how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Good morning my breasties!

    NM, stay safe in the snow. I hope your walk is fun for you and Sadie. Do you have a large yard? I always have the impression that you do. Good reminder to Lori about the uses for prozac other than for depression. I have never really considered myself depressed but I am very anxious. You make a good point about my DD missing so many of baby David's firsts. And I am missing hearing all about them. I thank God every day for my cymbalta as it keeps me from crying a river over our family's loss. And i hate lying when people ask me how the baby is doing. I ran into a neighbor last night at the diner and she asked how baby was doing. I replied that he is getting big lol. I assume he is.

    Suz, I am so very sorry about the loss of your niece. I wish I could come and give you a big hug and also dwink with you to help ease your pain. How young was she? I am guessing much to young to be on de other side of the grass. FURB. Julie is right, another bright star up in the sky. Woohooo for getting hair, it will grow out before you know it and I know you will have it looking very pretty in no time at all. You can prolly dye it now if the color bothers you too much. I say why not?

    Lori, you cracked me up talking to Julie about "mouse cleaning" lol. You is very clever! I hope all goes well with the wedding. And fyi, I was married on a friday night and on a holiday weekend (Labor Day). I did it because otherwise I would have had to wait many more months. I bet your step-DD is furcited. Good luck in finding an RV that suits you. I was jest tinking this morning how nice it would be to own one. I LOVE camping, jest do not have anyone to go with :( I would not give up caffeine and alcamahol when starting the FU pills. I mean really, we only live once. I would ask the doctor why, he/she might not be able to give you an answer. We all know these things are not good for us except in moderation. But wtf is that hehe! When is yer next appointment? I am wondering when you have to start the FU pills. I sure hope you can get the TM's down quickly and get off the pills. Again, I really think you will do well with them. Try not to compare yourself with our Beanie, she had a difficult run with all of her treatment, you did not. K? Here is a big hug for you as well((((Lori)))).

    Julie, love the pic of Dolly May on the beach, she is so cute. She reminds me of my Mocha who was a brown and tan weiner dog. I hope the housework is going well. You will be ho'ing around Disney berry soon, yippy! I wonder how Hershey can make our country stop importing good chocolate, wouldn't that have to be an act of congress or sumting?

    Genny, I can hear the exhaustion in your words. I know that you love Nora but she does sound like quite a handful. Sorry she tired you out. I hope you enjoyed your late dinner last night. I love the mental image of Emma listening to the kids read to her, that is jest so fantastic. I would love to see a pic of that. I hope you are well rested and ready for a day that is jest about you, sounds like you need some well deserved R&R.

    I was awakened waaay too early by my dear Lucy. She was wimpering in mese ear, she needed to go potty. Dern, I wanted to sleep in dis morning. Jest five more wake up's for me before surgery next monkeyday. I am going to be without the use of my right arm for several weeks, that will be the hardest part for me. I can deal with the pain of it all but wonder how I will cook, clean and do everything that needs to be done here. I know my Dad will help to a point. My sisters will help too but it will be hard for me. I forget how many years ago it was that I had my left arm done, same surgery. I am also hoping that my ulnar nerve only needs decompressed and not transposed. Although if it is transposed, that puts my time outta of work a few more weeks out.

    Well that's it from Kansas, girls. Good to see those of you that pooped in and hope to see more of you. Have a good day and do not eat or dwink too much iffin you partaking in de super bowl partays!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    PS, will anyone be watching the Puppy Bowl today on Animal Planet? It comes on at 3pm. It is cute, I had not seen it before but just watched previews. One of the pups, Jamison, was fostered back to health by a friend of mine (she is a facebook friend and former coworker). The puppy was found on the street of philly suffering from suffering from seizures, starvation, and cigarette burns. So sad. But this pup is now a celebrity and my vote is on her. I also like a little girl, I forget her name but she is a beagle/dachshund mix! I hope to see some of you goils there, the tenders will be serving up drinks in de lounge while the puppies play :-)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    good afternoon all,i'm packed for disney but still have to do the mousework,going to ask at the uk shop in epcot, what's happening with their choccy.

    sue-thinking of you

    dara-only 6 more working days

    mary glad you had a good time with miss nora

    nm-is your lap dry yet?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    imagenow who does this remind me off?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Hello everyone!! I am back and have a lot of catching up to do.

    Mema I am so sorry to hear about your neice. Hugs to you and prayers for you and your family.

