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how about drinking?



  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Dara, I'm so sorry about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sending you a hug during this difficult time

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2016

    Goldie, yes, you are right. I shouldn't be hard on the lady with the pity party. We have ALL had those times and they come and go, so maybe it was just a bad day for her. Know you are looking forward to Donny and Marie. How fun will that be! And also to Dara, sorry for the loss of your mother. Prayers sent up for you and your family. I realize how blessed I am to still have both of my parents (age 80 & 82).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Dara- I just wanted to say I am so sorry. I know double losses are so hard to deal with, especially with both parents going so close together. The grief is compounded in ways one can never expect. I went through a double loss in 2012 with my mother and then her sister, my aunt, who I was close to. The second one was unexpected and threw me right off a cliff emotionally. I have had other double losses too in the past. That being said, there is also a certain peace knowing both parents are together and free of suffering.

    Sending you love and hugs across the thread and the miles sister. Wishing you and your family better days. Take good care of yourself.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Dara - I am shedding tears for you. I can't tell you how sorry I am, but am glad you were there for her. Now she is all bixed up and sitting in heaven with your dad smiling down on all of you she left behind. Wish I could be there to gib u BigHugz and have a few dwinks with you…You are always in my thoughts and prayers…I love you girlfriend!!

    Lowee - your Iris are beautiful. My grandmother won several awards for her Iris, she was very protective of them when we grandkids were visiting. She hybrid some in all different colors. I think she won an award for her Black Iris. I tried to grow some but to no avail. I'm envious of those with green thrumbs. You will have a blast at Donnie and Marie show, they are both beautiful. LOL - no, no breaking open the capsules. Hope it helps ya.

    Cami - goood news on Leslie. I think that thing in your ear is a blue-tooth, I love mine as I can walk and talk hands free.

    Fearless - I don't stick to a diet, but I watch things like soy that are hormone based, not good for me being triple positive. Hang in there, things will get better.

    NM - poyfect DOTD for our Dara. We had cold and rain yest, today sunny and mid 70's, tomorrow more rain predicted.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited April 2016

    Dara--I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. All the comforting words in the world (and you've already had many just from this list).

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Good evening ladies!

    NM, I'm sending cyber warm temps your way. I forgot if I mentioned this, but I read The Handmaid's Tale when it first came out in the mid 80's. It reminded me of George Orville's 1984. I don't think I saw the movie. Love your DOTD!

    Goldie, those irises are magnificent! I'll say it again, I would spend every free moment plopped down in your garden, with a glass of wine.

    Donny and Marie??!! He was my first crush when I was six, and I wanted to be her when I was 8, or whenever their show was on the air. You do know that she's a little bit country, and he's a little bit rock and roll, right? Just checking. Have a great time! and yes, I'm jealous.

    Cami, I miss the hubs and my house, and I miss walking to the beach, but I'm not complaining. I feel fortunate to have my dad.

    congrats to your brother for being cancer free! Great news! I know how difficult birthdays can be with respect to those loved ones who are no longer with us. It sucks. Period. Being a Cosmetologist or esthetician is so cool. I'm sure you're happy that your DD is liking her new job.

    Mema, so glad that little Bella is ok, and no longer needs her drops.

    Dara, you're in my thoughts this evening. I hope you're enjoying some cocktails (or schmoking) with your loved ones and sharing awesomestories about your mama.

    Mama, welcome!

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, thus far!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    Dara, so sorry to hear you lost your mom. Drink/shmoke or not, had I been there whe my mom passed I'd have been a total wreck, and checking in with all of us here would have been way down on my list of things to do---after make funeral arrangements, notify relatives, and have a private pity party. I can't imagine that happening so soon after losing your dad. (Mine died 20 yrs. apart--both times I was 1000 miles away in Chicago, dad in Brooklyn, mom in Boca-Delray). May their memorize be for a blessing, may they be happy together eternally, may the memories conquer the tears; and may you get as good and ripped as you want.

    My breast cancer support group leader (an oncology nurse who headed upthe NorthShore Health Sys. survivorship program), passed away last week. Most of us had no idea that this petite woman who lived a healthy lifestyle of vegan eating and exercise was a 20-yr survivor herself, and her trim figure didn't happen till she got mets several years ago. It was a shock to see the photo of her in her obituary, at least 50-60 lbs. heavier, taken in happier times.

