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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    It's me again.

    Welcome Tsoebbin. (I think that's u'r name) there's always a bar stool to sit on and enjoy any drink u want. and we never close.

    Lori u always make me LOL, I have no idea what I said, and I really thought I was getting better at typing plus I have spell check--what is it they say---u can bring a computer to an old lady, but u can't teach her anything, Well that's what I say.

    Jazzy where ever u go u always enjoy u'rself even if things get serious.

    Oh some of the neighbors stopped by and sang HB to Joey and gave him something for his Birthday. He was so touched, he gets so mushy.

    OK I just pooped in for a minute to say nite, well this took me much longer than a second, can u still believe I typed most of my life with my jobs. OYVEY

  • tsoebbin
    tsoebbin Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2016

    Thanks for the welcome!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    LDB, what a nice picture of your cousins.

    Jazzy, hopefully if need be, the gas receipt would be enough. But I'll bet they'll want to take you to court, thinking you will bow out if it were to come to that.

    TSO, welcome to our lounge, The HTL (Hot Tatties Lounge). Pull up a bar stool and let one of our gorgeous Tenders get you a beverage. You should have said to that person, about the wine, "what's it gonna do, give me cancer?"

    Cami, glad we can make each other laff, and you are not an old lady. How did PT go? So sweet of the neighbors to think of Joey.

    Gosh, I've been sleeping so much lately. Went to be at 5 last night, was up at 5:30 this morning. Must be the RSO, it's the only thing I can think of, other than going to the dark side.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Boy, the Angel of Death has been picking on me this week.As has the Imp of the Perverse.It took some serious busting butt to get everything caught up, and I still have an entire set of reports to write, one for each of my 18 patients, plus reports on 2 deaths, all due by noon on Monday.Which means I need to do them over the weekend.Not happy about that, but nothing much can be done, either.Did indulge in a lovely sleep in this ayem with lots of Sadie cuddles.On now to play ketchup!

    Goldie--I don't go out of my way to avoid soy, like you say it's in almost everything.Butdo pass on the soy milk and such, feels too much like asking for something bad for me.Not logical, I know, but there it is. Since it won't hurt me to not drink soy milk, I don't see any problem with passing on it.Many times we have people on medication, but only if they needed the medication before becoming unresponsive.There are changes that go on in the normal dying process that cause a lot of natural sedation and pain killing, too, which is helpful.Difficult deaths are usually a result of too much medical intervention trying to prolong life at any and all costs.And I believe that I have seen the soul leave the body hours before the body finally gives up and stops.

    Jazzy--I'm praying the conversion went well, and looking forward to later posts to see if it did!It is surprising for a consultant to act so self-centeredly.But who knows what's coming down the pike these days.It is nice to remember that a PIA person has no influence on your invoices or decisions, makes it easier to ignore the nonsense.

    Hsant--funny how different our takes on the advisability/safety of soy is.At last we all seem to have come to a place that works for each of us.Like I said before, I do not judge what anyone else chooses to eat or avoid eating, as long as they don't try to force me to do the same.Ensure, Boost, Equate, Jevity, etc all are fantastic supplements.I've known patients who lived for months longer than anticipated just due to drinking those regularly.Amazing stuff.

    Jazzy--glad you got the car in quickly. Hoping it's just simple stuff and quickly fixed.

    Chi--edamame sounds like something I might like.I may have to taste some if I ever get a chance.

    Hsant--LOVE the Apple Cider Sangria!Definitely going to make some soon.Putting the ingredients on the shopping list right now.

    Cammy--I missed Joey's birthday! Please send him my belated good wishes.12 years old, almost a teenager, he's growing up so fast.

    Goldie--praying the labs are good, and hope you took a nap for me!I was wondering what a stugg is, too.

    Mema--nice pic!Can I come get my nails done with you?

    Jazzy--so glad you had a good visit with friends at Happy Hour!One of my co-workers and I had a virtualHappy Hour the other night.We texted pics of our adult beverages to each other.

    Tsoebbin--of course you can join us! Of course it's ok to drink some, why bother saving our lives if we than can't live life at all?Pull up a barstool, or a pool floatie and tell us more about yourself.What kind of recon did you have?

    Goldie--Good comeback for the "should you be drinking" comment!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Mexican Garage Band Drink Recipe

    1/2 oz. Strega

    2 oz. Tequila, gold

    1 1/2 oz. Cranberry Juice

    1 oz. Grapefruit Juice

    1/2 piece (squeezed) Lime

    Mixing Instructions

    Build over plenty of ice

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- I am working today and getting ready to get on some calls this morning. That being said, I am taking time to enjoy some patio time this morning. Beautiful day over this way and hope for all of you too.

