how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    I'm in for the Jan dates.  I'm not much into the ocean waters, would rather sit and bask on the beach.  With a cocktail in each hand...LOL.  Jan will b here before we kno it...woohoo!!!  It all sounds soooo wonderful.  What is the deadline to book the Jan cruise at these prices?

    Lowee - WOW...60K, that's lots of money and I too could think of lots of other stuff to do with it.  DH twuck was hit again by a dwunk in the pk lot at work.  He's tossing around paying 5K to get it fixed and buying a new one.  I'm steering him toward just fixing it up, body work and paint, few other minor things.  We shall see.  $36 ph is a lot of money, some people jes don't kno when they have it good do they.  I saved that link, read thru most of it, I think most is favorable.  I think my cannabinoid is mostly THC will have to check more about the CBD.  Thanks for the link.  Muah!

    NM - makes me sad how much snow and wind etc you're being bombarded with.  I just kno I couldn't live there during the winter.  Hope it passes soon.

    Dara - you hafta come on the cruise.  C'mon girl I kno you can swing it by then.

    Hi to all I missed...lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs ya'll!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Hello girls from snowy Kansas!

    We got hit with some more snow last night, about six inches too much. I paid a neighborhood kid 35.00 to shovel my walks and driveway. It was nice to see a young kid out making some money. He said he would come back when it snows again. 31 days until Spring. It feels like a heat wave here at 22 degrees. It has been in the single digits for the past few days. And it is going down below the donut hole again later this week. (I took that term from NM).

    Sue, sorry about your DH's truck. Did the person hit and run? And does your DH have collision insurance on the truck? I sure hope so. I so furcited that you are coming on the cruise, I can't miss it.

    Lori, there is a no smoking rule in the rooms. Will have to sneak the willie somehow. You know I will bring it, I always travel with it. Don't tail how I brought it to vegas, won't do that again, it hurt too much hehe. I sure wish you could come. Please consider, it is your slow season. Tell your DH that he is spending 60k on his toy so you need to take a cruise. Jest a thought. Hope you are feeling well.

    Nancy, thanks for the info, 20% down sounds a lot better. It will give us poor girls time to save. I hope your Grandpa's service is not too sad. He did live a wonderful and rich life, hope that helps ease the pain. You now have a new guardian angel to watch over you.

    NM, thanks for essplasining that it will not cost much cept for the likker. I dwink a lot of likker so will have to allow a hundre a day for that. lol. Hope your weather gets better. It sure has been a harsh winter for you up there. I heard mention of Maine on the news, usually all about Boston. Who cares about Boston anyway lol.

    Genny, yay, we gonna be roomies. I gonna keep you up late and if you fall asleep, well you know the rules. SOmething about putting make up on your face whilst you sleep hehehe. I will sure make you look pretty then take pictures and post for the world to see. We gonna have a grand time, I jest know it. And January will be here too fast. I remember planning our vegas trip, we planned in Jan for a May trip. It seemed so far away but the time came and went so fast.

    Lara, Camille and all others I might have missed, get yer asses in here and let us know how you are doing. Helllo to anyone else I may have missed.

    I gotta go and pick up my disability papers, hopefully the building is not closed again. You all have a grand day, drink up and stay warm!

    Peace and love, love and peace. and ...


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    I just picked up my STD paper work and can't believe that the dr put my return to work date as 4/30! oye vay, that is a nice long vacation for me. but on the flip side, a lot more lost wages. I am glad to be able to stay home in this bitter cold weather. I stay up late and sleep in.

