how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    quick pop in, just wanted to tell you girls that I have an interview with another law firm on friday, wooohooo. but here is my issue and looking for advise for those who want to chime in. do I tell the people that I have a pending surgery or put it off? I am not sure what to do and would value your input. I am excited, things are happening fast. This is not the same company that i have had the two phone interviews with. I was talking to a guy I used to work with on facebook last night. I mentioned that I had applied for a position a few times and not heard anything. He asked me to send him my resume and sure enought, I got a call from a recruiter this afternoon. I am a bit apprehensive with leaving, I will lose my almost 7 weeks vacation time. But I am at a point where I just struggle to get through my days where I am and have been for the past turdeen and a half years. ugh, decisions decisions.

    ok, I will come back later, gotta get dinner, did not get home until late as it is snowing like crazy outside. And I needed, yes NEEDED a dwink!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good evening, Loungettes!I have been fighting off a major grumpy attitude all day.One of the office based folks sent me one of her (in)famous snarky e-mails yesterday and I have just been chewing on it ever since.We are an office in fairly rapid growth and up till now haven't really had systems in place for some things, like ordering/charging for supplies.And yes, supply ordering and cost management is important.But so is telling me how you want me to do it!The office folks tend to get together and talk about things like that, set up a process, mention it to a couple of people and not realize that if they don't tell EVERYONE then SOMEONE is not going to do it the way they want it done!And particularly do NOT snark at me for not doing something 2 ways when I specifically asked if you wanted it done both ways or just one and you answer that just one is FINE.So there.

    Now that I have had my little rant, I am going to go supervise Pants as he cleans the pool and test Jock's drink making and delivering skills whilst I simmer in the jacuzzi.

    Genny--an MRI?Yikes.I get the cringes every time I think of having to have a test or scan of any kind.3 layers under the coat?Must be cold!Does make cuddling up to the pups in bed nice, though.

    Goldie--My brother and I grew up sleeping with our pets, I don't know when Mom changed over to this sleeping with pets is deadly thing.She probably saw some show on TV and only caught part of the story and got stuck on it.She does that a lot, more and more as she gets older.And my house isn't immaculate, but it's not unhealthy.Just cluttered.And I am working on it, slowly.LOL at the store being closed by accident!


    Dara--Hey, don't knock the DIEP procedure, I got 2 very perky purty foobs and lost a roll of fat from it!I did have some trouble with the tummy incision opening up cuz I'm so fat, but nothing like what you went through, Dara Dear.It is a bit of a recovery, but I am so glad I went that route, even if I do have to pluck the occasional stray pubic hair off my décolletage! Wow, you really are racking up the interviews!Good question about when to tell about the surgery.Maybe not mention it until you have a formal job offer?How long will you be out of work after surgery?If surgery is soon and recovery relatively short maybe you could start the new job after?Just throwing out some thoughts.

    I want a hot chocolate.See you in the ayem!

  • cycle_babe
    cycle_babe Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2015

    Hello again!

    NM, I am sorry you are having these issues with stewpid people. I hate when people act high and mighty. Iffen you need me to send my people, let me know. Glad Pants is cleaning the pool, it has been awhile. And no, it was not me who peed in de pool. I tink it was Cammy hehe!

    I am expected to be out of work for 6-8 weeks. I am thinking that I need to be honest but who knows.

    Mary, hope you did well managing the puppies and handling things whilst your DH is away.

    Julie, not much longer before you will be with MICKEY M O U S E, Mickey Mouse (come on sing with me) lol.

    Cam, I am thinking of you with a very heavy heart, sending you more hugs. I wish I could do more to ease your pain. Your brother sounds like as nice of a person as you are and that means he must be a super kinda guy. How kind of him to be willing to help you out when times were tough.

    Tobi, I forget that you have another job other than making candy. Mese is berry impressed that your brand will be going into specialty stores.

    Sue, I have no idea when or if I will hear back from the firm where I had the two phone interviews. I was told that "Wendy will be in touch". I really have a feeling I blew it, I was off that morning, totally off. I am not yet nervous for the interview on Friday, I am more skeered to tail my boss. Mese sister suggested that I jest do nothing and let dem fire mese ass. But I can't do that, I just keep plugging away. Cam is right, you are one that is always so biddy doing tings. I do not know how ya do it, you have so much energy, more than I do, dat is fo shoah. How are tings with you and yer DH?

