how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    You gals getting dumped on, especially Cami and NM, I imagine this as your yard! And actually DOES resemble yours Cami, just smaller!



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Yay Dara - another vacay.  J/k know it’s more serious than that.  I’d love to have another dwink and hug fest toasting airplanes again with you.  U sed you spent the night with DD, did you get lots of time with baby David?  Sending prayers!

    Mary - LMAO on bath time with Nora and her talking and her dad can actually understand it…I love it!  Love the pics of Emma and the kids.  Look at that pretty little Nora, love her hair and accessories.  Jes too cute!  Keep us posted on ur up coming surg date.

    NM - saw the plow truck on its side on the news.  Please stay safe with all that yuk!

    Lowee - I agree about my niece.  I am doing just OK with 8.1 and they say 10 will be more like the windows we’re used to.  OMG….about the Xeloda, hoping u decide on the Przac and that you don’t suffer from the ugly se’s they talk about on that site.  Just read about going to CTCA, I think it’s a good idea….jes to see what they say, might be surprised…can’t hurt anyway (((Lowee)))

    Cami - I did go to Doc on Monday.  Tests results were all good.  NO tests schedule for the coming month…wooohoooo!!

    Gotta get dogs to park then to groomer.  They are sooo filthy from all the rain we've had.  But supposed to be 70's for the week.  Sorry No'r Eastern goilfriends, but u can bisit me any time.

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs ALL!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Sue, tests all good!!!! YIPPIEE phucking SKIPPEE!!!!!!

    Ok, I'm not sure what I want to wear to the wedding. The gold dress, I'm concerned I might be over dressed, so I have this black pant outfit that I've never even worn. Opinions please?

    I don't really like my shoes with the dress, but he dress is very hard to match, and I can't wear anything too high anymore, I'm afraid of falling or something. And I can't be doing that with cancer in mese hip!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Dammit Lori ud look good in a sack---but out of those 2 I personally like the first one--U look like u'r walking the red Carpet--beautiful.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Lori, surgery is Monday, not Tuesday. I absolutely love the first dress on you, it fits you beautifully and you look stunning. I would not worry about over dressing, you are after all the (step) mother-of-the-bride and the wife of the bride's Daddy.

    Sue, I was talking past tense when talking about spending the night with my DD. That was back when baby Logan  David was first born. Sorry for the funcusion, I often talk in circles and my grammar is lacking. I must learn to be more precise. So glad your tests went well.

    NM, more snow? LOL on you laughing at the guy on the side of the road, sounds like something I would do.

    Hello Cammy. I would love to have you join in on this cruise we are taking. I doubt it will even happen, they are too expensive for me. But I can dream, right?

    Genny, lol on wishing me some good dreams at work. It is funny, as I start to doze off, I do go into a world between awake and asleep, it sorta feels like I am halucinating. I went into my usual trance this morning. Thankfully, I was given a tough loan to work on this afternoon. I hope your PS appointment goes well and you get your exchange date. You will love having implants after having those hard turtle shell like bumps on yer chest for so long.

    Hi to everyone else. I actually have an assignment this afternoon, I am working on a sorta famous persons file. It is one messy file. I mighten share more later. Hope you all having a wonderfoil day!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    wonderful news sue,

    lori- i like the dress too, you look amazing, i 'm voting for no side effects too!

    nm- with the heavy rain storms we get , you always have the idiots with no lights on and speeding!Singing

    mary- love the pics off miss nora , her hair do was adorable, and emma Smile

    dara, -<3 the dogs

    cammi-stay warm!

    and what do you mean these people with accents!

    off too disney tomorrow

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    haha, Julie...let me essplain for Cam and Lori and mee too about dese people with accents. YOUR accent is clear and understandable. Da goils not talking bout yers, rest assured. (hey I made a rhyme, Cammy will be impressed). We talking about a certain group of people whose english is not comprehendaball. That is super annoying. My tinking is iffen ya can't speaka de english, den learn before you start calling people in de bidness world and annoying dem. Ya know, mese old boss many moons ago scolded me for a similar comment. He tailed me that all of our families came from another country at some point. I never understood that, mese family always speaka de englishishimo. You have a ball in Disney girl. And post lots of pics!! So happy for you.

