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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Ok, looks like yesterday's post didn't go through, so trying again:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!Raining a bit here this ayem.Making fora gray and gloomy day, though.

    Goldie--looks like we bumped into the pool!Glad it's heated!Love the Spring Cleaning drink!Wow, great ideas for tire planters!I was thinking more of flowers than veggies, cuz of the concern about chemicals leaching.Never thought about painting them either.Will have to look up what kind of paint to use.Oh my goodness, look at that froggy!Thanks for the ideas!

    Jazzy-the spa time sounds so wonderful!My basement is also my garage, I can drive right in, and getting the tires out will just be a matter of rolling themalong.I will look into recycling.As long as I don't have to pay, those things have cost me enough already!

    Mema--I'm already enjoying the herbology course, lots of reading but I am an avid reader so that's no problem.Need to find a binder to keep the lessons in, already have a basket in the kitchen with wine making and tincture making stuff where the new stuff will fit very nicely.I bet you can find some info on the internet about cutting back or dividing or whatever you do to philodendrons.

    Chi--How on earth did that agency get your friend's case?Something very odd there, I think.Like you say, someone was asleep at the computer.Glad she's got someone closer coming now.Wine, cheese, chocolate and entertainment, what better way to spend an afternoon!

    Julie--part time vegetarian?That sounds intriguing. I bet the Epcot flower festival is wonderful and beautiful.Sounds like you are having a great time.

    Chi--congrats to the Rabbi Emeritus and his wife, and the retiring Rabbi.What is chocolate terrine?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:put my name in the search box, this is what I found:

    Kim Special

    1 oz Banana Liqueur

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 oz Melon Liqueur

    (Fill to Top) Cream


    Build over ice in a tall glass and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Let's see if this post makes it all the way through this ayem.

    Goldie--praying for no D at the show!Looks like you bumped my post right out of the lounge!Not sure what happened yesterday, looked like it went through.Oh, well.

    Jazzy-- I had a mani-pedi on the cruise, first time ever, it was so nice!Not sure if they are all like that, with arm and leg massages, and juice brought to you.A spa vacay sounds like heaven.

    Mema--I'm not sure Hersey's qualifies as chocolate, not compared to Ghirardelli.Nothing like good chocolate.Not so crazy about the dark stuff, too bitter for my taste, but I do love milk chocolate.

    Hsant--I'd rather drink than do housework any day!Do it once and you have to do it all over again the next day.What's the point?Except that I do like a nice clean house.The herbology course is a correspondence course.I bought the first half of the course, 11 lessons, came in a package with the lessons, articles to read, and the herbs and supplies for the projects for each lesson.I fill out a paper and mail it back for feedbackand grading.I actually started the program years ago but got side tracked by life and the rat ba$#ard.After I finish the herbology course I can take a few more and then call myself aNaturopath.

    Chi--Wow, what a life Rabbi Schaalman had!I just went to Amazon and bought the book, can't wait to look at it.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Lost Bikini

    3/4 oz Amaretto

    3/4 oz Galliano

    1/2 oz White Rum

    1/2 oz Lime Juice

    2 oz Mandarin Juice


    Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with two maraschino cherries.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Yippee I slept for 6 straight hrs. last nite. Well I did wake up to D all over the place, but I slept anyway.

    Now I have to say to all of u first, I love that u all do so much and are always going and doing things--it's such a good thing to read, that's why I always hope more people come here and see the positive atitudes that are here. U are all so wonderful.

    Lori I hope no D for u and all goes well with numbers I think everyone know by now that I had the privilege to meet u and I just wanted to say I wish I could meet everyone, but about u. Lori is a strikingly beautiful woman with a knockout figure and gorgeous hair and then when u meet her winthn 10 seconds u feel her heart is as beautiful as she is to look at.

    Mary It's great u've been having Anorable, isn't it so fun. And yes all our kids rule the homes, I feel sorry for all of them when they grow up and realize no one will let them rule everyone else. LOL

    Jazzy I always enjoy u'r fun weekend. And spas, never been to one. Bur a few yrs back when I worked Jodie (my DD) would go every year for a weekend with her friends and some mom for the whole works and she used to ask me to go and would pay for me--stupid me never went and she loved it.. And she'd always feel good like a week from that. So I know there has to be some good stuff goin' on there.