    I hope all my girls are doing well today. I miss you goils that are MIA. Lara, how you be sister? Can you come on the cruise with us? You just have to save a few dollars a week, about $15 bucks a week should do it...with all that cleaning money, can you stash some away and join us? You are so much fun, would love love love if you could find a way to come. That goes for ALL of you. Who is coming? Who are the six? I can only tink of five. And to anyone who is not coming, if your feelings are hurt when we talk about it, please speak up and we can converse privately. I do not want anyone having hurt feelings. That is one reason we kept our vegas trip a secret. A certain person made us not talk about it, will not say who. Not so sure if that was the right thing to do. It was soooo hard not talking about it on this thread. I am so effing furcited. And I wish Camille could make it. We would take good care of you Cammy. what do you tink? I would even wipe yer ass, I love you that much.

    mese seester made a big tray of lasange, just put it in the oven and smells so yummy. I am so blessed and spoiled, I admit it. Mese seesters both spoil me so much. And I love being spoiled. Ok, I will shut up, typing makes mese arm hurt a bit. Taking the pain pills numbs the pain but when they wear off, I can tell I have done too much.

    cheers mese sisters, love you all for the person you are. We are all so unique and I jest lubs lubs lubs every one of you goils to the moon and back x infinity!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    well will take the insurance but don't need th transfer from airport, will be trying to book in before and after so me and nm can play at disney

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Dara lasagna sounds aweful nummy!! I have a real good recipe for it. My DH loves mine. Its supposed to get really really cold here tomorrow. Ugg I am ready for some warm weather. I dont want to upset anyone either. Sorry if anyone has gotten upset. Enjoy your time off. I hear you on the no money part though.

    Julie I plan on going a day or two early to play at Disney as well but I will do the transfers to Disney and the transfer from Disney to Port and back to airport. When does the flower and patio show start? I cant remeber when that is.

    Sue Im not sure what the deadline is to book but I know the sooner the better because prices go up the longer you wait. Also it gives you time to make payments on it. Let me ask Kathy how she wants to handle the money end of things too. I am just giving her the names of those wanting to go. She just needs to have that to book right now

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Just poopin' in to say goodnight. Was off today, went for routine eye exam and he wants to see me again in 6 mos cause of some little white dots he saw. Said if they stay put they are probably harmless cysts which he claims are quite common. If they drop to the bottom could be indicative of macular degeneration....geesh...also, I have some other shit he's been watching and if my numbers keep dropping could be glaucoma. I'm not gonna spend anytime fretting about it but wtf? Also to my FB buddies, if you haven't watched the latest Nora video of her balancing act check it out. I've watched it about 20 times, it cracks me up.

    Lori, no smoking cept in designated areas. If ya get caught even on your balcony they charge $250. That's a lot of money, the truck should drive itself!

    The $250 deposit sounds much better...a drink in each hand with my toes in the water suits me fine. Gotta go, computer outta juice and power cord upstairs and I'm in bed for the night. Go to PS in the ayem to get another refill. DH outta town so I'm on pooch duty then to work. Love to all, sweet dweems!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!The weather person on TV is saying that the average temp so far this Feb has been around 4 degrees.Looking to be a record cold February.Joy.$36.00/hour isn't enough money for unloading stuff?Cost of living there must really be high.

    Goldie--good point about the smoking thing. Here's what I found:

    Q:Where can I smoke on board?

    A:Disney Cruise Line has never allowed smoking in Guest staterooms. In addition, smoking is prohibited in all interior spaces throughout our ships and beginning November 15, 2013, smoking will be prohibited on stateroom verandahs. In an effort to provide a cruise experience that satisfies both our non-smoking and smoking Guests, smoking (including the use of electronic cigarettes) is only permitted in designated areas of the ship.

    On the Disney Magic and Disney Wonder, smoking is permitted on:

    • Outdoors on Deck 4 starboard side from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. only
    • The starboard side of decks 9 and 10 in the Quiet Cove area

    On the Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy, smoking is permitted on:

    • Deck 4 port side, aft, the outside Promenade Deck from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
    • Deck 12 port side, aft, the outdoor area that is accessible through the Meridian Lounge
    • Deck 13 port side, forward, by Currents Bar

    Guests who are found smoking in their staterooms or on their verandahs will be charged a $250 stateroom recovery fee. This fee covers deep cleaning that includes air filter replacement, carpet extraction and the cleaning and replacement of drapes, comforters, blankets and pillows, along with verandah cleaning and maintenance.

