how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls, just a quick pop-in, I'm going to bed in a few minutes. Nora's b-day was yesterday but her party isn't till Saturday. Was supposed to be last Saturday but her mom postponed it cause of the strep throat. Poor baby had to get her vaccines today and was feeling yucky. I'll post some pics soon. I went to a Crossfit class today, it kicked my butt! A new gym right around the corner from me but it's $105/month, unlimited workouts. That's a lot of money if I only want to go 3 times/wk so I might pass on the membership. Trying whatever I can to get rid of this joint pain, thought maybe if I got back to working out it would help. I think maybe yoga is a better match for now tho.

    Hi 4, good to see you. Glad you're gonna be coming back soon. What king of surgery now? Geesh...

    Lala, everything seemed to go ok, but it was hard to see out of the docs pocket. So lap only I hope?... no knife? Please let us know soonliest.

    NM, hope you're better.

    Dara, glad your dad understands about not seeing your mom right now. Last thing you need is him getting the flu. Praying for you and your DS, so sorry all this chit had ta happen.

    Nancy, that sucks about the no driving. Your sister sounds pretty dern bullheaded but if she wouldn't go with you and now won't call the doc you need to put it out of your head. Her opinion is not your problem. You need to rest and take care of yourownself.

    Cami, so very sorry about your brother. I have lost 2 of mine, it's so hard. My prayers are with you and his family. Weather is dreadful here too, 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow and a high of 9 degrees...yikes

    Sorry, that's all the time I have for now. Everybody else , love to to go to sleep, sweet dreams!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2015

    I am awake in discomfort no knife thank ggodness. Thank u for all coming with me it  was not as bad compared to the others at all.

    I have three lap spots 2 by pelvic each side and belly  button this one hate

    I did not get home until like 6 at night uggg

    I wanted to stay butttttt I was just really outta of it woke up  great this time told the good med doc how I woke up like a truckdriver.I was very clear headed but in pain I kept tensing then breathing through the pain. The nurse was nice she said stop breathing like that lollll I was taught to breath through your pain

    Dh was great love him got the bruise on hand from nurse,omg she was so weird she asked me about me marriage etc.Like oh are u married how long? That started it, so bizarre what people think to say to u, then before she came in alpn thought I said I had a vestomy come on really? mastectomy and  u all know this was a hard one emotion wise for me,

    No hormone replacement therapy  HER positive receptive sucks so hope menopause stays away ,that's all Ineedcancer some where pop up

    4 wow that's a lot of surgery.......Is recon related?

    Thanks for the prayers

    dara u were bad with that cute anthesologist lol

    genny nice hearing from u, Kick your butt class sounds amazing

    Hi cammy , now I have the laptopI watch whatever scary movie Iwant on netflex

    also have to vent this two docs are like omgggggggggggggggggggggggggg u have been through so much its  like save it. The one doc goes I would belocked in my bedroomeating icecreama bunch of idiots

    ncollet she is adorable

    Hi goldie ,NM hope u r feeling better





  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, no longer wheezing, no longer totally exhausted, still have a bit of a cough, going in to work but retaining the option of going home after half a day.No worries about bumping me into the hot tub, best place for me right now!I really do miss having a hot tub, but that will have to wait for a better financial situation.

    OK, just realized I am running a bit late, hit the snooze button too often this ayem!Back later, probably tomorrow, and work on playing ketchup!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    No internet yesterday, what a pain! Can't tell ya how many times I called them and got a different answer each time as to why it was down, and it might take 2-4 weeks to get someone out to look at it. I don't think so!!!  I don't think they even knew what was wrong! But finally by late afternoon it was working. I finally got my meds taken care of and go tomorrow for my injections. Praying my TM's stay down so I don't have to resort to the Xeloda. Won't do labs for a month. This is all just so scary, especially with my last visit and doc wanting me on the chemo, labs every 3 weeks and visit with him every 6. I have not had an injection since Nov. 20! So I will be glad to get this going again.

    LDB, glad you are not getting sick. My PC really tried to talk me into getting the flu shot, due to having cancer again. Don't know how many times I told her NO, would rather not. Told me to come in immediately if I were to get sick! Knocking on wood!

