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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    When I first went to my derm, Dr. Liu, in Feb., she was petite, had long straight hair and looked just like the Asian college girl imprisoned for some sort of civil disobedience on “Orange is the New Black.” Yesterday, I noticed she was wearing a sort of collar-length flip haircut, and had put on a little weight (baby bump?). I’d flirted with the idea of maybe getting some fillers or even Botox--but at my age the boat’s sailed (and they don’t like to do facelifts after 65, so I’m stuck with my jowls). So cosmetic dermatology isn’t for me.

    Made myself an espresso this morning with fresh Intelligentsia Black Cat beans--if I find the photo, I’ll post it. It turned out to be one of those elusive “God shots:” perfect thick rust-colored crema, not bitter or sour. Tonight, with salmon, I had a 2012 Handley (Anderson Valley, Sonoma) Pinot Noir.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Sandy are u just getting to bed? Or up for a bit like I do often during the nite.I'm sure u see every thing u think might be wrong about u face, but again u'r the only one who notices. So Just relax and have u'r times of happiness. That' good for skin.

    Jazzy I hope u didn't have to wait to long and now u can have u'r weekend. Girl u work to hard too.

    Lori (wink) I don't get paid one penny (wink) But yesterday wasn't as bad but not good. Now people are starting t0 call places and I'm sure everyone is busy so they are crabby, and I do keep that in mind, but I do have my sarcastic remarks that do come out quickly on occasion. But my question to some people are intrusive, name address, phone, I try to explain it helps them before they call them so if they are in the area from another job they might be able to have the time to get to them. But one lady did ask me so many questions about electricity and I told her I really was not able to answer her questions that she can ask the electrician when they call and she continued to ask me prices, well there's no way I would give her a price since I really don't know what the job entails, and then she said U don't know anything, so why did they even hire u--OK i lost it a little, I admit it, but all I said was I can say hello in 3 different languages.--which was stupid, but I can so I wasn't lying.

    U know we're getting goofy weather now with rain, humid, more rain then just hot and humid so I don't know wht this big Holiday weekend will bring. Just so it's enjoyable.

    OK I have the nurse coming this morning so I have to wash and wash my hair, it does need it. Check with u gas later.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Apologies for not posting yesterday, needed to get an early start yesterday and get some computer work done before 0830.It was nice to get home a bit early after a fairly busy week. Spring has definitely arrived, there was some lightening and rumbles of thunder last night!And now a 3 day weekend.Ahh, summer!


    Cammi--Sadie and I will definitely do something fun this weekend.Not sure what yet, but something!I'm glad the nurse saw you when the D was active.I'm sure she won't find that you are mixing up stuff, at least not your meds.And your cousin wouldn't use you to answer the phone if you were mixing stuff up!

    Hsant--ah, wine for dinner, YES!I'm sure there is some kind of warrantee on the mower.Hope to at least get my money back.Need to find someone to do the mowing and trimming for me, I think.2007 was not a good year for me,and I am very happy to never have to go through that again!

    Goldie--It's not supposed to be the best weather this weekend, with rain possible most days, but that's ok. There will be sun in between the showers, and that's good enough for me.What did hubby's phone fall onto?With all the technology out there today you'd think they would have something less breakable than glass for those gizmos.Your grandson sounds like a pretty good violinist!I bet his likes it.

    Mema--Haddock is a white fish, very mild flavored compared to salmon.Very versatile fish for cooking with.Good to serve with sauces, as you can taste the sauce, even delicate dill sauce, through the fish.But I grew up eating haddock and such, so I may be prejudiced!

    Chi--Oh, boy, new worries indeed.Praying for B9 results on both.And I'd be right with you with the drinking if I didn't need to go out and run a bunch of errands today myself!

    Jazzy--Calgon take you away, for sure!Sounds like the 3 day weekend is coming just in time for you.Get some rest and rejuvination!

    Chi--what is a chocolate egg cream?Is it a kind of drink?

    Cammy--I bet you are a huge hit with the customers!And I bet the guys love you, too!I know Sadie and I do.

    Goldie--meant to get on the computer and post a quicky after I got the early ayem work done yesterday, but one thing led to another, and, well, you know how that goes!

    Jazzy--those "everything for $x" bins are fun, aren't they?I signed up for BookBub, I get an e-mail every day with a list of e-books that are free or very deeply discounted.I have over 100 books in my library, most were free, some $0.99, an occasionally more expensive one, sometimes I splurge and spend as much as $2!I'll never lack for something to read now.Love my Kindle!My mom, on the other hand, likes to hold an actual book in her hands and is almost single-handedly keeping the local library going!

