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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Hi Ladies---

    Mary u've really been sick, that a high temp, unless u'r 10 yrs old. And staying in bed I know u felt like chit.

    That fish looks like a movie fish--E-Gads, I wish I liked fish, but I tried just can't like it. But I'm sure u have great plans for it. NM do u have to just buy a new cord (I hope) or a new lawnmower -, Jeez I've never mowed a lawn my whole life. It looks so hard to me.

    Lori I know u've met lots of peeps on here and it has to be really cool being able to talk to them all--I wish I could meet everyone. Thanks for the heads up o the movie, it looked kind of funny too. I like how u and u'r DH have a "DATE" night with the movies. No one really does that much anymore.

    SusyQ we're all so happy for u'r DD, I hope she's doing well, u sound good so she must be.

    Jazzy I get tired just reading what u do. Damn.

    U know ll this flying and crazy stuff, I think France has always laid low with the word problems and just ran their country the best way they know how. Now i think ISIS wants to involve everyone so everyone is scared, people flying, people in large places, people traveling--when u think about it, they are realy scaring everyone for their purposes and being funded by lots of things that we don't know about. That's scary too.

    I was going with Joey to my oldest DD's this weekend (she opened her pool) well I saw a lot of water but it was in the toilet and all I did was stay in my bed and got up to to go. I was so mad, I was all packed and ready, then plans were changed.

    I got my test results, my cholesterol was the only good thing going for me. So more meds or higher doses whatever, but that's done for now.

    Again I forget all that I want to say to everyone, and I'm sorry.. BUT


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday! Back to work day.At least it's sunny, right?Got a patch of yard mowed before the new mower quit working.Just sits there and smokes.Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up on the whole yard mowing thing and let the yard go wild.Now to figure out what to do next with the grass.Sigh.

    Goldie-- the mower is brand new.It's electric, and the 120 foot extension cord was old, now replaced with 3 brand new 50 foot cords.$33 for the three as opposed to$50 for just one 120 footer.Your friend sent you info on early warning signs of cancer?Wonder what she's trying to tell you, if anything.Gotta love people who care but don't think.

    Hsant--stashing wine in a prune juice bottle?That's ingenious!I have a big upright freezer in the basement, currently well stocked with fish, chicken, ground lamb, and parts of pigs.Oh, and stew beef.And logs of butter, and a handful of other things.And I actually got 20 # of haddock, I forgot I got a half box this time cuz I still have some from the last order.Need to get eating it more often.

    Nice happy hour table!

    Jazzy--I can't imagine the feeling of having a home broken into.Must be irritating, frightening, and generally unsettling.It's definitely gotten warmer here, and no more talk about frost in the ayems on the weather, and Sadie loves to swim, as do I.

    Fearless--nice pool!Bet it's great with a nice wine cooler.

    Cammy--Had to buy a new cord, for the new mower.Not that it did me any good.Hoping the thing will work again after resting.I think you've hit the nail on the head with the ISIS wanting people scared.That's what terrorists want, to scare people.Makes them feel powerful or something, I guess. Good cholesterol levels are a good thing, unless it's cuz no food sticks cuz of the "D".So wish that would stop.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Shakin' Blue Monday



    Add the whisky, blueberry brandy, brandy, lemon juice and sugar to a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Hsant, wine at the beach in a prune juice bottle! I'll bet you are getting home sick. Will you be going to see your DH? My mom's doing the same. At least she's managed to stay out of the hospital! As for my friend, I know she meant well. She sends stuff to me and her sister.

    Jazzy yes, I think my friend is definitely a tad late with that advice! But she meant well. And none of us has 100%chance of cancer returning. I've read about some that had is come back after 10 years or more. I don't mind the snakes, would rather not see arattler, but what I don't like, is to be startled by one.

    Fearless, the pool looks very inviting. Your mom was diagnosed just a few weeks before you were? How strange is that?

    Cami, let me say that DH and I didn't like the movie. Someone else may like it. I just found it to be stupid.What did they find on your labs? Sorry you weren't able to go to your other DD's house with Joey.

    NM, I can't believe the new mower is not working??? Certainly you can get your money back? Back to work Monday. I hope your work week is an easy one.