    Ha ha, and there's Nancy talking about the flu! I always use the wipes at the store, and try to be very cautious as to where I put my hands. How'd things go for you at the neuro? Good to hear about your son and his GF. And it's so nice that you like her so well. So sorry about the news you recieved from the neuro, that just sucks. Disability due to the no driving? Well, the disabilitly could be just for short term, right? Or did your doc say long term? So therefore you just MIGHT be able to go back to work? But sorry your siblings are being butts about it.

    Awwww NM, sounds like you're gettin bad. I hope to see that yesterday or today is better. Nite time temps at -50??? I hope you have lots of oil and LOTS whiskey!

    Dara, I sure hope your sweet mommy doesn't get what's going around the home. They should post something at the entrance. Glad you got to see your DD and with hugs and I love you's. Now to keep your opinions to yourself. You are just going to have to bite your tongue girl. You are so naughty! I saw you playing wif da doctors naughty bits. Glad he wasn't doing anything important yet.

    Cami, yes it's very hot down where your DD lived. You could not pay me to live down there. Altho I'm not a fan of the cold and winter, I will stay put. Northern AZ is beautiful, SuziPoo can vouch for that. I am so very sorry to hear about your brother. I sure wish he would talk to those that love him.

    4, good to see you girl, but sorry to hear you had to have more surgery. What for this time? A foot, a foob? You have lots of reading to do for sure, I don't think I would bother! Just jump in to the present, we are all still here!

    LDB, I so so happy fo you! Colonoscopy not so fun, but sure an easy one to do! How come they don't do the brain when they do the other scans? And girl, I sure hope you don't have any fractures. Praying for you and all is good.

    Ha ha Nancy. Dat snowman looks like he gonna take a big bite out of Ginger! Is dat your wiener? I didn't know you had a wiener? NOW THAT SOUNDS FUNNY AS CHIT! Love Love Love Jackson's little hat.

    Mary, I hate to say it, but I don't think anything you do is going to get rid of that pain. It's a SE of the Arimidex. If you can't handle it, there are other AI's that you can try. Mine wasn't too bad, mostly in my feets. Do you have a Planet Fitness near you? I think they are only like $10 a month.

    Lala, you sound GREAT! No knife, yippee! Did you end up keeping eggs? And what all did they take? I guess if they took the uterus, eggs would not be any good, unless you had someone else carry the baby, right? Sorry about the discomfort, but you're doin good! NOW BEHAVE YOURSELF! We know are you are!

    NM, glad you are feeling better and will come home after half a day if need be.

    DOTD-Topedo. We need our girls to go full speed ahead, and what better way than with a TORPEDO?
    2 oz Apple Brandy
    1 oz Brandy
    1/4 tsp Gin

    Shake all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker.
    Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and enjoy.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    FB says it's your it?




  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE!!  Hope you have some ‘down time’ fun plans to sailabrate!

    Nancy - thanks for sharing the pics of the kids and your doggies.  Of course the kids are too adorable, and ur fur babies too.

    Lara - hooray for the lap and no knife.  You sound pretty good so soon after, but still take it easy for awhile  please.  Am I to understand the nurse bruised you dh hand?  Nurse doesn’t sound too bright eh?  Good for you for not having to do HRT.

    Mary - I so admire you and your fitness regime.  Gotta get back in gear and get my ewwa back on the elliptical.  Just getting started again is hard.

    NM - woohoo for no more wheezing and getting some energy back.  I think ½ a day of work in your situation is a good idea.

    Lowee - Isn’t that a bit long for your shots.  I did get the flu shot, knock on wood so far so good.  DH is feeling better finally.  10 days of miserable head/chest cold.  Will say some extra prayers that your tm’s stay down.  Sending big HUGZ!  Love the DOTD, being as I like my brandy & coffee, this sounds good.

