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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Jazzy, your "Saturday Night" comment made me chuckle and think how my friends and I wouldn't even leave to go out until 9-10 o'clock at night. Now I can't even stay up that late!

    OMG Cami, poisonous plants to get rid of husbands! Gosh, wouldn't it be nice if the medical Willie could help you? The thing is, it's expensive cuz it's not recognized by the FDA. So it's all MOOLAH. Sorry you didn't get to go to the party, but sounds like you are ok with it.

    Sandy, I was told that my onc couldn't prescribe it, or get me a card.I do have to take in paperwork stating that I'm stage IV. And it's almost $300. Not sure what qualifies him to give out these cards. Doesn't sound like a good idea for you! As for me, I'm grasping at straws to stay alive.

    NM, the dispensary was set up sort of like a jewelry counter. With different strains of MJ, then they have their edibles. And in the center of the floor there were more counters with MJ set in these like half domes. I'm sure locked as well. But they were only about as big as a large marble.Had to go through 2 locked security doors, and they wouldn't let my DH go in. I plan on asking him how he gets to do the applications. They could just be filling me full of BS, ya know. I had printed off papers, from the internet. So I think you can apply by yourself. I think you have to go in for fingerprints and such. He gets $150 for doing it, then it's another $150 for the card.

    The Lunch Bucket is quite different. I just have a hard time imagining mixing something with beer, unless it's tomato juice! They do have a beer that they put an orange slice in, kind of like Corona's where they put a lime in it. I think it's called Blue Moon.

    Well, I'll have to ask about taking my MMJ on a plane. Do I check it with my bags, carry it on, or just not take it????

    Hop on in ladies!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    There's a medical marijuana dispensary located around the corner from my house. It's owned by some celebrity's sibling (can't remember who). The first and only time I went into the place I thought it was a cute little neighborhood bakery. Upon closer inspection at the edibles, I realized where I was. There was a strong smell of ganja outside of the store. It didn't phase me, because it's Venice Beach, so coming across that scent isn't all that unusual.

    The wine department at the local grocery store had some open bottles of kosher wines to taste over the weekend. The ones that I tried all had this really weird finish. They kind of tasted like an open bottle of wine that had been sitting on the kitchen counter for a day too long.

    Jazzy, it sounds like an incredible experience. That's a really cool photo.

    Dara, Congratulations on your daughter's graduation! It really impressive that she's going to college while raising a child. I would think that people like pro athletes and other young celebrities get fawned over so much, that they end up thinking that their sh*t doesn't stink. Doesn't make it right, however.

    Cami, Lol to getting rid of a husband. I remember getting doused in calamine lotion when I had the chicken pox when I was five.

    Goldie, interesting about how you transport pot when traveling. I would think it would be treated like any other prescription drug. Beer and tomato juice sounds like an effective cure for a hangover.

    Nm, The Lunch Bucket looks interesting. I wouldn't think to mix beer with Amaretto. I hate when a good dream is disrupted, especially if it includes Brad Pitt.

    Chi, The kosher wines I tried were Backsberg brut, Hagafen cabernet and Chardonnay, and one other, but I can't remember the name. They also were tasting Baron Hertzog, but I opted out of that one.

    Here's a couple of pics of the MM dispensary that's in my 'hood that I found on Yelp. When I was there, all the baked goods were on display right when you walked in the store.imageimage

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Lowee - My Bella's eye is healed, no more burning drops for her. Took them to the park yesterday, was a little breezy but warm and sunny. I watched her like a hawk to make sure she did rub her face in the grass/weedy area. Did you go see 'Criminal', what did u think? I have tried the vapor, still have my vap pipe, looks like a cig with a glass bulb on top. I think my JUJU is about empty, but concentrating more of the CBD oil, I usually do 2 pumps under my tongue every night, mine is cinnamon and tastes pretty good. And $300 sounds about right. My doc bill and State costs about equaled that amount. Did u get the MMJ Journal I emailed you? People take it on planes all the time, I'd make a copy of my MMJ card front and back and wrap it around whatever you take. I am pretty sure they don't bother when the amount carried is obviously a one person deal.

    CJ - ur Murdie is sure a cutie, reminds me of my Baxter. He's a Malshi, sometimes I call him a Malshit, LOL. Both Baxter n Bella have same mom n dad. Dad a Maltese, mom the shitzu, they are 8 months apart in age. Bella looks more shitzu, but small like Maltese, Baxter is 22pnd and looks more like his dad.

    Hsant - got a big chuckle out of 'sober children in Africa' LOL, you too funny.

    Julie - I agree on the HTL needing a boooze icon. Did the dnv accredit your hospital or does it take awhile? Yahoo on your moms progress!!!

    Fearless - I am uber (super) proud of you and ur running. I know how painful my chemo was in my legs, back, arms. No way cud I walk very far, and running was way out of the question. Sounds like your weekend was fabulous.