    Lori, both of those outfits look beautiful on you. You have the body of a model. But as Cam said, you do look like so beautiful in the dress, it is so sexy and perfect for this occasion. And trust me, ain't no one gonna notice you are wearing flats, you plenty tall enough, true dat.

    Genny, I forgot to comment on the incident in the bathtub. I rolled laughing, you had me at fart. Then the story just got better and better, specially since your DH went on bathtub patrol after. Give Nora a high five from me! lmao!

    NM, I can relate to some unChristian-like behaviors. I scold myself but at times just can't help it. I am also glad that lil miss fancy pants is struggling. And I jest smacked mese own fingers for saying so.

    So I talked about the legal file mese was working on today. The client, whose name starts with Jimmy, who is a famous preacher whose downfall was over a ho, not a disne ho but an actual ho ho. This clients legal matters are not going well, he might be declined from our firm. Talk about the man upstairs, He is good. Oh, I saw the property this guy owns and could go on and on regarding details. Such as a gold canopy over de bathtub in de mansion. Or the grounds that cover miles. The client is living beyond his means and his means are evil. Ok, make me stop. I smacking mese own fingers again, I git in trouble for this. den again mese looks for trouble, it mese middle name. ha, I like the name Dara T. Diverse, t for trouble with a capitol T!

    speaking of farts, Dara been farting a lot, getting over some IBS I tink. TMI? Nah, hope not.

    I go now. sooooo tired. Mese been hallucinating again dis night, weird stuff. Prolly being off of vitamin V making mese nucking futs.

    Bye for now.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Hi goils, no surgery date. PS says radiated foob "looks angry!" It's still really red and he's not comfortable doing anything to it just yet. Leave it to me to have an angry boob. So he filled the right one....again.... just with saline Lori, and I go back in 2 weeks to fill it again. He told me to try vitamin E on the left and ifin any of you know of magic burn creams I'm taking suggestions. We are getting more snow, prolly about 14 inches on the ground now. 35 degrees today, everything turning to slush and then dropping to single digits. Yuck! Weather lady just said 2-5 more inches tonight. Molly's in Florida till the end of March...wench!! I may have to find a cheap flight and bisit her for a few days. We are having our kitchen remodeled tho and I will prolly have to be home whilst that's going on in case DH has to travel.I'll take some before and after pics, I can't wait, it's gonna be purdy. I go to babysit Nora on Friday so I think I'm gonna go to Port Clinton (my old town where my DS and all my buddies live) tomorrow and stay with one of my friends. We'll take a cab to our favorite japanese restaurant so we don't have to worry about driving. Her DH was dx with bladder furb same time I found my BC. They did chemo and removed his bladder but now they've found it in his liver so he's getting chemo again. We got together at this time last year before we started chemo and vowed to do it again in a year and here we are.

    Lori, I love the gold dress, hands down, it gets my vote. I suppose if yer still not sure you could take both and let the step daughter decide. Praying for you and the Xeloda and no or few SE's and that it works for years and years, dats what I'm hoping for. Have a good time this weekend and please consider taking the prozac.

    Well, I started this hours ago and then got busy with dinner and stuff and now it's after 11 and I'm on dog duty in the ayem so I gotta make this short.

    Julie, have fun at Disney

    Sue..hooray on good test results!!!

    NM, stay warm.

    Cami, have fun with Joey

    Lara, hope doctor gettin you all bixed up

    Everybody else, love you all and sweet dreams.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another 2.5 inches of fluffy white stuff.Getting tired of this.Very tired.Even Sadie is no longer amused!

    Cammy--I bet if we got a bunch of us together on a cruise that we could set up a rotation so you are never alone.You and I can get adjoining cabins and leave the door between open at night.During the day we can get you camped out beside the pool and keep the deck chair next to you held for whichever one of us needs to stop and sit for a bit.Or sunbathe.Or drink.Or whatever!

    Genny--sounds like DH has been working hard, glad he's getting a sleep in.And you're right, 2-4 is barely even plowable around here.

    Goldie--Ooh, I like "slouch potato"!And my posture in the recliner is rather slouchy.Perfect!Love the guy that got pulled over TWICE!Bet he didn't learn.I don't blame DH for wanting a second opinion.He's probably hoping to hear you don't need any more treatment.

