how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    nm- REST,enjoy your scentsy and sadie time, glad you got to point where you take care of the carer first

    dara=glad your diploma has arrived, if that woman was able to clean houses 2 weeks after a hysterectomy, God bless her , i thought i had a quick recovery and i'm still not vacuuming( the cammi principle) but i was still doing very little housework and i'm still trying to catch up 7 weeks after

    sue-i got my feedbag on, its funny i only drink coffee in work. hope you enjoyed your breakfast

    dara-dd will come too her senses one day and i pray that its soon

    have a good evening ladies in work for the next 3 days so will see you

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    well ain't I jest stupid. I must have refreshed turdeen times today looking for an update from NM but failed to realize that we moved to a new page. geez, I am jest de dumbest ting I know.

    NM, so good to see you. I hope you are feeling better, wooohoo for getting off the steroids.

    Julie, silly goil, I am Dara, not Lara. But on a good note, did not realize our names rhyme, how cool is that. I hope you have a good string of work days and no crazies. lol.

    Sue, like you, I can't eat breakfast either. I know dey say it is good to do but ick. People at work get some nasty stanky food from our caf in de aye em. I spray febreeze in my cubicle when I smell eggs with onions, that is jest gross in the morning. I do eat a breakfast bar mid morning but only do that to get my meds down.

    where are my other goils? I am very tired but pushing to stay up a little late. I am off tomorrow for the MLK holiday.

    I had a hissy fit at the Best Buy store today. Ya see, tomorree is the last day of my mini's pc's warranty. It took a chit when I was in SC last time. Being a last minute person, I thought no prob. Oh, I also lost my charger for it, might have left it at Dad's house that we sold. I looked everywhere. Well I found out that they do not sell a charger for a chromebook, I flipped. I gained control but once I got in the parking lot, whilst in the pouring rain, I jest smashed the computer over and over on the ground. After I of course had an emotional hangover. I got over it fast, I just bought a new mini instead of stressing over my stupidity. I tailed meself not to sweat the small tings and this was one.

    well I am off to the pool for a soak in de warm bootiful water. I need it and I deserve it, dammit. hehe. come in someone and join me. anyone who wants to partay with me will be apporciated more than dey know it, k?


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good raining Morning, Loungettes!I didn't go out at all yesterday, so while I knew that it was warming up and the snow was starting to melt off, I did not realize the temp was so close to freezing and how icy the roads were all day.Heard about it on the news this morning.GladI missed it all!Well, here I am up at my usual time for the first time in a couple of weeks.Went to bed at my usual time last night.Trying to reset the old body clock, think it's going to be a chore.At least I remembered to set up the coffee so it was ready to pour when I let Sadie out!

    Julie--yup, I did enjoy the scentsy and sadie time, veryvery much!Wishing you happy work shifts.

    Dara--You got a Diploma?Good for you!Hooray!Congrats!I apologize for missing that vital bit of good info.Oops, it was ORLA that got the diploma.Wow, you had a good meltdown with your mini!I bet you feel better now.Hope that's not too expensive an item.Sometimes it's good to just break something and let the frustration out.

    ORLA---You got a Diploma?Good for you!Hooray!Congrats!Sorry I missed that!Woot Woot!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    After Work Special

    3 oz Amaretto

    2 oz Coconut Rum

    1 oz White Rum

    6 oz Orange Juice

    6 oz Pineapple Juice

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.


    Pour the Di Amore amaretto, Malibu rum and Bacardi rum over 5 ice cubes in a hurricane glass. Fill the rest of the glass with orange juice and pineapple juice, to taste, and serve.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Morning everyone! I am trying to recover from that horrible game that the Colts lost last night. Wow. Thats all I am gonna say about that.

    4 Sew I had to look past that wild thing was afraid I would have a seizure lol. Loved the hat party though. Sorry I missed it.

    Dara I am glad your first day at work went well. Thats horrible all those bad things happening around you. We just had someone who gave birth in a park and left the newborn there. Of course the baby died out in the cold by itself. Someone found it and they gave her a proper barrieal the other day. And then this morning I heard that a 13 year old was shot and killed. I dont know whats up with the World today. Makes you not want to listen to the news.

    Julie I am glad you get to go to our favorite place soon. I am going on the DIsney cruise this weekend. I cant wait! We will have to compare notes. We will be on the Fantasy for 7 days.

    Genny I did have fun with Jackson this weekend, I am hoping to get Samarah maybe when I get back from vacation. I remember when Jackson was first learning to talk it was so cute but now when he tells me no not so much. Lol. Yesterday he said no Nanna I dont wanna do night night and I not. Well too bad buddy. Lol. And he folds his little arms and frowns. Little butt head. You still try to not laugh.

    Lara I am glad your starting to feel better. I will be ok. I had some bad days cuz I was out of my Effexor but I know now NOT to run out of that again. Also the not being able to drive again got me down. Im stuck in the house during the week unless I can get someone to come get me and that doesnt happen much and it has been so grey and yucky here. But I have my vacation to look forward to this week and its sunny so that helps.

    Hello Mema and Lori NM and everyone else lobe you all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Julie, isn't zumba kind of like dancing? Good for you, even without the rhythm and coordination.