    Lara, it was really nice talking to you, I will try to touch base again soon so that you can tail me what you wanted to tail me but we did not have the time. It was a great surprise hearing from you. I nearly crashed my car when the caller ID showed it was you. hehe, jest kidding about crashing, I am hands free, well with the phone that is, not de wheel of de car haha!

    Ok, gotta skip to the prior page but first gonna do mese ironing for tomorree. I can't remember what you all said and honestly, I just did a skim of what I read. Will try to report for doooody soonliest, dwinking doooody dat is!

    more CHeeRS!

  • cycle_babe
    cycle_babe Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2015

    Hi ladies, this looks like a fun thread, I like my wine.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    NM, sorry that others opinions peesed you off. If you need my people, let me know. I feel your pain, hope things smooth out and others conform to what you think is the correct way to order supplies. Geez, as if active nursing is not enough.

    Camille, I am thinking of you with a very heavy heart. I wish there was something I can do. Just remember that God has a place for people like your brother. He sounds like a saint, it was so kind of him to offer to help you during hard times. Please have Joey give you an extra hug and a pat on the back to tell you that everything will be alright. And give Joey a kiss and a hug from me.

    Sorry I do not have it in me to address you all. I do realize I am being selfish with all this talk about me. But at the end of MY day, it IS all about me lol. You all know I love you.

    Lara, thanks for your call, you made my day a little better. I hope to see you around here more. Come on girl, join in and do not worry about catching up. I will try to hook up with you soon. It might not be this week as I am gitting mese hairs done tomorree night and my cousin is coming back for the weekend, we are having another mini class reunion on saturdey night, I can't wait. But I have to be good and git some sleep and NOT dwink all night! Anyway, try to catch me one night next week. I miss you here and need you to tell me that story, wink wink!

    Have a great night girls, wishing you all sweet dreams of hot tenders! I am off for a dip in de freshly cleaned pool.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    oops, I bumped you Cycle Babe, welcome to the lounge. Nice mustache btw lol.

    good night all.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Poppin in to say good night. Work tomorrow then off for girls night then on Friday I pick up mese Nora and take her home Saturday so I suspect I'll be gone for a few days.

    Dara, tough question, I think it depends on how long you'll be off. 7 weeks vacay is a lot to give up but if you hate it...what a tough decision. You can talk about you all you want.

    NM, Rant away, dats what wese here for. I think the MRI would only be for my knees, and I'm just guessing,

    Cyclebabe, welcome, love my wine.

    Well, I hasta go, Xanax just kicked you girls! See ya in a few days.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Who wants pizza?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    pizza, snow, it is all delicious! have a great time Mary, you deserve every moment.

    speaking of eating snow, Lucy was so cute jumping around the yard and tasting the snow. She made me think of Nora. I got my phone out and went to snap the cutest pic, just as I hit the button, my cell phone ran outta juice. I really need to step it up.

    looking at the weather, a nor easter is coming in this weekend and i just heard that we are expecting a little icy drizzle tomorrow during the rush hour. Geez, I miss my days of slacking. I was born to slack.

    iffen there is black ice in the aye em, and I slip even once, I will turn around and come home. I am over this winter already and it really has not been bad. AndI am so overwhelmed, my interview clothes are toooo tight. and my outfit for tomorrow is too tight. Just when I got my wardrobe in order, I gain weight. ~sigh ... ok, going to bed, this time for real. That is .... after eating a few girl scout cookies. my bad but cant help it. I am no longer an alcamaholic but I am now addicted to food. That is my life story, transferance of addiction. ok, rant over.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Still getting up in the dark, but the daylight is lasting 37 minutes longer, so making progress!


    Welcome, Cycle Babe, pull up a bar stool!


    Dara--I don't think I need your peeps, at least not yet.I just need to remember to remember to not trust what I'm told and be sure everything gets put onto paper, into the computer and into an e-mail.Cover those and pray I hear in a timely manner if they add a 4th way of logging supplies.I've got a couple of decades of age and experience on little miss snarky, so I really need to show her more patience.She'll learn in time.


    Genny--Have fun at Girls' Night and then with Nora!Thanks for listening to the rant, it helped me let it go and get to sleep well last night!EVERYONE wants pizza! The new eating video was sooooo cute!


    Dara--addiction transferred from alcamahol to cookies, now to transfer to cookie addition to carrots. . . .


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Warped Thursday

    5 oz Vodka

    1/4 packet Tropical Punch Kool Aid

    6 oz Cherry Cola

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.