    Goldie- the gas receipt would only be the initial proof I bought tainted gas there. I would expect the dealer would need to write up something, and then it would need to be sent to them for review. I have an atty and yes, I use that "I have already consulted my atty on this matter." Tell them you are savvy and mean business. My hope is that it is NOT related to the gas because I am not up for the fight right now. So once I know more, if it turns out to be related to that, I would call my atty. He is like a little grizzly bear,, the guy you want in your corner when things go south. Fingers crossed this will just be something simple that went out with the car being older and is unrelated to the gas purchase.

    Cami- how sweet that Joey was humble about the birthday gifts. Give him a big happy birthday from me! He is a very special young man.

    Ugh, with being away a few weeks ago, company here last weekend, working a lot, etc. my house is a MESS and started working on some things last night. Besides working and house stuff, I do plan to get to some outdoor music later on today!. Big band jazz under the stars!

    Wishing everyone a good day today!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    LDB, what a nice picture of your cousins.

    Jazzy, hopefully if need be, the gas receipt would be enough. But I'll bet they'll want to take you to court, thinking you will bow out if it were to come to that.

    TSO, welcome to our lounge, The HTL (Hot Tatties Lounge). Pull up a bar stool and let one of our gorgeous Tenders get you a beverage. You should have said to that person, about the wine, "what's it gonna do, give me cancer?"

    Cami, glad we can make each other laff, and you are not an old lady. How did PT go? So sweet of the neighbors to think of Joey.

    NM, almost joined you in the pool. It's just so not fare that you have to work most of your weekend off, but I guess that goes along with job, eh? Thanks for comment on death/dying. And how amazing that you feel as though you watched souls leave a body. And you have given me some peace of mind as well.And Edamame are soy beans. My comeback of "what's it gonna do, give cancer?" gets used quite a bit! I wonder what strega is? Never even heard of that one.

    Jazzy, you have a full plate girl. Almost bumped you in the pool too, but I was face timing with my DD, so didn't post my post.

    Gosh, I've been sleeping so much lately. Went to be at 5 last night, was up at 5:30 this morning. Must be the RSO, it's the only thing I can think of, other than going to the dark side. Need to go out and plant some lima beans, have some space we need to plant something. I love lima beans, have never grown them, and I really don't need more green beans at all, but we do have 3 rows of those. And some of the corn just didn't come up. But I highly doubt we'll get anything from the corn. I'm pretty certain that some sort of animal will get it before us.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Strega, is an Italian herbal liqueur produced since 1860 by the S. A. Distilleria Liquore Strega in Benevento, Campania, Italy. Its yellow color comes from the presence of saffron in its recipe.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Came home famished after my gig last night (which went great) because I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. So I threw together a tapas plate and poured an ounce of the Manzanilla sherry I brought back from Spain last year. Yum! Finished up with some Rioja.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Bob asked me to chill a white wine but yesterday pronounced the Trinitas Chardonnay I chilled "too good to drink." (I keep telling him I can Coravin it and pour him as much or as little as he wants without having to kill off the bottle, but I suspect he prefers to kill off a bottle). Searching the basement, I found (to my chagrin) a 2000 Frog's Leap Dry Rose of Pinot Noir. Winced, brought it upstairs, Coravin-ed about a Tbsp. and was shocked to find it still rather drinkable--in fact, well-chilled I think it'll taste better and less oxidized than that manzanilla sherry. If Bob likes it, he's welcome to the whole bottle. I'd rather have a flute of the Mumm Napa Santana brut I'm also chilling.

    I think I’m going to cancel the Signorello Estate wine club, especially since it’s not only expensive but no longer comes with the Snake River Farms American Wagyu beef club. We’re inundated with their cabernets, more than we can possibly drink in a lifetime. (Going to encourage Bob to drink them, despite his protests that they’re too good for casual drinking. We’re not gonna live forever, and Gordy rarely drinks anything other than Coke Zero or Minute Maid Light. (He used to be an IPA aficionado till he noticed he was getting a bit of a beer belly after he quit smoking 5 yrs. ago).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Although yesterday was my fun day, today I need to work on reports for work.Sigh.Nothing like major schedule changes to create work.Did have fun in the kitchen, though.I've tried Blue Apron before, one of those places that send you all the ingredients, premeasured, with instructions to cook up meals. Stopped getting it cuz it started being missing ingredients.Hard to make a Noodles with blah blah blah when the big box doesn't have any noodles in it!Well, I decided to try Hello Fresh, another company that does the same thing but has more choice of delivery days, more choice of meals, was a small bit cheaper.Got the first box on Friday.Unpacked it yesterday, expecting to need to get out the recipe cards and sort out the ingredients and was very happily surprised to find the ingredients for each meal already sorted and boxed!All I had to do was move the boxes to the fridge and take the meats out from under the freezer packs and pop them on top of the appropriate boxes!Much nicer than a box full of loose ingredients.I used the time I expected to spend sorting to make up the first meal, sliced chicken breast on grilled cheesy veggies on baby spinach.Talk about yummy!I would never have thought about topping roasted veggies (zucchini and tomato)with panko, grated parmesan and coarse chopped mozzarella and broiled until bubbly and brown.The box came with Italian seasoning, and I didn't use one bit of salt or pepper and it was SO tasty!Can't wait to try the other dishes.