    Here in Minooka at my friend's house where she's spending the night. Bob (my DH) is her primary and he discharged her this afternoon. The RN who got her ready was an idiot--never gave her the abx script, discharge instructions, rubber gloves or alcohol wipes for her drain care. Bob had to phone in the abx for her (surgeon had gone home for the weekend). She's doing fine, considering she had her bmx only 2 days ago. Visiting nurse calling in the a.m. and I will head home after that--unless she wants to go out for burgers for lunch at a nearby tavern. Her neighbor is having her over Sunday for a big Greek Easter dinner.

    She doesn't have wi-fi, and though my pw for BCO is saved on my iPad,it's encrypted and I can't remember it to use on her computer (my MBAir lacks an Ethernet port and neither of us has a USB adapter--so I'm fat-finger typing this on my iPad Mini). Busy day today, so that's why I haven't caught up on all these posts.

    Back to drinking (she's a teetotaler too, so nothing for me tonight but chocolate). Bob stayed in Oak Lawn (where he's on staff at the hospital where J. had her surgery) at the Hilton with me the last two nights. We had some Chardonnay in the exec. lounge while we noshed and watched the NFL draft (almost as exciting as watching paint dry or parking meters "Violate" themselves). Ate way too many mini-Beef Wellingtons, crab cake-ettes, salami-wrapped asparagus and roasted potato wedges. Couple hours later we went to Cooper's Hawk Winery for dinner. Cami, it's a chain of Chicago suburban restaurants that serve wine made in their own winery (some have a few tanks and barrels on-premises). The original is in Orland Park, and we went to the one in Oak Lawn. There's also one in Lincolnshire/Wheeling, and the ones closest to you are in Burr Ridge and Naperville. We had barrel sample tastings of the one they just recently made--a Bordeaux-style Meritage blend. With my grilled salmon dinner I had a flute of their Lux Sparkling Brut--made from Oregon Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. I saved my barrel sample for the dark chocolate truffle I ate for dessert. They make sweet and semi-sweet wines from locally-sourced fruits and hybrid grapes, but most of their dry table wines are made from vinifera (European varietal)grapes purchased from OR, CA, OH, WA & MI.

    No TV here either. J. cut the cable and instead has a backlog of movies & shows (mostly sci-fi) on her PC. Looks like a relatively early night for me.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited April 2016

    Oh Dottie my sad that you have lost your precious mom and so close to losing your dad. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

    Hi all the old girls and the new!

    Love n hugs to each of you. Chrissy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Lovely sunny ayem here, almost 40 degrees, feels quite warm for early ayem.May actually touch 60 degrees today!Looking forward to getting out in the sun this peeyem.

    Fearless--the insomnia fairy is a petty little biotch, isn't she?Pity parties get old fast sometimes, and people playing the victim role can be exhausting to be around, but we all have to do that once in a while.As far as supplements go, I take Vitamin D and omega 3 regularly, and other supplements or from time to time as the need or interest arises.I have a lot of fun with the DOTD, glad you enjoy them too.Wish I could say I've tasted all of them, but I haven't tasted most of them.Some of them have ingredients I've never heard of!Then I have more fun looking up new stuff.

    Cammie--I know the gardening weather will come.I'm just impatient, I guess.Wow, you really are coming up in the world if you've got the thing in your ear!I live those, so convenient and so much easier to hear clearly, plus leaving your hands free to take notes or do whatever.You are living proof that a dog of any age can indeed be taught new tricks!

    Goldie--I think irises are beautiful.I want to have an iris garden, but haven't decided where the best place would be for it yet.The colors and shapes are so graceful and pretty.I can imagine what the flying dirt feels like, and would just as soon not have to deal with that.At least around hear the wind is buffered by trees, and while it makes a lot of noise and brings down lots of branches and the occasional tree, it doesn't actually hurt to be out in it!Donnie and Marie?I didn't know they were still performing!I bet they put on a great show.

    Mema--send some of that 70's stuff my way, please!

    Hsant--The Handmaid's Tale is much like 1984 in a lot of ways.I think I saw the movie on TV, not the big screen.Trying to find a copy of it to see again.Not sure what triggered this little side trip down memory lane, but what the hey, right?

    Chi--So much for the vegan life style and plenty of exercise making us live forever.I am praying your friend's recovery is swift and uneventful.She is very lucky to have you and your DH to help her out.It's almost criminal how often people are discharged from the hospital without proper scripts, instructions, or supplies.Keeping track of passwords and sign on names can be a full time job, can't it?