    Dorothy, I was able to see her FB account, just some of it though, not all of it. But now I can't see it at all, so I think she might have disabled it. I think Cyndie was friends with her, you might ask her. I hope she will contact you soon.

    NM, we will do our best to keep you home when you get sick again. But you are not idiotic, nor a total failure. I used to go to work when I was sick. Of course I shouldn't have, didn't want to use up sick days and didn't want someone else taking care of my kids, meaning my students. So glad you are finally feeling normal, what a tough week for you.

    LDB, I did not know that hotmail was part of outlook? Glad you got it figured out though. Iffin I need a new puter, I think I will try one out at the store first. Like I said, I hate Windows 8, glad it's on the computer that we use for UPS only.

    OH MY, that is too funny Dara, refreshing the page but not realizing we moved to another page! I didn't know it was a holiday today, thanks for letting me know. I couldn't figure out why Joey was home from school. Sorry they wouldn't bix your puter and you had that little melt down. I hope the pool time hailped.

    Talking with my mom over the weekend, and she brings up again about when she prays and how thankful that I have been so blessed to be cured from cancer and then asked me how long it's been. I try answering in a way that I don't feel like I'm telling a lie. So I just said 08, she thought I said 8 years, I say no, since 08. Then quickly tried to change the subject away from me, and asked her how her friend was doing, who has a recurrence of throat cancer. Well no holiday for me today, it's work as usual! Huggles to all my breasties here.

    Just refreshed before posting, almost bumped ya in da pewl Nancy. Glad you passed by the spinny ting, we don't need you having seizures. I thougt you said you were going on the Disney cruise, boy I'll bet there will be tons of kids on that cruise. I love kids, but I'm not sure I would want a bunch of them on a cruise with me. What day do you head to FL?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Good morning girls,

    NM, glad you are back to your routine, I will dwink to dat. We had the same weather yesterday that you all had. In the early morning, there were chain reaction accidents all over the place. And the bridges to Philly were closed for a time. We had a record amount of rainfall yesterday once the temps rose. My sister actually cancelled taking my Dad to breakfast. It has to be bad for her to stay in, not much keeps her from doing what she does. I am glad you were safely at home with Sadie.

    Lori, thanks for the info on my DD facebook page. lol, you thought I got my diploma. It was Lara who got her masters degree. I was laughing at the thought of me gitting my diploma, that would be late in life for me hehe. Sorry you are not off work today but at least you get to be your own boss. I am not sure if I told you all but my "back-up" boss is now the witch that used to be my boss, Cathy. I hated her then and hate her now. She was at least sweet to me upon returning, even offered to give me some lysol wipes for the desk I am parked at right now. I have a second phone interview this morning at 11am, I hope this woman is on time. We are moving my Dad's belongings into storage today in an effort for me to get my house back. Also, one of the player pianos is rebuilt and ready to go, listed on Craigs list. I will be so happy to have that out of here. Now to get the old clunker POS out of here, life would be grand.

    Nancy, woohooo, counting down the days until your cruise. You will not need to drive or even tink about driving. It is a shame that you can't drive now. But I want to tink that if you go a certain amount of time without having a seizure, you could drive again? LOL on Jackson telliing you tht he no wants to go to bed, too cute. I hope you get Samara soon. And please post more pics, love to watch the kiddies grow.

    I have now seen my grandson since 12/24 and have not have a photo of him in a few weeks. My DD is being a total biotch and I am so upset to miss seeing him. At this point, it would be difficult due to my work schedule. I just try to focus on little Lucy instead. She is my new baby as far as I am concerned, or at least I try to tink that.

    Time to feed my babies, I have the puppy crying so it is time for me to hit the kitchen and get that done. Have a great day girls!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning girls, just a quick pop-in, DH left to travel, won't be home till Thursday, he hasn't been gone that long for awhile. I'm just getting ready to go walk dogs, will be back to play ketchup later. I'm feeling good, this new way of eating is certainly right for me, can't believe how much more energy I have. I've lost 4 lbs and I'm never hungry. Went and bought swimming goggles cause the chlorine nearly killed my eyes the other day so after dogs I'm gonna go try them out. I'm off today and tomorrow and I want to clean out some very messy drawers...oops dat mighta not sounded so good...what I meant was I'm gonna clean out my end tables and such. Anyway, time to walk furbabies, I'll be back tonight. Have a good day all.

    I do believe Nora may be a wimp in the cold like her yah-yah... what'd think?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Aww Genny she didnt wike the snow did she? I dont blame her I dont like being cold either. Poor baby. LOL. Jackson got a little wet yesterday when he fell coming in on the icy drive way and then comes in and takes his pants off. Now mind you they are just a tad wet on the bottom of his legs. I said what are you doing dude. He says I gots to take off me pants Nanna they wet. I said honey they are ok they are just a little wet down by your feet. He says no Nanna they not they wet all ober I need to take em off. Then he says I hot. He had to go get another pair of pants from his room and put them on. Lol. I said thought you were hot. He says No I not Nanna. Lol.