    Jazzy--how was the patio time?I enjoy my deck time when the weather is nice, can imagine how much you enjoy the patio.Fingers crossed for something simple for the car fix.

    Goldie--The change in the meeting schedule at work is creating some work this weekend, but since it's a repeat of last week's reports it probably won't take very long.And the new meeting schedule will save time in the long run.The new computer system is not very Doctor friendly, so we have to wait on him during the meetings, and breaking into 2 groups means cutting each meeting down to 2-3 hours from the current 4 to 5.It's going to work out better for me and the other nurses, it's going to be a added time drain for the social workers, chaplains, volunteer coordinator and office staff who will have to do this every week now.Nothing is ever perfect, I suppose.I didn't know what Strega is, either, here's what I found:

    What is Strega Liqueur?

    Strega (Liquore Strega) is an Italian liqueur that has been produced in Benevento, Italy since 1860.

    The recipe is a mix of 70 herbs and spices which include Samnite mint, Ceylon cinnamon, Florentine iris, Italian Apennine juniper, fennel, and saffron. The saffron is the key to Strega's signature yellow color and the mint and juniper are two of the most pronounced flavors within the herbal mixture.

    Strega is aged in ash barrels to allow the various flavors and aromas to blend.

    Interesting Strega Facts

    Strega is the Italian word for 'witch' and the liqueur is sometimes referred to as such. The name is appropriate because the town of Benevento has long been considered the City of Witches and folklore says it has been a gathering place for the witches of the world. Throughout the town one can find many strega products including candy that uses the liqueur.

    Strega Cocktails

    Strega is considered a digestif to be imbibed after a meal and is commonly served straight or on the rocks. It can also be used in a variety of cocktails such as those below. Some also use it as a substitute for Yellow Chartreuse, though there is a significant difference in taste especially with the mint aspect.

    About Strega

    • Italian digestif liqueur
    • 80 proof (40% alc/volume)
    • Retails for around $35/750ml bottle

    From <>

    Woops, you beat me too it!

    Cammy--I love Kahlua, never knew there was a salted caramel version!I Love the French Vanilla version, now I have GOT to go find this one!

    Chi--Sounds like a great after gig meal and sip.I've often wondered if a wine club would be a good way to try out different wines, but the hassle of needing to sign in person for the delivery puts me off.I'm not home to sign, and no one else is either since they won't accept Sadie's paw or nose print.I'm giggling at the "Too good to drink" comment.What's wine good for if not to drink?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    • 1 part Kahlúa Salted Caramel
    • 1 part Malibu
    • 1 part coconut cream
    • 1 part pineapple juice
    • 2 rings of fresh pineapple

    Blend all ingredients with ice and pour into a highball glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    NM, interesting about those meals. Do they ship them "next day"? You found way more information than I did on the Stega…LOL. And what's the matter with delivery people not accepting Sadie's signature.

    Our neighbor was up visiting, so went down yesterday and visited with her. Temps going in to the triple digits by the end of the week. Hopefully everyone is just out enjoying their weekend.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Good morning ladies! I hope everyone Is having a niceweekend. Today marks the one year anniversary of my BMX, so I was going to make a ha ha that I'm throwing a party, and post some funny pics that would be appropriate with this theme. What I found during my search is that women actually do throw Bye, Bye Boobie parties. Based on the photos I found on the Internet, these aren't small, intimate gatherings, but big, blow out shindigs. Being someone who's uncomfortable with having attention on myself for something usual like my birthday, I find this fascinating.

    Native, my dad drinks Ensure Plus, because it has the most calories. Ensure Complete has the same calories, but my dad doesn't like the idea of the extra vitamins pumped into it. I don't like when someone pushes her/his way of living on me, either. Who does? When I smoked cigarettes (quit for good 8years ago), one of the most annoying things for me during that time was having strangers come up to me and ask questions like, "do you know that's going to kill you?" or "You do know that smoking is really bad for you, right?". No. Had no clue. Thanks for enlightening me! (Insert eye roll).

    Your meal sounds delish! Portobello mushrooms stuffed with cheese and marinara or pesto is also really good. I tend to stay away from bread, but I think pank mixed into the cheese mixture would be very tasty.

    Work sounds stressful. I can't imagine how difficult it is for you when you loose a patient. I'm glad you have Sadie for fun and cuddles.

