how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!I am not sure why I am so tired this week, but crawling out of bed is getting harder and harder every ayem.It's really getting ridiculous.It's been busy at work, I know.We just got clearance to hire another full time nurse, that will be a big help in a couple of months when the search and training is done.

    Goldie--sounds like bio mom is a bit strange.And her DH definitely is strange!Maybe they both have mental health issues and are better off with each other than out in public?Very odd couple, indeed.Pretty cold here, but not as bad as it has been.Temps are getting above zero, but the breeze is enough to make things shivery.

    Genny--having a cold is annoying, isn't it?I did a neb before bed last night, was able to sleep through the night fairly well, but woke up with a headache this ayem.Not sure if it's cuz I slept on extra pillows or what.At least the coffee is easing it up.Tonight I'm going to do the neb and then a long hot shower--my version of a sauna.I just hope I'm not coming down with something.Andam getting sick of the cold, even if it isn't quite so bad as they are making it out to be.

    Goldie--you are not mistaken, the BRCA mutations can be passed to sons, and those sons are at higher risk of getting breast cancer than the general public, as well as passing the gene on to the next generation.But, that is just a small percentage of the breast cancer out there.Every time commercial I see the woman is saying how it was a surprise when she got diagnosed, there's no bc in the family.I would be more surprised if a woman said there was a family history and that's why she had a mammogram!I am feeling better, but going to take precautions, cant' afford to be out of work for a week again.

    ORLA--have a good day at work!

    Collett--Great info!Is the price per cabin or per person?I am going to make this my plan for my next vacation, at least for now.Time to start putting money aside and looking at travel options.I've always wanted to go on a train ride, maybe I'll take Amtrak to Fl.And I supposed I really need to get a passport anyway. . .

    Mema--The first few times I woke up coughing and gagging I didn't realize what was going on, nowI recognize what's happening and it's not so scary, cuz I know what to do.The worst part right now is the aching in my chest from the muscles I've strained with coughing and sneezing!Very annoying!

    Julie--Praying for a flat CEA reading, and hooray for booking your next trip!AND this weekend?Aha, I see you live in FL. Lucky lady!

    Dara--Glad the pain is manageable.Sounds like the whole lounge is getting ready to start saving up money!

    Collett--aha, you all ready answered my question!I'd love to do DW a day or two before the cruise.I'll probably end up flying, that's usually cheapest, and I like to get to FL a day or two before a cruise in case of travel delays and such.I've always wanted to stay at one of the Disney hotels, just seems like so much fun!It always seems like the little ones learn the sharing lesson when it comes to germs, doesn't it?

    Dara--Yikes about the layoffs at work.I take it you were not affected?Too bad freak ex boss wasn't, though.

    Cammy--I'm not coughing so hard I'm peeing myself, so things aren't bad, working on keeping things that way.Sorry to hear about your ex passing, but it sounds like he's part of your past and not much involved now.Sometimes people are just too young (immature) to get married and make it work.It would be a good idea to have Joey' parents let his teacher know about his uncle's death, those things do affect children and his teachers will be on the lookout for any problems that may come up and give him a little bit of slack while he's grieving.

    OK, got our orders from Cammy, time to face the day!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Kill the Cold Smoothie

    1 slice Ginger

    1 cup (hot) Water

    1 cl Lemon

    2 shots of your favorite likker

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Take a one-inch slice of ginger and juice one-quarter of a lemon, and add both to hot water. Stir in likker.Add cardamom if desired.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Lara, don't ever be sorry for talking about my situation. I feel that that is part of the reason we are here. I am always open to answer any questions, no matter what. Even the icky ones! That is why I share how I'm feeling to you girls.

    LDB, I hope you have 4 more years times 5. And I hope I do too!! Your reason for the Willie, is for the pain, sleeping, both, other? As for the drunk at the wedding, he was behind me with his wife, waiting to walk the isle to be seated and kept poking me in the back saying stupid chit. And he was not poking none too lightly. I wanted to turn around, smack his hand and tell him that I have cancer in my bones in that area and to keep his fingers to himself.
    Oh geeze, I thought you said "lol, the drunk came". But you said CAMEL! Need to make my font bigger on the screen! Wow, hair almost long enough for a trim, that is awesome.