    Empty half a can of cherry coke, pour the vodka into the can, then pour in the kool-aid. Alternatively, use a 12oz glass. Stir. A kabob stick works well in the can.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    I wonder why some pics will post and some don't? They are all there when I edit!



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Last try:

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning Ladies----

    Welcome CycleBabe--I think u will like this thread, everyone knows how to drink and is very caring.

    Mary enjoy u'r days and I love the pic. hahaha They're all going for the pizza/

    NM I can understand u'r frustration when all infor isn't given to everyone --why bother- I know there is not much u can do and then it's more frustration nd I'm sure u'r not feeling 100% yet, so that doesn't help.

    Oh Dara 7 weeks vacation--oooo---that's a hard choice to me--I wish I had wise advise cuz I don't know what I'd do really--Since I'm a naturalist I would really think this thru.Oh I'm a natural lazy person--so I would take the easiest way and still try and make money. Hmmm someone will have some good advice I'm sure.

    Lori just to make it make sense, both my brothers go to Fl in the winter, but Mike who is in hospice comes hone like every month so he can see hi kids and stuff he has to do, The one in FL now is still fighting Sepsis and can't travel now so he' so upset not to be here for Mike. They are very close--then Jodie calls me --she works Downtown in Chicago and she's getting phone calls rom other law firms saying how sorry they are--so all the legal people know about Hospice and I know my brother didn't want that happening--to many calls and stuff--and as much as people are so nice about it--he did not want this to be so public--don't ask me why--he's just that way. But his life has been so public how could they not find out. It's all so crazy now.

    OK that was my rant----

    OK I hope everyone has a nice quiet day and this winter has not been as bad as they preDICKted, so I don't know why they say all that chit.

    I LUBS U ALL  

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    LDB, so glad that spot was nothing, but chuckled just a tad over the comment that you look good considering...oy vey! An you not a freak, just freakin you sista. Per your advice, I took my behickle to town and yes the website is bixed.

    Dara, I don't have any advice as to whether or not you should tell the new peeps that you have surgery coming up. Kind of one of those things where you're damned iffin you do and damned iffin you don't. Sounds like you have a busy rest of the week and a rockin weekend! Have fun.

    NM, please don't let the office witch get to you and I hope the rant helped. You did exakery what you were told, AFTER you asked. My mom tells stories "her" way, the way she would like them to be, so I can relate to your mom too. Perhaps your house is "lived" in, not cluttered! And so what, it's your house, and I'm sure Sadie doesn't mind either. As for posting pics, I don't get it either.

    Mary, you too have a fun weekend planned. OMG, everyone wants pizza! Gosh, I wish I could steal her.

    Oh wow, great find on those cycle seats NM! Welcome cycle babe.

    Cami, thanks for splainin bout your brothers. Is there a chance that your other brother will be able to make it from FL? And some things you just can't keep quiet, it only takes one person to say something and away it goes. Will your brother see you and Lu?

    Off to Laughlin, gots to git in the shower, will check in if I can. HAPPY FRIDAY EVE!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning Girls!! Hope it is a good day for all. I will try to pop back after I get all the kids to school!

    But right now, I need Coffee!!

    pervygirl: Good morning Man Candy.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    good morning all,welcome cycle

    cammi-you and your family are in my thoughts and prayer, and give joey a hug and kiss from me too. the toilet!!!!!!!!!!Winking

    nm-Sickon the stocking of supplies, and as for your house as long as miss sadie is comfortible . !who else matters, if she's feeling generous you may even get a pillow.have a good day

    dara-good luck with the job seeking

    lori-safe travels today

    sue lmao

    have a good day ladies, errands and housework awaits me

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2015

    Morning everyone. PRN glad to hear from you!!

    Cami I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I will be praying for you all.

    Lori I understand why you didnt tell your mom about you. It took me awhile to tell my mom and she lives right here. I waited as long as I could to tell her only because I knew how upset she would be. I finally did tell her because she does live here but my mom has a little bit of dementia so I had to be careful and make sure all my test results were in before I told her. So my siblings all knew before she did. Love ya Lori and I will make sure I have a big suit case for Julie. Lol

    Mary I am doing better Im going stir crazy but I am enjoying my time off. Im enjoying my time just relaxing and reconnecting with myself. Does that make sense?