    NM another great DOTD for us. I want everyone when I read it. And I hope u find some good uses for those tires. I was so impressed by theose pics. but it looks like a lot of work.

    Oh this ear thing phone is always falling out so my sister told me to scotch tape it in my ear. Good idea.

    Hey Susie Q hope u have a good day today, as I hope everyone does.

    OK my ear is ringing.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Was having a dream about coffee when the alarm went off this ayem. Seems I was making a pot of coffee in an old-fashioned percolator, only I forgot about the basket and put the ground in with the water.Glad I woke up before my co-workers started drinking that brew!Sadie keeps going ballistic and tries to run through the kitchen door.I think there is a squirrel out there teasing her.Poor Sadie, can't catch the squirrel that stays on the other side of the fence or up in the trees!

    Cammy--waking up to D all over can't be fun.I so wish there was a way to stop that for you.I'm still deciding what to do with the tires, need to do something with them to get them out of the basement, love the idea of flowers in them.I like to use a bluetooth ear thingy, but have to have one with a hook to go over the ear, otherwise it won't stay in place.Never thought about taping it it!

    Boy I'ts quiet in here lately!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Anatole Coffee

    1/2 oz Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur

    1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/2 oz Cognac

    6 oz Coffee

    1/2 oz Whipping Cream


    Blend cognac, coffee liqueur, Frangelico hazelnut liqueur and iced coffee with a little cracked ice in a mixing glass. Pour into a chilled white wine glass. Add whipped cream, garnish with a sprinkling of chocolate shavings, and serve.

    Best served in a White Wine Glass.

    When I first looked at this recipe I thought it said "ANORABLE" Coffee!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Can't believe I missed you all yest, swore I posted, but can't find it. Anywho, going to be in the 80's again today….swwweeeettt!! I truly feel bad for those in the storm area….mother nature really ripped away in some areas.

    NM - what a dream, I can't stand grounds in my coffee, I will throw a whole pot out and start over…yech. LOL about Sadie and the squirrel, my aunties dog is the same way, jes too funny to watch.

    Cami - I just hate that you still have the D, sending HUGZ ur way.

    Hsant - I love the all-day spa the Casa Blanca has, $90 for the whole day, robe and slippers they loan are so fluffy, includes 1 hour massage, then the private pool. You can order food and drink and they will bring it out to you pool side (cost is extra) but handy.

    Sandy - Sounds like ur rabbi is a real go-getter, and still going…I am amazed!

    Gotta get my ewwa in gear, meeting DH at gym in about an hour. I had a miserable night trying to sleep…oh well.

    Lubslubslubs to all and to all a Good Day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Cinco de Mayo!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I think the post eating gremlin must be having a feast, either that or everyone is really, really busy lately.I'm hoping for busy.Took Sadie to work with me yesterday, she had a wonderful time riding and meeting people and getting pets and belly rubs.And stealing stuff out of the office trash cans.

    Mema--I don't like grounds in my coffee, either, and will pour it through astrainer if necessary.That's quicker than making a new pot and I don't have much patience when waiting for my coffee!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    barking dog

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth

    1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth

    1 dash Angostura Bitters


    stir over ice, serve straight up

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Good morning and happy Cinco DeMayo!

    Nm, Sadie has quite the adventurous and exciting life. I can only imagine the treasures she found in the trash can.

    Mema, $90 a day spa that includes a 1 hour massage is a really good deal.

    I'm getting a much needed haircut and color this morning, I'm long overdue. Wishing everyone a happy Thursday

    For those of you who like to bake and imbibe:

    Frozen Maragarita pie.



    1 prepared graham cracker pie crust (9 inch)


    1/4 cup of water

    1 packet unflavored geleatin

    1 cup liquid Maragarita mix

    3 tablespoons of sugar

    3 drops green food coloring

    1/3 cup tequila

    I container of cool whip or frozen dessert topping, thawed.

    Lime twists for garnish (optional)


    1. Place graham cracker crust in freezer while making filling.


    1. Place the 1/4 cup water in a small bowl and microwave on HIGH for 1-1/2 minutes until boiling. Add gelatin; stir until dissolved.