    Jazz - You seem to have much fun with ur music outings. Nice pic of Mr. East.

    Dara - sooo good to see u and with good news abour SD keeping his distance. WooHoo on Jen graduating next month. I kno it's been touch and go with her but things seem to finally be moving in the right direction. I hope n pray she'll able to find a place to live closer to you, that would be poyfect. And good for you getting a booty call, sometimes it's a gr8 stress reliever. So proud of you girl, just wish ur job wasn't such a pain. (((Dara)))

    NM - the nail grows out and one side, usually, kinda bends upward. Not good, mine used to do it until I started the paper wraps, took awhile but they straightened out. Oh my, that Liquid Marijuana sounds potent, but tasty.

    Well, it is windy, windy today, highs only 67 or so, next 3 days like this with possible showers. Oh well!!

    Lubslubslubs all ya'll

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    hsant, the weird aftertaste was actually the lack of the “finish” found in non-Mevushal (kosher or not) wines. The heat used in the flash-pasteurization destroys some of the esters responsible for a wine’s full flavot profile. You can tell if a kosher wine has been flash-pasteurized by a seal on the back label with the words “yayin mevushal” (sorry I can’t do the Hebrew font) in Hebrew inside it. Unfortunately, there are very, very few non-Mevushal kosher-for-Passover wines out there because the observant wouldn’t be able to drink them unless the whole supply chain (including the person filling their glass) consists exclusively of strictly observant Jewish males. The minute Mom or some non-observant cousin visiting for Passover pours from (maybe even touches) the bottle to fill their or anyone else’s glass, it becomes “chametz” if not outright “treyf.” Conservative & Reform rabbinical authorities (such as they exist) consider any beverage not brewed from or sweetened with grain to be “Pesadich” no matter who serves it.

    Goldie, I’ve heard of people with valid state MMJ cards having their weed or edibles confiscated when landing in states in which MMJ is not yet legal. I believe the language on a card states it is valid only in the state in which it was issued. If you hold a card in one state and--not wanting to risk confiscation or arrest--you leave your MMJ home and visit a dispensary in another state, that dispensary doesn’t have to (and sometimes can’t) recognize the validity of your card. The exceptions, of course, are states where recreational MJ is legal--anyone over 21 can buy with no paperwork necessary. But it has to be consumed in THAT state.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! Boy is my mind messed up.I was lying in bed, half awake, half asleep, and thinking it was Sunday and I didn't need to get up yet, and then the alarm goes off and I wake up a bit more and realize it's Tuesday.Sigh.And it's supposed to be rainy with some snow mixed in today.Again, Sigh.Come on, Spring!Let's see some more of you!

    Chi- did you know that kind of champagne glass is supposed to be based on the breast shape of a famous woman?Which woman depends on who's telling the story and has included Helen of Troy, Mari Antoinette, Madame de Pompadour.No proof of any of this of course, but fun to think about.

    Goldie--I find it fascinating that the MJ dispensary is set up like a jewelry store!And they wouldn't let your DH in?Hmm, probably wouldn't let me in just to look around and ask questions, either, then.Are you sure you're not pulling my leg?I'd be really careful about taking any of that with you on a plane, what with all the drug and bomb sniffing dogs they use nowadays.You may end up somewhere with your luggage confiscated somewhere else!The TSA is a federal agency, and the feds don't recognize medical marijuana, to them it's all illegal.

    Hsant--I hate it when almost any dream is interrupted, it makes me feel odd for hours, like I'm still partly asleep.On the other hand, I can remember the interrupted dreamall day.Probably cuz I want to find out how it ends!Wow, look at the variety of MMJ "stuff"!Fascinating.I really need to learn more about this stuff.

    Mema--Hooray for healed Bella!Paper wraps on nails?Never heard of that.How does that work?

    Chi--the intricacies of being Kosher is fascinating tome.What a rich history the Jewish religion has!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Caribbean Dream

    1 oz Peach Schnapps

    1 oz Rum

    2 parts Orange Juice

    5 ml Grenadine


    Combine ingredients in a highball glass. Stir, add ice and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Hi All! Haven't forgotten about y'all. I've just been insane with getting a report done for work. Hate when work gets in the way of fun! Goodness! I'm so far behind, but know that I have been following!

    NM - yeah, don't you hate that! I had an 8th grade Geography teacher who used to say that Tuesday is the armpit of the week. Monday you're still up from the weekend and by Wednesday you're looking forward to the following weekend, but Tuesday is just there, kind of smelly and hairy just like an armpit (except now I have no hair).

    Chi - I've really enjoyed reading about the history of Passover. I've known some of it, but the traditions, etc are so fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

    MemaSue - Malshit - that cracked me up. I have two Aussies who are just awesome, but the little one is the little shit. I love him, though. :)

    hsant - I haven't been in to a dispencery, but that doesn't surprise me. Half my friends have cards saying they need it. It makes me sick, so I just decline and sip my wine. But, hey, to each his or her own.