    Chrissy!How are you doing?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Winter Garden

    1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    2 oz Canadian Whiskey

    1/4 oz Sweet Sherry


    Shake, strain into a glass filled with crushed ice, and serve.

    Best served in a Champagne Saucer.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Fearless, I hope you don't think I was being harsh, as I was not. But as I read my response again, it sort of came off like that. I'm just saying, we never know what kind of a day a person has had, or a week, or month or forever. Now if it were to continue, I might change my mind!

    LDB, I'm taking the capsules like every other night. I sure sleep well!

    Hsant, you wouldn't want to sit out in the garden when it's windy. You'll get whipped with dirt and sand! Yes on the little bit country, little bit rock and roll.

    Sandy, so nice of you and DH to take care of your friend.

    NM, I don't think most of know half of the ingredients in the DOTD's! Wishing you a fun in the sun weekend, with some warm temps. I like my iris's too, my only complaint is that they are a perennial and just don't last but a month. I have heard of the black iris, but only have seen pictures of them. Donnie/Marie have been performing in Vegas for quite some time, at the Flamingo. We have a table right at the stage.

    Finally got a little bit of rain yesterday afternoon, and may get more today and tomorrow. Just so it stops by Monday and UPS can get in here!

    Thinking of my dearest Dorky. Love and Hugs to you…..

    And to everyone else!

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2016

    Happy Saturday! It's already around 75 degrees here in Atlanta and is supposed to be an absolutely beautiful day. I started early with my group training run this morning. Got in 4 run/walk miles today.

    Chi---How good of you to help out your friend and be there for her in her time of need. Being a nurse (who used to work in surgical services), I get so aggravated with nurses who don't take the time to remember the importance of going over discharge instructions clearly with patients. I realize there's a lot of information that needs to covered sometimes, but nurses still need to slow down and cover those instructions well. Bless you for helping take care of of her.

    Goldie---I didn't take your comment negatively in any way. We do all have our moments of feeling down and needing support and encouragement. I guess it hit me differently with her because at both of those support group meetings that I've attended, she has been the same way. And others in the meeting try to encourage her and she seems to not accept that support. Part of me feels sorry for her.

    Native---Yes the insomnia just really kicks my booty sometimes. I picked up some melatonin yesterday and took that, along with taking my anastrozole last night, and I slept much better. I also take Calcium with Vitamin D twice daily. I already have mild osteopenia and have had a history of low Vit D levels, so when I started anastrozole my MO told me to increase my calcium/D to twice daily. A friend of mine is trying to get me to get on products that she sells--Plexus. They are supplements that are plant based. I have it cleared with my MO, so I may try some of them.

    Mema---I have a Bella, too! She's a boxer/pit mix. We've only had her about 3 months. I have very little soy in my diet and the nutritionist who spoke to our breast support group said that it's best to not start it but if it's been a part of a regular diet in the past that it would be OK. I'm basically trying to increase my fruits and veggies and stay away from white anything (bread, potatoes, rice). Also more fiber and whole wheat products. If I lose some weight, it's good. But I'm mainly trying to eat better nutritionally over all. I sure do miss eating snacky type foods though.

    Enjoy your day everyone. It's my brother's 51st birthday, so DH and I will be heading to his house for a "party on the patio" later this evening!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Home now after a stressful day. The home health service assigned to J. called--and it was a GUY! To make matters worse, he was reluctant to drive all the way to Minooka. (For some insane reason, the service is located in the NW suburbs--and Minooka is far, far, FAR SW). But a MALE nurse (maybe even a patient care tech) to change dressings and empty drains for a FEMALE bmx patient? Oy. (Maybe they reasoned that someone who no longer has breasts also no longer has inhibitions or modesty. Idiots). After going through lots of red tape, we found a closer agency sending a female RN on Mon. J. says she's fine, now that she's watched how I stripped & emptied her drains and I texted her a pic I snapped of how her dressings are supposed to look. The drive home was horrendous--pouring rain, fog, wind, almost no visibility with morons passing me at 70 mph in a 55 (the speed limit on a clear day with dry pavement). I need a drink--but not badly enough to pour myself flat champagne or some generic red from a box.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Hi everyone, it's stupidly late, but here I am. Rain all day and some wind. Oh Sandy u drove in this wether. I don't even know where Minooka is, but it sounds far. And so nice of u to watch over her drains.I remember Joey loving to help me with them, so he would--I showed him what to do and there he was, all set My DD's would get sick to their stomachs, silly girls, well I did have them in for 3 months so he got to be an old hand at it. Otherwise I did them myself, I lived alone and never thought about checking for any help, I really don't know why I was that stupid actually.