    Got a new laptop and my computer guy spent 2 hours yest transferring from mine old.  It’s Windows 8.1, but my guru set it up just like my Windows 7.  Am finding a few differences as sure I’ll find more.  Do like the ‘post it’ notes you can leave yourself tho.  Will help this scatter brain.  Have to get on the phone soon with Quick Books so they can transfer all my files over.  Then I’ll put old one away.  Pretty ferciting.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls, checking in to see if we have heard from Lara. Woo hooo, the no knife prayers worked. So happy to hear you sounding so good. I hope the pain is minimal and that you feel better with each passing day. And sorry about the ruckass I caused hehe!

    Nancy, I am also sorry that your siblings are being aholes about things. I hope you can just let it go. I know I know, easier said than done. You need to do what is right for Nancy and not let these people convince you otherwise. Please follow your doctors orders. Great pics, I am espcially partial to the wiener dog, too cute. And the kids, omg, they just melt my heart! You are blessed with all those young ens around.

    Julie Julie Julie, happy happy birthday!! I baked ya a chocolate cake, enjoy. I hope you are having as fabulous a day as you are fabulous yer darn self girl. Love ya! Enjoy YOUR day.


    and a little gift to you, wish it was not a cyber gift. but at least it has zero caleries!


    NM, glad you are breathing better. Try to take your own advise and take it easy. Your patients will be there with or without you.

    Lori, I just HATE communicating with the cable/internet people. They make me bizzerk. My DVR has not been working and when I call, they say that the issue is on my end. Well then how come it works in my living room but not my bedroom? So sorry for your frustration, glad you are back up and running. And girl, you have many prayers coming from me. I am hoping and praying that you do not need to take that chemo stuff. I can't imagine how hard all of this is on you. ((((Lori))). I love ya girl and will never stop. Be well, k?

    Mary, thanks for checking in. 105.00 a month is quite steep for a place to work out. geez. We have a place around here called Retro fitness, it is 100 a month. And they have 80's movies playing and 80's music. It really is neat. I have been there once, well to pick up my DD lol. Good luck in finding something that suits you. And Lori is right about the arimidex likely causing your pain. My onc told me that if it got unbearable to speak up and he would try something else. I do ok on it. My biggest complaint is that my knuckles get so tight and hard to move my hands, espcially when it is very cold outside, the sobs hurt like hail. I hope you post lots of pics of Nora's partay, I wish I could be a fly on the wall at the partay. Well I guess I would rather be just me there hehe!

    Camille, how you making out girl? I miss you when you do not post. I became used to your early aye em crazy posts and I miss them very much. Come on in and say hello. Oops, I see you did post. I am praying for your family, it has to be so difficult being so out of the loop and so far away from your brother. (((Cammy))).

    I know I am missing someone here, ooops, my pea brain can't remember. I used to havve a system I used to be sure not to miss anyone, it was a cheat sheet. But I never updated it since when I was jest a widdle goil here, like a few years ago. So if I missed ya, it jest means I am a phuck-up, k?

    Lots of cheers and rounds of dwinks for all. I like the DOTD!

    Love you all! Julie, enjoy YOUR day!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    i ate so much chocolate in work ,got 4 days off now , so thank you for all the wonderful cakes and wishes. will catch up tomorrow

    sue-could be a contrast issue, having to wait beween scans, when i had the ct abdomen ,i had to wait 48hrs before they could do the ultra sound, but they will do bonescans and ct scans on the same day.

    dara- i 'm glad your mum's home is taking precautions because we have so many 80-90 years olds that are really sick from this flu, prevention better than a cure

    nm- you be careful , don't want you having any chest complications from a virus, who else will i bug for expert advise

    4- ouch,

    lara-hope you have had a good day and are resting

    cammi-stay warm,

    lori-thank you from the dwHappy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015

    Happy Birthday Julie!!



    Lara, you sound good, hope things continue that way!

    Hello to everyone else! Hope you all are feeling better and today was kind to you!

    Running cray cray as per usual. Getting Ready to head down to GA Tech tomorrow to meet with a prof and a group of students studying LE. They said they get lots of therapists, nurses and doctors to talk to but don't ever get a chance to get information straight from patients so they invited me for a Q&A!! I'm the one answering the questions for a change!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Happy birthday Julie...glad yer 3 days are over. Enjoy your days off!