    I want a convertible but it's just not practical, especially with 3 dogs. I do have a little yellow Mini Cooper which is fun to drive. :)

    Hi everyone else! Hope it's a good Tuesday for y'all! Our sales manager and office manager went to Club and brought back Puerto Rican rum for all of us. May have to come up with a fun cocktail for it. :)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Hsant, that's pretty much what the one looked like that I went in. But they don't let just anybody in where the products are. Like I said, had to go through 2 security doors.

    LDB, I haven't read the articles yet, but have them saved. I won't have to worry about taking anything on a plane until fall. Glad Bella is ok. I commented on Criminal in a previous post. A little too much gore tho, for me. And I found it hard to follow, DH did not. It was ok. I've been taking the oil pills. Wowsa, what a sleep! I think I'll take them maybe every other day, since it will be a couple weeks before I get my card. How often did you do the vapor one?

    Sandy, that was pretty much my thought on the MMJ and traveling with it. I guess I'll just have to make a decision when the time comes.

    NM, bummer thinking it was Sunday and you didn't have to go to work. Yes, you have to ADULT today. Another vote for not taking any MMJ with me on a plane. Well, I know I can get some to at least smoke. One of my brothers usually has some.

    Getting the card was pretty simple. Doc was an older guy, retired anesthesiologist. Uses himself, but for pain. I asked him if any doctor can get a card, he said yes. They told me no at the dispensary.

    Almost bumped you into the pool CJ. Good to see you pop back in. LOL about Tuesday being the hairy smelly armpit!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Ladies-

    Wow a lot about dispensaries this morning, I had no idea the the process is about any of this. I just think it's cheaper in other ways. Not that I know for sure, or know anyone or anyplace to get this stuff, but it can't look as inviting as the "store" does, in fact I would think it looks more like a car or houselike--Well I'm just imagining of course. Lori think alot about not taking it with u on a plane cuz that I believe is all Federal and as was said it's stil against the law. It's funny cuz again how I think, we're the United States but what's legal in one is not in another and then there's the Federal thing-the operative word being United, hmm.

    SusyQ so glad about Bella, what a relief. I hate when our furbabies aren't well and they can't talk.

    My brain is always scattered and I so enjoy how u gals explain things without over using words that I don't know. I do remember bits and pieces, but just don't have the full memory that I used to have--ok question, if u smoke it will it come out in u'r blood test?

    Hsant I have to ask, aren't u homesick? I mean what u'r doing is so unselfish, but I know I could not do that away from my home. My parents and then Dad alone were right downstairs, there were some months I took off work, but then again I was still home at the end of the day, I give u so much credit.

    Lori I always pray u get help from any source that u'r pain is not there. And U still do so much anyway.

    CJ glad to see u poop in u sound pretty good and busy.

    I called my Dr. and now waiting for a call back, cuz my D is still goin strong. I was so hoping this was a magical cure LOL==Oh well


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    I’m Reform, so I don’t normally keep Kosher--and outside the house it’s sometimes hard to keep kosher for Passover unless I bring my own matzo for the mandatory daily nibble; I just go strict low-carb in restaurants instead.

    NM, about the coupe-shaped glass, I’d read it was Empress Josephine’s breast.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Woke up to a hard frost this morning, and record low temps for the date.Sigh.At least the sun has been out and that feels good, as long as I'm in the car or looking through a window.It was quite something to look out the window yesterday and see snow.An actual snow shower.Lasted about an hour.Didn't stick, but still.

    CJ--Tuesday = armpit of the week--that's a good one!Puerto Rican rum?Sounds yummy!

    Goldie--You might want to talk to the folks at the dispensary before making a final decision about traveling with MMJ.I was talking off the top of my head, they would have actual information.Hate for you to be without it if it's helpful, also hate for you to get into trouble or get it confiscated.

    Cammy--I do know that smoked MJ shows up in urine tests.I can be randomly drug screened at any time for work, and the info about the test says that MJ can show up for as much as a week after use.I could test positive for MJ and not get fired if I had a Medical MJ card.For me, it's not worth the risk, so I'll just stay away from the stuff.Like someone said, I'll stick to my wine.Praying for the D to stop.Permanently.

    Chi--aha, yet another breast to add to the Champagne goblet collection!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Mai-Tai Diego

    How do you make it?


    1 1/2 ounces Bacardi Light Puerto Rican Rum

    1/2 ounce Bacardi Dark Puerto Rican Rum

    1 ounce orange juice

    1 ounce pineapple juice

    Splash of amaretto

    Splash of grenadine


    Shake and pour over rocks. Garnish with orange and cherry.

    How would you describe its taste?

    A Mai-Tai Diego has a tropical juice flavor with a hint of cherry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Gosh, no one to talk to. Well, not NO ONE, NM and Cami are here......and me!