    Jazzy, I love Big band jazz. An outdoor concert sounds fantastic. One of my favorite activities during the summer is going to concerts at the Hollywood Bowl.

    My tolerance for energy suckers is zero. Absolutely, there's a reason why family members stay away from that woman, and she doesn't have any friends. She sounds like a crack pot. Once again, don't mean to sound judgey.

    Cami, Happy Birthday to Joey? He's only 12, but sounds like an old soul. Did everyone have fun at the baseball game? It's fantastic that you have a close, supportive family.

    Anyone I've known who's experienced PT typically dreads the sessions.

    I'm a sucker for salted caramel. Your cocktail looks so good!

    Mema, what a nice pic of your relatives! They look very happy in the pool. Thanks for sharing.

    Goldie, yeah. It ain't easy, but the hubs is (for the most part) understanding of my situation. Actually, he doesn't have a choice. Lol. I know I'm lucky. I think a lot of men wouldn't put up with their wives being away the majority of the year.

    How are you adjusting to the RSO? I know you're sleeping a lot, but do you find that you're building a tolerance to it?

    Best wishes for good lab results!!

    Traci, welcome!

    Well, I'm off for a glamorous day of interesting activities such as purchasing a bed wedge for my dad, and a Target run. Don't be jealous!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Am so sad and horrified by the events in Orlando. I'd call it a hate crime but news is saying it's a terrorist attack. But no matter, I am just so bummed out. It's just happening tooo often. People are sick in the head.

    Tsoe - Wanted to give u a big welcome to the HTL. We do have lots of fun and still can share our woes.

    To the rest of my ladies…my back is screaming at me, will take a naproxen and heatpad it for awhile. Hopefully be able to write more tomorrow. Thanks on all the kudos for my cousins pic.

    Lubslubslubs and prayers for all affected by the mass shooting.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hi ladies- happy Sunday Funday! I am back from the farmers market and grocery store with so many good things. Going to be doing some cooking and food prep for the week including making some salads, and also preparing a nice sunday meal for myself today. My mother always made a big meal on Sunday's and like to do so too. If I do food prep on the weekend, I go into the week with better eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    ChiSandy- I love a good pinot noir rose. Those are hard to find. Was it good?

    Goldie- it has been pushing 100 here this week, what is it like your way? Are you still in northern AZ? I have a friend who has been working in PHX and said it has been up to 116 at times. You can fry an egg on the hood of your car with that!

    NM- a friend of mine does those Blue Apron meals and likes it. She works a lot and travels sometimes every week with her job (big pharma). I think those meal plans are great if you will use them?

    Hsand- oh the Hollywood Bowl concerts are the best. I remember going to one years ago in the summer when I visited my sister and we saw Al Jarreau, Boney James, Take Six and some others. One of the best concerts I have ever seen.

    The concert last night was good, I just went for the first half as I was tired and was sort of "half into it" so I went for the first half. The swing band is a new one called The Sol Band and featured a really great male vocalist here whose voice I love. So much great music, and lots of dancing with both the young and old. The population seemed like it was exactly that, 60 plus or the 20 somethings that were into the swing dancing. Gosh they were cute too. It looked like it was going to downpour at one point, but only a few sprinkles. I left during the break and the second band I have seen a lot through the years and felt I could skip it. I was glad I went, also glad I came home early. I have been over extended, tired and needed to go to bed early. Doing better today as a result.

    I will leave you with a photo of my veggie loot from this morning!


  • tsoebbin
    tsoebbin Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2016
    What a fun group and great welcome! I'm reading along but we've been so freaking busy celebrating summer before my BMX on June 29 that I haven't taken time to introduce myself.

    I'm Traci... 52... and oh yeah... I have breast cancer. That part sucks but I'm hoping it's a blip in the road and I can get back to whatever normal is afterwards. Hey... a girl can dream, right?

    We are in the Pacific Northwest... Eastern Washington. I belong to one wine club, Airfield Estates, but I'm 5 blocks from Trader Joes so I'm always experimenting with the range of good wines they have from around the world.

    We love to travel and our goal is to visit all 50 states. We visited the South this April and loved it. Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North and South Carolina. We planned on the North East coast in 2017 but we may postpone if I have my reconstruction DIEP early next year. (I'm postponing because I'm very overweight so I'm pushing myself to llose and healthier/stronger before that long of surgery/recovery. It will also give me the chance to see if I'm OK living flat. Who knows what path I'll take once they see what lymph node involvement is. I sure don't!

    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. It's partly sunny here today so we're outdoors playing in the flowerbeds.