    LOL to my lovely DW. I only shaking my head cuz I jealous. Would love to go to the flower and garden festival, you know how I like to garden. I will be expecting to see lots of pictures from that bisit. I think I may have asked before, but how much is an annual pass? Let us know the CEA results please.
    WHAT? Disney this weekend too? Mese tinks you having an affair wif Mickey. Better not let Minnie find out! OH MY DEAR at the boobs caught in the turlet! Little David is still in foster care.

    Wacko, glad to hear you can get your pain to nil. Let's see, I can only think of Lara and Tobbi that are not on FB. Anyone else? How's your dad?

    Nancy, so sorry you and Mr. Jackson are sick now, I hope it clears up quick. Is it just a cold, or the dreaded flu? As for the rooms, and I doubt I would be able to go, but is that also sharing a bed?

    Dara, bummer about the layoffs but glad  they didn't get you. Ha Ha on not tweeting, reminds me of Vegas and Beiber and the others we met and they set you up wif a twitter account.

    Oh Cami, another job. See, you are so good at it, they want more of you! But this one, YOU make the calls, not answering the phone, right? It's hard to feel bad for someone that is not nice, re your ex, so my condolences to his family. So sorry about Joey feeling sad, but he has a huge heart and that is why. And you are such a good story teller, it's good for him to have these feelings, we are human.

    LOL NM, glad you are not peeing yourself, but glad you are feeling better! And awesome advice (as always) for Cami's DD to let Joey's teacher know about the death in the family.

    Well, alergies are in full swing. I went out yesterday for a little walk and tapped a tree, and POOF....lots of pollen went flying. AND these toopid chemo pills are a PITA. They have to be taken 12 hours apart, with food and water. What constitutes food? Is a piece a toast good enough, or a banana. I am not a morning eater. I'm usually up at 5, so I have been doing them at 6am and 6pm. PM is a little too late for me to be eating, cuz I go to bed early, so been eating around 4:30 or 5, assuming that there is still food in my stomach and I'm ok.......nurses??? Also, because I wasn't a morning eater, that is when I would take my thyroid meds, cuz you have to take that on an empty stomach, AND I have to have 2 hours between the thyroid pills and my calcium pills. So I have been putting my thyroid med on my night stand with a little water and taking it in the middle of the night when I get up to potty.....ARGH~!
    DH had to go to Phoenix today to look at buildings. The new bizz in Vegas, we have to be out of the current building we are in. This has just gotten real ugly. The previous owner has really made it hard for us, in all aspects.
    Ok, I've been at this for an hour and a half now...had to stop and get something to eat. That's not really the

    Ok Camel, it's Wednesday now!



    For WACKO


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    2 of my favorites. DH didn't have a pocket square, so we made him one!



    That is bio mom and DH behind me, in the hats.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    Love the pics

    NM Yes my brother is BRACA to. It is rare my mother is and passed it to us

    I know I need to b careful, my implant is moving more to the left in pain every day but I need to help with bills, food etc, plus I got myself into this thing the girl had these houses and we grew it so I feel stuck it is helping getting the weight off, my concern is since surgery my upper stomach is so tight and burns after I clean,I sit on the recliner and lean back to stretch it out then take a flexril.My primary is not helping me with any pain pills right now she does not have all my surgery files, I need them sent to her.

    Dara dear I am glad u got that fixed

    Disney cruise sounds fun

    Goldie I love the pics u look amazing

    Hope every one has a good day


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    lori- i pay $46 a month, because i renewed my pass, day tickets are due to go over $100 shortlyBawlingand parking is now $17 a day, so with my free parking and 10% discount but my march trip i will be in positive territory. depends on what you eat how quick the stomach empties, fatty foods take a lot longer to digest

    nm-lmao at the no peeing! feel better

    cammi-give joey a hug and kiss from me, glad you shared the funny stories of your brother with him,

    ok worked today, so early night, cea leval was down to 7.0, so thats good,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another chilly ayem, with more snow coming, but just a dusting this time.The Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting snow showers only, so no problems there.But boy, dragging my tired butt out of bed was a chore!Not fair that Sadie gets to go back to bed!


