how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good chilly morning, Loungettes!Winter wonderland time here, except that it's 11 below the donut.Very chilly.But very pretty.We now have 54 minute of extra daylight, I notice the sky was still a bit light on the way home from work at 5 pm last night!Yeah!

    Goldie--Yes, it was a paid day, cause of the weather.Doesn't happen often!Sounds like an expensive wedding to me, but then I've never planned one so I have no idea what is a typical wedding budget these days.It must be really hard for DH's, watching what their wives are going through with the rat b@st@rd.The office didn't open until 9 am yesterday to give us all a chance to get cleared out.I have a rule, I do not leave home until my road andmy driveway are plowed.Yesterday that was almost my usual time for leaving for work, only half an hour later than usual.That's a nasty list of SE's.Hoping you are on the other end of the bell curve and don't get any of them.

    Cammy--actually the roads were in pretty good shape yesterday.You do have to slow down, but I have no problem with that.I irritate other drivers, I'm sure, cuz I only go as fast as is safe for me and my car.But I pull over and let the crazies go past as often as I can.Sadie is funny with her jumping sort of run through the snow until she gets a path worn down.In the drifts the snow is as tall as she is!Hiring women to moan and wail at a funeral?Sounds odd to me, but if that's the norm there. Funny about your Dad not doing that for his Mom!

    Dara--Yup, did get to work yesterday.Not too different from a usual day for me.The road clearing system really does work well here, and I know they will be out winging back the snow and getting ready for tomorrow's storm. Looks like I'll get to use the snowshoes this year after all!

    Julie--staff meeting on day off is NOT FAIR!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    After the Storm

    1 1/2 cl Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur

    1 cl Coffee Liqueur

    1 cl Irish Cream

    4 cl (hot) Coffee

    1 tsp Cream

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Build into a suiting glass, with no ice. Cream on top if wanted. Served directly.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2015

    Hi everyone

    Goldie u r in my prayers, its hard for a significant other to see you go through all this crap, my friend has every symptom now.I thought  a bmx???? Sry to ask I just can not understand how  all this happened heres a hug

    saw my new PS she is amazing and works with cancer of hope Ithinkgod wish I started with her finally the pain is being caused by my left implant now sideways into my armpit

    and I have a mono boob going on there was a medical term uni boob I mean I have no separation the implants are so big the last PS said it was because I was fat nope its the implant she has lypo on the sides she cant even fathom the tat she will cut that out she said it might not help the pain but understands why I am in pain and hopefully we can correct what that idiot did to me

    My pain doc can fk herself to shes says oh you should not b in pain the new PS said omg how have u been living like this thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    I new something was wrong surgery in april

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    good Mornin Ladies.

    NM wow when we get snow like that we too take at least 1 full day when nothing moves, no work, no school--sometimes 2, like last year, but u'r state is really on time with that, I guess that's good.

    Dara I'm sorry u were alone in here last nite, I was on the stupid phone a lot--I never really was on the computer, Hell I haven't even started to aggravate the new Governor yet--I'm kind enough to let him get acclimated to his new position then I attack. But u'r working today, it's got to be hard to get in that groove again.

    Lori I purposely put a picture o my2 brothers and my sister on my FB for u. Now here's why--when my sister was first DX with stage IV bone mets the first 2 yrs were up and down and all over the place, it was always what now and then they didn't have the shot so a nurse would come to her house and take blood and vitals and give her a bag of something and she'd ache a little and always more tests and trying to get things settled down, well after about 2 yrs they did and then she started the shots once a month, now it's every three months and all is going well---so that pic was especially for you to know it can be all right--she was DX in 2007---so I pray the same for you. (((HUGS)))

    My sister-in-law called me rom FL last nite, just to talk to me--believe me that doesn't happen often--she's really thinks are whole family is goofy as hell but she always loved me-LOL and I'm the goofiest and she did care about my parents, well anyway she was giving me a kind of pep talk to tell me not t overdo this and if I can't stay for the full time to go home, no one will say anything and Mike wouldn't mind at all. She's actually worried about me--whoa, but I told her I was certainly going to try.--Then my sister calls and says her knee is really acting up and she's limping like crazy and I said my back won't let me straighten up--so u know how they have double strollers or kids we wanted double walkers, which of course we never saw,--then of course we thought it was a good idea for twins, then we thought we're both stupid. Oh well.

    Well today will come and go and I'm waiting or it to be over--this is hurting me so bad, I still can't believe it. Oh well. Oh Joey said to me I'll stick close to u mammaw so if u need me we'll be there for each other.

