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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    mum hopefully coming home today or tomorrow, now saying a cardiac event! her heart rhythm was going in and out of a irregular beat and her oxygen level was low ,still fragile health and will be medically managed ,she was on all the appropriate meds so no changes .

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monkey Day!Another work week start.Looks like we may see the 60's tomorrow, and maybe even 70 on Thursday! Frost this ayem, though, and winds picking up today.At least its sunny.

    Genny--I like the Linner or Dunch terminology!Furbaby cuddles are the best in my book, too.

    Goldie--I must have the same strange ears, cuz I can't keep the earbud type in either. I wish I could sleep until I'm ready to get up, although now a days that's getting to be around 5:30, now that it's getting to be light out that early.Great TM numbers!So glad to see better numbers!Hubby got branded!

    Mema--Grand prize winner, YEAH!

    Morning, Julie!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Electric Tea

    3/4 oz Vodka

    3/4 oz Tequila

    3/4 oz Blue Curacao

    3/4 oz Light Rum

    3/4 oz Gin

    (Fill to Top) Ice

    1 oz Sprite

    1 1/2 oz Sweet and Sour Mix


    Combine in a pint glass, shake and serve with a lemon wedge.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Sue, you won the jackpot!!! How cool is that? Yes, the "Marie" mark was rather funny. I think DH was shocked when she pointed at him and did the finger thing "come here". And he's like, who me?? As for the pointed lips, that's an M for Marie.

    Julie, I'm still sad to hear about your mum and her fragile health. I hope she isn't in any pain.

    NM, it won't be too long and the sun here will be out by 4:30 am! Due to the fact that we don't change time. Glad I have room darkening shades! Yay for warmer weather! Funny how so many of us can't wear those ear buds. I thought I was just a strange duck. Maybe we are all strange ducks???

    My hummingbirds are going crazy. Love it! Back to work Monday and Thursday I see my onc. Have to be out of the house by 5:30 am to make a 9:20 appt. Hope everyone had a great mother's day, even our furbaby moms.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Happy belated Mother's Day!

    Nm, what is a Naturopath? I've heard of it, and it seems that quite a few members of BCO utilize one. I'm with Sadie. I'm not above going thru trash that contains muffins and donut holes.:) The Electric Tea looks yummy. I wonder why it's called that when it doesn't contain tea? But either does a Long Island iced tea, so go figure.

    Genny, I would think hip replacement surgery would require a night in the hospital. It's pretty amazing that your SIL was out and about the same day. I'm loving this weather. A little on the cool side, but sunny. I had Skinny Girl margarita when it first came out on the market. What is it? It's not a margarita (no tequila) and it's not exactly wine. Good idea to treat it like a mixer and add club soda and tequila, I'll have to try that.

    Jazzy, what is the style of your patio furniture? I love getting new stuff to update and make the house look fresh and pretty, even if it's just a new and trendy garbage can for the kitchen.

    Goldie, that must have been an incredible concert. Has your DH washed his his forehead yet? Ear buds won't stay put on me either. I use the kind that wrap over the back of the ears. Yay to the good lab results!

    Juliet, I'm sorry about your mom. That must've been scary for her and you. I'm glad she's going home soon. Prayers are out for her.

    Thank you for putting life into perspective. The next time I feel lonely or unloved, I will remind myself that someone out there will pay good money for my kidney. That was hilarious!

    Mema, $500?? Dang right woo hoo! That's fantastic!

    Well, time to get my popsout of bed. I've been trying for an hour, but he just wants to zzzz. Wishing everyone a great day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Julie - those are pics are so booTful!! So glad your mom will be going home soon. That whole things wudda made me a nervous wreck. Sending prayers.

    NM - so happy for sunshine ur way, hope u don't get too much wind tho. Love the DOTD….n I don't care if there isn't any tea in it, I'm liking the 1st 2 ingredients, LOL.

    Lowee - ahh I get it now, thought they was lips, LOL. And yes I was very fercited to win the big money. I ran around 'tipping' ALL the employees til DH reigned me in, but I had fun.

    Hsant - I'll share the laugh with you about going after the 'goodies' in the trash, u too phunny SillyHeart


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Oh I did it again, I don't realize how the times goes--I kind of skimmed so not completely caught up.

    Julie u'r poor mom, going thru this, I just hope she doesn't have pain. And it's amazing the surgeries that they do today in one day u'r out.

    Mary sure glad u'r DH is home or coming home. Good surgery.

