how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    4- How exciting.  I marked my calendar, be seeing you!  Wow and to FL next month, you a busy girl.  Redoing the kitchen and floors, gotta c the before and after pics k?

    NM - Gawd I hope you are OK.  Not to hear from you for so long means something not right, get well soon!  ((( NM)))

    Dara - poor Lucy, I agree too widdle for being in the cold of the cargo area.  Buy her a seat in coach!  Here’s to hoping the temps cooperate and you get you Lucy soon.  You are such a good daughter taking dad out even in cold temps. 

    Julie - He showed me how to do that and no probs, but sucker still not printing.  Wanna call wifi provider today if I can.

    Can’t finish right now, but will be back.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Lori your house is Beautiful!! I love it!! Your floors I think might be same color as mine. I am really really just having a bad bad day today. The disability lawyer called today and I couldnt even answer her questions. I cant remember chit today. Im just a mess. And having damn seizures today. She was telling me I cant watch Jackson or Samara during the week like I wanted to and thats just crap i have to even watch taken them on the damn weekend and you all know the drill damn it!. Is there anything you can do. I mean damn Im not dead! Or am I?

    NM are you feeling better?

    I have just slept most the day.

    Dara hows Lucy?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Oh Nancy, you are breaking my heart. How can the disability company dictate your personal life? That does not sound right to me. I am so sorry this is happening. Things have to get better. Try to focus on your upcoming trip, it will be here before you know it. And listen to Lori, we are glad you trust us enough to cry to us, we will cry with you then once things get better, and they will, we will sailabrate with you. I am looking forward to your trip as I know YOU need it. ~ sigh~ I feel your pain, here is some chots of quilla, rum, wodka and of course a big ass bottle of JD for ya. And the biggest loving hug that I can give you without hurting ya more. I am praying for ya, hon, hang in there, we need you for when we are down.

    Lori, your house is most beautiful, it looks like it could be in Better Homes and Gardens. Sometimes I question how you can live so remotely. But most of the time, I get it. I sorta hate people and hate dealing with them. So being remote would aid me in isolating as I love to do. But anyway, back to mese point, living in your house to me would be like having a darling vacation villa. It is jest that bootiful and so well decorated. I remember the video you had posted, that with the pics and I am very impressed.

    Genny, I do not tink you told us how the birthday party went or the big night out. I saw the pic on fb and you look jest lovely. Your hair is coming in and looking quite cute!

    Julie, you back to work today? I hope you enjoyed your four days (?) off.

    NM, listen to Nancy, sounds like she knows quite a bit on de subject. I hope you are feeling better and hope to hear from you in de morning and hear that YOU ARE feeling MUCH better.

    So, I just got a very interesting call on my cell phone, displayed "no called ID avail". It was a foreigner who struggled with English and tried to tell me that I won TWO MILLION DOLLARS through Publishers Clearinghouse. I was skeptical from hello. I told him that I have never entered. He then said it was triggered by a purchase from either Walmart or Walgreens. Well the only bidness I have done is with Walgreens and for an RX, I do not do Walmart as the one here hosts folks from de ghetto, scarry people to me. I fear my life any time of day at the closest one. So anyway, I told him I am not giving credit card info. He says "no worries, you do not need to". He then tells me that I have to go to Walgreens or Walmart and open a card for 500.00 to receive my 2 mill which is waiting. I told him he is nuts, I have not won anything, I am sure of that, he hung up on me. I am not concered that I threw away a fortune, the ahole called at a very inconvenient time and was on my last nerve. I am pretty sure it was an attempt to scam. I keep my cell phone number very private, use only my home phone for business anything unless medical. So there. I am still piss poor lol.

    I ended up not going to court this morning. I totally ditched it, did not feel the need to go. And although I received a "notice", it was not a subpeona. I mean, what can they do to me for not showing up due to weather? I am out of all of this now so to me, it should not matter. well, hopefully anyway.

    I have a phone interview tomorrow at 5pm with a uhhh a lawfirm, my normal occupation if you know what I mean. I found the lead through a friend on linked in that I used to work with years ago. I even got him to write me a recommendation on linked in. I have spent a good bit of the day (whilst holding Lucy in my lap), preparing for interview questions and learning about the corporation. Something I learned that is said to help with nerves... about ten minutes before the interview, I stand up, close my eyes and make the stance of any super hero, I am of course wonder woman. HOld that for ten minutes on and off and it is said to boost confidence and control nerves. FOund that and a lot of good info on a forbes website. I also applied for another position today. I do not think I have it in me to stay at my current job (duh as if that is anything new). So enough about me, let me talk about Lucy....

