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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Sandy - I had no idea there were so many different docs out there practicing all those diff 'pathic' meds, thanks for the lesson on what each does. And your night out sounds wonderful, my tastes are really dull compared to what you indulge in, but I love hearing about it.

    Cami - am sooo freakin happy you had 2 good days and went out with your bffs, but I did LOL over getting lost, I'd been cracking up too. Feeling each other up….tsk tsk…j/k, bet it was too funny for the waiters and patrons, still laughing just thinking about it. Sorry about your ear ache…did doc give u some ear drops or something?

    NM - It's supposed to be in the 90's here all week and yet I'm still wearing a very light hoodie. Peeps look at me like I'm out of my mind, but inside most building it is too cold for me, outside I yank the hoodie off cuz it is too warm. I love vodka over ice, but have been recently adding diet 7-up otherwise I get too dwunk.

    Mary - I have to get my pooches out real soon too. They got a short cut the other day and yest they still seemed too hot, so our time at the park has really shortened. I tried golfing years ago…was too frustrating for me, so good for you for having fun with it. Thanks for giving us an update on Lynne, she is always busy. Did she happen to mention how her new and enlarged fin is doing?

    Julie - sooo much u are dealing with, hope your mom gets better soon, sending prayers (((Julie)))

    Jazz - I can't wait to see pics of your new patio furnishings, sounds like a little of paradise…enjoy!

    Off to the park…latah ladies


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    i was on my kindle and it kept auto correcting so i gave up! prayers worked mam much better thank you,but they could not get her carers organized for the weekend so she can't come home until monday

    jazzy have fun tonight you work hard

    cammi glad you got out and enjoyed yourself

    sue= good for you on the big win

    chi - i had lost 2lbs but i think i just found them again

    nm-please be careful with the current weather conditions ,don't want you to have a lung flare up from the smoke coming your way

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    NM--Chowning’s Tavern? Now that’s a blast from the past! It was 30 years ago next month that we last visited Colonial Williamsburg!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Hazy and foggy and smokey smelling this morning.Still getting smoke from the Canadian wildfires, mixed with the morning fog it's pretty thick today.But the sun is burning off the fog and that will help clear out the haze.Gotta get the laundry done today, supposed to rain tomorrow.Easier to hang it out on the line than use the indoor rack.

    Genny--Ah, yes, it was Friday the 13th, wasn't it?Didn't have any real effect on me, I guess.I never really noticed.Vodka has no carbs?That sounds like good news to me!Glad to hear 4sew is doing well.

    Goldie--I'm sure she's got a bunch of stuff in the cage.I need to clean it out pretty soon, run the pillow through the washer and get the fur out from behind the cage.It'll be interesting to see what she has collected this winter.That's a good project for a rainy day!

    Jazzy--it was a full moon, too?I didn't notice that, either.Must have been a good day for me!Enjoy the new patio and umbrella.

    Mema--can you send some of those 90 degree temps my way?Would love for it to be in the 70's routinely.I like the 70-'s and 80's.And sunshine.

    Julie--I'm being careful with the smokey stuff, it's not so bad when the breeze is blowing and once the fog has burned off, but I'm keeping the inhalers close at hand.

    Chi--I didn't even know Chowning's Tavern was a real place, that drink popped up in my search.Sounded good, so I used it!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Purple Haze

    1/2 oz Raspberry Liqueur

    1/2 oz Sambuca


    Pour Sambucca into a shot glass then pour Chambord very slowly.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    My doctor took one look at my hands, feet and rash on mese body and wanted to take me off the FU pills. I said but my numbers were better. So he said if I wanted to squeeze in a few more treatments, then that was ok. Next treatment will be Ibrance, and I would have to go in weekly for labs.

    Jazzy, glad you're getting your patio all pwetty.

    Mary, I think we ran each other into the pewl yesterday morning. Yay for getting Nora. You know we want pictures!

    LDB, hot here, was 96 yesterday. Do you get the grands this weekend?

    NM, be sure and let us know what you found in Sadies cage.

    I got my MMJ card yesterday. Got me some gummy bears and some RSO. Oh me oh my. I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, and wasn't sure I would make it!

