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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Hey, Dara, I HATE when that happens--not just here but on another forum where I post, when its stupid server locks up and whatever I typed disappears. GRRRR.......go ahead and slam that JD.

    NM, so sad about your patient. We can painstakingly dictate every detail about our deathbed desires, but loved ones are in such denial that they confuse preserving heartbeat & respirations with “life.” When hospice kicked her out for living >6 mo., my mom sat my sister, Bob & me down and expressly said “no more hospitals, no treatments except for pain, no feeding tubes or hydration--and keep a copy of my DNR with you at all times.” She pointed to it prominently posted on the kitchen wall immediately across from the door--with “DNR” printed across it in red Sharpie--so it’d be the first thing anyone coming through the door would see. But on the morning she pushed her LifeAlert button and then lost consciousness, the EMTs burst in, ignored the DNR, dragged her to the glass coffee table and proceeded to violently perform CPR--so hard that they broke the glass and probably her ribs. Mercifully, she was probably already dead and couldn’t feel it.

    Bob and I have made our own preferences known to each other and to Gordy. But there’s no guarantee what third parties will do, documents or not.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hi ladies- whew, what a day. We had a demo with our provider team today and suffice it to say, it was a rough one. Some of these providers were involved with the first phase of this project and thought they were on board, but apparently not. Their leaders were not there and that made for a worse conversation. Anyways, my test lead and I felt shell shocked and said WTF, and regrouped. I hate getting flattened like that in meetings, because the org has not done a good enough job ensuring buy in. Oh well, their dysfunction translates into my contracts and income stream.

    Dara dear- welcome back! We have missed you but know that you have had much going on this year. Hoping you are coming through the losses as best you can. We look forward to future posts but no worries about a redo. Just stop in and say hi.

    This is also my fav thread too! Don't tell the other threads I am cheating on them! lol!

    Chi Sandy- your story is a tough one too. It is good you and DH have talked about things. Although many put the documents together, there is never a conversation about the things that go between the lines. When the time comes, it is so emotional and who can think clearly?

    Six months before our mom went, she went into the hospital with a septic infection. The ER doc wanted to send her to ICU but my sister said no heroics. I flew out and we thought that was it. She lived through that, but she also told me she was going to be leaving. I knew she was telling me something and that I needed to listen. She came out of that with difficulty, but when she went into a coma the following March, my sister said "please tell me it is okay to not send her to the hospital." My sis is a doc like your husband Sandy. We called in hospice and she passed in less than 48 hours. My sister felt we interrupted her dying the first time, but with her being conscious and suffering so, something had to be done. It is so hard to know what to do when the time comes. Thank God for Hospice!

    Goldie- we have a wild fire here in the mountains to the east. After not having many fires here the past few years with better rain, they are back and this one is in an area where there are people I know live. A beautiful spot called Fourth of July canyon. It is this little area that trees like maples and oaks that turn the rich fall colors you see in the northeast. That is probably going to be gone after this. Sigh.

    Going to eat some dinner and then go for a nice walk. Love the long daylight this month!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2016

    Thanks Chi, Tsoebbin and Jazzy for the sympathy, glad to know I am not alone in getting attacked by the gremlin.