    We have carefully considered which areas of our ships to designate as smoking and non-smoking, and we do periodically review our policies to ensure continued Guest satisfaction.

    From <>

    Collett--How long do we have to book reservations before the prices change significantly?I'm with you as far as being ready for spring, mud season and all!Will be praying for you and your family this weekend.Oh, wow, 20% deposit is very much better!Considering that I paid $50 for a one way transfer from a motel to the dock last year, $70 round trip is pretty reasonable!And the insurance will pay for itself if needed, and I have no problem paying less than a hundred and then not needing the insurance.Thanks, Nancy!

    Mema--The snow and wind is getting very old, very fast.But it will pass.We are expecting a heat wave, today, in fact, may hit 20 degrees!

    Dara--Looks like I'll get the heat wave you just got!Yeah!It is getting tiresome listening to Boston whine about the snow, but they do have an awful lot of very narrow streets, hard to get through without the snow, must be almost impossible now!Now you know how much to save up for your likker budget!On my last cruise the alcoholic drinks I liked averaged around $8 (I like the fancy mixed drinks), bought on average 3 an evening, and spent about $20 a day on special eating places (it was a Norwegian free style cruise) and bought some pics, souvenirs, a (very) little casino time, and other items andspent around $100 a day.Will needa lot less on a Disney cruise.Looks like the biggest expenses will be likker and pictures!Will need LOTS of pictures!Back to work April 30?Wow! Nice long vacay!

    Genny--I'm with you, drink in one hand, book in the other, toes in the sand, ocean in front of me, warm breeze blowing by. . . .

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Winter Breeze

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1 oz Creme de Cacao

    1 oz Vanilla Schnapps

    1 dash Milk

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Pour liquors into a beer mug, and fill with milk. Stir, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, DH just ORDERED the truck yesterday. Won't get it for 6-8 weeks. We looked at some of those campers when we were hunting for a new trailer. They do look funny, but there is more in them than you would imagine. I was rather impressed.

    LDB, you will be having so much fun, you won't even look at the ocean waters!Sorry bout DH truck. Our boys sure like dere trucks, don't they. Like ours after the accident. I forget what we put into it, maybe 5K-7K, and then what the insurance gave us for totaling it, 10K-15K.

    Wacko love, it's not the money for the trip. I love you girls, and would love to do a trip with y'all. But I would also love to see my DD. Have only seen her 3-4 times in 10 years, and my dad once, in 10 years. And you are right about Bawston always being on the news for weather. I remember NM mentioning before that they never tell about ME. Wow, a return date for work not until the end of April? Oh you are too funny and iffin I was going on dat trip, I would wipe anyone of your asses! Dis is true love you know.

    Genny, Dara no pulla you leg. She stays up all night and sleeps the day. She a party animal fo sho.

    Oh Julie, you, Nancy and NM playing at Disney, now that is the topping on the cake. HOWEVER, NO ONE can not steal your DW name. You are the Queen DW around dis bar.

    Nancy, will you send me your lasagna recipe. Mine is good, but I wouldn't mind trying someone elses.

    Genny, I did watch Nora's video. I love the "squats" she does. Glad she didn't fall, although it would have probably just hurt her pride.

    NM, cost of living in CA is outrageous! Especially homes. My step DD that lives there, they just got a condo, very small, 3 bedroom, NOT NEW by any stretch of the imagination, $250,000.00 plus $200-$300 a month in HOA fees. And I think you have to put your toes in the water, unless they have sand at one of the pools! Reminds me of the Zac Brown song "Toes". Which is a C/W song BTW....Lyrics and  link at the end of mese post. That "Winter Breeze" sounds like the poyfect coctail to have on the ship, in the morning, toes in the water with a book, thinking of that cold winter breeze you left behind!

