how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Chilly and snowy, again. Starting to sound like a broken record.Hmm, isn't it the current generation that doesn't understand that phrase?

    Collett--thanks in advance for the info!

    Genny--Congrats on beating DH at Trivial Pursuit!Sounds like you've been busy.Hope the wee bit of a hangover is done with by now.I can just picture the little schnauzer standing in the snow with a paw up looking at you as if to say "What are you waiting for?"And yup, 3 more inches of snow yesterday and overnight.This is getting boring.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Alaskan Iced Tea

    1/2 oz Vodka

    2 oz Blue Curacao

    1/2 oz Light Rum

    1/2 oz Gin

    Lemon Lime Soda

    2 oz Sweet and Sour Mix

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Mix the rum, gin, vodka, blue curacao, and sour mix in a mixing glass. Pour into an ice-filled highball glass, and top with lemon-lime soda. Garnish with a twist of lemon or lime, and top with a cherry

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    Its been way to long I missed all of you playing ket chup

    Goldie a couple of things we need you around and u r going to kick this strong take the pills and do not think of the symptoms to come it could make your head cooky.Dress number one u look gorg. I was confused I thought u had a BMX but you did not, I also see you are HER - are you brca?How the hell this happened IDK hate the furb Im with u and pray.

    NM how much snow can we get really? We  just got dumped on again

    pain doc said they can not help me anymore the patch gave me a rash and she will not put be back on hydros fking bitch.So I found a lawyer in syracuse going after that witch last PS we r playing phone tag at the moment. Pain doc does not get this is not chest pain its a bone connecting my implants and the one is to the left in the arm pit she always wanted to get rid of me

    I am back to work my friend and I have are clening biz and it has skyrocketed, very busy and yes I am doing heavy work but right now thats what I want to do, I look for education positions but not into it still have disability pending to

    I have flexril and 8oo mgs ibf thats it for now its complicated with the surgeries to and being on something This new PS says she might not be able to fix the pain but this uni boob happened during surgery the tat she was appalled I had a pyschic tell me once I might get hep c from a tat , if I got that from this tat I would be looking a millions.

    Dara love the poopy puppy

    mema Lve and miss u to

    Juliet going for disney

    4 that was a good story

    cam u crack me up sry about your brother

    genny sliverdine is a great burn cream, my husband is a chef he had third degree burns on hand it was gone in three days with that cream. I had it for that tat that I never used when my skin was falling off

    wheres PRN

    ncollet I have been on like 11 cruises, we do all inexclusive now.Love that ocean shot from the boat.I would throw bread from are balcony to see if I could see a shark fin lol

    my parents are in Florida still they have seen about three fins they are right on the water.scary creppy

    Im missing someone sry ill never stay away long again

    oh menapuse sks major farts

    I am taking black colosh no HRT I cant IM hER positive

    any other recommendations on natural supps let me know

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2015

    Dara! Bestliest of luck today!! I am on de UFO awaiting the likker delivery before take off!! Sending big hugs and positive thoughts!

    To all de other girls. See you on de UFO!! Got anudder skool run and it raining like cray cray here which means people driving like cray cray!!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Morning everyone. It's another dreary day here. I sent for a quote for a Disney cruise from Small World Travel Agency just to see what kind of deal they could give us if any. Sometimes you get a great deal with onboard credit to use. I will let you know.

    I had Jackson and Samarah over the weekend but baby girl got sick and had to go home :(

    Jackson was a hoot. He is getting so big. He dropped his peanuts on the floor and said oh sh..t ( lol) it was all I could do to not laugh. I had to tell him we don't say those words,he says but Nana my mommy say that. I said well mommy shouldn't mommy was a bad girl and if Nanna hears her Nanna gonna spank her butt and if Nanna hears you Nanna gonna spank your butt. He says oh damn lol. I said Jackson we don't say that either. I was laughing so hard. I had to tell both Lindsay and Mat please watch what your saying around him.

    Genny my seizures are better. I still have a few but not as bad.

    Lora which Cruiseline do you like the best? Have you ever seen any sharks? We haven't seen anything but a sea turtle while cruising.



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    good morning all. back from disney,love disney but their wifi is hit and miss a lot with my laptop! i was booked into pop century, a disney economy but when i got there , the lady was looking me up n the computer and then she got straight on the phone and said miss t is in reception, she talked some more,i'm having chest pain, thinking whats wrong now! then she tells me i've been upgraded to the animal kingdom lodge! so had a lovely time, did more steps trying to avoid all the people coughing!,

    would love to go on a cruise with you allHappy

    lara-what is the new ps going to do and so glad you like her?

    dara- on my way,now you behave! we might not tho!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Hi all - glad to see we are all in the UFO heading for NJ for Dara's surgery.  We are here for u Dara, I just hope I can keep these girls in line so dey don't bother the surgeon too much. 

    Have tons to do today, so heading for the shower but wanted to tell all my beauties how much I miss and love them.  Check in after the surgery.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    hi girls, I am at the surgery center, was scheduled for noon but they are running behind. I just read the posts since yesterday, thanks all for being here.

    My dad is on the hospital. He fell out if bed yesterday morning. Not sure if he passed out or just fell. He had a slight cold but was having trouble catching his breath, struggling to stay awake and very confused. We took him to the ER they admitted him for observation.