    We are gonna leave late morning tomorrow, head to Flagstaff (about 3 hours away) and go to the Casino there, stay the night and then head home the following morning to get orders out. DH is needing to get away.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Good morning friends- into the week before the holiday we go. Who is having a BBQ or doing something else fun? I started packing for my little get away this coming Sat through Mon am. I decided this weekend that it is good I am taking a break, so I can also get a reprieve from this house which I am just working on all the time. That and the gardens (but the flowers are fun!) I started reading a fun book called The Spa, which is one of those fun chic books. I think it will be a fun summer read.

    The weather was just perfect yesterday, best day of the year so far! I went to the gym and hour or so before closing, but they had closed early for spring maintenance. Will go later today, but since the gym did not happen, I enjoyed the most lovely evening walk. I love how the light is so much longer now and going to do more walking in the evening this next month. My feet were bothering me again for awhile, but better now.

    Going in late today to my client site as I was in Friday. Got some calls to make and think I am hitting the early voting this morning to get that done. All the candidates are swinging through NM right now looking for votes.

    Cami- sorry about the D and hope you will be able to enjoy some time in the pool soon. Stupid D.

    Have a good day and a great week ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Ladies...

    Oh Hsant I knew I forgot something important--the prune juice bottle, hysterical and it opens up all kinds of doors, orange juice bottles, apple, Jeez almost any kind of bottle--Smart thinking. And it looks healthy too.

    Lori I'm glad u'r getting away for a couple of days, cuz this is u'r busy time, so if u'r DH needs some time good for both of u.

    Jazzy I forgot this is a holiday weekend--oh I hope I can go swimming like a swan--yea sure, it's like a rock actually my body has weird density. Anyway everyone should have some plans going I guess. I'm so happy Joey is out of school 2 days later- I know he'll be with friends later now at nite, but the morning is mine LOL I had Joey order some things on the puter for me last nite--he's so much faster than I am, and then he found discounts, which I didn't see so he saved me 7.00 and I don't even know how? So that's his job for now, I order a couple of times a month now since Leslie's working so I get some fun out of this. Oh I ordered an adorable cross body purse, since I really can't carry one anymore--took me forever to figure that out--and now they have such cute ones,

    Dara I saw u'r beautiful DD and Logan on FB, u have to be thrilled, a couple of yrs ago this didn't seem likely (I think) and now look at u'r beautiful family--U have to be jumping for Joy--litterally. Is u'r cousin still with u?, I hope so. U'd better start checking in here Missy. Lori yell at her.

    NM u'r weather is starting to look better finally, and I really hope u'r week goes well and remember long weekend coming up--u have to love that more time with Sadie, see that's how I look at it. And if u get that lawnmower to work, do it first and get it over with and don't do another thing except enjoy u'rself with no guilt. U know what I say guilt is a wasted emotion so why bother with it. Just enjoy.

    OK I'd better get my work set up, altho not much to do with that but at least I'll know where a pen is. Have a wonderful day all of u gals.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    good morning all

    i'll second that dorty ,your grandson looked gorgoeous on that fb pic ,you have to be so proud of your dd

    well had a deep tissue massage in pt this am didn't know i had so many sore spots in my shoulder Bawling3.5 months now since i hurt it.see the doc next week , more than ready for this to be over even if it mean surgery.

    wine in a prune juice bottle huh ,the possibilites are endless, funday in work really could be funday

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Hi ladies. It's a beautiful day here. Sunny, with a high of 74. I'm not complaining. I think it's safe to put away my winter stuff and break out my shorts and tees.

    NM, wow! You must be a serious home cook. What are your plans for the fish? What do you do with the pig parts? I am fascinated by other people's fridges, freezers and pantries. Some folks are curious about closets, but I'm all about the food and the cooking.

    That is a bummer about your brand new lawn mower. That had to have been frustrating after getting a new extension cord.

    Jazzy, the oysters were raw. I love raw seafood. The Chardonnay was Currents. It was a little on the sweet side, but for five bucks during happy hour, and a healthy pour, not bad.

    Sisters are THE BEST! I'm sorry that she also was diagnosed, but it is wonderful that you had each other's support.

    I think people get uncomfortable with the C word, and don't know what to say.

    For me, it was never an if, but a when I get diagnosed, so when I got the call that there was "an area of concern" on my routine mammogram, I thought, well this is it. It didn't matter that 80% of the time it's a benign situation. I knew this wasn't the case with me. I felt relief and gratitude when I received the official word. Relief that the anticipation was over with, and gratitude that I was diagnosed at an early stage. Quite honestly, it really wasn't a big deal for me. I had a BMX, no recon. I felt great after surgery. I walked to the grocery store the day I was released from the hospital. I didn't require pain meds or even aspirin. No chemo or rads. However, it was a very big deal for my husband and my close friends. Also, friends I had lost touch with came out of the wood work offering to visit, and bring me dinner. I think they just assumed I would need chemo or be incapacitated in some way. They didn't seem to believe me when I said I'm fine with the diagnosis before the surgery, or that I felt great after the surgery.