    2. In a large bowl, whisk margarita mix, sugar, foodcoloring and tequila until sugar is completely dissolved. Whisk in gelatin mixture until thoroughly blended. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    3. Reserve 1-1/3 cups of the whipped dessert topping. Whisk the remaining dessert topping into the margarita mixture for 1 to 2 minutes until well blended and uniform in color. If a darker color is desired, add food coloring, one drop at a time, stirring well after each.

    4. Pour mixture into chilled pie shell. Loosely cover with plastic wrap and chill for at least 3 hours. Can be made up to 1 day in advance.

    5. To serve, remove pie from refrigerator; let set for 10 minutes. Spoon reserved topping onto the center of the pie, garnish with lime twists, if desired, and slice.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2016

    Good morning girls, jest a quick pop in before going to work. DH still out of town, due home later today. SIL's hip replacement went well, she had surgery Tuesday morning at 6 and came home same day at 6pm then went out with DH, her daughter and her grandkids for pizza last night, can you imagine? Anyhoo, he feels comfortable leaving her now, so he's on his way home fromNC. I started a post yesterday but never finished. I'll have to read back and ketchup after work. 50's and raining here, taking pooches to doggie daycare. Have to run, love to all, have a good day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks Happy Cinco DeMayo!!

    Need to fill up on teq and tacos…yumm!!

    NM - how cool about u being able to take Sadie to work and there is no doubt in my mind that she had a gr8 time. My pooches will occasionally steal a tissue or napkin and leave it strung all over the floor. I have yet to catch them in the act so I don't know if it's one or both of them. What a gr8 idea to run it thru a sieve or strainer, I will do that from now on, thanks! LOL at the Barking Dog DOTD.

    Hsant - OMG that frozen margarita pie looks to die for…sounds sooo good. I don't think $90 is bad either and when they run the specials I think it includes a room for 1 night too.

    Mary - YAY on the hip surgery, I'm amazed she was mobile by evening. The latest surgical techniques are more and more advanced. Glad she is doing OK.

    Well I'm off to the pooch park, I'll toast some teq to my gals later today, jes the right thing to do today.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Going to Whole Paycheck to pick up some tequila in honor of José Cuervo's Birthday. Not sure if I'll make Margaritas or Sunrises, though.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Chi, I make a low carb margarita with Silver Patron, lime juice and Cointreau. I used to squeeze fresh limes until I discovered Whole Foods 100% lime juice, not from concentrate

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Good evening ladies!

    I have been so darned busy and had signed up for a Cinco De Mayo event tonight, that was business networking event, but opted out. I had some things today that ran late today, and realized I neither felt like it nor wanted to deal with talking to strangers for 2 hours. One has to be "up" for those sort of events, and today I was not in the end. So I pinged my friends and told them I was opting out so they would not be looking for me. At least three others were going and know they will have fun together.

    I got my home office upgrade set up done today. That ran a bit later than expected and was juggling that while doing work from home including conference call and demo related to my project. I have a new spiffy printer that is nice and powerful and great to have something that works efficiency. The rollers on mine went and it required pushing paper through to get it to print. Now I am back in business and we also got my new computer on to the wireless printer and network as well as upgraded the modem and router. Outside of some software updates to complete on the new computer to make sure everything is in sync, this project is DONE!

    The weather here is beautiful again this week after the cold snap. Got some more flowers for my planters and my backyard is looking nice. I think I have also decided on this custom order for my new patio set and going to call the guy tomorrow to spec out the final cost and wait a few more weeks until I have my next cash flow to begin the order.

    I have been reading everyone's posts and too tired to response to each of you individually, but will do my best to do so next time!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    happy cinco de mayo and belated may the fourth be with you,

    great news on your sils hip mary ,they are using a new approach now so not cutting the muscles like they used to so faster recovery

    chi-what a wonderful man, such a rich life,

    cammi -hooray for sleep boo to the d tho1

    had my ortho follow up on tuesday, pa walked into the room and said what do you think of surgery !!!!!!!!!!!!! after i picked my jaw off the floor ,i said if necessary but after assesment as their is a slight improvement will try phsyio for another month so see him again on th 31st

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016


    just appealed to my weird sense if humour! have a fabulous day people

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2016

    Hello everyone!! Sorry I have not been on here for awhile. Had a lot going on with packing and moving. Once we get settled I will be back more. A lot has happened lately. My son and his fiancé called off the wedding and have split up. I'm heartbroken. Not sure what all happened, but I've not only lost my sweet DIL but my sweet granddaughter who I just adored and loved so much. We moved into our new house yesterday. Still finishing up. Don't know if I had mentioned but I had been in the stress center for the last two months due to my seizures and our money situation, but great news is they added Lamectil which is another seizure med and I have not had a major seizure in two months! Just real little ones. I have to go up on my dose in another month.

