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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! Quick poop in, very long day at work yesterday, need to get an early start on another long day today. Sadie is moderately disgusted with the current work schedule, not getting enough tug and belly rub time, but forgives me at bedtime when I make sure she gets lots of undivided attention and cuddles.

    DOTD--anything with coffee in it!!!!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- I am having a rough week at work and ready for this week to be over. Some people are just obstructionists! Nothing new at this client site, but frustrating just the same. We are in critical deadline time so wish me luck!

    I also have an increasing problem with a neighbor who is aging and has health problems. She has been having issues since Xmas and lots of unrealistic expectations coming my way. I have been kind and helped her with a few things as I can, but last weekend she was messaging me about some health issues and had told her I was going to be away. Then she messaged me she wanted to come over and visit (not home!) She probably needs to find a different living situation so she has more help and have suggested that. I have some company in town this weekend and working the following weekend and just trying to let her know I am busy and will stay off her radar. My mother used to do this exact same thing with her neighbors to do things for her until they stopped calling her back.

    I don't like being me this week, lol! Livin' for the weekend! Happy

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, Basia is a cocktail waitress at one of the casinos in Laughlin, that we became friends with.

    NM, I hope today is not such a crazy day for you.

    Jazzy, I would hate to be in the same situation as you, with your neighbor. My mom is becoming more needy as well. Calling my brother, at work, and asking him if he can come over and let the dog out!

    Went out yesterday for a nice ride and stopped to have Mexican for lunch. Basia has to leave early, as she has to be at work at 4.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Morning' Ladies.

    Lori Basia is very pretty, but when u described her it sounded like u were describing u'rself wel cuz u'r so pretty, tall and thin. Sounds like u all enjoyed u'rself.

    NM and Jazzy u 2 are having a hellofaweek with work--I feel bad for u, Imagine if there weren't people like u tho, things wouldn't get done At least it's Friday EVE and it wil soon be done and then it's time for relaxing--I notice I use this word a lot--but some of u work so hard and it has ro exhaust u and so stressful and I know that's bad.

    Sandy Iuv how u explain everything--That coffee sounds yummy and to me it always crazy with our storms just a matter of miles and it's like a change that's unreal.

    Well yesterday was Joey's last day and Leslie picked him up and asked him what treat he wanted to have and he picked coffee from a place that's their specialty--I told u he's weird. We all got coffee, well I'm enjoying mine now. And during the nite he had a bad dream so he came in here til he settled down in his head and went back to bed.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Cami- my client put the problem children back in their playpen. We are marching forward. Sometimes work is like being in highschool, other days like running a daycare. Where did adulthood go for so many?

    Joey is done with grammar school and off to junior high? I love that he loves coffee. I told you he is an old soul, this confirms it too!

    On a positive note, by childhood BFF and her daughter are passing through town this weekend and will have them with me sunday night!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    NM, today coffee is my DOTD too--had to get a re-biopsy (this time with 5 sutures) of my back “splotch” (Derm keeps saying it’s NOT melanoma but I’ll believe it when we get the final path report), return/exchange a bunch of Chico’s stuff (half a mile from the derm’s office), fill some Rxs and pick up some stuff from Whole Paycheck.....going out in a few min. to pick up a pal from my bc support group for an “Evening of Survivorship” up in the north burbs. Seeing as how little time I have to drink it, it’ll be a shot of espresso.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Good evening, ladies. Today was quite the day. When I woke my dad up to start the day, he felt like he was dying, so he wanted an ambulance to take him to the ER. After half a day at the ER, it was determined that my dad was fine, really fine for 87 years. Oy, but what a morning.

    I'm on my second glass of zin.

    It sounds like a lot of you ladies are going thru stress, related to work. I hope you all have relaxing weekends planned.

    Dara, I know that feeling of hating a job, and dreading it every morning. Really, I do. I don't know what you do, or what the situation involves, but I hope you can find new employment soon.