    Goldie, In my experience, I find that the majority of people are uneducated when it comes to cancer, even with all the pink ribbon bull sh$t, or even if they have had loved ones who've experienced it. I include myself in this group before I was diagnosed. During my last (final) mammogram, a woman told me her mother recently had a recurrence after 22 years. There are no guarantees.

    I'm glad there haven't been any recent hospital stays for your mom.

    The hubs was supposed to fly in for the holiday weekend, but had to cancel his trip, because he has a crazy client. He's going to be working this weekend. Have fun in Flagstaff! It sounds like a blast! Hopefully, you'll come back with some $$, like Memasue.

    Cami, I'm so sorry you couldn't make it to your DD's. Maybe this coming weekend? I'm sure you're thrilled that Joey will be on summer break next week.

    Hope everyone has a great week!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Or is there something else we were going to call Tuesdays?My memory is like a steel sieve, and just as leaky.

    Goldie--I'm going to call Lowe's and find out if I can have the mower replaced, seems like it should work longer than 20 minutes!Week is off to a good start, hoping it will stay that way.Have a good trip to Flagstaff, win lots at the casino, and travel safe.

    Jazzy--I don't have any plans for the weekend, not even sure I have the holiday off.Got to check on that.It will affect next week's visit schedule big time.Would love a 3 day weekend right about now, though.

    Cammy--The week is going well so far.Went and checked, looks like I do have Monday off, YEAH!I don't mind the mowing process, it's the getting the equipment to work that drives me nuts.It may be time to find someone to hire to do the mowing this summer, too.If I'm not paying for plowing I might as well pay for mowing, right?

    Julie--sorry your shoulder is still bothersome.I can relate to being ready for the pain to stop.I hope surgery won't be necessary.

    Hsant--the pig parts are mostly down to bacon and sausage.I do like to cook, mostly what used to be called "plain cooking".Not a lot of fancy stuff, but the meat and 'taters type of meals.I do like to try different things, though, and love to play with soup and chowdah recipes.Also lovecrock pot cooking and baking.I remember the feeling of relief and almost justification at getting the diagnosis phone call.It had been almost 3 months since finding the lump, and I was about to go crazy with anxiety and worry, and so mad at getting lost in the system.I wanted to call my PCP and yell at him that there WAS something to worry about after all, and not telling me the mammogram results for a month was not "just a little glitch that doesn't change anything."I also remember getting the masectomya year later and being so relieved that the pain was stopped that I didn't need any pain medication after the first night.It's surprising how little pain a modified mastectomy causes!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:




    Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Jazzy, we are going away this morning, back tomorrow. And perhaps a neighborhood BBQ. Glad you are taking a "ME" break. We all need those once in awhile.

    Cami, how sweet of Joey to help you find the purse. And I sure hope you get to get in the pool the weekend.

    Julie, my gosh…perhaps surgery now? I'm so sorry, I guess I hadn't realized how much pain you were in and the possible damage.

    Hsant, you are so right, there are no guarantees. I wasn't going to be happy until I reached 10 years, for which I didn't make. We're not big gamblers, happy if we break even.

    NM, I hope you get that 3 day weekend. YAY, you got the long weekend!!! And I haven't a clue what else to call Tuesday. You had some issues with your diagnosis and things not being done like you would have, you knew then what you know now. I know that is my case.

    Wacko, I too loved seeing a recent picture of your DD and that little cutie of a grandson.

    I'm told no computers on this little trip, so I won't be on until Thursday morning. So, I will see y'all then!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Hi Ladies..

    Hsan u crack me up I'm all about food not closets, but not cooking. It's been about the same weather here too so it's pretty nice. I'm getting my summer around the house clothes out, they're just like my winter but less fabric.

    Oh ori won't read rhis ti she gets back, I hope she has a good time.

    Julie I didn't realize this shoulder has been so long, oh I hope it get resolved without surgery--u've really been suffering and working t the same time.

