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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    NM. my espresso rig is an Andreja Premium heat exchanger machine (7 yrs old--the longest I've ever owned an espresso machine, and I get it cleaned and serviced every year by the shop that sold it to me) and a used Mazzer Mini grinder I bought on eBay 11 yrs ago from a cafe that had gone belly-up. I thought of you last night--we went out to dinner at Smack Shack, a Maine-themed seafood (lobster-centric) restaurant that originally started in Minneapolis. (The “smack" in the name refers to a commercial fishing vessel with a separate refrigerated “well" to hold the catch). We shared a seafood tower that included 18 oysters (3 ea. of 3 different eastern and 3 different Pacific varieties), a dozen mussels, 6 jumbo shrimp, ceviche, a 1-1/2 lb. Maine lobster and 2 Alaska king crab legs--washed down with a flute of Poema Brut cava.

    Cami, I love my coffee black. The only time I use milk is in cappuccino, latte and espresso macchiato. And now that I'm back on low-carb, I have them “breve," aka made with cream--I dilute it with water--, half-and-half--most e-bars don't have cream, or FairLife low-carb high-protein milk. Sometimes I'll use unsweetened vanilla almond-coconut milk, which tastes great and froths up really well--unlike soy (which we ER+ gals shouldn't be drinking anyway). I never got into flavored coffee drinks (especially not those “creamers" which are made from veg. oils and sugar), except for the very occasional mocha (off limits to me again because of the sugar). But I do keep flavored syrups around for friends who like them.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Good evening gals. It sounds like everyone had a nice weekend. Mine was pretty typical. Went out for dinner with my dad on Friday, took him to the gym and ran some errands.

    I finally convinced my dad to see an ENT for his swallowing issues, and by convinced I mean I threatened to go back to LA unless he saw one. He will only eat salmon, tomato bisque, scrambled eggs and avocado, and in very small quantities. Thank God for Ensure. He drinks four of those a day. Anyway, his appointment is next Monday.

    NM, I'm with you. I'm not giving up the foods I love (or booze) based on research that changes every couple of years. I remember when soy was considered bad for ER+ BC, and now findings show that's not the case. Asian countries have the lowest rate of BC, where soy is a basis for their diet.

    According to the ACS, the oldest documentation of cancer dates back to around 3000 b.c.

    I don't think you can chalk up such a complicated disease into something simple like giving up a certain food. I do eat pretty much all organic foods, avoid GMOs, but I've been doing this for many years. The idea of ingesting chemicals grosses me out, but I still got cancer!

    Goldie, this was the first time my dad ever wanted to go to the ER in an ambulance, and the first time there really was no concrete reason. I suspected that he had a bad dream about dying, but I couldn't risk it. Nice cocktail!

    Jazzy, how cool that you're on the radio! You are obviously very passionate about your work. It's always nice to see old friends, isn't it? It's like no time has passed from the last visit.

    Cami, Joey is waiting you more now that he's out for the summer? How is that possible? Lol.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Not so fast on the soy. Soy in Asian countries, especially Japan. is of higher quality and less estrogenic because it’s cultivated for minimally-processed food (edamame, soy sauce, tofu and soymilk) rather than for processed foods like tempeh and textured vegetable protein "meat-analogues,” food additives, biodiesel, ink, etc. And those who grow up in east Asia eat it from infancy onward, and their bodies are used to it--there is speculation that much of it is genetic, especially for the majority who are lactose-intolerant and depend on it as their main source of calcium because they shun dairy. Those in the West (regardless of ethnicity) who eat lower-quality domestic soy foods and/or start during adulthood experience more estrogenic effects from it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!This week's big meeting got moved to tomorrow, then we're breaking into 2 groups so I 'll get to do the big meeting again next week!Such fun!But then it will go back to every other week.Gotta love change.

    Cammy--I can usually drink coffee all day long, but there is a point beyond which I get jittery and can't sleep.Haven't hit that point in a long time.I like the flavored creams sometimes, but most are too sweet for my liking.LOL at cleaning the cookies!I can just picture you doing that.

    Jazzy--LOL at the 11 year old telling her mom to sleep on the couch in "her" room!Kids are such fun sometimes.Have a productive week, free from complications.