    Chi--ahh, espresso!I have an machine, rarely use it.Need to dig it out and use it more, especially on the weekends.

    Cammi--saying hello in 3 different languages is a good skill!That lady sounds fairly ignorant herself.Glad you told her so.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD

    A Day To Remember



    Mix the Gin and Whiskey Then Mix the Ginger Ale and Rum Then Mix together on the Rocks


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Jazzy, glad that there is nothing of concern on the skin. LOL at the derm having the worst hair style.

    Cami, it amazes me as to how rude people can be. You are quick witted to have a come back. I'm not blessed with that gift.

    NM, hubby's phone fell on the tiled floor in the restroom at the casino. We are heading to a friends house for a BBQ.

    Everyone have a safe and fun Memorial weekend. And thank you to all of those that have served our country.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, and happy holiday weekend!

    I went out to dinner with my father last night, and left my phone at the restaurant. I didn't realize I did this until this morning. Typical me.

    It's a beautiful day, sunny with an expected high of 86. The restaurant is a mile from the house, so I'll walk it. It's a good excuse to move my butt.

    Not much going on for the weekend, except for a bbq (or cook out as the mid westerners call it) on Monday at my cousins, which I'll most likely skip.

    Mema, how could you pay bills after a night of boozing? I'm a bowl of jello after an evening of cocktails. Completely useless. I take my proverbial hat off to you.

    Chi, prayers out for negative results on those biopsies. Man, you've really had quite the week. I think you win the award for most deserving of a wine IV drip.

    Jazzy, wishing you a wonderful, relaxing vacay.

    Cami, you are so effing funny! Your stories always have me loling.

    Goldie, I have one of those cases with a rubber edge, too. I would go through a phone a week if I didn't. I nicknamed the case I have for my iPad the chastity belt. It's 3 layers, and heavy.

    Native, I'm a huge Dr. Seuss fan, and also a big wine fan. Brilliant that you found a combo of the two! I think "A day to remember" should be changed to "A day to forget". That's a lot of booze (written with a big smile on my face)!

    Thanks to all the men and women who are protecting, and have protected our country

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    4 - u da bestest mommy…I truly admire you. When's ur next trip to Vegas, maybe we can paint the town red…?? I do like the sounds of that DOTD, used to drink something in a shot glass dropped in beer, back in my haydays, can't remember now if it tasted like rootbeer or Dr. pepper. The things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!

    Hole - thank you but u must try to post more…we make the most fun when we can. Hate to hear the RB hit ur liver…u doing any treatment for it? (((Hole)))

    Sandy - what a total nightmare with the car, glad after all the frustration you got it worked outl I hope u did take a hit of the wine…Good luck on ur tests.

    Jazz - a good gym is essential…I like my recreation gym, has indoor and outdoor pool, zumba, yoga classes and lots weight machines and free weights. I need to get there more often. LOL on the post…that's actually how I feel most the time.

    Cami - I would love someone to help me with my meds, some I figure give me the D and others give me the C. Something is countering another. Keep us posted. And so proud of Joey….yeehaw!!!

    Hsant- LOL love the pic post. Wine has never agreed with my GIRD, but my DH wants me to try after my last dwunk on the killa. Never happen! I rarely indulge in the killa but when I do….I'm off to the races. I feel fine in the ayem after a soker, bills were no prob…ok, honestly, they took m twice as long LOL>

    Lowee - sawee DH broke his phone. I need a case too, as I've dropped mine a few times already, luckily no damage. That's a lot of money too, woowee. I played the violin in grade school. Was getting pretty good til my brothers would sneak it and break the strings. I have my paternal grandma's violin in a shadow box. It was hand made by gma's uncle in the early 1900's, will go to my nephew when I'm gone. Just don't trust him not to pawn it…another story…ugh. Wonderful that ur grandson plays the violin and teacher thinks he shud be moved up.