    Just popping in quick, gonna take the time to really kechup soon. Gotta work the next 2 days, I'm sooo sore from my workout yesterday but I tink mese joints are feeling a bit better. Didn't sleep for chit last night so I'm going to bed...Love to all, sweet dreams.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    4 and Mary, don't put pressure on yerselves to ketchup. speaking for de others, we are happy to just see your face in the lounge and know that you are still hanging like the tough goils that you are.

    4, good luck with the Q&A. I would be soooo nervous, I would prolly chit my pants.

    Mary, I really wish you would talk to your onc about taking another AI that will not make you feel crippled. ((((Mary)))

    Julie, today was your day to feel sinless for eating all of the chocolate you want. Enjoy your three days off. Hmmm, wonder where you will go hehe! Hey, can you send some warmth here? Or can I move in with you? And bring my Dad? I am ready. I can pay the rent and I am a great cook hehehe, and a big liar about the cook part!!

    Things are cray cray in my world too (love that term btw). I can't even talk about things right now. I am being so snubbed and it is my Dad's fault. He did not mean to cause further friction when he asked Jennika where ahole was. Her response to him was to look in the mirror to see where the ahole is, ughhhhh, so rude. And so much more drama that I am keeping to my dern fn self. I can;t stand it. I am just sick over everything. I can't wait to get to work to escape all of the drama around me. I need new drama lol.

    I concur with Gennie Mary, sweet dreams to all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    I just peed myself. Dont aks and I wont tail. hehehe!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Congrats on the new puter Sue. Is that the newest version 8.1? Or is that the same as 8? I have sticky notes on my current Windows, their sort of funny.The long time span between my shots it due to the fact that I  wheezled out of starting the chemo pill. So they had to get me approved again with my insurance. spoke with pharmacy on Monday, gave them the ok to charge me ($4000.00) hoping they would ship Tuesday. I call Tuesday to make sure they shipped, they said they were waiting on another approval for the charge from me, just to make sure it was ok! WTF! Good thing I called!

    Dara dear, I want to hold off on the chemo pill for as long as I can, as that is my chance before having to do the IV shit. The crappiest part of this, and I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining about it...believe me! I feel absolutely phucking fine! I feel like any other person that does NOT have the RB! So, I am very thankful for that, VERY! OMG, I can't believe your DD spoke to your dad that way. I am speechless. I sure hope she apologizes, unless that is just how you guys roll?

    Julie, your sentence sounds like you had to take 4 days off because you ate so much chocolate.

    4, that is pretty cool about to the Q/A thingy. Hopefully you will be able to give them something to work with that will help you gals with LE.

    I am up late, an hour. My clock is on the fritz and you can't tell what time it is. Lara, I hope you are feeling good. NM, I hope you are on the mend and work didn't set you back. Mary and Nancy, we miss you too.

    Cami, you have not been posting much, are you ok?

    I need to go look for a drinky poo...........brb!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Still sailabrating for Julie.


    1 Cup Strong Coffee with 1 jigger Creme de Cacao and 1 jigger Kahlua. Mix everything in a blender with ice then topped with Whipped Cream, Ice Cream, and 2 cookie sandwiches. Garnished with Cherry and Grenadine.

    If cherry is unavailable, it is called a "Mickey Mouse"


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    image happy belated birthday day my sweet Julie

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    thank you for the birthday smiles and drinks

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning--I'm s far behind, sorry--

    I've actually been busy wrking and my sister is off work due to her knees so we're talking a lot on the phone--its not cancer, her knees are just folding up so she got gel in them cuz the shots stopped working. Lori she wanted to make sure I told u it had nothing to do with her cancer, it's just her bones from age and meds (we think) ad of course we are going goofy talking about my brother--this one is not that far, but he really doesn't want to see or make a big deal about it and Lu and I are of course thinking this is it. and my BIL is talking a little to him and he sounds bad.????

    NM please don't over due--this is a nasty virus/cold and it's cold out there.