    Cami, it just doesn't look like they are going to find a reason or cure for that damned D. That just doesn't seem reasonable. As for me and pain, I'm really not in any. Just my hands and feet from the hand/foot syndrome, AKA HFS. I won't take any MMJ on the plane. I can get it in MI.

    NM, I will check into it about traveling with MMJ. Might even call the airlines when the time comes and ask them too. Sorry about your crappy weather, but the sun shining does make a difference. Nice cocktail this morning, sounds yummy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Hi friends- on the go this week but wanted to say hi. I went out last night with some professional goils and was sampling some flavored vodkas. YUM! I had some Absolute Raspberry and something called a "spicy pear." Both good, one sweet and the other had a nice sweet and spice to it.

    Wednesday HUMP DAY and after today, we are on the down slope to the weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Good DOTD this morning NM. And thanks for answering the question I had, not that I feel I can get into any trouble since not working anymore, but I just wondered, wow it stays in u'r system a long time. Sorry about the weather, but we're having the same thing too. It's really chilly out this morning and cloudy. so I understand.

    Lori I'm sorry u'r in any pain, and where u have it are pretty important places. I do notice where my pain is, f it lessens some it gets very itchy and I can't scratch enough--of course there's bleeding, but it doesn't stop me, how silly and I use all kinds of things.

    My sister cracks me up, I talked to her a couple of times a day, all stupid stuff, yet sometimes we don't talk for a few days, cuz we have nothing new to say. But she's filling her time in on the puter trying again to figure out about my D and she came up with another idea. No wonder why my Drs. roll their eyes as I tell them what my medical group (my cousin too) decides what to do next, so now I have another pill to let him think about. Of course no one ever takes my medical group seriously, well I haven't heard from him anyway.

    Well I hope everyone has a good day today.

    I lubs u all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2016

    hello all.

    Been very lazy

    Man hopefully home next 48 hrs

    Lori hope you get your card,they tried to get a law here but it was too loose .they are going to try again.

    Off to disney again this weekend

    This temp job ,the people so nice

    Dar.fabulous news about Jen.have a good day people

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    DH and I joined the recreation center and signed up for 6 mos. We will go later this afternoon. I am anxious to get on the weight machines to tone up my legs and arms. Of course I'll also do some cardio. My DD is planning a trip to Cancun over Thanksgiving. I am going to go as well. My DS and his gal, 2 of my friends from dispatch and I don't kno who all, but the hotel looks fab and it's all inclusive. They will be here for Mother's Day and we'll finish the booking. Fercited!!!

    We had rain and high winds on Monday, yest was 80's and lots of sunshine and no wind, today, overcast, call for rain, but no wind yet, yay!

    Lowee - I do the CBD oil under my tongue every night. I use the vapor one only if I have trouble getting to or back to sleep. And the CBD is made from hemp and I don't think it is illegal, where the vap one is THC from marijuana. Musta missed ur comment on the movie, thanks for reposting.

    Sandy - what does Reform mean?

    CJ - I like that analogy for Tuesday, 'armpit of the week'

    NM - when my son was young on probation for non-criminal stuff, he was monitored, we had to do it at home, then I'd drop at probation ofc. He told me once he took 2 or 3 hits off a joint the night b4, but his analysis came back clean. His prob officer told me they only test it to a certain degree. He went back and 'zero'd' it down, only minute traces, not enough to break probation. So I guess small amounts don't register?? The Mai-Tai Diego sounds wonderful. I do like rum and supposedly it has the least calories than other alcomahals. Paper wraps you use coffee filters (square ones) and tear them up into little strips. They are adhered to the outgrown nail with a clear polish of which I can't remember what its called. They tuck the ends under the nail, then polish. They were called 'Juliet Nails' back in the day. But they did not damage the nailbed and lasted 2 weeks, sometimes 3. I used to do my own and my mothers for years. Now, seems none of the nail techs have ever heard of it. Times r a changing for sure.

    Jazz - Happy Hump day, sounds like u and the goils had a good time sampling the vodkas.

    Cami - got a chuckle out of your 'medical group' comments. I still pray you find an answer (((Cami)))

    Julie - enjoy ur DW trip this weekend. Gr8 that you have nice peeps to work for and with. Can make a huge difference.

    Gotta run…lubslubslubs ya all!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Just looked up Hemp. It is made from the leaves of cannabis so is illegal in all but 9 states. Frankly, I'm glad, cuz my research shows that the leaves (low in THC) have the most benefit for gals like us. Thought I'd share.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    Reform Judaism developed in Germany in the mid-19th century and came to the US with the first wave of German Jewish immigrants. It facilitates assimilation rather than the self-segregation of strictly observant communities. It introduced the vernacular into the liturgy as an adjunct to Hebrew, allowed organ music,choirs and participatory hymn singing, allowed men & women to sit together, temporarily abolished Sabbsth observance and kosher dietary rules (since the 1940s they've become optional, though encouraged), and abolished rules of ritual purity and modesty in dress. Women can be and are fully ordained as rabbis and invested as cantors. Conservative Judsism developed in the 1930s by those who felt Reform went too far in abandoning many traditions, but didn't want to return to sexual segregation and rules of dress.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Sandy - thank you so much for explaining the difference between Conservative and Reform. Think I'd have to be in the Reform group as I have many forbidden habits. My DH was raised Mormon, he is now referred to as a 'Jack Mormon' for his habits. His family still respects him and they all communicate whenever possible.