    OK I'll close for now.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Cami, my previous marriage was much like yours, if we couldn't afford it, we didn't have it. We had a very small wedding and everything was fine. Of course mine ended too! DH came to me and said he hasn't said much cuz he didn't know what to say and he was trying to be strong for me. I told him I needed him to hold me, tell me he loves me and he will be by my side. Get that dang Schnapps girl! OMG, hiring women to wail at funerals? That's cray cray!! May your day go well today, I too am thinking of you as you celebrate your brothers life. Joey is just too sweet, of course he will be there by your side.

    Dara, is DD talking to her daddy? Can you get anything from him? I still can't believe you have no rights as a grand parent....are you SURE?

    Julie, having to get up early on your DAY OFF to go to WORK! Not fair at all.

    NM, I too am enjoying the more day light! And looking forward to the hummingbirds coming, but that isn't until the first of April. NOT looking forward to the allergies that are coming in the next month or so!  I know you wait until your road and driveway are plowed, good girl! I too am hoping not to have too many SE's. I did pretty good with the other chemos. I'll have to ask how long I have to be on them. Not looking forward to the hair thinning, my hair has gotten so thin over the last 6 months. I might have to look into getting some of that biotin (sp).

    Lara, are you asking if I should get a BMX? If so, it's too late for that. The cancer is spreading,  currently in my bones. So much like Sue, a MX would not do anything. Thanks for the hug and don't ever be sorry for asking a question, no matter how personal, k? Jumping for joy for you and the new surgeon! Praying you get bixed up and rid of the pain.

    OMG Cami, giving the new Gov. a break before you attack him. We will have to get you on....oh shoot, can not think what it's called. When the government hides and protects you, you know what I mean? So sweet of you to put that picture up for me...awwwwww. You are so special to me, thank you. But it only has one brother in the picture, not the 2 of them. Still a lovely photo, I love it.

    Going to town today and to the movies. Going today cuz we are suppose to get rain tomorrow and it will be too muddy to get out. So HUGS to everyone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Dara, meant to comment on your getting out of the speeding ticket with your boobs. Could not comment on FB like we can here! If that cop new what they REALLY looked like, he would have let you go also! Or did you flash him and he felt sorry for you and let you go? Glad you didn't get a ticket chica.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    ATTENTION---Both my sister nd I just got the big D at the same time--we're falling apart here, both of us know this is no doubt nerves this time--So we're trying to figure how we're going to get thru this---we're bringing a change o clothes and a few Depends and wipes--that's all we can do--and o course the bathroom is a little bit of a walk. This is insane. We both took doube amount of pills--And we're both going take take more before we leave. This sucks.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    NM – wow, that is incredibly cold. I could not bare those temps. Glad that your town/city/village people (lol, not the village people that sing) were able to get everything plowed out so quickly for you to get to work and not use too much valuable time. I am noticing that extra day light too and loving it. Time changes in just over a month, it is March 8 so lemme do the math….tinking tinking tinking tinking ~ getting mese quackulator tinking tinking ~ make that time changes in jest uh uh waita minute, tinking tinking punching the buttons and walaa 1+28+8= 37 days, woohoo!

    Lori – I sure hope you have a good time at the wedding. I think you really will. It has to be especially nice for you to get out and be amonst people you love and for those you do not love, you git to makes fun of dem. Well that is what I do. I had a word with myself today at work regarding mese meannesses. I saw a woman who is much younger than mese and I say to myself she look like a _____ (I will not say the word cuz the mods mighten git mad). But it is a primate animal and not nice to tink that way. It is jest that this woman is more successful than thyness and I mighten be jailous. Anyway, back to YOU…Cammy is right,  you gonna live a good and healthy life for a long long time. Her sis is an example and our own Chrissy B is another. These goils jest keep plugging away at life as if this RB is not in the way, you will not let it git in your way either. I tink the hardest part has to be with acceptance of what is. It must be so hard to absorb. So you go and have a splendid, make that ubber awesome time at that million dollar wedding.

    Lara, sooo happy that you found a PS that understands. I have seen your unifoob and could see the redness of the painful areas. So glad you are now able to git it bixed.  You deserve to live without all of this pain, especially when there is something that can be done about it.  Your team of doctors has definitely let you down. Hang in there lil sis, you will be feeling like your old dern self soon!

    Cammy – how very sweet of you to post those pics for Lori’s sake. You are always thinking of everyone else, you always so sweet. And I crack up when tinking back to when you told us all you were boring. I believed you. I saw the post on facebook honoring your dear brother, it was very touching. And he is just so handsome. I can see the resemblance, no doubt, you are a great looking family. And how sweet of our own Joey tailing you that he will stick with you. I love that he calls you memaw, I remember you tailing us how that came to be, him saying that you are like his mom and his grandmom so memaw came to mind. Aw, give that little man a kiss and a hug from me.  I will be thinking about you tonight and hope that you and your sister are able to get through it with ease. I am praying that you are able to get through this painful time.