    Mema--I am always careful in the snow.And if I get behind a snow plow on the interstate I STAY behind it!May take me a while to get where I'm going but I'll have the best driving conditions going.It's the passing that tends to cause trouble, so I avoid doing that.I can't wait for mud season to arrive here, Sadie will turn from yellow to chocolate and need a bath EVERY DAY!

    Goldie--WOW!I vote for the gold dress, you look positively elegant in that!The black pantsuit looks great, too, but the gold is WOW!

    Dara--Glad you have something fun to work on!

    Julie--Oh, yeah, no lights and speeding.Always a good combination.

    Dara--It's enlightening when you get a glimpse into the lifestyle of the rich and famous, isn't it?

    Genny--So sorry you got a "radiation sunburn".I bet your RO never mentioned rads could cause damage that would delay recon surgery.They never tell us that part.Vit E should help, or Aloe or Silvadene if you have any--that one is a prescription item.Hope your get together is a good time.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Caribbean Cruise

    1/2 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao

    1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    1 splash 7 Up

    Pineapple Juice

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.


    Combine all ingredients, shake well and serve over ice. Garnish with a lime wedge and a cherry (and an umbrella if handy).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    dara I'm crackin up with u'r stories--and JULIE I never meant u, I love u'r accent so does Joey he was trying to imitate it--He always imitates English accents so that is never mixed wup with the accents I hear on the phone. Dara is so right--I listened to a voice mail 3x and didn't understand one word he sai, so in my infinite wisdom, I just erased him, I know I shouldn't have but let him have some calling that can at leasrt use the words I can understand.--I speak a little Spanish so I can repeat in Spanish and I've got most of the message, but Asian I don't understand one word. And Dar I love the no names mentioned--Duh u have us fooled ompletely. U'r so damn cute I can't stand it.

    Lori I think the votes are in, but of. course what u feel comfortable in is what u should wear, besides u look beautiful in anything cuz u are. But I love the slit. Wowee. And of course I too hope SE's are gentle. With all the stuff happening my sister gt her shot really late so the nurse went to where she works and gave it to her. They usually come to her house, but I think it's because she's a senior citizen, I really don't know.

    NM we got a little more snow but adding to 20 in. doesn't make much difference/ My SIL said all the main street are good in Chicago, but the side streets are a mess, it's easy to get stuck, they just can't keep up, plus most people who live there have to park on the streets so it can't be easy or the men.

    Mary u are so busy all the time, but one thing I did years ago I already told u gals I had a thing removed from my face and at that time it was vey noticeable so I did buy the Vitamin E tablets and broke them open and applied it directly to my skin and it really healed with no scar at all. At the time my Dr. was even impressed--she never heard of anyone doing that before---but like I said it was a long time ago. But my DD1 I think uses Burts wound care--when she bleeds she always scars, I think because of her diabetis and that does wonders, but u don't hear about that to often--I'm sure there are plenty of good ones but u just have to figure what works for u.

    I know I told u Joey has a new computer Windows 8--OMG he was trying to show me some stuff, but I did not like it, I guess u have to get used to it, but one thing I liked was touch screen, that is really neat--it reminded me of all my crime TV shows. LOL

    Well I truly hope u all have a good day.

    SusyQ (((HUGS)))

    I LUBS U ALL BTW I'm dreaming too about the cruise.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning! Stopping by with Coffee... gonna hafta ketchup later, but I am praying for everyone as you go through tough times.

    Cami and Sue, so very sorry for your losses. The RB is just cruel.

    But Sue, so glad your tests are looking good and none for a whole month WooHoo!! And I bet your hair is looking good, I can't wait to see it in March! And maybe we can catch a movie!!

    And Cami, That dreaded D just needs to go the hell away for good! Joey is so sweet! I actually miss my kids not playing their instruments so enjoy the dyine animal noises while they last!!

    Lara, glad you found a doc you like. I wish the best for you in April

    NM, glad you are feeling better, sorry about all the snow. It's cold down here too, but we just get the crappy rain. I would rather the snow. Short-term of course!! And I concur with Dara, kinda glad the mean girl is having a rough go!