    NM How in the hell did it take 1 month to give u u'r DX??? That seems horrible and then 1 yr. for the operation OMG what a nitemare. Like I've said before I was very lucky to have my Dr. I think he called me like 2 dys after my mammo and already made my app'ts for my Onc. on that Mond and my Surg on that Tues. nd a little over a week I started my chemo, everything was done so fast--well I had to wait 4 months for my surgery, but then returned after for chemo. And Hsan it's true my sister and I had our surgeries about a month apart, I was first and it never hurt at all, I expected something and her too and then my cousin and niece and it didn't hurt any of us--we were all surprised all different surgeons too. When they deboob u they must take out all the nerves or something, cuz I've had smaller surgeries and it hurt. I really never understood that. So if anyone is having that it really is like nothing was cut.

    OK I have my newest ear thing in, last night my boss brought me the great big one, did not like that, so today he brought over the one with a hook, it's not falling out like the other one did. But it asks me if I want to take the call or decline it. WTF, I don't have a choice now. LOL

    Oh this nurse coming is confusing to me, I've got a nurse coming tomorrow and one was here Friday, And she said we'll tak about u'r D--Oh please that's all I talk about and no one is doing anything, what's the sense? U know my primary said I shouldn't act so happy and nothing is really bad, she said to be honest and admit how I feel--Oh Jeez the one that's coming tomorrow is going to get an earful. Believe me I don't act happy, well I do say goofy things tho.

    OKEY DOKEY my Katie Kat is coming here and I'm awaitig my kids to come home--Joey has a concert roite and he's first chair I thought he was mixed in with 3 others, I really know now they are pretty darn not that good, cuz he can finally make those high notes Jazzy and the deep ones too so maybe that's why. Jazzy remember when he first started and I played Benny goodman for him? LOL he remembers, so maybe that was good.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2016


    Jumping in to say hello. I visit & lurk occasionaly. Love to read everyone's post, you ladies have a great thread here.

    Healing days to all...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Hi Hol- thanks for popping in! Join us if you like? We talk more about drinking than we do it.

    I hope your treatments are going okay sister. Sending you love and hugs.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Goils!!

    Just poopin in for a quick hello. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL today and then hopefully I can sit and breathe!

    Hope everyone is well. I been sendin up my prayers for all and was really glad Mema's DD was on the mend and that everyone else was hangin in. A round of hugz (((((Everyone)))))

    Think I missed Cami's Bday, sorry.

    I'll be back with an update and ketchup on my reading and report for my spanking as soon as I live through My two graduations and a 4 day convention with 12 teenagers. WTFrench was I thinking???

    I hope everyone has a blessed day and feels good despite what ails you!

    Love you Crazy Goils!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    My car has a very dead battery. Dead as a doornail. Dead as Jacob Marley. Dead as Bob Marley. “Dead” as Jerry Garcia. (wish I were getting paid by the word...inside Dickens joke). Apparently, in my 6-day absence, someone picked the lock to the garage side door (or more likely, pried up the rolling door) and tried to hotwire it, as I found the dome light button depressed and the contact-box cover missing. They probably heard cars coming down the alley and got cold feet, as nothing was taken from the garage itself. I knew something was wrong when neither of my keyless-entry/ignition fobs worked--took three phone calls and an internet search to learn of the conventional key hidden inside the fob--which was how I got the door open. Still no response when I pressed the ignition button. Was searching for the hood release when I noticed the contact-box missing. After 3 more calls to Subaru Road Svce. and N. Shore Towing, I finally got a tow truck....FOUR HOURS after my first call. Driver was able to get the hood open, jump-start the battery and start the car; but after it had been running 10 min. he tried restarting it and it was just as dead as before, so it couldn’t hold a charge. Obviously, it was that dome-light that eventually drained it. What I want to know was why neither my husband nor son noticed the dome light was on so they could turn it off! The car was towed up to the dealership too late for me to pick up the loaner the svce. dept. supposedly told the sales dept. to reserve for me, and no rental agencies were open save those at O’Hare. So I walked to the CVS and Whole Foods and grilled up some Copper River salmon and enjoyed it with a Maryhill Rosé of Sangiovese (Columbia Valley, WA) out on the deck.

    So this morning after nobody from the dealership called me, I called them---apparently, nobody had yet looked in the overnight drop-box for the key and paperwork. The operator had the nerve to tell me that they’d “get back to me when they can, because there are cars lined up the door.” REALLY? Lined up since before 9:30 pm yesterday? I don’t think so. I told them they had better get back to me now, since I am ahead of ALL of them in priority. That was half an hour ago. Still nothing. Will pester them again, then get a ride up there. Not leaving till I get either a new battery and contact-box cover or a decent loaner.

