how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this ayem.Didn't get out of bed until after 7 ayem!Looks like, smells like snow out there, lots of variation of how much to expect, just have to wait and see.


    OK, gang, I need a little support.I was asked to take call/see patients today to cover for the weekend nurse.I said "No."Need the weekend to rest up and finish clearing out the cough/asthma I still have going on.I felt guilty saying no, and still feel guilty, but I know I need to take care of myself.Right?


    Julie--It can get busy this time of year, can't it?I was asked to work this weekend, normally would have said sure, but I just don't feel up to it, now I'm feeling guilty.I just can't win!


    Dara--Praying the interview went well!Hmm, sounds like the interview went well, and you got a good chance to look over the other agency.That's a good thing about in person interviews.Praying you find the best place for you right now.Yup, expecting more snow or something, predictions still pretty variable, except for wind, which everyone agrees on.Sadie says WOOF, WOOF back to your gals.

    Funny Christmas dog conversation Funny Christmas dog conversation

    Mema-No snarky e-mails all day yesterday, YEAH!Read receipts attached to e-mails are fun things to play with.No, I didn't take 2 days to let her know about a supply order, she didn't read the e-mail for more than 24 hours after it went into her inbox.See, here is the receipt when the e-mail was delivered to your box, here is the receipt when you read it. See the dates and times?Not my problem you didn't read it for more than 24 hours after it hit your box.What's that?Oh, I cc'd the e-mail to my boss, so she can see when I sent it.Go blame someone else for your lack of organization, this old lady's got your number, deary.


    Julie--Sorry the CEA isn't behaving. Hooray for getting vacay time!Will you be visiting any place special?Family maybe?


    Dara--keep a close eye on that snow!Someone has to supervise it and I'm too lazy!


    Cammy--Oh, Cammy, I am so sorry about your brother.Seems so fast, but sometimes it happens that way.I am praying for all of you.DAMN FURB.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Dear Brother Drink

    2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 scoop Ice Cream

    1 tsp Vanilla Extract

    1 oz Vodka


    Mix together with crushed ice in a glass and garnish with mint leaves


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls,

    Camille, I am so very sorry. I wish I had the words to sooth your pain. I am glad he passed quickly and hope it was peacefully. He is now another bright star in the sky and a new angel to look after you and Joey and the rest of your loving family. ((((Camille))) I love you.


    Will there be services locally? I think he was just in Florida for the winter, right? I will be thinking of you.

    NM, I am UBER proud of you for turning down work today. You have stepped up and did the right thing for yourself. Please do not doubt your decision for one single moment. YOU need to take care of YOU. I am one proud friend. The storm system has passed here. We had about four inches of snow but the rain melted it away. On to tomorrow night, getting another blast of the white stuff, not supposed to be too much. I am thankful that the temps are above freezing, it would have been a lot of damn snow.

    Cheryl is still sleeping, we did not go to bed until 6am. She was shoveling at 4am, she cleared up my entire property including the back yard. And she is just in love with Lucy who slept next to her.

    Well i said I would not be around this weekend but I had to check in. Sorta had a feeling that I would get this update from Camille. I am jest so heart broken, Cam. We will be here to support you through these tough times. Please be sure to express your pain and not to stuff it. And think about the great life that he had and the love that he gave and that you gave in return. try to focus on happier times.

    A big hello to all of my other goils, I miss you all when you do not report. I miss Nancy, I miss Mary and Lori too. And Lara, for the love of God, git your ass in here. Be a good goil and a good sista and report in. I hope your cramping has dissipated to nothing and that you start to feel good. You have been through a lot as we all have and deserve to feel well.

    With tears in my eyes, I say God speed, no cheers today from me. Well not until tonight when i see my classmates. I will try to post pics. I suck at taking pics, they are always crooked and blurry. I do not have a steady enough hand.