    And here's our Beautiful Cami and her youngest DD.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Julie - sooo glad your mam is doing better and hopefully her caregivers will be organized so she can come home on Monday…LOL on losing then finding 2lbs again. (((Julie)))

    NM - Those fires are really spreading. Friend in Canada says 90,000 peeps evac'd so sad. Hope ur clothes don't smell like smoke after hanging to dry outside. I prefer the 80', 90' degree temps, but we'll get close to 115 before summer ends.

    Lowee - I am so thrilled that to get to change meds…I'm praying they work and that your hands,feet, rash go away. Don't kno about both of them, in fact I do kno that we can have AM, but didn't realize Maddy still in school until June. And AM is in year-round so this is just a 5 week break for him. Guess I'll have to take them 1 at a time. Prefer them together cuz they play well and not so demanding of me. Oh well 1 is better than none. OOOOO jes love the beautiful pic of Cami and her DD, Thanks Cami for letting Lori post it.

    Missing lots of gals, but hope all know how much I lubslubslubslubslubs all!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Good morning friends- my little happy hour went very well last night! I managed to pull it together with getting the house in good order, the food together, patio ready for company. We had a nice time (just three of us, so small gathering) and enjoyed some nice appetizers, cocktails and conversation. The weather was PERFECT yesterday for some patio time too. Warm and no wind. One friend remembers my house when it was built (they helped me move into it) and her visits since. She said "your yard has come a long way with all the time you have put in to it." I agree with that, everything is full and lush and blooming like crazy!

    Here are some photos of some of the sitting areas, plus my little happy hour table last night.




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Hi Ladies.

    Jazzy u'r patio looks beautiful and u did so much in such a short time and so glad u had a great time.

    Lori I hope this new regime goes very well for u, u've been thru enough and I always worry about u--u'r rash must be horrible if the Dr. wants to stop what u'r on now. And keep u'r 90+ degrees there, all of u. See even in that pic. I was on a couch.

    NM my SIL told me that we were getting smoke from Canada too cuz it was supposed to be sunny but the weather people said we were getting smoke--and I thought that was crazy. Oh u have to tell us what Sadie has saved.

    Julie I'm glad u'r mom is coming home Monday.

    Sandy I luv how u tell us all about u'r evenings and every so often I do remember something and I impress people with what u know and sounds like I know it too. LOL And being able to walk so many places Downtown I think is such a perk.

    Damn I was going to say much more and I forgot. I was planning on going out today but so far I'm having a problem, so I'll see what happens. But I hope u all have a great Sunday-Funday.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    LDB, not changing my meds just yet. Gonna wait until my next labs. I'm really not looking forward to weekly labs and possible bloodtransfusions! Plus I started on some RSO. Sorry you can't get both kiddos. I hear ya on it making it easier on you.

    Jazzy, your patio is very cute and so colorful. You did a great job.

    Cami, I'm not a fan of 96 degrees either! I'm good with the 70's. I think you look like a movie star. I hope you are able to make it out later today.

    I was feeling quite woozy yesterday, so DH did ALL the planting in the garden.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    6:52 AM

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Very pretty day, even if it is cloudy.Nice and warm, bit of a breeze, and you should see the dandylions that have popped up in the yard!Sucha happy color.Yes, I know they are weeds, but even weeds can be pretty, right?

    Goldie--I have such mixed feelings about you and the FU pills, I like that the numbers are getting better, hate the rashandthe hand and foot thing, I'm glad there is another treatment, wish you didn't need to even think about it.And really don't care for the weekly lab bother.I will definitely let you know what Sadie's hoarded this time around.So you've got an MMJ card, what fun!Now you get to try all kinds of fun things.Great pic of Cammy!

    Mema--fortunately the haze here doesn't smell too much of smoke except when the fog is very thick, so it doesn't really get on the clothes all that much.The pine pollen is a bigger problem, really.115 degrees is too hot for me,way too hot!

    Jazzy--what a lovely patio!It is beautiful, and all the plants look so happy.You certainly have put in a lot of work and time, and it really shows.Good for you!That table spread looks so yummy, you have very lucky friends.

    Cammie--it's crazy how far the smoke from a big fire can go, isn't it?Does make for fantastic sunsets, though.Sorry you can't go out, wish you didn't have to deal with all the D.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Citrus Twist on Fire

    3/4 oz Goldschlager

    3/4 oz Citrus Vodka


    Pour both ingredients into an old-fashioned glass 1/4 filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Welp, it's fricking snowing here on the east side of Cleveland. I mean, it's really coming down. It's supposed to go up to 46 today, so I'm sure it will melt this afternoon, but who wants to see snow in the middle of May? Oy.

