how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    it is hopping in here tonight girls, sorry you are missing it.

    I am being a berry good goil. I am outta alkamahol and poyposely did not hit de likker store. I did dwink a shot of rumchata, it was sweet but pretty good. Not something I would love to dwink regularrlee.

    I am feeling better mentally. I am trying to focus on the fact that things could be worse, so much worse when I look at dat big picture. so with that said, I sending you all a smile. Happy and some love ♥

    lift yer tea cups and dwink down! yep, made a cup o tea with honey. I am feeling ok for now, hope I am jest a hypochondriac. And go me for spelling that word right de first time, wooo hooo, it is de little tings that make me smile and all you little loungettes help. I tank ye all for hearing me and loving me.

    NM, praying that you are sleeping well and wake up fully recovered~ hugs to you!

    peacce out goils, cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning.

    Oh NM I never realized u were so sick, please be a good patient and rake care of u'r self and I hope this is over with quickly.

    Dara u'r baby is beautiful, oh be patient he will be in u'r arms soon. Just let the kids alone for a while, but I know how u must feel and I'm so glad u'r getting a puppy. I know it's not the same but u'll be busy--and I didn't know u had to get up during the night or a puppy, I never had one.

    Now Mary u'r party is today right?--I'm sure glad u'r feeling OK and u'r going to have fun watching the first real sugar high. LOL

    Lori HUGS for u--u'r all over the place and I'm sorry u have so much planning to get u'r shot and always paying this will be what u need.

    Oh I gues I forgot to tell u, Christmas eve--remember we had the party, well SOMEONE-not me-- asked Joey to play his clarinet--I was in my room and soon the cat and dog were with me. But I will say I think  knew the song he played so slowly it lasted like a concert, poor kid=He set up his computer by himself learning windows 8 and is doing fine but can't play a song on a clarinet withut the animals suffering. Oh well.

    It's super cold here, nit much snow but so cold it's hard to g outside eve the dog hurries up and is back in the house.

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    image Have to have something, rum is good or colds,

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    NM healing thoughts sent your way. Hope today is better.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Dara, I had to wait an hour for the meds to become room temp, and yes I got them. The medicine is very very thick, and if given cold, not only is it harder to administer, I guess it hurts too. I get three injections. It was morning when I was here. Hardly ever do I make it of an evening. Oh I hope you get to see that little bundle and praying for all good things in court. Sounds like you are doing a good job at biting your tongue. You better start now at getting your arse to bed early, so you are ready for woyk. What a way to start out, on a Friday. Smooth move exlax!

    Julie, glad you will get to DW by the months end. Who do you go with?

    Wow Mary! You go girl! You even sound good! So happy you are feeling better, AND it helps with feeling better emotionally too, which is HUGE. I do have to pay for the meds, but just until our deductable is met, which is $7500.00. We will have met that by the end of Feb, with the cost of both of our meds! Joining a gym is out of the question for me, everything is just too far.

    Oh dear NM, so hoping to read that you are feeling better, migraines are horrible! Well, you have not checked in yet. I hope you and Sadie and cuddling, staying warm and feeling better.

    Dara, you too are getting sick??? Baby is just as cute as can be. It's just so awesome how you girls share your grands with us, so we too can watch them grow.

    Cami, how are things in your household? Didn't you have sickies there? Hoping you hear good news on your brothers. How is the one doing in FL.? He is not the one with the cancer, right? But I forget what put him in the hospital. Sorry about your cold weather, ours here has been ok. 40-50's during the day, and who cares what it is at night!

    I was talking with my mom last night, and she was telling me about the walking I was doing and how she prays and asks God for help, and then she says how she always prays for me thanks Him for curing me of cancer. I almost lost it! She would be so hurt knowing I am keeping this from her, and often wonder if I'm doing the right thing. My kids and my brothers agree with me, so I have to hold on to that.