    Julie, Disney, I am so jailous. I have not been since I chaperoned a couple years ago. Need to do that soon. And iffin you start a petition about the chocolate I will be happy to sign and to boycott Hershey, dat's not real chocolate!! Heading your way on the 20th-23rd if you still want to catch drinks, coffee or food!!! I will PM you with dates and times. We won't have a rental car, but sure we can figure something out. I want to go parasail!!! Want to come along??

    Genny, so glad you are feeling better and more like your old self. Nora is adorable, but that look spells T_R_O_U_B_L_E Is it the reddish hair, or did you name her after Dara???

    And Dara, I pray for you and baby David that he will be back in your arms for a cuddle very soon. I'll be on de UFO Monday. What are they doing to your arm?? My mom had her ulnar nerve moved to the inside of her elbow because it was getting too compressed. Is it kinda like that??? Only 1 more day of work!!

    Lori, I HATE that the RB is making it so you have to take those damn pills. But I also think that you will not have too hard a time with them. You are a little hard headed, no? and not willing to let them do that to you! You are gonna kick ass! Have fun at the wedding.

    Princess, hope all is well. I am cray cray busy with kid stuff. High school scheduling and AP exams coming up. I have to pay for 9 of them at $91 each. OUCH> How did the conojugal go??

    I don't think I foygit anybudddy, but just in case I sowry. I am off to de onc for that 3 month check up and blood work, so throw me on the bottom of the prayer list too!

    Hugz and Lubs and Prayerz for all de goils!

    Here's the coffee

    pervygirl: Awww!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2015


    Gotta love those grand-kids ..

    I was eating breakfast with my 10-year-old Granddaughter and I asked her,

    What day is tomorrow?"

    Without skipping a beat she said, "It's Presidents Day!" ..

    She's smart, so I asked her "What does Presidents Day mean?" ..

    I was waiting for something about Obama, or Clinton, etc.

    She replied, "Presidents Day is when the President steps out of the

    White House, And if he sees his shadow, we have another year of Bull Shit."

    You know, it hurts when hot coffee spurts out your nose.

    Have A Great Day!
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    4444 it's good to hear from u and as usual we all know how busy u are--good story. I know u don't have a lot of time but thanks for sharing.

    OK I just got a call and no accent, perfect understanding and when I said I need u'r name and address sir--she said Carol--it was not the man's name Carroll Oh well she laughed good thing. A phone in my hand is dangerous.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2015

    Oh my Gosh Nancy!!! I knew I was foygitting sombuddy. My sincerest apologies. I am a little preoccupied with my onc appt. I don't expect anything, but honestly none of us ever expected any of this in the first place, so you never know.

    Your cruise sounds like a blast. I have never been on one. A friend told my husband a Mickey cruise was the best vacay ever, albeit the costliest!!!

    OK, over and out, I leave the phones in Cami's capable hands :0)

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Lowee - ooolaaalaaa again and again.  I, by the way, like those shoes with the gold dress.  I agree with rest of girls, u model material, red carpet, runway, you name it u BEAUTIFUL!!  I vote the gold dress, yessir!

    Dara - you cwack me up!  Thanks for unfuncusing me on the DD.

    Mary - ooo it sounds painful.  Looks like some the of girls told you of vit e and the other stuff.  Whatever you use, gotta be consistent with it which I'm sure u are. Have tons o fun in Port Clinton.

    Hi 4 - good to hear from you...Think I'll leave dh home and come in on Monday.  We can catch a movie and a bite to eat....and of course our cocktails...heehee.  Looking forward to it!  LMOA on the "pres day' joke.

    NM - marvelous idea about driving behind a plow.  I remember my mom telling me when she'd be driving alone with the 5 of us kids, she'd get behind a semi.  Thinking was if she gets in trouble, car or otherwise, they have radios and can get her help.  Love that DOTD mmmm.

    Cami - I feel same way about the 'farmed out' call centers and their inability to speak English....maddening.  Julie - very different than with your accent.   My DS says 'mom u have the right to ask to speak to someone who is clear and understandable'.  I kno but I don't do it.  Have heard my DH insist on it tho.  By the way....I still get mistaken as a 'sir' on the phone, it is funny.