    I had the pleasure of talking to our loungette Cyndie Lou last night, she I'd doing well and says hi.

    I will update you all later, time to change and get my party hat on. Cheers

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Dorothy, your surgery is today darling. I'm praying for you that it is a success and not very painful for you. You are a funny bunny goil. Essplainin bout da peeps wif de accents, and YES, Julie's accent is so purdy. You an Stella have the same middle name TROUBLE. She is Stella Twinx, the T for TROUBLE!

    Mary, so sorry about the angry foob...dang it! And you think using some more burn cream will help? I hope you and your friends can share MANY MORE yearly anniversaries. But sorry about your friend and it spreading to his liver.

    Cami, you mentioned Windows 8 and the touch screen reminding you of your crime shows...too funny. Is Joey still playing the clarinet? Oops, I see you answered that. Good for him! As for DH to know if treatments will be done for me, I don't think that will happen. I believe I am on treatment until the end. And you can be SMALTZY any time you want. I love the words you come up with!

    4, there is no need to put anyone at the bottom of the prayer list, us goilies are always on top! There is NO bottom. I hope all went well with your checkup. I had to chuckle at your comment to Sue about no test for a month. Those 4 weeks fly by! LOVE the Presidents Day joke.

    LDB, happy belated to your dear hubby. No doubt your ve hick les got dwunk?

    Nancy, how fun to take the kids to DW for Halloween, and Jackson is all set with his Pirate costume. I'll bet you mighten even be able to talk the Disney ho into meeting you there! Poor lil Samara, I hope she feels better soon. I just love all of our little babies here. OMG, I am laffing so hard at Jackson and the swearing, especially when you said you were gonna spank his butt and he says "oh damn". THAT is a CLASSIC!

    Dara, the other gal in the picture with me, iffin we're talkin bout the same picture, is my other step daughter and my her DD, my grand daughter. Both in blue? And you heard from your DD? That is awesome! Now just behave yourself, so you can get your hands on that lil bundle o joy. The picture is so cute! As for your comment, can you tell her again how sorry you are and that you really didn't mean, it was said out of anger, which is the truth!

    Wow Mary, all of that exercise you do! And a big whoop whoop in beating DH at the trivia Send the info along on the new drug, I'm ready to look at anything. But I have to say, I'm not liking the part of it gives you 2 years. I am not ready to die in 2 years....damn it! FURB! I see the link, tanks a bunch.

    Sweet lil Lala, I was not tested for BRCA, they thought I was too old. I do have implants, just not from the RB. Good for you on the cleaning biz, just be careful, k? And I'm so sorry about all the chit you are dealing with and hope the lawyers and new PS can help. DH had tons of hydro pills, I should see if there are anymore. Jes don't get yerself a dick ted again.

    Julie got an upgrade at DW, woo hoo! And were you really having chest pain? I did not like reading that. Loved the pics, but there were none of you....(sad face)

    Dorky dear, been thinking of you all day. I hope all is well, and then I see you had to take dad to the hospital. Dang! I hope he is ok too.

    NM, looks like you are in for MORE SNOW, and a LOT?

    Well, everything went well for the wedding. The brides mother was not very supportive and my SD (step daughter, not sperm donor) was not to happy about that. Said I was there for her more than her own mother and seemed to care more about her than her own mother. She was always disappearing when it was time for pictures and NO ONE likes her husband. In fact, he was asked to leave the reception. He was arguing with the groom, he did not like their choice of music and asked the groom if he wanted to take it outside. And dang it, I missed it all!  A lot of her (mother of the bride, my DH ex) family was there, I never once seen her sit with them. None of them like her DH either. But they were very glad to see my DH again and were very pleasant with me. I'll be posting pics on FB soon, and YES I wore the gold dress. But in some shots I have one boob that looks huge and the other one not, due to the encapsulation of the readiated boob!

    Started my FU pills today, this morning and last night were tough, but I am doing much better. Iffin I'm still feeling bad, I will take the Prozac. My DD wants me to look into the Willie stuff. LDB, are you still doing that?

    I pulled a Mary, and started this this I need to post!
    Love and Cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    hi girls gotta keep this short typing with one hand.

    surgery went well, thankfully my ulnar nerve only needed de-compressed, not transposed. they numbed my entire arm, the weirdest feeling ever. my arm felt like it weighed a hundred pounds.

    funny story, my Dad keep telling the staff at the hospital that he has to get home soon since he has a new puppy. I told him on the phone that I will buy Lucy a service dog best, put on a pair of sunglasses and use one of his canes and walaa, I can bring Lucy to bisit him.

    I found a pic of a dachshund service dog that looks a little like Lucy and texted to my sister to show him. He cracked up. He is doing alright, his issues have been determined to be either heart or kidney related. His blood enzymes are off. He is in good spirits. I hope to visit him tomorrow.


    what do you all tink, if i get this vest, do you tink I can fool de staff at the hospital? lol

    ok, I go now, will peck back in later!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    dara u having surgery chiy big sis I am here on what?????????? I need fill in

    Hi goldie thats weird they thought u wwre to old to get tested... I was never addicted just needed to get off them to see if I had real pain and we neeed them for surgeries etc and my pain its a catch 22 basically these pills when u stop give u withdrawI .... I am BRACA 2 Positive askenshi gene I think thats how u spell it very bad gene ,mutation.

