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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2016

    Julie, just got on FB and found you your next pair of high heels!!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Genny- sorry to hear about your cold. Anorable is her usual adorable, and love the pic in the blocks. That one is a keeper for sure!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!So nice to have sunny days again, now if it would only get up out of the chilly range temperature wise.I mean, really, snow and frosts in mid-May is getting very old.

    Goldie--I hope the wooziness wears off soon!In the meantime be careful, make sure you don't get hurt, ok?

    Hsant--Uber sounds like a great alternative to expensive taxis. I don't think it's gotten to Maine yet.I simply cannot imagine driving in LA, way too intimidating if its anything like what I see on TV.Thanks for the explanation.

    Julie--AMEN!Hooray for your Mum getting home and pain free.Pain free is good!

    Genny--I remember when I was taking arimidex and regularly on a thread with other women taking AI's that tingling fingers was pretty common, don't remember so much about tingling toes.I'd check with your Med Onc before stopping the arimidex, though.Nora sure is growing up, isn't she?A half hour attention span, almost potty trained, graduation and wedding will be next!My furnace is currently turned off so I can leave the door open for Silly Sadie.I turn the furnace on for half an hour or so to heat up water for a shower and washing dishes in the evening.I have my blankets for when I'm sitting in my recliner and toss them over me and Sadie and tuck my toes under Sadie to keep them warm in the evenings.What a great pic of Anorable!

    Love those heels!

    Jazzy-- I believe I should join you on a beach drinking margaritas!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Woozy Drink


    1 oz Vodka

    1 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    3 oz Cranberry Juice

    3 oz Orange Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice


    Shaken is best. Be creative change the amounts to suit your tastes.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Sue I immediately stopped my posting and said my prayers for u'r DD, I'm raying for all good news and I hope u tell us ASAP cuz u know how much we care about our families too. (((SUSYQ)))

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Hsant, I hate driving anywhere in CA! They are cray cray! 1970's circa for sure. I sure sleep good though! LOL at diarrhea of the mouth!

    Julie, I don't need a transfusion, but it is possible with the new drug that he puts me on when we decide to stop the FU pills. Glad your mum is doing better.

    Mary, I don't recall any tingling on the Arimidex, but you know everyone is different. I hope that it's nothing of concern. Glad you got to enjoy Nora, bummer on the cold. It's an hour into town where I do my labs. Those are some huge foam blocks.

    Jazzy, on the beach with Margarita's…I'm with ya!

    NM, ha ha…thanks for "Woozy" cocktail.

    Hey there Cami. In the pool you go, but with a Tender there to help you.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Good morning friends- it is a rainy week here in NM, had some nice rain last night and more expected today through Thursday. My work is very busy this week, but I am going to step away mid afternoon today to go to a prof org thing I am working on with a group here in town. Will be a nice break! My gardens are happy with all the rain!

    NM- I saw northern New England got some snow in the past few days. Some photos from Vermont on the news as well as hearing Maine got 5 inches. I mean, seriously! Every time I think it will stay warm here, we get a shot of cold. It is in the upper 30s here right now with expected highs in the 50s. Time to dig for sweaters again. Ugh!

    You can join me any time on the beach for margaritas. I was thinking after this contract is over end of the year, I am going to plan a good beach vacation somewhere next January before I start a new gig for my business.

    I have been trying to get to Sam's Club for a couple weeks and finally did so last night. I came home with stuff in the rain and there was some young woman going around door to door selling something (religion, products, not sure). So there I am hauling boxes of food, or those big palettes of drinks, etc. and she tries to get me to stop and talk to her. I said "I am unloading some groceries here in the rain and don't have time to talk to you!" She said "just a few minutes?" What part of I am busy don't you understand? I just said nope, and have a nice evening. Because of the rain, i am sure she was excited to see a real person she thought she could accost. Well, it irked me but a reminder this is the time of year all those people come out of the wood work because more people are out in the evenings with the better weather. The homes here in the city are closer to the road, and needless to say, outside of working in the garden, I don't hang out front very much. GO AWAY!

    Must get going to my day. Wishing everyone a good one!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Lori u'r another with loads of prayers going for u, I do so pray that this is the thing that will truly help u, and I hate that these side effects are chit for u. I hold u so close.