    Lucy sends her love to all of you too. Bye for now my loves. Keep the faith, k?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Camille, I let Lori know of your brothers passing and she said to send all of her love. wishing you peace in your heart and again, so sorry for your loss.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Thank u so much--I'm hurting worse each day knowing it's true-- He was a candidate for living a life of not getting this RB-so was my mom--We're having a service Thursday-he'll be cremated already which I have such mixed emotions about it, but thst's what he wanted--I told u he was cheap he didn't even want a service but his kids decided to anyway. Years ago he bought a Dodge and in no time it was a lemo, it was always fixed so He asked the  dealership for a new car and he'd pay the diference--well they were giving him hardly anything  for that car and it was still new and they would not change their minds--well he wasn't going to pay double for the car so he took a full page ad   in the Chicago Tribune how bad they were to deal with. Well he got his new car with very little added money--Cheap butspent the money on the ad. He was so fun in so many ways and he always did my legal work for nothing (o course) Now what???


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    oh sweet Camille, I think we all figured that the pain would get worse as the reality of your loss hits home in yer brain. I am so sad fror you. And I wish I could say that I comprehend your loss. I amm blessed in that I have never lost a member of my immediate family. I do not take this for granted either, I wish there were words to express my sorrow. All I can do it keep on supporting you here.

    Mese is berry dqunk, can onl see you al wiht a hafl eye

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, Our big storm left less than 2 inches.Very light fluffly stuff.Amazing how many cars off the road yesterday afternoon/last night.When it started it was in the 30's, so I guess it was slick for a while.Always interesting to listen to the scanner when the weather's bad.

    Dara--thanks for the support with not working this weekend!I guess we got lucky, not so much snow, but very pretty snow!Hope you had fun at the mini-reunion!

    Cammy--{{{{{hugs}}}}}Now what?I don't know, wish I did.Grieve for your brother, and do what your heart tells you to do.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Big Hug

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1 oz Creme de Cacao

    1 cup (Hot) Chocolate

    1/2 oz Whipping Cream

    Best served in a Irish Coffee Cup.


    Pour the irish cream into an Irish coffee cup or glass filled 3/4 with hot chocolate. Add creme de cacao. Add whipped cream and garnish with shaved chocolate on top.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Good morning ladies, sorry to be gone so long. I had fun with the girls, lots of conversation and drinks. Got on a few of the waterslide, 1 is like a giant toilet bowl, you go thru all these tubes then into this giant bowl where you go round and round and then you drop thru the hole in the bottom and land in a 6 foot pool. Then I tried at the surf pool where you balance on a board. No one else would try that one...wimps! Anyway, we got up in the morning and went back to the big indoor outdoor hottub with a swim up bar and a bloody mary. Then out to breakfast and I went and got Nora and brought her to my house overnight. Then yesterday drove the hour back to there house and cut my DS hair then on my way home a little shopping. Last night I sat in front of the TV in a vegetative state. DH had to go to Atlanta so I'm gonna clean all day today after I get furbabies to the park. Wow, this noreaster they keep talking about on the tv looks wicked. Looks like it's gonna mostly miss us.I'd like to address all of you now but dogs are getting crazy. I will be back later.

    Cami, I'm so very sorry, what now?..... just let yourself mourn, that's all you can do. Try to pull every good memory to mind that you can think of. Every time you get sad make yourself think of something about him that is funny or endearing. Remember how much he brought to this world. I've lost 2 brothers and both parents, where we were once a family of 7, we are now 3. I miss them all so much every day but as time passes thoughts of them bring me more comfort than pain. Just let yourself grieve for now. My love and hugs sent your way.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    And I thought I had bad morning hair!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Good Sunday Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Cami - my heart is heavy heavy for you and yours today.  May he Rest in Peace.  I like the advice the other girls have given and am taking it to heart myself.

    My niece, Anne, is back in the hosp.  Ten tumors on her liver.  Trying most aggressive chemo they have.  1st dose was yest and she is really out of it.  They don't hold out much hope, days to weeks.  Will be moving her to hospice facility in next day or two.  All I did yesterday was cry, my eyes so swollen today.  Thinking of trying to get a flight to Phx for tomorrow or Tues, prolly Tues as I have tests tomorrow.  Power of the Prayer, please send some AZ way...I thank you and love you all!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    oh sue, lots of hugs and prayers. safe travels

    cammi- i agree with remember good times and the memories that make you smile, even if your smiling through tears. isn't this the brother that asked the coroner for doctor recommendations for you.but take all the time you need to grieve, there is no set timeline for grieving

    mary-so glad you had a good time, miss nora-bedhairHappy

    nancy-enjoy your trip

    nm - good for you turning down work, taking care of your self is a full time job too

    have a good day ladies,trying to get motivated to do housework

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, up at Oh Dark Hundred again, All the news is the big Blizzard coming inovernight/tomorrow.They're talking a foot or two of snow, but light and fluffy, which is good for clearing but means lousy to no visibility.So I may or may not be going anywhere tomorrow, at least in the ayem.We'll see how it works out.

