen. 

    Wind blowing like a banshee today, wind chill warnings, Sadie has been running out, piddling and running right back in.  Temps to 20 below tonight, with wind chills to 50 below tonight.  I'm staying in and sharing blankets with Sadie! 

    Love to anyone I missed!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    NM, it looks like I bumped ya. No worries, I bumped you right into the hot tub. So glad you are taking care of yourself, get well soon and for the love of God, stay warm. xo

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    working day 1 of 3 , but will be there for you tomorrow lara.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Jule, sweet of you to take time off to join us in watching over Lara.

    Sending you some more chocolate!!

    Rounds of hugs to all of you wonderfoil ladies!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Well the Neurologist told me that not only can I not work and need to go on disability I cant drive for 6 months. If I dont have any seizures she may decrease it to 3 months in March when I see her. I can only drive for emergencies. I wonder if support group is considered an emergency? Im bummed

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Hi goils, I like the Dr. DOTD today---good medicine for all of us.

    NM that's what u'r taking anyway. just stay home tomoree this will not be over plus the weather is dreadful, like here, but u have it a little worse

    Nancy I'm so sorry about u'r news, but I thought that would happen to you.I remember when I did driver Licenses and a person had to be seizure free for 6 mos. befre they let them drive. It's a bitch. But u'r dr. knows exactly what to do and write when it's time. But did u check into disability yet? Oh this is a bummer for u I'm sure.

    Julie I hope u feel well enough for all this work.

    Oh ladies we have to be ready for Lara  tomorree early and I don't want anyone's foot in my face. Or ASS.

    SusyQ I want to hear good stuff from you so get in here tomorrow and spill the beans.

    Lori my DD1 lived in Scotssdale for a couple of years and so did my oldest brother so I was in AZ a few times but I think that's why I always think of it as HOT never even chilly--I  remember the mountains but never went up there, chit if I knew that I would have gone. And driving to CA I remember seeing miles and miles of desert s I wasn't fond of all of that. Then when we got to CA--and out of the car it was HOT again. Jeez, I was miserable and everyone knew it. LOL

    Well my brother is not ding well and he's staying on the way north side of Chicago, I think he really doesn't want to see anyone right now it's really getting in his head how bad this is now. So we 've kind of left him alone, my BIL just texts him a little and maybe he'll answer for now. we'll see. We're just praying. Chit

    OK I'll leave for now.

    I LUBS YOU AL VERY MUCH--oh dara u too.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2015

    thanks Juliet and all u wonderful goils

    NM there is a big flu going around my dad got it he was so sick felt bad, now this is in Florida the doc said they have more strains idk

    This is the worst part the wait until we leave and then blah the process I am so thirsty but no water yuck

    kk ill write when I am able please pray for me today this one I am nervous about

    Love y aall



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Lara prayers right at YOU.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015

    Hiya Goils!!

    I am so humbarrassed that I have not been checking in. I have been trying to follow and keep up with the email alerts and saying my prayers with extra for those that need more from time to time. I know everyone has been going through stuff and I need to ketchup!

    But!!! I just wanted to let LaLa know I am thinking about her today and keeping a good though and an extra prayer for her right now!

    I had more surgery too on 12/22 so that makes 12 in 24 months, 4 of those since end of August, and each time it is a little harder to get back up and running! I also had the kids and DH home and just took some down time. I will get to reading so I can ketchup and then I will get back to the lounge because My New Year's Resolution is to DRINK MORE!!!

    I Lubs you girls and I am sorry I went AWOL. I hope everyone is in a good, or at least better place, with the New Year!

    Getting more coffee and getting to reading. I'm on page 1509!

    Good Luck today Lara!! Thinking of you and the rest of the girls. BIG HUGZ!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls! You are all looking just mauvalous today, I see you dressed up for Lara's doctors. I had a hard time fitting into mese teeny tiny pants though. They need to make the doctors scrub pockets a widdle bigger, I am feeling a little squished. I see that the doctor is lolly gagging and taking his sweet time getting Lara into surgery. It gonna be a long afternoon for us in his pocket. I tink I mighten play with his balls jest for chit n giggles hehe!!

    Cammy, so sorry about your brother, it must hurt to have him so far away and in such a fragile state. (((((Cammy))).

    4, nice to see you. And how bout your NY resolution, I have eggzachery de same one as you. hehe. not really, I have actually cut back on mese dwinking cuz I was dwinking muchliest too much.