    Nm, Ha about Sadie grabbing the lamb bone. When I read that you had leg of lamb in the oven, my first thought was some lucky doggie is getting a treat! Your stew and custard sound amazing!

    Cami, Joey sounds like such an interesting fellow. Drinking coffee, he sounds very mature for his age, but not too mature that he won't get in bed and snuggle with his grandma after a bad dream. Such a sweet relationship you have with your grandson.

    Mema, I love Brandy, especially during the fall in mulled apple cider. I also like a good Grey Goose martini. Extra dry with olives, or a twist.

    Goldie, you are gorgeous! I've seen pics. Bastia is lovely, but so are you! Sounds like a very nice visit.

    Here's a pic of my little cuzzie, with out the mermaid fin.image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    The head of the NorthShore Cancer Wellness “Living in the Future” survivorship program--just back from the annual ASCO meeting--did a “Food Facts & Myths” presentation tonight. The good news is that moderate alcohol consumption is okay for breast cancer survivors. The bad news is that “moderate” means 2 drinks a day (a “drink” equaling 5 oz. of wine, 12 oz. of beer or a shot of booze) for men.......but only 1/2 drink a day for women. Boo. Hiss. But at least we don’t have to teetotal. And as for coffee? It’s fine--in fact, it is anti-cancer. But it has to be regular--decaf has no protective effect!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Hi again,

    just closing up. Hsant how adorable and another blonde? Oh my whole family has dark hir no blondes so it/s a pleasure to see so many beautiful blondes on here-What happened with u'r dad? Was it was some kind of anxiety, how scary for u and him.

    Sandy I didn't know (or remember) u went to a group and I don't like the idea of men getting more of anything. But see we can drink and coffee too, that makes me happy.

    I have a therapist coming tomorrow, chit I've been thru all of this stuff before but they have to go with the program, so I'm dreading this one.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! another quick poop in, got to get another early start after another long lay at work, but even if today turns into another long one I can sleep in tomorrow! I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow, I promise.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Cami, you are quite sweet. Basia is about 6' tall, taller than me. And she's much thinner! Funny how Joey wanted coffee. Does he get one of those that practically look like a shake? What is the therapist coming for? Do they think you're nuts and making all this up about the D?

    Jazzy, you have me cracking up. Putting the children back in the playpen. Good one! Enjoy your Sunday with BFF.

    Sandy, hoping all goes well with the biopsy.

    Hsant, I can totally relate to spending the day in ER and then they can't find anything. Your little Mermaid cuz is a little beauty. I thought you just pulled that off the internet.

    NM, you are running like crazy!



    2 oz Vodka

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Coconut Cream

    Pinch of grated Nutmeg

    Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Sprinkle Nutmeg on top.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Mornin' Ladies.

    Wow NM u must be really busy, so now it's an order to relax this weekend with Sadie.

    Lori I was just going to look up a drink, then I saw u'rs u always come thru. Oh my therapist is for physical so they'll think I will walk right again, like I said I did this and continue the crap on my own, but I think my body is pretty much broken now and that's as good as it gets. And it's funny but no Joey doesn't get all the :fad: coffees he gets regular coffee, the coffee just tastes better to us when it's from a coffee pace. Of course I'm the one who got him started on it a while back, but My aut used to take care of Leslie when she was 3-4 when I worked and she always gave her coffee, so Leslie doesn't think anything of it.

    oops my phone

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hi friends- well thank god it is friday, know what I mean? NM and I have had a week and then some. I had a critical deadline for my project and we met it this afternoon. Go team go! It has been a demanding process, but we will now move on to the next phase. Oh and those vocal ones in the play pen, they don't matter much in any of this. The ones that make the most noise are usually the most useless. I am known to deliver and some people don't like that either.

    My neighbor continues to be needy, but just creating some boundaries with her with my work. I think she is lonely and wanting help, but also companionship. She keeps sending me this music stuff to listen to, and wonders why I am not doing it? I told her today I am buried with work and no time to be playing on FB. I did bring her trash up for her today from the curb. I don't mind helping, but can be the go to person for everything. Boundaries.