    Lucy is jest so sweet. She loves to play. I bought her rawhides and a few sqeaky toys and a rope pully ting and she loves them all. She then gets so dern plum tuckered after play and is out like a light. That is when I hold her. She survived a very miserable day with going outside after whining a special whine when she needs to potty. She had a good day, a few accidents but such tiny ones sincen she is so tiny. It is to be expected, after all she is jest a widdle baby. I will try to upload some pics from my phone of her nap in her new little bed i picked up for her. I went out when the temps went up to 35 and the store was empty. I love having the whole store to myself although a few employees doing stock pissed me off. Ok, enough about me for real. I am tired of my chit already.

    Hello to the rest of you. Lara, please report, been too long. Hope you all have a lovely night and remember to dwink up! and be good, if ya cant, then be good at it! cheeRs!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good evening, Loungettes!Got through a whole day of work today, but stayed in the office--took me all day to sort out, kechup, and get a plan going for the rest of the week, which promptly got changed 10 minutes after I turned it in. Sigh.So, I am setting a timer, will do 10 minutes of ketchup, then codeine/phernergan cough syrup, a nebulizer treatment and beddy by.

    Page 1517

    Julie-- at least your got up and go got up enough to look around!

    Dara--by now I think you must have baby Lucy at home, is she as adorable in person as in pics?What's your Dad think of her?

    Genny--I wish I did have a lot of sick time, only have about 80 hours.Well, it's PTO (Paid Time Off) used for holidays, vacations, sick days, etc.

    Collett--so sweet of Jackson to write thank you cards to Santa!

    Goldie--I have been through a batch and a half of my cough concoction.Makes me sleep good!

    Mema--aha!I have not been wiping down doorknobs here at the house! Must go onto my TO DO VERY SOON list!Along with washing the pillows.

    Collett---no driving for 6 months?YIKES!Praying you get your get out of jail card in 3 months.Just not fair!

    Cammy--so sorry for your brother.Praying for him.

    ORLA--the big thing going around here is a stomach/diarrhea thing. So what do I get?Bronchitis.Figures.The flu strains in theflu shot this year aren't even close to what's going around, surprise, surprise again.I love the way they say each flu bug is unique and needs it's own shot for protection, but when they don't match up all of a sudden the shot still provides some protection.Well, does it or doesn't it?Prayers, my dear, you should be all done and home again by now.

    4--welcome to the world of ketchup!

    Dara--It is hard when a flu or stomach bug hits a nursing home.No one wants to miss a visit with a loved one, no one wants to bring in any bugs, no one wants to take them out, yet there are so many staff in so many areas that have to go in and out. Fortunately, most homes will start everyone else on Tamiflu once influenza has been confirmed, that helps tremendously.

    Collett---haven't gotten much snow until today, started midday and still going on.Gonna be interesting to measure it tomorrow!

    OK, took a couple minutes more to finish this page.

    See you all in the ayem!

    NM and Sadie

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    nancy- maybe the lawyers thinks if your watching the kids,the insurance will say your fit enough to work and deny the claim

    nm- what they are telling us is that the northern flu strain is different from the fl one, so all the snowbirds brought their strain with them and are now getting the fl version too.

    lucy so cute,

    work so busy will be going to bed soon, see you tomorrow

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Hiya girls, quick pop-in before bed. Nora's party was good, it was so cute... when I walked in the door she was sitting on her great gramma's lap and she let out this loud squeal and started clapping! Then she held out her hands and I had to pick her up before I could even get my coat off. And she's really hugging and sort of kissing now. She's cutting teeth something terrible and is just...leaking...eyes, nose, mouth. Pretty miserable actually but she still enjoyed herself. And boy did she dig into that cake! Her first real sugar fix, she had the whole cake in her hands and was just knawing away. Her mom dressed her in a tutu and she was just spinning around in circles. Oh she cracks me up...and forever with the "EIEIO". She got lots of great gifts that may hold her attention for 30 or 40 seconds... we'll see. I will be babysitting on Friday so more to come. Also, I joined a fitness center today and I'm very excited about it. They have a pool and sauna and spa and the works. Plus they have yoga and pilates and lots of core classes. I go for my health profile tomorrow, BMI and such..yikes! They even said I could take a month leave wothout pay when I have my surgery. I belonged there 10 years ago but have so much more time now.