    I am SOOO tempted to take a hit of that rosé right now!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    ChiSandy- sorry to hear about someone getting into the garage and trying to hot wire the car. Then all the BS with the Subaru dealer. What kind of Subaru do you have? I have a 2010 Outback and just love it. I hope things get resolved soon. I would be drinking if I were you dear.

    I am on the search for another gym once again. I have been going to this particular gym since around 2011, and it was working until this year. Of course, I started the year with the usual folks who sign up and then drop out, so it is always super packed. But there are other things like them taking away most of the good night and weekend yoga classes for awhile now, and the young folks who just camp out on the fitness equipment and just sit and read their phones. They can squat on those machines for a good 30 minutes, hello people, do your work out and move on please! Young people and their phones. And yes, I sound like an old lady (lol).

    Last night it put me over the edge. They have re-orged the gym to create this area for TRX which is a type of fitness with straps and the like. The personal trainer I worked with taught me some of it and I do like the equipment, but they have this big area carved out where they were doing these exercises like throwing around big tires. I felt like I was in Army bootcamp!

    But the worst part was that they have now crammed all the other machines into the smaller area, and it was packed with machines and people, very hot, and quite unpleasant. I was ready to end my membership on the way out, but then told myself this gym has changed and think it is fine for the younger folks, but not a fat old middle aged woman like me.

    There is another higher end gym here I belonged to for years. I loved that place for years too, but then changes came with them closing the pool for kids parties every weekend in the summer and the rate also went way up. I ended my membership there 10 years ago, but think I may go back and see if it is better again? I know it will be more expensive, but having a good place to exercise is important to me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Oh and this is exactly what I am like these days in these types of situations, how about you?


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Well, I guess it's really a Mercury-retrograde kinda week. About 2:30 pm I managed to get ahold of a service tech, and he said that the dropbox was empty but he would walk the lot to find the car and get back to me. I had visions of it having been dropped off on the street (that part of Skokie doesn't have street parking) and towed away by the police, or even tag-teamed and stolen (via jumpstart and hotwire). While I was waiting for him to call me back, I called (on my cell) the towing co. The operator spoke to the driver from last night, and hey took photos of the car: one as he was leaving my garage, one of it on the flatbed and one of it dropped off at the service bay door at the dealership. I called the service dept. back and they put me on hold. Then I got the call-waiting beep--the service tech had found my car.....going through the car wash, because it had been attended to this morning. It WAS a dead battery, so they gave me a new one; and they found the fuse panel cover beneath my seat and reinstalled it. Cost? Zero. They said that even if a dome light had been left on all night, a 3-yr-old battery shouldn't have become so thoroughly depleted that it wouldn't hold a charge--so they considered it defective and replaced it under my 5-yr warranty. The tow was free too.

    So I have removed Subaru Roadside Assistance, Evanston Subaru, and North Shore Towing from my "fecal scroll." My Subaru's a 2014 Outback with all the bells & whistles (including backup cam, EyeSight, navigation, XM, Bluetooth and automatic collision avoidance) but neither blind-spot-monitoring idiot lights in the side mirrors nor cross-traffic warning....they didn't start offering that on Outbacks till the 2016 models. (Our 2011 Fusion Hybrid has both).

    Storming like crazy out there. Swore I saw possums, coyotes, squirrels, and pigeons pass by my window two by two....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Well, looks like yesterday's post didn't go through, so here it is again:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! I checked at work, Monday is one of the holidays we recognize at work, so I have a 3 day weekend coming up, yeah! Need to get the LP tank filled for the grill and cook me and Sadie some meat outside.

    Goldie--have a great trip, don't think about computers, and win lots of money!

    Cammy--the start of the bc journey for me was one of delays.Found the lump in Jan, got mammogram in Jan, got mammogram results a month later in Feb, saw BS in March, surgery in March, rad and med onc appointments in April, started rads in April, records got lost so no med onc follow up until October.And of course I got every complication known to man and medicine and spent the next couple years dealing with that.Not my favorite time in life.I can picture you giving the nurse an earful, and I can see you being very entertaining, as well.Say HI to Joey for us.

    Morning, Holeinone, stop in more often!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Camel's Coffee



    Shake and strain into an ice-filled old-fashioned glass.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!Another pretty day setting up here.Looking forward to the 3 day weekend.Crazy busy at work with admissions this week, not unusual right before a holiday weekend.Keeps us running, though!