    Take care,

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, the pinot noir rose (Toad Hollow, not Frog’s Leap--AI-brain, alas) was 16 years old....about 12 years longer than any normal rose would be palatable. What I could taste was like a very faintly oxidized (only on the finish) version of a Tavel from Provence (wrong varietal, of course). Very dry but still a faint hint of fruit. Not at all sour or “hotly alcoholic,” the two usual properties of a spoiled wine. Guess having a deep basement helps. Bob drank the whole bottle, out on the deck.

    As for me, I opened a bottle of 2007 Mumm’s Napa Santana (the regular, not even the Supernatural luxury, brut). Yum! Yeasty, toasty, fruity yet still brut. Fantastic with a spoonful of decadently runny Brie (which I licked like it was a lollipop). Thank goodness for Champagne stoppers. We are fairly deep in Mumm’s Napa Demi-Sec. I’m not a fan of sweet bubblies except with dessert (maybe a little cordial-sized glass of sparkling Moscato as dessert, which Broadway Cellars often comps us after dinner). I certainly gag at the prospect of Asti Spumante. Now, Moet White Star is labeled “extra-dry,” which I think the French would translate as either “sec” or “demi-sec.” Not willing to waste a bottle of Mumm’s Napa Demi-Sec just to see how it tastes (it was part of a tasting flight at the winery back in 2013, but I don’t remember it specifically); I’m concerned about ingesting too much of either my alcohol, carb or calorie allowance just to satisfy my curiosity. Unlike a still wine, I can’t Coravin it either (too much pressure--the bottle would explode), so I’d have to go to the bother of chilling and opening it, and then have it take up room, stoppered, in my already-full fridge. If anyone here remembers tasting it, I’d appreciate some guidance.

    Speaking of sweet wines, in a moment of weakness after the last winemaker dinner at B’way Cellars (featuring Spanish wines), I bought a bottle of cream sherry (sweeter even than oloroso)--it was insanely good with chocolate and caramel. Dunno if I’m ever gonna open it--way too much sugar & alcohol--but at least it’ll keep once opened, even w/o the Coravin.

    How does Strega compare to Galliano? Is the latter more of an herbal Sambuca or anisette?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Chi- I was wondering about the age? I worked in a winery once and learned then about the shelf life of most white wines and roses and know that one was a bit past. That being said, I smiled reading that your DH drank the whole bottle.

    I expect to have a glass of pinot gris before this day is over!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Traci- good to hear more about you, although I will say I am sorry you find yourself here. BC can be many things to women with respect to diagnosis and treatment. Interestingly enough, my BS said mine was going to be a bump in the road because it was found early and was slow growing. I had lumpectomy and radiation, did not go through as much as some women do here. My gyn also said bc is very treatable compared to other cancers. So we do what they advise and hope for the best.

    Keep your list of states to visit out there! I am doing lots of bucket lists close to four years out from my original dx.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, that is definitely the tenth of nine lives for either a rosé or most whites. The exceptions are late-harvest whites--especially Vouvrays, rieslings or Sauternes/Barsacs (or their New World equivalents. I’ve had verticals of Rheingau spatlese rieslings where even the 20-yr-olds were rich and luscious; and it isn’t uncommon (though insanely expensive) to come across a Sauternes that old or older. It’s the residual sugar in these special whites that makes up for the lack of tannins that normally allow many full-bodied reds (especially Bordeaux, CA cabernets or zins, or northern-Rhône varietals (such as from Hermitage or the Aussie Penfolds Grange Hermitage) to age 25-50 years or longer, given proper storage conditions.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    After I put the pic. up of a drink I started writing, then my phone didn't stop for a while then after my coffee I had to take a nap, but the phone woke me up WTF--well anyway I have no idea what I was going to talk about--but Lori the word was stuff, not stugg--OK no more splainin' my typing otherwise that's all I'll be doing. LOL

    NM I 've heard of both of those types of delivery meals and they're always so interesting and good food. but u have to cook them, and I stop at that point. I hope u'r work week goes well with less work actually and emotionally too. I had to LOL at Strega, cuz I couldn't remember what it actually means but knowing when I was younger heard the word before, my aunt used to use it a lot and not about the drink. I actually prefer Galliano just haven't had it for a while. And Annisette is my favorite, years ago when u got married the line in the restaurant would have all shots lined up and as the bride and groom toasted each guest, they all had a drink of it but u new u kept the same shot glass and just touched it with u'r lips, Except my then husband wasn't told and I noticed (after a while) he was drinking each one. Damn, well one of my cousins (they were super good friends) had to take care of him for a while, but I had fun all alone, that should have said it all to me. He was Italian too.

    Jazzy u must have been tired not to stay. U needed more rest so I hope u got it. I know u' have a nice place outside to relax, but it has to be super hot there, so I would think u'd stay in. And I hope u'r week goes well.

    Lori I hope u'r doing OK and stay out of that heat another how state, and u'r labs better be good.