    NM, glad to hear you are on your way back to the living. Sounds like a heck of a rough week. Hope the asthma gets better everyday. Glad you at least get paid when you're sick.

    Nancy, don't you know by now that apologizing for bitching, whining or complaining is forbidden here? Geesh!! I thought we taught you better than that. I'm so sorry for all you're going thru, and honestly, once you get approved for disability, I don't see how anyone would know ar care if you are watching your grandkids. Hope the seizures let up soon, I'm so sorry for you! ((Nancy))

    Dara, can't wait to see more pics of little Lucy, you didn't say, what does Bella think? Is she jealous? That phone call was mot certainly a scam, glad you told him to take a hike. Any word from your DD yet on what happened in court?

    Lori, love your house! Very open and inviting, you've done a beautiful job, love the flooring. We had engineered hardwood put in ours when we moved in and I like it a lot as well. I really like your kitchen cabinets. Great Disney DOTD's

    Where's Cami?

    Hi Sue, Julie and PRN and whoever else I didn't mention. Sweet dreams to all, gonna post this and then some you goils!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    My little buddha belly!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Morning everyone! Now that I have my Effexor I feel much better. Wow Tamoxifen and no antidepressant is not a good thing.

    Mary little Nora looked like she jumped down those stairs and just said ta da! Love it! It looks like she really enjoyed her birthday cake. Dont you just love first birthdays? Jacksons 3rd birthday is coming up March 8th. We are starting to plan it.

    Julie I think your right. She told me I cant have him 8 hrs a day and watch him like I was going to to help my DD out because that would be considered that I could work but we get him a lot on weekends because he likes to be with us and we him thats the part I dont get. The other thing I have to ask them is what if we want to go on a vacation with him? It may be that his mom and dad just have to come to which is fine by me.

    Dara how does Lucy get along with your other puppy? You do still have one right? And thank you for the hugs and support. I know I can always count on all my friends here for support. You and Lori and Cami and Mary and Mema NM and Julie and Lara and 4Sew and everyone just really mean a lot to me.

    You know sometimes you just feel like your the bad person. Everything was going really good. I worked so hard to earn my Registered Respiratory Therapist degree. I had worked in the field for 28 years was making good money finally able to do the things I wanted to do and able to enjoy life with my husband and enjoy my grandchildren then I get rear ended by this damn drunk driver who has a 2.0 blood alcohol level and she has the audacity to ask me why I am being so difficult and dont want to settle things and not call the police. She just gets put in jail over night, community service, has to take a class on how not be an alcoholic and safe driving, had her license suspended for 90 days and gets hit with a class A Misdemeanor.

    Me I get a lifetime of traumatic brain injury, seizures, imbalance, cant drive off and for 3-6 months at a time maybe for a year maybe permanently at some point. Cant work, definitely can no longer be a Respiratory Therapist because I have lost my critical thinking skills. Some things I remember some things I don't. My memory comes and goes and definitely is not there when I am stressed or not feeling good. Yesterday was a prime example of that when I was trying to talk to my lawyer. I couldn't remember a damn thing. So I know I dont have any control over her I only have control over me and what happens to me. My Neuropsych tells me this all the time. lol So I am trying to not let her control me by getting all this off my chest . That b@#$% took so much from me. But now its time to let go.

    Right after that I lost my dad. I litterly watched him bleed to death. He had small bowel cancer along with a very crappy heart, but we would go in his room to take care of him the week he died he and would be lying in pools of blood. Then I my sister found a mass on her bladder turned out to just be a cyst that ended up getting septic and she got really sick and she had to have this massive surgery where they had to take out part of her bladder and she was in ICU for a bit all at the same time I was diagnosed with breast cancer. So I guess its hard for me to forgive her when she just gets what seems like a slap on the hand when I have had to deal and am and will always be dealing with all this chit above. And not to sound negative because I am really not I am asking Gods help with this because I need to forgive her. This isnt something I can do on my own. She definately needs to go to the swamp and stay there.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Morning came way too early again, but it will get better, right?