    OK Fearless if it's the 2nd time I think we're all with u on the pity party. I do understand too how some people are but I guess when I'd hear why did God do this to me? That would really throw me for a loop. And of course someone would say God doesn't give u more than u can handle. Oh yea then there suicide, well some got more than they could handle. I sound bitchy tonite, I probably am, sorry. Another one of my D days. Weel at least it's not VD days. Don't have that to think about any more.

    One of my GF's called today and we had some good laughs about our goofy lives She was always so organized and planned everything even the day she was going to retire. (this was yrs ago) And couldn't figure out how and why I was always "whatever". Her husband left her for a younger woman a few yrs back and that screwed up everything. I always LOL cuz she'll say this isn't the way I planned it, even now--she's so funny. to me anyway.

    My cousin is home now but we didn't call her today, let her rest.

    My DD had 2 customers today and she said it went well. She's a perfectionist and that doesn't bode well with bi-polar, that's why she works just a couple of days a week. Oh and my other DD got Leslie's license framed for her, which Les thought how wonderful that was. My oldest will be turning 50 next month, maybe that's why I'm so crabby--I feel like I turned 50 just a few yrs ago. it's gone by so fast. And I hate that she needs insulin everyday, as she gets older I think of it more.

    All right, all right I'll close, I'm so floopy tonite.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Fearless, I guess if she doesn't want the support there's not much anyone can do to help her. I try to stay positive and keep my glass half full. Cuz whether it's half full or half empty, everything is the same. So why not try and live life to fullest, instead of being sad and depressed. Like I said, it doesn't change anything in the long run. I did Melatonin during my treatment, 20 mg. Happy Birthday to your brother, hope you had fun. My brother has a beautiful patio, but we call it the PartyO.

    Cami, it doesn't surprise me one bit, that Joey helped you with your drains. LOL on VD day! You are a hoot indeed. I don't recall you saying anything about your cousin. What happened?

    Hope everyone doing well. Nothing going on here. Just some house cleaning.

    DOTD – Spring Cleaning

    Glass Type: Coupe
    Flavor: Juicy
    Color: Purple


    • Flower Method Shaken 7.5 oz coupe. Garnish with a flower from your garden.
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!How is everyone this ayem?A bit warmer here this ayem, 45 degrees, got just over 55 yesterday.So wanting it to be warm enough to lie in the sun for a bit.Ah, well, it will come. Spent more time yesterday looking over the lessons for the herbology course I'm taking than doinghousework.It's a correspondence, go at your own pace course, each lesson comes with some herbs and a project.The first one is an herbal bath with lavender, rosemary, and a couple others.Have to do book reports and everything.Just like being in school again, but a lot more fun!

    I've got a question for the Loungettes:I've got tires in the basement from the old PT Cruiser, don't fit on the Jeep.I've seen tires used as raised garden beds in yards.Have any of you ever tried this?Does it really work?I need to do something with them, get them out of the basement, don't want to pay to have them hauled away.Any other Ideas what I can do with them?

    Goldie--I'll admitI often do not know what the stuff in the DOTD is, but they all sound interesting, so what the hey, I go for it!I've heard of black irises, never seen a real one.Must be striking, though.

    Fearless--you are awesome, getting 4 miles in!Our poor bones, they get beat up terribly between aging, AI's and less-than-perfect diets.Happy B-day to your brother!

    Chi--J should have been given a choice of home health agencies, not assigned one.The hospital probably owns the one that was assigned.I doubt there was any thought about what kind of surgery J had when the nurse was assigned, it's usually assigned geographically, although it sounds like he pulled the short straw and got given the far away patient!Sounds like the drive home was truly horrible.I hate it when people drive like that around me, or come right up on my back bumper without slowing down till the last second.Scares me silly to think that if I have to brake for any reason I'm going to get rear-ended cuz the other guy is so close he couldn't possibly stop before hitting me.Then he passes me, flips me the bird, and I end up right behind him at the next stop light!It's not like anyone really gets anywhere any faster that way.