    NM I am glad you are starting to feel better. I have asthma too and I know how hard it can be. Thats one thing I can be thankful for and glad for not working is that I am not around anyone so I have not been exposed to hardly anything. Knock on wood. So I have not had any issues so far this year with my Asthma flaring up.

    Dara I am glad to hear you have another job interview. I would not mention just yet that you have any surgeries coming up. I would wait until you get a formal offer and then when you are in your orientation that is when I would tell them. By the way my surgery date is.... because you really dont even have the date yet right? When I was a manager I and I was interviewing I didnt want to hear that people had surgeries and things coming up in the interviewing process but after I had hired them and we were doing orientation I had no problem as we were going over the attendance policy them telling me by the way I have a surgery coming up this day or I have a vacation planned this date is that going to be a problem? Then I could tell them what our policy is and point them in the right direction as to what they needed to do to prepare for that and it was never an issue. Hope that helps.

    Mema I am so glad that you had a good report from your dermatologist. One less thing to worry about.

    Well we are getting everything ready for our trip. We leave Saturday at 6am so have to be at the airport at 4am. I am not sure if I will have wifi access or not on the ship so may not be able to communicate for awhile but I will have pictures to share when I come back. Love you all

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    hi gals, just popping in for some dwinks, love the DOTD, mese jest lubs lubs lubs de wodka, make me wanna wok n woll.

    Nancy, you sound so much better, glad you are enjoying your time off, you gonna be off on that cruise berry soon, tomorree early am, right? yes!

    Mary is busy too, she has Nora now then girls tomorree or am I funcused (again).

    Lori, sorry you had an issue with your website, glad it is all bixed. Tanks for the wishes of a fun weekend, sure gonna be a good one. That is IF a stoopid nor'easter storm does not intrafere with tings. Dern snow.

    Cam, tinking about you still. And thanks to you and de others for prayers and good wishes on interview tomorree. I have been writing out answers to 50 interview questions, I am prepared ~sigh~ I have to remember to portend I am super woman and get in mese stance and show off mese muscles hehe.

    NM, hate that you are having issues with posting pics. I used to LOVE when you would post a pic for each person which you replied. Hope tday was a better day and that little miss high and mighty fell off her high horse, little snarky biotch. Lemme know iffen ya need me.

    Julie, I thought of you today when hearing about a measles outbreak at Disney. But turned out it was DisneyLAND not World ~ whew, sigh of relief. Dat is crazy, measles outbreak in dis day and age? Soon you will be back ho'ing yo ass with Mickey! M I C K E Y M O U S E, dere I go singing again. I musta been a moustkatier in anudder life hehe! Hope work is going well for ya.

    Lynn, how is de floor coming along? Did you start, are you done? HOpe the kids and fam are doing ok, no more drama, k?

    wow, 11 hours without a post. and it not de middle of de night eidder, it is thirsdey night, why no one here cept mese? Is it mese onion breath? mese stanky armpits? well well well, be that way. Mese and Jock will jest head to de cabana and have dwinks our dern selves, take that! I go now. weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Well TGIF, now for the week-end--My end is all chubbies up so I sit very comfortably, Thank you.

    Oh cruise time is here tomorrow morning I think, so u'd better get ready for all u can drink. (I didn't want to overshadow any other poetress --no names mentioned--) so I stopped right away--LOL Have a wonderful time.

    NM I hope u'r not on call this weekend and u and Sadie can just relax. I'm sorry but I had to laugh about u'r mom, even tho I lived upstairs from them my mom hardly ever came over cuz she knew better--she was a neat freak and I'm not--Oh I did the usual cleaning, but I'm messy so we thought it best, after a family get together  that I'll go to her house LOL--She'd actually get upset. She was very protocolly. She was literally on her death bed and barely spoke and when she did we had to get very close to her. And her friend came over to pray and my mom gets our attention and my sister andweI went over to her and she whispers--make sure she's comfortable and offer her something to eat and drink. Well we were aware o niceties (from our parents) but Lu and I went in the Kitchen and started to laugh thinking won't she ever stop telling us this. And her home was immaculate even then and she died the next day. That's how bad she was about that stuff.

    I think Lori is gone today and I can't keep track o Julie ever, she reminds me of a mini tornado, so I'm never sure when she goes to DW;

    Dora when did they start using the word Noreaster or whatever it is> I don't like that word for some reason, I like marshmallow and cupcake as words they're happy ones, just saying them. And I think it was Nancy who gave u the good advice about u'r job interview, I honestly didn't know what to tell u.