    Hi to all I am missing....gotta get busy around here.  Today is my DH's 67 bday.  He is at work, think I'll take a cake down to the bar later if I have time.

    lubslubslubslubslubslubs to all!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    I am practicing staying up late at night in preparation for my surgery and corresponDINGDONG time off! yippeee! I am awakes still and know I will struggles to wakes up tomorree. Matter of fact, me so stressed that mese eyeball is flickering. But I cant go to bed, I gots all de tenders to meseself and wese having fun.

    been too long sincen sumbuddy posted so I bixing that.

    I go now, will talk to ye all when mese sober (as if ... )


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!It's been a long week and going to be a long day, and I am so looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow!

    Cammy--Snow removal can be a chore, and is not a fun job I am sure.Most of our tech support at work is in the deep south, and I struggle with the accent sometimes when I call IT.But I love the way they call me Miss NM, makes me feel a little special.A bit more snow on top of 20 inches is nothing.After a while it almost doesn't matter.Touch screens are fun, aren't they?

    4--Little Miss Snarky has kind of backed herself into a corner at work, and I am, unfortunately, enjoying watching her squirm.She set herself up and is looking for the rest of the office staff to bail her out, but that isn't happening, they're all busy too.It's terribly unChristian of me.


    Mema--Good point about driving behind a semi!Happy B-day to your DH!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fuquay Friday Night

    2 shots Current Vodka

    2 shots Sprite

    1 shot Cherry Cola

    2 tbsp Grenadine

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Add absolut kurant and sprite to a cocktail glass. Mix in the grenadine syrup, and add the cherry cola. Serve. Add a dash of lime for a slightly different taste.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Morning everyone! Lori I love the gold dress too but I agree you look good in anything. I hope you have a good time.

    Cami we would all be with you if we did a cruise are you kidding me. Lol. We would have so much fun! We could definitely get connecting rooms and we could also get a group booking so we could get a discount and possibly on board credit.. If you all ever want to look into let me know and I can do that. We could try to plan something for maybe 2016 so we could save up and plan for it but Disney is the way to go because they give you alcohol wipes all the time to wipe your hands and you dont have to worry as much about the Noro virus (the poops and pukes) Royal Caribbean just had to cancel a cruise due to the virus was so bad on board. That would suck! Disney is the only one I have been on that focused on hygiene. Good for us.

    Julie I know your having a great time!. We are taking Jackson and Samarah to Disney World in October so they can trick or treat at the Magic Kingdom. I cant wait!

    4 It was the best vacation we have ever had. Disney is definitely worth every cent. My husband isnt much of Disney fan but he loved this cruise. There is just so much to do even for adults. And really the kids dont bother you because you can get away from them. And we had fun watching them in their little outfits they were so cute! (Until they got tired) I did a Disney trivia game and one question was what does CDA stand for in Monsters Inc movie. and I knew it stood for Chid D something Agency but I couldnt remember what the D stood for so all I could think of was Child Destruction Agency lol. Ya they got a laugh out of that one. The cast member said we know where your head is about now huh? It was a lot of fun.

    Mary try coco butter or vit E on your angry side. That is what I use. I am still a little pink but not as bad. It seemed to help me. Sorry your having so much trouble. Mine seems to come and go too. One day its pinker than the other and I have pains that come and go too. Weird. Those pictures of Nora soo cute! We just got a couple of inches of snow. Nothing too bad. Just very cold! Yuck!

    Dara hows work going? Did you get your other job? I need to go on line and check to see where I am on my disability is. Hows my little Bella and Lucy girls? Give them hugs and kisses for me. My grandpa isnt doing so good. My aunt told me that he isnt eating or drinking much at all. Poor guy. Im looking forward to tomorrow night we are playing minitute to win it at church tomorrow night and I am one of the team leaders so hopefully my team will do good.

    Mema I hope your DH has a great birthday. Tell him happy birthday from us!! Love ya!

    Love you all !!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--

    NM I wonder why all offices have one, sometimes more, but usually one person that just fks it all up. I remember when I had one she's actually scream at me and the supervisor was always on her side--she could do no wrong and I was always wrong. Sometimes I would just ignore her other times I yelled right back with horrible words to her too. But and I say But I replaced her one and only boss that stood up for her, she retired after that and our office was great, no one ever argued or even got mad anymore. We actually had a lot of fun too. And every morning I hugged everyone hello, but at nite we just wanted to leave so we yelled goodnite. And I don't understand why people in charge have an attitude, cuz it's so much easier just being nice, everyone works together then without getting aggravated --Oh well I that doesn't pat myself on my own back, I sound better than I was. and Yes tomorree is Sat. and it sounds like u have the weekend off --good.