    Nancy I can't believe it about u'r son, I am so very sorry, maybe tho it's fixable u never know and Jackson lost his buddy which is hard to take. I hope u'r taking u'r time with all the moving u'r doing. And good for u with u'r seizures and now u'll be starting u'r rowing, which I know u love.

    Lori good to hear about u'r numbers, so that's a good sign--I know it must be nerve wracking for u, so it's nice to see something encouraging. LOL on u'r DH forehead. I didn't even know they performed together anymore, or they maybe don't around here.

    These DOTD's sound so yummy and the pie looks maaarvelous, I'd eat that in a minute.

    Jazzy looks like u got a lot done ith u'r set up, so I figure it's all done. Oh Joey we have to buy the stupid clarinet now that he's taken it so long--I've always been behind quitting, and this kid didn't listen. The only thing that might stop him is a girl thing, they're always here. WTF they're 11.

    I can't remember anything else I skimmed--but I hope u all had a nice Mother's day--Jodie and Nicky came over for breakfast, but I stayed home in the afternoon, which I was not happy about. but u know what I mean.

    OK I went way to long this time, I don't like that. I have been busy with work and I like the idea of a hook over my ear, so I have to bring that up.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Can’t wear those old-school earbuds either, and the ones that hook around my ear always fall off (yay for car radios with Bluetooth!). I used to get these add-on rubber ear inserts that wrap around the flat buds, and then they stayed in my ears. Lately, the ones that Apple includes with its iPhones do stay in well, as to models that have flexy rubber ear insets built-in.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Hi friends- busy weekend and on the go as we enter the week. I stopped at Ace Hardware tonight for a few things and bought a new umbrella stand and am getting a new basic umbrella for the patio from them with a new shipment coming in on Thursday. Good price and decided it is not worth spending a lot of money on a super duper expensive umbrella. The wind knocks them down and one got trashed this spring after I had just put it up for the first time. Ha ha, someone stop me from buying patio stuff!

    Hsant- the patio set is a custom design with a round shape/porcelain top, 2 stationary chairs & 2 swivel and custom cushions. There is not really anything on their web site that shows it, although you will get a sense of the type of furniture they have from the collection they do have. It is going to be awesome!

    Patio and Hearth Website

    Cami- Joey has a girlfriend? Well, I remember my first kiss being around that age with a neighborhood spin the bottle party. First crushes. I hope he stays with the clarinet.

    Goldie- I saw something about lots of hummingbirds? I have a few and saw some chasing each other tonight ion the back yard. There was one at the feeder yesterday and I was standing right next to it and was so close, it was incredible. We were eyeing each other, me and the little hummer, but I think they have figured out since I am feeding them, I am likely a friend. I love the hummers!

    Must go finish a status report for my client. Will pop in again soon!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Early Morning Ladies.

    Sandy it's so nice to hear lot of the gals can't wear these things in their ears, I honestly thought it was me cuz the guys just stick them in and go about their business and now all of u have given me some ideas.

    Jazzy u r so cute, u have been doing different things with u'r patio for yrs. but u live in a place where u can really use it, so I like that u can. We used our deck Sunday for breakfast and the sun felt so good, bt it didn't last long, rain yesterday and chilly.

    My GF came in from FL this week and we're trying to get together for a day and trying to all go around Drs. pp'ts which cracks me up now--I've missed her a lot, oh we email, but it's never the same I've known her since I was 10 and my sister and cousin too, we still share the same friends. And now the aches and pains too. And over the weekend my cousins granddtr is coming in from Texas and we're all supposed to get together this weekend and I hope it's by Dan's house so it's right here.

    OK I'm starting my day by charging my things for work and setting up my puter. I was on the phone a lot yesterday, but it was Monday.

    I'll check in latah


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Two-fer Tuesday!Boy was it windy here yesterday.Branches down all over the place this morning.I'm almost surprised there aren't reports of power outages.Glad it's calmer today, it will make it feel a lot warmer.

    Julie--bumped you into the pool!Sorry!You Mom had a cardiac event?Scary.So hard when our parents are medically fragile.

    Goldie--maybe there was some sort of evolutional thing going on and the ears of the younger generations are shaped differently?When the sun is out by 4:30 ayem there how late does it stay light in the evening?That's the big argument for time change here, so it will be light later in the evening.I'll admit I do like when it's light until 7 or 8 pm, do not like it when it's dark by 4:30 pm in the winter.