    I beg of you all, PLEASE DO NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT THE CRUISE. I am enjoying every minute of it. SE's yesterday were a little nauseous still, still dizzy/woozy. I hope this isn't an accumulative thing with each cycle. Iffin it is, I think this chickie will be tossing this treatment. So far it's doable. My last day for this cycle will be Sunday, and then I'm off for a week. Helping a friend today (our dental hygienist), she wants to start her own decorating business. We are helping her learn the computer so she can work on a website.

    I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand
    Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
    Life is good today. Life is good today.

    Well, the plane touched down just about 3 o'clock
    And the city's still on my mind
    Bikinis and palm trees danced in my head
    I was still in the baggage line
    Concrete and cars
    Are their own prison bars
    Like this life I'm living in
    But the plane brought me farther.
    I'm surrounded by water
    And I'm not going back again

    I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand
    Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
    Life is good today. Life is good today.

    Adios and vaya con dios
    Yeah, I'm leaving GA
    And if it weren't for tequila and pretty senoritas
    I'd have no reason to stay
    Adios and vaya con dios
    Yeah, I'm leaving GA
    Gonna lay in the hot sun and roll a big fat one
    And grab my guitar and play

    Four days flew by
    Like a drunk Friday night
    As the summer drew to an end
    They can't believe
    That I just couldn't leave
    And I bid adieu to my friends
    Because my bartender -- she's from the islands
    Her body's been kissed by the sun
    And coconut replaces the smell of the bar
    And I don't know if it's her or the rum

    I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand
    Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
    Life is good today. Life is good today.

    Adios and vaya con dios
    A long way from GA
    Yeah, and all the muchachas -- they call me "big poppa" when I throw pesos their way
    Adios and vaya con dios
    A long way from GA
    Someone do me a favor and pour me some Jaeger
    [Another version: "Hey, boss, do me a favor and pass me the Jaeger"]
    And I'll grab my guitar and play

    Adios and vaya con dios
    Going home now to stay
    The senoritas don't care-o when there's no dinero
    [Another version: "'Cause senoritas don't care-o when there's no dinero"]
    I got no money to stay
    [Another version: "You got no money to stay"]
    Adios and vaya con dios
    Going home now to stay
    Just gonna drive up by the lake
    [Another version: "I'm just gonna kick it on the lake"]

    I put my ass in a lawn chair, toes in the clay
    [Another version: "With my ass in a lawn chair, toes in the clay"]
    Not a worry in the world, a PBR on the way
    Life is good today. Life is good today. 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Lori love the idea of doing your own decorating bitness. That would be soo much fun!! Here is my lasagna recipie.

    1 lb mild sausage

    Prego merlot sauce

    Ricotta cheese

    Shredded Parmasan Cheese

    Mozzarella Cheese slices




    Itialian Seasoning

    Lasaagna noodles.

    (I just mix my sausage and sauce and spices together in a pan and cook it together a bit, put a layer of noodles down, put some of the sauce mix down, put a layer of Ricotta cheese, a layer of Mozzarella Cheese, sprinkle some parm on top of that then start layering again with noodles etc.. then once you get to the top end with a layer of sauce the mozzerella and parm. Pretty nummy.

    Sue I think we are all in the same boat with just lining up on the beach with a drink in our hand and the sun shining on our faces enjoying the sceanery.

    They have all kinds of fun activities we can do on board the ship too. Like Disney trivia, kareokie ( I dont think I spelled that right) 80s trivia all kinds of stuff. There are also free drink things too. I can t tell you how many free drinks I got by attending activities

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well this big snowstorm is apparently moving out to sea and now instead of a foot they're guessing we'll get a few inches.Right now there's a dusting of snow, and a bit of a breeze.Big woop. Not that I'm unhappy about this, mind you.I am very tired of snow and storms and all the ruckus.

    Goldie--Waiting for the new truck must be exciting for your DH.Did he get lots personalizations?It is amazing how much they can get into those little campers, isn't it?Wow, what a price and the ongoing $200-300 a month, what does that get them?That song is great!Glad the pills are still doable, praying they stay that way.