    Genny--Wow, sounds like you had a great time with the girls and then with Nora, no wonder you vegged out last night!Give the furbabies a hug and go let them run.Good advice for Cammy.Love the morning hair!Great swim up bar!

    Mema--Prayers to you and your niece.And for safe travel.

    Julie--thanks for the support.Good luck with the housework!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Angel's Kiss

    1/4 oz Brandy

    1/4 oz Sloe Gin

    1/4 oz White Creme de Cacao

    1/4 oz Light Cream

    Best served in a Pousse Cafe Glass.


    Pour ingredients carefully, in order given, into a pousse cafe glass so that they do not mix.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2015

    looks like u had fun genny.........................................................................

    cam heres a hug and prayers

    yes dara lets see what they offer

    Hi Goldie

    I cleaned a house big one Friday not good I was down for the weekend but feeling better

    NM we are getting hit big time nor easter coming and yes rest forget work when your asthma is bad


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Mary, by the pic of you and your bf's, you had a pretty good time.  Good for you for trying the surfing pool....I'd fall on my ass.  Used to have good balance but that left when my mind did.  Nora's wakeup mop...too cute.

    Feeling sorry for all you girls in the path of the storm, please stay safe and don't do any unnecessary driving.

    Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.  Decided not to fly to Phx this week.  I was just there in mid-August and decided I'd rather remember her as she was then.  Did get to talk to her on the phone yesterday.  She is determined to fight, she's a trooper for sure.  She said if this aggressive chemo works, might get her a few more years.  Off to LV this morning for tests.  Will spend night at ds's house and come back Tues.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs everyone!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls,

    I had a fantastic time out with my high school friends on Saturday.

    Sending prayers for Sue's neice, such sad news.

    NM and Lara, they are talking up to three feet of snow in NYC. We are supposed to get bombarded here in Kansas too.

    Genny, love the bed hair on Nora, she is sooo cute. Glad you had a great time out with your girls. It is always fun being out dwinking, yeeeeehaaaw!

    Camille, I hope you are not hurting too badly, I know this is a very difficult time to get through. We will all virtually join in for the services for your dear brother.

    Hello to the rest of the girls. It has been so quiet around here. Hope you all have a good day, be safe those out there in the snow. And Julie, send us some warmth and sunshine! I am so over winter.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi again, where is everyone? I got out of work early, we closed at 3pm. It was easy breezy getting home, the snow was supposed to intensify by the rush hour but nothing much yet. We are expecting winds with drifting snow. While this would be jest another day in NM's world, it paralyzed the people of Kansas. lol.

    I jest made myself a drink, gotta sailabrate not working on a monkeydey afternoon!

    sending more cheers and lots of love to all my breasties!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Hiya goils, No new snow here, we got lucky looks like the whole thing is gonna miss us. My DH is in Atlanta for a sales meeting and the company is based in NH with lots of people from Boston and he said everyone's flights are canceled. So glad he has a straight thru flight to Cleveland. I went to orthopedic doc today about my knees. He x-rayed them and said it's arthritis and swimming is the best thing I can do so I better just suck it up and learn to live with it.

    NM, hope you get to keep your power on, this looks like a nasty one coming your way. I know you're used to it but it will still suck if you loose electricity. sounds like you and Sadie are going to get some snuggle time.

    Dara, you are prolly getting hit too that is if it's hitting the east coast of Kansas (wink,wink). Glad the job is going ok and hope you keep your power and get some snow days. ore pics of Lucy and Bella please! Glad you had a good time wif yer friends.

    Sue, so sorry about your niece, damn RB. SO sad, I hope she is comfortable, would just love to hear that she got that miracle...prayers and love and hugs. Good luck with tests, have a nice time at DD's

    Lara, got busy last weekend, hope you do ok, storm looks bad. Glad you're feeling better after cleaning the big house. Hope your power stays on too.