    Lori bus be gone now I hope she takes some pics for us, I don't know how many o u have met Lori but she  actually is more beautiful in person and just as nice.

    It's someone's DH BD--so give him a great big hug and tell him it's rom his admirerers.

    Dara u'r going to be sleeping at work today so watch out.

    I'm putting off all my Dr. stuff til next week, just don't eel like it 00as usual. It won't be any diference in a week or so, I have my cardiologist at the end of this month anyway--I think I get an ulta sound from him or someone every year.

    Oh I'm sure Julie is having a good time, the weather must be pretty good too. She too works hard so she deserves it.

    Nancy that would be the funnest cruise to al go on, I hope our dreams come true--when u wish upon a star!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a good day.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    ~whispering~ shhh

    jest five minutes and I am outta work until further notice. gotta say that the ex boss is driving me nuts. she is picking on people and I feel so bad for her victims. a girl just asked her why she is being so difficult. and the freak is sooo loud in general. she hollars up and down the aisles instead of gitting off her freak ass.

    shh, ok, I gonna sneak out now, will report in and talk a little louder later tonight, that is IF I do not fall asleep.

    love you girls!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Dara, I couldn't hear u'r last post, so I think u said u'r off or a while???Chit I wish it wasn't for surgery, but this should be u'r ast one right?? I hope so and I also hope u got a good nite's sleep. Actually I've been sleeping good for a while, kind of scary in a way. most of the time I can't keep awake. Just as well for now I don't have to think much.

    I'm used to seeing NM on here first, but I hope she snuggling good with Sadie.

    And Lori is wowing them at the wedding not matter what she wears, I don't think she realizes her true beauty in and out, and I love how she talks to Dara.

    Julie's another one, when I heard her voice it was so beautiful, she's so precious.

    Well everyone is just differently that's what makes this thread so special. And u all know how I love pics and u guya never let me down. I get to share u'r lives with all of u every day good stuff and not so good stuff, I just say a few extra prayers when things don't look so good for any of u. But then I love to hear all the good stff cuz it warms my heart--Oh chit I'm getting to smaltzy this morning--gotta stop that.

    Joey's still playing a few of his riends quit already, but so far he's practicing and still enjoys it, wo we'll see

    Damn yesterday I heard my 2nd husband was on life support and  they were taking him off yesterday morning--Oh of course I said that's not going to kill hm  Well as of right now he's still going, .Leslie hears the news--I told u he had 8 kids and Leslie actually likes a couple of them but especially one and they kept in touch all these years.  And it' fine he was a good kid and grew up a responsible nice man and we talk from time to time, he married his HS sweetheart and I was all for her then too, she was so sweet and that got him out o the circle of violence.

    OK nuff about those things--I hope everyone has a good day and weather good too.

    LUBS LUBS LUBS u all so much

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    image--Well I can hardly read this, but it looked good.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good Saturday morning, Loungettes!Heat wave here, temps in the double digits, ABOVE zero!Poor Sadie is running out side to play, then limping back in with ice balls in her paws.May have to crochet some booties for her to protect her tootsies, but I doubt she'd wear them.Still, it might be fun to try!


    Collett--Wouldn't a cruise in 2016 be a trip and a half, especially if we get a group rate, connecting rooms, and lots of special attention!My last cruise was with Norwegian, and they had people stationed outside every buffet and restaurant with spray bottles of hand sanitizer and would squirt your hands as you went by (they asked first!) and it was great if you had your arms full, they would be sure to get both hands for me!And there was always someone wiping down hand rails in the halls and stairways.Can you tell us what a ball park figure of the cost would be?Is one time of the year better than another?Years ago I went on several cruises with Royal Caribbean, was definitely not happy with the last one, won't sail with them again.