    Cammy--I agree, the second time around in the Poor Me stuff is not just having a bad day, it's an annoying pattern.Sorry you had a bad D day, glad you got to talk to your friend.Getting Leslie's license framed was a wonderful thing for her sister to do!Hmm, my mom was 18 until I turned 21, since then she's been 21.I thought all Moms stopped aging at 21?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Kahlua Cobweb

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 1/2 oz Dark Rum

    1 scoop Ice Cream

    5 oz Coca Cola


    Add the ice cream to a highball glass. Pour the Bundaberg rum and Kahlua coffee liqueur. Top with coke, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    NM, the Herbal Bath sounds wonderful, and I bet it smells just as good. Please let us know everything you make! Not sure about the tires. I would think that maybe some bad stuff might leach from them. I'm Googling now. I found this site, you can take a look at this link.

    It really doesn't say that it's bad. Lots of folks that use them for potatoes. You could also line them or just plant flowers in them. Google "tire planters" and then look at images. Some pretty good ideas there!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    I thought this was adorable, but you would need different size tires.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Good morning friends- I hope everyone is having a good start to Sunday Funday. I just love that expression!

    I had a full and busy day yesterday, beginning with three loads of laundry before I even left the house. Errands to follow and then breakfast with a friend and her daughter. Then off to the spa for some soaking and an hour foot treatment with my new massage therapist. I think I have shared that the AIs, plus other things have left my feet in a not good place for awhile, but massage and reflexology do help them to feel better. Grateful for my new therapist, Jered who has ways of working it out with applying cold, then heat, then working out the kinks. I also made an apt for late May to get a facial at the same place, I am due! Love me some spa time!

    Cami- sorry to hear about your friend being left by her husband for a younger woman. Seems to happen all too commonly in this society. Men my age (mid 50s) seem to want 30 year olds, and the men who are interested in me are always 20 years older. I am glad you had some good laughs together and hope she is doing okay.

    NM- I think Goldie came up with some way cute photos for you to consider. You probably need some handyman type to get those out of the cellar and in a place where you can clean them up and paint them. Such cute ideas, I love the frog too! I do think there are places that will recycle them, there are a lot of things made out of reused rubber. You may want to look into tire recycling and see what is available in your area?

    Fearless- I think people just deal with things very differently when going through any kind of crisis. The woman in your support group may just be very depressed and cannot see any way forward at this time. Or it may be her mindset to see life through the lens of being a victim in life. I know several people like that and every situation in their lives results in a why me? Life has taught me over and over, no one is immune from problems. I hope the woman in the group can find the help she needs. Just keep yourself in a good place with all this.

    ChiSandy- sounds like a rough day for you yesterday. Sending a male helper for a woman going through such an ordeal was a poor choice. You were a great friend and know the ordeal wiped you out. Hope you can take good care of yourself today?

    Will check in later friends and wishing you a good day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Sandy - Oy is right. You are so sweet to help J with the drains. I don't think I'd want a male nurse helping me. Although it's mostly men docs that I see, this last one was up my butt doing a scope. I didn't care cuz of the anesthesia but when I think about it…well I LOL. When I lived in Elko, I'd have to drive in to the 9-1-1 center at night sometimes and when it was snowing, white out, no street lights, didn't kno if I was in a lane or about to go over, peeps were speeding right on by me. I couldn't believe it, some are jes crazy. Glad you made it home.

    Cami - Glad your cousin is home now. How sweet for other DD to frame Les's license for her. Being crabby is OK, especially when u have a kid turning 50.

    Lowee - LOL over the PartyO. I still take melatonin, helps me sleep. I remember taking the POW capsules and how high I felt when I got up to p. But it was very pleasant, not mind-bending. Stick mostly to the CBD hemp under my tongue now. It too helps me sleep. My spare bedroom is a mess as I try and go thru my fat clothes and charity piles. But I'll get 'er done. Mayb if I had your DOTD I'd be more motivated, or else flat on my face. Wonderful pics of the tires. I would not have thought to paint them tho…very nice, the frog is jes too cute.

    NM - g'morn. HMMM the herb class sounds very interesting and fun. And u r already making stuff. I jes love a lavender bath. I've seen flower beds in tires before, I thot it looked cool. But I have never tried it as I don't a green thumb. I do however have a philodendron that is over grown, I want to cut some starts but don't know where to cut.