    Yippee, it's da weekend!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Lowee - Hope you don’t get sick.  Are you giving yourself the shots?  Am praying you get all under control quickliest.  My op system is 8.1.  Could not find a phone numb for a tech at Quick Books, after an hour of searching and frustration, just did the download, entered my registration info from the orig purchase and I was off and running.  Now I can concentrate on getting DS stuff entered.  However, the original prob of not printing is STILL happening!!!wtf!  Was Taken 3 good??  I’m sorry your heart aches when your mom talks to you…(((Lowee)))

    Cami - sorry to hear about your sisters knee and your brother.  I kno how worrisome it can b.  One of my DB just came home from hosp.  I fear he is in bad shape.  He was admitted last Sunday, supposedly home now.  I have to go thru the gf for info.  Hope I can talk to him in next day or two.  Your Joey is just the sweetest and sooo loves his grammy.  Sending prayers for your db and sister.

    Lara - That bleeding does sound weird hope it stops soon.  It’s been sooo long since mine I don’t remember if I bled or not.  Super friends, nice to have the support, hope u feeling better soon (((Lara)))

    Dara - saying lots of prayers things sway in your direction in court on Monday.  None of this is right…my heart jes aches for you.   You can’t beat yourself up, you’ve done what you can, now the rest in others hands.  I do think that in time DD will  realize the error of her ways and reach out to you.   And lil Lucy will help dull some of the pain. (((Dara)))  Baby David is jes too adorable, thanks for sharing.

    Juliet - I just meant getting both tests at least over 2 consec days so I don’t have to make the drive 2 separate times.  I got my paperwork in mail yest.  I have both tests scheduled on same day, what a relief. 

    Mary - soooo thrilled to hear you doing so well, you are a busy bee.  I do so admire you.  Keep telling us of your workout escapades, I might get soe inspiration to get off my ewwa and start.  I was anxious about the new computer and windows 8.1.  But my guru set my desktop up like windows 7 and showed me a few tricks and I figured out enough to do what I gotta do.

    NM - UGH a migraine, can’t believe you braved driving home.  Hope you are feeling better.  ((NM))

    lubslubslubslubs everyone of mese breasties!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning Girls!!

    Well OK, technically it is afternoon where I here in the chilly burbs of Atlanta! I was up way to late watching a skeery murder mystery show trying to figure out who done it. I'm still stumped. Lara and Cami, you might like it and the first 2 seasons and maybe the other two seasons are free on Amazon Prime or Netflix! It is called the Killing.

    NM, I hope you are feeling much better this ayem. Migraines are the worst. I have had a couple that i would have rather had my leg sawed off with nothing but a coin to bite on for pain!

    Julie and Lara, hope you continue to feel better and better. Bleeding stopped yet Lara? I hope so!

    Sue, YAY for good scans!!! I booked my Vegas flight and will be there to partay wif you on 3/23 thru 3/28. At the Bellagio again so lets see if we can work out a meet up!!

    Dara, he is bootiful! I hope things start to calm down for you soon. At least going back to the grindstone will keep you busy during the day and not give you as much time to tink about tings. I know better than to think it will keep you out of trouble!!

    Lori, I hope those markers stay where they are supposed to! I keep all you girls in my prayers everyday and that is at the top of my list! Hey, want to come to Vegas and partay wif Sue and I??

    Genny, wow you have way more ambition than me!! I didn't join a gym I just took a hammer and tore down the wall between my kitchen and family room! Then I ordered flooring that will be here Monday so we are installing it next weekend.

    Cami, prayers for your family too! I just love your Joey stories and you know my daughter is 10 1/2! My oldest also plays clarinet so your stories make me laugh. My 15 year old plays trumpet and french horn and when he was learning I though neighbors would call animal control to come save the elephant it sounded like he was murdering!!

    Princess and CynCyn, hope all is well. I know you both is extrie busy like me. Our wellness center is having a drum circle Cyn! I thought about you and I might go check it out.