    Just wanted to check in and tell u all we made it to the weight room at the rec center today. Boy, after 3 years (I used to walk 3 miles and work out in our community pool) boy I can feel it in my legs and arms. DH was with me and showed me how to use the machines, gotta love him. LOL. So now plan is a workout 3X a week. Have to admit, I could only do 5 mins on the elliptical. That's not much cardio, but I will get better at it. I have all you go getters to thank for it too.

    Hope everyone has a GR8 evening!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    SIpping on a Robert Mondavi unflitered Pinot Noir right now before turning in. (Bob'll finish the half-glass for me). Cooper's Hawk Winery for dinner tomorrow night.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Sandy u go to bed late, but find the most interesting places to go and I've never heard of anything that u talk about and I'm about 45 mins. away from u. Yrs. ago I had a Jewish friend (my token) and she was unorthodox, I think those were the words of the time--I love her family and ate there quite a bit and I found it different from Italian food and she loved eating by my house. It was funny. This was many yrs. ago.

    Julie again with DW? Do u get in on any special pass or something. I'm gad u like who u'r surrounded with, it makes it so nice for u.

    Going on vacay during Thanksgiving, seems so long away, but sounds like fun--especially for a holiday --no muss, no fuss. Just fun.

    I still haven't heard from my Dr. Oh all these gist Drs. take time---my Primary calls me right away, always.-Actually so does my heart Dr. Oh well.

    Well Leslie starts work today and she's nervous of course and she had to go out and buy a white smock, so she at least doesn't have to go crazy picking clothes out--so uniforms still come in handy. So the men here took their showers last nite so no one gets in her way--she's the worst.

    My brother's cancer is gone, so he's fine so that's a good thing.It was my Mom's birthday this month and my other brothers was tmorrow so we feel all floopy this time of yr. Such sadness, he took such good care of himself, I still think about that--Oh well.

    OK today is Friday Eve so another week down the drain. way to fast again. But I hope everyone has a good day.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday!Happy Frosty Friday Eve!Not quite breaking low temp records but close.Where is the warmer than usual spring and summer that's been predicted?At least the sun is shining, that's a big help.

    Goldie--HFS, what a PIA.So sorry you have to deal with that.Good idea to check with the airline/airport about the MMJ.

    Jazzy--I am always amazed at the variety of flavored vodkas on the shelf in the stores.I would love to be able to taste a whole bunch of different ones.I know I like the citrus, and the vanilla is good in mixed drinks, not so sure about Birthday Cake or Whipped Cream flavors, but it would still be interesting to taste them.Have fun on the go this weekend!

    Cammy--I keep reminding myself that it's only April, not quite May.Too early to be looking for gardening weather.But I'm impatient to get the gardens going again.Love to play in the dirt!What is your medical group recommending now?I'm curious.

    Julie--another trip to Disney?! I'm jealous!Do you go on any of the rides?I would never have thought about going to Disney by myself until I met you.Good for you!

    Mema--Cancun, what fun! Can't wait to hear the stories and see the pics!Fercited for you!I'm not sure how the tests work.It's good your son got a pass that time, though.Thanks for the paper wrap info.My nails aren't long enough to tuck anything under the edges, but I'd love to find a way to keep them from splitting and breaking long enough to get that long.Interesting about the leaves having the most benefit and being low in THC.

    Chi--Great explanation of the difference among the various forms of Judiasm!Thanks, this kind of info is always fascinating to me.

    Mema--I think 5 minutes of cardio is a good starting point--not sure I could do a whole 5 minutes right now! Gotta start somewhere, right?


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    April's Violet Drink

    2 tsp Blue Curacao

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    3 drops Grenadine


    Pour the gin, blue curacao and grenadine into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Nice to see some lounge lizards in the lounge!

    Jazzy, when I went to the VI to visit my daughter, they have shots of flavored vodkas to have when you got off the plane. Wait, maybe it was rum? Not sure, but it went down nicely.

    Cami, I think my arms, legs, back and chest are permanently scared from scratching so bad. How's your DD's new job going? It won't be too long, and Joey will be out of school. Sweet of your sister to try and help figure out the D.

    Julie, can you explain the temp job? You DW you! I guess you never get sick of going there! Who are you going with?