    Julie-- I never thought about different flu strands in different geographical regions.Does kinda of line up with the double spike we usually get--the winter one during typical flu season and the "summer flu" when the weather starts warming up!But the government's got us covered with one shot for every one so we should all be good, right?

    Genny--yes, the asthma is cooling off, thank goodness, actually slept without waking upcoughing, big improvement!Love this mental pick of the Nora covered in b-day cake EIEIOing all over the house!Pretty tutu!

    Collett--tammy is a BIG cause of depression, much more so than many people realize.I've seen so often people who drive drunk and hurt someone who go on and on about how horrible life is for them, how inconvenient their community service is, and there is usually an element of what the person they hurt did something to make it all happen.And all that with your Dad and sister, so much to go through.There is a book, and movie called "Amish Grace" written about the Amish community response to a gunman taking over a school and killing 5 of the girls.I read it periodically to remind myself that forgiveness is not a one time event but a process.It helps me with ongoing forgiveness of the medical community/system/certain people that treated me so badly during my bc treatment.

    Well, IOIO so off to work I go!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Grandfather's Coffee

    1 oz Brandy

    1/2 oz Amaretto

    1 tsp Sugar

    5 oz (hot) Espresso

    Best served in a Pint Glass.


    Warm ingredients in a small saucepan. Pour into a cup when hot, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    NM, it was so nice to see when I clicked on my favorites, to see you had been in lounge. Glad the cough meds were helping you sleep. Morning always comes too early, doesn't

    LDB, I always love seeing you.

    Nancy, you poor girl. I am so sorry how all of this is affecting your life. Like it's not bad enough just having all this chit happening to you. I wish I had some advice for you. I do have a hug though. (((((NANCY)))))

    Dara, you mean you weally din't win all dat money, darn it! I can't believe that some people actually do fall for that chit, especially the elderly. You should have played along and had some fun with him. An interveiw today for Wonder Woman, oh I hope you get dis new job wif da "law firm". Did your DD go to court? And I am so glad you have Lucy now. And how does your other fur baby like her. I tink it's Bella?

    Julie, dat is some smart thinking girl, that Nancy could get denied iffin she is watching the kids. Are you back to working on the floor at work?

    Mary, I can just picture Nora being so excited to see you and reaching for you, wanting her Yah Yah. Glad you found a gym that you like. What surgery are you having? Do you still have expanders? I thought you were done. Oooooh, there's that little darling with her cake!!! And look at that little belly! She needs some raspberries on dat lil buddah belly.

    Nancy, I don't see how they can say that you can't take Jackson on vacation with you. Your husband is there, and HE isn't applying for disabitlity, HE doesn't have seizures. I say, they don't need to know EVERYTHING. And what, are they going to follow you around? Think long and hard before you answer your questions, unless that is done and over with now. You wrote alot about how you feel, that had to feel good to put it on paper. And you are right, it's not fair. And you had so much other stuff going on as well. To the swamp with that biotch.

    Cami, do I have come looking for you? Or are you on the floor with that Tender that Wacko brought in? Is that where he nessappeared to? And is Lara wif you?

    Thanks all for the nice words on mese house. It really isn't all that special, but we like it. It's a modular that we had brought in and we totally gutted it. Used to be 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. It is now 2 bedroom and 2 baths. The floors have only ever been washed with water only. I tried a spot one time with vinegar water, and thought I ruined it. I use a steam mop on it, with distilled water only.

    4 DO HEAR ME ON THE FLOOR? I have a friend who has laminate, and she's used all kinds of cleaners and swiffers, etc. and it looks horrible. And I use a micro fiber dust mop on it, dry, nothing on it either.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls,

    quick pop in, baby Lucy is in my lap again, ooops!

    Bella likes her, she does get jealous at times such as now lol. Poor baby. The dogs play together well and are getting along well. Lucy tried to steal Bella's food the other morning and Bella snapped. I fixed that by feeding Lucy inside her crate, she will go in and let me lock her inside to eat.

    My DD stopped by yesterday for her mail. She was upset that the locks have been changed and she did not have a key, no one heard her knocking. She ignored me when I asked how court went and left. She also had court last night for the assault charge, no idea how that went. I know she is hurting, probably more than me. I was very upset with her yesterday and called her a biotch behind her back after she left. I have to try to forgive and just wait for her to come to her senses. Hoping SD just leaves and moves on to another unsuspecting victim. ugh.