    NM I'm glad u'r weather is getting better, but it's really taking a long time isn't it. We've been having stupid weather too, but ours does sound nicer. I always like the weekends for u and sadie, I would be so happy have my furbaby like that. And I'm just hearing about Uber too, it seems to be getting more popular and it's just regular people, but I'm sure they have to check out for safety purposes, but it's a great idea, now I wonder if the cab compnies are hurting at all.

    Nancy u must be exhausted from moving and stress, and I felt so bad about u'r son, (as I told u) I hope it all works out and let marriage be postponed til everyone is sure and it will be fine.

    Jazzy I love how u treat u'rself to spas, which we should all do, but u make sure to make the time and that's the way it should be. BTW I know I said Joey's first chair, but I am realistic, I figure the rest of the kids aren't very good, but I don't tell that to Joey. So I'm really not saying it like Oh how gret Joey is, it's how bad is everyone else. LOL

    Mary the holiday weekend will be coming up, will u have Anorable (love that name, leave it to Lori) I really start enjoying when they pay more attention to one thing at a time, each 6 months is like a new child during those yrs.

    Julie I'm always gladto see u poop in on us and u'r mom sounds better.

    A couple of my GF's (from HS) are coming over tomorrow for lunch--we decided this way even if I'm having a bad day we can still see each other. They're always in my life just not as often as I would like of course. And one of them is going to bake a cake, she still does that stuff--to each his own---

    My boss told me I have to spell correctly, names and street names, he's merging something with something (don't understand this crap) and I'm a mess. I already knew that but now it's evident--I know it's my fault but I don't understand most people who call and even when I repeat thing I still don't get it. I don't understand why it's so hard for me to do this right, I can't even hear right anymore--I knew I'd get caught.So I have to give this extra time now and just hope I can do this. Not only my beauty faded but so has my brain--I'm kidding about beauty how can something fade when it was never really there. But my brain was and sometimes I feel frustrated that a word can't even come to me. Oh well

    My oldest DD wanted to come over tonite, and I told her no--She works and comes home by 6:30 and I really hate her wasting her rime during the week, so we made plans for this weekend, sounds better to me anyway--cuz then I see Nick and Melinda (my cousins) BUT I want to hear what SANDY has coming up this weekend since I am sometimes familiar with where she goes and I can talk about it cuz other people around here know too.

    So Sandy u'd better share u'r Itinerary so I can share it this weekend, cuz I'll be with people who know these things. LOL These are downtown and around the area people LOL And u must have a beautiful voice to perform and u always seem like u'r u'r happiest. My sister always HAD a beautiful voice and sang at weddings behind a post, or at a bar after a couple of drinks LOL--she's the only one in our family. My parents always told her how beautiful she sang but she just didn't have confidence and they were always honest cuz they used to tell me to never sing , it was embarrassing. Like I said they were honest.

    OK enough blabbering from me, I've already had calls so I've been going back and forth. I hope everyone has a happy Hump Day.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!So nice to be seeing so much sunshine, and so nice that the temps are finally starting to move up.Makes for pretty driving.

    Goldie--is it a good woozy, at least?I hope you adjust really quickly.Sounds like potent stuff.

    Jazzy--Yup, there were places up north that got 5 to 6 inches of snow the other day.It was only a week or so ago that it was snowing where I am, but that didn't collect or stay once the sun came up the next morning. Schizophrenic weather.Somebody get Mother Nature on some hormone replacements and Father Winter on an antidepressant, ASAP!Do you have a particular beach in mind for vacay next year?A beach vacay sounds like loads of fun, and very relaxing.I get visits from the door to door evangelists, too, sometimes.Usually they pull into the driveway, get out of the car, hear Sadie barking like a maniac, get back in the car and drive away.Apparently Sadie can sound rather intimidating!