    Julie, sorry you had to be up early for your day off, I tink that was yesterday. That is just wrong. Well at least you were not drug outtava warm bed and forced to go out into a frozen world. I wish I could be there or that you could really send some sun and warmth here. We are gitting some snow tonight and now more predicated for the weekend. Waaaaaaa, I wanna be a Florida goil, at least in de winter. I guess that would mean I am a wannabe snowbird : )

    Well I am going to get back to work. I still have zero clients, jest assisting others and gitting up to speed. Well not really up to speed, tht will have to wait. I will check back tonight to see if any  of my bwesties have reported. Missing you MIA goils, please report or we will send the search partays to git you and bwing ye all in.

    I get to work now, well that is what it is called. I get paid so that is alright with me!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    oh Cam, I bumped ya right into the bathroom, sooo sorry! I hope and pray that the nerves settle down and the D is outta there. You poor dear, sending you both hugs.

    Lori, that post was fake. It was for breast cancer awareness, I am supposed to send everyone that commented or liked something stupid to post. But too many people commented/liked for me to do that. And since I am totally aware of breast cancer every day, I should be exempt from playing the game properly. It is not a game, right? Remember the year we put our shoe size and another year the color of our undies or sumething? It is all explained in a PM. I can copy the choices from home but would rather not since one talks about having the big D and that is no joke either. I will explain better when at home.

    Gottsta fly, tootles!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Been away a few days, just been overwhelmed.  My tests went ok (MRI’s brain & spine), see doc for results Monday.  Niece going down hill.  No more chemo, she is in hospice being, hopefully, kept comfortable.  After much stress and worry I decided to buy a plane ticket for my brother so he could hopefully see his daughter again.  Told him he has to figure out tranpo and sleeping arrangements.  I feel much more relieved now.  My nephew (also in Boise area), got a plane ticket from my DS (bless his heart), so father/son will fly together tonight.  I’m relieved about that as DB just got a fistula in his arm this past Monday.  He does 3 hrs dialysis 3x week, but found a place in Mesa just a few blocks from hospice.  I still worry about all the germs on that plane and his weakened immune system, but hey, I did tell him to carry sani-wipes and anti-bac hand rub.  Hope he does.  OK enuf of my chit.

    Lowee - omg I’m devastated about this poss chemo.  I didn’t kno the pill form has as many similar se’s.  R u up for this wedding???  Under ur current stressful situation I agree with Dara that you might talk to her and have her bring additional help on board.  I kno you feel obligated, or think u do, but u must think of yourself and health 1st.   I think u should apply for disability, I didn’t because my insurance wud drop me and then after 2 years I’d b forced to go on Medicare, thus losing my current insurance so not worth it for me yet.

    NM - been sending prayers your way that you don’t lose power and can stay safe and warm.

    Julie, Lara, Mary, Nancy…..I LOVE YOU n MISS YOU

    As I do all my girls….but now I must go tie on a good one!!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    oh wonderful you got on so well with your new doc lara

    lori-kudos to hubby , here's to minimal side effects.

    dara-you go girl,glad you got out of your speeding ticket

    cammi-i hope you got to celebrate your brothers life today, .joey is such a thoughtful young man

    ok need to get some paperwork done taxes and checking up on my passport

    ps will turn into a smuggler in april,sod hersheys i'll bring a suitcase back with real cadbury' to dw next thursday

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    wow for some reason dara ,sue and cammi your posts just popped up, it was 47f this morning and dark when i had to go into work, i was taking my sweater on and off through out the meeting, at least we had bagels and cheese

    sue-prayers for your niece and your family and safe travels for them too

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Julie, Julie JULIE, do you really think I am going to feel sorry for you that it was cool this morning for ya? haha, just kidding. It is all relative. It is snowing here now. One week girl, so furcited for you!

    Mema, sending prayers for your dear niece, FURB!!!! Give your brother a hug from me when you see him. It is so wrong to lose a child. And is it wrong to lose anyone to the FNRB. FURB I said, FURB, I is screaming at de top of mese lungs. ((((Sue))). I am praying for good results on your tests. Glad all went well.

    I just posted a few pics of Lucy on facebook. She was a bad girl tonight, she was so hyper. She was biting Bella, she was biting on my socks, my pants, my Dad's shoelaces, she did not want to bite on her toys. She was in rare form tonight. I had to simply show her her toys to make her stop. Here are the pics. Doesn't she look guilty?



    Lucy has sure grown, I used to be able to pick her up with one hand but not anymore. Her widdle snout is growing too, she is looking more and more like a dachshund. I will record some video and more pics when I am not working which is jest six more bidness days, woohoooooooo!