    Sandy I luv how u said u'r DH can just drink it after the wine was open. I wish my brother was still here I would be able to really talk about wines with him and really impress him, well that's not the only reason I wish he was here but it's quite impressive to know so much. And where did u play over the weekend, I don't remember u saying. Have u totally retired as an attorney now, u never mention it.

    Tracy OK if I have this right u'r operation is at the end of the month. Well we have our own nursing staff and we've as a group been theu it so we'll be here for u, just tell us how u feel and we can at least tell u if that's kinda normal--It's funny how our memories do remember so much of all that . U sound like u'r in a good lace tho and that counts.

    Hsant I love those celebratory mammo desserts, I've never seen that. Do whatever u can to celebrate and know it's behind u. And u'r DH is an angel.

    SusieQ I've barely taken my eyes off the TV and I hate that he's been killed. I can not imagine that over 100 people were shot and 1/2 killed by one ma, I understand about one of the guns he had but still--, it's just a mystery except he was crazy, I just can't imagine that much hate anyone can have. All those young people just out having a good time. The town came together so much. Sadness.

    It got nice and cool here yesterday and Joey stayed overnite Sat. my my DD's so I saw very little of him this weekend, he had fun at the Sox game and they sat in the shade for the most part and ad good seats. So he had a good BD weekend. Jodie's DH is having a party for Jodie for her 50th in a couple of weeks. I can't believe she's 50, she still acts like 16. And I just can't imagine having a 50 yr old; really.

    Well my PT is coming today ick--I'm a terrible patient for this. My back can handle it OK but my leg can't.

    Well I hope everyone has a great week and it all starts out with a sunny Monday. or shady if that's to hot.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!Gloomy and damp here, but that's ok, we need the rain.They keep talking about possible thunder bumpers, hopefully those will happen when I can watch and enjoy them.Got all my reports done yesterday, wasn't fun but only took an hour and a half.Then I treated myself to a lovely nap while binge watching Season 1 of Supernatural and with Sadie warming my tootsies.And a lovely cup of lemongrass tea.Hope every one's Sunday Funday had some fun in it!

    Goldie--the meals are shipped next day, but you can choose what day to get your delivery (any day but Sunday).And you can choose from a menu of meals (f you remember to do it by the deadline).They have a Veggie box, Classic Box (omnivorous) and a Family Box (kid-friendly).You can also choose Quick, Pork free, beef free, seafood free, Chef's Choice, fit recipes.I chose Quick.

    Hsant--I had heard about women throwing parties just before having a mastectomy.Never thought about a 1 year anniversary party, but that could be a good time, too!Not something I personally would do, but I would go to someone else's!I limit my discussions about smoking to safety around home oxygen.

    OH my, look at the Mammo-Grahams!

    Mema--I hear you, what happened in Orlando seems like both hate and terrorism all rolled into one.Very scary.Take care of your back!

    Jazzy--I need to get into the habit of weekend meal prep for the coming week.I would eat a lot better if I did that.I did Blue Apron for a while, but then started missing ingredients, so gave it up.The meals are very good, and do actually cost less than buying the stuff at the grocery store, especially for a single person or couple.They really are great if you use them!Nice Farmer's Market loot!

    Tsoe--that took me 3 tries, I keep typing "Toes", so that may be your nickname here!I took time between the mastectomy and the DIEP, did a lot of walking before hand, I think it does help with the recovery.Going flat was OK, wasn't crazy about the prosthetic, very happy with the recon.We'll stock up the UFO and be in your pocket for the surgery and keep an eye on things.

    Chi--I've never actually tasted Strega, need to find some and do a taste test.Hmm.Sounds like a fun project!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Viva Alberti


    Serving: 1

    • 1 ounce Strega
    • 1/2 ounce cognac
    • 1/2 ounce lemon juice
    • 1 teaspoon Amaro Cappelletti
    • 3 dashes orange bitters, preferably Angostura
    • sparkling wine to top

    Garnish: orange twist

    Glassware: wine glass


    1. Add the Strega, cognac, Amaro Cappelletti, lemon juice, and bitters to a wine glass.
    2. Add cracked ice, and stir until chilled.
    3. Top with sparkling wine and add the garnish.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Hsant, happy 1 year anniversary. As for me, I don't celebrate anything that has to do with cancer. Certain dates are erased from my mind, I only know when abouts I had things done. Bye bye boobie party eh? Well your husband must be a saint. Not only are you gone for most of the year, but you've been doing it for 4 years!

    LDB, I hope your back is feeling better. Do you think it's the cancer in the bones causing the pain, or just over doing something? I only ask cuz I have no pain what so ever.

    Jazzy, our weather about the same as yours. Nice picture of your veggie loot. So pretty and colorful.