    4sew--Hooray for last day of school!2 graduations and a 4 day convention with a dozen teens?Where doyou get your energy?

    Chi--holy mole what car troubles!I'm surprised the tow truck guy tried to restart the car after only 10 minutes.I've drained my battery before, and have always been told to run the engine for AT LEAST 20 minutes to recharge the battery, handy since I have a 30 minute drive to the office.Anyway, I hope you have a fixed car or a loaner by now.So aggravating!

    Jazzy--I know things need to change over time, but why does it seem that the changes are rarely for the better for the already established patrons?I hope the former gym has changed again and is a better fit, even if it does cost more.

    I love that $hit!

    Chi--HOORAY!So glad the car is fixed and back in your possession!Certainly not the kind of customer care Subaru is known for in Maine.So glad you got good treatment, even if it did start out with irritation.And the towing company taking pics of the car, what a great idea!Nothing like having evidence in hand!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Tiajuana Carbomb



    Pour bottle of corona in a pint glass. Wait for it to settle, then drop in shot of cuervo, and chug it down. Enjoy.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Hole it's good to see u, I wish u'd drop in more often and hope everything is going well for u.

    Sandy what a mess--what actually bothered me was the part who the hell was in there? But what a ordeal u had to go thru to get everything under control and I'm glad u won and did not have to pay anything. And that was neat that they had pictures tho, I never heard of that. That bottle would have been long gone in this house.

    Oh Jazzy everything is changing damn even u'r gym? Are they going for the "TV" look of who goes there. Oh and we've seen pics of u silly girl --not fat, not old and looks great. so don't use that here. But they always kid on TV programs thats where u can meet people, so they must want to cater to the younger person that needs to loose about 3 lbs and likes to wear those nice tight suits. I do hope u find what u'r looking for tho. There has to be something around u.

    NM HAHA u have a 3 day weekend for sure. Nice feeling tho. And make sure u do something just dor u and Sadie, that's the best thing. What a storm we had here last nite, didn't like that so much but the weather basically has been good.

    4 I t's good to see u--Oh 2 graduations, there's alot going on there, u have such a busy household t this time of u'r life, it has to be hard to keep up. So anytime u have a chance get s on board and tell us what's going on. U sound good tho.

    Well saw my nurse yesterday--perfect timing--I was having my D and had a really bad attck so I was pale and really knocked out--She said she will be coming to me all the time and now she's coming back sat. WTF She wants to go over all my new meds and hopes she helps me so I don't get confused. Look life itself confuses me, but my meds very seldom do, it's like automatic now, I thnik they think I might be in a confused state sometimes I don't know yet what they think. Well I had my earthing in and I explained about me working from home and she said do u keep things straight, Well I told her I work for my cousin and I don't get paid so I feel no reall obligation to do things right. Oh see how I talk, it, my mouth never helps me--I keep my cousin out of this completely in all ways.

    OK my phone is going


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    imageGood morning ladies! I hope everyone is gearing up for a good holiday weekend. It's going into the 80s today. Yay! It may rain, and that means the humidity level is high. Boo!

    NM, I would guess that you have a warrantee on the mower, at the very least a year, but I'm sure you know this. Yum! I want to cook with you. I don't bake, but I love to cook. I also love making crock pot fare, not to be mistaken for a slow cooker. My favorite is to braise shanks, or short ribs, low and slow. Ok, now I'm getting hungry. I am shocked that you didn't get your mammo results for a month! Your experience sounds like it was unnecessarily dreadful.

    I'm glad you get a three day weekend.

    Cami, the nurse doesn't know you, and she's making an assessment about you, with out knowing you. Anyone would be knocked on their ass (no pun intended) after a major D attack, cancer or no cancer. Nothing against her. She's just doing her job. BTW, LOVE your response about your job, and not getting paid. Lol!

    Chi, Mercury retrograde, indeed! Dang, I'm dizzy after reading about your last 24 hours or so. It sounds like it all worked out, but what a hassle. I would've chugged that rose straight from the bottle, or just plopped in a very long straw.

    Jazzy, I concur with all 4 moods, but I'm going to add a #5. I'm over all this sh*t.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Cami, I hope you like your new blue tooth, and I did see your post, wishing me a good time. You do too act happy. And yeah, what good is talking about this D. I think it's one of those things, they haven't clue, therefore they don't know how to fix it. I hope all goes good with nurse visits.