    Lara good hearing from u and it was Dara who caused all the problems, I told u her foot would be in my face, so I was quiet. U sound OK--no cutting --good thing

    SusyQ things sound good for u, and I'm so happy and I'll pray all the other tests come out good.

    Nancy I'm sorry but I can't believe anyone would question u about wht u'r Dr. said about driving. It doesn't make sense, of course u can't drive, (and I am truly sorry) but why woukd they make u feel bad?  Pics are great,  and I too love that hat and the urbabies are adorable.

    4 u'r another one with all these surgeries, WTF, and o course each one gets harder and harder on u;r body--I'm s sorry.

    Genny I hope everyone is feeling well for saturday's big Bash Birthday party for Nora.

    Dara oh so much is going on for u and u'r DD now, I know I would have a hard time with all of thst---And u'r parents--OMG try to keep what sanity u have left.

    Lori I hope u get all this stuff over quickly so u don't have to think about it for a while at least--U all know special prayers g out for u.

    It's so cold her---HOW COLD IS IT? WTF am I doing anyway--schools are closed, which I love my baby is in here a lot--He's trying to teach me Windows 8 and the touch screen, but It's way to complicated for me, he goes slowly but I just can't grasp it anymore, so I'm sticking with this, that I still have a problem with, but Joey tries to teach me, but he puts his arm around me and tells me not to feel bad, cuz I'm smart in so many other ways. hahaha Well I've got him fooled a little.

    OK my phone has been ging so 'd better get to work


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Hey is everyone all right? MY oh My no one has been here, but now I am----

    Well it's been so cold no school for Joey or Leslie, but we think there is school tomorrow for Joey. He's fine with it.

    Oh I was on the phone for about 3 hr today with my sister and on speaker with my BIL too, taking my work call in between, what a mess--I told her if she retired and we're going to do this everyday, forget it, they drive me crazy. But her one knee is really bad, I hope that gel works soon and relieves the pain, she said it was awful. When she got in bed last nite she couldn't sit and put her legs in so she fell on her stomach and turned around, realizing she had to pee. She was in a mess. Of course we all started to laugh but I hate when she's in pain.

    I hope everyone is doing OK and it's time to go to bed.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2015

    Happy bbbbb day Juliet

    I was in ER all day yesterday tons of blood coming out of me

    They did cat scan took blood said I'm not internally bleeding they paged my doc she said its like the last period. I'm not digging it I'm still bleeding a lot !!!!

    Goldie those injections are a lot of money my friend gets them delivered . Thank god your computer started wking. I did not know u have to get chemo again I'm sorry we are all strong like bull lol that's from some movie

    I'm in a lot pain but I'm ok , I need to see my doc before 2 weeks this blood is bs and I need stronger meds they gave me the perco in the hospital just took two I'm not cleaning yet

    My 2 great best friends stopped in to see me . Jen brought me these pretty flowers and a card she took me home dh filled script then the doorbell my other friend I feel so lucky to have a great team I call my support system. My sis tahs and I have all off u feel very blessed

    Ill poop in later

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Cami, glad you got some some extra Joey time, but so sorry about your sister's knee and your brother. Praying that everything will be ok. So sweet of Joey to try and teach you Windows 8.

    Lara, I don't have to have chemo yet, almost had to start it, but I put it on hold. All that bleeding sucks, hopefully it will stop soon.

    Julie, did you do anything special for your birthday?

    Where the heck is everyone? Am I in the wrong lounge? No sense for any drinks if there's no one around! DH and heading to town today, going to the movies. Seeing Taken 3. Got my $4000.00 worth of injections! I had called the doctors office, told them I would be there at 1 for my injections, to keep it out when UPS delivers (it needs to be room temp) and that I needed the paper work. Also called the UPS driver and asked him to tell them to leave it out. I get there at 12:30, to make sure they got it. They say yes, we'll take it out of the fridge now!

    Hope to see more gals in the morning!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    oh mese oh mise, no dwinks here? wtf, I must also be in the wrong lounge! Or maybe we are all toooo cold to drink?

    it feels like a spring day here, currently at 32 degrees.