    ChiSandy- I love Chicos. I hope the support group was time well spent.

    Cami- did you tell me how the Memorial Day parade went with Joey? I hope the therapist thing goes okay. I have learned with them to be prepared with a list of "these are things I could use some help with." Otherwise the conversation runs amok.

    NM- did you survive the work week. Do you work this weekend?

    Hsant- I love the mermaid outfit. I want to come back in my next life as a mermaid, anyone care to join me under the sea?

    Goldie- is it hot in AZ? We are starting to get hot here all of a sudden? That comes with June.

    Who am I missing here?

    Going to do a radio show interview in the morning, then to order my new expensive patio furniture, and other things tomorrow too. See Jazzy run, run jazzy run.

    Wishing you a good weekend folks!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    The support group was discouraging, because I learned that going back on the diet that (before letrozole) made me lose 50 lbs--from which diet I've admittedly taken a too-extended vacation--is diametrically opposed to the one that's supposed to lower my risk of recurrence. And that the latter diet is high in carbs and low in even the good fats (which impairs my ability to lose weight and pushes me towards prediabetes), and makes fine dining impossible (and eating on the road and abroad difficult and unsatisfying). We weigh the risks and benefits of certain treatments when it comes to length vs. quality of life. Why isn't giving up certain passionate pleasures considered impairment of quality of life?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Oh Jazzy I'm glad u got thru u'r deadline and go go on. But I'm glad this week is over for u and NM--u both sounded really pushed this week.

    Oh u'r poor neighbor, I know when u have rime to really help, but now is not the time and u don't have many options now. Does she have a family to help her out? Oh Leslie took a video whe Joey was walking by (it al went well) except her video, somehow she had it pointed towards the top of the trees, she's usually pretty good but Marty took some good pics. And Joey enjoyed it.

    It's been hot here Joey puled the neighbors weed today took him about 3 hrs. then he cut the front lawn, when he came in I thought he was going to get sick, he was soaking wet, so with my spray bottle I really wet him down and gave him a propel and made him sit for 1/2 and hr before he could go out, and he didn't mind a bit. I told him not to do both in one day, but oh he knows best, of course I had to remind him who really knows best. For some reason when he's in the sun to long he gets sickish, like his mom used to.

    My eval is setting me up with physical therapy 2x a week, I have done all of this a couple of times, so we'll see; And the horrible D started after she left, thank goodness, so hopefully it has slowed down now and will end. I'm tired. Well I was actually poopin' in to tell everyone especially NM and Jazzy to really relax. And it's s humid here it's disgusting.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2016

    chi good news on the booze if your a guy! but at least we don't have to be tee total, lately it seems every one wants you to feel guilty about eating anything that tastes good but is bad for you

    well saw ortho on tuesday ,and decided on surgery , so needed approval from worker comp but could mean back at regular job in 6 weeks after the op, started having sinus pressure and ear ache on thursday and has the surgery was approved late on wednesday, so thought i would go to employee health and get it checked did not want to schedule it if any infection present, so because of the symtoms also got swabbed for the flu because they are still seeing a lot of people with it, swab was negative , so no infection but do have fluid in ears and sinusistis so have a zpak on stand by for worsening of symtoms. surgery was scheduled for the 22nd so i have time to get over all of this, hope it works , so fed up of shoulder hurting and not being able to lift anything heavy, .

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I are enjoying a leisurely ayem with good coffee, leftover pizza, a nice breeze stirring the fog and the patter of gentle rain.Caught up on my e-mail, now to ketchup here in the HTL.

    Goldie--yup, in Maine studded tires need to be off by the end of May, can't go on until October 1st.They do too much damage to the roadway to drive on them year round, and given how they make the car feel funny and are much louder than non-studded tires.Basia is a beautiful lady!

    Chi--sounds like quite a wind storm up your way.Did they decide on tornado vs microburst yet?Grilling a duck breast with a panini press sounds creative!