    Chi--That's quite the tower of seafood!

    Hsant--Good for you for convincing your Dad to see an ENT.It will be good to rule out any physical issues even though it sounds like his problems are more psychological.Thank God for ensure, for sure, that stuff keeps people going for a long, long time sometimes.

    Chi--the soy debate goes on and on. For me, I am going totally unscientific, the thought of eating soy scares me, so I avoid it.But I don't judge anyone who does eat soy, cuz the research is so inconclusive.And there are cultural differences in the way foods are produced and affect our bodies.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Two Turtles


    1/2 oz Benedictine

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    2 oz Canadian Whiskey


    Pour whisky, Cointreau and B & B benedictine into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- got a tired week going on after being on the go all weekend & having company here. My friends made it to their next destination in AZ last night and going to enjoy some time at the Grand Canyon. First time for both! They want to come back for a visit sometime to do Santa Fe and Taos, and said we can do that!

    I had a good meeting yesterday with the execs and we got the okay to move forward on our project as planned. Got another meeting with my steering committee today and will be busy all week and into the conversion weekend with testing. I am going to plan to go to bed early every night after getting some dinner and exercise. The only way to get through a week like this.

    Hsant- I think there is a lot of this causes cancer and that causes cancer, and too many use it to market some sort of product or approach to make money. I read something yesterday that said if you eat a mediterrean diet with veggies, fruits and lots of fish, it will keep your risk of bc coming back or getting it to begin with. Well, that is funny because that is pretty much the way I have been eating since my 20s and got it anyways. There is the drinking too much, or eating cold cuts, or any number of any other things we hear. I do think our food supply has a lot of junk in it and that it can contribute to a lot of issues for our bodies. Any oncologist will tell you that cancer is many different diseases. I try to take very good care of myself with what I eat, limit my drinks to 2-3 a week per my MO, exercise, avoid sugar, get good rest, and working to keep stressful people out of my life. And then we hope for the best!

    Cami- what grade is Joey going into next?

    NM- sounds like you have lots of meetings too this week. Meetings R Us Smile

    Today is our primary day. I voted on Saturday with the early voting available here. Looking forward to this election being over this fall. Too much air time on this, and feel there is a lot of news we are not getting?

    Have a good day everyone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, 7 weeks seems like such a long time to wait for something that you are so excited to get. Good for you on being the big radio celeb! And yet another graceful dodge from the neighbor! Cute your BFF's DD loved your pink room. Did you say where they were visiting from?

    Sandy? A coffee geek??? Noooo!!!!!

    NM, I guess you just have to put the tires on when they say and take em off when they say. Your Amaranth might take a little longer than mine. But you will know it, it's red even when it comes up. Nice sipping drink!

    Cami, I'm like you and just use the flavored creams, usually Hazelnut. Yummmm! Our temps will get pretty warm, then we have the monsoon season, which I guess starts mid June. But we've hit triple digits already.

    Hsant, I had a rough spell here not too long ago and knew I needed the nutrients. Well, ended up I was going to be ok. But we were out so grabbed a 6 pack, and no, not of beer! I only drank 2. They are not on my favorite's list! Glad your dad is doing better.

    NM, I'm not quite sure of your tone, about the groups and meetings? Is that a bit of sarcasm I hear?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Mornin' Ladies,

    Hsant I'm glad u talked (strongarmed) u'r dad. Just to make sure, it'l ease u'r mind. How long have u been there? How do u keep any balance with u'r home in CA. U'r a wonder. I know I could never do that, mine were just downstairs from me so I didn't sacrifice anything for their care.

    Sandy OMG I started scratching after I read all that menu.I do wish I liked fish tho, but I can't stand it and I keep on trying.

    Jazzy I'm so glad u'rBFF's DD enjoyed the luxery that she had. It's funny tho how these kids have very definite opinions about everything they do.I hope u'r work goes easier on u this week.

    NM good DOTD and u'r week sounds hard too, but maybe it will be better for u than u think. I hope so.

    The damn lawn mower is right by my window ooohhh, Joey likes to get his yard work done early, then he goes next door and does theirs.