    So more about me, do ray ME ME ME lol. But must tail mese story and why I am feeling like a dunce and still living with de most agonizing pain. And feel free to skip my boring story.....A few months ago, started with a tooth that broke at the gumline, thankfully one of my back molars. Had to have tooth surgically extracted, finally did it three weeks ago but pain level went from minimal and seemed to be getting worse by the day. And being too consumed at my fn job, I put off going to the oral surgeon thinking that it will eventually go away. Well the past week has been horrible, it has woken me up at night the past three nights so went to the surgeon for a looksie. ~remaining text copied from email sent to my sister who asked how my appt went today~~~~ The surgeon was very thorough, first had to rule out dry socket from the extraction then did many tests on my remaining teeth with hammering, cold sensitivity, xrays to check the proximity of my sinus's vs the roots that were removed to eliminate a ruptured sinus as cause. I was in the chair for over an hour all the while stressing about getting the ef back to work. The dr found nothing going on in my big mouth! So she then asked if I had any other current health issues and i thought about it and could only come up with I've have been suffering with allergies...just another addition to my misery. She asked a lot of questions about the "allergies" then told me that she would bet that I have a sinus infection or something sinus related. I have never had one before so did not think all of the drip, congestion, sore nose from blowing, sore throat etc had anything to do with my sinuses yet these allergies were going on for nearly three months. The surgeon then told me that she had a patient in the past who also had severe "dental" pain, so much that it hurt her head with each step she took and it turned out to be a sinus infection. So I went back to work, and as suggested, called my primary care doc but was put on hold for what seemed like an eternity so hung up....I tried again mid afternoon and was on hold again when my other line rang... before I knew it, the dr office was closed so too late to make an appointment. I will make it a priority tomorrow. I feel so stupid as I have been suffering for so long and the headaches which I do not have a history of were nasty nasty, waking up in pain at night on and off and throbbing in my ears, eyes and nose....thinking it was all coming from the tooth. Ugh, why I let my job supercede my well being is beyond me, should have gone to the doc months ago. I did complain about the allergies and throat to Dr back in April when I had my six month visit but he also thought it was allergies and gave me an RX which I won't take again as it made me feel dizzy, like the lights were too bright and I was close to passing out. Damn me. I'm thinking bout going to urgent care now as I can't sleep despite taking 10 ml percocet and another 80 mg of ibuprofen. And two JD's n diet and ready for #3. That's my story and i am sticking to it. Ok, off to make anudder, will be back for more story time, next time about all of you though.

    Peace out girl scouts ...


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Dara, can you get a referral to an ENT--or a sinus clinic in your city? I have a premolar that went ballistic after it was filled, so I was sure it would need root canal. X-rays revealed nothing wrong. Dentist said my nerves could be close to the gumline and asked if I have sinus problems. Hoo boy, yeah, I told him. He said to ride herd on them constantly, using my saline & nasal steroid sprays religiously, steaming my face, and doing regular Neil-Med sinus flushes, especially when the pollen & mold counts are high or a storm front is moving through. Danged if he wasn’t right! Only thing I can’t do is take a decongestant, since I have high blood pressure (albeit well-controlled on meds).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!It's actually sunny here this ayem, a bit of achange from the usual gray.It will be good to have a day without meetings.And the State surveyors came in yesterday, so everyone was a little on edge all day.Although I expect a no deficiency survey, we've got our act together.It's the first survey for our office boss, though and he is a bit jumpy about the whole thing.

    Goldie--The serving sizes are sensible, but I can see someone with a really big appetite eating more than one serving.It's a great way to trynew foods and recipes for me.And very individualizable.And I found out yesterday that the poor patient died DURING a procedure.That poor family has to live with that memory now.So sad.

    Jazzy--Yikes about the project.Good idea to bypass Manager Happy Hour and going to the VP.I do feel sorry for the patient's child, and it was a real no-win situation.But I did what I could.

    Goldie--stable numbers, that's a good thing!

    Dara--oh, no, the post gremlin hit again!We really need to find him and drag him out to the swamp.I so could not do what you do, could not kiss up to money bags butts like that.I'm sure some are pretty normal type folks, but I've met so many that are self-centered and downright rude.Hang in there Dara, there's a glass with your name on it waiting for you!

    Toes--mini tantrums are fun, sometimes, aren't they?I'll join you in something red.Currently my evening drink is cherry juice cocktail withAbsolut Citron and a splash of seltzer.Yum.

    Chi--good point about third party actions.So sorry about your Mom.First, cuz Hospice shouldn't be discharging just because someone hits the 6 month mark.I've had patients on service for over a year, a few for more than two.As long as there is some health decline they qualify.As to the EMTs ignoring the DNR, that's just wrong.Unfortunately CPR done correctly IS violent.We are taught that you are going to break ribs when you do CPR correctly.But on a glass coffee table?No way.On the floor, always on the floor.Never on something like a coffee table, not stable enough, will get broken.I pray you Mom felt none of that stuff.

    Jazzy--so sorry about your Mom.When someone is suffering you have to do something to manage that, and sometimes that "interrupts" the dying process.But pain has to be managed, and often there is no way to realize that the person is in the dying process until later when you can look back with more info.I tend to think of situations like that at the practice run, a way to prepare the family and help get everyone on the same page.It is very hard to know what to do in the moment, so much is unknown at that point.