    Cammy--Actually, I am very lucky, except for Miss Snarky Pants the crew I work with is and for is great.Even Miss SP is pretty good most of the time.She's very young, and not properly prepared for the job she's doing, but isn't smart enough to listen to anyone else yet.She'll either sink herself with the regional higher ups or smarten up eventually.You are right, it is much easier to be pleasant, if not happy.And giving each other some space when they're having a bad day goes a long way, too.


    Dara--Talk about obnoxious bosses!Your ex-boss needs a kick in the pants.


    Cammy--Yup, Sadie and I had a nice cuddle and belly rub session before crawling out of bed this ayem.Didn't get up until the sun came up!So much nicer that way.So sorry to hear about 2nd DH.Sounds like he's pretty tough.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle seconds the Barbie Drink for the DOTD!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Happy Saturday girls!

    I crashed out early last night and slept late. God bless my little Lucy, she gave me 12 hours before she started to whimper. It was sooo nice just laying in bed while the sun scorched mese ewwa!

    NM, you crack me up talking about lil Ms. Snarky. I hate when young girls think they know everything. You are right, she will either "do or die". Poor Sadie with snowballs stuck in her widdle paws. I know you got her warmed up and comfy very quickly. This cruise sounds really fun. If I start saving now, I can join you all. No way in hell will I let a group of you go away with mese!

    Lori, I saw a picture of your step DD on facebook, she looked beautiful. And I saw a pic of you too, I see you wore the gold dress and you my love, are smoking hot in that dress. I noticed another woman next to you in a floor length dress as well but you had to be the most beautiful woman there (other than the bride, have to say that). I thought of sharing the pic but would not without your permission. I hope you had a grand time and that it was not too much on you. I miss your face here girl.

    Camille, sorry about the news on your 2nd DH. I hope he goes to the other side peacefully as can be. Good for Joey in still playing, who knows, they say practice makes perfect. So glad you are sleeping well.

    Nancy, I think you have the kiddies this weekend? I look forward to pics. Hope you are feeling well and doing well. Please report when you can and share lots of photos.

    Julie, I know you are having a fab time in Disney doing yer ting. I hope the weather has been nice. And it sounds like you had a room upgrade, do I understand that right?

    Mema Sue, happy belated birthday to your DH. Did you do anyting special to sailabrate?

    4, how is the floor coming along? Hope the project is going well. You are amazing with all you do.

    Mary, so sorry that you did not get your exchange date. I too hope that the angry foob gets happy. I wonder why they continue to inflate your leaky TE knowing it will leak out. Do you feel the leakage?

    Well after much begging, I heard from my daughter. She sent a pic of Logan, was a family pic. I mighten crop out the SD and post it here. She also sent a short video of baby David. I uploaded the video to my computer and set it on repeat and watched it over a hundred times. He is soooo cute, he is on his back playing with a carousel thingy. He has gotten so big.

    The bitch exboss really gets under my skin. I am so thankful to be outta there for awhile. I am hoping that when I return, I am much further away from her ugly face and loud mouth. She is just so rude. I had a conversation with a friend of mine that is on her team and the friend told me that she reported her to HR for talking down at her very loudly in where anyone around could hear her. Our company is merging two buildings together so will be replacing all of the office furniture, cubicles and such, and replacing the carpets. It really is a nice building, can't wait to see the finished results when I return.

    Ok, here is the photo of mese DD and baby David, love him so much. Oh and I love her too. She told me that her counselor advised her to speak to me, I love that counselor. She said that her decision to cut me off had nothing to do with the SD. She said that she is still very upset with the comment I made in telling her that I wonder if she wants to be a mother at all. Ugh, iffen I could only take those words back. I have apologized but nothing I can do, she wants to keep her distance. I am just happy for the few crumbs she has tossed me. oops, gotta flip the photo, it came out sideways, will figure it out and repost.

    Hope all of you have a super fabulous saturday. It is a mild 42 degrees here, feels like spring day as the sun is shining brightly. Love you girls!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Dara--God bless your Lil Lucy, indeed!It takes about 1 second for Sadie to flop over onto her back and stick her paws up for me to clean out the ice balls.That job takes just a second per paw, but the belly rub session after can last for quite some time.I'm glad you got a video and pic of the baby.