    Oh the physical therapist is supposed to come today and I have to call her, I still have my D--Before they know me they think I have it a couple of times for 1 day and it's done--they don't realize what they're up against LOL

    My boss (LOL) came over last nite and I gave him a couple of things to get for me before he came. He always does it for me. Then he stayed about well over an hr. and we just talked bout life and the world, he's very spiritual and we have the best conversations. Keeps me on my toes with the bible. Cuz I fall flat on my flat feet.

    OK back to the bathroom soon, I know so have a good day everyone.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    I'm not trying to set up a debate about soy vs. no soy. However, here's a link from MD Anderson.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good evening- I love how when you are super busy, a car problem always shows up! Went to work today with my convertible and all was fine. Went to gas up after work and run some errands. Everything was going well until I got home and turned the car off to do outside watering. Then it would barely start, idled rough and died. Tried it three times and left it. Went back and started it up and it was idling fine. Turned it off and waited awhile again, it started up the second time but rough idle.

    There is a great web site called Roadfly if you ever want to research car problems. I am not one to fix cars, but like to be able to figure out a few possibilities. My hope is to get it in to the garage tonight and call tomorrow to get an apt for next week. This is not a great week for me to deal with a car problem. I do have two cars fortunately.

    Will let you know how it all works out!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Bummer about your car, Jazzy.

    I read the MD Anderson article--but noted it’s from 2014. The head of our hospital system’s cancer survivorship program has been attending the ASCO conference and that’s where she heard that the reason Japanese women have so little breast cancer may be the quality of the soy there and the fact they’ve been eating it since infancy. (And again, some things are unique to a certain genetic ethnic group--such as the lipoprotein (a) in even the umbilical cord blood of south Asians--India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka--that predisposes them to cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome regardless of whether they’re vegetarians). So real minimally-processed soy--edamame, soymilk, tofu--may have far lower levels of phytoestrogens (and more anti-estrogens) than highly processed and concentrated soy foods like soy protein isolates, and fake meats like Boca Burgers.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Big meeting at work this morning, sigh, but go to be done, so will do it.Had a nice couple of thunderbumpers come through last night, was pleasant to half wake up and watch/listen and cuddle with Sadie.Sadie uses any excuse possible to cuddle, not that I have any objections.

    Jazzy--sounds like a tired week for you, alright!Sounds like a good plan for getting through it, though.Meetings R US is, right! Problem is they get in the way of getting the real work done!I rarely turn on the TV or radio anymore cuz I'm sick of the political stuff.

    Goldie--I'm keeping an eye out for red stuff coming up, and keeping my fingers crossed.And yes, there was some sarcasm about the meeting stuff.I'm not fond of meetings, but they are a necessary nuisance.

    Cammy--The work week is going reasonably well so far, I just like to grumble about meetings.Love the talks you have with your boss!I hope you have a pretty bathroom to spend all that D time in. . .

    Hsant--so much info, so much of it contradictory to itself.Not sure what to think, so I'm going with the "if it causes anxiety, skip it" advice and skipping it.Which means It's probably very healthy for me!

    Jazzy--Car troubles do seem to show up at the worst possible work times, don't they?Glad you've got a second car to fall back on.

    Chi--good points.The whole what causes cancer question certainly has not been answered to any great degree yet.I wonder if it ever will be

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Backfire On The Freeway


    2 oz Vodka

    6 oz Guinness Stout


    Drop a double shot of 151 into a beer mug of guinness and chug immediately.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Cami, does Joey make a little moola when he mows lawns? Sounds like you had a very nice conversation with your cousin. Did PT come?

    Hsant, I think we all have our own do's/don'ts. It's whatever makes you comfortable. I like to joke on occasion, and make the comment "what's it gonna do, give me cancer?".

    Jazzy, glad your car didn't leave you stranded at least.

    NM, I like a good thunderstorm, but not a down pour of rain. Does too much damage out here. I thought I detected a bit of sarcasm there!

    Missing so many goils.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning ladies- well I am waiting for the dealer to open so I can talk to them about my issue. I left the car out overnight and tried it one more time this morning and it is as dead as a doornail. No charge. I suspect battery, alternator or fuel pump.