    Mary, love the pics of Nora, soooo sweet. Funny that she just shoved all that cake into her lil mouth but what baby wouldn't after a year with no sugar? Geez, she is just too darn funny. So cute that she reached out for you to pick her up, that musta warmed your heart and set it on fire. Things are looking up for you, proud of ya for joining a gym.

    Nancy, you are smart to pray for forgiveness, I am doing the same thing here. You taught me well in that we can not control certain things and it is best to Let Go and Let God. Sending more hugs to you, you really have been through so much.

    NM, glad you were able to poop in today and heading to work. It was hard to get up this am here as well. Lucy slept from 11-6:30, good job on her part. I know the pain of getting out of bed with it still dark and going to a very cold outdoor climate directly from my warm bed. Have a good work day, hope you keep feeling better. YOu will be back home with Sadie before you know it.

    Julie, hello, just a few weeks until you are back at Disney and getting to meet Lynn, that is super fantastic! I am envious.

    Lori, good morning, glad you found the "winky" in the pic I pM'd ya lol. I suspect that I might be bumping ya in to the the pool, enjoy the warm water.

    Gotta fly, hello to everyone else. Time to get Dad breakfast and insulin. See you all later! cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    ps yes, where is our Camille? Please report. And Lara too. tata!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Lori, I knew I would bump ya, hope the water felt good. I will join you for a swim, I see two hot tenders who want to swim along with us. Cheers!

    Here are a few pics of baby Lucy in her new bed with her toys. She fell asleep so fast and sleeps so hard. It is not easy being the baby! lol, isn't she just adorable? I thought about changing her name to Georgi as she reminds me of a monkey, look at that cute face! I jest love her to bits!




  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Oh Dara I just want to give her lubbins!!! I let my DS keep my Ginger cuz of the cyotes out here by my house and I miss her so much but I do get to see her when I want to. She is just so damn cute. Tell her Aunt Nanny wuvs her. ((Lucy)) She also looks like a Ginger lol.


    Ginger says hi Lucy

    NM I am going to look that book up. Thank you for that. Its hard to do but I am asking God to do it for me.

    Lori I have laminate floors too and I know you have to watch what you put on those darn things or else they streak bad.

    My poor husband, you should of seen him hand my Effexor to me last night. It was like here please take this as quickly as possible. Poor guy. He is such a wonderful guy.

    At least the sun is out today.

    Dara give your DD time. She will come around after all your her momma. Right now she is blinded by what she thinks is love. She will come to her senses. She may have to loose little David or something else but always be there for her. I got this book its called How to Pray for your Adult Children. Its helping me a lot with my DS especially. If you ever want to talk let me know I will give you my number K?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    good afternoon all, trying to get motivated for my gym appointment today and i'm on the computer

    nm-sounds like a good book to read, hope your day is going well and your not feeling too bad, take care of that chest

    nancy- with the drunk drivers courses do they have survivors come in and say this what that accident did to my life when you drove drunk?

    lori-your house is beautiful

    have a good afternoon ladies

    well my primary wanted to see me sooner than the 27th because having pain in the hip-seems like arthur itis ,earliest appt 20th feb! can you say busy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi Julie, Well good for you in getting your work out. You girls that are exercising are berry impressive to me. I have gained weight over the past 60 days, about 20 lbs that I would love to shed. I keep thinking about walking but just need to do it. You are almost at the end of month, do you have a date to do your whoring at disney? lol, that sounds bad. you know what i mean!! hehe! Wow, that is a long time to wait for a doctor appointment girl.

    NM, the book you are referring to sounds like a really good read. I have been thinking about trying to read again and that sounds like a great one for me. Forgiving is not an easy task for anyone. That incident was so horrible, I just do not understand how people can hurt innocent children. I saw something disturbing on facebook the other day, it was a photo of a child holding a sign saying something to the effect that all people that are not of a certain "relegion" (will not say the name of the religion if you can call it that), should be BE-HEADED. That struck a nerve with me.

    Camille posted on FB, she is having a lot of pain but absent here due to computer issues. I suspect we will hear from her once Joey is able to help her get online/on BCO. Thank God for that sweet child. Cam, if you hear me, I am wishing you well and praying for you as always.