    Jazz - U r very busy woman. The foot treatment especially, mine have never been the same since the tx. Enjoy!!

    Dara - sending u a big HUG, hope u can feel my arms around you across the miles ((((Dara))))


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    What’s weird is that the hospital is part of the Advocate Health System, which has its own wonderful home healthcare system which I used for my knee replacement recovery even though I’d been a NorthShore University System hospital for the surgery. (Since I only had a lump’y, I didn’t need a visiting nurse this time). We looked up the assigned agency, and not only WASN’T it on the list she was given (much less marked as “recommended”), but in a totally different region of Chicagoland (Glenview, in the near NW suburbs) from both the hospital (in Oak Lawn, 15 mi. SW of the city) and Minooka (20 mi. WSW of Joliet, just NW of Morris). Geographically, I’m in the city itself, on the far NE side just s. of Rogers Park, 2 mi. s. of Evanston. Not only that, but its website says it serves only Cook, Lake and DuPage counties---and Minooka is on the border of Grundy and Kendall counties (with Will county between it and DuPage)! I think someone was asleep at the computer. Anyway, we found an agency in Joliet that will send a female RN tomorrow, and every other day. J. does have a cleaning lady, and can get groceries delivered until she’s allowed to drive again.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    And as for treating myself, I’m going to our rabbi’s retirement party in a little over an hour: wine, cheese & chocolate, plus entertainment by Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy (a temple member himself).

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    I,m on my kindle so excuse the spelling

    Dorty hugs ,mum and dad are together,hope that is helping you a little.

    Love the epcot flower and garden festival and seeing the changes in the garden as the festival progression

    Camino.God news cor your brother and dd

    We t to a class on food is medicine.and the one study was. On part time vegetarian.I can do that.just increasing the plant based food will benefit you

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    The rabbi’s party was terrific. There were some OK cheeses but a chocolate explosion: mousse torte, dark chocolate terrine, chocolate-covered raisins & strawberries, milk & dark salted caramels, solid chocolate squares. Wines were a dry Provençal rosé and a Bordeaux Superieur (both of which I tried) plus a French Chardonnay (from outside Burgundy). Emcee was a Colbert-show writer from NYC, and Tweedy (Jeff, plus his son Spencer on drums) was terrific. And our rabbi emeritus celebrated his 100th birthday (his wife is 101).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Early good morning ladies.

    Sandy 100????? WOW----What a wonderful celebration, and u can't have to much chocolate, yes u can have to much cottage cheese. So glad u found someone for u'r friend. I think when u'r certain ages u really feel uncomfortable with a male nurse or aide for certain problems and they should always consider that and not let the computer do it.

    Lori I love those pics. I've seen tires in gardens but not that cute and painted. NM those are great ideas, but I would think u'll need help doing that, or they could be recycled, I know they always say rubber should be recycled--well not all rubber.

    SusyQ I would imagine most people do this but I know when I've had my hineyscope u fart, which Dara would enjoy---but of course it's right in the Drs. face, and I enjoy which I always LOL about Of course I've said some incorrect language during those times but we all just LOL.

    Oh I've got to try to sleep, this is stupid. OK check in later.

    Oh I do have to say Joey was about 4 when I had the drains and he spent every weekend with me and he made it so much fun, that 3 months wasn't so awful for me to have them. I think he was sad when they finally came out.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2016

    Good Monday morning ladies! Sorry I have been gone so long, I'm just gonna jump right in, I have been trying to read here and there. My Saturday job is done, yay!! I'm hoping to get back into the habit of daily posting here, missing all my breasties and I have to get to know all the new ones. Things here are good, I'm outta my boot for most of the day, podiatrist says wear the brace and then put the boot on if it hurts and I made it till 7:00 last night. Now I seem to have plantar faciitis acting up so I'm going to call her and see if I can get a steroid shot in my heel today. I watched Nora the last 2 Mondays, she is getting so big. She seems to run the house tho, hoping DS and DIL get a handle on that soon, she can throw a terrible two temper tantrum fo shore. DH is in North Carolina, his sister is having a hip replacement tomorrow and she is single so he went to help her out for the week, so I am on pooch duty, they are starting to get restless for their walk now. I am off today and tomorrow, I'm purging clothes and cleaning out closets, ugh!

    Lori, praying for lower numbers this time, I hate this for you! I remember seeing pics of your brothers patio, it is a party patio as I recall. Love the tire pics, some look like a lot of work tho. Donnie and Marie!!... Have a great time!