    Collett--We are definitely going to stake out our section of the beach at Castaway Cay, and recruit a Temporary Tender to cater to our every desire.Free drinks for playing games?Sounds like fun to me!Great Lasagna recipe! Thanks for sharing.

    I just had a idea.On the day at Castaway Cay, lets send the Lounge UFO to go kidnap Goldie and anyone else not with us and bring them down for the day!

    Hey Stella--Haven't heard from you about the cruise.Are you coming?Or is Disney to tame for you?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Snow Melt

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Amaretto

    (Fill to Top) Hot Chocolate

    Best served in a Coffee Mug.


    Pour Vodka and Amaretto into a coffee mug then fill with prepared Nestle Hot Chocolate.Top with whipped cream or marshmellows and cherry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, thanks for the recipe. Pretty similar to mine, I mix ricotta, cottage and parmesan cheeses with egg, and that is my cheese mixture. I also use raw noodles, and of course some mootz! AND...mese own homemade from the garden sketti sauce.

    NM, I too am glad that storm is gonna miss you. Now to warm things up! The truck comes with all kinds of bells and whistles, and I'm pretty sure I will be the one to have to learn them. I am not sure what all the HOA fees cover, I never asked. The only thing I can think of tho would be landscaping stuff. Maybe any outside maintenance on the buildings? Awww, and thanks for thinking of sending the UFO for me, and we can stop and nab Cami too. Ooooh, I'm sure Stella will be there. That girl doesn't miss a party!

    Alright girls, seriously? 2 posts in 24 hours? All the more Snow Melts for NM, Nancy and myself...pbbht!

    Haven't heard from our friends about gold hunting, so DH says we are heading to Tucson! Who knows!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    good morning all, is anyone else thinking of going to disney first too?good idea nm to kidnap people

    well it is really cold for the next 2 days,45f and 38f forecast. will need my winter woolies

    ok dara-i missed the post on you being out till april, good for you



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    P.S.....The decorating business is not for me Nancy. It's for our dental hygienist, who is also our friend.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2015

    Pooping in for a quick hello. On the way to the clinic with 2 sick kids :(

    But I wanted to see.....

    Is it too late to sign into sail away with you girls?? I could have my 50th Bday on board!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Lynn, sorry your kids are sick, hope they feel better. I do not think it is too late to book, I have not yet put down the deposit so I think you are good. We might need to find one more person for you to share a room with though, we currently have six.

    Good day all girls, I will type more later. Mese arm is killing me, I banged it against the back of my chair again, can you say ouch?

    cheers all!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Oh this is getting so ferciting….I can’t wait til January.  NO painting makeup on me K…j/k …we jes wanna have fun….yea…girls jes wanna have fun.  I think it will be vundervul!!  I’m super fercited to have Julie as my bunk mate…woohoo!

    Lynn - of course you can sail away with us.  Nancy and NM volunteered to keep track and make some of the arrangements.  Hop on board and let’s do your 50th up right!!!  Hope your kiddies get better soon.  Muah!

    Dara - too much snow…but it will b spring before you kno it and you kin b out by ur pewl with lots of JD.  I won’t tail about Vegas cuz u kno…what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  However I might spill the beans in a dwunkin stooper when we on da water…LOL.  It was a hit n run and the bar doesn’t have outdoor cameras so we’ll likely never kno who hit the twuck.  Wow….off til April woohoo.  But loss of wages means not as much money for likker on da cruise…jes saying…heehee.  I 2nd what you saying bout Lara and Cami…we will take care of you both.  Dara can do the wiping tho…I do draw the line wif that crap, heehee.

    Julie - mese bunkmate.  I checked airfare, but it will change am sure, but right now they (southwest) doesn’t have dates out that far, so will b keeping an eye on it.  What would it cost to spend the day at DW?  I already kno I will come in a day early and stay at motel so I’m not so tired, could do 2 nights.  So if DW not too much I wud love to see and play.