    Thinking about ya Camille and praying for peace in your families hearts. I know this is a rough night, the toughest one of it all. I love you girl. And give my love to your family as well. xoxoxoxo

    Peace girls and some cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015


    and this one is for Mary who has asked for pics of them both. I love how they snuggle together ♥

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!No snow yet, but some schools are cancelling all ready.Some early dismissals planned, too.Shouldn't be a problem until afternoon, and I'm thinking I can get home early today.We'll see how it works out.

    ORLA--so they finally find a reason for the pain!About time.Glad the new PS is a good one. Wish I could see the look on the pain doc's face when she finds out there is a cause for the pain AND a solution!

    Cammy--We do have practice dealing with snow, so the bigger storms are really just more of the same, just lasts a bit longer and takes a bit longer to clear out.And once you learn how to drive in snow, and learn to slow down, it's not too bad most of the time.The big problem are the people in pickups who think they can still go 70 mph in the snow and slush and get irritated with people like me who only go as fast as is safe for me and my car.Those idiots keep ending up in the ditch and slowing the rest of us down! So sweet of your SIL to call you like that.And Joey is just sweet.

    Goldie--Your poor DH, he must have been hit hard by the news.Glad he could talk to you about it.And glad he will be by your side.The more daylight is great, I can't wait to see more of it in the mornings.But I'll take it in the eveneings!

    Cammy--so not fair to get the D at this time!But you are doing all you can.

    Dara--Ugh, time change.Do not like time changes. Upsets the bodily systems.Especially the Spring Forward one.Oh well,what is, is.Much warmer this ayem, 20 degrees above the donut.Much better.

    Mema--How wonderful that your brother will get to see his daughter and has someone to travel with, and your nephew can see his sister.Power stayed on, been safe and toasty cuddling with Sadie, so your prayers worked!

    Julie--good for you bringing back real Cadbury's!Hmmm, I can join you in the illegal importing and have you ship me some, that will spread out the culpability if anyone gets caught!

    Dara--Lucy does look guilty, but who could stay mad at that adorable face!Looks like they keep each other warm, too.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Church Lady Martini

    2 oz Gin

    1 oz Dry Vermouth

    1 oz (fresh) Orange Juice

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Pour the gin, vermouth and orange juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon, lime and orange peels, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls, oh boy I have a lot of reading to do. DH was gone all week and I was working and had dogs and was just busy. He got home last night and now he's getting a cold. I'm leaving in 15 minutes to get Nora for the night. Was supposed to leave an hour ago but it's snowing a bit and blowing so I'm waiting till sunrise. DS worked till 4 ayem and DIL left at 7 for work. She is working next 3 days, 10 hrs/day with a dentist to assist in checking the soldiers mouths before they are deployed. She's getting $19/hour but will be busy all weekend. She's very nervous about it. DS will have to have sleep interrupted till I get there. As for me I'm doing great. No time to play ketcup but wanted to let you know I'm alive and well.

    Special yell out to Lori and Cami. Love you girls, you're in my prayers!! ((Lori)).... ((Cami))

    Try and pop in if I can later..

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Oh Cami, the dreaded D for both you and Lu, I'm so sorry and I hope everything went smoothly yesterday. NO PUN INTENDED.

    Nuttin like a wacko with a quackulator, you wore me out wif all dat tinking and den, I don't even change time. As for me, I think the hardest part is the fact that that I feel so damned good! And I have to start a medicine that is going to make me sick, or has the potential to make me sick. Maybe you could go see Lara's doc??? LMAO, so you did NOT get out of a speeding ticket? You did not even get pulled over....ok, I get it now and NO the RB is not a joke! Oh, I'm so glad you weren't speeding and getting pulled over.

    LDB, I am so so very sorry about your neice, and she had such high hopes. And so awesome that her dad and brother are going to be able to see her. I know this weighs HEAVY on your heart. This chemo pill, I believe, is the same one that Beans took. And as for the wedding, believe you me, I will NOT do anything that I am not up to. Which really wouldn't be I mighten even make a doctors appt for that day! Hope you got to tie on a good one and aren't paying for it dis ayem! Praying for all good things to come Monday.

    Lucy is def. guilty, look at that face! And oh so coot too. Awwww, love the snuggle one.

    NM, I too was that slow driver in the snow, but most of my travel to work (in Michigan) was on the freeway and the big semi's drive like it's no big deal too and I was always afraid one would plow into the back of me, or come up on me and have to swerve into the next lane to avoid me and jack knife or something.

    Mary, nuttin better than a Nora day! Do you get her all weekend? Hoping you and her don't get what DH is coming down with. While we were in Laughlin, the cocktail waitress that we hang with said she had been sick as well as most of the employees, as there was something going around. DH and I thought for sure we would come home sick, but we didn't!