    Goldie--Boy, you have a full time job just timing all your pills!Not nice to have to deal with another one with strict instructions.The stomach empties in around 2 hours after a meal.There is probably some food left in your stomach at 6 if you eat around 4:30 or 5.Taking pills with food usually means a piece of toast, a couple of crackers, a bit of fruit.Many people take such pills with milk.Next time you see your Med Onc take your pill schedule in with you and ask if there is anything that can be done to make it easier.It may be that the chemo pill and the calcium pill can be taken together in the evening so you don't have to eat then.


    LOL, little doggie!

    Great pics!

    ORLA--physical work like house cleaning can certainly help get the weight off.Just be careful and don't move too fast, don't hurt yourself.I wish I knew someone around here who did house cleaning, I could use the help, don't have the energy to keep up with it during the work week.


    Goldie--LOL!Especially "turbo power"!

    Juliet--Hooray for CEA going down!Good point about fatty foods leaving the stomach slower than others.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bitter Pill

    2 oz Vodka

    2 oz Bourbon

    1/2 oz Lemon

    4 parts Coca Cola

    Best served in a Whiskey Sour Glass.


    Mix JD & vodka together, add dash of lemon juice and top up glass with coke!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Lara, does your mom have BC? When do you see the new PS again?

    Julie, I am not a morning eater, so to eat fatty foods in the morning would not be an option. I am still having my coffee, but only cup. By the time I drink that, I have to start with my FU's. Wow, $100 for a day pass. How do all of those young couples afford to take their kids there, and parking and usually go more than one day....WOW! Good news on the CEA....clink clink.

    NM, you are so right about the pills, and I do take the calcium with the FU's, unless I eat something else during the day. I also take Biotin, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Fish Oil (sometimes) and baby asprin. The fish oil only sometimes cuz they are so friggin big.

    The turbo power I saw on FB, but it was with Minions and said "If you ever FART in public, just yell TURBO JET POWER and walk faster". And I can't get FB pictures to post here, so I Googled it, and Aunty Acid was all I could find.

    Love the rolled up sheet in the bed.
    Wow, easy to post today, only been 4 people here in 24 hours, including myself! Lots of alcomahol for US!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls, only a quick pop-in before I go to work. Tonight is our last counseling session (I think) and then we will prolly go and eat and play's been our tradition after each session. Things are good with us, the whole thing brought us closer together actually. We are going to have a high of 2 degrees this weekend with windchills below minus 30. Yikes, I'm staying in. We are getting lobster tails for VD, gonna be so much better than last year. On VD last year my DH was in New Hampshire at a sales meeting. It was a Friday night, I was home alone and my BS called to tell me my biopsy was positive for Invasive lobular carcinoma in breast and nodes. A VD I'll never forget. Anyway will catch up soonliest but gotta go now and tomorrow I go to watch my baby. Hope you all have a great day.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    yes my mom had BC twice

    bbl later got to work

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - yes thanks for all the work on getting DW cruise info for us.  I’d financially have to share a room and I snore like a freight train, so whom ever books with me better be a very sound sleeper.  How far in advance do we have to book to get those rates?  I’d really like to try and go, sounds like fun.  Sorry you caught the cold or bug whatever it is.  Get to feeling better soon. 

    Dara - if we shared a room on the cruise, we’d keep the whole floor awake between the two of us…LOL.  Sad about the layoffs but glad it wasn’t you.  You have 3 weeks or 3 months before you go back?

    Cami - 2 phones…wtf!!  LOL that you called her as u sees her…biotch!  Sorry to hear about your x-dh and that Joey has been sad and weepy.  Give him XO for me.  Blackberry brandy…u go girl!

    NM - can’t blame you for feeling sluggish especially in your kinda weather.  I’d be hating to get up and out in it.  Here’s to hiring more help…Kachink!  Oh how painful, I’ve pulled those muscles before doing same thing…not fun at all!!  Good advice for Lori.  LOL at the wrapped up sheets in a hotel room.  I’d want to b a fly on the wall to see the maids expression…haha.