    Cam, thinking about you, hope you and your family are doing as ok as you can be. Hugs to you Cami.

    Julie, sorry about the CEA, could be lotsa reasons besides furb but you already know that. Did I hear you're going back to UK? When?

    Well, DH should be walking in anytime now so I'm gonna go. I'll stop in tomorrow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Hi Ladies just poopin in for a minute.

    SuzyQ I'm sending prayers for u'r cousin, what a nitemare. Hope tests go well.

    Dara good for u'r reunion.

    NM I think u'r seeing the storm, but I don't know who else is---their saying stay in, only necessary vehicles should be on the roads--Please listen everyone who is in this path. We just missed it--but I'm so bad at geography when I was watching I didn't know what states they were pointing to, they just say east coast. Be safe not stuck somewhere.

    I've got some tests Wed--(I forgot) and a Dr's app't friday (I forgot), my brother's service is Thursday afternoon and evening, Jeez u'd think he could have arranged this for Friday so I wouldn't have to go to the Dr. He's still watching over me. I haven't really cried yet just a little weepy, I'm not a crier, I used to be and my sister wasn't, now all she does is cry. We made a bet not long ago as to her will die first, (we're all goofy) and I said me and she said she would be, and we kept on arguing even saying I'll show U I'll die first--then OMG we'were laughing but my brothers were never in that equation

    OK I'm closing for now


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Cami, my sincerest condolences for the loss of your brother. It’s unreal how fast the RB works sometimes. I hope he was able to get to see his children. He sounds like he was a terrific man, and I’m so glad that you and Joey were able to find comfort in each other. The picture on FB of you with Lu and your brother is so sweet, I like your short hair. Sending you lots of love.

    LDB, sending you lots of love too and prayers for your niece that the chemo works. What tests are you having?

    Dara, did you get your surgery date last Friday? And any word from your DD or any news about the baby? Glad you had fun at your little reunion, but I knew you would.

    Mary, I think we all get a bisit from Arthur at some point in time! Nora is adorable, even with her bed head!

    Lala, take it easy there girl. I guess you and PITA are still friends?

    Julie going home for a bisit....wooo hooo!

    Nancy, you must be having a fantastic time girl, so happy for you.

    Hoping everyone stays safe and warm that are in the path of the storm and no electrical outages either. NM, please don’t feel guilty about not going in to work. You did the right thing!!! Just like you said you were going to.

    My TM’s have jumped again. They have pretty much doubled in 6 months, so I’m waiting to hear from my oncs office as to what we will do. I assume I will have to start the chemo pills. I got my labs via email and tell my husband that I will probably have to start the chemo, his comment.....”uh oh”. And that was it. So needless to say, I’m not in too good of a mood. Step daughters wedding is in 2 weeks, she wants me to help with decorating, have everyone to our room after the rehearsal, and she wants me to help with hair for the girls and let everyone get ready in our room as well. Looking into getting on SS disability, as I am entitled. Sue and Cami, do you get disability?


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good Blizzardy morning, Loungettes!The wind is howling, the snow is blowing, it's gonna be a wild and wooly day here.Light fluffy stuff, and the ground is frozen so less chance of power outage, but I'm ready anyway.The Boss decided yesterday to close the office today, so I knew I didn't have to get up.Forgot to tell the alarms, though, they went off anyway!You'd think, in this day and age of technology, that we could come up with alarms that know when you don't have to go to work and not go off at Oh Dark Hundred.

    ORLA--Yup, we're getting the Nor'Easter, started in around 5 ayem, gonna be with us for the day, apparently.Good storm watching, though!

    Mema--No driving for this chicky today.Not even sure I'm going to get dressed today.Praying the chemo works for your niece.Have fun in LV!

    I just got a popup on my computer screen--"Weather Alerter:Intermittant snow today."Yah think?

    Dara--Glad you had fun with your friends.I think it's NY that is wondering if they will break a record for one day snowfall?Not supposed to amount to all that much here, maybe a foot or two.Going to be hard to tell, it's blowing around so much.If you are not used to driving in snow it can be pretty hairy.Not to mention not having the equipment to deal with it!