    Cammy--I'm not so sure about getting into a private car with an unknown person for a ride somewhere, sounds a bit dangerous to me, but like you say, they must do a background check on drivers first.And it's probably safer in a city setting where there are always people around.I'd have to look into it more, I guess.Correctly spelling names and street names?What does your boss want from you?I can't spell most names right to save my soul.I've noticed it's getting harder to hear and understand some people, too.Sucks getting older.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Damn The Weather Cocktail


    1 tsp Triple Sec

    1 oz Gin

    1 tbsp Sweet Vermouth

    1 tbsp Orange Juice


    Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    NM u'r weather is sounding better and TY for making me feel better about spelling names and stuff, I really fet so alone with it, cuz I was never that bad. When I first worked at the DMV I did mosty camera work and I never had a problem, names came easily for me, now I'm a mess LOL

    I think I told u gals about the home visiting nurse ad yesterday I did get a call and either today or tomorrow someone is supposed to come, I really do't know if it's a eval or what, I answered a lot of questions on the phone, I honestly felt a little icky cuz it was a part of Hospice, I know I don't need that but for some reason the name just unnerved me for a minute. They had a good file on me tho, they knew they couldn't use either arm and I used a cane, and the type of needle they needed on me, so they did their homework. Now I'd ike to get this over with, watch it come to a big halt. Just my luck. Well I'll let u know

    Oh it's Friday Eve and I like that part, of course these weeks fly by to me. Work has been busy but freakin' me out more too. Oh Jeez I'm getting to old LOL I'll relax more once I get into a pattern I know.

    Well I hope everyone has a nice day and if I repeated everything I am sorry.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Cami- I hope that the home health visit was just for a check in, given some of your concerns. I am rooting for Joey in the first chair!

    NM- no ideas really about where to do a beach vacation. My project will be live in Nov, but think they will keep me through Dec and stabilization. I am doing the trip to NYC in October, so once I know what next year's work will be, I will be able to plan better. Sometimes I have a hard time planning ahead like I used to?

    We had a lot of rain the past few days and it got cold again, but sun is out and will be warming up today. Work is busy as always.

    Wishing everyone a good wrap up to the week.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Jazzy, I hate pushy people. They are like that in Vegas, trying to get you to buy tickets to a show. They stand right by the elevators. We've a little rain, and it cooled down quite a bit.

    Cami, I know you hold me close. I hold you close too. I think we probably hold everyone here close! Sure hope you are able to make it out today with your GF's. And I hear ya about not being able to think. Many times I have to ask my husband what the word is I'm trying to say. Or can't think of someone's name. I hope your nurse shows up. Really no reason for her not to.

    NM, I guess it's a good woozy. I can handle it. I'm quite dizzy in the morning, and need to get out of bed slowly. LOL @ Damn The Weather cocktail! Glad you are getting some nicer weather.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Don't have much time this ayem but wanted to THANK YOU ALL, for all the prayers and positive thoughts. DD had her surgery, apparently and thankfully it was not her kidney. It was a endometrial(sp) cyst that had burst. She was full of blood and tissue. They cut her (small cuts) in 3 places of the lower belly and sucked it all out and cleaned her up good. She insists on keeping her ovaries, so it may likely happen again. Her DH has been wonderful thru it all. She is home now, walked a couple laps around her pool to help get rid of that air that gets trapped in the shoulder area and then took a pain pill and went to bed. Her brother even flew in from SanJose, glad he came cuz he is such a witty one and we all needed the laughs.

    Thanks so much again….I lubslubslubslubs you all!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Whew Mema. Glad she is okay

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, all! Long time since I've been on to post but always reading about your lives and having smiles brought to my face. Such a fun loving and lively group.

    Julie, glad to hear that your mom is doing better and out of the hospital. And, Sue, good to hear that your DD is doing OK. I'm sure that entire ordeal was quite a scare for you. Genny, Adorable is truly adorable! Cute nick-name for her. I miss seeing my grands. They all live in NC (where I used to live) so I only get to see them via FaceTime or if DH and I make a trip up there to visit. Most of them are older (16, 14, 12 and 10), so it's my little adopted grandson (from Ethiopia) that I hate not seeing the most. He's almost 2 and he at least finally recognizes me on FaceTime and calls me Gigi! I do get to see my 3 step-grands who live about 30 minutes away but it's kind of not the same. Sandy, glad to hear your recent music gig turned out well. Love reading about all of the delicious foods that you enjoy. Jazzy, I'm with you on getting to the beach with some margaritas! I also enjoyed the pics of your patio party. Very colorful and sounds like it was a lot of fun. As I read the posts from all of you, it's hard to imagine that there is still snow and cold weather out there across our country. I'm so used to the warm weather in the south and the definite change of seasons and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. It's been in the 70s-80's here for weeks and very nice. We are in for a rainy day/night today but it's been so dry lately that it is definitely needed so I won't complain. Gotta run and finish getting ready for work. Hope everyone has a great day and fabulous weekend. I hope to be hanging out at our condo complex pool on Sunday afternoon with DH and a few friends and may have to try one of the DOTDs!!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day!Another lovely sunny day, the rain is politely keeping itself to night time falling, and I haven't had to turn on the furnace for 3 days now!Yeah!Spring has finally sprung!