    Cami I am so sorry about your DB. Hugs to you too and prayers to you and your family as well. I do hate cancer. It has taken too many of my loved ones as well.

    Lori I am sorry your levels are high. I hope they can get this figured out.

    Dara I love the pictures of Lucy. She is just adorable. Cole was a bad boy for my DD. He decided he was gonna bark all night while we were gone and he decieded to chew a hole in one of her good blankets. But he has been an Angle since we have been home. He just missed his mommy and daddy.

    Mary I definately hear you on how our little babies can wear us out. Next weekend I may get both Jackson and Samarah. I may need reinforcements. Lol.

    We had so much fun on our cruise. I would highly recommend a Disney cruise if you ever get a cance to do it. So relaxing and entertaining.

    St. Thomas so beautiful!! Temps were in the 80s sunny warm. Blue skys, blue water and did I say warm? Great shopping!

    San Juan, awesome! Loved Old San Juan. Just beautiful! I didnt realize it was an island connected by a bridge to the main island of Peurto Rico. And it has a Fort built all the way around it. So cool.

    Castaway Cay Bahamas OMG the water so so so beautiful!! Turquois blue and clear as can be. So so pretty. We had sunny days every day. Warm 70-88 degrees every day. The Atlantic Ocean just a deep blue beautiful. The Eastern Caribiean is the best cruise I have been on.





  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015


    St Thomas


    St Thomas


    San Juan

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    SusyQ I'm so sorry about u'r cousin, this is so painful.

    Lori get those numbers where they should be, ya' hear? NO CAFFEINE OR ALCOHOL, this is not good,  I do hope u can rest be4 the wedding so u don't go all tired out. A new camper sounds great, if u like camping, Well I don't I watch to many scary movies about camping. I know they are not real, or are they?

    OK I'm so confused---DARA where is u baby now. I thought he was taken home? I hope so. And I'm so sorry this is all fcked up still, it has to come full circle soon, so u can be with him.

    Mary ooo I know all the love is there for Nora, just not the energy, they are so active those early years and u have to really watch them too. But I know it's worth it. Just rest now.

    Wow Nancy just looking at that water I was getting seasick, but so beautiful--I still can't figure out how boats float. U looked like u had a super time, and thar's wonderful

    Julie----u'r a busy lady and the word is out, u'r a smuggler--good choice too. YAY JULIE

    NM I like that drink----u've really been hit hard with this weather tho. well we're getting it now so ffar ecery school is closed tomorree--Yay for me. we've had about 19 in. now and it won't stop til after midnite. And the wind isn't helping, but Sox like it, he was out with Marty and Joey doing the driveway a few times today--we  let my cat out, the dirty look came right back at us and she was in the house. The streets right now are empty, no one is going out.

    Super Bowl is official now--our dog always stays with me when they put on football, He really doesn't like it--it cracks me up, so he was my buddy today.

    I LUBS U ALL and I'm saying some special prayers tonite and u will be in them.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Up at Oh Dark Hundred and COLD this ayem.Snow coming today, sounds like it's going to be light fluffy stuff again.Good for shoveling, bad for visibility.Oh well.Welcome to winter in Maine.

    Goldie--Snow ice cream for the Mouse Slides is a GREAT idea!I've got a big yard full the tenders can come harvest.So funny to watch Sadie doe the hop-jump-run thing in the deeper snow.No caffeine with the FU pills?That would be a deal breaker for me! Can't live without my coffee. Not at all.

    Dara--I do have a big yard, but I didn't get out yesterday.Got going on some cleaning that desperately needed doing, and then ran out of energy and watched movies and cuddled with Sadie.I am such a couch potato sometimes.

    Julie--Anxiously await word of chocolate from the UK shop!Yup,l the lap dried up, I took the pj's off and put on jeans.And confiscated that toy!Oh, my, I didn't see you in my yard last spring!

    Collett--I never considered a Disney cruise for myself.I think of that as being pretty kid related, but it sounds like I should check it out next time I go on vacay.WONDERFUL pics!

    Cammy--Wow, sounds like you guys are getting slammed with snow and wind.Lots of schools closed and early closings planned for today all ready.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    4 cl Fernet Branca

    1 splash Whipping Cream

    Best served in a Shot Glass.


    Fill a glass with fernet branca. Drop in a splash of cream, either whipped or foamed, and serve.