    Traci, let us know if we can offer any help. I did not have MX, but several of the girls here did. DH and I did the west coast last fall, CA, OR and south WA. So so pretty out there.

    Ahhhhh Cami, "STUFF", now that makes sense. I just couldn't figure that one out! As for staying out of the heat, I do! I go out in the morning to get things done. Besides, I'm not supposed to be in the sun. Hoping the PT helps with your leg and continues tohelp with your back.

    NM, glad the reports didn't take that long and you got to have that nice relaxation time with Sadie and some tea. Wow, those groceries are cheaper than buying at the store?

    Be a busy day here, with the business. Lots of orders and I have a couple weeks worth of paper work to catch up on, but that may have to wait until tomorrow. Very sad about what's happened in FL. I'm not sure what to believe, whether it was a hate crime against gay or if it were terrorism. His dad makes it sound like it was a hate crime, but I don't think I believe that.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- I decided I am going in late today, as my client is out, the other manager (useless) who is my go to is working remote, and my test lead is flying in and won't be here until this afternoon. I racked up 50 hours of work last week through the weekend, and nothing critical I need to be in for. So I will do some work from home and finish up some things I did not get to this weekend. I am feeling a bit more in balance after refocusing on myself to eat well, sleep more, get more exercise.

    I had not even heard about the Orlando thing at first because I tend to tune out the news and social media a bit more on the weekends, especially when trying to restore. It is just so sad to have more lives lost. We have had children die, church worshipers taken out, people killed at work, in the mail, at the movies, etc. I don't know what it is going to take for this to be stopped? Those families are going to be hearing today if their loved one is among those lost. I cannot imagine how awful it would be for those families who probably already know, but will hear that final news.

    NM- as a single person, it is hard to cook for one, but I find if I make things that I can have for one or two meals into the week, I do better. The key for me is to be sure I have both the items purchased in a timely way and the space to cook. Because I had to be around yesterday with the work stuff, it allowed me to alternate between cooking and work stuff. Multi-tasking as we call it! Last night I enjoyed some marinated salmon kabobs and had some wonderful squash lyonnaise last night. I am making a kale chicken ceaser salad for lunch today. I have a big fruit salad to make this morning too from some goodies I got at the health food store.

    Hsant- congrats on making it to your 1st year! Like Goldie, I don't celebrate anything either around this crap, but also have all the dates ingrained in my mind; my dx date, when I had surgery, dates around rads, when I started the AIs, my first follow up, etc. I think people should do what makes them feel good in the post recovery world. I will be to my five years end of next year, god willing, and have thought about doing a special trip after I make it through that date. I kept my dx private for professional reasons, and rarely talk about it with my friends anyways. Each year you get further out gives you some confidence you will be okay, but we all live with the chance of re-occurrence. I choose to focus on living well, because life is short anyways and nothing is a for sure, right?

    Cami- thanks for encouraging me to get more rest. I did sleep a lot this weekend, took naps too! It really did help.

    Sounds like Joey had a good time and you have a DD turning 50 too! I love the comment about her being 16. My mother always said "you are my daughter and I will always worry about you." I hope you can get to that celebration and have fun, you par-tay girl.

    Goldie- it's going to be another hot one this week. Par for the course in June, right? We have had a lot of afternoon t-storms that makes me think monsoons are ramping up. I know you get those too. We have heard mixed things about whether it will be a good one or not. The last 2-3 years have been super strong ones and helped us to get out of the drought, but it is heading back in to it again. More fires popping up this year, nothing huge though like we all had in 2011.......

    Must get going to my day and wishing you all a good one. Thinking of Mema Sue in that cool, cool water......

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Got a call yesterday that kinda shook my day.Had a patient with heart failure who wanted to stay at home, and die at home.It wasn't an ideal situation as the patient was homealone several hours during the day, but the patient was well educated about what to expect and had everything needed at hand.The patient also had an adult child that was not dealing well, who really wanted the patient back in the nursing home where the patient would "flourish" and "get better".This child actually called 911 while my partner was in the home last Thursday afternoon, getting patient's chest pain under control.So patient ends up in the ER, getting a full cardiac work up, admitted to the hospital.My boss and I met with patient and another adult child, and a spouse and asked her what patient wanted, since Hospice doesn't pay for the tests that were being ordered.Patient indicated knowing the situation won't get better and not really wanting the tests, but it would be better for the family if tests were done.Patient choose to come off Hospice.That was last Friday.Sunday patient died in the hospital.Never got home again. Never got back to the nursing home to "flourish" and "get better".Instead of dying comfortably and peacefully patient died with nurses pounding on the chest, tubes in the throat, people yelling orders to each other, probably stripped naked on the bed, in pain and probably afraid.I so feel like I failed this patient.I so want to smack the one child. Nobody got what they wanted.Ah, family dynamics, so crazy sometimes.