    The auto body shop ended up not charging extra for the damage I did to the fender. This would NEVER happen in Los Angeles. So, we may get snow in May, but the people here sure are nice.

    I met a friend from high school, who also lives in LA and her sister for cocktails last night. I rarely go out with anyone other than my dad, because I spend the days with him, and at night I just can't get motivated to put on lipstick and chit chat. I had 3 Grey Goose martinis (I took Uber), and I'm feeling a little hung this morning.

    Genny, is it snowing by you? I've been meaning to ask if you shop at Heinens. The one close to my dad has casual wine tastings every Saturday. They also have one of those wine vending machines, which offer 1 oz, 3oz and 5oz pours.

    Cami, did the nurse use a solution to clean out your ears? The hubs uses an ear cleaning kit he picked up from CVS. You and your DD are beautiful! Did people tell your DD that she looked like Jodie Foster? For some reason (I have no idea why) I pictured you with blond hair. Lol to your couch comment. What's not to love about lounging on the couch? Lunch sounds like it was a blast. I hope you can get out of the house today.

    NM, holistic medicine is very popular in Los Angeles. My gyno referred me to a breast surgeon, who also incorporates holistic medicine. I didn't use her, because she was very young, and I wanted a surgeon who had years of experience under the belt. How's the air quality today? I like dandelions too. Probably because they are weeds and grow on their own. I love Sambuca, which is a licorice liquor and Goldschlagger, which is a cinnamon liquor that has little flecks of "gold" in it. When I saw the Purple Haze it reminded me of a dish I used to make, but haven't in about 5 years. It's seared scallops In a Sambuca cream sauce. I looked for it in my recipe file, but can't find it. Oh, almost forgot, cute commercial! I record the programs I watch, so I can FF thru the ads. I don't see very many of them.

    Jazzy, your patio is lovely! Very peaceful and Zen. It also looks like you have quite a bit of space. You obviously put a lot of care and love into it, and it shows. The food looks yummy! You displayed it beautifully. Just make sure to tell me what time to show up the next time you entertain. I promise to bring a nice bottle of vino.:)

    Goldie, thank you for posting the photo of Cami and her DD. Your rash sounds extremely unpleasant, but it's understandable why you want to stick with the FU pills when you're getting positive results. You got that MM card fast! How do you take the RSO oil? Do you put a couple drops on your tongue?

    Mema, you are a hoot! I bet you keep your friends and family constantly laughing.

    Juliet, I'm glad your mom is better, and gets out of the hospital tomorrow.

    Chi, I've been to many wine dinners by myself when the hubs or friends aren't available. I actually prefer it. I adore Iberico hamalmost as much as I love prosciutto Di Parma.

    Ok, enough of my babbling. I hope everyone has a "fun" day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Hsant- I am glad you got out with your friends for some drinks! When helping an aging parent, we need to be around others our own age. I had to go on FMLA 12 years ago when my mother had her stroke and was back in my home town off and on for a year. My best friend still lives there, and she and her husband would meet me whenever I needed support. Don't beat yourself up about the martini's or being hung today. Not like any of us party that much anymore, eh?

    One of the friends who came on Friday evening is a wine lover like me. She bought me a fab bottle of Charles Krug cab, which I am saving for a later time! I had been telling her about the Route 99 Pinot Noir and ended up giving her a bottle from my stash as she was interested to try it, and we did not crack a bottle during her time here. She took me to breakfast for my birthday a few months ago and her birthday is back in January, and said "happy belated birthday!" She liked that!

    Wow, sorry about the snow. I heard from someone in upstate NY they were getting snow as well. Winter won't let go! The rockies are having the same thing, lots of snow in May. We had some nice rain overnight and that was a pleasant surprise!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    jazzy fab patio,hope you get the time and the wine to enjoy it,

    hant=SNOWBawling its 87f here and sunny

    loriThumbsUpon your new mmj card,way better than the fb card, hope it helps with the rash


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Happy SundayFunday everyone. This is a lazy day for us, but may go out later. Will Not get Maddy anytime soon. She has gym camp June into July…I think it is really good for her and when we are at her house she has mats and her daddy set up a pole so she can swing up and do her routines, she has to show us every time. She can even do the splits, I never could do those. We miss her so much, mom says she will try and get her excused for a long weekend down the road. Today is AM's birthday. Have called twice to wish him a happy day, but just getting a recording. Still hoping to get him next Sunday thru Weds. Will keep ya all posted.