    Fernet Branca Bitters Liqueur

    Dark brown with an orange cast fresh peppermint aromas are very distinctive a huge blast of menthol assaults the palate with a drying bitter herb finish.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Dara, getting married on a holiday weekend? Boy, I'll bet your friends loved you for that one! What time? Hers is at 4, most people are still at work. A friend of mine posted a video on FB of her dog watching the puppy bowl.

    Julie, I'd say you were a bit anxious, packed already! Now to get the mouse cleaning done.

    Welcome back Nancy. Looks and sounds like you had a most wonderful time. My DD lives over on St. John. You can see pictures on my FB, I was there last year.  Not so good about your pooch barking all night and chewing a hole in a blanket.

    Cami, I love camping, so don't be trying to scare me! My energy level is fine, so I will be fine for the wedding. I'm not going to start the pills until next Monday. Wow, 19 inches of snow and still coming down? I know my family in MI was getting snow, and really cold temps as well. Stay warm and stay home. Did you get your Schnapps, that would help keep you warm. As for baby David, he is still in foster care.

    NM, nuttin wrong with being a couch potato. I'm one every evening! As for coffee, I have 2 cups in the morning, maybe I can just cut it to one.

    Sue, still sending hugs your way.

    Well, DH keeps going back and forth on what he wants to do about camping. You see the toy hauler is really too heavy for our truck. So he has not only been looking at different campers (lighter ones), he is also looking at trucks. Keeps going back and forth, new camper to pull with our existing truck or a new (to us) truck to pull the toy hauler, would have to be a diesel.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    NM Disney has adult only areas. There were not too many kids on this cruise. It really wasnt too bad. I would avoid the times when a ton of kids would be on the cruise but Disney does a great job of providing for us big kids too.

    Lori I hope you do get to go camping. I love to camp. Its so relaxing. I would like to have a camper someday, but my DH isnt much of a camper. We bought into the Disney Vacation Membership instead while we were on the cruise, so its like a timeshare but with Disney. Which is ok since I love Disney. With that we can go anywhere it doesnt have to be just Disney, which is nice. I wanted to take a boat to St. John's you could do that we just ran out of time. I will go on your FB and look at pictures.

    Cami we got snow too but only a couple of inches not as much as they first thought. When we came back to the US my sister said be prepared for 7-10 inches but I think we only got about 1-2 if that. I dont like it. Im ready for Spring!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Slept late this morning, must start getting ready for doc and tx in LV.  Lowee, no caffeine or  I'd have to ask the reason for that too.

    Ok I git it now with the Hershy's.

    Mary - mine wear me out too but I can't help, I love having them.

    Cami - phunny about ur dog keeping so close to you during fb.

    Nancy - glad you had such a wonderful time, gr8 pics!

    Julie - yay for only 6 more working days.

    Dara - wish we could share a dwink and a hug too.  She was only 44....much too young.  But I'm feeling better.  Still praying things turn around for you and ur DD and gbaby.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls,

    I am now counting down the days of work, jest four to go and I am outta dere for awhile.

    Sue, wow, 44 is much too young to go to heaven, I am glad you are feeling better. I can only dream of having a dwink and a hug fest with you. And of course, I always dream of toasting airplanes with you again, that is jest so fun. Hope your tx went well today.

    NM, I too would consider a disney cruise for grown ups. That sounds fun. Imagine if all of us could get together for that, would be an awesome time. The DOTD looks interesting, good find.

    Nancy, love the pics. So glad you had fun but I knew you would girl. You sound good. Funny that your doggie barked all night long, that is what mese Bella did when I was staying overnight at my DD's. I am guessing that is the dog saying I AM MAD mese mommy went away and did not bring me!

    Cammy, I see Lori essplained that baby David is still under the care of the state. I drilled my DD's father in trying to find out where they are with that but he did not know anything. I asked if DD is done her treatment, if there is a court date etc. He said he did not feel comfortable asking those questions. I guess I can't blame him. Talking with DD is like walking on egg shells, see where it got me. Thanks for your prayers, goes for all of you goils. How is Joey making out with the clarinet, getting ANY better?

    Lori, I got married at 6pm on the friedey night of Labor Day weekend. No one said anything to me about it being inconvenient but I imagine it was for some. I always liked the thought of a candle light service which is one of the reasons I liked the idea of getting married at night. I hope your DH can decide if he wants a new truck or a new toy...well either is a new toy, right? Men and their toys, ugh. lol. Really though, I hope you find the perfect thing to camp out in. When is yer next appointment with your onc? I wonder when you start the FU pills or have you? Sorry if I asked before and you answered, you know how I drink and foyget right?