    I have a super busy day today as we are preparing for a conversion so I decided to call the dealer and discuss the situation with them. My plan is to get AAA over here in the am with a flatbed to tow it to the dealer and then follow them in. Then in the other car. Even if it is something as simple as the battery, the car is due for service (I was just thinking yesterday it was time to make an apt to do that). It has been hot here and so and heat or cold can bring on car problems.

    Goldie- I am grateful for many things here. That the car did not act up on me in the past few days when I had critical meetings at work, that I was not stranded last night anywhere and she chose to konk out in the driveway. That I have a second car to get me to my busy day and space to deal with this in the morning. The dealer will be open shortly and will get my plans going with them and then dressed an on to my busy day. Cars can be fixed. Oh and my car's name is Goldie, how about that?

    ChiSandy- this is not my Outback but my second car. Outback always gets me where I need to be.

    NM- both my critical meetings went well, but there is this young director who has been a pain in my ars since I arrived there. She is young, ambitious and from all I can see, it is all about her. She invited herself to our exec meeting on Monday from what I could see and one of the VPs in the business area told her that her boss (VP) was there so she could drop off. But she didn't. Just wow. And yesterday she got ugly with me in our second meeting. I watched the faces in the room as she went off on the phone. Well, I have worked with these young ambitious people before who are a bull in the china shop and usually they do themselves in. Bad behavior as a consultant is never tolerated for long. My client neither likes or respects her. Someone needs to put her back in her box?

    About soy, I have never been a huge fan. I used to drink unsweetened soy milk as a CNP who was helping me through some pre-menopause stuff said it would help. I have had tofu a few times in asian dishes, but usually prefer other things like pork, chicken or shrimp. I have had an occasional tofu bite, but just decided I did not care about it enough either way.

    Gotta get to my busy day friends. Will let you know how the car thing works out.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhlinKs!

    Tried to post a funny but as you can see, didn't work. I'm back...heehee. I have read most of the posts and will try to address them all tomorrow. Today I am busy busy. Had a good, relaxing time even tho it was 110...saw both aunties, oldest one concerns me the most. She lives with her caretaker whose English is not so good. Have trouble understanding her, but she has been a blessing for my aunt. Got to see and visit with 6 of my cousins. My departure flight was 2 hours late, coming home - all good. Only got 2 decent pics which I will try and post soon.

    Sounds like all are having an OK time. Makes me happy!!

    OK, off to the groomers...more tomorrow

    MUAH to all my beauties!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    The only soy food I like is edamame. Tofu is okay as a carrier for the flavor of whatever you toss or cook it with. Soy milk has always tasted like grassy chalk to me, unless so heavily sweetened that I might as well be drinking sugar. I find I really like unsweetened vanilla-flavored coconut-almond milk instead. It even foams up decently for lattes (you have to drink them quickly or the froth collapses).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Friday Eve!Well, yesterday turned into quite a day.Had to leave the big meeting early to attend a death, ended up spending the day there, didn't get home till almost 9 pm.But it was a beautiful, peaceful death for someone who feared a difficult one.And easier for the family, too, so I feel like it was a job well done, if a sad one.Gonna be dragging my butt today, but that's ok.OK, just listening to the weather people on TV, the guy is talking about Wind Chill today!I mean, really?In JUNE?

    Goldie--I've seen some reports of what a downpour of rain can do in the northwest, so much flooding and damage, it's scary.Around here the wind is more likely to do damage, but that's not often or usually very serious.Fun to watch the lightening and hear the thunder, though.

    Jazzy---hope your car problems get sorted out quickly and inexpensively.Glad the meetings went well.That young director sounds like a self-centered, rather insensitive person.I hope someone puts her back in her box ASAP.But I'm afraid there is a whole generation of young adults coming out of schools where it IS all about them--you know, can't tell a child their answer is wrong, might hurt their self-esteem, etc--and who are going to suffer a rude awakening when they get into the work force and that kind of behavior gets them into difficulties.Whatever happened to teaching good manners?

    Mema--so happy you had a good time with the fam!Can't wait to see the pics!