    LDB, going to Cancun! Whooo Hooooo! Where are you staying? My brother goes every year. The oil you put under your tongue, is it the oil in those capsules you gave me? When I was doing the hemp, that is when my markers went up. I was having allergies, so that could have triggered the TM's to go up. I'm hoping so! Interesting about the paper nail wraps, I have never heard of them either. But then again, I've never had my nails done! Wish I had the energy to work out! Goot for you goil!

    Cami, I would imagine our DW has a yearly pass, to get her in with Mickey. Could also be cheaper for locals. Just a guess, and I'm sure she'll chime in about it. Oh, I see your DD is just starting her job today. I hope she LOVES it! Sorry you are feeling sad, but glad tohear the cancer is gone from your brother.

    NM, sorry Mother Nature isn't cooperating. We've had nice weather here in the mountains, but the wind can be brutal. Suppose to be another windy day here today. Very sweet cocktail. Wouldn't want to have too many of those.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    My light poyple Iris's....


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    NM - I was a nail biter into my late teens. My sister told me about the paper wraps and it made me want to quit biting. I used OPI's 'Nail Envy' it doesn't peel or chip. Start with 2 coats, then 1 coat everyday or every other day. It can be costly so look around for best price. Oh and it dries pretty fast too. Mine were barely grown out from the finger tip but the nail tech was good and able to get the wraps on. At 1st the wrap under my nails bugged me and I'd pick at it, but after awhile I got used to em. Yep, starting slow at the work outs. Woke this morning expecting to be sore, but can barely feel it.

    Also woke to rain rain rain….no doggie park today, my pooches very sad.

    Cami - Hooray for Leslie's 1st day, had a to chuckle at her hogging the bathroom in the morning. Glad the men were so accommodating.

    Lowee - the capsules are THC, the little bottle with the pump on it is CBDHemp and the Juju is THC too. Cripes, u are allergic to jest about everything. I feel so bad for you, maybe just cut back to every other day or something? The hotel in Cancun is the Aqua something, can't remember, but it looks fantastic. DD is trying to find an airline that can get us there in 7 or 8 hours instead of 10+. UGH

    Love love the poyple Iris's. Good for you!!!

    MammaRay - welcome to the Lounge, pull up a stool and the tenders will treat you with all the likker u can handle. Sad you are here but we are a good bunch to talk too, come back soon and tell us a little about yourself. Makes me angry that the RatBastard got you so young. Sending Big HugZ.

    Gotta run, today is nails and pedi….soooo sweet!!

    Lubslubslubslubs EVERYONE!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2016

    Hello my goils! Hope eberyone has had a decent week and has a great upcoming weekend. And all dis talk about Willie aka MJ had me taking a few hits jest tonight after reading about it all. And oh those dispensaries look like I imagine heaven looking hehe!

    So yeah, I am sorta numb right now. Mese Mom passed away todey and I was there when it happened. I have never seen a dead poyson before other than in a funeral home and there are jest no words for what I witnessed. I will get back to this momantara-lee. Mese jest a wee bit high now cuz well jest hadta.

    You goils talking about all this MMJ makes me realize jest how glad I am that I indulge and never worry about the legalities. I am jest cautious as far as where I git it and where I schmoke it. And for de record, it would take well over turdy deys to git it outta my urine stream based on what I have read. So ennyway, back to talking about my Mom and jest how quickly she slipped away to join mese Dad whom btw passed jest two months + six deys ago, wow (and I am soooo not ready to do the funeral ting again, uhhh). Ok, so for those of you that do not know me or mese family, my mom had late stage alzheimer's disease. She has had it for about 6-7 years. She was doing very well considering how vicious this disease is. She was always such a fan of her meals and snacks that when she stopped eating (and dwinking) on Sundey, we jest all thought that she had a touch of a bug or sumting. But she slipped quickly. I got a call last night jest as I got home from work telling me that they did not expect mese Mom to live through the night. My one sister went over to bisit and said she looked horrible and that she had this butterfly rash on her face which was said to be a telltale sign of imminent death. My other sister visited her dis morning but I opted to go to work to keep my mind of the fact that this is happening again - I was about to become an orphan of sorts and did not like the thought. I worked hard this morning but decided to come home for lunch and planned on heading over to see Mom after work. Well I sat at my kitchen table, tried to eat then jest sorta dwifted off into a trance of sorts until I realized that I was 8 minutes past the time I should have left for my return drive to my office. I panicked for two seconds then thought about it ... I need to bisit mese Mommy bcuz she jest might not make it until 5pee em. BUT I went back into a trace after texxting mese boss and did not leave the house to drive to the nursing home until 2pm. Went to see Mom and good Lord, her coloring was really off and she looked as frail as I had ever seen anyone! And she wwas also jest put on oxygen so the machine was making noise, her breathing was really labored yet she was snoring away (they had started morphine late last night). So this is the really neat part - by 2:30, I wanted to leave as it was jest disturbing seeing my mommy looking so horrible. But I jest could not, could not get up from the chair I was sitting on as I feared it would be the last time I would see her alive. As I was starring at her, I noticed her mouth was no longer moving as she breathed but then thought I was going nutty as I could still see her chest moving and moving quite a bit. So I jest sat there for a good five minutes before putting my hand under her blanky an onto her chest and not feeling a heartbeat. (I need a hit of de willie, brb, no kidding eidder)..... (!Jeopardy song plays out ......) .....