    Goldie--My meals calculate out to about $11.00 - $12.00 a plate for 3 meals for 2 people.That's for a complete meal except dessert.The cost goes down to $8.40 a plate if I got 5 meals for 2 people.I've seen demos on line and read blogs and reviews where people go out and buy the same ingredients as are in the boxes and the boxes come out less expensive every time.What's nice for me is the chance to try some new foods/ingredients/recipes really easily, and knowing that everything is there and in just the right amount. The only thing I need from my own pantry is olive oil, salt, pepper, sometimes some water.Complete nutritional info on the recipe cards.I find it's a great short cut to week to week meal planning and cooking.Also, I don't usually get a delivery every week, I usually skip every other week or skip a couple weeks at a time.That control is a really nice feature.

    Jazzy--Good for you for taking care of yourself!You are a great example for me to follow.Cooking for one is a real challenge sometimes, isn't it?I used to do a lot better at the weekend prep for the upcoming week's meals, but have gotten so lazy on the weekends that almost nothing is getting done. You've got some good stuff on your menu!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Hell's Kitchen



    Pour both ingredients into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, good for you going in late. 60 hours is a lot! I pretty much cook for 1, DH doesn't eat the same things I do. He likes frozen/processed stuff. After I hit my 5 year mark, I was finally starting to live without thinking of cancer daily, then BAM, I got hit again. I know the rain is needed, but around here it just wreaks havoc!

    OH NM, how horrible for your patient and you failied NOBODY! None of that was inyour control. Your meal thingy sounds great. If it were something that my DH liked, their "servings" are probably sensible, whereas DH would probably want all 3 servings. And it sounds like you can regulate it to your personal needs, instead of them saying "If you don't order something, we'll just send this weeks package. That Hell's Kitchen is the same as my Duck Farts, which I haven't had in a while.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- short message because my conversion went south late yesterday and working with the vendor to figure out what to do. I went to the VP for decision making instead of calling the person that is my designated "go to person" while my client is on vacation. I had concerns about her being the go to for this week because she is not a critical thinker and usually busy ordering people around vs. helping in any greater management capacity. Last week during the conversion prep, she started pushing at me about "planning a happy hour for her team" who did a lot of work on the huge milestone we just finished. That told me everything I needed to know. I am keeping her posted, but leveraging the VP.

    NM- I am sorry for your patient that they could not stay at home and pass the way they wanted. We all know Hospice is for that very reason, to give you more end of life options than dying in a hospital. Because I have seen it in my own family, it is hard when someone cannot let a person go that is not going to get better. The child of your patient will have to live with that outcome; no one wins here, the dying person did not get what they wanted at the end and the adult child ended up without the parent. How upsetting for you trying to do the right thing. Sometimes families are not helpful, mine certainly never has been.

    Time to get going. Funny story from last night is another neighbor I know who runs a nearby dance studio asking me to come to her belly dancing class. ha ha, I must look like a good candidate for abs works?

    Goldie- I am sorry that you got past your five years and it came back. I have read enough stories here that make me know this is a forever possibility. I hope you are doing okay/

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Oh Jazz, I'm doing ok. Day to day, about all you can do.

    Forgot to let you all know about my markers. The CEA came down a tad, and both CA's one came down a tad and the other went up just 1. So stable, I recon!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2016

    ok, i swear that there is a conspiracy to drive me fn nuts. I just wrote so much on here, albeit a lot about myself and what is happening but I welcomed all newbies and addressed the majority of you onederfoil ladies then poof post is fn gone! GONE, G o N E gone. So unfair, I tried undo but greyed out, I tried back but nada. HATE when this happens cuz I have to get back to work for a few more hours from home. I've been so busy kissing fn bizzilionnaire's asses and soooo sick of it all. Jest wanna dwink JD and talk to mese goils eberynight instead. ugh.

    SO welcome to uh, forgot now, I remeber Traci n Erin but there was another....keep coming back newbies, this is the best group here, I've been loving these goils for well over five years and then some, love love love mese breast fwends from mese dwinking group. and anudder ting pissing me off is that I can't drink cuz have more work. n don't wanna work, wanna go to bed bcuz I feel like chit which I essplained in the post that the FN gremlins made nessappear~~~

    ok, will work a bit maybe then make a strong one and revisit tonight, God willing!

    cheers ladies, lift your glasses, raise your titties if ya got em~

    xO dara

  • tsoebbin
    tsoebbin Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2016

    Hate it when that happens! Throw out some f-bombs and stomp your feet a bit... I always feel better when I have a mini tantrum!

    Thanks for thinking if us. I'm knee deep in work and hope to check in regularly when I get caught up from being away for my lumpectomy BEFORE I leave for my DMX.

    Know I'm enjoying your posts when I can with a glass of something red!