    Lori, does this mean you had to wait long to have the shot get to room temp or where you able to get the injection? I am glad the chemo is on hold and pray to God that you are spared the misery. I am happy that you are feeling well and pray that you continue to feel "normal"...well as much as can be considering you are one of us lol. we are some crazy bat chits!

    Lara, sorry you had to go to the ER. Geez, you can't ever have an ez breezy surgery eh? Sorry about all the bleeding. Be sure to take some iron. I would hope the dr told you that. SO glad you have the support of friends, nothing better. and our cyber friends are de next best thing, often the only friends I have when going through chit.

    Camille, sorry you are struggling to learn windows 8, I do not blame you for giving up. sorry to hear about your sis and your brother, hope they both are doing better. Thank God you have Joey,, he is such a cute little blessing.

    Where dafuk is eberybuddy else been hiding? I have been quiet here which is unlike me. The other night when I posted about peeing my pants, I had written a long depressing post which I decided to remove. Aint nobuddy got time for dat. Too much drama here. I have court on monday for baby David. I have not seen him since christmas eve and it just saddens me so much that Jennika is being so difficult. She is under the inflience of SD and nothing I can do but tell her I am here for her when she is ready. I am hoping that she has a visit on moonday and that she will allow me to see my grandson. This just hurts so much, I say no more.

    Hello to all the other goils. Gonna have to put out an alert of sorts for the rest of you. Where is NM? Glad to see Lori peaking in at night. Or was that morning?

    One week from today, I will be at the sweat shop again. Yep time to start practing law again, I am an attorney now, ya know?? hehe, I crack myself up. Dara Diverse from Witchita KS, mother of Jennika, grandmama of David and attorney at law, I work for the state of Kansas. uh, if only changing who I am was this easy! kk, I am rambling, nothing much more to say.

    Nancy, NM, Mary, all goils, report NOW damnit. jest kidding but I really miss you all. cheers!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    good afternoon all, been very lazy, did go shopping this morning, so fridge is full,

    cammi -when you learn windows 8 can you come and teach me! love joey, his dad is pretty amazing too !

    dara-wish you could see baby david, families! can drive you crazy, ,but lucy will bee here soon

    lara-hope your having a better day. had some bleeding for 2 days after surgery.

    nm- hope you feeling better too!

    lori-enjoy your trip, post injection thank you for all the disney themed stuff,looks like it will be the end of the month before i can go up

    sue=g ood news on the scans ,may it continue

    nancy-glad your having less seizures ,tell your siblings shape up or in the swamp they go!

    mary-hows the joints today?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Good morning girls! I have to work today cause the normal Friday lady is on vacay so this won't be real long. I'm feeling uch better for the moment, I tink all my new remedies are really starting to work. First, I went on the paleo diet for 10 days now, gluten free and supposed to be really good for inflammation including arthritis and heart disease. I also started taking dark cherry juice, 2 T twice/day, which is also supposed to help inflammation, some studies show it works much like ibuprofen. And I'm working out again, not the Crossfit, that did seem a bit too adventurous for me now. Anywho...yesterday was the best I have felt in...... I don't know when. Knee pain from an 8 to a 2. I worked all day, came home and worked out for an hour in the basement, then cooked dinner and did the dishes. It's been a long time since I came home from work and didn't have sit in the lazy boy for an hour. And I feel good this morning. Oh, and I also switched my Cymbalta from pm to am cause I think it was messing with my sleep. So anyway, as of right now I'm a gluten free girl forever if I can keep feeling like this.

    Dara, I did get my AI's switched when I went to the MO last month. I was on Arimidex and he switched me to Aromisin which is the one that costs $650. I filled it under my last years deductible but I may switch back to the Arimidex cause I don't think it made any difference. I'm so sorry about your DD and your dad. You are in such a tough position, I guess for now you just have to keep your distance from her as much as possible, hard as that may be. At least she doesn't have little David with things like this. I mean you've seen his foster mom and you know he's safe, do you have to have your DD's permission to go see him? Countdown to Lucy!! Can't wait to see the pics! Promise to put videos on FB cause she is totes adorb!