    Hey Hole and Jazzy, I take it you both know Cami from another thread?

    4 sounds like you are super busy. Glad to see you poop in.

    Sandy, bummer about the car. But you didn't call police? I guess there really wasn't much they could do, even if you did call them.

    OMG Jazzy, you would think that the gym peeps would make them get off the machines. That's just not right. Good luck on finding the new gym.

    NM, lol @ the Tijuana Car Bomb! I hope you have nice weather for your 3 day weekend.

    We had fun, our accountant and her boyfriend met us there. Had lunch at Red Lobster. Played some slots, came out $50 or more on the losing end. Then in the morning, getting ready to leave, hubby had his new iPhone 6 in his shirt pocket, that he just picked up last week, falls out of his pocket, and the glass shatters worse than I have ever seen on a phone. So had to go into town (Flagstaff) to get it fixed, to the tune of $150!

    Well Cami, I hope the new nurse will be able to help you. And if she says something you don't understand, let her know. My grandson plays violin, he will be playing at a school function, and he too will be the first chair. He goes into 6th grade this year, and the music teacher was going to see if they could jump him to the 7th grade music class.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Goldie, sounds like a nice getaway. I'm sorry about your DH's phone. That sucks. I'm surprised they didn't replace it. Isn't it under warranty, even with out purchasing the extra insurance? The violin is a tough instrument to play. My 8 year old cousin has been taking lessons for the past couple of years. It's impressive that his music teacher wants to skip him a year in music class

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Was a good time with my AM, cept I didn't even think about pics…toopid me. We dropped him off with his dad and then we went to the bar and I drank waaayyy too much. I cud hardly walk, thank goodness DH took care of me and drove me home and put me in bed. I slept good cept for the night sweats. Just came from dog pak, next I've got our bills to pay…ugh.

    Lowee - He's in year round, so this was jes a break for him. I can't believe how big he is and he was very helpful around the house. His speech has gotten much better too. Good, glad u can read it, I enlarge it when I post, then submit. LOL on ur gf…u r right, that train done left the station.

    Hsant - sounds like heaven, I wish I lived 7 minutes from the beach. Xclent idea using a prune bottle. DD is doing very well and does have a very supportive family and friends.

    Fearless - will be praying and sending positive energy your way for a good outcome on the mammo. (((Fearless)))

    Cami - I'm so sawee that ur D prohibited your pool time. I jes wanna cry sometimes knowing how frustrating that is. Well good for you on ur cholesterol, 1 good thing is better than nothing.

    NM - you got a good deal on the cords. We have a grass in front & back yard, DH uses a push mower…meaning our yards aren't very big. Is haddock a white fish? I can eat some of the whites, but do not like salmon or the darker fish. My DH loves it all and wishes I'd eat more of it…not goin to happen! We've got no plans for the long weekend, want to try and talk DH into going to the movies.

    Jazz - The Spa sounds good. Is it a new release? I love a good read, but for me it's a good listen to books on tape, eyes aren't as good as the used to be.

    Julie - hate that ur shoulder still messed up, hope you get good news from the doc next week.

    Sorry that I don't have time to address everyone….It's time to pay bills,

    I shall try to be more diligent in meantime hope ya'll kno I

    Lubslubslubslubs ya!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Calling the police here in Chicago for anything other than an emergency-in-progress, especially if there was nothing taken (and if there was a break-in, I have no idea when it happened--any time between last Tues. night and the following Wed)--is an exercise in futility. The only external sign there may have been a break-in was that it was hard to fit the key in the side garage door lock, but that's been going on for awhile. Will probably get a new deadbolt. (Garage door installer swears that if locked, the rolling door can't be pulled up from outside unless someone has gotten in the side door and pulled the “detach" cord--in which case the door would have needed to be reset).

    New worry now--just had 2 lesions biopsied by my derm: a 2mm probable “seborrheic hyperplasia" on the side of my face (lower R temple) that she biopsied but otherwise left intact except for removing the oil gland), looking to rule out basal or squamous cell ca; and a “concerning" small irregular, asymmetric variegated light brown & pale tan mole on my back--she says it's probably a “dysplastic nevus" but removed it all to rule out melanoma. I won't know what if anything is next for a whole week. At least she said I have “beautiful" skin and she can't believe I'm 65.