    Julie, the time is very close. I hope the person you ask about the chocolate in the UK has an answer for you.

    My little Lucy has been torturing my Bella tonight. She keeps stealing her rawhide and nipping at Bella. I have had to grab her by the scruff of her neck and shake her at least six times tonight for being bad, dat is the only ting that stops her. I sometimes make her whimper and that makes me sad. But I can't stand to see her bother my sweet Bella. Bella snaps at her, that used to stop Lucy but I tink Lucy has figured out that Bella does not have any teeth. My poor old girl, I try to make it up to her by sneaking her treats. Lucy does not yet know the sound of the treat can and I do it when Lucy is not looking. Funny tink, Lucy watched some of the puppy bowl yesterday and she cracked me up as her eyes followed the action of the puppies!

    Mary, have you caught your breath yet after chasing lil Nora for two days? Hope to see you soonliest.

    Hello to everyone I did not mention.

    Well I have to flip my laundry into the dryer. I did not do crap this past weekend as far as housework, or should I say mousework...I have to get caught up on mese chores. So I stop talking and lift mese glass and say cheers!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Am I bad gettin g dwunk on a monkeydey night>> I mean ??

    uhh, I tink I am sailabrating sumting, jest do not know what. perhaps it is Nancy's uber fab Disney cruise. She gonna be a ho too, mark mese words, she joined. oh I jese lubs mese sista ho's!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    btw, did you all no dat dere are 80 kaleries in a chot of JD? no wonder mese gitting chunky! I not proud to say that I have gained 20 lbs sincen July of twenny turdteen, oops make dat tweeny fart-teen hehehe. but really...

    ok, das it for realzies!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Hi all, time to ketchup. All rested up from my days with Nora. Glad I took her home when I did cause by the next morning we had a few inches of snow. I don't mind driving in it but not with her in the car. A funny story, I decided to give Nora a bath and put her in her PJ's before taking her back so all they'd have to do is change her and put her to bed. So she's in the tub maybe 5 minutes, playing having a good time, she stands up and farts.. sits back down and the next thing I know....a bathtub full of poop! Ha! I pulled her out quick, yelled for my DH and he ended up on clean up duty! Joked that he had to call a hazmat team to help. Now she hands you things and says deer a doe... I couldn't figure it out and my son says she's saying here ya go.... yep that's it! So funny deciphering her language. So back to work today, off tomorrow and going for a long workout and swim. We got about a foot of snow last night. Schools all closed today, even garbage pick-up was canceled. They did a good job with the streets, I didn't have any problem getting to work. Snow is too deep to take Junior to the woods, it's over his head now so we just have to walk around the neighborhood now. I go to see my PS on Wed so I'll get a date for my TE exchange. I can't wait to get rid of these things! Left one hard as a softball, right leaky one all flat and squishy. Other than my stupid knees I feel like my old self, weight coming off really slowly but little by little getting there.

    NM, looks like our storm is just getting to you, how much do you have now? We were lucky, no wind, no drifts, easy for clean-up but it was wet and heavy. Couch potato, movies and snuggling with Sadie...sounds like a perfect Sunday.

    Dara, love the pics of your little babies, sounds like Lucy is starting her terrible two's. Good luck with surgery and your "vacay" from work. Have you decided to stay there? Did they give you a hard time about having surgery so soon after being back? My heart breaks for you where your DD and little David are concerned. It just sucks, I wish that that damn SD would just be sucked up by the earth and be gone forever. In the meantime, nothing much you can do, praying for you all the time. One day I may have to plan a trip out your way and play airplane shots...sounds like fun!

    Lori... love you girl, I think of you all the time. I agree with the others, a cup of coffee, a few dwinks, what the hell, life is short. Unless they know for a fact that the meds won't work ifin you drink, I say have a few if ya want. My friends' husband has stage 4 bladder CA and one of his docs said "no alcohol"... I mean wtf? He just went to another one and he told him to live his life and do what he wants, to me it just makes more sense. Ah, men and their toys. Hope your DH finds what he's looking for, I used to love camping, then my DH and I got a 32' boat and that was our camper for 10 years. We used to take our dogs and hang out on it every weekend, I called it our floating cottage. I pray that you have few SE's with your new drug, is it Xeloda? Please consider the Prozac, it may really help and I can't imagine how it could hurt. If you do go on it, give it at least 1 month. Good luck with the wedding, bet you'll both be glad when it's over.