    Jazzy--I, too, am very glad the week is over!Nothing like a short week, with people out on vacay and then out sick on top of that to make for a bigger than usual workloads.Working with obstructionist people is even worse, though!Your poor neighbor, she must be in a difficult spot.Does she have anyone who can help her research and move into a living situation more appropriate to her needs?

    Cammy--Joey likes coffee?Good for him, and good for you who get coffee with him!I practically lived on Dunkin Donuts Lattes this week, used up all my saved up reward coupons.Well, I was glad to have them, that's for sure.

    Jazzy--love the mental pic I have of adults in a workplace getting put into an adult sized baby jail, wearing adult diapers, and playing with oversized rattles and stuffedanimal toys.Hope you are having a great time with your BFF and her daughter.

    Chi--I'm with you, I'd wait for the final path report before relaxing.What's an "evening of survivorship" consist of?Sounds like it could be fun.

    Hsant--Oh, boy, what a day you had with your Dad the other day.But what can you do when someone says they feel like they are dying?ED s do wonderful work, but they do suck up time in the process.Sadie was going to get the lamb bone, but I really would have preferredto give it to her myself AFTER it cooled off a bit more, but she decided to help herself.Whoever said Labs are food driven wasn't kidding!The Mermaid outfit is adorable!

    Chi--only half a drink a day is safe for women?What a crock of bull.Like they even know for sure if there really is any relationship between alcohol and breast cancer.Good news on the coffee front, though!

    Cammy--now you've got a therapist coming to visit?Lucky you!And you don't even have to leave home!Just roll with it, all part of the process.And who knows, someone may even find an actual answer for the big D problem.

    Goldie--LOVE the Roadrunner DOTD!And very appropriate, too!

    Cammy--yup, Sadie and I are very much relaxing this ayem.And Loving it!Ah, a Physical Therapist, I was thinking of mental health type therapist.Shows you where my problems are, doesn't it?

    Jazzy--HOORAY for meeting the critical deadline!Knew you would do it!Good idea to start setting boundaries with the neighbor now, rather than trying to pull back later. I feel so sorry for the lonely ones out there, but don't know what the answer is, either.I did survive the week, have this weekend off, making the most of it, too.Doing a radio show interview?That sounds like it would be a blast!Wish I could hear it.

    Chi-to me passionate pleasures (wine, good coffee, high quality chocolate and eating food that tastes good) is what defines quality of life.I also like to keep in mind that medical science does not truly understand how most cancers happen, and all the diet/drinking/exercise info is based on very loose research that cannot show causation.So I ignore the dietary "recommendations" for the most part.In your place, I would go back to the diet that worked for you.

    Influence of a Diet Very High in Vegetables, Fruit, and Fiber and Low in Fat on Prognosis Following Treatment for Breast CancerThe Women's Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) Randomized Trial

    Conclusion Among survivors of early stage breast cancer, adoption of a diet that was very high in vegetables, fruit, and fiber and low in fat did not reduce additional breast cancer events or mortality during a 7.3-year follow-up period.

    From <>

    Cohort Studies of Fat Intake and the Risk of Breast Cancer — A Pooled Analysis


    We found no evidence of a positive association between total dietary fat intake and the risk of breast cancer. There was no reduction in risk even among women whose energy intake from fat was less than 20 percent of total energy intake. In the context of the Western lifestyle, lowering the total intake of fat in midlife is unlikely to reduce the risk of breast cancer substantially.

    From <>

    If you look at the actual research reports they all say that dietary changes "MAY" affect recurrence rates.

    OK, getting off the soapbox now.

    Cammy--you are taking very good care of Joey in the heat and humidity!Keep it up!Got to be careful in that kind of weather.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Weekend On The Beach


    1/4 oz Apple Schnapps

    1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    1/2 oz Canadian Whiskey

    1/4 oz Sweet and Sour Mix


    Mix the crown royal, apple and peach schnapps, and sweet and sour mix with ice cubes in a shaker and shake until well blended. Strain into a shot glass. Makes one serving.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    INGREDIENTS Cucumber Crusta

    1½ parts SVEDKA Cucumber Lime
    ¾ part fresh lemon juice
    ½ part orange curaçao
    Bittercube cherry bark vanilla bitters


    Combine all ingredients, except bitters, in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake and strain over fresh ice into a sugar-rimmed tall glass. Garnish with cucumber slices and a float of bitters.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I put the DOTD up so NM doesn't need to, but I cheated I could not get it right and Joey did it for me, but it's there.