    If I didn't have to run a bunch of errands, I'd be up for some day-drinking. Instead, I'm guzzling seltzer and about to make myself an iced almond-coconut milk latte. (The latter will keep me from the fro-yo or pie shop, or the gelato bar at WF).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Hi ladies. What a freaking long week and I still have not done my status report for my project. I am getting ready to do that and then go to bed. I am super busy tomorrow with doctor apt, cleaning company coming, some calls to make and must finish packing for my get away. I have been way overextended this week and looking forward to getting out of town and away from all the demands of life for a few days. Calgon take me away!

    ChiSandy-I agree with you about #5. done with it. I find I go to that place a lot quicker these days. Wishing you good outcomes on the biopies. I am going to the derm myself tomorrow to get my annual check up and she will also check out the spot where I had a basal cell 2 years ago. I always seem to be sprouting something?

    Goldie- I think I first met Cami on The Hermits thread. I think she was on Insomniacs with me for awhile too.

    Must get to more to dos tonight. Wishing everyone a good weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Had a half-flute of Henriot Brut Souverain at the wine bar at Whole Foods, along with 1/2 dozen Quilcene oysters. Later, after a small salad, I had a couple oz. of that Maryhill Rosé. Been a rough three days--took every shred of discipline I could muster to NOT make myself a chocolate egg cream; but chocolate this close to bedtime is a recipe for disaster.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good TGIF day Ladies---

    Sandy I hope all goes well with ur tests. I o course don't know the names of things, but I'm sure u have geat Drs. to take care of u. And I agree about the police, the town around there too are so extremely busy, u just let some things go. If it's goable.

    Lori I thought those new phones were unbreakable, or some thing is on TV like that. And &150.00 is crazy, well u had quite a trip money wise. That was fast, wasn't it?

    SusieQ how can u not have any type of hangover, don't u feel miserable when u wake up? Of course it's worth it, but I stil remember hangovers and yet I'd do it again.

    Hsant the weather here yesterday was so humid, u'd just walk outside and sweat in a minute. I guess today too, To much to soon. I used to like that saying yrs. ago when I thought of something else, but not anymore.

    Jazzy I think we met almost as soon as I started on here, then and now u are so interesting and u have such passion for so many things u've always been easy to like. I'm still amazed at all the people I've met on these boards and are from all over and yet we all communicate and tell each other how we really feel--happy, sad scared and we know we all understand and care.

    OMG my phone never stopped yesterday and my ear was getting so itchy, but it stayed in my ear and I got mostly everything right (almost) better than usual even tho I was having D while I was talking, it was goofy as usual, but I tell the guys when my day is not so good and one person called and I forgot to say why (well everyone was calling about A/C) bit one of the guys called and very gently asked me what they want and I guess I yelled WTF do u think? and he said OK, remember I love u. And we both started LOLing and he said everyone who calls always says how nice I am and he thinks u have no idea what we put up with and I just told him where to go-he just started LOLing again, but I didn't. I'm so happy when they are busy like that tho, I just want him to do well and have a good business.

    OK 'l try t catch u later


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Hsant, I don't know if a broken screen, because you dropped it, would be covered.

    LDB, no pictures? Jes havin too much fun…I know. Glad you had an enjoyable visit. How does he like year round schooling?

    Sandy, I didn't figure the police would be able to do anything. Praying all ofyour biopsies are nothing serious.

    Jazzy, have a fabulous weekend. Sounds like you deserve it. My DH is always sprouting something as well, usually on the top of his head.

    Cami, yes the trip was fast. Only about 24 hours! I have a rubber bumper around my phone. I've dropped it several times and never shattered the screen. I guess it's always hit on the sides. "knock on wood" You don't get paid to answer the phone? I thought you got a little bit?

    NM, unusual to not see you in the morning?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Good afternoon ladies- nothing of concern at the dermatologist today. I am going back to see her for some more "cosmetic" type things to have her lasar off some spots on my face (age spot) and remove some skin tags too in Sept. I love my derm but she has the worst hairstyle. I wish I could give her a make over!

    MemaSue- you asked about if The Spa was a new release? I checked the copyright, and it is 2007 so it has been around awhile. I think I picked it up last summer at one of my bookstores on sale. They periodically have those "everything in the bin for $5) and have found some good fun light reads. I am just starting it, but so far so good. Set in England, for a bit of a different spin?

    Waiting for the cleaning company to come. They are fabulously late as usual on this Friday afternoon, but getting caught up on a lot in the home office. Look forward to relaxing after they have come and gone!