    Genny--Flights started getting cancelled yesterday 'cuz of the storm.Happens here at the end of the flight lines, they can generally predict what flights won't get through so there won't be planes here for flights out.And since almost every flight from Maine stops in Boston, New York, or Philadelphia, once one of those closes down Maine might as well, too.Whenever I fly in the winter I try to leave a day or two before I need to be somewhere so there is time to deal with stuff like this.Stay warm!

    Cammy--I'm tucked up all snug as a bug in a rug with a Sadie foot warmer.Some people cry, some don't every grieves in their own way.{{{{{Cammy}}}}}}

    Genny--My kind of sink!

    Goldie--S#it 'bout the TMs.Not to mention the timing sucks.Hope you can put that on the back burner for the next couple weeks and enjoy the wedding festivities.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 oz Brandy

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 oz White Rum

    1 oz Irish Cream

    2 scoops Ice Cream

    1 splash Light Cream

    Best served in a Brandy Snifter.


    Pour the brandy, irish cream, coffee liqueur, rum, ice cream and cream into a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into a large brandy snifter, dust with nutmeg, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    lori-double nm's sentiment. @#$%^& frb, i think the bride definitely goes into :it;s all about me mode" and forget the sheer amount of work they are asking someone to do!

    dara,lara,nm-stay warm, i know miss sadie will.sending you all some fl sunshine

    sue -prayers for your niece and her comfort

    cammi-<3,will be thinking of you and your family thursday

    ok need to get some work done,so bbl ladies-have a good day,

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    just a quicky, gotta get my Dad his dinner.

    Lori, my heart is just breaking after hearing your news. That just sucks. Your DH is a typical guy, very insensitive. I would suggest that you talk things over with him and let him know that you are hurt by his response or lack thereof. He could have said that he loved you and will stand by you. I hope you can tell him that he hurt you. You also might have a word with your step daughter and let her know that you are overwhelmed by all that she is expecting of you. I will be praying so very hard for you. Sending you some huge hugs and love. I jest love you so much, this hurts me. Feel free to call me if you need or want to chat to someone who will lend a sympathetic ear. To answer your questions, I have not yet talked to my DD nor have I seen my sweet grandson in over a month. I know hurt and it is not fun. My surgery date is Feb 10, less than two weeks. I have not yet told my boss. But I worry that the bitch back up boss may have overheard my telephone call to my primary care doc to scheduled the preop testing. I already went in yesterday for the EKG and they are able to use the blood work I got done last week so I am set.

    I will poop back after dinner and talk to the rest of you lovely girls. I love you all so much and hate when things do not go right. Life sucks as they say and whoever "they" are should be sent to the swamp. Jest sayin'

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Hi Ladies---

    Oh Lori I'm so sorry, this damn disease, I want u to feel better s badly and have the meds control everything, This just sucks. And how are u going to enjoy the wedding if u have all these responsibilities? I'd be exhausted, I hope u can get of this part.

    Oh my brother was home in IL all this time, he never would stay in FL for the winter he's come home once a month for like a week so he could see everyone and or any Holiday So he was with his kids a lot and we were going to see him the day he died, my other brother is still in FL and can't fly now cuz of the sepsis and can barely walk, but he is actually getting better but he feel terrible about not being here. When in FL they bought homes just blocks away from each other so they could always golf together.

    NM I loved the way u said u'l only get about  a foot of snow, just stay in--that's all.

    Julie when are u leaving?

    Well this is a good time for a vacation of any kind now so I hope everyone is having a good time and a lot o planes have been cancelled at O'Hara til Thurs. at least so all these people are trying to get home in the east and there is no way. That's a shame.

    Oh Dara u still haven't seen the baby" This is so unfair to u and u'r baby. I hope u' DD comes to her senses very soon.

    Do u gals realize everytime u close u'r post u always say Wel I have work (housework) to do---Chit I never say that. LOL

    LUBS, LUBS LUBS u all

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Ok, mese is back. I had to proposition our tenders and wenches and get a mani/pedi, mese hairs done, a massage and some hot sex hehe.

    Cam, so sweet that your family is so tight. I feel so bad for you going through everything you are right now. Thanks for your hopes and prayers for Logan and for my relationship with my DD, goes for all of mese goils. Like you, I am not a cryer. But I do break at funerals/memorial services. That is when reality hits me. I hope the service is as beautiful as your dear brother is to you. Love you.