    Jazz - thanks, I will check my local library

    NM - love the pic post, by choice of course, killa. Thanks for the info on the haddock, will have to check it out. Flanders Field brought tears to my eyes, thanks for posting.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    A chocolate egg cream is a nonalcoholic drink--invented in NYC over a century ago. It was originally made with chocolate syrup, cream, seltzer and an egg white. But one enterprising fountain owner found he could save money by eliminating the eggs, switching from cream to milk, and reversing the soda water spigot to intensify the stream of soda. The result looks sort of like a tall cold mocha latte (hold the coffee, add the seltzer). The foamy head on top looks like beaten egg whites. Sort of like a chocolate ice cream soda, but with milk instead of ice cream. Here’s how to make one at home (despite not having a professional soda fountain, and heavy sealed seltzer siphon bottles gone the way of the dodo):


    Whole or 2% milk, ice cold Chocolate syrup (Fox’s U-Bet is traditional but Hershey’s tastes more chocolate-y and less sweet. Don’t even think of using Bosco, Quik or one of those foo-foo organic brands from Whole Foods) Seltzer water (ice cold and as fresh and fizzy as you can get--use a new can or bottle, or make your own with a SodaStream. Those cartridge-syphon bottles they sell in gourmet and big liquor stores don’t carbonate strongly enough for this drink).

    Into a 16-oz. tumbler (or Coca-Cola glass), pour 4 oz. (four fingers) of milk. Add 2 fingers of chocolate syrup--squeeze it right down the center of the milk, being careful not to mix them. (If you put the syrup in first, then add the milk, it mixes too much). Take the seltzer and pour it slowly over the back of the bowl of an iced-tea spoon. A creamy white head should form. Stop pouring just before the head reaches the top of the glass. Insert the spoon all the way to the bottom and stir quickly & vigorously, being sure to get all the syrup mixed into the now-chocolate milk. Top up with a little more seltzer (at soda fountains, they let the head bubble up and spill over, then level it off with a spoon). Serve with or without a straw. (Without is more traditional, with leaves less syrup at the bottom of the glass). Drink. Belch. Repeat.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    Hi everyone---

    Oh NM Flanders Field moistened my eyes too, all the men and women who have given their lives even not being killed have paid such a price for our country.

    WTF I just took out a whole paragraph. Lori I was talking about how proud u must be of u'r grandson, Amazing to be able to be moved up to the next grade for playing. See u can enjoy listening to him play. I remember Leslie wanted to play the violin but her arms were to long??? So she got the viola? But when she realized she had to play infront of people that was it. Jodie took the clarinet but with her she didn't know she actually had to practice, I guess she thought she had better things to do like climbing a tree and breaking a bone. Much more fun.

    SusyQ the nurse didn't teach me about my meds, she brought a pill divider to teach me how to fil it with morning and nite pills, I know she doesn't know me so she was going very slow and I just popped them all in and she was so funny to me cuz she gave me an atta girl rave and I did it so quickly. U know SusyQ I don't miss my mind to much yet cuz I was always thinking differently from when I was young, remember when I told u gals the nuns would tell me that they were saying Novenas for me, well maybe cuz I used to argue over their interpretation of the bible and my mom would even make remarks about how I think, but I miss not being able to wear a size 8 anymore--nothing to do with cancer just me. LOL--OK usually a 10.

    Well nothing much is happening here this weekend--we're getting old carpeting up and putting in wood floors, and one room is done today and it's so pretty--next wi be the living and dining rooms area--las the other bedrooms but not til after summer--Now we have to get some pretty area carpets, which is fun to get and liven up the rooms. Like jewelry for the floors.

    Well again I hope everyone has a really good weekend nad no matter what u do feel good and that'll make it goo Jazzy, Julie, Hsant Dara and everyone-


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Pecos National Monument


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2016

    image A monumental view from my window.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!It got really sticky humid yesterday, Sadie anddidn't get much done except lounging in the shade.It was nice, though.I did get all the stuff I need to get the riding mower going and got the battery on to charge.Maybe I can get it going today.Unless it rains, which it's supposed to do.We'll see.

    Goldie--Falling onto a tile floor would break almost any kind of glass.Still too bad, though.Have a great BBQ!

    Hsant--got into the 86 on my back deck yesterday, with a lovely breeze.Made me very lazy!I thought the Dr Suess wine rhyme was fun, couldn't resist posting it here.

    Mema--I love the Flanders Field poem,look for it every Memorial Day.Bet the DOTD would be good with killain place of the whiskey.

    Chi--Actually, I have a seltzer bottle and keep a supply of CO2 cartridges, and the seltzer I get is fizzier than the bottled stuff.But I will get a bottle to try this with.It sounds wicked good!I like the belch part the best of the description.

    Cammy--sorry the post gremlin got you.He is so annoying.I don't think I've ever worn a size 8 since I started school, but so what, that's who I am and how I am.