    Jazz - I just love the colors of your seating areas, and the plants u chose are gorgeous, good job!

    Cami - lol about the couch, and ur DD does resemble Jodie Foster, good call Hsant. Guess the smoke is more far reaching than I thought, if ya have breathing probs, please be careful.

    Lowee - What's with the blood transfusions? Can't remember what RSO so can u splain that too. I stay indoors, my house or the bar when it gets over 100. Always start my car and let the air run for several minutes. But high temps are only for 2 or 3 months, I can live with that. Do you get woozy often, is it an se from the FU pills? (((Lowee)))

    NM - I think dandylions are pretty too, pink ones mostly. Neighbor 2 blocks over gets yellow ones. I don't care for them cuz in no time they've overrun my yard and garden area, so I pull em if I see em.

    Hsant - I remember it snowing in early June in Elko and then start again in late October. That is tooo much cold for me. YUM, Grey Goose martinis, I'll join ya, but like you, would have to cab or uber home. Isn't amazing how diff locals charge diff prices for stuff. We find better repairmen, handymen, etc here than we ever did in Vegas. Glad they were nice and did the extra damage at no charge. Sambuca!! Wow haven't heard that name in a long time, used to drink it years ago..yum yum.

    Got bacon in the oven, 1st batch is done, last batch shud b done shortly, love baking it over frying it. Hope all have a GR8 SundayFunday!

    Lubslubslubslubslubs and lots of Muahs!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Cami, you and your DD are lovely! Dunno why I, too, thought you were a blonde. Hope your digestive system treats you right soon and you can get outside more and enjoy this spring (looks like we missed the snow that hit both Milwaukee & Cleveland). I don’t live near downtown--I’m up in Edgewater, about 2 mi. s. of Evanston, but we have lots of nice places to walk to up here and the CTA station’s only 3 blocks away for trips into the Loop.

    Lucked out weather-wise with my overnight trip to Iowa City--cold and a little rainy till just w. of Aurora, but no storms like a couple of weeks ago. Got to my motel in time to do a little MLD massage, change and don my compression before heading to the coffeehouse for the gig. My singing partner is driving to the folk conference in the Blue Ridge mts. of NC this week (I have to fly--simply too much to do at home, and I want to be home when Bob’s lung scan results come in), so I sent him along with the four bottles of wine (assorted reds--2 zins, a grenache and a Beaujolais) for our showcase room hosts and the Local 1000 song circle in the lodge's lobby we’re hosting. Since he’s driving, I figure reds would hold up better in the car than whites, rosés or bubblies. I need to pick up some chocolates just in case one of the hosts is a teetotaler. (Our radio promoter is hosting the one showcase we’re playing as a duo--it’s called “Uncorked,” so I know she’ll be welcome the wine). The other two showcases I have are solo. The morning the conference ends, I’m driving to Hickory to meet with our own HappyHammer, her sis, mustlovepoodles and her DH. It’ll be from 5-8 pm Sun. May 22 at the American Honor Ale House in Hickory, NC--less than an hr. from Charlotte

    The gig last night was fun--I was gratified to hear the venue owner say how much he likes us and our “two great voices” (I’ve always been a little in awe of other women folksingers, so that meant the world to me). I did screw up a couple of lyrics--one of them was on a song I wrote, but we haven’t played that one out or even in rehearsal for almost a couple of years, and I did have to pick another. Fortunately, the audience was on our side, tipped well and bought a couple of CDs, and we had fans come out from as far as the Quad Cities and Cedar Rapids. (We had comfort-food dinner with two of them afterward). Nothing stronger for me last night than water & coffee. Good thing--I ate chicken-fried steak & gravy (a huge no-no, but I was jonesing for it or schnitzel) and strawberry pie--and my long-gone gallbladder immediately reminded me of its absence. At least I didn’t get a chance to digest much of that carb-and-calorie load before it ran through me. Serves me right for having a big meal on an empty stomach (nothing between bacon & eggs at breakfast and that late dinner 11+ hrs. later), but I can’t sing well with a full gut. The hunger ups the adrenaline too.