    Lowee - Thanks….I’m praying for both of us for more and more years.  I say u shudda smacked him…what is with some peeps.  Prolly his way of flirting with the prettiest gal at the gala.   If we did the cruise in Jan or Feb mayb you’d be able to go.  I kno what you’re thinking, so knock it off and think positive thots that we’ll be healthy enuf to go in a year.  We CAN do it is our new mantra K?  Sounds like you’ve come up with a schedule for your meds…they are pita’s tho.   Like you, I don’t eat for 3 or 4 hours after rising, but think the with food is to be easier on your stomach.  I would think a piece of toast would suffice, but will wait for input from our nurses.  LOL on the camel and wiener doggies.  AND LMAO at VaChina LOL!!

    Lara - it’s terrible you are still in pain.  Don’t kno how you clean houses and avoid all the heavy lifting.  Praying you gets the meds you need and soon.

    Julie - That DW isn’t cheap.  I kno when my kids were little it wasn’t cheap either, everything being relative.  But did manage to get them there once.  Woohoo that CEA level down, good news.

    Mary - that is the best news about you two getting closer.  VD you got your dx?? How horrible.  I guess it really doesn’t matter, we all remember, I’m sure, the day, where we were, how we reacted, when we got the news. Each year we’re reminded again. (((Mary)))

    Everyone have a gr8 day....lubslubslubs!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    hi girls,

    wow it has been quiet here. I need a few of those dotd's, oh that is better.

    my nerves are fried. my dad was discharged yesterday, no idea why. his breathing sounds like a freight train. they wanted him to go to rehab but he refused. he peed on my furniture last night, soaked the entire recliner. thankfully, I used a lot of water then used upholstery cleaner and it dried quickly. his every move stresses me out. he pulled a fast one on me. the hospital called my sister and told her that he is ready to be transported to either a rehab or he can go home and get home rehab. my sisster was waiting for a call from the social worker. my dad then calls me and tells me he is ready to be picked up so I pick him up not knowing they were working on rehab. now that he is home, he can't go to inpatient rehab.

    Mary, glad to hear that things are going well with you and your DH. Sorry your DX date was Valentines day but glad you will have a much better day this year than on vday last year. Good luck with watching your lil Nora tomorrow. Hope she cuts you a break. She is such a cutie patootie!

    Lori, you looked stunning in that gold dress, hot damn! Your make up and hair came out great too. You are just a beautiful girl, inside and out. How are you feeling, any se's from the fu pills? I pray for you all the time girl. You got this!

    Julie, gosh you really are a DW addict. But it is a healthy addiction. Have fun, I tink you said you going back dis weekend. Glad to hear that your CEA level went down.

    Nancy, how you are feeling? I hope you and the kiddies are all recovered. I hope you are feeling good mentally as well. Hugs to you ((((Nancy))).

    Cam, another job? Yikes. Sorry about the passing of your ex but glad you are not fart broken over it. Sorry that Joey had a sad day, tell him he is entitled. Yes, we all get sad now and then. It is healthy as long as it is not happening day after day.

    Lil sis, I did not know that your brother had breast cancer too, I do recall your Mom having it. I hope they are both cancer free and healthy. Please be careful and try not to overdo things. Cleaning is hard work. Glad to see you peaking your face in the lounge more often, keep coming back now, ya hear?

    NM, lol at the hotel bed. That would certainly freak me out if I was the maid. Not a job I would want, ewe. Your Sadie is spoiled but duh, that is not a secret. I also envy my doggies that they get to sleep whenever they want. Hope the asthma is staying far far away from you, how are you feeling?

    I am getting a lot better at typing with my left hand. I see the dr tomorrow, hope to lose the sling and have use of my fingers. My pain level is very low. I think I could go back to work by monkeydey if I have use of mese fingers. But gonna stay out as long as the dr lets me. I am still shocked over the big layoff. Got an email from our company president explaining how they are realigning management. People are freaking out over the fact that the company is hiring yet laying off. Crazy employer I have.

    That's it from here, hope I did not miss anyone. If I did, mese apologises.

    lot's of cheers going out to you girl!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    sue i 'll share with you,, i have ambien or a pillowHappy.

    dara-does your dad have a social worker to arrange home services ? because the hospital one can't do anything for him now he's been discharged. seeing he's being sneaky,if he has to be admitted again,one person arranges everything and if he calls to be picked up it will be sure let me check with the nominated person before i come to get you.

    mary hope you and your dh have a fantastic valentine this year

    been busy today as i'm going to dw again this weekend! had my oil chnaged and tyres rotated now just waiting fr my new passport to be delivered

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Julie, lol on the fart ghosts! YOu a funny one. the hospital did arrange for both a home nurse and a home PT to come by.