    Dara--oh you poor dear, you have been suffeirng so much!Sinus infections can be very sneaky like that.I hope you did go to urgent care, the sooner you get on antibiotics the better.And you may need more than one course of Aunti B's, sinus infections can be stubborn.Please come back soon and tell us you are getting treated.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Single Barrel Apple Sangria


    • 2/3 part Jack Daniel's Single Barrel
    • 4 parts chardonnay (low-oak)
    • 1/3 part apple brandy
    • 1 1/2 parts pure apple cider
    • 1/3 part honey
    • Sliced ginger
    • Cinnamon sticks
    • Apple slices
    • Juice of 1 lime
    • Juice of 1 lemon


    In pitcher, combine all ingredients besides apple wedge and citrus, then refrigerate. Before serving, add apple slices and citrus and mix well.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning ladies!

    Dara dear- you poor thing. It does certainly sound like a sinus infection. They do get worse with time and also been in places where I have had dental and sinus stuff going on back to back. Where is the problem? Hard to know. You need relief girlfriend. Get yourself some anti b's and get yourself better. Wishing you better days sister.

    NM- I do think we did the right things for our mother in the end. It was hard to go through, but we really tried to be sure we did the right things for her. I just want to say I so admire hospice and all you do!

    I am going to have a hard day today, but will push through the conversations with the VPs to try to help these folks through the concerns they have so we can finish the review. I am there to help them through this problem and the solution they have agreed to do.

    No word yet on my car so going to stop by on the way in to the client site today as they are right next door on the way. Everything is hard right now, living for the weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Oh Wacko, losing a post sucks for sure. I almost always type mine in Word first, then copy and paste it in BCO. But wese missed you. Tell those rich sum bitches we need some of you too. You poor thing, I hope you can get into the doctors soon. I know that headache.

    Good to see you Tso.

    Gosh Sandy, what a story about the DNR and CPR done anyways. Hopefully they went peacefully.

    Jazzy, I saw where there was that fire out there. I hope everyone will be ok, and home losses are minimal. I hope you end up having an easy day.

    NM, so sorry about your patient. Do you mean they were maybe doing something like CPR on her at the time of passing? So Sad.

    NO news here, just work. Have Tammy coming over later.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited June 2016

    Dara: my borked teeth and sinuses sent your borked teeth and sinuses their deepest sympathies. (In my case it was repeated/chronic sinus infections that presented as toothache. Fortunately, my patient dentist worked with me....)

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Good evening, ladies! Well, my dad went to the ENT. He was pretty anxious about this, but the doctor's nurse worked at one of the hospitals where my dad had privileges during the time that he was practicing medicine, and I think that put him at ease. So, the doc looked at my dad's throat with a gadget via his nasal passage, and said that everything looked perfect. He didn't think it was necessary for him to get a barium swallow test, which i doubt my father would've agreed to anyway. The doc said that its common for people my father's age to have swallowing issues, even with out a physical problem. I asked if it was psychological, and he said no, it's neurological. I asked if there was anything that could be done about this, and he said no. Quite honestly, I don't quite understand what he means by neurological with respect to my father's problem. He explained it, but I didn't quite get it. He hasn't had a stroke, and he doesn't have dementia or Alzheimer's. I figured I would google it when I got home, but nothing came up that would explain this. The doc didn't seem concerned, and said that my dad should continue with the foods he can tolerate and to schedule an appointment if something changes. So that's that.

    I'm enjoying a glass of Paul Dolin Sauvignon Blanc this evening. It's 85 degrees outside, and the thought of my usual Zinfandel or red blend just didn't appeal.

    Cami, Galliano was my dad's liquor choice back in the 70s. I've never had it, but I love Pernod and Sambuca, which are also licorice liquors.

    Goldie, I don't celebrate anything cancer related either, at all. I'm so superstitious that I won't refer to myself as a survivor. I was going to make a joke about throwing a party, but I found out that people actually do this, and it's a thing. Coming from someone who doesn't make a big deal out of something typical, like a birthday, I found this to be crazy.

    Congratulations on stable lab results!!! Stable is always good.