    So I sat there a little longer until "I" declared her expired, as they say at the home. I then texted mese siblings aka mese sibs and said "ummmm, Mom went to be with Dad. And this was jest a few minutes after mese sis texted me and told me that she had told Mom earlier in the day that it is OK to go and be with Dad. I then walked up the hall and tapped on the nurse's shoulder and whispered that Mom has gone to be with Dad. She looked shocked somehow and we both hugged then shed some tears. My sibs then asked me if it was official and I said nope, not yet but it is DorKy official (DorK is one of my names here for the newer goils to know which bdw, a big fat WELCOME to Mommy Ray, so very sorry you have to be here with us wild n crazy goils. Hang around though, you will like it, we are DE coolest group on BCO~ wooo hoooo us~ and you have been off-fish-ally nominated into our sorority, our "click" or whatever you wanna call us hehe! We can't control who strolls into de lounge but she sure can control who stays. I can tell stories about the goils we have chased de hail out of here for being morons of sorts which bdw, there has been one sniffing around here lately (i need anudder hit after that schpeil). brb....

    (!Jeopardy song plays out ......) .....

    Ok, keep losing my thought process here, wonder why I do hehe. Oh, the interesting thing of my day was supposed to be a conference call with Michael Gel- man and his financial advisor (spelling MG's name wrong intentionally to protect meseself since I am divulging top secret info which could force me to lose mese job - but really would that be so terrible hehe} from Kelly n No Regis show aka Kelly n Michael on ABC. You see, Gelmman is a client to my firm and since I love the show so much (which incidentally, I got to watch on Tuesday when Kelly returned from walking off the show and bdw, I wanted to talk to "Gel-man" today about that incident but couldn't as it would not be professional duh, right?? So yes, his loan is not mine, I was jest babysitting this week for a coworker who is on vacation (which bdw another coworker is also working on a mortgage refi loan for a star - it is freaking Jeff Bridges. Yes, I was looking at the appraisal photos of his 20MM home in CA, it is the most phenomenal home. And a secret, dere kitchen was a weee bit messier than I would have imagined! People often ask me why on earth these bazillionaires need to finance their homes and the answer is because they git to write off sooooo much interest. I often see mortgages where the payments are well over 25k monthly excluding their taxes! It is a wild n crazy place I work and it is cool working for famous folks but I would still rather process loans for non high-networth clients, omg, my life was soooo much easier then. sorry to change subjects again but mese fingers are jest writing what mese tinking .... I am off work for a week!! Wooo hoo, no talking to Gel-man but hail, I would rather be off. oh, his co-op apartment in NYC is gorgeous! And I viewed his paystub, he does not make as much as I would have guessed. So that is that.

    I wanted to address many of you cuz I really did read the pages from where I left off. but OMG, I went on a dwunken rant and it was all about me, but I say I can git away with it since mese Momma freaking died today, right my bwesties?? I hope ye not mad at'tall.

    I have a busy week coming up but will really try to address all of mese goils. I lubs each of you wonderful goils. Happy WeEkEnD and chEErs, dwink up. And for de love of God,lastly, git those titties up if ya gotem~~

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Frieday!Seems like it's been a long week.At least it's been sunny, when it hasn't been snowing.Windy, though, with a cold wind.Ah, well, it's only April.And I could put on a sweater or jacket and work outside if I was really motivated.Maybe I'll do a bit this weekend.We'll see.

    Goldie--The wind here is good for helping get the winter melt dried out so gardens can be worked.Not so good for fires, though, and out of control brush fires are keeping the fire departments busy.Amazing how many permit fires get out of control on days/weekends when there is supposed to be no burning due to conditions.Those irises are GEORGEOUS!Where did you find them?I love that color.

    MammaRay--Welcome, pull up a barstool, tell the Tenders what you are drinking and visit a spell!

    Mema--I'll look for that Nail Envy, and see if that helps.Glad you aren't sore after your workout.Baby steps are the way to go!

    Dara!Darais in the Lounge!Oh, my dear, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom.And so close to your Dad.How I wish I could be there to hug you and get drunk with you.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Angel's Halo

    1 oz Sloe Gin

    4 oz Pineapple Juice


    Mix pineapple juice and sloe gin. Fill glass with crushed ice and enjoy

    Best served in a Red Wine Glass.

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, all! I won't even begin to try and catch up and respond to all the comments since I posted last. Have been reading but have just not had time to get online and say hello for this entire week. This is such a lively group! Wow! You bring smiles to my face when I read some of your posts.