    Nancy, so glad you had fun. Loved the pics. I went to St John when I went to the VI's and it was my favorite part of the trip. It's very quaint and less commercial. Sounds like the vacay was just what you needed, you sound and look good. How are the seizures? Are you feeling better?

    Sue, so very sorry about your niece...damn RB, so young, so sad. Glad your brother got there to see her, another angel for sure. Glad to hear you're getting some hair and you sound good. I think you were getting your test results today?? Praying for good news!!!! Fingers crossed. You're right, no matter how much those grandbabies wear us out ya just can't get enough of them. I'm already looking forward to babysitting Nora again on Friday.

    Cami, snow day with Joey? Hope it was good. Glad you and your sister got thru and beat the D with the drug overdose. Loved the pic of you and your family on FB and I agree with Lori, loved the short hair!

    Lara, so glad you found a doctor that listens, sounds like she's gonna get you bixed up.

    Julie, Disney time is almost here!!!! Get that mousework done and have a great time!

    And to everyone else, love you all, pics to follow.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Emma "working" at the library.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    I had her hair so pretty, lasted about 5 minutes and she reached up and ripped the whole thing out....



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Haha..just jumped on FB and found this one, newly posted... Does it get any cuter??!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Got another 8 inches of snow yesterday, got so cold that the windshield kepticing up.Lousy visibility.A tractor-trailer passing a snow plow on the interstate hit the plow truck, the plow ended up on the side of the road on it's side, the tractor-trailer in the median on it's side.I'm getting a pile of snow off the deck that's just about as high as the deck now!

    Goldie--Can one be a couch potato if one does not own a couch?I prefer my rocker-recliner and can potato in that very, very well.Especially when Sadie is on the ottoman and I can put my feet on her!Only two cups of coffee a day?I'd never make it!Camper vs truck, what a dilemma for DH!

    Collett--Nice that Disney has adult areas and things to do to.I hear you about being ready for spring!

    Mema--sometimes it's nice to sleep in, isn't it?

    Dara--Can you imagine the bunch of us taking over a Disney Cruise?Poor Mickey would never be the same!Goldie gets the credit for the Mouse Slide drink, we bumped posting the other day, and that one looked so good I had to steal it and give it a second day!Sounds like Little Lucy needs to learn some manners, and a shake by the scruff of the neck is the way her momma would make her behave, so, while it's hard to hear them whimper, they need some limits and some correction at times.Can't let her grow up thinking nipping is OK, after all.I can just picture her watching the puppy bowl on TV!

    Genny--Oh, my, a tub full of baby poop--what a hoot!And deciphering baby talk is a fun job.I've got a couple of feet of snow, or a bit more, in the yard.It's been blowing around so much it's hard to tell just what the total really is.But the wind chill is the worst part, in the negative 10's to 20's.Very unfun!Emma looks so relaxed "working" at the library!Go, Cowgirl Nora!Such pretty hair.LOL--all bundled up!What fun!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Eastwind (or more accurately for Maine, Nor'East Wind)

    3/4 oz Vodka

    3/4 oz Dry Vermouth

    3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth

    1 slice Lemon

    1 slice Orange

    Best served in a Cordial Glass.


    Stir over ice cubes in aperitif glass. Add a slice of orange and lemon, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, I think that cruise was just what you needed. My DH and I would like to do an Alaskan cruise, but we like the outdoors too. We go dry camping, just out in the wilderness, we don't do the campgrounds. And it has to be somewhere where we can take our quad out riding.

    Oh my Sue, 44 is DEF WAY TO YOUNG.....FURB! Hope things went well at the docs. So hoping to hear from you this morning. How are you liking that 8.1? I see they are coming out with a 10 soon.

    Dara, that is horrible that you all have to walk on egg shells around your DD. Even her dad? There has to be a subtle way that he could ask a little sumting! Getting married at 6, at least people had a chance to get home from work! I have not seen my onc, nor started FU pills. They come Wednesday, but I am not going to start until Monday. So iffin they make me sick, I won't be sick at the wedding. The schedule is 2 weeks of pills and then a week break. LOL @ the Disney Ho Sista's.