    I hope everyone is feeling OK and Lara how are the movies, I still record the middle of the night ones.

    OK everyone have a marshmallow day---see what I mean?

    LUBS LUBS LUBS u all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Still getting up at Oh Dark Hundred, but there is more daylight at the end of the day, so I am trying to focus on that.


    Cammy--It is hard when process info isn't clear.I've decided to set up my own process of copying the screen whenever I order anything and e-mailing the screen shot to the Business Manager and her backup with delivery and read receipts, cc myself, and save it all in an e-mail folder.If there's any question in the future I'll have a record.Sometimes technology IS a good thing.Your brother must be a very special person to have so many people caring enough to call.It's hard when someone wants to keep something private and quiet and it gets out anyway.I am glad this winter hasn't been as bad as predicted, and even more glad that the price of oil is low this season!

    Goldie--The rant definitely helped, and I've got Little Miss Snarky's number, so all set again.Age and wisdom will beat out youth and enthusiasm every time!I'm pretty sure Sadie doesn't mind clutter, she makes enough of it herself!Have fun in Laughlin!

    4--Coffee, YES!

    Julie--Sadie must have been feeling generous last night.This morning when I woke up I had one pillow, Sadie had 2, and one was on the floor.Hmm, no headache this morning, I wonder if that has anything to do with the pillow count?

    Collett--the asthma is a biotch at times.And you'd think after all these years I would learn how to manage it better, but I just do not like to take time off work, it's so hard to ketchup after!But time toreconnect with yourself is good, too, so go for it and try not to get too stir crazy.Good advice for Dara.Have a great time on the ship, don't check in unless you get FREE wifi, otherwise it's wicked expensive, AND you deserve a break from the rest of the world!

    Dara--I enjoy posting the pics, too, but it takes a lot of time so I can't do it every day.And Little Miss Snarky will get her comeuppance,I've got my own system in place now.She really is just a kid and has some growing up to do, but she has a good heart.What's that saying, Age and treachery will overcome youth and skill every time!

    Cammy--No, not on call, not working at all this weekend.I need the recovery time and the house needs some time and attention from me.Not even going to answer the phone if it's work this weekend.Your mom sounds a lot like mine!And I'm sure my mom will haunt me when she dies, especially about leaving dishes in the sink!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fridays Frozen Mudslide

    1 1/2 oz Vodka

    1 1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 1/2 oz Irish Cream

    8 cubes Ice

    1 1/2 oz Cream

    1 scoop Vanilla Ice Cream

    2 scoops Chocolate Ice Cream

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.


    Begin by crushing the 8 ice cubes in a blender. When ice is finely crushed, add the remaining ingredients and blend for 45 seconds on blender's highest setting. Pour into glass and serve immediately.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    good morning all

    nancy have a fantastic time on your cruise

    mary-can miss nora get any cuter

    cammi- i tidied up before my sister came and thankfully she left before the dust got to thick,off to dw on the 5th feb

    nm-have a good day in work, signed up for an extra shift tomorrow ,couple of people out as their parents are in hospital. we were on overload the other day,had people in the corridor until a room was free

    ok got the gym this morning

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Good morning girls, Just checking in to say hello and hope you all have a good day. Just 45 minutes until mese interview,, please say a prayer that I do not blow it. I jest finished doing mese toenails as mese dress shoes have a slightly open toe, almost forgot that widdle detail.

    Cam, you are a better poet than I am, I jest specialize in fart poems hehe!

    Ok, Dara, over and out. TGIF goils!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    I am back at work now, bored with nothing to do. I finished all of my course work. I do not yet have any case files.

    The interview went well but I do not think I want to work there. The building was not nearly as nice as where I work and the processors do not even have their own desks. It is just a big row of chairs with a few drawers, a computer and a chair. There would be no privacy. This place is looking better to me. They would have to offer me a significant salary increase to get me to move on to that company.  I am still waiting to hear on the phone interviews I have had.

    Julie, I bumped ya into the pool this morning, I hope the water was nice. Good for you in taking another shift, that will give you extra money to give to M I C K E Y M O U S E, oops, dere I go again. Feb 5th is right around the corner girl. And good for you for hitting the gym, proudda ya.

    Camille, you tell a story so funny. I just love reading your posts. What a nice tribute to your dear Mommy. Funny that she was a clean freak up until her death. I am sorry you lost her.