    Julie and Cyn! I also booked a flight to Fla. Coming to Marco Island 2/20-2/23. Don't know if it is anywhere near you and maybe we could have lunch or coffee??

    Red, Aly and Christie if you are watching! Prayers and Hellos for you girls too! Red, stay warm and you other girls send some summer to NM and Red in particular!!

    I am trying to do much more drinking with all you girls though! You are the high spots in my day. When my email alert goes off I look right away and if it is a BCO I try to read immediately, unless driving of course!!

    I gotta go run carpool. Since when do 15 1/2 and 17 year olds not want to drive?? I guess it beats $1000 each for insurance and another car in the driveway though!!

    Lubs and Hugs to all and I will try to stop back later today. after I solve my mystery murder!!!

    Happy Warm and fuzzy Saturday to all! Lynne

    And please forgives if I forgot anybody. K?

    ***Editing because I brain farted and left Nancy off my post. Sawry! Meese poor brain doesn't remember like it used to! I blame frequent anesthesia! My excuse and I am sticking with it!

    Nancy, I hope you are feeling better and no seizures! No driving is a bummer, sorry about that. And why when you want to work they tell you know and when you don't feel like working they tell you get to it? Just not fair! I hope you are feeling much better and then famiky is treating you right

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Yippee n a yay to see so many of you goils today. Still concerned about NM, do not have a good feeling. NM, if you hear me, I hope you were able to get yerself to the doctor or find someone to get you there. If I was closer, I would SO be there for you. (((NM)))

    Well the arrival of lil Lucy might have to be delayed due to cold temps here. I am waiting to hear back from the owner in Texas. He failed to realize that it is very cold in this part of the country. The flight scheduled is not heated and Lucy would be too cold. He might be working on finding a climate controlled flight. Per the airline website, it has to be over 45 degrees for her to be safely shipped without a cert from the vet stating she is acclimated to de cold. I do not tink a baby of jest eight weeks old would be acclimated and would not want my baby to be that cold. He said he can either wait until it gets warmer or find another flight which would cost me more. Again, waiting for details.

    Camille, you crack me up when you talk about Joey playing his clarinet. Geez, go figure, the boy is so perfect in every other way and must have at least one flaw and God only knows, his playing skills are de flaw. I jest laugh my ewwa off reading about it.

    Lynn, glad to hear from you. But tell us more about your health, you said you had another surgery, was it anudder do over on yer foobs? I was sorry to hear you are having a hard time, assuming it is foob related. Or maybe it is foot or ankle related? Regardless, a surgery is a surgery is a surgery and like me, you have had waaaay too many.

    Lori, sorry you had to wait so long for yer injections but glad you got dem outta de way. You have a high deductible, sorry you have to pay so much out of pocket before the insurance kicks in. I am always tinking about you. You are such an inspiration and I know it is hard to keep your prognosis from your Mommy. Sending positive vibes and more prayers and lots n lots of big arse hugs (((((Lori))))). I should have known you were not in de lounge at night. I guess it seems like night to mese. I was too lazy to do de math to figure out when ye posted. hehe, I learned lazy from de best and that is our own Camille.

    Mary, hoping NOra's partay was nothing but glee and happiness for her and for all who attended. Such a spayshall day for her to sailabrate her only first birthday. I get sad when I tink of baby David, he is not even two months old, in one week he will be. I got a notice of action from de court today, jest states that the plan is to reunite him with his momma, mese DD. I tink monday's hearing is jest a formality. But back to Nora, hope to see lots of pics of her here or on facebook. Can't wait to see cake schmeared on her cute lil face. and lol at her saying mmmmmmm when she eats, God Bless that lil one, she is sooo darn cute.

    Well time to figure out dinner plans, I tink we are going out. I would rather stay home but my Dad loves to go out. ugh. TOo cold to go out for mese liking but I jest heat the car and do what he wants. He is King of mese household so I treat him as de King.