    I liked carnival when I was in my 20s but felt like it was a dirty boat

    crib cruz was good we had balcony for our honeymoon

    norweigen to many ole people did that one with the grandparents


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    got it dara we just bumped

    I feel bad for your dad tell him I say Hi

    it was your hand I see

    kk heres a hooray u r ok

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, morning, anyway.Wound up getting up in the middle of the night to do a neb treatment, so I've only gotten a few hours of sleep, not happy about that, but what can I do?

    ORLA--good question.WE got away with just a few inches this last time, but another big storm coming later in the week, supposedly.Getting very tired of shoveling.Pain doc can't help, or won't help?Sounds like a PIA to me.Good for you for getting a lawyer.Something has to be done by someone!Be careful how much heavy cleaning you do if you are looking for disability, they'll use that against you.Be careful with the Black Cohosh and such, they work my mimicking the effect of estrogen.

    4--careful out there in the rain with the crazy drivers.

    Collett--Poor sick baby girl.Hope she feels better fastliest.Little ears to hear everything, don't they?Jackson is adorable!

    Julie--Sounds like a wonderful trip!Upgrading is a good thing, and extra steps is always helpful, right?

    Mema--See you in the pocket!

    Dara--Your poor Dad, hope he's feeling better.

    Goldie--more snow, some say a lot some say not so much.Sigh.Ah, wedding dramatics.Why people just can't get along for one day and celebrate a wedding, but it never seems to happen that way.Glad you didn't see them or have to talk to them.Sounds like bio Mom feels the need to be the center of attention.But her hubby arguing with the groom about the music?It was the groom's wedding, hubby has no say, what was he thinking?

    Dara--glad you are home, glad you only needed decompression.Glad your Dad is doing better, too.FYI--the hospital people will ask to see Lucy's service dog certificate if she goes in with avest.Better to just take her immunization record and ask to let her visit, most hospitals will make arrangements for pet visits these days.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Red Dog

    1/2 oz Orange Vodka

    2 oz Canadian Whiskey

    1 1/2 oz Cranberry Juice

    1 1/2 oz Orange Juice

    3 oz Ginger Ale

    Best served in a Collins Glass.


    Pour vodka and whiskey into a cocktail shaker. Add orange and cranberry juice, and shake vigorously. Pour over ice in a frozen or chilled collins glass or tumbler. Slowly add the ginger ale, garnish with a maraschino cherry or orange wedge, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Well there Wacko, sounds like all went well with your surgery and it sounds like you were awake? I hope you are not in much pain, but so glad you checked in. Again, sorry to hear about your dad and hopefully they will get it figured out. At least you have yourself to take care of right now. So don't go being toopid. How long will you be off of work now? I know not as long as if they would have transposed it.

    Lara, I guess I just thought that if you went through withdrawl, it was because you were addicted. A little different when you NEED them though, so a bad choice of words on my part.

    NM, bio mom was not wanting to be center of attention at all, just the opposite. I don't think she shared much with her DD on her wedding day. Only saw her for a minute, prior to the wedding, and kept disappearing during the wedding. Very strange. And did not see or call her the day after. She was staying at the hotel accross the street, as was her other DD. She called her 3 times. Bio mom's DH got into with my other son in law last year, something about history, and asked my SIL at that time if he wanted to take it outside. The man has issues! That step daughter did not talk to her mom for quite some time. Looks like it's pretty cold over your way, can't blame you for wanting mud season to get here and it looks like you'll have plenty of mud!

    Cami and Sue, I hope your hearts are a little less heavy.

    Ok girls, you can come back to the lounge. The pocket party is over!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls, I missed a few days without even realizing it. Darn it, UFO left without me. My bad. I hve a bit of a cold, not bad, just enough to be annoying. I'm off today so that's good. DH left for Michigan till Thursday so I'm on pooch duty next few days.

    Dara, so happy to hear your surgery went well. How long do you get to be off work? And your dad gonna be ok too, so good. Hospital might let you take Lucy to bisit, can't hurt to ask. Does your DD know you dad is there? Did she forgive him for what he called the SD?Hope so, and I hope she bisits him, or at least calls him.

    Lori, I'm glad the wedding went ok, sorry to hear about the mom and boyfriend being a-holes, so not the place or the memories her daughter should have of her wedding day. I did post the link to that drug info and it didn't say you would die in 2 years, it just said it worked about 2 years, then on to the next thing like IV chemo I presume. But who knows in 2 years they may have somtin else dat works for 2 more. New stuff all the time. I'm wondering if that one was the clinical trial they wanted me to go on. I'm thinking maybe it was. I'm sure your boobs looked fine in the dress, we always see these kind of things when we look at pics of ourselves but never see stuff like dat on other people.My foob is all healed up just really red. I'm not sure that anything will fix that, it's been almost 3 mos since I finished rads but I'll just keep slathering this and that on it to see if I can tone it down a bit. Too old for the BRCA test? WTF is that , shouldn't your daughter know if you have it? I had the test 8 years ago and it was neg but they told me they want to do it again since the test has improved. I don't have a daughter so I'm not too worried about it but ifin I was positive I would prolly get my ovaries out.