    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Irish Car Bomb


    ½ pint Guinness Stout

    ½ shot Bailey's Irish Cream

    ½ shot Jameson Irish Whiskey

    Directions: Float the whiskey over the Irish Cream in the shot glass. Fill a highball glass with Guinness and drop in the shot. The cream curdles quickly, so drink immediately.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    Hsant, did you get your phone back? And you're gonna skip out on a party?

    LDB, taxes took twice as long…LOL! How cool that you have that old, hand made violin.

    Quite the recipe for the chocolate egg cream.

    Cami, we have never heard our grandson play. Remember, they are in CA, and we only see like once a year. Funny how you just quickly popped those pills in and surprising the nurse. Your mind hasn't gone anywhere!!!

    Jazzy, all of the Indian ruins we have around us, amazing! I have not heard of that one. So pretty!

    NM, nothing wrong with having a relaxing day. And those big boats that some of us have, make for better butt kickin!

    Down to the neighbor's later for yet another BBQ.....YUMMMMM

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy rainy Memorial Day! Many thanks to all who have served, and especially to those who and families of those who gave all.

    Morning, Goldie! Nothing wrong with a relaxing day, true, but I need to get some stuff done, too! Maybe today.

    Got the leg of lamb in the oven, got the fiddleheads in the fridge, gonna make lamb and fiddlehead stew, my favorite springtime dish.Looking forward to it! Maybe some corn bread, too.We'll see.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Fallen Soldier

    2 oz cranberry juice

    1 slice blood orange

    1 oz Southern Comfort


    Pour Southern Comfort and cranberry juice over ice and garnish with a slice of blood orange.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    NM, love to hear you talk about the fiddleheads. And lamb stew, wish I could join you!

    We went down to the neighbors. Had a nice visit. And I'm done with hamburgers for a while! Nice DOTD for today.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    Juliet- that is an amazing photo. Going to repost elsewhere. Thank you.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2016

    i know, a fb friend posted it so i borrowed it

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2016

    Last night, friends grilled ribeyes, so I poured a 2012 Robinson Zinfandel (Dry Creek Valley, Sonoma), Tannins beginning to soften, good black cherry/blackberry notes.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2016

    Hello ladies. It sounds like everyone had a nice holiday weekend. Mine was pretty mellow. I ended going to my cousin's bbq, because my dad wanted to go, which I was kind of surprised about, since he doesn't do well in the heat, and it was outside by their pool. The occasion was my little cousin's 8th birthday. Her mom told me that she wanted a Mermaid swimsuit for the pool. So, that's what I bought her. Have any of you heard or seen this? It's crazy! The bottom half is a mermaid tail, and you put this apparatus inside to give it form, and you can swim In it. My little Cuzzie is so cute. She reminded me of Darryl Hannah in Splash (a pint sized version).

    My first job when I was in high school was at a delicatessen. One of my responsibilities was to make egg creams. Not to brag, but I absolutely stunk at it. I would get constant complaints from the old farts

    Goldie, yep. Got my phone. It's an old iPhone 4s, so I doubt anyone would want it. It works perfectly, so I really don't have a legitimate excuse to replace it. I even accidentally put it in the washing machine with my sheets last September. I ran my blow dryer on it on a low setting for 1/2 an hour, dumped it in some rice for 72 hours, and it works fine. Where in CA does your grandson live? I How many kids do you have? You have your DD in the Virgin Island, DS in Michigan, and that's all I got. Sorry if I missed something in a previous post.

    Native, you are bad ass! First, we hear about your amazing freezer full of goodies, now CO2 cartridges! I have never heard of Fiddleheads, so I googled it. What do they taste like? Your lamb stew sounds amazing. I love, love, love lamb.

    Cami, hard wood floors are beautiful. It feels so much healthier than carpet, which sucks in a lot of dust and debris. Lol about the nurse giving you a thumbs up for putting your meds in the container. You get a gold star:).

    Jazzy, beautiful photo!

    Mema, Rum and Gin are my downfalls. Can't drink either anymore. The hubs likes a dry gin martini, but the smell of gin gives me a hangover. I'm fine with tequila as long as it's clear. Something like Cuervo Gold, and I'm a goner.

    ice Cream cone shots:

    • 10 Ice cream cones
    • 1 c. melted chocolate
    • 1/4 c. rainbow nonpareils
    • 1 c. vanilla ice cream
    • 3 shots Baileys
    • whipped cream, for garnish


    1. Slice off tops of ice cream cones using a serrated knife.
    2. Dip tops of cones in melted chocolate and use a spoon to coat the bottom of the cones. Dip in nonpareils and transfer to the freezer. Let set until firm, 10 minutes.
    3. Meanwhile, melt ice cream. Stir in Baileys.