    Tonight Bob came home from work but already ate at the hospital, so we had some of the Maryhill Pinot Gris he opened last night. Think I’ll make myself a cheese plate to go with it, and maybe have a tomato with some basil & vinaigrette afterward.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Oh, and speaking of Maryhill, if you are in the Seattle, Portland, Spokane or Walla Walla areas you really owe it to yourself to visit there. Not only are their wines wonderful (with a great tasting room, light restaurant and tours, plus an on-site natural amphiteatre with nationally known country, rock and pop entertainers), they are literally nestled smack-dab in the middle of the Columbia River Gorge in Goldendale, WA, across the river from The Dalles, OR. The Gorge has to be one of the most beautiful drives in the entire country. And there’s a nearby museum with a great collection of Rodins (originally curated by exiled Romanian Queen Marie) and a half-size replica of Stonehenge (yes, it’s much bigger than the one in “Spinal Tap”).

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2016

    Good morning everyone!! We finally are done moving everything. It has been so dang cold here. Like highs in the 40's its been crazy! I'm so ready for Spring to really get here! Not fun paddling in 40 degree weather even though we do warm up a bit it's hard to paddle against this wind. Good news is my son and his fiancé are still together and working this out bad news not getting married still,but still planning to sometime just not when they were. Ahh children right?

    Mary we will be coming your way July 9 we are racing in Akron at Lake Portage. Don't know how far that is from you. How is Nora doing?

    NM I will look up that Orlando date. I know it's Oct I just can't remember the date.

    Hope everyone is well.

    Love you all. image

    Jackson with Rowdie Indianapolis Indians baseball mascot


    Susan G Komen Ambassedors singing take me out to the ballgame with Jackson and Henry. Of course after a couple of beers. Lol

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day!

    Goldie--woops, bumped you into the pool!Glad the water is heated, it's just a tad chilly in the ayems still.What is RSO?And why are you feeling woozy?

    Hsant--Snow in May, not fun.There is some snow going up north of me, but not where I am.It's been a very chilly spring.So nice of the body shop not charging extra, that is a definite benefit of living in a small town.A night out for cocktails, what a treat!I've heard of Uber, how does that work, exactly?Scallops in Sambuca cream sauce?Sounds very, very yummy!I hope you can find your recipe.Most commercials are irritating more than anything, but every once in a while a cute one comes along.

    Jazzy--Caregiving is such hard work, so glad you had some friends nearby for support.It's the support that makes all the difference, I think.It sure has been a crazy spring, though, hasn't it?

    Julie--Wine and new shoes, YEAH!

    Mema--I've never heard of pink dandylions, would love to see them!Yes, they do take over if given half a chance.I don't mind them in Sadie's yard, they hold up to her running on them and eating them and doing other things to them.Baking bacon?I've heard of that, does it work well?

    Chi--it sounds like your gig went very well, I am so happy for you!It must be such fun to be able to sing like that.And you have fans that travel to hear you, Wow!

    Collett--Hooray for getting done moving!I saw the pics you posted on Fb, the place looks Fabulous!So the son and fiancé are back together?Good news!I can imagine what it's like on the water at 40 degrees.You may warm up a bit working but you still need to worry about hypothermia, especially if you fall in!You look like you're having fun singing at the ball game.Love the "Please beware of objects leaving the playing field" notice!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Bailey's Comet


    1 1/4 oz Butterscotch Schnapps

    1 1/4 oz Goldschlager

    1 1/4 oz Irish Cream

    (Float) Sambuca


    Shake and Strain the Butterscotch, Bailey's, and Goldschlager into a cocktail glass. Float the Sambuca, then sprinkle Cinnamon or Nutmeg into drink (Before you flame the drink). Just before presentation, flame the drink. As the Sambuca burns, the cinnamon will sparkle. A dazzling effect if the bartender or server is walking with the drink while it's burning (give the comet a tail).

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Sandy what a wonderful time u had, sounds like so much fun for u and something u really enjoy. I hope u'r DH is feeling better all the time.

    OK Lori I'm confusticated. Blood transfusions? And getting woozy now? Are the transfusions haveing to do with platelets? What is going on? U know u have to explain everything to me.

    Hsant I'm glad u got some "you" time, u should get that as often as u can, u really need it.