    Lori we go to FL Saturday. Our flight leaves at 0630 so we have to be at the airport at 0430 so early to rise for us. We have a lay over in Atlanta and then should be in Orlando around 1030-1100 and at Port Canveral around 1145. We are going to be on the Disney Fantasy I have heard that there shouldnt be too many kids on our cruise since they should be in school. We will see. On our ship there are Adult only sections so it wont be too bad. I dont mind though I just want to be anywhere but here for now. Warmth and sunshine is exactly what the Dr ordred. And some beautiful sceanery and a drink of the day wont hurt. And of course being with my favorite Disney characters and my honey.

    Dara I am sorry you have to work with someone you dont like. That makes it hard to go to work. Maybe you can kill her with kindness. Your DD will come around just keep praying for her. I will too. I know it is hard and I know your heart is breaking. I promise though it will work out. Maybe not in the time frame you or I want but it will. Love on that puppy love for me. She is adorable!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Mary, I am so glad that you are continuing to feel better with each passing day. And good for you in getting in some exercise and following your diet too! I am glad you thought to buy goggles, I also find chlorine is rough on the eyes. And commercial pools use sooo much of it, sometimes it is hard to breathe. So Nora is not quite the snow bunny, too cute. I love the pics of her. She is just so beautiful. I love the last picture, she looks great in green. She is growing soooo fast, I can't stand it and can't imagine how you feel seeing her grow and mature before your eyes.

    Nancy, woohoo, jest a few days to certainly deserve this getaway, it will be here before you know it. You sound soooo much better, I am happy that you are dealing so well with so much. I gave little Lucy some kisses and cuddles from you, she said thank you lol. She would say WOOF but she has not yet found her barking mechanism. I find it funny the first time a puppy is downhill from there in trying to keep them quiet!

    I am partaying now, I made a dwink promptly at 5 pee em, hell yeah! I had my second interview this morning and it went ok, I think my first one went better. I was more nervous today for some reason. I think I was more stressed before the last interview, especially when the lady was so late calling. The gal today called at 11:01 so right on time. I hope I did not blow it today. Well it is back to the grind tomorrow, ick. Jest four days before I git my surgery date. Oh it will be so fun to not show up for awhile again. I am already looking forward to getting out of there. It is the walls and the management that has gotten old for me, I feel sick just riding the elevator up to my floor. Back in the day, I always arrived with a jump in my step and a big smile on my face. I appreciated having a great job. But that passion is long gone. I am not sure if it has to do with having cancer along with being out so much or if i am just plain tired of the job. Anyway....that is my rant du jour, tanks for listening goils.

    It is time to start dinner, big Daddy likes to eat at a regular hour and has to due to his diabetes. I will pop back later to see if anyone is partaying with me!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, I've pried myself out of bed.I've got coffee going.Hope it kicks in soon!It's dark out.I want to be in bed snoozing.Oh well, it'll get better with practice, right?

    Collett--Going cruising, what fun!Good for you!Yeah for sun!

    Goldie--you mean teachers act like nurses?Who'd a thunk!I just so hate to not have weeks and weeks of time in the bank in case of emergency, and itbuilds up so slowly.Your mom sounds like mine, just doesn't really get it sometimes.Love 'em anyway!

    Dara--I'm hoping the icy stuff has all blown through.I can handle the cold if it's not icy and slippery too.It got really bad in some places from the sounds of things.Sounds like you are getting life organized, maybe when you get done with your place you can come do mine?Got the old witch for back up boss?Not so much fun there.I wonder what went on with the desk that she offered you Lysol for it?I wish you were getting pics of the little guy, but that's something you can't control.Give little Lucy an extra hug and I'll keep praying.

    Genny--Nora is adorable in the cold!Doesn't seem to bother her much at all.Glad the eat plan is good for you, too.She is so sweet!

    Collett--Sun and warmth is a great prescription, hope you have a great time!An early get up isn't so bad when it's for a good cause like vacation!

    Dara--Sadie can't wait for Lucy to find her Woof so they can have long distance conversations.People do change over time, maybe the job isn't the right one for you now.Or maybe there is just so much going on in your life that the job is one thing too much.I'd join you in a drink, but it's 5 Ayem, not peeyem,and frowned upon to imbibe for breakfast on a work day.Now, when I get home, that will be another story!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Duck Fart Coffee

    1 1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 1/2 oz Irish Cream

    1 tsp Creme de Cacao

    1 1/2 oz Canadian Whiskey

    10 oz (brewed) Coffee

    1 oz Whipping Cream

    Best served in a Coffee Mug.


    In a 12 - 16 oz coffee mug or glass, add the Bailey's irish cream, Crown Royal Canadian whisky, Kahlua coffee liqueur and almost fill with brewed coffeee made less than 1 hour beforehand. Top with whipped cream; drizzle creme de cacao on top and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good morning my lovelies.

    NM I was so glad to see u post, I knew u really had to feel bad, I always tell u don't work when feeling baad, but u never listen to me--O course I tell everybody not to work, I know it gets old to hear, we all do what we want anyway.

    Oh Lori I know u must eel bad not yelling u'r mom, after all she's u'r mom, but u know best--I think I would tell mine, but who knows, cuz I would want her comfort, but I'm a baby about things sooo...

    Dara I can't stand what u'r going thru with u'r DD, I do know tho it will eventually work out but still this is the time to be close. But I'm so glad u have Lucy cuz she needs a lot of care now, so u'r really busy with all u do. I sure hope u get the kind o job that u deserve so at least u'll be happy going to work.