    Last night I was thinking about how life is now, and how it can change by taking this chemo pill, and I'm wondering if I would be stupid to pass on this? I am gonna go from feeling absolutely normal to feeling sick (most likely). Or maybe give it a try and if it's too bad, just quit. I also need to find out how long I have to take this stupid pill, well 7 of them! And what he thinks I might have if I refuse. Anyways, saw The Boy Next Door. Got off to a sorta slow start, but got good. If you remember the older movie "Play Misty For Me" with Clint Eastwood, it was sort of the same theme as that. It's raining here, quite a bit and suppose to continue through tomorow, so it's muddy mess out here. Glad we went to town yesterday!

    Bellying up to the bar the church funny does that sound!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    nm pm me your address and i'll send you some illicit chocolate begining of may

    sue and cammi-thinking of you all today

    have fun mary

    so tired tonight, early night called for

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Lori, ma dear, I worry that you will WORRY yourself sick. You did so well with your treatments. And you feel good now which is great. I have a feeling that you will still feel reasonably well even after the chemo pills. I hate that you are in such fear of feeling bad. That fear will make you feel sick in other ways and possibly feed your cancer. My suggestion to you, and only a suggestion because I love you so, is to try the prozac. I have told you before but will say it again. It helps sooo much more than depression. It helps with anger and with fear. And if it does not work, what do you have to lose? It is not like effexir where it is hell getting back off of it. Please, do yourself a favor and try it. It is not a sign of weakness, k? I jest love you and care about you, you worry me. I can't have you make yerself sick with worry! oK, GETTING OFF mese soapbox now. I hope the rains have moved out.

    NM, we had a snow squall today and it was wild. When I got out of work, the sun was just setting but it was like a blizzard. A cold front was moving in and we got a good inch of snow in a half hour. I could not see ten feet in front of me driving today. So sweet of Julie to offer to smuggle the good chocolate to you. I hope you have a super weekend with Sadie, stay warm and cozie, you two!!

    Julie, do not go to bed yet, I need someone to partay with mese! I am a partay aminal tonight. I am furcited as I finally told my boss about my upcoming surgery. I did not have the balls to wait until next week. She was kind about it. Hey, jest six more days til you be ho'ing again, take lots of pics. I know you will, you are good at that type of thing.

    Where is Nancy, I thought she would be back by now. Please do not make me send mese search crew to find ya Nanc!

    Mary, thanks for checking in. No need to read back either, just pull up a stool and partay. How sweet of your DIL to help with our deployed soldiers, wish her all the best. Please post some pics of Nora, she is growing up tooo fast. Seems like she was jest an infant jest yesturdey!

    Cam, thinking of you today and wondering how everything went. I sure hope that the D went away for you and Lu too. You poor goils, so sad that you have to go through this crud. Hoping you are both feeling better. Please check in when you have a chance. I am sure you are drained.

    I got some jello shots here and I am sharing with everyone, come on in and partay with mese! I am lonely again. Playing my sad fiddle hehe! ok, that'st it for now, I willl spare you all a novel dis evening.

    cheers, wishing you all a happy and healthy weekend!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2015

    Hi girls, just spent the last half hour reading to get caught up. Nora is sleeping, she was ready to go at 8:15 but I kept her awake till 9. She was so tired. I am keeping her till Sunday morning as it turns out. Sunday afternoon may bring 7 or more inches of snow here, which will be our biggest one so far this year. Temps in the single digits tonight...brrr. I am sick of it as well. Can't keep my eyes open, not able to catchup now but soon. Love you girls, see ya later

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    dude-ettes, I am dwunk.

    das all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2015

    Good snowy morning Loungettes.Snowing up a storm again.Haven't been out to measure yet, got to do that soon.Winter seems to have found us!

    Genny--Good money for your DIL!And good for you to have Nora for a while.SIL will ketchup on his sleep quickly enough.Have fun!

    Goldie--I hear you about the semis on the Interstate.I get so annoyed at all the times I hear about staying far enough back from them to be seen in their mirrors, but they will ride on my back, bumper, so close I know they can't stop if I have to brake suddenly,wait until the last possible inch before pulling over to pass, then pulling in so close in front of me that I have to brake to avoid getting hit or running into the back of the thing.But if I hit the truck it will be MY fault for following too close!

    Julie--PM me your address and I'll send you some $ to spend on chocolate and shipping!

    Dara--Yeah the snow squalls that come with the arctic fronts are interesting to drive in.At least they don't last long, but they can sure dump the snow!Good thing it's generally light fluffy stuff.