    Nancy sooooooooooo glad about u'r son and his fiance have been talking things out. I felt bad for Jackson too and he's getting so big. Kind of cold for the water isn't it? Just dress right.

    NM I hope I'm reading u right, cuz u sound happier than u used to. Maybe it's the freedom of the better weather coming.

    SusyQ I know u always have so much to do, but u certainly deserve relaxing whenever u feel like it and u should.

    Jazzy u will be using that patio loads, especially in u'r weather and it looks so inviting. Do u have mosquitoes a lot there?

    Well as u know I didn't make the party yesterday, and I felt bad, but nothing else I can do. My cousins 2 DD's are vegetarians ad Dan's wife is greek so they were ordering take out with Greek food that his wife (Kat) would be picking out--Well one thing we knew was salad and deviled eggs and I was going to bring 3 bean salad, it's hard to come up with no meats when no one else likes fish. LOL But everyone eats chocolate. But I know there was so much food that they didn't miss mine. Leslie has to get Joey's clarinet tonite and he casually told us he was , I don't remember but one of the first part chairs, so maybe he's not so bad.

    OK have a good day everyone--u too Julie, I think u need u'r fix for Micky soon.

    And Mary if I remember right u'r working part ime and that's what u want so good for u. And u need more of Anorable.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Good morning friends- I hope everyone had a good weekend! The weather was warm this weekend, got some rain sat night and the air was warm and balmy yesterday with some showers around the state too. The weatherman says rain tomorrow and Wednesday too. We always need that here in the high desert.

    Cami- we do have some mosquitoes here, but they are mostly down near the river in the center of town. ABQ lies in a big basin, know as a "failed rift" where the continent used to be spreading apart. I live on the west side several miles from the river. When I go down to that area to walk or bike (there is a great trail there), you definitely wear bug spray, but pretty nice up here!

    Loved the photo of you and DD too. You are exactly as I pictured you my beautiful Italian friend. And Joey in a first chair position? He is doing alright on that clarinet.

    ChiSandy- I love hearing about your music performances. It sounds like you got some great compliments on your vocals too! I am taking another class on the steel drums this summer that begins in July, and can't wait!

    You are going to meet up with some other BCO sisters soon to, have fun! I love how the sister on the various threads find ways to connect through planned trips (like the cruise) or when folks are in each other's neck of the woods.

    Ncollett- that is good news about your son and his future bride working things out. I was hoping for that, I know you were really hating the thought of loosing them as family. Sometimes young folks need more time to work things out in advance of tying the knot.

    Congrats too on getting settled from the move!

    NM- I was glad to hear your aches and pains are better. Whew! Hoping you and Sadie have a good week!

    I had a good weekend getting things done around home and also slipped away yesterday to the spa for a treatment! Little soaking, plus a Thrice is Nice treatment that featured a facial, hot oil hair treatment and foot treatment. Ooh la la, that felt SO good!

    Also getting some things together to take a little trip up to northern NM for Memorial Day weekend to a place I just checked out last year for the first time. Called Las Vegas, NM and a cool old town that still has the feel of the old west. As a matter of fact, many things have been filmed in this area from No Country for Old Men to the current Longmire TV series. Maybe I will run in to some movie stars during my time there?

    There is a cool old hotel there from the 1800s that I am going to be staying at and here is a link to the place. There are a few of these old hotels around the west and they have such charm! I stopped last year and checked it out as I was driving to Denver for business, and said "I am coming back here next year for a longer visit!"

    The Plaza Hotel in LVNM

    Wishing everyone a good week!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    NM, once I change meds and the new one doesn't work, I'm pretty much out of options, other than IV chemo.

    Hsant, what's up with the snow? I guess it snowed in Michigan as well. That's crazy! Nice that you got a break on the bumper. The RSO comes in a syringe, you start out withapiece the size of a grain of rice. And your suppose to be able to work you self up to taking the whole syringe at once. I'm having trouble getting past the first grain! I feel woozy when I get up.

    Julie, what's an FB card?

    LDB, low counts are a SE of the next drug I go on, and it can cause the need for a blood transfusion if mine go too low. RSO is the Rick Simpson Oil, comes in a syringe. The woozy comes from the RSO, never felt that from FU pills.

    Sandy, sounds like quite the gig!

    Nancy, glad the kids are back together and going to try and work things out. There's our sweet lil Jackson.