    Race season starts Monday. Yay!! First race is July 9 in Akron OH. Mary not sure how far that is from you? July 30 we race in Chicago, then in Sept Kentucky and Pittsburg, and then Julie we will be in Orlando in October. I can't wait to get on the water again! We have 30 newbies starting this year. I'm an Ambassador for Susan G Komen for 2016 for Central IN and we did the Race for the Cure and there were 14,000 people at that race with 1 65 year survivor. It was awesome to see.

    Jackson is getting so big and my daughter and her man are doing great!

    I love you all!! Mema ❤️❤️❤️😘😘 I think of you often and hope your doing well. Love you my Memaw!


    Samarah and Jackson a couple of weeks ago


    At Race for the Cure with Race car Driver Pipa Mann


    This was the view from the start line!


    The Ambassadors


    Me and Pacer Jordan Hill he invited the Ambassadors to a game and treated us.


    I spoke to a group of 160 NCAA Athletes and they made care packages for the IU Cancer Cente

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day!Gray and gloomy here, with some rain again.Gradually warming up again, though.Almost 50 degrees this ayem.

    Hsant--Sadie found muffins in the trash can at the office, and got treats of donut holes and heaven knows what else.She is such amooch when it comes to food.That frozen Margarita Pie sounds very yummy, and looks really easy, too!

    Genny--SIL went home the same day as hip replacement surgery?WOW!Never heard of that before!Around here it's 2-3 days in the hospital, then 4 to 6 weeks in rehab before going home. She must be Wonder Woman!

    Mema--Sadie loves to go for rides, and loves to get attention.I like to take her with me when I can, but only when I can be sure it won't get too hot or too cold in the car for her.

    Chi--Happy Birthday Jose Cuervo!How kind of you to celebrate!

    Jazzy--Hooray for a completed home office upgrade!Sounds very efficient and convenient now.Nothing like juggling competing tasks, is there?Custom order new patio set?Sounds like fun.Pics when you get it, please!

    Julie--So there's a new procedure for hip replacements, with less muscle damage?About time!I wonder how long before it gets to Maine?Surgery on your shoulder?Yikes!Praying the physio works wonders over the next month! Organs are expensive, that's for sure!

    Collett--Oh, no, so sad to hear about the break up and your losing contact with Anorable.And moving into a new place, talk about stress.So glad to hear about the lamectil stopping the major seizures, and praying the increased will stop the little ones, too.And race season starting, Yeah!Just what is needed to keep your mind occupied.What is the date of the Orlando race?I might be able to wrangle some time off work togo to Orlando then to see you race, and maybe get a day or two at Disney.Great pics, what a river of pink from the starting line!Look at the lovely Ambassadors, too.And that is one TALL guy!And a great poster.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Reggae Ambassador

    1 part Citrus Vodka

    4 tsp Sugar

    2 parts Fruit Juice

    2 oz Strawberries


    Fill one-quarter of a blender (half-filled with ice) with vodka. Almost fill completely with pine-orange-banana fruit juice. Add fresh strawberries and sugar, blend, and pour into glasses. Serve with an orange slice.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    OMG Cami, you are making me blush! Such sweet words from you, thank you.

    As for my friend Cami, she too is beautiful! Altho she may not think so. We had such a great visit, and I hope to get there again. And who cares about figures? I certainly don't. And I do believe you had a knock out figure when you were younger. I have seen pictures! LOL on the Scotch Tape for your blue tooth! I have a hard time keeping most of them in if they are just ear buds. I have to use one that clips around my ear.

    Ear buds just don't work for me!

    NM, sorry that something is teasing sweet Sadie. I see you have the same issues with the blue tooth. Funny dream about the coffee! And how nice that she got to go to work with you. Awesome if you would be able to make it to FL.