    Lara Congrats---that's amazing.

    Mary Nora looks so adorable in or out o snow--and I'm so glad u'r getting u'r energy back and feeling better so u can enjoy her even more

    Nancy  A CRUISE will be so relaxing, sounds wonderful and when u come home u'll be all refreshed and ready to see the kids, cuz u'll miss them.

    Julie I'm so glad u didn't get hurt from anyone, sometimes like NM u really have it rough---so DW is waiting or u AGAIN.

    4 u sound better, but that thing with the eyes, OMG I was going blind.

    SusyQ u sound busy as usual, but it a good busy and that's a good thing. U'r always so busy. I tried Windows 8 and too hard for me to figure out so I stick with my 7 cuz I barely igure this thing out.

    As most o u know I spent the whole weekend with My older DD and cousins--it was good to not think and just have fun. And I really drank--LOL Champaign and peach-mango juice--wonderful and coffee with Baileys another great one. But really stayed longer than usual, cuz my cousins were sleeping over too so Joey and I were fine staying as long as we could.And she cooked some crazy stuff cuz she's worked all over the world, whatever it was it was great--She works for the government and has to check in everyday when she's gone so they know she OK and where she is. So thanks a lot now the government has me on their radar again--she's such a brat --No one is sure what she actually does but we don't ask anymore and she's so sweet and fun.

    I've been talking to my sister and BIL A LOT my brother is back in the hospital and nothing is making sense to us at all. but he wants all his kids there tonite, so to us it sounds not good. we're so sad we can hardly talk about these things and we always could all we can do is pray and we do.

    And I can't watch the news it's horrible who's killing who for no reason, this is all disgusting how little people think of life, what a waste.

    OK I'm going to shower and wash clothes then probable go back to sleep--It' way to early.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2015

    got in to see doc today at 9

    Yes I do not think she will clear me I still need one pain pill then ib for the rest of day but IB is making me sick idk see what she says when awake I have the cramping and pulling

    PITA can stick it

    4 I feel like u I am trapped to I had some wine yesterday

    Juliet I love zumba u will get it down

    YESSSS NM great resolutuion do not go to work when asthma is bad

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Dara, you drinking too early in de morning, wasn't me that thought you got a diploma. Sorry about getting the witch boss again, maybe she has a changed tude? I'm hoping you get to see David soon. When will you know about any of the jobs you interviewed for? And I saw you paint that big red F on that sign!

    Mary, Nora just can't be any cuter. I don't know how many times we can say that, but it true! Congrats on losing the weight and getting YOU back.

    Nancy, that boy just wanted some dry pants on! Make sure you have a suit case big enough for Julie to stow away in.

    NM, when I moved to AZ, I lost so much paid sick and vacation time cuz I never used it. As for my mom, she does not know I have cancer again. And I feel like I am betraying her in a way and lying to her by not telling her. It will be light in the mornings soon. I think we gain like 3 minutes a day. So glad you are feeling better.

    Oh Cami, I wish I could tell my mom. But her health is so bad, and she would be so shocked and hurting for me. Plus she would hound me, probably daily, asking me how I am doing. Who did all the cooking and works for the gov., your cuz or your DD? Sending prayers for your brother. If you won't tell you what's going on, will any of his children let you know? Glad you had a fun time at your DD's though.

    Lara, you will be in the docs office soon. Good luck. Are you done working with your friend (PITA) now?

    Looks like we might be heading to Laughlin this weekend. Will hook up with our friends in Lake Havasu, DH wants to take the concealed weapons course, so he can carry our gun when we go camping. I also need to go for blood work, I should have went last week, but didn't realize I was due. This SUCKS BIG TIME, having to do something on a monthly basis. FURB!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Looks like I dumped NM into the pewl yesterday…so sawwee!  Thanks for checking in and giving us an update on how your feeling.  Glad you are taking it easy with Sadie, get better soon K?

    Heading for St Geo today to see skin doc.  Got the strangest looking mark on my jaw.  Gotta hit the office supply store too.  That’s the one store that’s missing here in Mesquite. 

    Dara - sweating the small things not worth it, but I too get easily frustrated over dese puters, spend too much time stressing.  I gotta work on letting it go too. 

    Nancy - horrible about the baby, why peeps do that when Fire Departs will keep them safe no questions asked.  I can’t believe the Colts forgot to show up Sunday too.  Too cute what Jackson said, I can just see him folding his arms across his chest, defiant little imp.  Hard not to laugh tho.  Sounds like a great cruise….I’m envious!

    Lowee - breaks my heart about your dilemma with your mom.  I can tell how heavy it is weighing on you.  And I can relate on having to do something monthly I hate it too.  But we gotta stay tough…love ya girl!  Have fun in Laughlin.

    Mary - pics of Nora in the snow sooooo cute.  Looks like she is asleep in one of the pics…LOL.