    Hi to eberybuddy else. HOpe you all having a wonderfoil day! Peace and love, love and PEACE.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    enjoy your dinner dara,prayers for the best for baby david. want the weather to improve so lucy can get here

    nm-hope you are resting and feeling better, also hope you went to walk in care today, these resp virus's are not to be messed with especially on top of a migraine

    lori= i know what it is like to hold back from telling your mother unless you really have to, praying she does not get any resp virus's . glad you got your injections,hoping to go to dw the end of the month.

    sue-woo hoo to scans scheduled on same day, my knowledge of problems is limited to switching off and restarting the computer with 8.1

    cammi-hope this weather is not making your sister's knee pain worse, i would love to meet her one day, she sounds a hoot!, my joey gave a brillient christmas concert and i won't hear anything else! hope both brothers are doing ok

    lara-as the bleeding stopped? hows the pain today?

    4- marco island is just south of me, would love to meet especially if food is involved!

    mary g looking forward to party photos

    nancy,aly ,red, chrissy have a good night

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Julie, great suggestions for Kim. I am praying that she is doing alright and hope to hear from her in the am. And wouldn't it be fantastic if you get to meet Lynn and possibly her family too? I sure hope the facetime works out. I had a super fantastic time with you when I was in Florida last year.

    I just got an update on Lucy. I will be walking on eggshells tomorrow. The vet issued a "temperature acclimation statement" stating that if the temp is over 32 degrees when she is due to land, the airline will fly her. I have to check on the temp via at 8am my time. If the hourly shows at least 32, it is a go. Right now, it is showing 34 degrees for 1pm which is her expected arrival time. I am gonna be a new mommy, yippee!! Say a prayer that it works out. I want to have this last week off of work to start crate/potty training my new baby. I will def post many many photos. I joked with my Dad and told him that I will tell Jennkia that I am going to name the puppy Logan hehehe, that would be evil and make her quite angry. The thought did tickle us though.

    I am dwinking JD tonight and loving it. I have not had any in two days. I wanted to make sure that I was not getting sick.

    Who is partaying with mese tonight? Other than Julie, I know she is. She is a partay aminal!! hehe!

    cheers girls! I toast each of you ~ hiccup~!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015

    I'm here for a drink! I been SO lazy today. No sense starting to get productive now! I'll wait til morning.

    So....Titties Up, if ya got 'em! Bring a udder round

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Im dwunk..tail yall bout the partay tomorrow....sweet dweems, typing with 1 eye

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    ooray ~ hiccup, wese gots de Lynnster in de lounge disnight. wooo hooo. what cha dwinking? buying you a round. And how about a few hot tender to serve us? nah, not hot enough for my liking. but the best I could find on quick notice ~ burp. ooops, that jest snucked out, mese apollogeeze.

    HAD TO REMOVE THE GUY as per Lynn ~ yikes my eyes are going bad.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    LDB NOOOOO, I do not give myself these shots. I drive an hour and 15 minutes to the doctors to get them. Taken 3 was good. But what happens in the movie makes me think there will be another, but they said this was the final one. I don't want to give anything away, although it does happen right in the beginning, as it's what the story is about. As for my mom, what bothered me was the fact that she thinks I'm cancer free. Glad you got your Quick Books figured out, but bummer about the printer. I love technoglogy, but it can be a pain in da butt sometimes. Sorry to hear about your brother, sending prayers your way for him. Is he here in AZ?

    Wow 4, heading to Vegas again? Is it for pleasure? I can't make any promises about coming to Vegas. Our business will be picking up, but there is a possibility we might have to be there for the other business, who knows. But of course I would come iffin I could. What kind of flooring did you get?