    It's been a long week for me at work and then last night the insomnia fairy came to visit me, so I'm going to try to make it through work today on just 3 hours of sleep. I swear I think it's the anastrozole and have even tried taking at different times of the day to see if that helps. Last night was the worst in a long time.

    I did get to a cancer support group yesterday that is held at my hospital monthly. It was OK except for this one lady who seemed to be wanting to have a pity party and play the victim role. That was not very supportive or encouraging. I also occasionally attend a breast cancer support group once a month. The breast cancer group had a nutritionist speak a couple of weeks ago. Nothing she shared was completely eye opening but it helped to remind me of the best ways to eat and to have a diet that is more plant based. Not totally vegan though. I have a friend who is trying to get me to take plant based supplements also. Any of you taking supplements of any kind?

    NM---keep those DOTD's coming. Some day I'm going to stock our bar with even more selections so I can try some of these delicious sounding drinks. I mainly drink vodka/soda with lemon (I know----boring!) or wine and am not usually big on all the sweet drinks, but some just sound too good not to try.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Dara dear girl, am I reading all this correctly that your mom passed away this week?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Dara I am so sorry about u'r mom, but yet so happy u were there for her and for you. I was good that u decided to go earlier and got to just sit with her. And yes now u'r mom and dad are together so that's the peace part. But it is still very sad. I still remember when my dad died and I looked at my sister and sid I'm no one's baby anymore--We were all older tho, but still hurts at any time. U know we wish we could all be together to help u go thru this, but we're here for u and call of course if u need too.

    Welcome Mamaray, hope u come back and tell us about u'rself, but sorry u'r here for obvious reasons, but these are great gals who are so informed of so many things to and not to do things.

    NM u'r DOTD's always shine. It always makes me want that drink the same day. Don't worry it will be gardening weather soon, it has to be. and it is Friday so now u have 2 days and if u can't garden oh just relax with Sadie, u so deserve to.

    Lori u'r flowers are beautiful. and I didn't know u got so much wind, no wonder u'r allergies act up so much, u can hardly stop the wind, u know how I feel about u not feeling well.

    SusyQ, u r bootifying u'rself--good for u. I'm still enjoying the fact u'r dancing with NED----

    Julie I never thought about u going by u'rself, is that what u do. Then u are truly a DW first class.

    Well Leslie really liked her first day, did a couple of facials on the women who worked there, but she liked that cuz she felt like she was practicing and she said everyone was very nice, and when she wasn't busy she shampooed women for their cut and stuff, So she kept herself busy.

    Well my boss came by yesterday and I now have a thing in my ear for the phone and a couple of new things to do. Now I told him from the beginning I don't want much responsibility and for some reason he thinks I can do this new stuff--it's really sinple, just takes up time) So now I'm one of those peeps that have this thing in my ear (which I always hated) I'm no longer a learner, I'm a whateverer.

    Well I hope u all have a good weekend coming up


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    LDB, the CBD oil under the tongue, is that the hemp oil? Ok, I see it is. I thought you were breaking open the capsules and putting that under your tongue. No rain here, just wind.

    Hi Mama, welcome to The Hot Tatties lounge, where you can have as many cocktails as you like! Angers me too, that you are so young. There are several of us that are stage IV, so just hang out here and drink with us. I see you are ER/PR+ and HER 2-. Treatment with Carboplatin I'm not familiar with that, is it a chemo? I've been on chemo pills (Xeloda) for over a year now.

    Dorky, so very sorry for the loss of your momma and I love your rant. Glad you were actually be able to be there with her. She must have known that she had seen all three of her girls and was happy to go after that. Don't you have a brother too? Was he able to see your mom? I hope your Willie keeps the RB (rat bas TURD) away for ebber and ebber.

    NM….The iris's, I found in my yard! LOL! Don't remember where I got them, probably Home Depot or another big store. Have had them a LONG time. My dark purple ones aren't as big and my yellow ones are just starting to bloom. Great drink for the passing of Whacko's mom. We are so dry, when it gets that windy, you just eat dirt. And if you happen to be in shorts, all that dirt hitting you, actually hurts a bit.

    Fearless, I think that same Fairy bisited me too last night. Somewhere around 1 am, I had to go potty but just didn't want to get up. Finally did at 2:30 and then had trouble getting back to sleep. When I think of it, I take Vit. D, Biotine and Calcium. I also too Arimidex for 5 years, mostly what would wake me up, and still does, is the hot flashes. Don't be too harsh for the lady having a pity party. I know I have had mine. Maybe she really was having a hard time with it that day.

    Jazzy yes, Dara lost her momma.

    Cami, I really don't feel terribly bad. More annoying than anything, and of course the fatigue is horrible.

    Need to go to town today, more so to have my labs done. Damn, I hate this time. Praying for lower numbers and not another increase. Leaving Tuesday for trade show in Vegas. But Tuesday night, we are going to see Donnie and Marie Osmond. She is sooooo gorgeous, her plastic surgeon did good!