    Dara, I post from my iPad, and I found myself constantly losing posts, and I would get delays when I typed, so now I write my posts from email, and copy and paste it on the thread.

    I don't have sinus problems, but my sister did, and the pain and discomfort can be debilitating.

    Try lying flat on your back, with a hot, wet (as hot as you can stand, with out burning yourself) washcloth placed over your nose, including your nostrils. You're getting the steam effect and loosening up I the junk, but by lying flat your sinus gook can drain into your throat. Repeat this as many times necessary until you feel relief. My dad would have my sis do this, and she always felt better until the antibiotics kicked in. My friend had a horrible bout due to allergies not too long ago, and she felt loads better after trying this. I hope you go to your doctor or urgent care and feel better soon.

    Toes, I've never thought of cursing like a sailor (to myself) when I get pissed to be a mini tantrum, but yep. It is. I agree. It feels really good. Kind of like a massage for the soul.:)

    Native, The story about what happened to your patient is heartbreaking, but of course you didn't fail her! This was completely out of your control. I hope that your patient's daughter acted in what she thought was her mother's best interest. I would think you've witnessed relatives of hospice patients who are completely in denial about their loved ones circumstances. I've never had a family member who's been in hospice that I know of, so I can't speak from personal experience.

    You've had a hell of a past couple weeks. I hope you can enjoy a nice, relaxing weekend with Sadie.

    I love to cook. It's a hobby and passion, but I've never been able to get motivated to cook or prep for the week during the weekend.

    Your cherry juice cocktail sounds refreshing and tasty. I think you should post that as one of your DOTD's.

    Jazzy, what's going on with your car? In my experience, mechanics typically fix problems in a day or two, because they want the car off the lot. Did you take it to Subaru service or an independent mechanic? Work also sounds tough this week for you. I hope you have a relaxing and fun weekend planned.

    Watching a parent decline, and ultimately pass is one of the most difficult things you can go through. It sounds like your sis had everything under control, and you were at peace with all decisions that were made. You mentioned you had a difficult relationship with you mom, but you made peace with her during her final years. That's the most important thing

    I had a very nice Somoma County Pinot Noir Rose last night. I ordered it in a restaurant, and I think it's called Belle Glos.

    It's only 9:30, and I'm pooped. I'm a little irked, because Dish Network is boycotting Fox, so I couldn't watch Masterchef tonight. Oh well. Time for bed. See you gals soon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Hsant, when I was at a really nice rehab/convalescent center after my 2013 knee replacement (as opposed to the hellhole where I rehabbed my first one in 2012), I remarked to Bob that though the food in the waiter-service dining room was pretty darned good, the soups were exceptional. Being a cardiologist/geriatrician, he explained why: as we age, our swallowing reflex naturally begins to decline until soups become a mainstay of nutrition for those who want savory food rather than Ensure (basically a bottled milkshake, or as one doctor called it “liquid candy with vitamins”). Restaurants with “early bird specials” are darned serious about their “soups of the day” and sell gallons of it. In communities with large populations of seniors, soup can make or break a restaurant.

    I love Belle Glos Pinot Noir (I think the winery may be “Meiomi”). Broadway Cellars often pours it by the glass. Will look out for the rosé. I have a bottle of Maryhill’s Rosé of Sangiovese chilling in the fridge. Last night for the grass-fed NY Strip I grilled, I Coravin-ed a couple of oz. of Signorello 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon. I may offer the rest of the bottle to Bob--we have so much Signorello Cab, “Padrone” and Zin that I had to cancel our membership. We’re swimming in the stuff. Tonight I might have another flute of Mumm Napa Santana Brut before it goes flat.. We’ve currently got three and a half rows of bubblies (not counting our last two bottles of Dom) on our tall basement wine rack, and I love sparklers (other than prosecco or Asti Spumante or crummy bulk-process domestic drek like Andre or J.Roget). If we actually have something to celebrate, we open either real Champagne or the Mumm Napa luxury cuvees like “Supernatural” or “DVX."

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Another beautiful day starting up.Another day to have lunch in some pretty spot.Love doing that.State survey should finish today, going well so far, so I'm not worried there.Will be glad when it's done, though!