    Hsant--Naturopathic medicine focuses on prevention of illness and treating illness usingthe body's inherent ability to heal itself.A Naturopathic Doctor treats the whole person--physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological, with an emphasis on teaching the person about their body and it's function.The biggest difference between Naturopathic Medicine and Allopathic Medicine is the way symptoms are perceived and addressed.Allopathic Medicine tend to look at symptoms as the problem, and treatment often consists of suppressing the symptoms.Naturopathic Medicine looks at symptoms as signs of an underlying problem and the body's way of correcting the problem, and generally does not try to suppress the symptoms but work with them to help the body correct the problem, using nutritional medicine, botanical medicine, physical medicine, hygiene, homeopathy, acupuncture, as well as and often before prescription medication or minor surgery. I don't plan to jump through all the hoops Maine requires to officially license or set up a practice or anything like that, it's more of a fun way to expand my knowledge base.Human beings are fascinating creatures!

    Mema--Always happy to please with the DOTD!

    Cammy--amazing how fast time gets away, isn't it?

    Chi--hmm, I'll have to look for those Apple earphones and see if one of those will work.I need a new one anyway.

    Jazzy--Nice patio stuff, can't wait to see pics of your special set!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Georgia Peach Iced Tea

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    1/2 oz Gin

    1/2 oz Rum

    (Fill to Top) Sweet and Sour Mix


    Fill collins glass with ice, add vodka, gin, and rum. Fill with sweet and sour mix. Pour peach schnapps on top.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Hsant, DH has washed his head, but he still talks about it! The show was great. I was afraid it was gonna be cheesy.

    LDB, I think the mark on DH's head is suppose to be lips, but with an M?

    Cami, Donny and Marie perform in Vegas. Can I put your picture up that Les posted on FB for Mothers Day?

    Chi, finding it funny how none of us can wear the buds.

    Jazzy, you will love your patio furniture and you will quit buying when it's time. Glad to hear you have hummers. I kept track of how much sugar I used one summer, over 50 lbs!

    Cami, we seemed to be busiest on a Monday too. I hope you're able to hook up with your friend, along with your sister and cousin. Also hoping you make it to the weekend shin dig. You party animal

    Ha ha NM, I go to bed before it gets dark! Gonna guess and say it's close to dark by 8 pm. I think everyone hates it getting dark so early in the winter, and lasting for so long in the morning.

    Interesting seeing a post removed from the "community". I wonder what the person said???

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    NM - YAY for Two-fer Tuesday. Just might have to embibe a little tonight. Thanks for the info on a Naturopathic, I had heard of them but never knew what they actually did. Yummm on the Georgia Peach!

    Lowee - I wear the two ear buds when I'm listening to a book on CD. They are not very comfy after an hour or two. I've been listening to music on CD while at the gym…amazing how my MOTOWN music helps thru my work out. WOW over 50lbs of sugar, that's a lot, but with all the talk about the humming birds, I'm thinking of getting a feeder now. I have a few ideas on what 'that' person said, prob berating us for drinking, etc.

    Cami - hoping no major D during your visit with family and friends.

    Jazz - sounds like your patio will be booTful, hope you'll post some pics when u get it all together.

    Sandy - I too will have to check out those Apple for those buds, thanks for the info.

    I heard from my DIL, we are working towards getting Andrew Michael and Maddy for 3 or 4 days in two weeks…woohoo. AM will be 10 on the 15th. Can't believe how fast they are growing up.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Yes, what is up with the Scotty post?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Beautiful day here yesterday, so pretty and it warmed up so nicely in the peeyem.I'm hoping the weekend will be as pretty.

    Goldie--Winter darkness is depressing, isn't it?Get up in the dark, leave for work in the dark, get home in the dark, if I wasn't out driving during the day I'd think there wasn't any sun at all in the winter!

    I wonder what was deleted, too.Don't see that very often.Maybe selling something?

    Mema--What I like about the Naturopathic approach is the emphasis on prevention and working with the body, not just suppressing symptoms. And it's a good excuse to study herbology, acupuncture, homeopathy and lots of other things that are really interesting.Wow, Andrew Michael will be 10? Growing up so fast!

    Jazzy--the scotty post has me curious, too!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Mike Mik,e Mike, Mike, Mike

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    1/2 oz Raspberry Liqueur

    1 part Orange Juice

    1 part Pineapple Juice


    Mix ingredients in a tumbler and shake thoroughly. Pour over ice in a tall glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2016

    Good morning ladies, back to work for me today, DH outta town so have to get the furbabies to the park soon. Nothing much going on around here, spring sure is taking it's time, it's chilly and supposed to rain for the next several days, sure would be nice to see the sun.