    Genny--don't worry about playing ketchup, just jump in where you are!Enjoy Nora!More pics, please?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Saturday Night Special

    1 oz Bourbon

    1 bottle Bacardi Breezer Orange

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Pour Jack Daniel's whiskey into a pint glass. Add Bacardi Breezer and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2015

    Julie, why does it take so long to smuggle chocolate? Are you packing for DW and who goes with you?

    Oh me o my o, what a quiet night in de lounge. Looks like everyone passed out early with Nora.

    Dara, I have thought about the Prozac a couple of times. I'm not depressed so much now, but I AM a worry wart. Always have been. This disease just takes over your life, and I'm constantly "well what if...". But the thing is, no one can answer any of the questions we have, they can only go by "statistics". I axed you earlier if you have talked to your baby daddy, and iffin he knows anything. You did not answer, so I tink you dwunk and foygot.

    Sue and Cami, sending you both hugs and lots of love and prayers.

    Mary, sorry about all that snow. We have actually had another mild winter, this makes 2 years in a row, so I shaint complain.

    Nancy is back on dry land, welcome home girl. I hope you had a mahvelous time and we can't wait to hear about it. Perhaps we could all meet at the swim up bar, have drinks and appetizers and listen to you tell all about it.

    Tis the weekend and NM and Sadie and snuggled and sleeping in. Oops, not anymore and I almost bumpdid you into the pool. You and the DW are cracking me up about this chocolate smuggling. I have the utmost respect for truck drivers, my ex was one and I had many trucker friends back in the day I had a CB radio, but some can certainly be idiots!

    I see we have a Saturday Night Special for our DOTD, but we can have these too whilst we listen to Nancy tell us about her trip. OR....we can have them tomorrow.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--I've been thinking about all of u.

    SusyQ tell us Monday what the Dr. says, we all have to know.

    Lori I too (like DARA) worry about u worrying, I think she's right about adding another med to what u'r already taking, I know Prozc helps a lot of people, I take Paxal it is actually not for all depression it is for anxiety and stress which I can tell the difference since I've taken it. None of this is easy to take, but If it helps take it, please. It might help u more than u think. And BTW I LOVE how to talk to DARA--u always crack me up.

    Dara u'r furbabies are precious, and I love how they cuddle too. I'm praying or u too girl always===I just hurt for u with u'r DD and u'r baby. And now u have more surgery coming up--lots going on.

    Well my sister and I OD'd on pills so we were OK. My brother's service was very moving, but to many people, it's hard to talk to our own family. Now we were the only wake going on and the place was packed and I was talking to people I didn't even know, o course--I don't like that--so I was kind of staying away a little. And as Italian, u have to have loads of food, my GF was so kind to send lots of Pizza and salad in my name and they came and talking to them made things better cuz we could really talk, my sister as I said was working the room (ho) And then Leslie sees body guards there and thinks it's mafia, this DD of mine--Marty said if u watch the news u'r know who these people are, then I thought why do they go to wakes with Bodyguards, it kind of scares people--One of Mike's riends was crying so hard we had to console him--It still was surreal, cuz he had already been cremated and wasn't there. I did get to spend time with my 2 nephews ex-wives who I always loved and don't get to see them anymore, instead now I see their new wives and both are--well let's just say neither one of them was ever thinking with their brain in their heads and I really think they're sorry now. I'm feeling so hazy and sad and why I still want to solve this puzzle does no good now and yet I do.  He's the 3rd person that has had Thyroid cancer that I know that within 3 yrs had all kinds all over--Don't these Drs. know this. See this thinking is of no use now  and I know it. And Joey was never far from me, that made me feel better.

    My kids went shopping last nite for a new TV or Joey--which he saved for--it's like 28, 0r 29 in. And he's so proud that he saved.

    I want u all to know ILUBS U, .

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2015

    Camille, good to see you and glad everything went as well as can be. Who is this third person you referred to that has thyroid cancer? I am sorry you are having to deal with this. Glad you and your sister were able to socialize and take lots of drugs to keep you girls comfy.

    Lori, the chocolate for NM is coming from the UK, Julie is going in April so that is why it takes so long lol. You are definitely blond hehe! I am a worry wart as well, worry about everything. I really really think you should give the prozac a shot, it is good medicine. Before it came in generic, I used to pay big bucks for it, it was that good. It helps so much with anxiety. Ok, I sound like a broken record. To answer your question, my baby Jennika's Daddy does see her and tries to talk sense into her. She just tells him she needs time. Whatever! It has been a freaking month and I miss her face. I have never not talked to her this long, have never had a disagreement of this nature. ugh.