    I am up too late cuz I had a long afternoon nappy. I have an 8am appointment tomorrow to git my dressing changed. I was jest so stressed over my Dad that I hadda start dwinking when he went to bed. He is scaring the bejeezus outta mese. So I dwank my medicine.

    It gonna git unGodly cold here too, low of 1 degree on Sunday. Jest 35 days til Spring


    see you all tomorree, friedey, wooop wooop!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Hey everyone I wilcheck to see when we need tu book. Do you wantme to check inti Feb or Jan for a date?

    Im actually having a harder time breathing, I went to the Dr and they did a CT no blood clots from Tami but I do have significant scaring of my upper left lobe from radiation and they found a nodule in the left lingula or kinda middle lower lobe which would happen to be in line with where my bc tumor was, So for now im on breathing treatments, augmentin twice a day, flticasone nasal spray, astyliin nasal spray, atrovent nasal spray, symbacort inhaler, and prednisone alomr with my lovly Tamoxifieverything else I have to go se pcp in am cuz I am just having too much trouble when i am up and aroubout. I told my mom and DH DDand DS but I told them not to tell my sister or brother yet

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Would you believe they're talking about another Blizzard this weekend?I mean, REALLY????Where am I going to put another 8 inches of snow?Yeesh!Poor Sadie's going to have to tunnel to her poop and pee station!

    Goldie--Those fish oil capsules can be huge.The turbo power fart pics are funny!

    Genny--so glad the counseling has helped and that things are good with you and DH.Yikes, what a Valentine's memory that was.So glad this one will be better!

    ORLA--have a good day at work!

    Mema--I worked my way through college chamber maiding, if I saw something like that there had better be a BIG tip wrapped up in there!I'd've DIED of fright!

    Dara--the asthma is lurking and one of my ears is blocked up, so I think I've got a sinus infection.Good news is that I know how to deal with that and have started in on that regimen yesterday.Got out of work early yesterday so I got a jump start on things.Now if the headache would just go away. . . So the company is laying off front line workers and hiring new managers?That does not make sense to me, but then I don't run a business.You are getting good with the one handed typing!About home health services for your Dad, call his PCP, they can make the referral to home health.Also, even though your Dad has gone home, he had 3 midnights so he is eligible for 100 days of skilled rehab, his PCP's office can help with that as can a nursing home intake coordinator.In the meantime you can get absorbent pads at most drug stores and even WalMart that you can use to protect furniture and bedding.


    Dara--aha--the home health nurse /PT can also connect you with the Home health social worker who can help you get your Dad into rehab.

    35 days till spring?Maybe there IS hope!

    Collett--You've got lung and heart damage from rads, too?So crappy the stuff we have to live with due to treatment.Just NOT RIGHT!I'm ok with doing the cruise anytime.

    I'll be happy to facilitate cabin assignments, if everyone wants.I can collect info about who wants to share a cabin, who want to have a cabin alone, who snores and who doesn't, who smokes and who doesn't, any other pertinent info, and let people know who might be compatible as roommates.We can do it all via PM so personal data is not publically posted.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Golden Blizzard

    2 shots Peppermint Schnapps

    2 shots Goldschlager

    1 1/2 cups Eggnog

    Best served in a Mason Jar.


    Add the shots of goldschlager and peppermint schnapps to a mason jar, then fill with eggnog.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Mary, so glad that the counseling worked, that has to be so tough. But in the end, LOVE prevails. I wish you continued happiness in your marriage.

    Lara, did your mom have 2 primary's, or is she a stage IV? She is still alive, right. In FL with your dad? I hope I'm right about that.

    LDB, I am laffing at room sharing wif you. You and Dara that is, but she didn't say she snores....she FARTS! And I can vouvh for the freight train! As for my comment about not going on the da cruise, YOU WONG! DH and take trips to see family, me to MI, both of us to TN and we want to take a trip up the West Coast this fall, AND...if I did have extra moola, I would want to go see my daughter.