    Dara, no cold flights for your baby, no sirree. That would just be cruel. Our deductable is high, but it's combined so at least it's not $7500 for each of us. And baby David might be going home soon??? Oh I hope so, and when he does, I hope neither of them pulls another shenanigan like the one that caused all of this. Stupid Muther F'ing A$$hole, taking the baby to CPS and dropping him off. IDIOT! Ooops sawry, went on a ramp. Oh wow, so Lucy may be there today?

    Julie, glad you are getting to go to DW at the end of the month, but with whom are going with??? Hoping you can meet up with Lynne. I too looked to see how far, not far at all.

    NM, please check in girl. I do hope you are feeling ok. I thought of you yesterday, I planted a few seeds to get started indoors. Turnips, Arugula and Kale. I also think we will get our maters and peppers started this week as well.

    Hmmm, typing wif one eye. You feeling good there Mary. Love the pic of you and your friends and wine bottles. I guess that was AFTER Nora's party?

    That's quite the party group there Dara, is that you in the background I see???? I'll be back....lemme go look for a DOTD. Maybe I'll bump into Cami and she can help me.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    In honor of Wacko's new lil girl...........we have da Juicy Lucy!

    Ingredients : Juicy Lucy

    - 2 shots vodka
    - 1 shot gin
    - 2 shots blue curacao liqueur
    - 2 shots orange juice
    - 2 shots soda (7-up, sprite)

    Pour vodka, gin and curacao into a tall glass. Fill with equal parts of orange juice and sprite, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Good morning girls!

    Well little Lucy was checked in at the airport so it looks like a GO! I have been on edge with the weather, the predicted temp at arrival has dropped to 32 degrees which is the lowest it can be for Lucy to fly. She will be covered with blankets. The owner sent me a photo of her in the crate but for some reason, when I try to copy it, it will not post. I will be posting pics later today. Today will be a bonding day only, training starts tomorrow. I am sooo furcited. Thanks Lori for naming the DOTD after her.

    I too am very concerned for NM, I will continue to check back for an update. Yesterday, my cell phone rang only twice and it was the same area code as NM. I had to check the number and verify it was not her calling then hanging up. All kinds of thoughts went through my mind. I wish I could help care for her. Praying that she did not get worse and not in the hospital or anything. And no asthma attacks.

    Lori, good that that deductible is for you and DH combined, whew! Mine is down this year since I dropped Jessica from my insurance so mine is only 1200.00 this year. My company made some changes for the better but of course the premiums went sky high, ugh. I feel for you with having your Mom believe you are cancer free. You must feel like you are living a lie. But I wholeheartedly agree that it is for the best. She would be torn, I know I am and I am not your mother, jest your sister. I love you with all my heart and hope and pray that you remain without symptoms. and yes, that is me in the back of that photo. As I said, I came so close to posting a pic of a hot bartender as I first did not notice his little penis hanging out of his pants. Thank God I caught that. The last thing I need is to be banned from BCO (again).

    Where is everyone else this aye am? I will be around waiting for updates from all but mainly from NM. We might have to put out an APB for here whereabouts.

    I have to run out and pick up some groceries. And puppy food, yay!! But first, I need to dwink a few Juicy Lucy's, thanks for that Lori.

    cheers and lots of love.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    lucy is almost hereHappyThumbsUp

    nm , - know your not feeling good so have been holding off calling you in case you were asleep plus with the bad weather, so your in my thought and prayers and if you need something there is always amazon

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015

    Hallo Girls!!

    NM, like all the others said we are praying you are feeling better and just resting. Sending a big, warm hug and healing thoughts. (((((((((Kim))))))))))

    Dara, tink you mighten want to check that tender photo again. Not sure that is a thigh??? So excited for Lucy's arrival!! And praying court goes well. Yup! Looked again, dat not a thigh!!

    Genny, how's the hang over?? Hope you had a great time!

    Julie, I LOVE Amazon Prime!! I wills end a PM wif my info and see if we can't meet up and eat!! It is weekend of 2/20-2/23 so see what might be best for your schedule! I'm furcited!