    Cammy--lots of agencies do both home health and hospice, so just because hospice is in the name doesn't mean you are getting services from that side of the office. Sounds good that they did their homework on you, that's a positive thing indeed.So much easier to have the blood draw come to you.

    Jazzy--boy you've got lots of fun research to do to find a perfect beach vacay!Sometimes I think the research and anticipation is as much fun as the vacay itself.And it's only May, lots of time to plan.

    Goldie--I have to get out of bed slowly, too, but it's because I'm stiff and creaky in the joints!

    Mema--Phew, so relieved to hear the good results for DD!Thank You, Lord!And she's up walking laps already, good for her!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Operation Recoverer Drink


    1 oz Lemon Vodka

    1 oz Peach Schnapps

    2 oz Mandarin Juice

    1 tsp Grenadine


    Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Garnish with in-season fruit, and serve with a short straw.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Oh SusyQ I am so happy everything went well with u'r DD, it's so so scary when our kids are having difficulty and good thing she has a good DH to help her along.

    Debbie u always sound busy and I appreciate when u can get in here u have so much to say and I enjoy u'r posts, plus getting to know u better.

    Oh Lori it's true, everyone is so special to me, I think it's cuz we met and I saw for myself the type of person u are. I wish I could meet everyone.

    NM I dd go thru the full gamet yesterday and today they should be back, but there was miscommunication between my Onc's office saying my port was not used. Well they went thru my background and gave an OK for it, but I hope it get to them before they come, otherwise my foot will be used. Oh and of course I have a story. All of us in this house can not keep a working thermometer for some reason, we've owned quite a few--Well she took my temp. and when all was done told me tthat I could keep the Therm. U'd think I won the 5,000.00 week prize I actually said OMG u mean it belongs to me now, oh this is wonderful. Wait til I tell my DD. With excitement and my voice raised. She looked at me so puzzled and then I realized went to far. Shut me up someone.

    My GF's didn't come but I did talk to one of them about an hr. last nite. These people are coming back tody so we put everything off til next week, so I won't be bothered by these people.

    OK I'll check in later to see how u'r all doing.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    sue wonderful news

    If those shoes come inflats oh yeah

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Hi friends- I am at my client site working with her to catch up on some project things. Few more hours to go and then I will be cruising out of her with the top down on the convertible.

    The rains have moved on and it is warming up again and sunny today. I am going to hit Lowes for some more mulch for the garden on the way home, along with a few other errands. I belong to a gym and have not been swimming for awhile, but decided it is time to get back into the pool and will do that this afternoon too. It is great exercise and the all over work out you get (like with yoga) helps my stiffness from the AIs. Darned drugs are no picnic.

    I have a relative in Paris and checked in with her today. Everyone uptight over in Europe with all these endless terrorist things going on. No one they knew was on that flight. Everything has changed there again, just like it did for us after 911. It seems like France is now the biggest target (having a hard time figuring out why them?) Je Suis Charlie, then the events last November, now the plane. Sigh.......

    And how about them TSA lines? I heard today on the news, the fees they charge on your plane tickets are being used to pay down the deficit vs. going toward the security stuff. I am not going to be flying again until the fall, but have many friends who travel regularly for work and have the pre-check so they can cruise on through. I wonder if ChiSandy has noticed TSA issues as she travels a lot?

    More later!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Sunny and actually going to be warm here, YEAH!Got 40 pounds of fresh caught haddock to package and freeze this ayem, got a new lawn mower--electric, so I can actually start it--and hope to get started on the lawn today, too.Sure hope I can find the energy from some where.I am very tired of being tired!

    Cammy--Glad you've got home services set up, and I hope they get the ok to use the port.No point having one if you don't use it!Too funny about the thermometer!For some reason it's hard to keep a thermometer in a home.They always seem to disappear or just not be working.Glad you got to talk with your GFs, even if you didn't get to see them.

    Julie--my thought exactly!How do people walk in those heels?