    LDB, your pooches are sly! Can't figure out who is snatching from the garbage.

    Jazzy, can't blame you for not going to the event, especially if you aren't feeling it.

    Oh Julie, I sure hope you don't have to have surgery and pray the more physio will help. Are you in pain? Not sure anyone would want MY organs!

    Nancy, I'm glad you are in your new home and new seizure meds are helping. But the news about your son, Camille and Samarah, how aweful. I'm so sorry! And I'm sure Samarah is missing you and Jackson.

    Sorry for missing anyone, but I have lots to catch up on at home with customers and orders. But let me tell you this, Donnie and Marie were awesome, to say the least. And sitting at the stage was well worth it! Marie wrote on my DH's forehead with lipstick, an M and smiley face, sort of looking like pointed lips. And boy can they dance! Marie in her 6" heals, lots and lots of costume changes for her. I just can't believe the things she was doing in those heels. They both looked fabulous. Donnie is the better dancer of the two, and they also had other dancers during the show. I would see it again!

    Time to get to work, will wait until later today to check my TM's. Love to all of you.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Good morning friends- another busy day on tap, and getting my coffee on before I get moving to my day. It was up to 80 degrees yesterday, first time this year I think! Looks to be another nice day today, although the wind is coming back ugh).

    Ncolette- wow sister, you have had a lot going on. I remember you talking about the move and hope you will be settled soon. Moving is so stressful. Glad to hear you found a new anti-seizure med that is working too, what a huge relief! I am also sorry to hear about the break up.

    NM Native- oh that Sadie, she likes her snacks! Dogs and their dumpster diving.......

    So about the patio set, I have a hand me down set friends gave me when I built the house 12 years ago. It has needed to be replaced for awhile now, but had other expenses the past few years. I have a small backyard and patio area, so I cannot get anything too big and most of the sets I have seen are large. I also might find a particular type of table I like, but then it does not come in the right size, or I cannot get the chairs I like to go with it.

    So this one place I went about three weeks ago allowed me options to design a table by choosing a shape/base I want, a table top I want, pick the chairs I want, and even have custom cushions! I came away excited from that, but told myself that it was both expensive and required some lead time to get (like 8 weeks). But after looking around town the past month, I like nothing better. Ha ha, I have good taste! So I am going for it, I just have a few more things to take care of financially before I do the final order. I am going to call the sales guy today to tell him and check on a couple final questions, and we will go! I will share a pic when it is all here and on the patio!

    The other thing I want is one of those big overhanging umbrellas, but also think it is going to be way too much stuff on the patio with the space, so will wait until the table is here and that may be a future purchase. I saw one this week at another place that had a Bluetooth radio built into it. What will they think of next?

    Juliet- so what surgery are they proposing to do dear? I am not surgery oriented myself, but after all the surgery in 2012 I went through, I feel less afraid of it now. How big is the recovery?

    ChiSandy- you live a very rich and full life with your travel, music, spiritual life and so much more. You are a true renaissance woman!

    Cami- how is Joey's practicing going for the Memorial Day parade? Everything you share about Joey tells me he is an "old soul." You have such a sweet and special relationship with him.

    I know some of you here are moms of children, grandchildren of fur babies, or perhaps you are one who nurtures other in life as most women do everywhere we go. I am wishing all of you women a good Mothers Day weekend.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Jazzy, hope you get the patio set you want. Certainly you deserve it!

    Hope everyone will have a great weekend.

    I would say more, but there is no one around!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this ayem.Got to wake up very slowly and gradually, cuddled up warm, and comfy with Sadie snout on my shoulder.Ah, the simple pleasures of life!

    Goldie--that's the kind of blue tooth I need, too, the one on top.No need to be sorry about the squirrel teasing Sadie, I think they both like the fun.And it gives them both good exercise.So glad you enjoyed the Donnie and Marie show, and had such great seats!