    NM, hope you are all warm and snuggly with Sadie. Good for you having another weekend off. You often push yourself too hard. I guess you are feeling better? Are you getting another storm tomorrow into monkeyday? We are not as lucky as Ms. Lori with getting spared although we were spared here with the "storm that wasn't". It is funny, so many jokes going around about the weatherman.

    Genny, I hope having Nora is not too draining. I am glad you are feeling so much better, you will probably handle her like a breeze, easy peasy. I also want to see more pics. Enjoy that little girl.

    I am off to get my hair done. I am taking my Dad with me, my sister is going to pick him up at my hairdressers to take him to lunch, the hairdresser is much closer to her house than to mine. I have to git mese whites out, getting it done every 15-20 days now, it grows sooo fast. My Dad told me last night that I should stop dying my hair. Then he said that his old friend Josephine stopped dying hers. I commented that she passed away right after and said ya see, not dying my hair might kill me too. lol. He has never allowed my mom to color her hair, he likes el-natural, ick, not for this goil.

    Have a good day girls and stay warm!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    imagemiss dolly mae is getting so big,she went to the beach again today

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Thanks for the prayers my beautiful ladies.  My niece passed yest evening.  My eyes are swollen this morning from the tears but she is in Gods hands now and no longer in pain.  DB and son got to see her.  Actually got to stay in the room with her all night.  That’s cool.  DB said I made right choice in not seeing her in current state.  She is to be cremated but memorial services will not go until near end of Feb.  DB will have to miss it as his return flight is the 9th.  

    Dara - I feel bad for all the cold and snow you eastern gals are having to put up with.  U had be cwacking up bout that ‘primate’ in your office.  Forgive me but did u get ur surgery date yet?  Saw the pics of Lucy on fb….what a cutie!  Good advice for Lori, I fear the same with the stress and worry.  Am weening myself off Xanax, going to ask for something diff on Monday.  I still pray daily that Jennika will come to her senses soon and share herself and that pretty baby boy with you.  ((Dara))

    Lara - glad you finally found someone who is competent and working with you, hang in there.  (((Lara)))

    Julie- not sure I understand this smuggler and hersheys but good luck with it.  LOL  Soon DW…woohoo!

    NM - Glad you didn’t lose power and heat.  Am pleased that they got to see Anne.  Been worried sick they wouldn’t make it in time.  But that’s all over now, we’re all resting easier.  Stay safe and warm!

    Mary - yes, must b cautious when driving lil Nora around.  DS will survive on a little less sleep.  Thanks for cking in and have a gr8 weekend with Nora.

    Lowee - I’ll have good memories of my niece that’s for sure.  You go girl, make that appointment, cept something tells me you won’t.  But I kno u’ll not over-do.  I hated driving in the snow in MT and Elko, especially when I had to drive 15 miles in a white out.  Like Dara says, those idiots in the trucks and pickups just fly by.  Couldn’t even see the lane markers, am glad I am here now.  DOTD Mouse Slide sounds delish!

    Cami - sweet remembrances are what we have to hang on to now.  Damn that D…and yes prolly a lot is from the stress.  Hope you and your sister kick it soon.  Bless little Joey and how he sticks to his mamaw and is so comforting, did have to lol tho on your ’working the room’. ((Cami))

    Oh and did I tail u goils mese hair is finally growing out albeit patchy, but I can comb it a little now and it is as gray as can be.  Not liking that at all, cept that I see my mom when I look at myself…LOL.  OK, off to park with pooches, then errands…

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all ya’ll

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2015

    ((((((((((((((sue))))))))) another star in the sky. too many new angels recently

    cammi-woohoo for joey and his new tv. glad there was a big turnout for your brother,lmao at the bodyguards

    dara thanks for splaining to lori about the chocolate smuggling

    need to pack for disney as working mon/tue/wed then must do housework

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Well, I just got home from meeting my son to give him his daughter back. I love her dearly but 2 days is enough, boy she wears me out! She started at 6 ayem full speed ahead and took a 90 minute nape at 9 then a 40 minute nap at 1:30. Other than that she just goes from one thing to the next, I tried taking her to the Discovery Center at the library and she just ran from thing to thing and grabbed everything and put it in her mouth...yuck, so we left there and came home. Emma was in the reading program there so I went to see her in action. Her job is to lie on a blanket and let kids read to her. We are supposed to get somewhere between 6-12 inches of snow tonight. Well DH just brought me my very late dinner then we may watch a movie if we can stay awake. I'll see you all tomorrow for to all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good chilly morning, Loungettes!Very pretty morning with the sun shining on the new 6.5 inches of snow.I may get out the snowshoes today and see how it goes waddling around the yard. Didn't get to use them last winter.