    Oh Wacko, you daddy one smart pop, dat for sho. I know about leaving the hospital and not being able to get rehab. That is why we can't get it for my mom, she has to be in the hospital for 3 days. I'm sorry, but that is just WRONG. We don't take care of our Vets and we don't take care of our elderly, but we take care of druggies, illigals, peeps that don't want to go out and get jobs....don't get me started. Your "lil sis's" bro did not have cancer, but he does carry the BRCA gene. So glad you are feeling as good as you do. I'm just so afraid you are going to do make it worse.

    DW, I do believe you are getting your money's worth at DW!

    Nancy, so sorry about the breathing and pray that your docs can bix you right up. At least you know what to do sincin youze a RT. But it has to be so scarry, for you and NM both.

    NM, I don't know how you stay and deal with all that snow. You could not pay me to go back to MI to live. And my goodness, this cold front!!! My peeps in MI are getting below the "donut hole" too. You goils stay warm out there.

    Unusual day for me yesterday. I was sooooo cold, I wore a coat all day. I hope my red blood cells aren't quitting on me already. Also, my stomach was bothering me somethink horrible, I was up all night. Well...til about 3. then up at 5, cuz I have pills and food to get down at 6. Hoping for a "warmer" day today. At least I don't have the hot flashes! Well, we are no longer looking for a new camper, DH has decided to keep the toy hauler and get a new truck. One strong enough to pull the toy hauler.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - I’d be partial to Jan or Feb, but not carved in stone, will roll with the rest when they decide.  WTF all those nose sprays???  I hope you get some relief from you pcp today.  Alll that just doesn’t sound right.  Keep us posted K?

    Julie - WooHoo, I have a bunk mate.  Yay for the new passport and another trip to DW.  Wish I lived closer I’d go with.    LOL fart ghosts.

    Dara - u r having a time aren’t you, but u keep up with da dwinking n partay’n with us.  Had to get those pads when my mom was with me, they were a lifesaver.  Hoping the home nurse and social worker can get him the help he needs.  Hope all goes well at docs today.  ((D))

    NM - I can just imagine Sadie digging her way to her potty spot.  Been watching a few videos of dogs in the snow.  Some really like it, others not so much.  How are you dealing with your ear infection?  My right ear is full/clogged I don’t kno, but hate the feeling and it aches sometimes.  I’ve done heat on it and vertigo exercises but nothing working.  Thinking of seeing and ENT if it goes on much longer.  My last brain mri showed ‘mastoid infection’ will have to look it up don’t kno what/where mastoid is.

    Lowee - Ok I’m wong…lol.  Jes would love if you could come but I understand priorities.  And I agree with your statement of care we offer, or rather, lack of care, it is a shame.  Have fun shopping for a new truck.  My dh and I still hashing over fixing his or buying new.  I’m leaning toward fixing, but we shall see.  What’s with the ‘cold’ all day?  It happens to me too.  I turn up the heat and it’s already 60 on the patio so it’s not really cold but I feel like it is.  No hot flashes, well can that be considered a positive se to your meds?  Hope the stomach ache is se from pills and not a flu.  If it’s the pills mayb ya need more than a piece of toast.  I kno, not easy to do when u don’t eat in the am.  (((Lowee)))


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Lori I sure do understand your wanting to go see your daughter. I dont know what I would do without mine. shes my lifesaver. Good luck on your the new truck hunt maybe DH get a nice Big Blue truck like Jacksons. Lol. I hope your red blood cells arnt quitting on you either girl. We all just need to straighten up right!. We dont have time for this crap! We got stuff to do like camping and cruising. Love you Lori! :)

    NM I am with you on the sinus crap and on this entire winter stuff. I am over it! We havent had near as much snow but I am done with it the damn cold air! Poor Sadie where is she gonna go tinkle and poo? lol I would love it if you and I would work together on the cruise project. It would be fun. I will email and get more info today. Do we want a quote for Jan or Feb or are we ok with what we have?

    Dara Im sorry bout your daddy. I know its horribe that there is no where for people to go unless you make lots of money and if you have MA or MC you really dont want most of those places.

    Marry I am so glad things have worked out for you and your hubby. And Im so glad thid VD day is going to be a much happier day.

    ok girls we need a count of who is really interested in the cruise so I know for sure how many rooms to tell her and then NM will help us get organized if thats ok with everyone

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    hi girls, gotta be quick, I am taking dad to the dr for his wheeze, his breathing sounds horrible.