    Lori, can't wait for hummingbirds to come back, should show up in a few weeks, I'll have to check the migration map. Love the pic of DH with the lipstick. No funny MIL stories this time, we did have a fabulous dinner.That post that was deleted, whoever it is has no profile, just another reminder that this is a public forum, sometimes it's so easy to forget that. Woohoo on good TM's!!

    NM, I'd love to see a naturopathic doctor but it can be so expensive, don't know if insurance covers it but it doesn't matter since my deductible is $6000. I wanted to go to one when first dx with thyroid problems but the blood work was really expensive. Looks like Scottty only posted here, strange.Yay for nice weather!

    hsant, the Skinny girl Margarita does have some tequila in it I think, just watered down, and i think the cosmos have vodka but low sugar so calories and carbs are very low. I don't like sweet drinks so it just adds a little flavor to the club soda. Looks like it may warm up a bit, now if we can just get rid of the rain, supposed to golf in my league today but not looking good.

    Cami, hope you got to get out and have fun with your GF and I hope D stays far, far away.

    Sue, yay on winning the grand prize!

    Jazzy, Julie Sandy, dara, Nancy, fearless and everybody else, have a great day, gotta run.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    I was scratching my head over the deleted post, too. I've seen what I consider to be inappropriate posts on this forum that weren't deleted, so what could Scottty possibly write that would get the boot? Ding, ding, ding,.....Johnny show NM what she's won! It had to be someone selling something. I went to her profile page. She just joined yesterday, and the deleted post was the only one she wrote.

    Cami, old friends are the best! You can go years with out seeing that person, and you just pick up where you left off once you do get together. It's like no time has passed. It sounds like you have a really nice weekend planned.

    Nm, Ugh, I hate those major wind storms. How did Sadie handle it? Was she ok?

    Naturopathic medicine sounds very cool. Is it different than holistic medicine?

    My father was always a big believer in prescribing meds as a last resort if there were natural ways of correcting a problem. If a patient had high cholesterol, he would give that person the opportunity to lower it with diet, exercise, etc. Same with surgery if there were other options.

    Your DOTD looks really good, but with that title I'm picturing a female mixologist obsessing over an ex when she created that drink. Lol.

    Goldie, what time do you wake up in the morning? I thought I went to bed early at 9:30 or 10.

    Jazzy, the outdoor furniture on the website you posted is beautiful! Getting custom made anything is always nice. I'm with everyone. I hope you'll post pics once it's set up on your patio.

    Mema, I bet you're excited about seeing your grandchildren! What is your work out routine? Maybe I can vicariously get in shape through you.:)

    Genny, it's already drizzling by me. Hopefully, you get to play

    I was rear ended a couple of months ago, and finally took the car in to have the bumper fixed yesterday. But on Monday I was turning around in a parking lot and backed into a fire hydrant, causing more damage to the bumber than the car that rear ended me. I'm expecting a call today from the auto body shop to see if the damage I caused can be included in the claim, which I doubt. Hopefully, it won't cost too much, since he has to remove the bumper anyway.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    LDB, I would imagine listening to music at the gym helps a lot. And I sure hope you get to have those grands for a visit, and I'll bet they will be glad to see each other.

    I think the Scotty post was probably negative. Oh well. We don't need that around here. If you go to her profile, you can see part of what she wrote "Unbelievable we neglect very i… May 10, 2016 03:47AM". And she just made her account and only posted on our thread! It's like she created an account, just to rag on us! Or, perhaps sell something? Maybe some new kind of likker?

    NM, that Mike cocktail sounds pretty yummy! Never thought about the deleted post of someone selling something. We should invert them back for a drink….LOL.

    Mary yep, public forum. Which is why some peeps don't want to post their pictures. As for me, I'm usually aware that anyone can see what I put here. Doesn't bother me in the least. Hummingbirds should already be in your area. I looked, they show mid to late April. Maybe they are avoiding the rain??? LOL.

    Hsant, I guess I didn't know your dad was a doctor, but how cool of him to offer alternative ways to correct something, before giving meds or surgery. I was up at 4:30 this am. Sawry bout your car.