    Cami, hope you are sleeping soundly now. So cute that Joey helped care for you drains, he must've been pretty young then. I wonder if he'll go into the medical profession? Maybe he'll be the one to find a cure for BC, ya never know. Hope Leslie is liking her new job, is she doing facials? I used to do them but haven't for a long time, just hair, hands and feet now.

    MamaRay, hi from my neck of the woods, I think you just live a few minutes or so from me, I know you from the Cleveland girls thread. Hope to see you back here soon, and hope you are feeling ok.

    Dara, oh I'm so sorry about your mom, I think they are dancing in heaven now. Prayers and hugs to you and your family.

    Fearless, my MIL is a glass half empty lady, it does get old. We all have our bad days and need an occasional pity party but sometimes we need to pull up our big girl panties too. I guess time will tell whether she is a chronic feel sorry for me girl or just having a bad time. Hope you had a good time at your brothers party.

    NM, not sure about food plants in a tire, don't know what leeches out of them but they could make a nice flower garden, looks like Lori gave you some good ideas. We've been about 15 degrees below normal here, only 55 yesterday and lots of rain. Herbology course? Sounds very interesting.

    Sue, My spare bedroom is full of clothes too, actually ever since I got my summer clothes out for the cruise, going to attempt to clean it today but in reality it may not happen till I have a guest. I think I read awhile back that you are NED? Great news! Praying for you to stay that way for a long time. Are you on any tx now?

    OK, girls, I know I haven't gotten to everybody but I'm going to post this and walk my dogs or I'm afraid it won't get posted. I'll stop by later, love to all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Wow Jazzy, what a great weekend you had! I've never been to a spa, never had a mani or pedi. My hands and feet are such a mess now, I don't even know if I can go out in public with sandals.

    LDB, the hemp under my tongue has no SE's for me. Can't tell any difference at all. But the POW capsules, oh yeah! I sleep a lot anyways, 12 hours last night!

    Sandy, glad your friend got a new nurse and a female. Hope you had fun at your party. I see it was! What an amazing life, to live to be 100.

    Cami, Joey was only 4 and helping you with the drains!!! Holy The Cow! Sleeping is not a problem for me, but I hate it. Used to be able to get by on about 6 hours of sleep. Would stay outside working in my garden until almost dark.

    Mary, so good to seeyou. Oh my, on Nora running the house. My grandkids are like that, they call the shots. Ages 10 and 7. And of course you can't say anything. The youngest, when we were there, her and her mom were in our hotel room, well she kept jumping on the furniture and then the bed. Mom kept telling her to stop, but that was it. The kids know this. Finally my husband got up, grabbed, gave a little smack on the butt, and sat her on the couch. Well, her feelings were hurt more than her butt, and of course she went to mom for comfort. For which she did!!!

    Leaving early tomorrow morning, so prolly won't get a chance to post. Praying I don't have any D issues at the show and I can make it to a bathroom if need be. Cami and Sue, I know you can relate. There's just no stopping it!

    Looking for NM in the pool!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Goldie- you must do a spa trip some time! I started going to the spa back in the early 1990s with my mom when my father was ill. My dad had early onset Alzheimers and found out when I was 24 and in my first year of graduate school. After I moved back to my home state after finishing my Masters a couple years later, I was very involved with helping my parents as my father's health declined.

    During that time back east when I had an executive job, I found a place along the "gold coast" of CT where all the money types are and a wonderful spa there. I would take my mother for the whole day and we would have the works, with facials, massages, mani/pedi's and at the end, they would do our makeup. Little snacks along the way too. Nice mother daughter time, of which we did not always have a lot of. It was a nice break for our mom from the strain of caregiving while some family friends stayed with my dad for the day.

    That is when I got hooked!

    Out here in NM, we have a lot of very early spas where it is more about self care than getting all dolled up. The place I go to is like that, the hot springs up north I love to go to have a similar style.

    Getting some things done at home today and off to work in another hour or so. The cold rains have moved on, and hopes for it to be warming up!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Jazz - WoW, 100 yoa and his wife 101, that is fantastic. And I'll bet there aren't many who work til they're that age. Congrats to the Rabbi!! I bought myself some Ghirardelli choc the other day….will say big diff between it and Hersheys.