    Julie I guess I'm glad u'r getting surgery but we all know it has to be bad for u to get surgery and u know we all hope it turns out really better for u, so u can work and live the way u want to. OK be back latah

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2016

    SPLASH! meet you at the swim up bar, Cammy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Cami, I used to drink coffee with my grandma. Sanka instant coffee with milk and a ton of sugar!

    Jazzy, yeah on the work front. And sorry you are having to set boundaries for your neighbor. It's very hot here! Phoenix is suppose to get close to 115 today. Yesterday my car said 92, my outdoor thermometer read 97, so take with it what you will. It was hot…period!

    Sandy, sorry your group was discouraging.

    Cami, sure hoping the therapy helps you. But if you have done it in the past, to no avail, then who knows. Good to hear the parade went well for Joey.

    Oh Julie, I'm so sorry you have to revert to the surgery. But if it means no more pain (hopefully), then I guess it's for the best. Please remind us on the day before.

    NM, hadn't thought about the tires tearing up the road. Are they not rubber? I too thought the Road Runner was appropriate. And it looked yummy. Boy look at the drink Cami put up. Sounds all fancy! I'll have one of yours and one of hers.

    Need to get caught up on my monthly paperwork for May. Got two plants I have to get in the ground, my Pineapple Sage and the Basil.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hi ladies- I was up and out the door early to a live radio broadcast to talk with some fellow entrepreneurs. Really fun, then breakfast after. Then I went to early vote as our primary is on Tuesday, and needed to get there today as this week is going to be another CRAZY one! After doing everything I needed to with apts today, I took a big nap and now trying to get motivated to do some laundry next. BFF and DD coming tomorrow evening.

    I went this afternoon to order my new patio furniture. Custom set with table, chairs, and cushions. Will be here sometime in mid July. Will share pics when it arrives!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!After a foggy and drippy start yesterday turned out beautiful.Spent a lovely peeyem on the deck, listening to an audiobook, puttering with the plant pots and some left over bulbs.The guy who mowed the lawn last year came over this week and started again, I'm going to pay the extra for the trimming, too, this year.Thought I could do that myself last year, never did.And I make enough to pay someone else to do that stuff, so I'm going to start doing that.

    Goldie--I remember my Grandmother used to drink Kava instant coffee, with evaporated milk and sugar!I still remember the "Less Acid"claim on the label.I agree, 90+ is HOT!The tires are rubber, but the studs are metal.Not sure what kind of metal, but metal.Also, the State of Maine is very good at finding things to ticket and regulate in order to bring more $ into the state coffers.With the studded tire limits they get tax $ from people changing tires twice a year, plus sales tax $ on the tires themselves, plus $ from tickets from those of us who sometimes forget or don't have a lot of time for changing tires out.

    Jazzy--HORAY for the new patio set, and getting errands done!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Morning Rooster

    1½ oz. Espolón Tequila Reposado

    ½ oz. coffee liqueur

    8 oz. coffee

    2 tbsp. agave nectar

    1 c. heavy cream

    1 tsp. vanilla extract

    Garnish: grated nutmeg

    Combine agave nectar, heavy cream, and vanilla extract in a bowl and stir until firm. Combine tequila, coffee liqueur, and coffee in a cup. Top with cream. Garnish with grated nutmeg.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, what was the radio show about? And when do you get your new patio furniture?

    NM, if you can afford someone to cut the lawn, then I say you deserve it. My Amaranth has started to come up, so if you threw yours around, keep an eye out for it. I've not heard of Kava. Well the metal studs, what happens when there is no snow on the road? Interesting.