    Been gorgeous here, a little windy, but not bad. We have taken the water bags off the plants, not suppose to get anymore freezing temps in the near future. Have Onc appointment at 9:20 tomorrow morning, 4 hour drive there, so will need to leavehere by 5:30. Doubt I'll have time to check in. And then dentist appt. on Friday. Not sure what time that is.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Thursday!Sunny and spring time warm here, was able to leave the kitchen door open so Sadie could come and go yesterday, she took great advantage of the opportunity to get into all the garbage and supervise the neighborhood, and was a very tired pup last night.At bedtime she hopped up on the bed, got cuddled up next to me, heaved a big sigh and immediately started snoring!Didn't even stay awake for tummy tickles or try to steal the entire pillow first.She's such a silly pup.

    Genny--I just spent a few minutes looking at hummingbird migration maps, never thought to look for something like that, it's great fun!Looks like some hummers have been seen not far from where I live, may be time to get the feeders out.I love seeing the hummers.I'm not sure what Naturopaths charge in Maine, I'll have to look into that just out of curiosity.Too bad insurance doesn't cover more preventive-based care, though.It would seem to me to be a no-brainer,prevention is almost always less expensive than treatment, but logic doesn't seem to apply to modern-day health care.

    Hsant--curiouser and curiouser about the deleted post.Usually someone selling something posts to a bunch of threads all at once, not just one.Nothing like a good mystery, is there?Sadie doesn't mind the wind.She's not crazy about thunder, but once I tell her it's ok she calms down, but stays very close until the storm blows through.Naturopathic medicine is a form of Holistic medicine.Holistic Medicine refers to any system of medical care that looks at the whole person, physical, psychological, spiritual, emotional as an integrated system. There are many schools of medicine that are holistic.The drink name was supposed to be a reference to the TV commercial with the camel wandering around the office saying "Ask me what day it is" and at one point is talking to a Mike--in my office it's become a bit of a joke on Wednesday/Hump Day.

    Goldie--the intrigue deepens!I wonder what we are neglecting that is so unbelievable?Well, I trust the Mods had good reason, and understand why they can't comment, but it sure is giving my imagination a work out!Good luck with the appointments.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Warped Thursday

    5 oz Vodka

    1/4 packet Tropical Punch Kool Aid

    6 oz Cherry Cola


    Empty half a can of cherry coke, pour the vodka into the can, then pour in the kool-aid. Alternatively, use a 12oz glass. Stir. A kabob stick works well in the can.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2016

    Good morning ladies. I did get to golf last yesterday, or going out and attempting to hit that little stupid ball, luckily nobody had golfed all winter and most did just as lousy. It took forever! We have a lot of new ladies on the league so if most show up it will take up my Wednesday evenings, esp since many are beginners, and then we have dinner and drinks after. We are very informal tho, don't even keep score if you don't want to. They are a nice bunch tho, we have 40 on the league now, we are called the Swinging Women Golf League.

    Lori, I looked at the map and yep hummingbirds are here, got to get my feeders out, hope they come back here, time just got away from me cause it's been so cold and crappy here. That is such a long distance for the doctor but I know you are used to it. I complain if it's more than 30 minutes! Hope all goes well with the MO.

    hsant, your dad sounds like an amazing man.

    Well, time t get in the shower, have a good day all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Again I missed some, but I went over everyone's post, and I bet it was a sale thing with the post, cuz those are taken out as soon as the Mods see it--I haven't seen one in a long time. Oh and I'm sure u ll know but there is a vodka with no sugar, I think it's Belvidere but not positive. It's only one tho, I think. Vodka was always my drink in anything or just plain on ice.

    Hsant u sound like u took after u'r father, kind.

    Some of u gals go to bed early, wow so early--good for u when u get a good nite's sleep, very healing.

    And I love Sadies' antics, she sounds like so much fun, our dog just sits around and gets all sad when Leslie's not home now that she is working

    Now that the weather is getting better everyone can get out more and most of u like to work outside, so have at it girls.

    I spent all afternoon at the Dr.s office yesterday, the nurse was trying to get my ears clean, Holly chit it was like cement (she said) but I can hear better, I'll do the rest myself I couldn't sit there any longer then I came home and slept for 4 hrs, and woke u and actually fell asleep for the nite. My Dr. is still looking for a nurse or tech to come here for my blood work, cuz I need it every month--I didn't know it would be so find. Now today is my lunch day and my fingers are crossed, cuz I don't want to miss anything, a lot going on this weekend too.