    Chi--what does edamame taste like?I've tried tofu, thought it was rather tasteless and had a consistency of wet cardboard.Not attractive as a meat substitute to my tastes. But I have some friends who love the stuff, and eat it almost every day, and look pretty healthy to me, so what do I know?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    French Cosmopolitan


    1/2 oz Grand Marnier

    1 oz Citrus Vodka

    1/4 oz Lime Juice

    1/2 oz Cranberry Juice

    1 drop Grenadine

    1/2 oz Sweet and Sour Mix


    Pour all ingredients (except grenadine) into a shaker, shake well and strain into a chilled large martini glass. Pour a drop of grenadine into the middle of the glass and let it fall to bottom. (It will color the stem red.) Garnish with a slice of lime, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    I don't go out of my way to avoid soy. Not really something I crave. It's in almost everything you buy.

    Jazzy, high five at your car being called Goldie. And hopefully the adult playpen stays empty!

    Oh Sue, I know you had a good time with your cousins and your aunties. Welcome home sista!

    Oh NM, lets not forget the fire dangers when it storms too. Glad your patient had a peaceful passing. That's something I pray for. I guess they have you so drugged up, you don't really know when your body is giving up?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- I got to work yesterday to get everything done to be ready for our data conversion today. I am working at home this morning and waiting to hear anything last minute from the vendor who is scheduled to start in an hour to be sure we are ready to go. Speaking of young people, the vendor who has all young folks are not always good about communicating and letting us know things in a timely way. As a project manager, it makes me CRAZY! Anyways, we had some loose ends to tie up yesterday, and should be ready to go in an hour. This is a big milestone for us and fingers crossed the conversion moves into our test environment without failure.

    So on the car front, once I am sure we are past the morning start time, I am calling AAA to come bring a flatbed. I think I mentioned I called the dealer yesterday and said she was going to be towed in this am. But here is the thing I am back to being worried about, the gas I put in the car that seemed like it could have been the culprit. I bought it from Sam's Club as I have for years (best price for premium which this car requires), but a guy friend who is big into sports cars like me said there are known stories from both Costco and Sam's Club about cross contamination with diesel in unleaded tanks. Sure enough, I researched it and it has happened in at least two other Sam's Club locations. The symptoms sound very much like what happened with my car. Well, if it turns out to be true, Sam's Club is going to be paying for this. And I do realize it could be something else, but the gas thing was my first instinct. Will let you know!

    ChiSandy- I am a fan of almond milk!

    NM- I agree about the generation coming up and this is certainly not my first experience with someone 20 or more years younger. What does surprise me is that they would hire a consultant who acts like this? Employees can be mentored, but not so with consultants, you are supposed to have it together and not cause them problems? I have seen other rude and unprofessional consultants come and go there. But I saw my client let a project manager who created a lot of problems stay there far to long. I remind myself in a few more months, I will be done with this project and she will be a vague memory soon! There is some problem person on every project, if you are lucky, not more than one? She has been a thorn in my side since I arrived, but since I am not contracted to her nor does she approve my invoices, it really does not matter?

    God bless you too for helping that person transition easily. I think the biggest fear most people have is having a painful or suffering death. We have all known people who have had those too. I am glad it was easy for everyone. You do good work, sister.

    Gotta get going to my day, which will be a busy one. Wishing everyone a good slide down into the weekend.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Good morning ladies! It's a beautiful day, after a couple days with temps in the 50s.

    Just want to be clear, the only soy product I eat is organic soy sauce, and once every couple of months Shirataki tofu noodles. I'm a huge carnivore, and I don't avoid dairy products (another topic for BC risks and recurrence). I'm not pushing soy. My point was that as Native said, it's unknown what causes cancer, so it makes sense that it would be difficult to prove what prevents it.

    Jazzy, your neighbor was taking advantage of your kindness, and that's not a friend. It's good that you set boundaries with her, regardless of her age or health issues. It's really her children's responsibility, and this was misplaced on you.

    I completely get the young, ambitious person, who's as green as grass. Lol. Yep, they tend to dig their own graves. I dealt with a lot of those during my career in the entertainment industry.

    Your comment about the Mediterranean diet is exactly my point. One can follow a specific diet and do all the "right" things, but there are no guarantees. If preventing cancer wereas simple as following a specific diet, there would be a cure by now.

    Good luck with your car!