    Nancy, so funny about Jackson, cracked me up. I can so see Nora saying something like that soon. My DH sneaks her bites if ice cream when we have her. I told him whatever he does don't say what it is, she not spose to have sugar but he says it's a grampa's right. I can just see her pointing to the freezer and saying "icekeem". So sorry Samara got sick, hopefully just a one night thing.

    I'm watching the today show right now and they posted results of the survey of the top 5 sexiest accents. #3 Irish, #2American ??? really, and #1British. So there ya have it Julie.

    Julie, glad you had a good time at DW and so cool about the upgrade, guess all that hard work at being a Disney whore has paid off.

    Hi Lynn, nice to see you, thanks for taking care of the spaceship, I know you always so busy.

    Sue, you always so busy too, glad to hear you're doing so well, how's the hair coming? I had my 1st haircut last week, had some patches here and there that were longer than other. Looks like a regular short haircut now. Is your new hair curly?

    NM, sorry about needing the neb tx last night, damn asthma. I was up and down with stuffed up head and I took Benedryl so in a fog. Might go to the fitness center and sit in the steamroom maybe sweat it out. Hope you're feeling ok now. The snow just doesn't want to let up your way does it. Seems everyday I turn on the weather and there's more of the s word headed your way. They said yesterday that he polar vortex is gonna hang around and keep us all cold well into March. Yuck, I'm sick of it, gonna be a high of 9 this weekend, but still nothing like you have.

    Lala, hope this new surgeon gets everything straightened out. I assume your cleaning is done off the books? Do they all pay you cash?

    Oh, crap, I just remembered I have an eye doctor appt this you girls, gotta run

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Mornin Mare, (short for Mary, not referring to you as a horse)! Not that I was too old, but because of my age at the time of my diagnosis, they didn't think it was necessary. I don't know, you just go by what the docs say, right? As for you and not having a daughter, that gene, if I'm not mistaken, can be passed on to sons who can then pass it on to their daughters.
    Oh yeah, sexy accents, Julie and Cami. I'm Irish, but don't really have an accent. Although I have had people ask me if I was from Michigan and I'm like "yeah, how'd you know?" Response, "your accent". WTH!

    NM, forgot to mention the asthma, I too hope you are feeling better. I have begun to sneeze too, that time of the year. Time to get the turkey baster out!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    yes its my own business

    I know goldie what u meant Im sry to talk about your situation it just amazes me how all this happens

    something needs to change with more detection early , screening more screening IDK

    kk gotta go to work bbl

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Hi Nancy,

    I have great news for you!

    You've chosen the most magical place on Earth to celebration a personal triumph!

    I was able to price out a 4-Night Bahamian Disney Cruise on the Disney Dream for you.

    Pricing and availability are not guaranteed and are for reference only. They are subject to change until a courtesy reservation has been made in your name. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like me to try to lock-in pricing and availability.

    Your cruise qualifies for Small World Vacations' Onboard Credit (OBC) Program! Based on the cruise fare of your Disney Cruise, you should receive $500 ($100 per stateroom) OBC from Small World Vacations. Click to learn more about our ONBOARD CREDIT program. Onboard Credit is based on the cruise fare at the time of final payment.

    After reviewing your Disney Cruise quote, please contact me at 508-835-2498 or toll-free at 888-677-8333 or by e-mail at to discuss your Disney vacation or to reserve the following itinerary:

    Disney Dream - 4 Night Bahamian Disney Cruise

    Port Canaveral, FL - Visiting Nassau and Disney's own Castaway Cay

    Sailing Date: Monday, March 14, 2016

    Returning Date: Friday, March 18, 2016

    Stateroom #1

    2 Adults

    Category: 11C

    Stateroom Description: Standard Inside Stateroom

    Deck: 2

    Stateroom #: To be determined at time of booking

    Dining Time: To be determined at time of booking

    Government Taxes & Fees - Included

    Vacation Protection Insurance – Not Included (Add $168.96 to include Disney's Vacation Protection)

    Ground Transfers – Not Included (Add $70pp over age 2 to include Disney's round-trip Ground Transfers)

    Airfare - Not Included

    Total Price: $2,249.16 USD for reference only

    You are eligible for up to $100 Onboard Credit at this time.
    Click here for Small World Vacations Onboard Credit Offer

    If you pay for your entire cruise with a Disney Visa card, you MAY also be eligible for an additional $50 Onboard Credit per stateroom. Disney Visa OBC can be used for onboard beverages only.

    This price includes food and entertainment on board. This price does not include alcoholic beverages, gratuities, shore excursions, souvenirs, photos, spa treatments, and certain activities.

    Please note, Disney Cruise will automatically charge your credit card for gratuities for your servers and stateroom host/hostess. For details on pre-paid gratuities click here:

    See cancellation, insurance and passport information below.