    Nancy - I’m ready to plop down the down pymnt whenever Kathy says it needs to be there.  Maybe we should get her number from ya and then we can each call with our methods of payment, that way u and NM aren’t in the middle of  the money part of it. I’m not sure what the transfers are about, is it included in the cost?  I assume it means shuttle from Orlando airport to the docks?  Never mind, I found the info on the transfers.  Lasagne sounds toooo delish! 

    And I’d b willing to share a hotel room for those going to DW. Just a thot so we can have more monies for the dwinks on da boat.

    Mary - you and Dara gonna b bunkmates? Woohoo.  Dang that is a lot of money for smoking on your balcony, but I understand all the reasons for it.  I will send up some prayers that the spots are just cysts.  (((Mary)))

    NM - Thanks for the update on the smoking policy.  LOL at a 20o heat wave but that is better than it’s been.  O and now I understand the transfers…thanks!  Getting the UFO to kidnap our bresties is a wonderful idea.

    Lowee - I keep asking dh if he is going to claim on insurance as I am pretty sure it still has collision on it, but either way I’d like to see him get it fixed.  Putting toes in the sand will only happen when we spend that day at a port here or there.  Wow, your friend starting a deco biz…how fun.  My hats off to you for taking on the teaching of web sites.  I can do a lot but wud not tackle a web site, intimidates me.  Sawee u having nausea and dizzyness, hope your week off meds will help.  Love the song, will b very fitting.

    Miss you all....til latah...lubslubs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    sue i'm an annual passholder so will book my room after book the cruise ,your welcome to share,

    not sure i c an see lyn this weekend might after to work, missed a day because of this resp virus going around,currently on prednisone,amoxicillin and flonaise!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    awe, Julie, hope you feel better.

    yeah, where is Stella? shh, maybe if we talk quietly, she will not hear about this!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls!

    It is sooo cold here, schools are closing tomorrow due to a windchill of -20 below zero. I have never heard of that happening in my life.

    NM, glad the storm was a non-event. Your average temp is way cold, I could not take that. It has been far below the average here too. I heard today that the average temp should be 40. Gosh that would feel like a heatwave.

    Lori, I hope you can easily learn to operate the new wheels. Sounds furciting. Tanks for saying you like us to talk about the cruise. Me jest sad you can't come. You can visit your DD too, jest sayin! Hope you are feeling more like yerself. FURB!

    Sue, chit that the person hit and ran, prolly dwunk. If you have insurance, I would use it cuz it should not be against your DH. My insurance never went up when I had all those fender benders where people hit me. I can't wait to partay down with ya on de ship. De plane de plane. I doubt I can come in early, it will cost more and I do not know where the money will come from jest for likker. I am using a savings account to save for at least eight dwinks a day. There will be no more in de trip budget. No souvenirs, no sirree. Likker is more important lol.

    Julie, nice that you and some others can tour disney before and after the cruise. You will be in heaven eh?

    Hello Camille, Lara, Genny and Nancy. Miss you goils today. Gotta fly and rest mese arm.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    girls, I am very sad tonight It has been ten years since a fellow processor disappeared into thin air. It is thought that it was murder for hire. I keep weeping after reading all of the publicity surrounding the event of her disappearance. I know I have talked about this before. I strong feel that he estranged husband, who also worked for my company had something to do with this. And it was likey mob related. Please say a prayer that closure if found. Here is an article about her. I go now, going to bed. Not feeling great physically or emotionally.

    sweet dreams babes!

    and another

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2015

    Hello Girls!

    Very sad story Dara :(

    All you Northern girls, I wish I had warm weather to send your way! It is freezing cold here too. Actually below freezing. It was like 9 this ayem and snow and ice warnings for the weekend. There are even freeze warnings I saw on line down by Julie! That's cray cray!!