    Sue, I know you are tall but you are not a freak as the woman I described. This woman has really huge big eyes that just bulge outta her head. I would post a pic from her facebook but I unfriended her a few years ago, ooops. That was before she was my boss. I learned a lesson about unfriending people. I often wonder if that is why she is so mean to me. Anyway, you are a bootiful tall goil and I jest lubs you berry berry much.

    NM, are you esspecting more snow this weekend? We are having that storm that Cam does not want me to mention than another big one is predicted for Sunday night. We had a clipper storm, whateber that is, on Wednesday but only got a few inches. I am already tired of snow.  I hope you and Sadie can enjoy your weekend together. And Lucy and Bella say WOOF to Sadie.

    Lucy was so funny in the snow. She first tried to piggy back a ride on Bella’s back to keep her feet outta the snow. Then she discovered that it is edible and she loves eating it. I had wished I had my phone out to take a pic of her with snow on her widdle nose. She is just so cute, she makes me smile and laugh a lot.

    Genny, hope you have a fantastic time this weekend, I know you will. Try not to dwink too much, I know you goil, you is a lush hehe, love you.

    And sweet Nancy, wooohoo, de boat is sailing tomorree or was it today already? Have a (well deserved) wonfulfoil time. Praying for no seizures and no sea sick.  I wish I could be with you.

    My cousin is coming tonight, hopefully the snow will not keep us from meeting up with our high school buddys tomoree.

    Well I am going to get back to doing nothing. All that I have to do is surf the internet. I  am appreciating my luxury cubicle today more than ever after what I saw this morning at that other firm! Catch you fine goils latah! Hello to the girls I did not mention, love you all!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning Dahhhlinks!

    Gotta b quick, is my spa day...really just lashes and nails.  But gotta take pooches to park 1st. 

    Saying prayers for Cami and her brother.  Such a hard time.  (((Cami)))

    Dara good luck with interview.  Prolly too late but I'd have to tell them about the surgery.  What if they hire you, then fire u when the surgery comes up.  Then wouldn't you be out of a job?  Prayers all goes well. 

    NM - dang....good rant.  You rarely rant, feels good don't it.  Hoping no more snarky emails.

    Love and prayers, and TGIF!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    sue enjoy your spa

    dara- will pray that the right job for you comes along

    had the gi appointment today, she was a little surprised the cea had gone up but not down, but said the jump was still not critically high, so have to repeat it 6 weeks after the last one, has i'm having my usual mammogram on the 10th feb will get it done then BUT if it does not go down ,looking at a repeat colonoscopy, as she said if still slightly elevated then something is going on and they need to find out what. but even more importantly got my vacation ok's for april so will be flying to the uk on 04/23

    so have a good evening all,getting my stuff ready for work tomorrow

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    just checking in whilst waiting for mese cousin to git here. she takes her good ole time.

    Julie, I love your attitude, try not to worry. Glad yer doctor gave you assurance that the elevated CEA is not critically high. I said a prayer for you and hope this number drops. No more colonoscopies for you until next year, k? So glad to hear you are going to the UK, wooo hooo, you live the good life no doubt!

    Suz, hope you had a nice pamper-me dey. YOu deserve that.

    I miss Lori.

    ok, dats all folks, gonna watch de snow fall whilst I wait for my house guest!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Early good morning ladies.

    Julie hope everything will be fine--U/K how wonderful, it's so nice when I read u'r going . Good or u.

    And I like the way everyone is either spaing or traveling with some good plans going.

    Dara I'm sorry about this interview, I hate when something sounds good, then going u realize these people are cracked a bit. But don't give up

    Well Hospice left, my Brother only lasted 2 days and passed quickly. It's been a zoo--it's funny I stil don't believe it yet. It was a strange feeling when my BIL called, my sister wanted to know if I wanted her here, well always, but she sounded so very tired, I said I was OK so she didn't come. I'd rather see her rest she needs it. Joey cried with me and we cuddled and he made me feel more relaxed, of  course havingmy special meds didn' hurt. My SIL called after I talked to my brother and altho she has her stangities I'm really the only one she loved and my parents in my whole family so she got so worried about me she want to make sure I had the right meds so I don't loose it. She's strange but I know her too well to know she means it--I assured her I do so she felt better. DAMN FURB---Oh chit



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    So sorry for your loss Cammi thinking of you and your family.lots of hugs and prayers