    Mary, love hearing about Nora's baby jibberish. Are you still Yah Yah?? And kudos for working out and losing weight, and feeling better......I'll drink to dat! Oh my word, look how precious Emma is, and those kids look so happy. You must be so proud of her. And that darling Nora and those chubby cheeks. I would be kissin on those all the time. How did she like her ride on Emma? I'm surprised she held still long enough for you to even do her hair! All bundled up for the snow, does not get any cuter than that. Doesn't look like she can move!
    Yes, the drug is Xeloda and I have been considering the Prozac, I had anudder melt down yesterday. After I left the lounge I went to the Xeloda thread, put me over the edge!

    NM, we have a couch, but my spot is in the recliner. So I guess we are chair potatoes? Just doesn't have the same "ring" to it. Horrible accident, did you witness it, or just see it on the news? You have LOTS of snow, and very cold. It's the same for my family in Michigan. I DO NOT miss that.

    I'm ok with whatever DH decides. I like the toy hauler we have, but it IS heavy and our truck is a 2000 and iffin you remember, we were in that accident that totaled it and we got it fixed. So a new camper or new truck makes no dif to me.
    Y'all stay warm out there, gonna be sunny and 60 here today. A couple of days ago, on one of our local news stations, the weather map had a glitch, with temps that had 4 digits. Weather guy Corey, handled it quite well. Good for a little chuckle iffin you want to watch it.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015
    wow, this place is quiet. I keep refreshing for updates and nada. I will be back later to report back.
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Happy Twosdey night goils!

    I was so bored outta mese mind today, had trouble staying awake at work. I jesst hold mese pen and load up screens like mese working and have mese notepad like I working and mese closeth mese eyes and take cap naps. I am far away from the people that I work with so no one pays me any mind. Jest three work days to go. I am starting to dread the pain and the hassle of not having use of my right arm. It gonna be a tough week but after that, I will jest be enjoying some slacker time again. I learned from de best and that is our Camille!

    Genny, omg, love all the pics. Emma looks so sweet with those kids, what a great dog. And Nora, she is so cute. I love her hair and it looked so pretty after you bixed it for her. She will learn to leave it alone as she gets older and cares about her presentation lol. The pic of her in the snowsuit is amazingly adorable! Love that girl. Thanks for the wishes that SD will nessapear, that is my hope too. I hope you really can make it dis way. We would have a blast! I have enjoyed every moment of facetime i have been fortunate enough to have with mese bwesties. There is nothing better.

    NM, you are so casual about the snow there. If we got that kind of snow, the state shuts down and is declard a state of emergency. I hope you are having a good work week and no hassles from young snotty coworkers. Stay warm!

    Lori, it makes sense not to start the FU pills until after the wedding. I have a feeling that you will not have any se's from dem. I pray for that and you deserve to continue to feel well. Thanks for tailing me the deal again, I sawry I foyget sometimes, specially when mese dwunk a bit. I not too dwunk now, trying to keep it at a minimum with this surgery in less than a week.

    I jest watched Shark Tank with mese Dad. Those sharks are brutal.

    Well that is up from Kansas. I hope you all have a good night and better tomorree!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    NM, this made me think of you Happy


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015


    My babies were sound asleep, I hadda wake them up to go night night and snapped this pic, too cute. Wiener dogs rule!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Yet more snow coming today, but at least there aren't winter storm warnings up for today.Just a Wind Chill Advisory.

    Goldie--Heard about the accident on the news, drove past the trucks on the way to work yesterday ayem.Of course the Interstate speed limit is down to 45 cuz of the packed down snow and ice, but idiots will not slow down.One guy came flying onto the interstate beside me, kept right on accelerating until he startedfishtailing, then he spun completely around and fetched up against the snowbank.I was able to slow down and not get involved, but that guy looked so disgusted when he got out of the car.I couldn't help but laugh at him!Some people just do not learn!Hmm, "chair potato", "recliner potato", nope doesn't have the same ring at all.We'll have to come up with a different word.

    Dara--I can just picture you sitting at your work station with pen in hand, computer running, eyes closed and dreaming of being on a Disney cruise!Some people here are wanting the Guv to declare a state of emergency--then the missed school days don't have to be made up.I didn't know that until this year when someone at work was talking about how many days of school will need to be made up.Some school may be in session until July 4th at this rate.Having a pretty good week at work.Little Miss Snarky has been too busy trying to keep up with processing admissions to create trouble for anyone.Can't say as I'm too unhappy seeing her struggle to keep up right now.Not very Christian of me, is it?

    LOL!Looks just about right to me!