    Ok, that's what I wrote this ayem, now I'm home from work, feet up in the chair, dogs running around like maniacs. I'm gonna take them for a walk but I have to work myself up to it. It's 13 degrees outside but the dogs don't see that as a reason to stay in. So I'll kechup then bundle up and we'll go. DH and I are gonna go to BW3 tonight to eat wings and play trivia. We like to compete against each other.

    So where was I?.. Oh yea, Lori, Complaining?? You? Hardly, I think I'd want to curl up in a ball... I admire your strength. I sure hope the current treatment keeps things at bay for a long time. I think of you a lot hoping you get years before the IV chit is needed. So glad you still have no symptoms which is why I think we should be able to choose whether or not we get the TM blood tests. You got so much further ahead of this thing than if you had waited till you were symptomatic. Does your insurance pay all of the $4000? I'm still not sure about the gym thing. I have decided against the CrossFit place. Planet Fitness is about 15 minutes from me but in a heavily congested area with a lot of construction. We do have a fitness center close by that I belonged to about 10 years ago. It has an olympic pool and sauna and hot tub and the works. And they have yoga classes too. I called there yesterday and it's $79/month which is pretty reasonable considering I used to pay $12/class for yoga and I often went 2-3 times/wk. So I think I'm gonna join I just don't know whether to wait till after my surgery or not. I would love to start swimming, would be much easier on my joints. Hope you're staying warm and you and your DH have a nice, relaxing weekend.

    Nancy, hope you don't have any problem getting disability, glad you have someone helping you. My poor brother was a floor installer and when he got sick and required a walker he applied and they turned him down, said he could find a job where he could sit. So then he was told that they always turn you down the first time and he reapplied and got turned down again. Finally he got a lawyer and they approved it the third time. And he retroactive payments too. He worked hard all his life and paid in, makes me mad that it took so much work to get it. I think it took 10 months, by that time he was in a wheelchair! Hope your not having anymore seizures, have they lightened up since you quit working? Your pics of Samara and Jackson are adorable, what a blessing.

    NM, hope you finally got that nasty chit outta your system. TGIF, get lots of rest this weekend.

    Lynn, glad to have you back in the lounge, hope the Q&A went well and hope you can fill us in on your life soon.

    Lala, so sorry about the bleeding. I guess since you still have a uterus that it makes sense. Hope you're feeling better soonliest.

    Sue, I'm not so good at this fitness regime really. I'm just trying to get back to it and it is so hard starting up again. I've lost so much strength and stamina in the last year and I'm not patient. I want to work out and diet for a week and just be ...poof...fixed. If only it were that easy. It doesn't help that the temps are single digit outside, perfect eating, drinking, and snuggling weather.. not work-out weather. Sounds a lot like excuses doesn't it? Glad you got to spend some time with your grandkids, sounds like you had a good time. A new computer sounds both exciting and frustrating to me, love the one I have and I dread the day that it takes a chit. Glad to hear that all your test results were in your favor.. great news!

    Cami, sorry to hear about your sister and her knee, hope she gets some relief. And your brother, it must be hard to be kept in the dark, so much more worrisome than the whole story I think. But some people are just very private I guess. Glad you got to spend some extra time with Joey last few days. How's the flute coming? Has he played it for his girlfriend? Nora's mom doesn't give her sugar so on her real birthday she baked her a blueberry muffin and put a candle in it. So this Saturday when they have her party she said she's gonna let her have a real frosted cupcake! Can't wait to see her reaction, she's so funny, when she eats she just keeps saying...mmmmm....mmmmmm.

    PRN, hope things are good, when is your next conjugal visit? Were you crazy busy with your chocolates over Xmas? How are your boys?

    Julie, Hope you have lots of fun on your time off. Disney this weekend? I hear it's pretty cold even in Florida so maybe not. Anyway, get some rest and have fun.