    Nice swim yesterday morning, thx. RSO I explained above. Except the texture, it's sort like a thick goo, like tar.

    Cami, I'm not having a blood transfusion, but it's possible with the next drug they try on me. Sounds like Joey is doing quite well with clarinet. Sorry you didn't make the party and Greek food.

    Jazzy, nice spa visit and a cool little vacation coming up LV.

    I wish we could call it Monday Funday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Ladies, I need prayers. DD has a mass in pelvic region, her gyno onco has sent her this morning to her Nephrologist (sp). We were hoping it was ovaries, OMG....I am a wreck. Please pray that the problem is NOT her only kidney. I will keep you posted as much as possible.

    Love you all!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Sue, prayers and positive thoughts are out for your darling daughter. Praying that the mass does not involve her kidney and is benign. I can't imagine what you and your husband are going through right now. Sending over a hug

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Sue, prayers for your daughter--hoping it’s benign.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Mema- sending you love and hugs and good outcomes on the test results. Keep us posted on how things are going as you would like to.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday!Crazy springtime, had snow in northern Maine, actually broke some records for snow in May.Just crazy.Still needing to run the furnace in the evenings.This late in the season, it's crazy.

    Cammy--I do generally feel better in the spring and summer, when there's more light and sunshine.Better weather is always nice, too.Sorry you didn't make the party, and I can imagine the thought that has to go into deciding what to make/take when so many people these days have special dietary needs.Sounds like Joey is doing really well with the clarinet.Good for him!

    Jazzy--ooh, nice spa time you had!I'm jealous!What a beautiful hotel you are staying at! Absolutely lovely.Like you say, so much charm.

    Goldie--just did some quick reading on the Rick Simpson Oil, sounds very interesting.And very potent.No wonder you feel woozy! And we can call it Monday Funday if we want to!

    Mema--oh, dear.Prayers, prayers, prayers.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Maiden's Prayer


    1/2 oz Triple Sec

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1 oz Lemon Juice


    Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Oh gosh Sue, I sure hope JenGirl will be ok. Please let us know asap. Sending prayers and lots of luv your way.

    NM, I got so woozy last night, I had to have hubby help me up and to the bed.

    Our weather has been pretty good, a little on the breezy side. Hope everyone is doing a-ok.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Good afternoon ladies. It's nice and wet outside, but at least it's not snowing. Not much to say. It will be a pretty slow day with just the gym and the grocery store on the agenda.

    NM, Uber is a car service, which is much cheaper than using a taxi. You order a ride thru an app on your phone, and get a picture of the car and the driver and the estimated wait time. The app even has a map that shows where the driver is in relation to your pick up location. The longest I've waited for a car was 7 minutes. Usually it's around 2 to 4 minutes in my experience. Rates are set by distance, the base fare and time. It's also based on which car type you want to use. They offer rides in luxury cars, SUVs and the one I always take which is a standard car. About 90% of the times I've used Uber (which is a lot) the car was a Prius. It's especially advantageous in a city like Los Angeles, because traffic is extremely dense, the city is spread apart and there isn't a reliable form of public transportation like there is in New York, Chicago and Boston. Whenever I've taken a taxi to the airport from my house it runs between $32 and $35, with out tip. Uber Pool (car pool option, where there's another rider with you and the fare is split), cost $9.80. Gratuity is included in the fare.

    When I was diagnosed with BC last spring I I used Uber Pool for all my doc appointments. I just didn't want to deal with the stress of traffic, parking, etc. I made a deal with my husband that I would walk anywhere with in 2 miles of my destination one way, but that otherwise I'm using Uber. I hate driving in LA.

    Baileys Comet looks decadent in the best possible way! The Maiden's Prayer is right up my cocktail preference ally, but I would substitute vodka for gin. The hubs is a big fan of gin though.

    I hope warm weather comes your way soon. It's just plain wrong that you need to use heat in the middle of May.

    Jazzy, I think we went to the Charles Krug winery when we were in Napa. I say I think, because it was over 10 years ago, and we covered a lot of ground in 5 days. I can't remember if I mentioned this already, but the mention of Charles Krug made me think of it. Robert Mondavi has a bourbon barrel aged Cabernet. It's $11.99 and is very nice.

    The hotel is so charming, and I love that it's authentically old. It sounds like a great holiday weekend you have planned.