    Stateroom #2

    2 Adults

    Category: 11C

    Stateroom Description: Standard Inside Stateroom

    Deck: 2

    Stateroom #: To be determined at time of booking

    Dining Time: To be determined at time of booking

    Government Taxes & Fees - Included

    Vacation Protection Insurance – Not Included (Add $168.96 to include Disney's Vacation Protection)

    Ground Transfers – Not Included (Add $70pp over age 2 to include Disney's round-trip Ground Transfers)

    Airfare - Not Included

    Total Price: $2,249.16 USD for reference only

    You are eligible for up to $100 Onboard Credit at this time.
    Click here for Small World Vacations Onboard Credit Offer

    If you pay for your entire cruise with a Disney Visa card, you MAY also be eligible for an additional $50 Onboard Credit per stateroom. Disney Visa OBC can be used for onboard beverages only.

    This price includes food and entertainment on board. This price does not include alcoholic beverages, gratuities, shore excursions, souvenirs, photos, spa treatments, and certain activities.

    Please note, Disney Cruise will automatically charge your credit card for gratuities for your servers and stateroom host/hostess. For details on pre-paid gratuities click here:

    See cancellation, insurance and passport information below.

    Stateroom #3

    2 Adults

    Category: 11C

    Stateroom Description: Standard Inside Stateroom

    Deck: 2

    Stateroom #: To be determined at time of booking

    Dining Time: To be determined at time of booking

    Government Taxes & Fees - Included

    Vacation Protection Insurance – Not Included (Add $168.96 to include Disney's Vacation Protection)

    Ground Transfers – Not Included (Add $70pp over age 2 to include Disney's round-trip Ground Transfers)

    Airfare - Not Included

    Total Price: $2,249.16 USD for reference only

    You are eligible for up to $100 Onboard Credit at this time.
    Click here for Small World Vacations Onboard Credit Offer

    If you pay for your entire cruise with a Disney Visa card, you MAY also be eligible for an additional $50 Onboard Credit per stateroom. Disney Visa OBC can be used for onboard beverages only.

    This price includes food and entertainment on board. This price does not include alcoholic beverages, gratuities, shore excursions, souvenirs, photos, spa treatments, and certain activities.

    Please note, Disney Cruise will automatically charge your credit card for gratuities for your servers and stateroom host/hostess. For details on pre-paid gratuities click here:

    See cancellation, insurance and passport information below.

    Stateroom #4

    2 Adults

    Category: 11C

    Stateroom Description: Standard Inside Stateroom

    Deck: 2

    Stateroom #: To be determined at time of booking

    Dining Time: To be determined at time of booking

    Government Taxes & Fees - Included

    Vacation Protection Insurance – Not Included (Add $168.96 to include Disney's Vacation Protection)

    Ground Transfers – Not Included (Add $70pp over age 2 to include Disney's round-trip Ground Transfers)

    Airfare - Not Included

    Total Price: $2,249.16 USD for reference only

    You are eligible for up to $100 Onboard Credit at this time.
    Click here for Small World Vacations Onboard Credit Offer

    If you pay for your entire cruise with a Disney Visa card, you MAY also be eligible for an additional $50 Onboard Credit per stateroom. Disney Visa OBC can be used for onboard beverages only.

    This price includes food and entertainment on board. This price does not include alcoholic beverages, gratuities, shore excursions, souvenirs, photos, spa treatments, and certain activities.

    Please note, Disney Cruise will automatically charge your credit card for gratuities for your servers and stateroom host/hostess. For details on pre-paid gratuities click here:

    See cancellation, insurance and passport information below.

    Stateroom #5

    2 Adults

    Category: 11C

    Stateroom Description: Standard Inside Stateroom

    Deck: 2

    Stateroom #: To be determined at time of booking

    Dining Time: To be determined at time of booking

    Government Taxes & Fees - Included

    Vacation Protection Insurance – Not Included (Add $168.96 to include Disney's Vacation Protection)

    Ground Transfers – Not Included (Add $70pp over age 2 to include Disney's round-trip Ground Transfers)

    Airfare - Not Included

    Total Price: $2,249.16 USD for reference only

    You are eligible for up to $100 Onboard Credit at this time.
    Click here for Small World Vacations Onboard Credit Offer

    If you pay for your entire cruise with a Disney Visa card, you MAY also be eligible for an additional $50 Onboard Credit per stateroom. Disney Visa OBC can be used for onboard beverages only.

    This price includes food and entertainment on board. This price does not include alcoholic beverages, gratuities, shore excursions, souvenirs, photos, spa treatments, and certain activities.

    Please note, Disney Cruise will automatically charge your credit card for gratuities for your servers and stateroom host/hostess. For details on pre-paid gratuities click here:

    See cancellation, insurance and passport information below.


    I look forward to helping you plan a special Disney Cruise vacation… until then….

    Have a Disney Day!

    Kathy Atchue

    Small World Vacations... where the magic begins!

    Authorized Disney Vacation Planners

    Dedicated To Your Dreams and Your Dollars

    Phone: 508-835-2498
    Toll Free Outside MA: 888-677-8333
    Fax: 508-340-4947

    Office Hours:

    Monday - Friday: 9:30am-4:30pm EST

    Saturday – No office hours; however, I do check email and voicemail messages as time permits.

    Sunday - Closed

    Recommended by ,, and Steve Soares Live Disney Entertainment.