    Calling it a night cuz I still gotta go pack! What does one pack for snow at the beach?? I think I will take a page from Cammi and pack schnapps!! Purely to keep warm with :-0

    Hugs and prayers for all those in need. I hope more than the weather brighten up soonliest!

    Sorry I'm not addressing everyone poysonally. I have been reading to keep up and will try to ketchup when I have some down time this weekend.


    Oh, If Stella hears bout the boat, I guess I could room with her!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    4 its currrently 36f

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!This last storm, finally, left me with 6 more inches of snow.It just started a lot later than anticipated.Getting so tired of snow!

    Goldie--We almost totally missed this last one!Now they're saying more on this weekend.Gold hunting? That sounds like fun, maybe another time?

    Julie--I'm planning on going to Disney before the cruise, that will be my cushion in case of flight delays, etc.Not to mention thatI would love to see Epcot center again!

    4--having your B-day onboard would be fun!We haven't put a deposit down yet, but we need to check with Nancy, she's got that part of thingsin hand.Hope the kiddoes aren't terribly sick, just kid sick.That's bad enough.


    Mema--So far, you, Juliet and me are looking at Disney before the cruise.I wonder if we can get a deal going through the Nancy's travel agent?We'll have to check on that.This will be so much fun!

    Julie--you caught that nasty virus that's been circulating?Yuck.I'm still fighting off a sinus infection.At least it hasn't triggered the asthma so far.

    Dara--Good advice about the insurance and getting the truck fixed. Love the idea of opening a savings account for on board likker!Too funny!

    Dara--too sad, too scary.

    4-what to pack for snow on the beach?Bean boots, electric sock, carhart coat, ski pants, 3 pairs of mittens, hand warmers, 2 hats, as many scarves as you own, and a plane ticket to somewhere, anywhere else!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    A Day at the Beach

    1/2 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    4 oz Orange Juice

    1/2 oz Grenadine

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Shake rum, amaretto, and orange juice in a shaker filled with ice. Strain into a highball glass over ice. Add grenadine and garnish with a pineapple wedge and a strawberry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Where is Cami??? We need to get her, and have a Tender tie her up and spank her!

    4, good to see you, but sorry about the sick kiddles.

    And Julie, I hope you and 4 are able to hook up some how. And to have peeps to hang out at Disney wif....whoop whoop!

    Wacko, quit wacking your arm! I knew you would over do it. How did I know that? When I lived in MI, we had a few times where school closed because it was too cold. Mostly cuz of the ones that had to walk to school. So very sorry about your co-worker. I do remember you talking about it, but mese doesn't have time to read the articles.

    LDB, hygienist name is Tammy. I will be teaching her "how" to do the website, what she puts on it is up to her. Hope you can get the truck bixed.

    Oh NM, MORE WHITE STUFF! You are more than welcome to come here for a bisit. Like I said before, we have been exceptionally warm. So very strange.

    Had to be quick this morning. Need to pack for weekend get away. Going to Tucson. Gold digging will be next weekend. I JUST WANT TO STAY HOME! And I know we will be going to Laughlin next month, as we are going to see Alabama. Anyways, onc office finally called. I have to do blood work today, so need to get out of here early, then I see the onc on Tuesday. I asked the gal that called me if the SE's of these FU pills was accumulative, that I was actually feeling pretty good. She said no, that if I was doing this good, it should continue. She has some patients that are throwing up the first week. I'll ask the onc again when I see him. 98 pills last 2 weeks....cost is over $3000.00 for those!!!!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Morning girls, quick pop-in. We broke temp records here too. Actual temp this ayem is -13, dogs gonna have to go to doggie daycare for exercise cause I'm not taking them out in this. Wind chills minus 30. I'm going to get little miss Nora today and keep her overnight. Her mama has a stomach bug, throwing up and feeling like crap.

    Lynn, woohoo joining us on the cruise, yay! I thought Kim wnated her own room, but maybe I'm wrong??? Kim? If so, you'd have a roomate ifin you wanted one.

    Nancy and Kim just let me know who to call to pay and when.