    BTW Lori if I looked like u I would have my pic all over the place and of course u can put my pic on here, It's from many years ago, so I don't mind. LOL And all the pics I see of u gals are great, I enjoy them so much it makes me feel like I know u more.

    Oh my phone has started so I have to do some work--have a wonderful day.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    the hospital system I work for is doing a lot of prevention stuff and complementary therapy

    Man now has a chest infection.still in hospital

    Have fun

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Hi ladies- ooh what a wicked busy week it has been. I have been reading as I can, but not posting but keeping up with all you lovely daalings. There don't seem to be enough hours in the day this week?

    Juliet- I am sorry your mom has a chest infection. I hope they can get that taken care of with some good strong anti-B's so she can go home soon. Hugs sister, I went through many years with sick parents and know how tough it is on the grown children.

    Cami- sounds like you got a good cleaning out! My ears seem much more 'waxy' than they used to and when I go to the hot springs, I float in one of the pools to help with that. But in the absence of a good hot spring, a doctor will do!

    Genny- congrats for getting back on the golf course this week!

    Goldie- I suspect that Scotty post was some kind of sales thing. Like all those things that end up on posts on other social media or go in your mail box. I know there are lurkers, creepers and the like here too. A guy showed up one time on a thread here, not a guy with breast cancer but a caregiver saying he needed support. The whole thread went silent. There are people on this site that don't belong here......

    NM- how is your knee and some of the other things you had going on for awhile. Are you all better now?

    Hsant- your time with your dad is time well spent. The time we spend with our parents in their golden years is never to be regretted. My mother and I were never that close most of my life, even did not get along at all during points, but in the last 10 years of her life as we had to assume control of everything, it all changed. I still miss being able to call her up like I used to, or visit for a holiday or special day. You enjoy your time together, even though it is often not easy.

    I have my current client and another woman whom is a VP at this client site coming over tomorrow evening for cocktails on my patio. They are also both good friend. I am so far behind on being ready. Note to self, never plan something for Friday night at your house when you have worked all week. What was I thinking?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    For the “perplexed” (to borrow a term from Maimonides):

    A “holistic” physician, is--as NM put it--one who treats the patient as a whole person: symptoms, underlying condition, mental and emotional well-being, prevention of future disease and maintenance of optimal health. A holistic physician can be allopathic (conventional), naturopathic, homeopathic or integrative (allopathic plus one or more of the above).

    A “naturopathic” physician uses only “natural” (non-allopathic, non-pharmacological, non-surgical) treatment. (S)he is usually by nature and temperament also holistic, and is sometimes homeopathic. But a naturopath rarely advocates the concurrent use of an allopathic physician, and many of them view even the subsequent use of conventional medicine as a failure not of the natural remedies but of the patient’s will and spirit. A

    A “homeopathic” physician uses a very specific treatment system developed during the past two centuries based on an unproven theory called “the law of similars.” That theory states that "like cures like,” and that all diseases can be successfully treated by minute and extremely dilute doses of what the homeopath believes caused the disease. The theory also says that the more extreme the dilution, the more powerful the cure. As to whether this makes sense, draw your own conclusions.

    Homeopaths and naturopaths (including herbalists) claim that their way is superior because it is ancient, and in some cases of herbal medicine, because many pharmaceutical drugs were extracted from or synthesized based on the chemistry of plants. They fail to mention that before the advent of allopathic medicine & surgery and modern pharmacology, life expectancy was dramatically shorter (the super-elderly did exist but in far fewer numbers and proportions), and cannot be attributed alone to decreases in infectious disease and wild predators.

    An “integrative” physician uses primarily allopathic remedies but adds the best and most-proven aspects of alternative (naturopathy, herbalism, acupuncture, spiritual) remedies that can enhance the good effects and ameliorate the bad effects of conventional medicine. (S)he is almost always a holistic physician. And (s)he is always either an MD or DO. Responsible chiropractors (DC) will also respect the limits of what "the chiropractic” (manual adjustments of spinal subluxations) is intended to do for the musculoskeletal system--they may also prescribe or even sell supplements (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes) that are available over the counter and have been shown to help--and know when and are willing to advise the patient to seek allopathic treatment. Many MDs and DOs refer patients with non-life-threatening musculoskeletal (especially back & neck) problems to DCs, who often obtain the best results, before advising surgery. And podiatrists (DP) are licensed to apply conventional medical and surgical treatments for disorders of the feet, ankles and hands. Many orthopedic surgeons will first refer the hand, foot or ankle patient to a podiatrist.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Sandy I have only heard of the first 2, I really didn't know that much about them tho--I have to say honestly I didn't understand it all, but that's just me. But extremely good explanations. I remember when my youngest was in the hospital when she was a teenager and she was in Good Sam and I was waiting for visiting to start and that was the first time I saw Holistic practiced here, or something like that and I thought it sounded spiritual, not religiously, but thinking it must have to do with u'r body somehow healing itself thru it's own system. But I never asked of course.