    Jazzy--I am sure you did the very best for your Mom.It's a very hard time, a very hard experience to go through.Hope the day wasn't super hard, and the VPs reasonable.And may the car be ready when you check!

    Goldie--from what I have been able to find out the patient was having a test done to determine how much heart damage there was and had another heart attack, a really big one, and CPR and drugs and such could not restart the heart.I guess the upside is that the family wasn't present to see all that going on and to see the moment of death.

    Morning, Queenmomcat!

    Hsant--interesting opinion from the ENT.Got me scratching my head wondering what he means, too.I have seen lots of family members in denial and can almost always work with them and help them move forward, at least a little bit, but that just didn't happen this time.This is the first time I've had a family member call 911 while a Hospice nurse was present in the home, and that is still making me shake my head.I just hope that child is able to cope with the death without too much emotional/psychological damage.

    Chi--I would love to see a pic of your wine cellar!It must be fabulous and fascinating.Good point about the soups and early bird specials.I love a good soup, too, especially in the winter.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Red-Headed Slut

    1 oz cranberry juice

    1/2 oz peach schnapps

    1/4 oz Jagermeister

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends!

    Those doctors are my project are wearing me out. I got through the VP level discussions yesterday and find myself exhausted from the week. So much hard work with the project itself coupled with loud unhappy providers. I am going in for awhile today but leaving early for a skin care procedure (cosmetic not medical) this afternoon.

    They did call about the car. They think it is the fuel pump but doing some more tests to be sure there is nothing electrical going on. I should have her back by next week.

    Gotta get to another busy and not fun day of work. Wishing you all a good slide down into the weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Hi Queen, good to see you too. You and Dara hanging out somewhere?

    Hsant, glad all is ok with your dad. Maybe one of our nurses can help? As for being a survivor, I guess that is just personal and how you take it. I guess I could say I'm a survivor, because I'm still here! Or I say I'm living with cancer. I had a hairdresser one time tell me that I could say I was "Cancering". And it's like, no thanks. That sounds like something you would WANT to do!

    Sandy, nice explanation for Hsant.

    NM, I'm cracking up over the Red Headed Slut! What prompted that one? I have a ton of Amaranth coming up, so much I need to pull it. However, I thought why not eat some! DUH! So I picked a bunch of fresh young tender leaves and cooked them with onion, garlic, turmeric, chicken stock and coconut! Was pretty yummy. You can eat them raw too.


    Jazzy, you and NM have been working your behinds off. I hope you can enjoy your weekend too!

    Well, we have our first fire (by us anyways). They usually burn in the tall pines, for which we do not have. But it's probably only about 40 miles from here and moving in this direction. Step daughter's MIL lives right there by the fire, and the kids were planning on staying there for a few days (they are in Moab now), but inlaws may have to evacuate, meaning they would need to stay here for 2 nights. The kids are not very well behaved, I do not have enough food, plus they eat differently. Turkey hotdogs, tofu, no pork…I think you get my drift. Do I tell her they can stay, but they need to bring groceries? That doesn't seem right. Also, they stay up late, DH and I are in bed very early. Sun is still up!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Just a quick poop in, got our state survey report--NO DEFICIENCES!  They found nothing wrong!  YEAH!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Sawee I have been lax in replying to all. Been a busy week. Have read most of the posts, sounds our Dara is having a time with her sinuses. I hope you go get some anti'b. (((Dara)))

    I am a GreatGramma as of 7:30 this ayem. Well, step Ggma. DD's step-sons girlfriend had a baby girl this morn. The docs induced labor on Monday night. Poor mama, Chelsea, was in labor all this time. They finally did a c-section and I guess the babies hand was up on her widdle face and docs could manipulate it. So baby Scarlett has a badly bruised and red swollen face. I will keep trying to get some pics to post soon.

    Hsant - I'm not so sure about the ENTs explanation either. I'd get the pics of the scope and get a 2nd opinion.

    NM - to sad about ur patient, it seemed so sudden, which can make it worse. Did I read that they wouldn't let her go home where she wanted to be when the time came? LOL on the Red-Headed Slut…sounds pretty good to me. Congrats on the 'No Deficienties'…woohoo!!