    NM, I don't know how you do it. But I do know the patients, families and loved ones are very lucky to have you as their hospice nurse.

    Mema, I'm so sorry about your aunt, but it's great that she has a good caregiver. It's also great that you could spend time with your peeps. Where are they located? Looking forward to the pics!

    Cami, I've been with my dad since August. I've spent a total of 6 months in CA in the last 4 years.

    It's difficult, but it is what it is.:) Is mowing lawns Joey's summer job?

    Goldie, I've never consumed an Ensure, but I've poured hundreds of them. I think they're a saving grace when you have trouble getting down solid food. How's the weather by you?

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Thanks for the good wishes about the car folks. They picked her up around 10 a.m. this morning and by 11 a.m. I was done with the tow guy and dealer. The service rep said it sounded like it could be the alternator, but could be something simple as a belt. He said he would check the gas too. Going to have them give her a once over and get my summer maintenance done. I was just about to schedule that when this happened. Summer heat does tend to wear stuff out here!

    Hsant- I definitely don't feel good about the change with my neighbor. She has sent me some weird things on FB message like a guilt-trippy video about how friends are so important (of course when you want something, right?) I am just not responding. I think a lot of things have changed for her. I have never looked to her to step in and do anything for me around health issues. We are not bffs?

    I am going to a happy hour tonight! That is the best part of today!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    An alternator problem usually produces a telltale rapid clicking sound when you attempt to start the car. It's often due to one of its little “brushes" breaking off, and can be temporarily “fixed" by reaching in and rotating it, possibly buying time to get you to the shop for a new one. (Happened to my '93 Taurus twice). No sound at all usually points to either a dead battery or broken (or missing--see last scene of “The Sound of Music") distributor or ignition system.

    Edamame, at least to me, tastes like a less-sweet-and-starchy, “greener" tasting version of raw or very briefly-cooked fresh peas. Quite tasty.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! Quick pop in, another long day yesterday, need to get an early start today. So looking forward to the weekend!

    Sadie says Woof!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, a real friend would never send someone a video about the importance of friendship. I hate to sound judgey, but that's just weird. I hope that whatever the issue is with your car, it's not too $$.

    apple cider sangria

    yield: serves 4-6

    prep time: 10 minutes

    total time: 10 minutes


    1 bottle (standard size) of pinot grigio
    2 1/2 cups fresh apple cider
    1 cup club soda
    1/2 cup ginger brandy
    3 honey crisp apples, chopped
    3 pears, chopped


    Combine all ingredients together and stir, stir, stir. Refrigerate for an hour or so (or longer!) before serving.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    ooooo Hsant the drink looks good, It's nice to have alcohol recipes easy to find. U stepped up right away. nd u are one loving DD wow.

    Jazzy what a mess with u'r car, it's good to have an idea what's going on. When I worked my car was always a problem and that could always make me cry. I was lucky to have the people around me to rake care of everything. I always had old cars. LOL And there is always one sour pickle in the barrel and it screws the brine up. Or somebody gets it. U and NM have been really busy, hope u slow down soon.

    NM ur 'in a hurry this morning, How nice of u to go to the wake. U are so specal to care so much. U'r job isn't just busy, it's very emotional--hard to take.

    Welcome home Susie Q--It's always so nice to see u'r family, and good that u'r aunt has good care--but 115 degrees, Oh that's so headache temps.

    Lori does this weather make u feel any different? I just wonder. I hope u'r doing OK

    I didn't realize a couple of days went by--I've been goofy in my head on the days. I have the pt coming again today--I know I'm supposed to have a good attitude but I just feel like AGAIN? Most of the excercises I do anyway, Oh well .Work has been crazy for A/C's and I know I'm talking in circles when the guys tell me to call them. I'm having a hard time getting hydrated for some reason but I did have some D yesterday. It'l happen sometime. O it's Joey's birthday today---12--- I really can't believe how old he is. And Lori he doesn't want to take money for what he does for the neighbors, their old, they're younger than me, but sometimes they make him take it and they are generous. I don't know why he feels guilty, They're glad to hve someone do it, cuz they can't do it anymore. Well tomorrow they are all going to the Sox game and Cheyanne (my other DD's DD) is going with them. She's 15 and Joey and her have always gotten along. Jodie (my DD) legally adopted her last yr. and she is a good kid, just very quiet except with her friends and Joey, but it's supposed to be super hot tomorrow.