    Mentioned in Sehlinger's "Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World', Frommers Newsletter, Family Circle Magazine, The Seattle Times, WDWToday Podcast,, MouseStation, Modern Travel Agent, The Washingtonian, The Bergen Record, The Star Ledger, The Cheapskates Unauthorized Guide to Walt Disney World® & The Orlando Sentinel. Insured member of the Orlando/ Orange County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Florida Tourist Board and CLIA. Graduates of Disney College of Knowledge. California Seller of Travel# 2071762-40 Member NJ Better Business Bureau.
    Independent Agent in compliance with Florida Sellers of Travel, section 559/ 926-939. Bonded and Insured member of the Orlando/ Orange County Convention and Visitors Bureau and CLIA.

    Kathy Atchue is not an agent, employee or affiliate of the Walt Disney World Co., Disney Cruiseline, Disneyland or Adventures by Disney or the Disney Company or any other vendors.

    Kathy Atchue acts only as an agent for the travel suppliers named in your vacation itinerary. She is not liable for the actions or omissions of the said suppliers or any other event beyond her control.

    Kathy Atchue is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions in any emails or quotes. She does her best to provide accurate pricing but is not responsible for unintentional errors in her correspondence.

    Small World Vacations, Inc. Guest Service:


    Disney Cruise Line Vacation Protection Plan

    We strongly recommend the purchase of Disney Cruise Vacations Protection Plan. It provides baggage, trip cancellation/interruption, and medical expense coverage for your vacation. Remember, most major medical policies do not provide coverage outside the U.S. If you choose to decline the insurance, we ask that you sign a waiver.

    COST: 8% of the per person voyage fare. The minimum per person cost is $29, and the maximum per person cost is $399. Please use this link to view Disney's Vacation Protection Plan:

    Please note: If you purchase the Vacation Protection Plan and cancel your vacation for any reason not covered by the insurance plan, Disney Cruise Vacations will credit 75% of the non-refundable cancellation fee toward a future Disney Cruise Vacations package commenced within one year after the start date of your original package. ** Only expenses booked through Disney Cruise Vacations will be covered.

    CANCEL FOR ANY REASON - Provided by Disney Cruise Line
    Receive a future cruise credit up to 75% of the cancellation fee amount to apply toward a future Disney Cruise Line sailing if you need to cancel for any reason not covered by the insurance portion of the plan. Certain restrictions apply.*

    *The Cancel For Any Reason cruise credit feature is equal to 75% of the non-refundable cancellation fee imposed by Disney for your use toward a future cruise. Credits are valid for one year from issue date, are not transferrable, and have no cash value. To be eligible for credits, notification of cancellation must be given to Disney Cruise Line prior to the ship's departure and a cancellation claim must be filed with Aon Berkely. If the credit is applied to a cruise booking of lesser value, the credit will be considered used, and the difference will not be carried forward or redeemed for cash. Credit may not be used toward deposit. If, after credit is applied to a booking, that booking is cancelled, the credit will not be carried forward to any other booking. Blockout periods may apply.


    Proof of Citizenship is required to board the Ship!

    Disney Cruise Line and Small World Vacations highly recommend traveling with a valid passport. You will be required to obtain a passport for all members sailing, including any infants or children, or provide certified copies of each person's birth certificate and government-issued photo ID for all adults (children under the age of 16 need only a certified copy of their birth certificate when traveling with adults over 16).

    Please be advised: While you are not required to obtain a passport at this time for sea-based travel, air travel outside the United States, regardless of reason, does require a passport. These rules are subject to change per the US Department of State. If you need to get a passport, this link to the US Department of State may be useful to you:

    Non U.S. Citizens – a valid passport is needed. Check with your local consulate on whether you will need visas to enter any of the destinations you will be visiting

    Due to strict Canadian entry requirements, residents of certain countries may require a valid Canadian Visa in addition to a valid passport to visit or transit through Canada. Guests without proper documentation will be unable to travel. For more information on Canadian Visa requirements and exceptions you may visit


    Disney Cruise Line Cancellation/Refund Policy (subject to change without notice)

    Disney Cruise Line will automatically cancel reservations if they are not paid in full by the due date. This will happen at 11:59pm on the final balance due date as listed above.

    Cancellations must be made by telephone or in writing. Changes to the vacation commencement date or changes of Guest names will be considered cancellations.

    Cruises 1 to 5 nights where embark or debark is a U.S. Port (Non-Holiday sailings)

    Final payment due date: 75 days prior to arrival

    75 days or more prior to vacation commencement date – full refund for all rooms except suite/ concierge rooms

    74 - 45 days prior to vacation commencement date for non-suite and concierge– deposit amount per Guest is forfeited

    44 - 30 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 50% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    29 - 15 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 75% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    14 days or less prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - no refund

    Holiday Sailings: Cruises 1 to 5 nights where embark or debark is a U.S. Port

    Final payment due date: 90 days prior to arrival

    90 days or more prior to vacation commencement date – full refund for all rooms except suite/ concierge rooms

    89 - 65 days prior to vacation commencement date for non-suite and concierge– deposit amount per Guest is forfeited

    64 - 43 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 50% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    42 - 15 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 75% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    14 days or less prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - no refund