    Oh Jazzy Friday nite after u work all week, never ever should u do that except for one reason, u'r all dressed so Sat. u can relax and just bum around.

    Well ladies I went to lunch today--it was great, It was the Gree Isles in Lombard which is about 15 mins. from here and my GF picked me up and it took us 1 and 1/2 hrs. to get there. We've been there many times and somehow we got lost and was LOLing so hard we had to pull over, we kept going around in circles ending up where we started and we were only about a mile from there and we knew it--we just couldn't figure out how to get there, all my friends are like me--it's great and finally we made it, they already finished a first drink but my GF from FL knows I always like to feel her boobs so there we were again in the middle of the restaurant and I got to feel them, she's always been big busted and they've held up well. But we had a great time just being together like usual. My cousin, sister me and 2 of our GF's,-- a couple just don't live around here anymore. Anyway I actually got out, I was so happy 2 days in a row. And weather was nice. Had some bad pain, after, but it was worth it.

    OK I just had to tell you that I got out. and I have an ear ache, she worked on 1 ear for at least 1/2 hr, and hardly made a difference, she said it was like cement LOL I thought for a while she was using a chisel and hammer. so I'll have to slowing do this myself.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Cami, I’m so sorry you’re in pain and have an earache, but so glad you got to go out to Greek Isles. Never been to the one in Lombard but have been to the one in Greektown many times.OPAAA!!!! (Which is Greek for “Holy shit, this plate is HOT!”).

    Tonight was a Spanish wine-pairing dinner at B’way Cellars. Bob was working and Gordy isn’t into wine, so I went solo. First course was tapas (olives, almonds, bacon-wrapped dates, tortilla Español (sort of a layered potato omelet) topped with smoked salmon, and candied pork belly on jicama slaw--the wine was a brut Cava (bubbly). Next was an Albariño (white) served with grilled asparagus topped with avocado & grilled prawn. Then a beautifully poached cod and steamed mussels over olive-oil mashed potatoes, napped with chorizo broth with grape tomatoes & caramelized shallots--the wine was a “crianza” (aged a year in oak and another in the bottle) Rioja. I’ve had red wine with fish before, but never with mussels. Went together nicely. Then a syrah-petit verdot blend (grapes usually grown in France’s Rhone & Bordeaux) from central Spain near Madrid--with grilled baby lamb chops over garlic crostini with tomatoes, olives, mushrooms and shallots. On its own the wine was edgy and tannic, but with the lamb chops it was perfect. Finally “chocolate y queso:” Iberico and "drunken goat “ cheeses, red pear, orange-chili jam, and mini chocolate tarts (the size of candies in a box of chocolates). The wine was a cream sherry--absolutely yummy. I normally avoid sweet wines, especially the fortified ones, because they have too much sugar and alcohol, but this one was irresistible. I hadn’t had cream sherry since my Harvey’s Bristol Cream days in college. I ate one lamb chop and brought the other two home--wanted to leave room for dessert. Was able to walk there and back. Nice weather, too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday!Hazy here yesterday, they weather guesser on TV is saying it's the smoke from the wildfires in Canada.Whenever there is a big fire in Canada or the upper half of the States we end up with hazy weather and poor air quality for a while.Makes for spectacular sunsets, though!

    Genny--your golf league sounds like a lot of fun!I've been on some bowling leagues from time to time, but they tend to get so competitive that I don't go back for a second season.Women can be very nasty to each other at times!Not having to keep score unless you want to sounds much more relaxed.

    Cammy--I like vodka for mixed drinks, haven't ever really taken it straight.The flavored ones might be good to try that way.I don't think of vodka and such having sugar, but they must since they have calories, right?Sadie takes her job of entertaining the hooman very seriously for a silly dog.It's almost like she knows how much I love watching her being goofy!Tell your daughter to call the local lab and ask if they have an in-home blood draw service.Many labs will do send a tech to the home to draw blood for a fee.Sometimes insurance will cover it, but not Medicare.The blood test itself is usually covered, though, it's just the drawing fee that isn't.Getting your ears cleaned out must have been fun, and obviously tiring!