    Jazzy--Sadie is very labrador in her food driven nature!You'd think she was never fed by the way she goes after food.It amazes me what she can eat without getting sick.Wish I could eat like that and not gain weight.It's so nice that you finally found a patio set you like.Having nice things is a pleasure, isn't it?Especially when you earned the money yourself.I had a small café table with an umbrella on my deck one summer, the wind kept knocking it and the table over, even when it was closed up, so I gave up on that.Sometimes what we think we want isn't what we really want once we get it.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    ChoozyMothers Milk

    1 gal Vodka

    1 fifth Coffee Liqueur

    1 gal White Rum

    10 oz Cinnamon

    5 gal Vanilla Ice Cream

    5 gal Milk


    In a large kettle (lobster pot), mix the Bacardi 151 Dark Rum, Bacardi White Rum, Kahlua, Milk and Vanilla Ice Cream (keep the ice cream in its form from the carton). Stir and mix in the cinnamon powder.

    Best served in a Mason Jar.

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2016

    Hello to all! Busy week and busy weekend. DH and I made a 4 hour drive yesterday to be able to be in town to see his youngest son graduate from college this morning! Last one to walk! praise God! We are now on our way back home. I have to get house ready for tomorrow's Mothers Day lunch for my sweet 80 year old mom (and my dad). Then late tomorrow afternoon we are having a family baby shower for another stepson and his fiancée who are expecting a baby in July. They are in town from Mississippi so we have to do it while they are here. I'll be glad to go back to work on Monday to get some rest! I'll try to catch up on all the posts soon.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    My my, all of the tekilla cocktails sound wonderful. I made tacos and I had 1 shot of Jose and a Bud Light, slept soooo good.

    We were in the 90's yesterday, then the wind came up. According to the weather peeps, we will have some clear sunny days and some that are windy and poss rain and it looks like rain today. So glad I never finished packing up my winter pants. Today will be busy, the bar dh works at is celebrating I think their 7th anniversary, they always serve dinner and have cash drawing, so we will b there.

    Sandy - what did u end up making, sunrises or margs?

    Jazz - hooray for getting your office upgrade done. Dontcha just love the wireless printer? Custom order patio set, oh I bet it will be beautiful. Yes and send pics when all done.

    Julie - I think picking ur jaw up off the floor and staying with pt for awhile is a good idea, especially if there has been some improvement. LOL, love ur sense of humour.

    Nancy - glad you stopped in to update us. Moving is a huge job and very tiresome. YAY for the new meds and no big seizures for 2 months. Send pics when u can. And back to the races you go….looks like so much fun. WOW 65 year survivor…I am impressed. Love the pics of Samara and Jackson, 2 cute!! And all the pink too. You look booTful, and what a kick to have Jordan Hill treat you all to the game, such fun. I love you and miss you too, as I do all the gals, thanks for thinking of me, I am doing OK. MUAH

    NM - Hey, where's the alcomahol in that DOTD, LOL. Now Choozy Mothers Milk is more up my alley.

    Lowee - That top blue tooth is like mine, cept made for the right ear, I use it in my left ear since the other is junk. I just have to wrap the clip around the bottom of my ear. LOL, yep looks pretty funny. Sooo glad you had a good time at Donnie and Marie concert. Praying your TM's were OK.

    Something weird happened to my word processor, made all the print HUGE. Hope it is smaller when I post.

    Lubslubslubs and all a great weekend.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    good afternoon all

    jazzy -well done on getting your office arranged and hope your patio set get here early, just talking about athroscopic surgery for a look at the shoulder and repair any damage thats causing the problem and pain

    and lori is beautiful inside and out

    nm-they go anterior approach for the hip replacement,more surgeons getting trained on this and the modified approach so quicker recovery as less muscle cut,

    well mother is back in hospital, possible small heart attack,her bp is running low but she feels fine! the rest of us are very stressed!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    MemaSue, I didn’t get tequila, so we had club sodas with lime (the better to go with the carne asada tacos and cazuela de mariscos)!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Rainy here this ayem.Slow start to the day, going to be a bit of a lazy one,I think.

    Fearless--wow, you have been busy!Congrats on the youngest's graduation, enjoy the baby shower, and enjoy getting back to work.

    Mema--90 degree weather, what fun!We're working our way up, in the 60's this weekend.Good luck at the anniversary celebration.There was Citrus Vodka in that drink, I do try to be careful that there is actual alcamahol in the DOTDs, you guys are too quick to notice when I don't!