    Notta goin on here!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Jazzy I'm confused (can u imagine) but I'm assuming u'r BFF and her DD are coming, is that right? Oh good for the patio furn. u get to use it more in u'r area than here and u should have nice things u work hard.

    NM u'r another one treat u'rself to complete lawn care, so u can relax more this summer, think of all the time u save. And I to never heard of Kava, it must be up in u'r area.

    Lori I remember Sanka, I think that was the only one of it's kind and now I never hear of instant coffee, more people either don't drink it or want it made the way it should be made. Oh well--Have all u'r guests gone? and it seems so so hot there, I thought it was bad here.

    I should get paid today and I've strted ordering on line a little, so what I do is get a gift certificate so nothing gets mixed up with the bank. We have 2 accounts and I really am not in control anymore, this way I'm on my own and know exacty what I'm ordering and how much. It's my highlite of fun on the computer--so far I have bath and Beuty, Target and Paragon on hold--so I'm anxious to complete my orders, then the rest I do whatever with. And of course I'm a sale person so that's where I go first. Then when I get paid in the midde f the month, now that Leslie is working I take some money from that. I know it sounds almost pathetic but I really don't feel that way, I'm just happy that I can finally do this.

    Oh I love Joey being home we have coffee together cuz he's in no rush and we talk so much more and he waits on me more LOL I don't ask, he just does it.

    OK I hope u have a great Sunday and member


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hi ladies- sounds like everyone is having a Sunday Funday so far. It is warm outside today, summer is suddenly here!

    Cami- yes, the childhood friend and DD are arriving tonight. I have my spare room ready for them to spend the nite. We will all be outta here in the morning by 9 a.m. as I have exec meetings and need to meet with my client right before. Busy week ahead, but will be glad to see them and will be going to get groceries next so I have drinks and snacks when they arrive.

    Goldie- my patio furniture should be here in around 7 weeks, maybe sooner. They give you the best date and then update you as they go along. When it arrives from CA, they check it out to be sure it is as ordered and everything is good to go, then we get the delivery set up. It is going to be beautiful!

    The radio show yesterday was a business show and the subject was about how to develop trust with customers and clients. We talked about the difference between selling and being of service to our clients. It was a fun and spirited discussion. I have a good media voice apparently?

    NM- I am thinking I would love to be in Maine right about now. Would love a little sunshine, and lobsta, and ocean views. I remember the summer I lived there how COLD the ocean was in June?

    I ran into my neighbor today who was out walking a bit with her dog. I helped her with her trash the other day and will do those easy things she needs help with, but avoiding the other stuff that is more appropriate for family members or healthcare workers. I was talking to my other neighbor when she approached me, so that made it easier to not get cornered into anything. She asked me if my work was still busy and said yes, and that I had company coming in to town today. Keeping things light and keeping a distance too.

    Time to get to more chores! Wishing everyone a good week!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Oh, I remember Sanka (ewww)...and Taster's Choice Decaf and mom, who used Starbucks House Blend beans, had to keep instant decaf on hand for her friends who drank nothing but. On those rare occasions when she drank decaf, she used Maxim because unlike regular coffee which she made by the pot, she made decaf by the cup. One visit, I brought her some Starbucks decaf beans--and her friends hated it (they thought it was too strong and tasted too dark). The only brand of decaf she'd drink was Maxim--to the point where she made Publix order it for her by the case because they only stocked Taster's Choice.