    I got some new MM, tried a widdle widdle bit last night b4 bed. Have been nauseous all morning, guess it takes some getting used to. Oh and I need to correct a post I made sometime ago. For BC the thc to cbd ratio shud b 4:1.

    Hello Queen - gotta check in more often K?

    Lowee - those greens look good and the way you cooked them sounds yummy.

    Hi Sandy and Jazz!! I'm burning a headache so I'll hafta catch up with you latah.

    Hi to our Cami too.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Congrats on the new (step)DGD, MemaSue!

    NM, I don’t have a wine cellar--I have a deep basement with a corner full of boxes and several racks of bottles, hopelessly disorganized. Only I know which wines are where, and when & where I bought them, and sometimes even that gets away from me and I have to open the cartons and go, “Oh, riiiiiiiiight.....” The stuff we expect to drink w/in the next few months goes upstairs in two racks in our (air-conditioned) dining room, so Bob can feel free to pick any bottle (and our housekeeper, to pick a red to go in his overnight bag if he has to spend the night down in Oak Lawn if he has rounds or echo-reading very early the next morning....or if we’re expecting snow or floods to make it dangerous to drive home or impossible for a little Fusion to get down our alley, much less our garage--he won’t trade cars with me because he hates driving the Outback).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Mema- congrats on the new addition to the family. Photos please!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    OK, will try and post Scarlett's pics. Her poor little face, all bruised. But she is healthy, 7.10 at birth, and look at that head of hair. She's jes too precious. Mama has to stay in hosp til Sat. They moved baby to NICU as she couldn't attach to mama, aint no wonder, am sure she is in some pain.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016 worked. Her gma (my DD) wanted her to be born yest cuz she said too many 6's in her birthdate...6-16-16. LOL, will try and post the other one.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    My bedtime dahhhlinks....soon as I finish this killa that is. Many MUAHS to all of you.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited June 2016

    I'll try not to be a stranger.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Oh MemaSue, she is beautiful but looks a bit beaten up by the birth. The NICU is a good place for her for some special care and she will be on the mend in no time. She looks really healthy otherwise. And that hair, curly and beautiful.

    Wishing Chelsea and momma a good recovery and hope they are home cuddling soon. She is a doll.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    What a cutie! The redness will fade pretty quicly. Nice thing about C-section babies (Gordy was one, due to being a preemie frank breech) is that they already have normal-shaped heads--no “Conehead” Syndrome.

    Lobster dinner tonight at the Palm. I had a flute of Nicolas Feuillatte Brut NV (Epernay) and Bob had a couple of glasses of 2014 Hess Collection unoaked Chardonnay. (Lovely pineapple bouquet).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF!Another beautiful day setting up.Going to be a good day at work pretty much no matter what now that we aced the Federal Survey.Thought it was just a State survey, but it was actually a Federal (Medicare) survey--more intense and deeper digging.And we still rocked it! So all the office folks will be more relaxed today.They were downright punchy yesterday peeyem.Very funny to watch.

    Jazzy--Loud and unhappy providers are a Pain in the Anatomy at times.Some are never happy, no matter what.Good for you for leaving early and getting some pampering!I hope the fuel pump isn't an expensive thing to fix and nothing else is found.

    Goldie--I stumbled across The Red-Headed Slut and just had to check it out, thought it was a fun name and a fun drink.Nice salad/greens dish with the Amaranth.I don't see any where I broadcast the seeds, but it may be early yet, was a long cold spring and a lot of things are late this year.Yikes about the fire, and the possibility of having refugees.I would think that it would be reasonable to share your usual meals, and let them eat what they can and make their own arrangements for the special/different foods.If I was being a refugee in Mom & Dick's place (and I have done this a time or two during longer power outages) Iwent to the store and picked up some things that I like to have that they don't usually use, and I picked up extra of things that we all ate, like milk and bread and eggs to offset the "extra mouth to feed" and to compensate for them taking care of whatever doggy I had at the time, since I was usually working during the day.Nor would I expect them to stay up with me and entertain me, but then we all pretty much go to bed at the same time, so that wasn't an issue.