    Goldie, thanks for the explanation. It sounds very potent. I'm picturing psychedelic lights circa 1970 surrounding you, and Jimi Hendrix playing in the background.:) I do hope your wooziness is a good woozy.

    Cami, That's really impressive about Joey. He must be a very fine player.

    Chi, congrats on a successful gig. Maryhill and the area sounds amazing. I've never heard of a winery that also has amphitheater. Interesting.

    I guess when I say I've got nothing much to say, what I really mean is get ready for some diarrhea of the mouth!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    mema lots of hugs and prayers heading your way



    i.m covering all the bases

    MAM is home, her heart;s natural pacemaker is malfunctioning ,sometime beating too fast and then too slow ,only doing it occasionly but she is pain free and home and we will just enjoy her while we can ,the wedding preparation push on for agust, so glad your ds and future dd are goign to work it out nancy i know the thought of loosing samara was upsetting to me so i can only imagine how upset you were, by the way the house is lovely

    cammi =joey is first chair he must be good now

    lori- i think i missedai posting, why do you need a transfusion?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2016

    Hi ladies, DH is out of town and I'm just sitting here watching tv, pooches are sleeping and I've got my wine. We had Nora last weekend, her attention span is getting much better, she sat and drew and painted for 1/2 an hour! We went to the trampoline park and she had lots of fun. I kept her in big girl panties at home and she only had 3 accidents in 24 hours so she's definitely getting the hang of it. I think I'm getting a cold but she doesn't have one so I can't blame her this time. It's been cold here, only in the 50's, about 20 degrees below normal and it's getting very tiring but at least the sun was shining today. I have a question for you nurses, or anyone else that wants to chime in. I'm having some numbness and tingling in my 2 big toes, and a little in my fingertips. I read the Arimidex se's and it is one of the less common ones. It also said that of the women that had that se, about 1/2 of them were between 1-2 years of taking it, which would be me. So I've decided to give myself a 2 week break and see if it lets up, then go back on it and see if it comes back. I do have a ruptured and 2 buldging disc in my lower back, dx 10 years ago so it could be something is getting pinched. Anyway, what do you think of that plan?

    NM, is the fire still burning? I had to turn my heat on over the weekend, where the heck is spring??

    hsant, I've not yet tried uber but I know a lot of people use it. Glad you got out and had some fun. We have several Heinen's around me, I shop there a lot, especially for fish but I haven't ever seen a wine pour, don't think we have that. We had piles of hail on the ground and we did have a little snow but it didn't stick, as I said to NM, where the heck is spring?

    Nancy, good to see you, looks like everybody is having fun! Akron is about 45 minutes from me, how long will you be there? Sorry about the change in wedding plans, guess I missed something but better to wait then not be certain, hopefully they will work it out soon.

    Sue, you asked about Lynn's fin, she had a little fin d/t implant rejection I think, it's not little anymore and her MO gave her a drug to help with blood supply and it's really helped. She is bizzy as ever with all the kids. Too bad about not getting Maddy, I need to enjoy Nora before she gets old enough to have a busy schedule. Hope you get AM next weekend. Oh, Sue, I'm praying for your DD, how very scary for all of you, when will you find out?

    Sandy, you sound really busy and music bizzness is going well. I'm sure no one noticed the screw up in lyrics and yay for selling CD's and having a happy crowd.

    Julie, so glad to hear your mom is out of the hospital, sorry about the rhythm problems, hope you get a lot more enjoyable days with her. Hope work is going ok.

    Cami, I just LOVE the pic that Lori posted, very cute! Sorry you didn't get to go to the party. Sounds like Joey has really come along with that clarinet!

    Jazzy, your patio looks beautiful, you did a great job! Your trip sounds like fun and I like the looks of the hotel!

    Lori, grrrr.... I hate what you are going thru, damn FURB!! Glad to hear you got your MJ card, hope it helps. I sure hope the Ibrance does the trick with few side effects and for a long, long, long time!!! ((Lori!)) Fingers and toes crossed... How far will you have to drive for the weekly labs? Love the pic of Cam, thanks for sharing.

    Well don't know if I'm missing anyone but my wine glass is empty and I have to pack tomorrow's lunch, sweet dreams to all my lovlies!


    I got videos but few pics but here is ANorable playing on the foam blocks at the trampoline place.