    But instant coffee is still a thing. In Israel, Asia and even some hotel rooms in Italy (where instead of a coffeemaker--drip or Nespresso--they have electric kettles and instant packets), unless you specify “filter" or “press" you get a carafe of hot water and a little packet of Nescafé (the most popular brand worldwide). And here Stateside, Starbucks stores sell more boxes of “Via" instant packets than they do K-cups. (I tried one, and it's passable--better than Nescafê). For our Italy trip next month, I'm bringing espresso pods and my little hand-operated “Handpresso Wild" espresso maker--it looks like (and is no bigger than) a bicycle pump. You boil water, pour it into the chamber, pop in a pod, screw the top on and pump like crazy till the pressure gauge needle goes into the green zone--then hold it over your cup, push the button, and....actual espresso, crema and all (though not as hot as from a machine). It has an adaptor that lets you use your own beans, but preground espresso--unless in vac-sealed wrapped pods--goes stale within minutes; and I'd have to pack a grinder--getting a sufficient amount of fine-enough espresso grind takes forever and requires tremendous effort, and the result isn't as good as with the pods and is a messy clean-up. Last year for my trip to Spain--where except in Barcelona you had to go down to breakfast or call room service for coffee--I brought a mini-kettle, Aeropress coffee cylinder, beans and a lightweight grinder; and by the time I could make a cup I could have gotten dressed and gone down to breakfast. This past trip (London/Lausanne/Paris) I knew ahead of time the rooms had Nespresso machines, so I brought my own capsules--regular and decaf.

    You might have guessed by now I am a serious coffee geek. (“Caffeine" has gotten more airplay than any of my other originals). But here's a dirty little secret....after 4 pm I switch to decaf. With a French or Aeropress, pourover drip, a good grinder and very fresh beans (roasted less than a month ago), I could make you a cup of decaf you'd swear was regular. And as for espresso? My Nespresso Pixie makes good decaf shots and “lungos" (5 oz. cups); and with a “prosumer"* espresso machine & grinder with very fresh decaf espresso beans from a good roaster (I use the freshest locally-roasted beans--usually Metropolis, Intelligentsia or Dark Matter--I can find), I can pull what baristas call a “God shot:" perfect consistency and amount, perfect rusty-gold crema, and utterly delicious....without the buzz. But at the latest ASCO conference, it was announced that only caffeinated coffee (incl. espresso) has anti-cancer properties. Down the hatch, ladies (and gentleman, eric).

    * a “prosumer" machine is a pump-driven espresso machine of professional quality (heavy brass brew head, brass boiler, dual boilers or heat exchanger, powerful milk-steaming wand) but sized and priced for the consumer (admittedly espresso-obsessed) market. Get a really good burr grinder, fresh beans and practice enough--and you will make espresso, cappuccino and latte as good as from a real espresso bar (and better than from most Starbucks or any other establishment that uses a pushbutton superautomatic).

    Hence my (very tongue-in-cheek) DOTD: the GOD SHOT:

    METHOD 1

    2 large scoops freshly roasted espresso beans (preferably 4-14 days old for regular, 1-30 days for decaf)

    Scale that weighs in grams

    Good espresso machine and burr grinder Tamper (heavy metal or weighted wood, same diameter as your machine's “portafilter," the handle that holds the grounds and fits on to the machine's brew head).

    Espresso cup

    At least a week's (perhaps months') worth of practice (arm tats, nose piercing, day-glo streaked hair & or lumberjack beard, unused theater or arts degree, sky-high student loans, and attitude optional)

    Preheat machine till ready. Fill espresso cup with very hot water and set aside. “Tare" your scale (weigh empty portafilter and then zero out the scale). Grind beans very finely (grind will vary with freshness of beans and even indoor relative humidity). Dispense into portafilter until scale reads 17-21 gm, and level the grounds. (Some “updose" >17 gm so that the grounds overflow the portafilter, then level them off...that should give you at least 17 gm). Tamp grounds gently till they settle. Tap the edge of the portafilter with the tamper--evenly “N, S, E, & W." Tamp again, more firmly (geeks say 38 lbs of pressure--use your bathroom scale or a training tamper that clicks at 38 lbs.). Then polish the grounds by spinning the tamper on the surface without using any pressure. Lock the portafilter on to the machine. Dump out the water from the cup and place cup beneath the portafilter spouts. When the “ready" light is on, either lift the little lever or push the brew button (depends on your machine) until about 1-to-1.5 oz has been dispensed, and stop precisely when the color of the crema (thick reddish layer) atop the coffee begins to turn to a lighter tan. Sniff, sip, repeat if desired.