    Julie - The garden sounds delightful. And I never thot about it but u were right about Hersheys. I could not be a vegan, like my chicken and turkey too much, and not fond of a lot of the veggies out there. Good Luck, and let us kno how you do.

    Cami - LMAO, never thot about the gas in the docs face, but am sure I expelled quite a bit. Joey helping u with ur drains at 4yoa?? Amazing young man!

    Mary - sorry to hear about the feets, mine are getting more and more numb and cramp bad during the night. Oh so good you got to have Anorable and yes they do rule don't they? The only tx is the Xgeva shot for my bones, will be given every 2 months. Otherwise just a few prescription meds and my supplements. Glad you pooped in, been missing you.

    Lowee - so good to hear that the POW is working for you at night. I shud have taken 1 when I was still awake at midnight, I was awake after that every hour or so. Keep using the hemp, it has curative affects. Muah! I'll say a prayer too that the D stays away, it's scary traveling when u got it. Have a GR8 time!!!

    Today is gym day so I have to run. Lubslubs to all

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Happy Monday!

    Goldie, prayers are out for lower numbers. Fingers and toes are crossed, too.

    The Spring Cleaning cocktail looks tasty. I would much rather sip on one of those than do any actual spring cleaning.

    Wishing you safe travels, and that the big D doesn't come knocking on your door. Have fun at Donny and Marie tomorrow night!

    Cami, Joey's a star. What an amazing young man. There are adults who couldn't handle dealing with their wives/girlfriends drains, and Joey was doing this at four years of age. Incredible! It sounds like your two daughters are close, which is great. It was very thoughtful of your DD to frame Leslie's license.

    Nm, the herbology glass sounds really interesting. Is it an online course?

    I hope you catch some warmer weather soon. It's been in the 40s-early 50s here the past few days and rainy. I'm ready for summer.

    Jazzy, your spa day is right up my alley. There are so many wonderful day spas in Los Angeles, where you get a robe and access to steam and sauna rooms, jacuzzi, etc., besides whichever treatment you've chosen. There really isn't anything like that near my dad. Many salons have massage therapists, but it's not the same thing as being able to make a day out of it. There is a really nice nail salon, that offers leg and foot scrubs and a hot rock leg massage. I need to do that. Maybe this weekend.

    Mema, I'm with you on male nurses. I would feel uncomfortable with them looking at my goodies, even if there are no goodies to be had anymore. My Breast surgeon is male, and at every exam I would think to myself, geez, I'm not even getting dinner first.:) My obgyn is female. I just wouldn't feel comfortable with a man getting up close and personal with my nether region, even if it's what he does all day.

    Fearless, Hope you had a good time at your brother's birthday party. Sounds fun!

    Genny, congratulations on having a Saturday to enjoy. Hopefully, the weather will warm up soon.

    You must be so happy to be rid of the boot (most of the time). It seems like kids run the parents these days. I've seen it with my friends. I know my 7 year old cousin is the boss of her household. She is a little sweetie, so she runs it with a cotton fist.

    I took my dad to the gym today. He did his usual 30 minutes on the recumbent bike. It amazes me how disciplined the older folks are. They are the ones who show up when there is a blizzard and it's9 degrees. There is a gentleman who is 99, and he works out with a trainer 3 days a week. His daughter told me that he played tennis up until he was 92.

    Sandy, your friend is lucky to have you

    It's time to start dinner. I hope everyone had a great day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Our rabbi emeritus, Herman Schaalman, has had an amazing life. Recently finished reading his biography, A Brand Plucked From the Fire. (It’s a long read, probably easier on Kindle). He grew up Orthodox (though not ultra), escaped Munich just before Kristallnacht and came to the USA to study to become a Reform rabbi at the seminary in Cincinnati (which now has campuses in NYC and L.A.). His first pulpits were in IA and NC, where he had to perfect his English but began his long history of interfaith friendships with local clergy. He was the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin’s closest friend. On my first trip to Europe back in 1990, we were on the same flight--the newly reunified German gov’t flew him back to Munich to honor him. He still teaches Bible study every Sat. morning. Our soon-to-be-also-emeritus rabbi, for whom we threw the party, will be joining him in that pursuit--and also hosts a weekly interfaith radio show and podcast. The incoming sr. rabbi, from CT, has a pretty big yarmulke to fill.

    Killed off the last of the Passover champagne tonight, along with Szechuan salt & pepper shrimp I made (yeah, I get the irony). But they did go together really well.