    Mema--Congrats GreatGramma!I'm sure baby Scarlett is beautiful even with the bruising, which will go away soon, I'm sure.Poor Mamma, though, that's lots of labor to go through.And you did read that right, my patient could not go home, and did not die at home as wished.We tried, but it didn't work out that way.Hope the headache has gone away.

    Chi--so your wine cellar is a wine corner, still pretty good to my mind!Still sounds like a lot of fun!

    Mema--Look at all that hair!She's going to be a beauty when the bruising fades.I'm sure baby and Mamma will get everything worked out by the time they come home.

    Chi--Lobstah and wine, what a dinnah!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Wildfire Cocktail Recipe

    Ingredients :

    - 20 drops tabasco sauce

    - 1 shot tequila

    - 1 shot mint schnapps

    - 1 shot beer (lager)

    Put the tabasco sauce in a shot glass. This is the firestarter. The tequila shot is the propellant which spreads the fire. The peppermint schnapps shot brings the fire under control, and finally, the beer puts out the last of the flames.

    Serve in "Shot Glass"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    OMG I lost a huge post. this is recockulous.

    SusyQ u'r baby is so precious, poor baby hurting like that.

    Oh I don't remember anything else. Damnit--OK I've got to get my thoughts together

    Dara I'm so sorry for u'r pain, that to me is so bad it even hurts u'r toes.

    I'll try to come back latah, I'm so aggrevated right now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    OMG I lost a huge post. this is recockulous.

    SusyQ u'r baby is so precious, poor baby hurting like that.

    Oh I don't remember anything else. Damnit--OK I've got to get my thoughts together

    Dara I'm so sorry for u'r pain, that to me is so bad it even hurts u'r toes.

    I'll try to come back latah, I'm so aggrevated right now.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- getting ready to go to the dentist in a few. Got my skin apt done yesterday and have to stay out of the sun for 48 hours. We have bad smoke here from a huge wildfire that has exploded in the nearby mountains, so I won't be out much anyways until that calms down. I have asthma and smoke is bad for folks like me. My face is a bit puffy and starting to scab up, but doing okay. I had a different provider yesterday, colleague of my derm, and she was just cracking me up. A nice balance to all the other stuff I am dealing with.

    The dealer confirmed the fuel pump and found a few other small things, and things that will need to get done with time. I approved the repairs and it won't be cheap but nothing on this car is. I may have it back by later today, or by Monday at the latest.

    I have the VP of the area I am working for (my clients boss) talking with the chief provider of the provider team throwing a fit. I am stepping out of this arena with respect to the politics, which I am not there for, and letting the leadership work it out. I am off site today and planning to be remote a few days next week to work from home. Detaching from their drama and the things they are pushing at me that are not mine and focusing on the work. Sometimes these people are REALLY hard and so there are this week.

    Cami- sounds like you had a Dara experience with loosing a post. Relax and don't worry sister. Glad to see you here.

    Queen- it is nice to see you hear and hope you will stick around!

    Chi- your meal and wine sounded yummy. Are you and DH going anywhere fun again with your travel this summer?

    NM- did someone say lobster?

    Seems like Orlando is just having such a run of tragedy between the Voice singer who was shot after a concert last weekend, the mass shooting at the night club, and the kid dragged in to the water by the gator. Thoughts for that community today.

    Back later, have a good day today! TGiF!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Good news NM, especially for you to poop in inthe middle of the day to share!

    LDB, a GG'ma? Will you get to see this baby lots? Congrats! Oh my, look at that little darling! Her poor lil face and yes, so much hair.

    Wow Sandy, the house keeper gets to take a bottle? How generous.

    NM, I'm hoping the fire will be under control by Saturday and they can follow through with staying at his mom's house. At least she eats the same things as them! And grandma always has some sort of activity planned for them to do while there. Baking some cup cakes or something. I'll have to pass on the DOTD, can't handle tabasco sauce. I'll just have more Redheaded Sluts!

    Cami, I absolutely love your word recockulous!

    Jazzy, I think you are probably getting smoke from our fire as well. Last night it was real smokey here and ash even in the air.

    Heading to town in a bit. Should be interesting!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Gonna try an Ensure with my FU pills this morning, as they have to be taken with food. Is this suitable nurses?

    Julie, how are you doing girl?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Goldie- the Dog Head fire in the Manzano Mountains.