    METHOD 2

    Find a really good espresso bar and order a “double ristretto."

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!Over an inch of rain last night, it really came down for a while.Relaxing to listen to.

    Goldie--when there is no snow the studs make a lot of extra noise and rougher ride.Worth putting up with when it does snow, though!I will keep an eye out for the amaranth, hope it comes up!

    Cammy--Maybe Kava is a New England thing, it's been around forever and still around, I see it in the store.I think Sanka is the first decaffeinated coffee, and the reason that decaf is in pots with orange bands/handles.And I am going to treat myself to total lawn care, thanks for the validation!Good for you for getting even further into the digital world!Online shopping and ordering can be fun.And coffee with Joey with the mornings, what luxury.

    Jazzy--Yup, the Atlantic is cold for swimming, in June, and July, and August.It never really warms up much above 50 degrees or so.The cold Labrador Current comes between the coast and the warm Gulf current, so we never get really warm water for swimming.We swim in ponds and lakes instead, much, much warmer!

    Chi--Ithought I was a caffienoholic, I have a drip, an espresso machine, a press, and an alcohol burning percolator for power failures.My espresso machine is not fancy, but it does make better latte than even Starbucks, that's for sure.LOL at Method 2!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Candle in the Window


    2 tsp Bourbon

    2 oz Light Rum

    1 tsp Cherry Brandy

    1 tsp Dark Creme de Cacao

    4 oz (hot) Coffee

    2 oz Heavy Cream


    Pour the rum, bourbon whiskey, creme de cacao, cherry brandy and coffee into an Irish coffee cup or glass. Pour the cream carefully over the back of a teaspoon so that it floats on top, and serve.

    Best served in a Irish Coffee Cup.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sandy I luv Method 2, it's a hit, but I think I too would go thru all that for coffee, which I actually enjoy not just for the wakeup but for the taste--My kids just make regular coffee in a drip coffee pot, but Joey and I started fancying up, now Marty does too Just by different flavors and flavored cream. My parents were coffee drinkers my dad more so, and when he's make it , it was strong which over the years I enjoy. But we always had a bottle of Sanka in the house, I don't think I ever saw anyone drink it. They drank reg. coffee 8, 9 PM and it never bothered them, I usualy can too, but my sister and cousin can't.

    NM I can imagine the tires wouldn't be good at summertime, so get them off, and I know it's Monday I actually feel it WTF

    Jazzy I didn't realize u spoke on the radio, I thought u just observed. Oh u must have been great. U'r so passionate about what and how u do things too bad none of us could get it in. U've done so much in the last few years and I'm so glad for u. U really got it all together.

    U know ordering and paying bills was the very first things I did on a computer, I used to go down the hall to my oldest DD and she taught me that, but I didn't learn anything else ti I had to and she gave me a computer when I couldn't work, I don't think I touched it for any other use for months, then somehow I learned little by little, all I remember whe I was trying to teach myself it said something about clearing all my cookies, so I actually took a dish and put some cookies on it and couldn't figure that one out, still can't.

    Lori is it always going to be really hot now? Cuz that sounds way to hot for me. I thought when u'r summer starts, it stays pretty much the same all the time. Now that I don't work, I really enjoy winter and snow and snuggling in a blanket. Cuz I don't have to go out at all, but it just looks pretty to me now and no bugs.

    OK see u all latah.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- my childhood BFF and daughter are here and we had a great dinner on the patio last night, visited with my friend after her DD went to bed, and then am up getting ready for the day. We will have breakfast here shortly and then I am off to executive presentations this morning at my client site.

    This is so funny, my friend's DD loves the color pink and my extra bedroom for guests is all pink. She saw it and just "oohed and aahed" and claimed to her mother "mom, this is my room, you can be the one sleeping on the couch." And so it goes with an 11 year old in love with pink.

    Must run, busy day ahead and wishing everyone a good day/week! Will check Thurs or Fri after I jump a few more hurdles.