    Jazzy--a swim and a convertible drive, what a great way to start a weekend!Going to be warm enough to take Sadie to the lake in a few more weeks.Glad no one you know in Paris was involved in the terrorist stuff.Why is France being targeted anyway?I suppose we'll never really know since terrorists are not exactly mentally normal people.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD

    Lawnmower Drink


    1 oz Vodka

    1 tsp Sweet Sherry

    3 oz Lemonade


    Pour into an old-fashioned glass filled with broken ice, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    LDB, so so glad your DD is ok. OMG, always so scary.

    Fearless, always good to see a loungette check in. We've had some pretty decent weather here in AZ. But no lounging around the pool for me, I have to avoid the sun as much as possible. We have it the same way here with our grands, they live in CA.

    NM, I guess I have the old creakies too. Gladyou are finally getting some nice weather, and I'll bet Sadie is liking it too.

    Cami, I've enjoyed meeting every single person that I have met, and it's quite a few! You are so quick witted, thanking that nurse for your grand prize thermometer!

    Jazzy, sounds like you have enough to keep you busy this weekend. All of these flying issues are just plain ridiculous.

    NM, I'll bet you can get all kinds of fresh fish and sea food, eh? How do you cook the haddock? Nice of you to find Julie the shoes.

    Went to the movies yesterday, saw Neighbors II. We thought it was stupid.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    love the shoes

    jazzy be careful at lowes , see the guy that got bit by the copperhead at one of those kind of stores

    mema praying for quick healing for dd

    love my news shoes nm, enjoy the fine weather

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Fearless - good to hear from you. Hate when we can't see our gks. Ur adopted gs sounds too cute. I'll go to the beach with ya'll, I love to jes lay around and drink, LOL. Have fun at the pool tomorrow. I do get to pick up my 10yoa gs tomorrow, got so much to do to get ready for him.

    NM - love the DOTD you posted yesterday…so sweet of you. So glad spring has finally arrived for you. We have wind and wind advisories around here and you kno how much I dislike (hate) the wind.

    Cami - yes she is blest to have her DH, he was her kidney donor too. YAY on getting the thermometer.

    Jazz - glad ur relative is OK, got to be damned scary over there now. I jes don't get those ISIS peeps! Thanks for the info on de planes. I am flying to Phx on June 1st so will be sure to get there early.

    NM - I'm tired of being tired too. Wish I like fish, I'd share with you, but it's all yours. LOL on the pic post, thanks for the laugh.

    Lowee - We didn't see Neighbors but did watch the latest StarWars. It held our attention so that means it was pretty good. Recorded it, hope it keeps for my gs, he loves StarWars. Oh, I've been meaning to ask you if my post are big enuf now?


    OK…gotta get moving, in other words, get my EWWA in gear. Hope all have a wonderful weekend.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2016

    Good morning ladies, it's a beautiful one here, sun is bright and shiny, still only in the 60's tho but finally supposed to warm to normal temps this week. I have been sick with a nasty cold this whole week, has really done a number on me. Can't blame Nora this time as she doesn't have it but I suspect I picked it up at the petry dish trampoline park. I missed work Thursday which I NEVER do, stayed in bed all day, then when in and did all my Thur and Friday people on Friday and had no business being there that day, only had 1 lady that cancelled cause she didn't want to be around me. All the rest were willing to risk it to get their hair done. Sure hope none of them get it. Friday night temp 101, yesterday I slept almost the whole day, think I'm ready to return to the world today. DH is off doing therapy dog testing till noon, he took Emma so Junior is here pouting.

    NM, good job on finding Julie some flats. Good luck with mowing the lawn, never did like doing that, one nice thing about living in a condo. 40# of haddock, how nice! That'll keep you for awhile! I did go off the AI's for 1 week and have not noticed a difference with my toes but it may not have been long enough to tell, I'm back on them now, got nervous not taking them, it's nothing I can't live with, I will talk to MO next time I see her.

    Lori, sorry the movie was stupid, I never heard of that one, have you seen Money Monster, it looks good to me but we just never get around to going to the movies. I was wondering, when you get off the FU pills will the hand/foot stuff go away? Have you started the new stuff yet?