    Dara, mese does need mese beauty sleep so ifin you gonna paint my face just make sure you don't wake me up.

    Gotta run, lots to do before picking up my sweetie. My DH bought her this big climbing igloo looking thing so I'll post some picks

    Love to all, have a great day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    it's now a balmy 39f! but the forecast for the weekend,80;s f .huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    nm as i am a fl resident and passholder, they do do special offers especailly jan, the 3 of us could share a room if your ok with that

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    working tomorrow for sure,not sure about sunday yet

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    OMG it is sooooo cold!! Im so over it! Tomorrow we are supposed to go to Michigan City for my Grandpa's funeral service and there is another frickin Winter Storm Warning. We are still going. Just pray we all get there and back.

    Sorry Lori I missunderstood about the decorating bitness. But I forsited for your friend. That would be a lot of fun to do. I love to decorate. Have you picked up your truck yet? You will have to send us a picture when you all pick it up. Isnt horrible how much we have to pay for our meds? I think it's robery. Like we have a choice right? Im glad they are doable for you.

    Lynn of course you can join us we have not sent anything to Kathy our travel agent yet. We need to do so soon. I just sent her a email asking what would be the easiest way to settle and put the downpayment so she should answer me latter today. I am going to attach her information down at the bottom of this page for everyone that way you all can get ahold of her for any questions you have or anything you might want to ask about. NM is taking everyones information on PM such as full name address DOB, phone number so that I can send it to Kathy for her to reserve the rooms and NM is also helping me with room assigments. So as of right now you would be with me if that is ok. If not thats ok too. :)

    Small World Vacations.... where the magic begins!
    Authorized Disney Vacation Planners – Platinum Level
    Dedicated To Your Dreams and Your Dollars

    Phone: 508-835-2498
    Toll Free Outside MA: 888-677-8333
    Fax: 508-340-4947

    Office Hours:

    Monday - Friday: 9:30am – 4:30pm EST

    Saturday - No office hours; however, I check email and voicemail messages as time permits.

    Saturday and evening hours are available by appointment only.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good evening, Loungettes!Managed to get home a little early today, been writing up my packing list for the cruise.Sipping a glass of Rum Chatta, it was on sale, very yummy stuff!

    Goldie--we're supposed to get another 3 to 4 inches of snow tomorrow into Sunday.THERE'S NO PLACE LEFT TO PUT IT!!!!!

    Wow, those are some expensive pills.

    Genny--I don't mind having a cabin to myself, but I told Cammy she could bunk with me and I'd take care of her.I'm still hoping she will come with us.Enjoy Nora, hope her mom feels better soon!

    Julie--special offers are good, and I don't mind sharing a room!Have fun at work tomorrow.

    Collett--Thanks for the contact info for Kathy.

    What we've got so far:

    Pre-Cruise @ Disney: NativeMainer (Kim), Juliet, and Mema Sue


    Nancy and Lynne

    Mary and Dorothy

    Juliet and Sue

    Kim (single)

    Post-Cruise @ Disney: Juliet, (Kim is thinking about it)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    on mese oh mise, I am sooo furcited.

    NM, yer furcitement is contageous. 'specially cuase you sailabrating with a rumchata. I like the stuff but prefer it mixed. It is sooo sweet. I was downing shots of it when mese was outta JD.

    So we now have seven, wooo hoooo!

    I will behave and not write muchly. Mese elbow is soooo itchy. I get stiches out on Tuesday.

    Lori, I have been trying to be good. But mese foyget when it doesnt hurt until I do sumting stupid like open a door. And it is hard working left handed. try stirring stir fry with your left hand, the chit flies!

    Talk about the price of rx's. Mese dad's namenda was 395.00 and that is with medicaide and his supplimental blue cross blue shield. That is jest wrong.

    I read you all loud and clear and hope you can figure out mese unwritten responses to ye all. I go now, typing is tough on de elbow joint. Speaking of join, willie where are ye?

    love ye all, cheers!