    I am a bit dwunk right now. I did not dwink more dan two but added mese vitamin V, dat is for valium. So foygive mese if I missing sumbody.

    Genny, love your new sink, how can I get mine to dispense JD? So glad that your issues are arthur-itis. I will try to get some pics of the doggies for you all.

    NM, I also cracked up at you talking about jest a few feet of snow. Sorry your alarm clock was stoooopid and went off at fu*k o'clock. I am glad you stayed put tonight.

    Lori, listen to Cam and see if you can get out of some of the wedding duties. Be honest and do not feel that you are letting anyone down. It is jest too much pressure to do so much right now. I am trying to come to terms with the tumor marker elevation and think that you should focus on the fact that you are feeling good. You can go many years and keep on keeping on feeling good. Love to you, more love.

    Julie, it will not be long now til you with M I C K E Y, woo hooo! Hoping that work is going well and not as much chaos.

    I have to get to bed, have been up tooo late this week and still recovering from my three hours sleep on saturdey night. I wuz so tankful that we had a delayed opening at work today.

    wishing you all sweet dreams and good health, happiness and puppy kisses or sumting like that. I am zapped, so tired of it all and so tired too. I go now.

    Love you all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!A bit over a foot of snow here, give or take, it drifted so much it's hard to measure.Waiting to get plowed out and for my road to be plowed.School cancelled in the area due to the amount of snow and not cleaned up enough to get around really safely just yet. Shouldn't take long now, though.Power never went out this time.I'm not sure if it blinked once or if I just dreamed that.Poor Sadie is up to her belly in snow, not that it seems to bother her much!I did make a batch if snow ice cream, was yummy!Would you believe the post office cancelled mail delivery for most of Maine yesterday?I think this is the first time I've heard of this happening.

    Juliet--Brides do go into "all about me" mode, but then it is her big day.Still, need to be aware of what's going on with the people around you.Looking for the Florida sunshine!

    Dara--Good to have a date for surgery, Bad to need more surgery.Hope miss biotch back up boss didn't overhear, but if she did, she really can't do anything about it without opening up the business to all kinds of ADA and other violations.

    Cammy--Your family is going through so much right now.I am praying for all of you.I did stay in, and will stay in until both my drive and my road have been plowed.Which will be pretty soon, now, there will be enough daylight to see well in a half hour or so, everyone will be out in force then.I feel bad for everyone who's stranded in airports and such.It's going to take some time to clear out, I'm sure.The Bangor International Airport didn't close, but had no flights coming in or going out, so might as well have been closed, except that it's the easternmost US airport big enough to handle overseas flights if there is a need for an emergency landing, which does happen from time to time.

    Dara--Hmm, did we ever decide where to put the Lounge Beauty Shop?I think we need full time Mani-Pedi and Hair dressers.I'll stick with Pants for the best massages, though.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Golden Blizzard

    2 shots Peppermint Schnapps

    2 shots Goldschlager

    1 1/2 cups Eggnog

    Best served in a Mason Jar.


    Add the shots of goldschlager and peppermint schnapps to a mason jar, then fill with eggnog.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    NM, I won't be enjoying the wedding too much as the step daughter has asked daddy to help pay, to the tune of $5000+ because they can't afford it. Not sure what he has put forth, but I WILL find out! Glad you and Sadie got an extra fun cuddle day at home. Was it a paid day?

    Julie, the bride has people do for her any chance she can. She is quite large and not very healthy due to her weight, her fiance does all the cooking and cleaning and I've even seen him put her shoes on and tie them for her. Don't get me wrong, I do love her.

    Dara, I don't think my DH was being insentitive, I really don't think he knows what to say or do. He did ask me yesterday if there was anything he could do or say, gave me a hug and said "you want to be held don't you". I'm sure it's just as scary for him, if not worse. Seeing so many people die from this rat basturd of a disease, you see how it affects both the patient and care givers. I too hope your DD comes to her senses soon. This is just all so horrible and I can not even imagine. Do you think she is hurting over all of this, or just going along with it all?

    Cami, not much I can do about the wedding stuff, and if I start chemo before the wedding and feeling sick, I will tell her I'm not up to it. I hope your brother will not beat  himself up over not being able to see his brother. I had to look up sepsis, did not know what that was. I hope you are doing ok. I believe Julie will be in DW on Feb. 5 and the UK is sometime in March.