    Cruises 1 to 5 nights where embark or debark is a U.S. Port - Suites and Concierge Staterooms

    Suites and Concierge Staterooms for ALL Sailings - deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE

    Final payment due date: 90 days prior rot arrival

    90 days or more prior to vacation commencement date for suites and concierge – deposit amount per Guest is forfeited

    89 - 56 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 50% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    55 - 30 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 75% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    29 days or less prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - no refund

    Cruises 6 to 9 nights where embark or debark is a U.S. Port (Non-Holiday Sailings)

    Final payment due date: 90 days prior to arrival

    90 days or more prior to vacation commencement date – full refund for all rooms except suite/ concierge rooms

    89 - 56 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - deposit amount per Guest is forfeited

    55 - 30 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 50% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    29 - 15 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 75% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    14 days or less prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - no refund

    For HOLIDAY Sailings - *Holiday Sailings are sailings that include Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day or July 4th

    Final payment due date: 105 days prior to arrival

    105 days or more prior to vacation commencement date – full refund for all rooms except suite/ concierge rooms

    104 - 75 days prior to vacation commencement date for non-suite and concierge– deposit amount per Guest is forfeited

    74 - 43 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 50% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    42 - 15 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 75% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    14 days or less prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - no refund

    Cruises 6 to 9 nights where embark or debark is a U.S. Port

    Suites and Concierge Staterooms for ALL Sailings - deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE

    Final payment due date: 90 days prior to arrival

    90 days or more prior to vacation commencement date – deposit amount per Guest is forfeited

    89 - 56 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 50% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    55 - 30 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 75% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    29 days or less prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - no refund

    Cruises 10 nights or more and cruises less than 10 nights where embark and debark is non-U.S. Port

    Final payment due date: 120 days prior rot arrival

    120 days or more prior to vacation commencement date – full refund for all rooms except suite/ concierge rooms.

    119 - 56 days prior to vacation commencement date for non-suite / concierge– deposit amount per Guest is forfeited

    55 – 30 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 50% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    29 - 15 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 75% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    14 days or less prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - no refund

    Cruises 10 nights or more and cruises less than 10 nights where embark and debark is non-U.S. Port

    Suites and Concierge Staterooms for ALL sailings - deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE

    Final payment due date: 150 days prior to arrival

    90 days or more prior to vacation commencement date for non-suite / concierge– deposit amount per Guest is forfeited

    89 - 56 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 50% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    55 - 30 days prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - 75% of vacation price per Guest is forfeited

    29 days or less prior to vacation commencement date for all rooms - no refund


    Are you pregnant or traveling with a baby? Please note important Disney Cruiseline policy: Due to safety concerns, as of the sail date, women who have entered the 24th week of pregnancy and/or infants under 6 months old (or under 1 year for Hawaii, Panama Canal and Transatlantic) will be refused passage on Disney Cruise Line ships.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Morning all above is a quote I got from Small World vacations if anyone is interested that is what the cost would be for a 4 night cruise with Disney. This is for 2016 Weather is perfect not too hot not too cold. Not hurricane season so the seas should be pretty good. They were for us. I only went with 5 rooms but if we need more we can do that. Let me know if you all are intereste

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    O good, was hoping to see a post from you Dara Dear.  Glad the surgery went better than expected.  Saying prayers for you and you dad.  Is he still in the hospital?  Give him a webk for me.   Love the pic of Lucy look a like. 

    Lowee - I agree with what Mary (I think that’s who said it) about all the new stuff coming out.  And pay no attention to some stat that says this or that many years.  Mine was 3 years, I’m past that now, will b 4 years in May.  U can do this girlfriend!!  Yes, I am still doing the willie and cannabid oil (sp).  I take a gram of the CBD which is high in THC before bed every night.  Don’t stay asleep tho, so that’s when I hit the pipe.  Am down to ½ xanax every other day.  Sleep best with it and the cbd.  I thought your foobs looked sexy mama in the pic you posted, so don’t think too much about it  You are GORGEOUS!  LOL the drunk camel!!

    Lara - sorry to hear you tested positive for BRCA…real bummer, still praying you can find someone to help with your pain, that is the Real bummer.

    NM - glad to hear you OK with all that horrible weather albeit the asthma attacks.  Can‘t imagine waking up with breathing difficulties.  Think and pray for all you girls in the path of this nasty mother nature.

    Julie DW - sounds like a wonderful vacay, might look into it myself.

    Mary - congrats on 1st hair cut.  My hair totally gray but growing out and the thin spots seem to be filling in.  I’m thinking I’ll give it another month and go get trimmed. 

    Nancy, that is not bad at all.  What months are best to travel for weather etc?

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    good afternoon all, dara hope your resting,how's the arm today? is baby david home, little confused on his your dad home yet,hope his labwork is improving. and he's feeling better

    lara-go careful with your cleaning

    mary-feel better soon, miss nora will say ice cream as clear as day when her mum's around!

    nancy -lmao at jackson,is miss samara better now? you know the food and wine festival is usually on at that time, so we do after meet up!

    nm-hope your not having an extended flare up, take care

    well had a mammogram today-no changes, repeat cea was drawn too will get that result tomorrow, and on a better note i have booked my next trip to disney ready for the flower and garden festival! i can see miss lori shaking her head from here!Happy

    have a great day ladies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    ok also going to disney this weekend !just waiting for details

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    HI girls,

    Just "pecking" in, only have one hand to use.