    Pour mixture into shots and top with whipped cream.


  • cycle_babe
    cycle_babe Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2016

    A must try ...2011 Dry Creek Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon

    At first swirl, distinct aromatics of bright red cherry, black tea and dried spices come forward. Silky and smooth, the wine develops harmonious layers of fruit with lush plums, cassis and juicy red cherry characters. The tannins are refined and polished presenting underlying nuances of earth, minerals and dried flowers. The result is a pleasing taste and a more pleased head.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited May 2016

    More photos!




  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!AKA this week's Monday.Sadie and I enjoyed a quiet day yesterday, complete with Sadie snatching the lamb leg bone off the counter and running out of the house to the yard to spend an hour happily gnawing away and totally ignoring me trying to tell her it was still too hot!Got a lovely pot of lamb and fiddlehead stew and a nice custard made.Got lots of stuff ready to go out with the next recycling pick up.

    Goldie--good for the nice visit with the neighbors. Done with hamburgers for a while, are you?I wonder why!

    Julie--fantastic pic!

    Chi--sounds like a very nice dinner.

    Hsant--I can't picture the Mermaid swimsuit, gonna have to go search that one, sounds like fun, though.Fiddleheads taste a bit like asparagus and a bit like lettuce with just a hint of dandelion.Only available for a couple of weeks in the spring, but a sure sign of spring!Oh my, those ice cream cone shots sound and look YUMMY!!!!!

    Cycle babe--welcome to the HTL!Another wine afficionado!Tells us about yourself, pull up a barstool and chat a bit!

    Fantastic Pics, Jazzy!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Grand Gold Margarita


    1 bottle Beer

    3 oz Cointreau

    3 oz Grand Marnier

    6 oz Jose Cuervo 1800

    2 cubes Ice

    Margarita Mix


    Pour the the margarita mix, tequila, cointreau, grand marnier, and beer into a blender.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2016

    The mermaid costume sounds so cute. I can see though where it could be hazardous, having your feet/legs tied up. I have 2 kids, you got that right, MI and VI. My DH has 2 girls, one in Phoenix, the other and grandkids live in Oceanside. I can't believe your phone worked after a run through the shower.

    More great shots of the ruins Jazzy. It's hard to capture their beauty.

    Cycle Babe…I see you like your wine.

    Back to work Tuesday. Have our Polish waitress friend coming over for 2 nights, so I have work and house to tend to today.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Julie - it tis an amazing photo, chokes me up. Thanks for stealing, oops, I mean borrowing and sharing.

    Sandy - mmmm ribeye, my fav.

    Hsant - any pics of the pretty little mermaid, sounds sooo adorable. I had to google fiddleheads too. I can't stand the smell of gin. That was my mothers fav….I am mostly vodka rocks, brandy in my coffee, and killa is my downfall, so only once in awhile. Yummy on the Ice Cream cones.

    Welcome Cycle Babe. Your description sounds like a commercial.

    Jazz - nice pics, thanks for sharing.

    NM - LOL about Sadie stealing the lamb, sounds like she enjoyed hot or not.

    Lowee - I leave tomorrow for Phx to see mese cousins and aunties. Plan to relax by cuz Gingers pool most of the time. And of course take some fresh flowers to ma's resting place.

    Ok…lubslubslubs ya all. Will try to check in, if not, I'll b back the 7th.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2016

    NM I am a jack connoisseur if you must know. And my pinky is in de air as mese sez that hehe.

    so goils, I been far far away, deep into de rabbit hole all becuz of mese employment. I am jesto so over it all and looking to find an escape of sorts.

    Ive been reading but too funked up to comment. So mese jest continewes t

    o be de cononosseur that mese bese and keep on testing de ways that jack loves me and oves me not. so ok.

    I hate filthy rich stewiid effing people more than uh more than uh, wel maybe not here but can PM what and who I am hating on dis day.

    Cheers my lovelies. Keep the faith.

    hugs, from CO *i willie land is de place! I go, I stay. mese high, oooopsies.

    lub peace and more lub....