    Goldie--Woops, meet you at the swim up bar, drinks are on me!Julie is going to smuggle real English chocolate out of the UK when she goes, in defiance of Hersey's ban on real English Chocolate. Prozac is very good for depression, but also for OCD and anxiety.I know when I am not taking it I can "what if" myself right into paralysis.I respect truck drivers, too, mostly.One of my uncles wastruck driver.I do get irritated with the ones that ride my back bumper or pull in front of me so close I have to brake to avoid getting hit.Oooh, that Mouse Slide sounds YUMMY!

    Cammy--OD's on pills sounds like the best way to get through a very difficult day.I hear you about the big crowds, too much stress for me most of the time, I try to avoid the big crowds.I'm glad Joey stayed close to keep you grounded.Sounds like a cluster of thyroid cancer in that area, I'm sure the CDC folks are watching it.It is kind of odd when the body has been cremated, isn't it?For me that's better than the body in the coffin, though.I really do not like seeing bodies put on display as if the person was still there, but people do what they need to do to grieve and cope.Joey saved up for a TV?How amazing!He is going to be a very well balanced and educated young man one day.

    Dara--Yup, another winter storm warning up for tomorrow, and more snow predicted Wednesday/Thursday.Lately it seems like they put up a winter storm warning every time it's going to snow.I hardly pay attention to that any more.So Baby Momma needs time?Someday she will realize that this time that she "needs" is going to be lost time with Baby Boy.Time she'll never get back.She's going to miss his first smiles, his first rolling over, his first sitting up, his first crawling, his first steps, his first "mama".And it will be too late by the time she figures it out.I just wish there was some way to get people to see this kind of stuff before it's too late and the decisions are irreversible. But there isn't. Have fun at the hair dresser!

    Julie--Dolly Mae is ADORABLE!

    Mema--I am so sorry about your niece's death.At least DB and son got to see her and spend a little time with her.That will be way more important than being there for the funeral in the years down the road.The chocolate thing is about Hersey working to ban English chocolate in theUS.Julie is going to the UK and is going to smuggle some back, 'cuz it's way better than Hersey stuff.Hersey makes candy, which is different from Chocolate.So we're being rebellious.Sadie and I are tucked up; snug and warm, and happily puttering around the house this weekend.Enough hair to comb, Yeah!All grey?Well, not so yeah.

    Julie--yes, must pack for Disney.The housework will be there when you get home, I know from experience.

    Genny--I can just picture little Nora running around and putting everything into her mouth.I swear that's how babies train their immune systems to be so efficient!I can just picture Emma lying around being read to.Sadie would love that!

    Princess Gltter Sizzle's DOTD:

    (too good not to reprise!)


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Cami, that is just crazy, all the RB you have in your family with your siblings and I think your mom. Praying it stops and does not carry through to the children. I think you all have paid above and beyond to this disease. Well, how does Joey like his new TV? As for the body guards at the funeral, the gov prolly found out you were going to be there, and sent them to protect folks from you! Cuz they know how dangerous and nutty you are!

    Oh shoot Dara, I thought Julie was going in March. You have to color your hair every 3 weeks? I just did mine yesterday and I'm glad I can get it really close to my natural color, which is NOT blonde! Glad you can get a little info from you baby daddy. Now find out what's taking so long to get little David back home....gheesh!

    Awwwww, look at that sweet Dolly Mae in her beach outfit! How cute is that? And instead of housework, I think it appropriate for you to refer to it as Mouse Work, my little DW! And yes another star, and yes way too many lately.

    LDB, my heart aches for you and your family. I hope Anne did not have to suffer much. I just can't believe how quickly the RB can take someone. Also I'm glad to hear that her father and brother were able to make it to see her. Did she know they were there? Love that your hair is coming back, will you be able to color it. I just hate the gray on me.

    Mary, just think of running after Nora as exercise! Certainly it is! Lots of snow in the midwest and the east, stay safe. And you guys must be so proud of Emma. I'll bet that was just so sweet seeing the little ones reading to her.

    NM, so nice you will be getting some good chocolate! As for funerals, it has been over 15 years since I have been to one, but yeah, I don't get the body on display. Not so sure I want to be cremated, but def. a closed casket when the time comes. Maybe we can have the Tenders use up some snow with some snow ice cream for our Mouse Slides?

    I'm doing ok, but once I start the FU pills I may reconsider the Prozac. Thank you all for your concern, I just love you all so much. We are heading to Phoenix for the wedding on Thursday, stopping to look at some campers. DH is thinking the toy hauler is just too heavy for our truck. Wedding is Friday at 4, how flippin crazy is that? I mean, do they expect everyone to take a day off of work for them? Well, I guess they are! Or half a day anyways. Will have to find out why they chose that, maybe it was cheaper? Oh, another thing with this new pill I have to take, says no caffiene and no alcohol!