    Nancy, I am so sorry to hear that you are not able to drive. But it does make sense. Do you get any warning when you are about to have a seizure? If so, then it might be safe to cheat a little. My DD has a friend from high school that gets seizures and she just got her learners permit to drive at age 23. I always felt sorry for her not being able to drive when the other kids were. Sending you lots of prayers and some hugs of support too (((Nancy))). I hope the seizures hit the road.

    NM, where are ya? Did you work yesterday? I tink you did based on the comment that you were writing from your work laptop but maybe not? I hope you are home relaxing and recovering well. Good for you in dwinking the DOTD/remedy. I am glad you checked in, I was concerned for your well being.

    There is a flu strain going around here. My Mom's home is strongly suggesting no visitors. They do not want germs from the outside getting in and getting the patients sick. They of course are also concerned about the well being of the staff. My Dad is not happy that he can not visit Mom but he understands the logic and appreciates it.

    It is snowing now but nothing like where Cammy lives. I saw that on the news and it looks like a doozy of a storm. I am so ready for spring, counting down, just 73 days until Spring ladies. And we go back to daylight savings time on March 8, just 62 days baby!! I will take it.

    Hello to all of you that I did not mention, I hope you are all comfy in Lara's doctors pocket. Surgery in t plus 20 minutes. Wishing you all the best Lara, hoping for a speedy recovery and no knife!

    cheers my lovlies!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Lara good luck with your surgery! ((Lara))

    Genny how was Nora's birthday? I bet you got some darn cute pictures of her.

    Cami I am sorry to hear about your brother. I will be praying for you. I am checking into disability now. I have a disability lawyer coming over tomorrow to help me.

    4Sew we missed you!!!

    Dara I can usually tell when they are coming. I feel kinda anxious. The bad part is that I have finally accepted the fact that I cant work and told my brother and sister and now they think that I am giving up and are mad at me. I put all my scrubs in a trash bags for my DD to go through since she is a MA I thought maybe she could use some. They thought I was giving up because I was giving them away. I said well I cant use them any more why hold onto them. I cant work in a hospital any more or any other clinical area so why have them?

    My sister told me that I am giving up and making this up that my doctors note just says I cant work for now. She took me to my appointment but didnt want to go back with me. I told her to call and talk to the doctor. I gave them permission because I knew this was going to happen. But she doesnt want to do that either. I cant win.

    NM did you get the snow storm we did? We got 7 inches. Its supposed to get really cold air now. And really windy and snow drifts. I cant stand that.

    Mema did you get good news?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Yep...lots of good news.  No recurrence in my spine or any other bones woohoo!  All my organs look good too.  She wants me to see a GI for a colonoscopy as the CT showed thickening of colon wall.  So I'll get on that soon.  MO is ordering an MRI of my back to rule out fractures that the Bone scan doesn't pick up.  That will be later this month.  Due for another Brain MRI too, will do both on same day I hope

    Lara - we're here for you.  Dara wiggling and doing 'not so nice' stuff to da Doc, but she'll stop soon as surgery starts. Sending up prayers, but kno you can do this.  (((Lara)))

    Nancy - What did the Neurologist have to say?  Oh I see u splained already.   I couldn't drive either during WBR for risk of seizures.  Is the best plan, sorry it really sucks!  Do you have someone who can drive you to the meetings?

    NM - Sounds like you've got it bad, and the weather can't b helping.  Think it's good you take today off too.  (((NM)))

    Dara - Sad about whatever is going around at Mom's place.  Good thing they take such precautions tho, glad you dad was understanding.  Sounds like you are slowly mending fences wit Jennika, this is good.  I agree with the other girls about not cutting her out of your life.  Ur grilling in below freezing temps...Seriously?

    4 - Long time no hear from.  That's alot of surgery, glad you are taking some down time.  Any more surgeries down the pike that you kno of?  What did you have done b4 xmas?

    Hi Julie - it is crowded in this widdle pocket isn't it.  We gotta keep Dara entertained so she quits wiggling.

    Extra prayers to you all who need it!

    Lubs to you all!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015


    Ginger snuggling with Samara cuz its cold out side


    Jackson helping daddy shovel snow



    Jackson riding his 4 wheeler

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015


    Me and Cole he was being a stinker last night


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    lara, in my thoughts and prayers that you are resting comfitebly, last day tomorrow