    Well I am waiting for this phone interviewer to call. It is now 5:27 and she was supposed to call at 5:10. I am getting nervous as I need to get to cooking dinner for my Dad. I am hiding out in my bedroom office today, it is cold outside to be out there. Wish me luck! I am going to go back to reading on phone interview skills and re-read my cheat sheet I have made. And slurp on mese Jack n coke too. hehe, I am dwinking n interviewing. Gotta love the telephone for that!! Cheers!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    good luck dara,i'm sure you will do well with the inteview

    mary g nora is so precious

    i'm off to my happy place on feb 5th, almost booked for next week and disney was having computer problems which is a good thing because i forgot i have a md appointment next friday

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    I had just given up on the interview from the HR lady, lit my grill and she did call. She said I should hear from someone in a local office. I was not asked any of the questions that I was prepared to answer. She did not have my resume, I had to email it to her after the call. I was referred by someone I used to do business with at another law firm. Whew, glad she called. I am apprehensive but willing to make a change. It seems to me that they are anxious to fill positions very quickly, it is a company that is expanding to my area and is a growing company. I checked them out at and found good things about them as compared to where I work now. Two more days off, it has been fun but I am ready to work.

    Julie, good for you in booking Disney. Things happen for a reason and that reason was your appointment, glad you got you Disney date, wooooo hooo you!! Great philosophy above, I am trying to think positive as well and not dwell on things that are happening now. It could be so much worse!

    I am partaying if anyone wants to join me, I lift my glass and say (what else????)....

    CHEERS! Here is a toast to happiness and good health,edited to correct spelling of hear hear (not here here. had to look it up)

    so I toast you all again!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Nancy, Ginger is quite cute. Yikes, coyotes scare me. I cringe at work each time I print as my printer name is Coyote. It always reminds me of a story about Jessica Simpson who had a little dog that was taken by a coyote. They are quite rare around here. *shivers*. I hope you are having a better day, dwink up and eliminate the suffering as much as possible with dwinks n dwugs, there are a lot of good tings you can take to feel better. Glad your effexer came through, whew! I have been out of that due to my mailaway rx getting lost and I went nuts. The incident that I shared with the goils here was a cake-sposion! I will tell you about it someday. It had to do with me being outta my meds and a cake of course essploding at de office

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015



    More Birthday cake pics! She was loving that sugar, she's gonna have to wait another year for more.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Hey loungettes...Hi Dara!... On my new diet I can have wine or tequila..... So I got us a bartender... belly on up and join me!


    My friend Max the cat won't be driving tonight, just called him a cab.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    ooh ma gosh, Mary...those pictures of baby Nora are priceless. She looks so adorable. It is so funny that she picked up the whole slice of cake and gobbled it down. But who can blame her? She is a little sweetie pie, God bless her. You must be tempted to sneak her a sweet treat now and then, not sure if I could hold back.

    I am having some Jack n diet but can add a few shots of killa with ya ~ oh my, potent indeedy. I raise my glass yet again. and again. and again and so on~ did you all know that I used to toast airplanes? yep, it started on friedey nights when I got home from work, used to be purdy dwunk by 7pm doing that. I used to have outdoor fires much more often, seems it is either colder or mese jest got older bcuz I do not tolerate the cold as I used to. Mary, will you join me for a big arse fire? and some more chots? I kid yan not hail no! hicccccccup, oops, where mese mannors, scuze em wah hehe.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Ok Dara, I gotta say, if we had a cuteness contest between Nora and Lucy.....ummmm...I....don't...know....????... nevermind, I can't pick..its jus too damn hard...nope, can't do it. So sowry bout your DD, hope she comes around soon. Boy I wish we could just send that good for nothin SD to the swamp. Good luck with the new law job interview, hope it's a promising lead.

    Julie, loved the quote, how true it is, gives ya a lot to think about. Have fun at Disney, you've earned it.

    NM glad you're doing better, hope works is not too tough today. Good advice for Nancy, the book sound just right for her. You said it exactly about Nora, she was just EIEIOing all over the house.

    Lori, yep still have expanders. My left one has a leak so he fills it up and 2 days later it's all small and squishy. Should get the expanders end of Feb. How you doing since your treatment? Are you having any SE's? Hope not.

    Nancy, you are going thru a rough patch for sure, hopefully the TBI will heal, what's the prognosis there? Do they have any idea? I'm so sorry for all you've had to go through, glad you got your effexor and you are married to such a sweetie. I hope you can forgive, I think it will help you to move forward but it's something that only you can do, and it will happen in your own time and in your own way.