    Sue, I'm in for going to the beach, my idea of vacation, feet in the sand reading a book. So, so, so happy to hear the good news about your DD!

    fearless, gk's are so much fun, wish I could see more of Nora, she is only and hour away but too far to just pop in. Can't wait till it gets warm enough to go to our condo pool, it opens Memorial Day but so far way too cool out.

    Julie, I think NM found you a better pair of shoes, I can just see you roaming around DW in those.

    Jazzy, I joined a fitness center with a pool for that reason and then I never seem to make it ther, just cancelled my membership but I still have till the end of June so I need to try and motivate myself to go. Hope you get you mulching done.

    Cami, I still have the thermometer they gave me when I started chemo, I have a bunch but they need new batteries. Hope you do get to see your gf's.

    Well, time to get moving, I feel halfway human today and I'm tired of laying around, hope you all have a good Sunday!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Got the new mower out of the box and all the plastic stripped off and pugged it in and nothing happened.Seems the several years old outside extension cord has died.Not surprising given it's age and the number of times it's been mowed over and driven over and such.So this am I've got to run out and find another one.Why is it never easy to get started with yard stuff in the spring?

    Goldie--Sadie is loving being able to run outside whenever she wants.There is so much activity in the neighborhood that she has to supervise!I do different things with the haddock. Chowdah,fried, baked, croquets, but mostly chowdah and baked.It is easy to get really fresh seafood around here.

    Julie--thought you'd like those shoes!I can't imagine seeing a snake in a store, let alone a poisonous one!I'm not sure I could ever go back after that.I guess you learn to live with them if you live where they live.

    Mema--yup. Spring has sprung here, finally!I know you don't like the wind, you can send it my way, I like listening to the wind in the trees.

    Time to get my EWWA moving, to, if I'm going to accomplish anything in the yard today.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Electric Lemonade



    Blend with ice until smooth. Serve in a hurricane glass and garnish with a lemon wheel.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    LDB, so glad you will be getting AM. For how long? He must be out school by now? And your posts look just like everyone else's. Unless I enlarge it on my end.

    Oh Mary, you poor thing! I agree on the tramp park and being a petri dish. Glad Nora didn't get it. Hope you are feeling better today.

    NM, you bought a used mower? I use to love to cut the grass. Only have a small patch, DH cuts it with the weed wacker. LOL on the underneefy bits. Electric Lemonade sounds yummy.

    I got a funny message from friend back in MI. She's always sending me stuff on cancer…you the magic healers. Well, this morning I get one "Early Warning Signs of Cancer". Ummmmm, I think I'm too late for that train!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Hello ladies. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Friday, I had a spa pedicure, which included a scrub and "rejuvenating" mask. The foot/leg massage was dee vine. After, I went next door to the the seafood restaurant and enjoyed a happy hour fare of oysters and a glass of Chardonnay (ok, 2 glasses).

    All this talk about margaritas on the beach is making me homesick. I live 6 blocks from the beach. A seven minute walk and my feet touch sand. We have lots of outdoor restaurants in my neighborhood and getting cocktails and dinner at a place overlooking the ocean is common for us on the weekends. We also will take a bottle of wine (stashed in a prune juice bottle) to the beach to watch the sunset during the summer.

    Jazzy, we get people knocking on our door frequently. Sometimes it's Jehovah Witness, or some other religious sect. Sometimes it's someone wanting a signature on a petition. Regardless of the purpose, it annoys the crap out of me. As a rule, I never open the door to strangers. I'll say thru the door, "this isn't a good time" or "no thanks". However, the hubs will open the door to anyone, and politely listen to any spiel, religion related or otherwise. What makes it funny to me is my husband is a die hard atheist! Sounds like you have a nice weekend planned!

    Cami, I use the closed caption function when I watch TV. My hearing is definitely not what it used to be. You are beautiful! I saw the proof, so no arguing. It's good to hear that you have a nurse coming to your house for labs. Obviously, it's a lot more convenient for you. I completely get your excitement over the thermometer. I had the same reaction when my dad's urologist's nurse gave him a hand held urinal at his last visit. Yes, taxi companies/drivers are pissed about Uber's success. There have been a lot of articles written about how Uber is affecting the business of taxi drivers.

    Nm, 40 pounds of haddock? How nice to have all that fresh fish.You must have a very large freezer. What do you plan on doing with it? Most definitely the "chowdah" is the winner. Hands down. The Electric lemonade is the perfect summer cocktail. I love blue drinks. They're so festive.