    Cami - Those drinks you had over the weekend, especially the champaign would have put me out.  Now the coffee/baileys I can handle, course I’d put a shot of brandy in it too.  Sending prayers to you and yours, feel ur heart breaking for you brother (((Cami)))

    lubs ya all!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    hi all - I am writing from work, just took a break to read through since this morning. wanted to stop in and say hello. my brain is on fire from my continuting edumakation. will report in latah!

    dwink time shortly! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hello again girls, i hope you all had a good day. I keep thinking it is MonkeYdey, yikes. I emailed my boss to tell her that I will be late on Wed (I have an 8am blood draw), did not realize at the time that was tomorree. Tankfully, it hit me whilst on mese way home from work that tomorrow is wednesday. Gosh I have missed so many appointments lately due to stupidity.

    NM, I hope you had a good day, wooohoo on being done with the steroids. Are you starting to feel more like yerself?

    Camille, so very sorry about the family meeting for your bro, hoping it is not as bad as you are guessing it will be. Sending ya hugs. I saw Joey on FB, he is just so adorable. But no wonder, he has great parents and a great memaw! It was a treat seeing you post today. Please let us know what you find out after the meeting, we will all be here to support you. SEnding lots of hugs and love too.

    Lori, I might be gitting a new boss. Rumor has it that two teams are going to split into three. There is a new manager, a guy who used to work on the same team with me and I tink I like him. He was not the greatest processor err I mean attorney but a nice guy. I do like my current boss, just do not like the freaky tall biotch. For those of you that where not around when I was posting about her, she is nearly 6 ft tall and her DH is almost 7 ft tall, I am not kidding, they are 5'10" and 6'10"! They are freaking freaks. I joke about their freak kids but they are actually cute. They will likely grown into freaks too. I know I know, that is not nice. Anywho...I feel your pain in sorta betraying your Mom but we all understand your logic. Sorry it hurts so much. And sorry you have to go through all that treatment. you and Sue are both warriors, never forget it.

    Sue, shame on you, dumping NM into de pool. Wait, shame on you for not dumping ME into de pool hehe. I hope you can stop stessing, I will give you your own advise, stop stressing, ~sigh~ If you stop, I will stop. Glad to see you here. SOrry that you have to go through the monthly treatments too. I jest can't imagine. Hugs to both you and to Lori too. Hope you get eberyting done you needs to gets done.

    Lara Lara Lara, what am i gonna to with you? I KNOW! I give you a hug (((Lara)). Sorry you are still struggling, tings will git better with the pain. Please do not be a stranger. I mean, you can be strange, jest not a stranger if ya know what I am saying. I am strange so it is all good. hehe, jk you. Sorry about the pita, hope tings git better for ya.

    Well I flunked a test twice and only have one more chance. I got 70% both time and need to score 80 to pass. Dern it. I wasted a try in getting cocky and tinking the answers were common sense, not in de mortgage, uh I mean industry of practicing law. I am hoping to hear something after yesterdays interview, hope I did not mess up too much. I really sucked, was much better on my first interview. Oh well.

    Hello to eberyone else, hope you all have a good nnnight. It is ice cream time for mese Dad so I bid you all a-doo!

    I gotta pee,sweet dreams all. will check back from de office or in de aye em if mese has time. it gonna suck tomorree, no coffee til after mese blood draw. I will be showering and dressing and such and be in zombie mode. ok den, a-doooooo! not to be funcused with ah--choooooooo~!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    I Wrote a Poem about Farts. And I am dedicating it to my breasties.

    A fart it is a pleasant thing,
    It gives the belly ease,
    It warms the bed in winter,
    And suffocates the fleas.

    A fart can be quiet,
    A fart can be loud,
    Some leave a powerful,
    Poisonous cloud

    A fart can be short,
    Or a fart can be long,
    Some farts have been known
    To sound like a song......

    A fart can create
    A most curious medley,
    A fart can be harmless,
    Or silent , and deadly.

    A fart might not smell,
    While others are vile,
    A fart may pass quickly,
    Or linger a while.....

    A fart can occur
    In a number of places,
    And leave everyone there,
    With strange looks on their faces.

    From wide-open prairie,
    To a small elevator,
    A fart will find all of
    Us sooner or later.

    But farts are all bad,
    Is simply not true-
    We must never forget.......
    Sweet old farts like you!

    ok, I stole it but hell, it is not copywriting so I CAN say I wrote it, right?

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2015

    Hello Ladies! I am still here....I have been reading.

    I have been working like regular at the hospital and Goodman Sweets is quiet right now. We are working on gold embossed labels for the toffee and pretzel bags and specialty boxes for the caramels to go in to higher end gourmet shops. My niece is having a baby in March so my sister is in Florida and took our favors for the shower. They looked lovely!

    I have two Herceptin infusions left! Woo hoo. I am feeling really good. I am attributing most of it to the Cymbalta. It has made me feel so much less achy. I have been exercising doing a program called Slim in 6. I started at the first of the year and have been able to do it 6 days a week. I also joined Weight Watchers with some girls at work. Plus there is a contest at work for exercise and weight loss. We have a team of 10, we're called The Vertically Challenged! LOL If we will we get some home exercise equipment and a luncheon..LOL

    I leave Thursday to go to Boston for a conjugal visit! I am getting a new Iphone then too. We are seeing my mother in law and taking her to the airport for her to go to Florida for the next several months. We will see her in March when we go. Also we are meeting with our friend that owns a successful bakery and she has been helping us develop our business and packaging and hopefully will be agreeable to carry our caramel.