    Did I miss anybody? Hope not, love you girls, hope to see ya in the lounge this weekend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Evening gang, could use some prayers, good vibes, and good drugs. Got half way to Work the other day when I got hit hard with a migraine out of the blue. Managed to get paperwork dropped off and have 3 people tell me to get back home, which I did manage to do before proceeding to throw up the whole half mug of coffee I had in my system. Managed to get through that, xanaxed myself into a good long sleep. Now working on getting un dehydrated and un exhausted. Started running a low grade temp this peeyem, so off to walk in care in the ayem if still happening when I get up

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Yay, people in the lounge, real people, not the people that I portend are here such as Jocks, Pants etc.

    NM, I hadda feeling something was up with you. Sending healing vibes and also lifting you up in prayer. Hoping the vomiting was from the migraine and that you feel better in the aye em. (((Kim)))). Thanks for checking in, you door dear.

    Julie, glad you got all stocked up with groceries and I bet some good chocolate too. I guess you have to take it easy a bit before going to Disney? Or is it just too cold there now? Glad to see you but I knew you would report today.

    Mary, I am so happy that you are feeling so much better. I hope it continues. You are accomplishing many amazing things. Try not to put too much pressure on yerself to get back to life pre BC, I don't want to see you fall.

    Sue, I failed to congratulate you for good scans! Awesome !!! Hugs to you ((Sue))).

    Thanks for the words of encouragement regarding my personal issues with Jennika. She told her Dad she needed space, you girls are right that I just need to let her be. My sis had a talk with my Dad about her today and reminded him that she loves him and that she is just going through some stuff. My sis told him that he should not have name called the SOB SD (lol, I am name calling here). The FN SOB, oh make me stop now.

    I am hoping that I am not coming down with anything. I had a little bit of D before dinner. I am feeling slightly stuffy and got some chills after dinner tonight. I was going to find a DOTD but I think we all need to stick with the prior drinking of honey, JD and some tequilla to keep the bugs away.

    My Dad and my sis went to see my Mom today. They have lifted the ban on visits but now asking that all visitors where a mask. The visit was short. Everyone with the flu was confined to their rooms and the rooms had notes on the door stating that the person had the flu. I am impressed with how proactive the home has been. One of us had to go since we do my mom's laundry. She was nearly out of clothes. I think I am just going to drop off the clean clothes at the front desk tomorree, just to be safe. I can't get sick, I have to have my EWWA to work by next friday or be terminated, it is that serious. I had a call from my HR rep today, she was calling to talk about long term disabililty. Apparently, the STD company had not yet relayed the info to my company that I was returning. I could sense a sigh of relief when I told my HR gal that I was returning on friday. She would have had to tell me that I was going to be terminated. Speaking of work....

    Nancy, I sure hope your family is being more kind to you. You might want to mention about the swamp as per Julie. Our Julie does not eff around. If they piss ya off anymore, off they go lol. Seriously, I have been thinking about you and feel so bad that the ones you love are stranding you. I pray that they are able to really understand your reality. I am peeved at them my dernself. (((nancy)))

    Yes, I am super furcited, jest two days and Lucy will be in my arms. I am ready for getting up possibly every two hours. And not sure if I told you all that I had her date of birth wrong. I thought I read on the website that she was born in October, making her 12 weeks. When I emailed the owner for photos of her parents, that is when I realized I read the website wrong, there were two litters. She was born on Nov 12 (one week before baby David) so will be just 8 weeks young. You girls have to know that I will be posting plenty of photos. Not that it will compensate for my lack of photos of David but it will sure help my heart. Jennika did text me photos last week, I will post them here. I am not posting on facebook since my DD is my "friend". I thought about unfriending her. She even put up a pic of the fn SD and the baby. I might post that one, that was this week...I mean post it here, not on facebook. that way you girls can spit at SD. I would take it down in time. Ok, let me get some Logan pics up here to look at. And trust me, SD pic, i iw ill post here but will delete it quickly tomorrow.

    Be well all, love yas. cheers!

    ps EDITED to add

    chit, will post baby pic later, my cell is on the charger. and not gonna post SD, it will make me sick to look at it here. I was so temped to comment on the post. I wanted to write FN LOSER or hello sperm donor or sumting mean. But I prayed on it and God listened and had me keep my dirty fingers to myself hehe!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015