    Memasue, The erupted cyst must've been very painful, but thank God it was a cyst and thank God it wasn't her kidney. Wishing her a fast and comfortable recovery. It's always nice to hear when a DH is supportive in tough or sick times. She obviously has a great support system in her family.

    Genny, after the wet and cold yesterday, it's so nice see the sun, and I'll take the 66 degrees! Nora is so darn cute! I bet she loved the trampoline park. That sounds like one nasty cold! I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. It's funny what women will risk in the name of beauty. Great shoes!

    Fearless, I hope you made it to the pool this weekend. FaceTime is a great invention, but it's not the same as real face time.

    Goldie, thanks for the heads up about Neighbors 2. I'll be sure to skip it when it comes to Pay Per View. How is your mom doing? I'm sure your friend means well, but what was she thinking?

    Juliet, how isyour mom feeling?

    Wishing everyone a happy Funday!

    Here's a pic of my happy hour fare, I know. I'm a dork. Lol.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Hi friends- happy Sunday Funday! It is a beautiful day here today. I was out early to the farmers market today (first visit this year) and found some great greens today including kale, argula, bok choy (my fav), some turnips (also a fav). along with some fresh eggs. April to May is usually more greens and root veggies. I met some friends there and then we all went to have a yummy breakfast on a restaurant patio. It was just a lovely morning indeed!

    Hsant- your happy hour looks tasty. Are those raw oysters? What kind of wine?

    I don't answer the door to strangers either. When I am out front watering, or in the garage, or pulling into the driveway (as I was that day), I feel totally trapped but try to just let them know we are not going to be chatting. People go around here pretending to sell things, but are known to be casing houses to rob them. A good friend of mine just got broken in to across town, while she was on a business trip. She is pissed!

    Goldie- oh the wisdom of other people and the whole cancer thing. I will tell you what, outside of folks here and a very small circle of people, I really don't like to talk about the C word much anymore. I have one friend who has to talk about her "dog's cancer' every time we have a conversation about our health, and another who told me my cancer will never ever come back, she just knows it! Your friend is a bit late with her advice?

    Genny- thanks for the warning about the snakes! Yikes! The rattlers are out of hibernation as of last month. I sort of like snakes, but know to be careful of the dangerous ones.

    I did finish the mulching this morning and the back yard gardens look fab! I ended up using the whole two big bags I bought and thought to myself even when I bought the mulch on Friday that I might need three bags. Unfortunately, I had the convertible and could only fit two bags in there.But I got it all done and will pick up a "maintenance bag" my next visit to one of the home improvement stores. Things look good in the yard, inside the house is another story.....

    NM- I bet Sadie is looking forward to her trip to the lake soon! It is warmer there today?

    Wishing everyone else a good rest of the day. Next weekend is our first summer holiday already, where does the time go?

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2016

    imageJazzy---agree on not wanting to talk about the C word. It's in the back of my mind all the time anyway and I try to keep it there the only person I really talk to about itis my mom because she was diagnosed with stage 2 BC about 6 weeks before I was. We understand each other and it just doesn't pay to talk about it with someone who really doesn't have a clue. I think I'll feel better after having my first mammogram since sugary and radiation and hearing that it's clear. I'll have that on 6/2.

    For today, not thinking about it at all but enjoying a relaxing afternoon at the pool with friends, food and a few drinks.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Fearless- that pool looks AWESOME! I will put on my thong bikini and be right over (ha ha, I scared you with the thong bikini visual, didn't I?)

    You have a follow up coming up and know you are recently through treatment. I will share the first year or so of those apts came with so much anxiety for me but did find it gets easier with time. I think it is just because we get used to the process. The C thing is always in our minds (for those living with Stage IV or those worried for it to return).

    I learned very quickly people have their own belief system about who gets it, how to treat it, and how to keep it from returning. I have two friends who understand the whole five year follow up process and ask me very carefully how things are going, or wait for me to share. I can talk to my sister about it too as she was diagnosed three months before me and we essentially went through treatment at the same time, although we live in different places it. But that being said, my sis and I are both very different about the whole re-occurrence thing. Everyone deals with this stuff differently. I am glad you have your mom to talk to, the people who understand it best are those who have had treatment or supported one through it!

    Enjoy that pool!