    Adorable baby!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    NM, you make deicing the paws sound so easy, God Bless your Sadie, she is a good sport. Good to see you in the lounge in the pee em. It has been much too quiet in here for my liking. ~ HINT ~

    I am trying to figure out what to do for dinner, mese head is spinning. I just made a drink, it is 5:00 and officially saturdey night!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good snowing (again) morning, Loungettes!At least we saw the sun for a bit yesterday.Now to see how much more snow we get.Some predictions are for another foot, some for just a few inches, no one seems to agree.

    Dara--It is easy to deice Sadie's paws.Snow balls up in between her pads and then freezes into a hard little ball, it pops right out when I sweep a finger through.It must be so painful for her to walk on, she will be take a few steps, then sit and look so pathetic, then take a few more steps.It's actually funny when she had ice balls in more than one paw. She's really cooperative about letting me get them out, not sure if it's cuz the pain stops or the belly rub after, or both!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    3 oz Vodka

    1 oz Peach Schnapps

    2 oz Light Rum

    2 cups Ice

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Pour all ingredients into a blender. Blend on high until the ice is crushed completely. Pour into a collins glass, and serve into two highball glasses or one very tall glass.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Morning everyone! I have a few min before I have to get ready for church.

    Dara I am so glad that your DD at least listened to her counselor and took that first step.Its not easy I know I have a lot of times I have things I want to take back that I have said or done to my kids. But I coulda, shoulda , woulda, all day long and it wouldn't have probably made that much of a difference. Just keep doing what your doing and be there for her. Keep praying and keep letting God do his thing. It will all work out in the end. They are both beautiful and so are you darling!

    NM I will definately get you all a ballpark figure and there are defiantely better times then others to go. I will find all that out and get back with everyone

    gotta go for now be back latter Love you all

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls, I started a post yesterday and then as usual got distracted and never finished. Thursday, I stayed in PC and went out to dinner, then Friday watched Nora, came home and made dinner for DH and MIL and then we all watched Gone Girl. It was good, they really stuck to the way it all happened in the book. Yesterday I went to the fitness center and did my own little triathlon, jogged on the treadmill then rode the bike then swam laps. After that I sat in the hot tub and came home and took a Percocet. Then DH and I went to BW3's and played trivia (I beat him finally!) and then we went to the indoor golf simulator place and played 9 holes. Now I tink I have a wee bit of a hangover. DH just took dogs to the park, he's traveling all week so I'm gonna have dog duty before and after work. 40 degrees yesterday and today so hopefully I'll be able to take them to the woods to run. We are getting our kitchen remodeled in the next few weeks, can't wait for the outcome but dreading the mess and disruption.

    NM, I know what you mean about the frozen paws, I have to clean theirs out when we are in the woods all the time. I used to have a little schnauzer mix that wore boots, when one fell off he would hold his foot in the air and wait for me to put it back on. He was a spoiled wussy little guy, even squatted when he peed. I had him for 16 years and always said he was the gay son I never had. Glad to hear little miss snarky has been keeping her mouth shut. Looks like you have more snow coming again, guess we're just going to get rain.

    Lori, hope you're having a good time, would love to see some pics from the wedding, spacially of you in the dress. Have you read about the new drug that has been fast tracked by the FDA for ER+ advanced BC? Says it keeps it at bay for closer to 2 years then the current tx which usually last 1 year. I will find the link and send it to you ASAP, I just know it made me think of you, I saw it last week.

    Dara, so glad you got to see little David's pic and video. I hope and pray she finds it in her heart to forgive you and the two of you can move beyond all this BS. Do you have any idea how it's going with the custody stuff? Glad your little Lucy let you sleep in. What date is your surgery? We need to get the spaceship ready. My PS keeps refilling my foob because he wants to make sure the skin is stretched enough for the implants, and no I can't feel it leaking. I've been trying to avoid rolling onto my stomach at night and I tink it's staying a little fuller. Been using vitamin E and silvadene but it just still looks the same red to me.

    Nancy, hope you're having fun with your babies. Are you doing better with the seizures? Hope you get approved for the disability soon.

    Cami, glad to hear Joey is still playing, who knows he may get really good at it one day. Sorry about your ex-DH, has he passed yet?

    Julie, having fun at Disney, post some pics when you can.

    Well I hafta get moving, got stuff to do, PRN, Lynn, Sue, Lara, and everybody I didn't mention, hope you're all good.