    Lori, sorry about the sitiation with your mom. I give my mom few details because I get WAY too much unsolicited advice and it makes it harder for me, so I too sympathize. We ordered Vinyl laminate. It is 100% vinyl but looks like wood for one room and marble/tile like for kitchen. We have a 12 year old affectionately named Godzilla because he destroys everything he comes near. Pig Pen meets Dennis the Menace. Yup, that's him!! We had tight budget too and got it for 2.17 a square foot! I'll try to post a pic. Vegas meet up would be cool if you are headed that way anyhow!


    Lara, hope you feeling good

    Cami, hope you are tucked in and warm without the phone ringing. I was trying to ketchup on my reading an done day you posted that you woke up with your D and then you showered with new stuff called Unplugged and were smelling good. That just quacked me de hail up!! Unplugged!!

    Princess! Candy making slowed down?? I am setting up with the dept of Ag to come get my comm kitchen we have been putting in basement signed off on so I can get back to cake decorating with a license!

    Mema, Nancy, Cyn, Aly, Red, Chrissie--Hoping you are all having a peaceful Sunday!

    know I did not get to everyone yet, gotta run and grab my guys from the movies!! Too funny a girl asked a friend to go to movies then the friend asked all the guys!! the quack me de hail up too!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    oh, ooops, I took that picture down. mese eyes are bad for not seeing that. I do not tink the mods would tink it was an oversite. thanks Lynn!!

    well puppy is here, in my lap sleeping at the moment. she had a big day. she is so passive and too cute. I can't stand it. be back later. hope to hear from Kim.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015

    Can't wait for a pic!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015

    Here's a replacement photo!!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Hey everybody I'm here, sorry I've been gone. I've been down a little. I guess down a bit since I cant drive or work. It sucks and it's too damn cold out.we leave for our cruise in15 frays. I cant wayi

    Ok I'm fallin asleepn see yoga to vdre them night.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Nancy, sorry you are feeling down. Hope you can hang tough until your cruise, that should help you. I understand how you must feel, hope it gets easier (((hugs)).

    Still no NM? Maybe soon, hopefully? I also debated on calling her but as Julie said, afraid of waking her when she finally gets to sleep. Check in when you can NM, sending hugs to you to )(((( NM)))

    Lynn, your flooring is quite nice, good luck getting it down, hope the installation goes well. That is not something i could attempt with having to move the appliances. I have a picture of Lucy, not the best but she is a wiggle worm.


    Lucy did well last night sleeping through the night but not until after I removed her from her crate. I felt too sorry for her whiningfor her mommy and litter mates. I put her in my bed which is said to be a mistake. Oh well, that is where she will sleep if she can continue to hold her bladder so well. We went to bed at 9pm and slept through now which is 6am. That is pretty good for a two month old baby. She is back in my lap. She is about the size of my foot, I am a size 7! lol, she is really teeny tiny.

    I am pondering not going to the courthouse today. We are under a winter advisory with frozen rain coming down. I will not risk something terrible happen. The temps are slowly rising so we will see.

    Hello to Mema, Julie, Lori, Mary and all other girls I did not mention, sorry, I am not fully awake! I hope you all have a great day, stay warm!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015


    Going to try to get a day of work in. Wound up in Walk in Care with an asthma flare up and a bit of the stomach bug that is going around the nursing homes. Just for the record, I do NOT like being on steroids, even if it does mean I get to breathe without coughing up my toenails. But, hit the snooze too many times, gotta get my act in gear and get going. Ketchup latah!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    NM, glad to see you poke your face in. Welcome back to the living. Sorry you have to take the roids, hope you can take a little xanax to offset the se's. Hope you feel better with each passing hour. SillyHeart

    Still trying to decide if i am going to court. I am not sure if I am required to be there since David is now under foster care. I want to go but the roads are really treacherous. Will pop my head in latah! cheers!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Morning girls, so glad to see Nancy and NM pop in to let us know they are among the living, even if they may not feel like they are. Prayers to you both for a speedy recovery. Kim, hope you take it easy at work today and come home early if you need to.