    Awww, snuggle puppies!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Windy Beach

    1 oz Spiced Rum

    2 oz White Creme de Cacao

    (Fill With) Ice

    1 splash Lime Juice

    1/2 cup Orange Juice

    1/2 cup Milk

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.


    Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Makes 2 servings.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning my sweeties.

    SusyQ didn't u go to the Dr.? And OMG u'r cousin only 44, that is horrible--I'm so very sorry. I hate this disease.

    Lori I'm at least glad u don't take these pills until after the wedding, so it sounds like it will be fun. And truck or camper that the question of the day. Either way u will still enjoy u'r camping. Thanks for clearing things up for me about Dara's little one.

    Dara I can't believe u'r baby is still not home, for some reason I thought he was--oh that stupid SD of u'r DD's- he's really u'd things up--It must be really difficult for u to talk to him decently Oh I'd have a terrible time with all o this. Wow u'r surgery is almost here- it seemed so ar away now it's time.I'm glad u have no work for a while anyway,

    Well Julie is all paced and ready, u've done this before Julie so u know exactly what to do--ENJOY

    Oh NM u do talk about all the snow like a true MAINER/ u've had way more snow that us--we ended up with 20 in. that pretty much stops a lot of things going here. It is fun to watch the dogs in the snow like this tho, it's almost as high as them. Just say safe.

    Mary that's hysterical, but as old as the hills, when u gotta go, u gotta go, well she was in the right room. LOL her pics are always adorable--and then Emma at the library good stuff.

    And I would really consider a cruise if all of u were on it so I'd feel better, of course u could never leave me alone. LOL

    OK I'm getting my work stuff together--I picked up some voice mails and sent them --there was one I didn't understand the words at al, played it at least 3 times, but I do think he called back, cus again I couldn't understand a word. I honestly didn't know what he was speaking, but I did get the phone #, that was because it was on my phone. Ohh well

    I LUBS EVERYONE and want everyone to feel good.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Morning girls, quick pop-in before shower. I go to PS dis ayem to get my right foob filled once again, only to have it leak back to a pancake. I will get my surgery date tho and that's the main reason for the appt...I can't wait to get this last bit of FURB bullchit over with. Emma thanks you all for the nice comments, and Nora too. DH sleeping in this ayem, not like him at all, I can hear him snoring. We got another 2 inches of snow last night and supposed to get 2-4 later today. No state of emergency here either, just plow it off and get on with your bizness. Hope you all have a marvy day and Dara, hope you have some good dreams at work today. Love to all.....latah

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Good Luck Mary and good to get a surgery date.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Dara-ling Wacko, your surgery is next Tuesday right? For some reason I wuz tinking it was tomorrow, but I think that's DW's day. PLEASE be careful after your surgery and not over do it. You you tend to be the expert at that. I would like NO SE's too, but I highly doubt that will happen! As for foygetting, I no hab to be dwunk, it happens all the time, dwunk or sober! Good to see Bella and Lucy getting along and cuddling together. I still can't get over your DD not talking to anyone. What about her aunts, uncle, cousins???

    NM, glad you got a chuckle out of the guy that hit the snow bank, and very glad you were able to avoid his idiotness. Of course, glad he wasn't hurt. Reminds me one time someone went flying by us, passed him a bit later as he was pulled over and getting a ticket. A short time later, here he comes again, flying by us.....guess what? Yep, he got pulled over AGAIN! Well, since chair potato or recliner potato doesn't work, how about "slouch potato"? Rymes with couch, so has the same ring to it.

    Cami, no one would WANT to leave you alone, iffin we went on that cruise! Did you and Joey enjoy the non school day? Does he have another one today? I hate when customers call and I can't understand them, and some are just ones with a strong southern accent. But I politely tell them that I am having a hard time understanding them. And Dara does not have to worry about speaking decently to the A-Hole SD as her DD is not speaking to HER!

    Mary, why do they fill it iffin it's gonna leak out? I hope the date is soon so you can be done with this. Again thanks for sharing all the pics.

    Speaking of pics, we're needing more of Jackson and Samara Nancy.


    Heading out tomorrow for Phoenix. DH is wanting me to get a second opinion for my treatment. Why, I don't know. I guess cuz this pills are the last option before IV chemo. I have told him, that everyone on these threads that I have read, this is the norm and that someone who is having a different treatment is cuz they have a different kind of cancer or are triple neg/pos.