    DoRKy dARa from OZ. ie quarter lb=er land.

    beddie by time. yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    DorK OUT

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day!Seems like that came up quick this week. Loving the beautiful weather this week.Even has to turn the AC on in the car yesterday!Got to get the studded tires off today, was supposed to yesterday but forgot to throw the summer tires in the car.Did that when I got home last night, so stopping there first thing before I get a ticket.Probably don't need to worry about snow for a while now.

    Goldie--have a good time with your Polish waitress!

    Mema--oh yes, Sadie enjoyed the lamb, hot as it was.Such an impatient pooche, she is sometimes.Have a good trip to Phx!

    Dara!Dara's Back!Yeah!Sorry to hear you are in the rabbit hole. Sounds like work is being a pain in the anatomy.I wish you could find a good job with less interaction with irritating rich people. How's the DD and little Mister?Sleep well, my dear.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Long Walk off a Short Pier


    1 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Tequila

    1 oz Irish Whiskey

    1 oz Bourbon

    1 oz Gin

    1 1/4 oz Coca Cola


    Pour all ingredients into a tall 16-oz glass filled with ice cubes. Top with Coca-cola, completely or to taste. Stir well, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Welcome Cycle Babe com on back now ya hear....

    Dara I'm sorry u'r not doing what u want right now, but just hole on--u'r smart and u'll figure out what's best.

    Oh SusyQ u'l be missed, but having a good time and relaxing is what u need. and watch that sun on u'r skin.

    NM sadie cracks me up, it mustn't have been to hot for her. Sounds yummy tho and I remember the fiddleheads and sound like a great day and u did accomplish things too.

    Lori u r so funny, u'r polish waitress hahaha, u always say that. But u guys seem like u enjoy her visits so good for u.

    Julie that ic is so touching, it gives me the chills--all the men and women who have given lives, and damaged lives forever just amazes me--Then the politicians come along--OK I won't start that soap box.

    Jazzy those pics look unreal to me, to see what was built and it has stood the sands of time.

    OK Hsant now u've got my attention with that drink--I'm copying that one for mese books, I think that would be a great after dinner drink. Well or breakfast, or bedtime, just sounds yummy.

    Sandy sounds so good. How did u like our storm last nite, I thought for sure we'd have power outage here. It was so loud and I saw on the news some of the damage it did. Looks like rain again.

    I've been super busy with work and correcting my errors--takes me longer to do that. My nurse comes again this morning--I'm glad she comes fairly early so it's over with. And today is Joey's last day of school, last nite he was trying to teach me stuff on his Iphone, well that didn't work--he said I shouldn't get discouraged, chit I'm not learning all that, for no good reason. But we had such a nice talk and he was teling me about why he loves me so much, I guess he still is my baby.

    OK for now talk to u latah.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    LDB, I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it to Phoenix. But man, you will need that pool! Suppose to be 115 there on Saturday.

    Wacko, I can't even imagine having a job that I hated. I so wish you could find something you love.

    NM, you could get a ticket for having winter tires on? Glad Sadie didn't get burned from the hot lamb bone.

    Cami, our Polish friend is Basia, she is very sweet and gorgeous, also very tall and thin. And then there is our hygienist Tammy who visits, the gal from Tawain Lilian. I call it Darrell's harem. Love to hear your Joey stories.

    May head out for a ride later, out to Springerville. Show Basia around there and where we go camping. She will leave tomorrow, and then I think she is going to Poland soon. Her son is there now. This is Basia, and I think her cousin. Was someone's wedding.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Goldie- Basia the singer?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Cami, we didn’t get much of the storm here by the north lakefront. Winds whipped through between 3:30 and 4, we got some momentary small hail (like someone threw a couple fistfuls of cat litter at the window and then gave up) and our rains were steady but not torrential. They did knock our satellite dish out a couple of times, but it rebooted. No power outages up here. Sounds like the W. suburbs definitely got the worst of it--Berwyn might have even had a microburst or small tornado, what with large trees being uprooted. They’re studying maps of the storm’s path & types of damage before they reclassify it.

    Tonight will be some more Anderson Valley Pinot Noir 2012, with the duck breast I plan to grill (indoors on my panini press if necessary). My daytime DOTD was an iced “one-pump” mocha latte: unsweetened vanilla coconut-almond milk over ice, a squirt of chocolate syrup, a shot of espresso, and cold-frothed low-sugar milk (FairLife) instead of whipped cream. I did the espresso on a Nespresso Pixie and cold-frothed the milk in an Aeroccino Plus. This way I didn’t have to wait for the big espresso machine to boot up, heat up the kitchen, or draw a lot of power.