    NM..I am so sorry that you have really been feeling so badly. That asthma component can really shift a chest/influenza experience. I started to get ill with the flu but had Tamiflu and started in right away. I was only off in bed two days. I am glad you are up on your feet again and hope Sadie is okey dokey too!

    Lara...thinking about you and your surgery and recovery. I hope you start to see the light and the pain starts to ebb a bit.

    4...How exciting on the commercial kitchen! We can not do that in our homes in Indiana. I rent commercial space now. We just got some great business cards and are working hard on distinctive packaging. We did hire a graphic designer to make our logo. I love all your flesh makes me smile! We lead that same busy lives with all the kid stuff and the running around.

    Julie...I am so glad you have your next Disney trip planned and I am hoping that you are recovering well from your surgery. I know that you have been back at work but take it easy...

    Genny....It was terrific to get to talk with you on the phone! You sound well and getting stronger every day. Yes, the diet that is low in sugar and wheat and dairy is so much less inflammatory to us. I feel really good when I am doing the smoothie thing. Nora is just the sweetest peach ever but it looks like she likes cake a lot more than the snow!

    Mema...Great news on your scans. I am so excited for you. I go next week for my first mammogram after the diagnosis and treatment. I too have a hard time now sleeping and take a bit of Xanax at night with a Tramodol. It helps but I still wake up a few times. I sleep the best when my husband is near but that is 4-5 days a month..LOL.

    Nancy...What a hard time you have had. I am so sorry for all that you are going through and I am grateful that you have the girls here to ease some the tough times. Also the transition to not working and driving must be so very hard. I am thinking about you...

    Goldie.. You seem to be doing well. I am sorry about the labs. I am tired of getting them too. Sounds like business is moving along and keeping you on your toes. Hoping you are well... Sorry about all that crap with your mom and the furnace but glad that your brother stepped up and helped out.

    Dara...oh my all that you have been going though with your dear sweetie. I hope that things smooth out with Jennika and SD. I am glad you are back to work though know that you do not want to be there. I hope that you pass the test! Ohhhh and Lucy is super cute! Glad your dad is doing well.

    Well I tried to catch up...I think of you all everyday. If I have missed someone..Hey!

    love ya....

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2015

    Oh Cami I forgot you! I am sorry to read of your brothers illness and the heartache for your family. I hope that things calm down and that you don't get too worn out. I am glad you have a new puter system but sometimes they are tricky! Try to stay warm, the wind has been brutal!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    I did not go to bed, I have been networking for a new job. I just sent my resume to a guy at another law firm. I have worked with him before.

    Going to bed, for realsies! no fakies!!!! oh hail no!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi Prn! I am having a caramel craving!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Good evening goils, been trying to get here all day. DH still outta town and I been busy busy cleaning drawers and throwing away papers. Don't know how I accumulate so much crap! Anywho, hafta work tomorrow, Got to walk dogs at 6ayem (yikes!) and be productive tomorrow. So I went to my PCP today for follow up on my thyroid. TSH still to high so she upped my synthroid again. She wants me to go to orthopedic doc for my pain in my knees...ugh, another doc to add to my list. Oh, and she gave me a script for 30 percocet, told me to call when I run out. Yea again! Thanks for all the nice comments on my sweetie. On Thursday afternoon I'm meeting all my buds (the ones you saw i the pics before), anyway they got a room at a huge conference, waterpark resort place for the night. We've been doing it everyyear for about 4 years or so. It's fun, we eat, drink swim, float, drink, eat... oh, guess I said that already. So then I'll lounge around Friday morning and get breakfast then go get Nora and take her home for the night...yea!! DH gets home Thursday night but I won't be here. Then he leaves for a sales meeting on Saturday till Monday.

    Ok, quick ketchup

    Lori, I understand it must be hard not telling your mom. I think about mine the last few years of her life and I don't think I would've told her then either. Hope you have a great time in Lauglin, sounds like fun. Hope your DH gets the carry to conceal stuff, nice to have on hand when camping.So sorry about the monthly treatments...sounds really chitty.

    Dara, hope the new boss thing works out. We need more pics of Lucy, lots and lots. Praying for you and Jennika and David.

    Sue, good to see you, good luck at St George, please keep us posted.

    NM, glad to see you back, so sorry it took such toll on you.

    Cami, so glad you had fun with your DD, hope you get better news on you BIL,,,so sorry

    Lala, congrats on the diploma. Sorry about the PITA.

    OK, Xanax just kicked in, words getting blurry, got to go now..luv, luv and good night

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning my sweets---oh now I'm thinking of caramels at 4am. PRN they are so good. LOL

    Oh dara as if we all know poems about farts, I thought u did write it, cuz u'd be the one to do that. How's Lucy doing? I love how u describe people--freaks hahahaha. OK how much longer do u have to work before u'r surgery and I hope u'r resume's turn up something u really like. I pray or u and u'r new baby all the time.

    Lori I do understand about u'r mom and being away from her would not be good for her. I just feel bad that things have to be like that for u. U sound good tho and I pray too it stays that way.

    SusyQ I love u'r attitude and energy u give everything.