    I wanted to pick in to say .... re: the cruise, I am in. i tail ya all now, mese skeered to death of boats and have never been nor desired to go on a cruise ship. but i gottsta do this sincen there is so much interest. I would not miss a chance in one million years x infinity to be with mese goils. me will jest stay dwunk to combat me phobia.

    will check in latah. all have a wonderfoil friedey the turdteeth!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    My Dad has pneumonia. please keep him in your prayers. I am so glad I took him in. they tested in the hospital for it but it came up negative. the doctor there did say that it could take a few days to show up on xray. And his breathing got really bad the night after he came home. Will check in later if time permits. Love you goils with all mese fart!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    either month is good for me

    nm-feel better ,its cold here its down to 47f do you feel sorry for me

    dara-hope your dad is feeling better

    well gi is concerned because the cea only dropped 0.7 in 6 weeks, want to do a colonoscospy , so will after to schedule that, already got my golytley! have to be up early for dw so good night all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    its 5am on my day off and i'm up but i'm going to disney, so have a good weekend ladies

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    prayers for your dad Dara

    my step mom and dad are in FL

    My real mom had BC twice one in left then right

    she is alive both were stage 2 early detection, no mastectomy still has breasts

    she was on tamo after chemo and rads then she got second cancer, talked her docs on keeping her on  it they said really only works 5 years but she is on it now for another 5 years

    First one was in her 40s second 50s shes 68 so no recurrence as of now, but could get it again.

    Juliet a day off me to

    I had to go to ER my right implant has shifted more to the right almost looks deflation occurring I was very scared. It has shifted they know my surgeon and I just have to wait until I get on the schedule. I had three docs look at me they gave me pain pills sending everything to primary, so she can get me through this till surgery idk this implant looks bad. They hate I am cleaning, IDK what too, we need the monney. 


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    LDB, I think I was cold due to low red blood cells, and it was just for that one day, same with the hot flashes, I still have those. As for the stomach problems, remember when I went for all of those tests, tube down my nose, endoscopy, etc.? They never found out anything, and I continue to have issues, about once a week. My scans show thickening of the esphogus, tho I think that is it. I looked up your ear problem, seems they prescribe AB's or drops for that. I think you should see the ENT.

    Ha ha Nancy, we already have a bwue twuck, getting a Red one dis time. How are you feeling today? Not being able to see my family is the only thing wrong with living in AZ. I go to MI once a year, but have only been to the VI once to see my DD, and she came to MI last year. I have only seen her 3 times in 7 years, breaks my heart for sure. Here is the truck we are going to get.


    Oh Dara, I so sorry about you daddy, and praying he comes through it just fine. Maybe now you can get his PT? Iffin he in the hospital for 3 days? Don't let him get all sneaky again to go home, and tell the hospital who they are to notify when/if he should be picked up and by who.

    Oh shoot Julie, I thought you were in the clear with CEA. Sorry you have to have the heiny scope, of course we all know they are easy peasy, it's just the toopid prep. Have FUN FUN FUN at Disney, hope it warms up for you.

    Lala, thanks for esplaining bout your mom. God Bless her, 20+ years RB free! Dang that foob! I'm so sorry for all the trouble and pain, at least you got some pills, and if those docs are all concerned with the cleaning you are doing, perhaps you should stop, or at least let up some. Let your friend do the hard heavy stuff. I hope they can get you in soon. Rediculous!

    Cami, which corner are you hiding in? I've looked all over for you and can't find you!

    NM, with all of that snow, I think you need to take up some winter sports. These guys said they were available. Open to any of the other gals here that are interested. Good exercise, right?



    HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. I do the honors, and wake up the Tenders, I'm sure they have a special spread for us today



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Happy Valentine's Day all my lovilies!!

    Nancy - I am on for the cruise, Julie said she will share a room with me (poor girl) jk.  It will be fun fun fun.  by my count we have u, NM, Julie, Dara, and me so far.  Thanks to you and NM for handling the arrangements.

    Dara - saying tons of prayers for dad.  That is really rough for someone his age.  Did they keep him in the hospital?  How is your arm feeling, did the dressing change go ok?  (((D and dad)))

    Julie - have a ton o fun at dw this weekend.  My heiny scope is sch'd for March really looking forward to it....NOT!