    Dara, lucy is so beautiful! No way I could have left her in her crate, spacially on her 1st night. She'll prolly be fine in bed with you until she gets old enough to sneak out at night to chew on stuff, but maybe she'll just learn to stay and snuggle all night. Why would you be required to be in court? Hope you are ok to get there if you decide to drive. Good luck with the outcome, hope things work out.

    Tobbi, nice having phone time with you last night. Good to put a voice with a face. You are one busy lady, I don't know how you do it.

    Lynn, nice replacement! Wowza! Flooring looks nice. We are going to be redoing our kitchen. New cabinets, countertop and sink. Having it done but doing the demo work ourselves, athough DH will be doing most of it. Funny about your one man recking crew with your 12 yr old. I didn't have a hangover, guess I'm to seasoned.

    Time to get ready for work, hi to everyone else, we got about 6 inches of snow and still coming down. It's over 30 tho so that helps. Have a good day all, stay warm, safe, and healthy

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    I just wrote a whole big thing and it got lost probably a good thing cuz I wasnt very nice, I was frustrated cuz I cant drive and its freezing rain and we all know how much I just love this freeking IN frozen tundra grey cold everyday winter weather . Ok Im done now.

    Dara I love love love wittle Lucy !! Does she sleep down at the end of your feet or nuggle up with you? My little Manny used to like to go down by my feet. I dont know if I could go to the court house especially if I couldnt control my emotions which right now, I couldnt.

    NM I am sorry you are having trouble with your asthma. Im having a little trouble too. What are you on? I am on Symbacort, Duoneb, and Singulair and carry Proair for a rescue. I was on Advair at one time and they just changed it. There is a new inhaler out called Dulera. It is a rescue plus a steroid I believe. I might be a little off due to my memory, but check it out. I have heard some good things about it. Its better than going on Prednisone if you can avoid it. Pulmicort was always one I liked too. Sorry once an RT always an RT even if a little broken one lol. (((Kim)))

    4Sew I like the vinyal!! Very pretty!!

    Oh crap now its snowing on top of the damn ice!!

    You all must of thought I was drunk or on something last night I just saw my post! Lol. I fell asleep while I was writting. Sorry Im sorry I have been in a mood. I am out of my Effexor should be in today. I promise I will be back on track soon.

    Lara I hope your bleeding isnt something to worry about. What did your find out?

    Lori I like that blue drink I think I will have it to celebrate the Colts win over the Broncos. I hope your doing ok. I have been thinking about you.

    Mema how are you doing??

    I go to see my BS this week.

    Stay warm everyone!! Love you Cami, Mary, Juliet, and anyone else I forgot..

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Well shoot 4, I looked a few times at that Tender, I sure didn't see anything. Moosta not been anything to write home about! My entire house is done in laminate, except for the 2 bathrooms, laundry room and foyer. Looks similar to your wood laminate.

    Nancy, that cruise should lighten your spirits! Didn't you say it was a Disney Cruise? And heading over to the Virgin Islands?

    Lucy is adorable Dara! Court today, I do hope you can stay put if the weather is bad, but what about DD?

    NM, do try to take it easy today, you poor dear. So sorry that asthma had to rear it's ugly head, and the flu on top of it.

    Mary, how was Nora's party? Don't forget the pictures now!

    Weather here has been pretty good, just a few little sprinkles yesterday. And like most of y'all it's Monday and time to go back to work. I think for Nancy and Julie, we can have another Disney cocktail.

    DOTD, here are 3.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Nancy, you don't EVER have to apologize for how you are feeling. And I hope you were ready for that swim! Water is super nice, eh?

    I forgot to post pics of our flooring for 4. I love my laminate flooring.



    And this is the kitchen, not quite finished.