    BTW how the hell do u gals have so much energy? Working 2 jobs, cleaning the house all u gals do. I'm responsible for my room and it's a mess--oh I usually clean the litter box but Joey does too. One of my drawers I can't even open Leslie tried to but it's so stuffed it's a mess--I have a 6by9 rug and a sweeper and wash my own clothes and I exhausted, I'm so fuckin' lazy --Oh one time I did clean the toilet, but  I felt I was responsible for it. LOL

    Well my brother is going home from the hospital today with Hospice and they said about a week--WTF he was golfing in FL at the beginning o Dec. and now this damn cancer--it's all over now--so he wants to be home. This is a nitemare--my sisters girls and my girls are devastated too  And our minds are wandering I remember when I was first divorced he bought me a car so I had that--and when my parents died he wanted me to sell my condo and take my mom and dads and then I wouldn't have a mortgage and it was much bigger too, but I didn't think that was fair to my brothers and sister so I said no--he kept on saying it'sll be fine with all of us--I'll make it up to u'r sister, but I was so stupid I said no.-He's always been a good guy.

    Well I think I'll go back to sleep soon so I'll close for now.


    And NM I hope u'r feeling better..

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2015

    I would love to talk to u prn and genny anyone call me or Skype

    I am addicted to netflex. I watched all American horror seasons and I like off indie moviess' its call nymphomaniac has 2 volumes omg it was so good very creepy

    lets see we clean a house with a bunch of ravens yes, vultures about 30 on this women lawn. The house we clean is next to the vulture house, she feeds themmeat and they will notleave.

    These vultures are huge and very scary, my friend was on the news talking about them. They have a loud flying sound and I fear they would peck my eyes out.

    Nothing they can do they are trying to get them to  go away and work with the elder home owner

    its very freaky to see

    cam Im sry about your brother

    I just got more percos to

    My primary care gives me chit , I hate her


    oh dara dear good luck on the new job

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungetes!Not quite so hard to climb out of bed this morning, with 2 alarms going off!Actually, I almost always have 2 alarms set, one on battery power in case of power failure.Still, I'm up, on the computer and just starting to see daylight in the east.Sigh.

    Cammy--some of us should listen to you better and stay home when Dr. Cammy says so!You have a cousin with a mysterious government job?How exciting!I can see all sorts of imagination running wild over that!Praying for your brother.

    ORLA--Let us know what doc says, ok?

    Goldie--I don't tell my Mom everything anymore, either.She sometimes goes on and on about how anything that is not right with my health is because I don't keep a clean enough house or let the dog sleep on the bed, and how embarrassing it is for her to tell her friends about how poorly I keep house.I'd like to just tell her to not tell anyone and she won't be embarrassed, but then I'm being "ungrateful" and "rude" and "disrespectful."Sosome things I just "forget" to ever mention.And we are getting more daylight time each day, and that is a good thing!

    Mema--s'ok, I was due for a bath anyway!

    Dara--I am feeling more human, thank you!Now to get some exercise going. . . . Common sense is hard to find in many workplaces these days, isn't it?

    Farty LOLs!

    PRN!Good to see you!I'm glad to be back on my feet, too, and poor Sadie was never sick so she had to put up with a lot of neglect, poor thing.But I'm slowly making it up to her.Enjoy the conjugal visit, I bet you are looking forward to that.

    Genny--funny how paper collects, isn't it?Another doc to see?Bummer, but if he/she can make the knees feel better maybe worth it.Sounds like your buds and you are going to have a great time, good for you!

    Cammy--I am so sorry to hear about your brother's condition.You and he are in my prayers.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fogg Juice

    1 oz Citrus Vodka

    1 oz Orange Vodka

    1 oz Blueberry Vodka

    2 oz Ice

    3 oz Cranberry Juice

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.


    add ice to rocks glass

    add the vodka's

    add cranberry juice

    garnish wit whatever u want!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Quick pop-in. It's dark and cold and snowy and I'm on dog duty...yuck! Work day today so I hafta get it in gear. Whichever of you are my FB friends you have to check out the video of Nora eating snow..very short but cute. Got my appt with the ortho guy for Monday. I suspect an MRI but we'll see.

    Lala, yuck, feeding meat to vultures? I think they get plenty cleaning up roadkill, wouldn't want them hanging around my neighborhood. DH gonna be gone this weekend, maybe we can hook up for some phone time. I'm kind of a lifetime addict, I like the stupid drama movies cause I can work around the house and still follow the plot.

    NM cold and dark I feel you pain, I'm wearing 3 layers under my coat this ayem.

    Cami, so sorry about your brother, he's in my prayers. Damn FURB

    Dara, hope work is going OK, more pics of Bella and Lucy please.

    PrN. have fun with hubby, good luck with mammogram. Have fun with frinds, sounds like goodman sweets is going well.

    Nancy, hope you're feeling better.

    Sue, good luck with the skin doc, hope it's just an age spot?? Never thought I'd say that!

    Gotta go, sun is almost up, taking dogs to the to all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Cami, I have to work, no getting around that one! At least I get to work from home.

    Sue, when you got to St. George, I ride with you! Just love the view! Hoping you popped in with what the skin doc said. And I know you can relate to the monthly BS. The sucky part, there is no end to it...well there is, but we won't discuss dat!!!