    Julie--any surgery that cuts less muscle is an improvement.I am just amazed that someone can go home the day of hip surgery.Praying for your Mom.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Godmother Drink

    1 1/2 oz Vodka

    3/4 oz Amaretto


    Pour vodka and amaretto into an old-fashioned glass over ice and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2016

    Good morning girls, and Happy Mother's day to all you moms and to furbaby moms too! It's cold this ayem in Ohio but supposed to be a beautiful day in the 60's. I won't get to see Nora today but I am keeping her overnight next Saturday. Yesterday was my 1st Saturday off since December so that was nice, now I'm back to working only 3 days/week and I like it, especially now that the weather is getting nice. We are taking MIL out for Linner or Dunch at 3 today. Was supposed to start golfing with my league on Wed but it was cold and raining, not looking to good for next week either. I haven't golfed since we were in Sedona.

    Nancy, good to see you, love the pics, the kids are as adorable as ever! Wow that was a good crowd for the race, looks like you had a great time! glad to hear the seizure meds are working. Hope you and your team have a great race year.

    Lori, so glad you liked the show, sounds like a fun night, did you get pics of DH with the lipstick on his forehead? I have to have earbuds with the hook around the ear too, the others won't stay in, I think you have to have big earholes to wear them. Praying for lower TM's!!!!!

    NM, waking up slowly and cuddling with the furbabys is the best! Junior is a squirrel fanatic, his favorite thing is to be teased by them. Hope you're enjoying your weekend off.

    Sandy, I like the skinnygirl margarita mix, put an extra shot of tequila in and then club soda, low carb and not too sweet.

    Julie, sorry to hear about your mum, must be hard with her so far away, hope she's on the mend.

    Fearless, you are a bizzy girl! Glad to hear you got them all thru college, have a good time with your mom!

    Sue, hope the bar anniversary was a fun time, did you win anything?

    Cami, grandkids are the best, and it's nice that if they do run the house and if they do screw up it's not our fault. I have met Lori also and yes she is beautiful, and tall!

    Jazzy, hope you enjoy the patio set, 8 weeks is a long time to wait, definately take some pics when you get it.

    hsant, enjoy this beautiful weather today, I'm thinking I may pump up the tires on my bike. We have some older folks where i work that are religious about their workout routines, wish I could find some of that discipline.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    NM, I guess I just have strange ears, besides being big! If I didn't have that little clip that went around my ear, that would fall out as well. I figured you and Sadie were sleeping in, as well you should. That is one think nice about working at home, I can get up when I'm good and ready. Which usually is no later than 5:30. Oooooooh, what a yummy DOTD, I think we should have some of that today too.

    Fearless, sounds like you have a lot of fun to deal with, then back to work for some rest….LOL.

    LDB, I hope you cashed in on some of those CASH drawings.

    I forgot to post about my TM's. CEA went up a lot, but he doesn't really look at that one. 5.9 to 7.2

    CA 15 from 85 to 86, no big deal.

    CA27 from 90 to 72….very good!

    All in all, not too shabby. I was skeered to even look.

    Aww Julie, you are too sweet. You too are beautiful inside and out, and then there's that beautiful accent you have. I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, but glad she is feeling ok.

    NM, we do indeed keep a close eye on you and the drinks!

    Genny, wooohoooo on working 3 days a week. Hope you have some funnies to tell about MIL. Not to make fun of her, it's just so funny some of the things she says. I do have pic of DH and the lipstick, it's on my phone. Will post when I am done on laptop. Yes, I'm tall and you are cutie too!

    Cami, I LOVE the picture of you and Les that she posted on FB. May I share it here?

    Gots to do some cleaning and hope to get out in the dirt as well. Happy Mother's Day Chica's.

    Love you all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY DahhhlinKs!!

    Hope everyone out there gets to do whatever they choose on this day.

    Mary - and Lowee...I did win the grand prize...$500 cash. woo hoo. Congrats Mary, to back to 3 days a week.

    Lowee - DH's head with the 'kiss' on it, pointed lips made me LOL. Good news about your TM's, hope all stay in OK range for you. Muah!

    Julie - sending prayers out to your mom and big HUGZ out to you.

    NM - oooops....I can't believe I missed it...LOL

    Lubslubs, gotta run!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016