    Julie--praying for your Mom.

    Jazzy--the knee is much better now, thanks.There is a tender spot that hurts when I touch it, but otherwise it doesn't bother.Floating in a hot spring, sounds heavenly!

    Chi--excellent description ofAllopathic, Naturopathic, Integrative, Homeopathic and Holistic practitioners.

    Cammy--What a wonderful outing you had!Sounds like it was a blast.I can just picture you feeling up your friend in the restaurant lobby and everyone looking on and laughing and commenting, the staff shaking their heads and saying to each other that the crazy ladies are back, and the other patrons shaking their heads and saying who knows what!

    Chi--I love reading your meal and wine reviews!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Chowning's Tavern Wine Cooler

    1/4 glass Red Wine

    3/4 glass Lemonade


    This makes a colorful as well as refreshing drink if the liquids are not mixed together. Pour the lemonade over crushed ice, then add the red wine. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a maraschino cherry. Good for hot days.

    Best served in a Red Wine Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2016

    Good morning girls, and happy Friday the 13th. Chilly and wet here, sounds like it's going to stay that way for the next several days, ugh. We are getting Nora tomorrow but play outside doesn't look good, maybe have to go back to the trampoline park. Not a great spring so far but aftersuch a mild winter I guess I really can't complain. So I just have a few minutes then I have to get out with the pooches and get to work.

    Sandy, great explanations on the various types of medicine and doctors, much of it I did not know, thanks! Dinner sounds fabulous, sounds like you had a nice time.

    NM, the golf league is fun, no competition at all. I joined a golf league when I first started golfing and was so embarrassed I quit after 4 weeks and thought I'd never get on another league so I'm happy to find this one. Vodka doesn't have any carbs so I think the distilling process removes the sugar. Enjoy those sunsets!

    Cami, so happy you got to go out with your GF's and sounds like you had such a good time and had lots of good laughs. I remember when I first got my tissue expanders in and I was at a bar with my GF's and they were all feeling them and I looked up and there were these guys watching us looking somewhere between puzzled and appalled, bunch of 5 0something year old women feeling each other up, was pretty funny.

    Jazzy, hope your Friday night get together goes off without a hitch, it'll all come together somehow. Hopefully you can sit back and rest Saturday and Sunday and recoup and next week won't be quite so crazy.

    Got to talk to 4sew for a few minutes yesterday, she sounds as bizzy and upbeat as ever, trying to get thru the end of the school year, says she's ready for another cruise!

    Lori, hope all is went ok at the MO's, hugs to you!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    NM, that's our Silly Sadie. Did she hoard anything into her cage? Love the hump day video. Glad you are finally getting warmer weather.

    LOL Mary, at that stupid little ball! Glad you got to go tho. Hummingbirds are supposed to return from where they were the year before. Not sure how true it is. But I can tell you I sure have lots of them!

    Cami, I sure hope you get to enjoy your weekend. My morning started with me having an accident. When BM's are like water, it's hard to hold them back! Sorry if TMI. But I know you all understand. And you betcha betcha, I'm gonna post that pic. But not today. I'm sort of in a hurry, have to leave here early again, dentist appt. Can't imagine having something like cement in my ears. I clean mine daily. SOOOOOO GLAD you got to go out!

    Julie, I didn't understand your comment man has chest infection, until I read Jazzy's post. It's your mom? Oh dear, I'm so sorry and praying that she gets well soon.

    Jazzy, I hear ya about busy weeks! But it does help for the weekend to get here faster. Good luck with your party. I'm sure it will be fine!

    Lots of info there Sandy, thanks.

    I'll tell about my appointment tomorrow and post Cami's picture. Need to get in the shower.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Good morning friends- well, I spent the better amount of time last night creating a pretty new space on my patio for the gathering tonight. Then I went out to pick up my new patio umbrella and going to set up in awhile. Got a couple conference calls I have to get ready for. I am going to share pics with you tomorrow and just have to say, doing the patio facelift is just so enjoyable! I also picked up some more plants for the pots in the backyard and it is just a little paradise back there right now. Whoot whoot, it will be a fun evening with wine, beer, tapas and good conversation!

    Hoping you all have a great Friday the 13th and it's a full moon too. Good luck out there!