    Dara, it would be easy to mistake Twosday for Monday when you had Monday off. Don't beat yourself up ober dat one. I hope you get a boss that you like. So, how's feeling being back to the grind? Great job on the fart poem.

    PRN, good to see you. Sounds like things are moving along really well with you, DH and the bidness. We have hit problems with the new bidness in Vegas, but so far they are all working out. When will you and DH be together permanently?

    Mary, sounds like a super fun weekend. I loved Nora's video. I hope your knee is ok.

    Oh Cami, you cleaning the terlet cuz you felt responsible! And you must be able to get that drawer open somehow. Is there another drawer above it, so you can take that drawer out, exposing the stuff in the one below it and empty it out some? Oh dear, I'm so so sorry to hear about your brother. It's just flipping crazy how fast the RB can work. I am devestated for you and your family. Sending you lots of love, hugs and prayers for all of you. I'm just not sure if it's your brother that is in FL or the one near you. You said he was golfing in Dec, so I guess it's the one in FL.

    Lara, your story reminds me of the Alfred Hitchock movie "The Birds". Have you seen that?

    NM, ya...moms don't need to know everything, for sure. And I can't imagine that your house is as bad as she thinks it's is, and you are not the only person in the world that sleeps with their pet! Yippee for seeing a bit of daylight.

    I need to run to town today, I'm due for labs. Should have gone last week when we were there, but the damn things just sneak up on me, a month goes by very fast! I called to make sure they had the order, and it expires today, so good thing I called, it's a 2 hour round trip! Leaving tomorrow for Laughlin....tomorrow is Thursday, right???

    So we haven't been getting any orders at all for the past week. I get an email from a customer telling me he's been trying to order and it keeps telling him the store is "closed"....WTH? Well, sure enough it was! DH must have thought he was on the site with the new business and closed ours instead!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Skin doc said I looked good considering my condition.  Not to worry about the spots, looks like capilaries/blood vessels breaking or somehow coming to the surface.  He said it’s definitely NOT RB.  So I felt good when I left.  Went to Staples after getting lost.  St Geo freaks me out, always get lost.  Anyway, they did not have ink for my new printer, will have to shop on line I guess or wait til I go in to LV on the 26th.  Yea yea that’s the ticket.  Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers girls…muah!!

    Dara - you cwack mese up.  Keep us posted on your 3rd try OK.  So you sneakin around in da middle of da night looking for new job.  Nuttin wrong with that.  When will you kno how you did on the other interview?  Can’t tail you how many times I think it’s this or that day and am way off.  Maddening!!   HEY…I’m nearly 6’ tall, that make me a freak?  I kno u jes kidding.  Hope things level out at work…LMAO on the Fart poem!!

    Prn - good to see you…so happy things going well for you.  Only 2 more herceptins woo hoo!  Have a wonderful time in Boston with hubby!! 

    Mary - yahoo for the perco’s.  Sorry about the thyroid.  Sounds like tomorrow will b a fun day for you.  Hafta go and check out Nora’s video…bet it’s adorable.

    Cami - prayers going out to you and your brother and the rest of the family.  Has to be soo hard to deal with. FURB!! Glad he is going home tho.  LOL about the terlet cleaning, cwack me up.

    Lara - freaky story about the vultures, hope they can do something about it.

    Morning NM - glad you are feeling better.

    Lowee - ride to St Geo is not boring that is for sure.  So beautiful, you can come with me anytime.  And NO, we don’t discuss that.  This particular spot is so diff from my other red spots, but I’m going with what the doc said anyway.  Like we need more to worry about.  LOL, yes tomorrow is Thurs…u go and get you labs then enjoy the weekend K?  Course, gotta fix your on-line site 1st, hope no glitches.  And don’t run to town, take the car.  heehee

    Lubs and lots of prayers to all my girls!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi all-

    Just checking in from work. I had a pleasant surprise at lunchtime, a call from Lara. I could only talk to her for a few minutes as I was already late getting back to the office. It was nice hearing my lil sista’s voice again. She mentioned that she might go for the diep procedure, yikes. I would not recommend that to anyone but hopefully she will do much better than I did with it.

    Darhling Camille, OMG, how very sad. What a shame that your brothers time is so limited, all I can say is FURB and that I love you. I wish I could reach out and give you a big dorky hug right now (((Camille))). I guess you will not get to see your brother, he is in Florida, yes? I wish I could come and deliver a hug. Please keep us posted, hoping your brother is comfortable and that you can talk to him and make him laugh? I dunno, just grasping for straws here, just do not know what I can say to make tings better for you cept that I love you very much.

    Genny, I saw the video on facebook this morning, we had a short system outage so I checked facebook and bada bing, bada bang, there it was. It put a smile on my face.

    Tobi, sorry I bumped ya last night. I only saw your first short post. I have only browsed the posts today looking for an update from our dear Camille.

    To all of you, hope you are all having a great day. I am happy to be over the hump of de week already, gosh that was fast! I forget who asked but I git my surgery date this coming Friday, have appt at 2:20 in de pee em.

    I will try to check in later tonight. God Bless you all and your loved ones too. Life is indeed way too short. I wish I could get Jennika to see that.

    Love you all~