    Lori, I was put under. I am not sure why they numb the entire arm, maybe it makes it easier on the surgeon. It is just the most odd feeling. I will have to check out the pics on facebook. You should post one of you in your pretty dress here for the girl who are not on facebook.

    Nancy, is that price per person? I would guess yes. I would have to start saving now.

    I hope you are all doing ok, sorry I can't write much, it is hard pecking away with my left hand only. My pain level is nil once I get drugs in me. I woke up having zero pain but once I got moving my arm, it started to hurt. This is much easier than when I had my left arm done. I expect to be back to work in three weeks but will try for longer.

    cheers girls and lots of love to you all. And NM, hope you feel better dahling.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    love to go on the cruise, just need to start saving

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Hello everyone. Just spoke to the travel agent that I got the quote from and that price is per stateroom so divide that by two people. Unless you plan on having the stateroom to yourself. But it is based on two people per stateroom.

    I will find out when we would need to know for sure who all is going and when we would need a deposit. Im excited it would be so much fun. We could do a DW before or after if anyone wants to for a day or two.

    Dara how are you feeling? I'm glad everything went well.

    Mema best months to cruise the Caribbean are January-June after that you start getting into hurricane season and it gets hot and very humid and you can have some very rough seas. That's my experience anyways.

    Julie miss Samarah is better and sassy as ever lol. Now lil mister Jackson is sick and so am I,. Little stinkers decided to share with Nana. I love Disney and could go any time of year. Food and Wine festival is awesome time to go as is the Flower and Garden Festival. I love that one. We went last spring with my sister and the day we were at Epcotit rained all damn day. I was so upset because I was looking so forward to seeing that.Oh well I just will have to go back

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015


    The Disney Dream



    Inside stateroom also have sleeper sofas

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Thanks for your hard work Nanc. This sounds doable. I would need mese own room, I fart too much hehe. Sorry you and Jackson are sick, feel better soon, k?

    Jest got shocking news, there was a big layoff at work today and yesterday, oh mese oh mise. Not sure if you recall me saying but my director totally snubbed me since I returned. He got laid off, serves him right for dissing me. Really though, hate to see anyone lose their job...well cept for the freak ex boss. I heard it was upper management so she would be safe. oh well.

    had to peck (not tweet )about it, tanks for listening.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Good early morning Ladies----so need to ketchup

    Dara u sound good and u'r Dad OK? I thought surgery was today, I'm sorry--BTW u peck better than I do with 2 whole hands. So a lot of people got laid of? Oh not good.

    NM Sorry u'r not doing well with u'r asthma and u guys are really getting hit with a lot of storms, so far we only had that one.

    Julie I really am glad u have DW so near u, u seem to so enjoy it every time u go. And that thing is so big to walk around--I'm glad for u whatever makes u happy. Julie u didn't really have chest pains did u?

    Lara I don't know how u can clean, it must be hard for u, yet u'r doing it anyway--just take it slowly.

    Nancy sorry u have a cold now with Jackson, he's so darling. I still say he looks like Nora's brother.Their coloring is just the same. And how could u not laugh when Jackson spewed out the good words. LOL

    And Mary u've been busy--good for u.

    SusyQ I'm so glad when I hear u'r feeling good, u'r an amazin woman, my dear.

    Lori I didn't see any pic from the wedding, but what a fiasco having to tell the SF to leave, how can people act like that--it's not his day and he must love the outside. he sure likes to take things out there--let him go and lock him out. Please put some pictures on here so we can all share them. Show off u'r beauty Missy and Lori they do come out with new things every year now, so u have quite a ways to go, I just know it.

    Oh my job is changing in a few weeks--I'll have 2 phones to answer, they will be marked--like that'll make a difference to me--he's wants a business for generators only so he got that started--and after the jobs are done I will call to see if they were happy. That was my cousin Joanne's idea--that bitch, and I told her she's a bitch--This sounds good for him, but let's face it----my brain can't handle change very well or maybe not t all.

    Oh I told my DD when they pull the plug on my ex he wasn't going to die right away--and I was right he just died yesterday--I really feel nothing --he was not a nice man, my 1st I felt bad cuz he was a nice man, but we were way to young for me.

    Joey has been weepy all evening, he didn't finish a test and he's so worried that the teacher will be mad, I asked him why didn't he finish it and he said he was having a sad day--all day but he can't tell the teacher that cz it's sounds stupid. Of course I said why not, it doesn't matter how old we are we all have sad days.-I know he was thinking of my brother cuz he was asking a lot of questions the night before, when we were kids--he loves stories and I told him fun ones, but he felt so bad for me. I really didn't mean to make him sad, cuz we were laughing about him. Well it's life

    OK my orders for the day==everyone feel good, and be careful with who ever is having bad weather, I went shopping yesterday and it was chilly but Ok and I bout Blackberry Brandy--see how I change my mind--I remember loving it as a kid, cuz that what my mom gave me when I had cramps or a stomach problem--of course she would have been jailed in this day and age but even my brothers would have cramps.