    I hafta go to bed now, would love to stay in the lounge and partay, but some of us hafta wok tomorrow. I went to the fitness place today and worked out a bit and swam and got into the therapy pool and moved around and my joints are feeling good. I do think I have a torn meniscus in my left knee, did it to my right about 6 years ago and had to have surgery and it feels like that. But I'm not gonna worry about that just yet, I can live with it. Anyway, I'm feeling so much better, thanks for being there for me when I wasn't.

    Everybody I didn't mention... sweet dreams to you all!...Lubs...lubs...

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    The fire looks pretty good, maybe just 1 more...


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Dorothy, it must be so hard for you and DD. Did you get the locks changed because of her? And glad you bit your tongue and waited for her to leave before spewing. I wonder if you can go online and find out what happened in court? You know how snoopy I can be. I saw on Jennika's FB page where she had tagged SD in her post. Well, that is no longer there. The post is, but she took him out of it. Had fun wif you in the pool, and those Tenders...wowsa! Oh, I hope you got that phone interview. But not very professional that they were late.

    Nancy, that is hilarious about your DH giving you your pill with the "hurry up and take it". Sorry, it gave me a chuckle. Nothing but water on my floors, distilled water. The steam does all the cleaning.

    Julie, seems like you have one thing after another (medically). Now it's your hip? will they do scans? I saw you post a pic of a Disney tee, I had them change it up a bit.


    Mary, we can never see enough of NOra. I still can't get over how long her hair is getting. We just love that little cutie. And of course Jackson, Samara and our newest lounge baby David.

    Toasting to airplanes. How on earth did you come up wif dat. I believe you and LDB did that, when she was dere bisitin you?

    Mary, I'm doing the same treatment that I have been on from the start of mets. I have not had any SE's at all. Other than the hot flashes, but those have never gone away. It's the next treatment plan that scares me, the chemo pill. SE's for that can be similar to IV chemo. I assume you just get filled with saline, and it's absobed back into your body?

    NM, you must still be feeling sluggish, and not have time to poop in the lounge. You and I are creatures of habbit.

    Since we're having bon fires, DOTD will be some Fireball Shots.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015

    Happy Hump Day Ladies!

    CRAY CRAY WEEK!! Monday almost had to take the 15 year old to ER for possible appendix trouble and yesterday my 10 year old girl child got tackled by boys playing football on the playground and it wrenched her neck and broke a tooth into 3 pieces and we had to go get it pulled. Good thing it was a baby tooth but still, she took a hard hit! I am almost afraid to see what third thing today brings!

    Sorry I don't have time to address everyone this ayem. I have to get another kid to school and go get my floor Happy So I will be back to talk to you all later. In the meantime, I left coffee for you all this morning. It is cold and soggy here. hope it clears up today like they said it would!

    Lubs and Hugz!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Lori, yes, me and Sue did toast the airplanes to get dwunk. It works quite well. I am in the path of PHL so a lot of planes fly over. I think my dear Jennika ditched me on facebook. I can't find her, I thought maybe she deactivated her page as she does. Whatever is all I can say. Thanks for the fireball chots, yum yum! Interview went well, 32 minutes late, she said she got stuck in a meeting and of course I did not express my annoyance.

    Lynn, sorry about the crud with your kids, glad your DD only lost a baby tooth, whew, an adult tooth would be tragic. I do not know how you do it. Feel free to poke your head in here anytime.

    No NM this morning? Or Camille? Hummm, miss my goils when they do not report.

    Julie, love the DW post that Lori found for ya, the count down is on. I hope the medical crud stops now, you need a break.

    Mary, I thought it was a good idea for me to go to bed too so I missed having some more killa chots with ya last night. I am so happy that things are looking up for you.

    Nancy, tinking of you and prayers coming atcha.

    Where is NM this morning? I miss yer face when you do not report. I guess you had to rush off to work and care for Sadie, no time for us bahhhhh wahhhhhhhh, jest kidding, wese understand you lead a berry biddy lifestyle in caring for others as you do. Hope to see your face latah too.

    Well hello to everyone else. I am off to get my hair done, return to work on Friday, jest one more sleep in. Oh, my puppy let me sleep until 9:30 am this morning, she is amazing.

    Will check back later, hope to see my MIA girls and all of you for dat matta! Cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    It is a soup kinda day here!


    where is everyone?