    Well TGIF and I still don't have my summer clothes out yet, they're buried under some stugg in the garage in one of those zip plastic bags.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, how would you be able to prove the bad gas coming from Costco or Sams? I hope it doesn't end up costing an arm and leg. Hope you were able to make it to Happy Hour.

    Whoa, was that NM I saw fly by?

    Hsant, you have been with your dad for 4 years??? And you marriage has lasted this? Wow, that's all I can say…"WOW"! The Ensure was doable, I was able to choke it down. Just reminds me of baby formula. Weather has been warm, today it looks like it's going to be windy. What a purdy drink!

    Cami, when it gets too hot out, I just go in the house. I can't deal with it, plus I'm suppose to stay out of it. Usually I can make out your typos, or figure out what you are talking about. But this one I can not. What is a stugg? Your clothes are buried under a stugg in the garage. Well, that surely does not surprise me that Joey won't take the money. I'm sure the others will agree with me. Happy Birthday Joey.

    Town day today and labs. Oh how I hate labs. Strange day for me yesterday, slept most of the day.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016


    Morning DahhhLinKs

    This is only good pic. From right to left - Ginger, her DD Kelly, and her younger sister Maria. Gonna submit before I lose it.

    It's TGIF woohoo, have nail appointment in about an hour, still have to take dogs to park etc. Have a dwink with ya'll later.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends! Happy Friday. I am getting ready for a project call and monitoring our conversion and last minute prep items for testing over the weekend. Things are coming together for the most part, but busy! I am so tired, but will be able to relax later today!

    ChiSandy- I really think this is a fuel problem, bad fuel, fuel pump or something with the engine not getting the right mix of air and gas for combustion. I have had alternators and starters go out and know that clicking sound. A rough idle sounds like something in the engine and that was the start of the problem. Could be the battery too, but did not want AAA messing with it. The car is due for service anyways so time for a good look see. This car is always expensive to fix. I am working some OT right now and that will help to pay for this!

    MemaSue- I want in that pool! It is going to be warm here today. I may go to the gym pool later today for a swim to cool off!

    Goldie- not sure how they could prove it, outside of sending the gas somewhere to have it tested if they suspect it is what happened. I do have the receipt though and that is a good start with any documentation needed.

    And yes, I went to the happy hour and said hi to a few friends and sat down to talk to some other folks for awhile and then in a deeper conversation with a friend from my other prof org. I was there longer than I expected & it was all good!

    Cami- oh yes, cars have made me cry too. I remember when the car I brought out here just kept breaking down and I had a friend visiting over the Xmas time and was going to meet her for an outing and came out to see my muffler and tail pipe hanging off the car. I just started balling, it was the last straw for me. Shortly after, I got a used version of the same type of vehicle and was on my way. This car got backed into last summer as you may have recalled. Every summer it is something.

    Hsant- the video was not appreciated and I won't be guilt tripped into helping someone further who does stuff like that. I think I am just finding out who she really is, someone who expects a lot from others. There is obviously a reason that her family is not around more and she has no other friends right?

    Time to get on my project call. Looking forward to relaxing for a bit after this busy week is done (well sort of).

  • tsoebbin
    tsoebbin Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2016

    Can I please join you in a beverage or two?🍷🍸🍷🍹🍺

    I was at a retirement party last night and drinking red wine... so many people asked if it was OK if I still drank. Lol... I was standing there with wine in my hand!

    Good intentions... I just smiled and looked at my glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Tsoe- welcome to our thread. Don't you love other people that check in or monitor stuff like that?

    I have the opposite problem. When I told the smaller community I shared my dx with, two people FREAKED OUT that I needed to reduce my consumption. My MO said stick to 2-3 drinks a week and that has been no problem for me. At least he did not say to give it up, right? I learned who all the problem drinkers were right away, the ones that need a drinking partner. They can find someone else for that!

    This is my fav thread on BCO these days, lots of nice ladies and we talk about everything here. We are glad to have you join in the fun!