    NM - hope u r staying warm and that you can stay home this weekend.

    Lara - sawee to hear about the continuing problems with you foob.  Positive news about your mom beating this RB twice!

    Loweee - dat is one purdy twuck.  Hope it's a 2500 or 3/4 ton, will make towing much easier than 1/4ton.  We been there done that.  Loving all that eye candy!!  Tanks fer looking up my mastoid condition.  My neighbor Pat C.  She had part of her mastoid removed when she was a child.  She showed me the hole behind her ear.  She said they did a lot of kids in those days.  Hope they can treat with anti-bs and drops, cuz I ain't liking idea of surgery.  What can they or are they suggesting to do with your esophagus sitiation?  I remember all too well how sick you were, what, almost 2 years ago?  Keep us posted.

    Have a Fantastic day...lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Lil sis, so very sorry that foobs are shifting more. Girl, you need a break. Glad you got some pain pills from the ER. Congrats to your mother for being RB free for so long.

    Lori, the truck is beautiful. I wish you and DH all the best. My Dad is here with me, not in the hospital. We is doing much better today, thank you God. Sorry you are having these medical issues, sending up more prayers.

    NM, where are ya? Hope you jest slept in and are relaxing with Sadie and taking it uber easy.

    Cam, come out out of hiding, your fans are looking for you.

    Julie, hope you are having a fantastic time whoring around Disney lol.

    Genny, Nancy and anyone else I missed, hello and please report.

    Happy Valentine's Day my lovies.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    oops, Suz, bumped ya. sorry about that. Glad I bumped ya into the arms of that tender that Lori posted. chit, you get him first! My dressing change went well. The doctor said that the procedure went very well and he is expecting a quick recovery. I doubt i will get more than the estimated three weeks off. The only time my elbow hurts is when I hit it or accidentally rest it. I keep forgetting now that I have the sling off and put my arm down on a table or such, OUCH! Ya tink I would learn. How are your feeling, I hope you are feeling better love.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Got caught up doing some ketchup paper work for work, in between doing dishes and setting some bread to rise.Just realized I hadn't checked into Lounge for Saturday brunch and lattes!It's started snowing here, again, with a Blizzard warning up.And a wind chill warning.I am soooooo tired of snow!And cold!

    Goldie--don't blame you for wanting to see family.Mostly we are coping with the snow and cold by going bonkers.And planning vacations in sunny warm places.

    Mema-Mastoidisitis is an infection of the mastiod bone, just behind the ear.Actually it's a combination of mastiod bone and mastiod sinus.Very annoying form of sinus infection.Sometimes needs a longer course of atnibiotics than a typical sinus infection.Can also create and inner ear infection, very ouchy.My ear is uncomfortable and but manageable.I'm doing the sinus irrigation thing at least twice a day, and it's not getting any worse, so I'm hoping some more intense weekend therapy will turn it around.


    Collett--why not get quotes for Jan and Feb?Then we'll have all the info when we all decide when to go.And I'd love to work with you!Count me in!

    Dara--Theses cruise ships are so big you don't realize you are on a boat until you actually go look.You'll be just fine, we'll take care of you and so will the cruise staff!Here's an assignment for you--go to the Disney cruise website, Look up the Disney Dream, and count how many places there are to drink onboard, and report back to us.Then you can plan out the best way for all of us to hit every one! Praying for your Dad, pneumonia is not fun.

    Julie--I do feel sorry for you, to be is such a heat wave, you must be sweating like a stuck pig.Be sure to stay hydrated!Another colonscopy?Yuck, praying for negative results.

    ORLA--OUCH, that implant sliding thing must be painful.I'd be scared too.At least they are giving you pain meds for it.

    Goldie--pretty truck!Oh my, I thinkneed to dust off the snowshoes!

    Mema--tucked up safe and warm at home and not going anywhere.

    Dara--take care of your elbow!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Chocolate Snow Bear

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Creme de Cacao

    1/4 oz Chocolate Syrup

    5 oz Vanilla Ice Cream

    2 dashes Vanilla Extract

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Combine all ingredients in an electric blender and blend at a low speed for a short length of time. Pour into a chilled champagne flute and serve.