    Oh yuck NM, over a foot of snow. Hoping you can have a late starting day, so they can get the roads plowed and safe for driving. Love the Golden Blizzard! Good info for Dara on the boss lady over hearing her conversation about surgery and that she should keep her mouth shut.

    Well, who else got snow besides NM? None here!

    My main concern of these chemo pills are the SE's. The big D, hand/foot syndrome, sores that can come about in the vagina and mouth, along with the nausea and fatigue! I think I'll head over to that new Salon here at The HTL!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Lori u are a trooper and I think too u'r DH said that in the thinking of scared mor than anything, cuz it always sounds like u 2 are very close.I thought of eons ago about a wedding, if we couldn't afford it ourselves forget it, it was a struggle but somehow we managed, of course it ended and I wish I just had the money, but that's the way it was. I do know everything is diferent now so it's just so hard to pay for everything with a wedding. Now listen---if u feel like u can't handle it all please tell u'r DH he will step in for you. Nothing is as important as u are. (((HUGS)))

    NM u will be riding around today--Jeez I wouldn't be, that's or sure. LOL I can picture Sadie in the snow, they are so funny. Like the DOTD today. I still didn't get my Schnapps, I have to go out today maybe today.

    Oh Dara I realize that u'r boss can't really do anything I she heard u, but u still want to keep these things quiet.

    OK one of my silly stories--Many years ago at an Italian wake the wife had to wail her emotions thru out the whole service because that showed respect, which cracked me up more was there were about 3 or 4 women HIRED to also be crying out loud and saying Oh to young--that would give the wife a break to talk to people And I it was a man who lost his wife they still hired women to moan and groan thruout the whole service and everyone knew this--Italians were always a little out there. My Parents didn't do that for my dad's mom cuz as he put it, he wasn't that crazy about her and he thought all that stuff was stupid. Oh well.

    OK I don't have housework to do but I have to pick out what I'm going to wear tomorrow, they're all dusty so I have to wash them probably. LOL


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls!

    It is tooo quiet in here today, mese no like quiet. Come on all, let's partay!!

    Lori, I am glad that your hubby is supporting you, sorry that I or assumed that he was insensitive. How sweet that he knew you needed to be held. I am praying for you and also thinking about you a lot. I have a feeling that you are going to beat the rat basturd and show IT who is boss. I wish I could come and deliver a big hug to you in person. And I think that my DD is probably hurting more than I am. She is obviously being controlled by SD. And she has suffered the greatest lost with losing her own baby. I can only pray that she stops doing what the SD wants in isolating her family and her friends.

    Camille, I will be tinking about you tomorrow, hope it is a good day for you. I know it is tolling for you to get out of the house. I pray that you have the strength and feel well enough to make it through the service and the after-celebration of your brothers life. I hate that your other brother will not make it but I am sure the family understands. Sending more prayers to you and your family. Your story about the hired Italians just cracked me up, lady. You are soooo funny. I jest love how you are able to find humor during such a painful time. I like the way you roll, lady. Try to behave tomorrow Happy

    NM, did you ever get to work today? It is amazing how quickly the crews can clear the roads these days as compared to years ago when just six inches of snow would paralyze an area for days. I remember when we had three feet of snow in the early 90's. Everything closed for 2-3 days. Now it seems that the road crews have figured out how to cut that time in half or more. I am glad that Sadie does not mind dragging her tummy across the snow.

    Julie, jest a week to go and you will be ho'ing around Disney, sweet. The time has gone so fast. Before you know it, you will be there. I envy that you can do outdoorsy tings all year round. I just hate the cold weather more and more with each passing day. I would miss the change of seasons if i moved south but hell, I would not miss the long winters year after year after year, oh hail no. I hope all else is well for you.

    Well I am tired tonight, I have felt like going to bed for the last hour. It is not even 9pm yet, that is crazy! This working crud is tiring, to say the least. I am typing with mese eyes closed, really having a hard time keeping them open.

    Hello to Sue, Genny, Lara and Nancy along with any other goils I mighta missed. I blame it on Jack iffen I missed sumeone important. And ou are all important to mese heart. Sweet dreams, loungettes!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    good morning all,should not have to get up this early on my day off! staff meeting 0730amBawling
