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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Another pretty day shaping up, even though the weather guessers are saying we may get some "rumbles of thunder" but nothing severe.Looks like the weekend should be fantastic.

    Goldie--don't blame you for not wanting lab work every week.That's just abusive.

    Hsant--wow, that Slippery Nipple sounds very yummy, and kind of fun!

    Jazzy--The Strawberry Moon was beautiful!

    Chi--HOORAY for all clear on the mammo!!!Hope the harsh weather bypasses you.And the Tomatoes survive.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:Hsant's Slippery Nipple

    The Real Slippery Nipple


    10 ml grenadine syrup

    1/2 oz Carolans® Irish cream

    1/2 oz DeKuyper® Buttershots liqueur


    Pour the buttershots and carolanns into a shot glass. (let them mix)Add grenadine to form a perfect nipple in the bottom of the shot glass. Take as shooter, lick nipple from bottom of glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Genny--Long time no see!Nothing like a lot of ketchup news that's all good/non-cancer/not serious stuff.I bet aNorable is still just as adorable as ever!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2016

    Good morning girls, quick pop in before I go out with the pooches. It's a work day for me. Craziness in Cleveland today, big parade with the Cavs, about a million people downtown, so glad I don't have to drive there.

    Lori, I do remember you saying you were going to wait to change meds now that you mention it, so glad the FU's are still keeping the tm's at bay. Glad the Ensure did the trick. Too bad RSO is so expensive and not covered by ins. The are getting ready to approve medical marijuana in vapor form only in Ohio. Don't know anything about it but I've been meaning to read up, never heard of vapor form till they've been talking about it on the news.Hope you have a great camping trip.

    NM, yep all good benign stuff. Weather guesser calling for great weekend here too.

    hsant, I'm not a basketball watcher either but I watch when the Cavs make it to the playoffs. The final game was really exciting, back and forth score till Cavs won in the last 2 minutes. It's going to make for good security practice for downtown for the RNC. Hope it all goes OK, kind of scary with all the crazies out there. I don't have macular degeneration, I have minute drusen (white spots) that may or may not be early MD. The tests are so advanced that they don't yet know if that means I'm going to get it, so no idea if it'd be wet or dry. I'm not at all worried about it, it would be years away. So sorry to hear about your sister, BC sucks.

    Jazz, yes I had cortisone shot, can have 3 in a year, so far it has made a huge difference, so nice to not be limping. massage does help, I try to do it every day. praying you get some rain soon.

    Gotta run, have a good day!


    Little miss Nora


    Play for Pink costumes, we were the Pink Flamingos

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    I got an NED on my brain scan…yahoo!!! Next appt in Aug, then more tests and re-staging in Oct/Nov. Wonder why they call it that, not like they can say I'm now stage 3 just cuz I'm NED.

    Mary - soooo good to hear from you, boy you've had a lot going on. Hope all is well with your eyes. My mom and her oldest sister both had mac degeneration. Not good, but they both did OK with it. I didn't get to see Maddy yesterday, boohoo. She jes so busy with her gymnastics camp. Expect hi temps again today in fact, throughout the week. Will try and stay cool tho. Ya gotta keep us posted on ur tests, I worry bout you. Nora looks tooo cute, thanks for sharing.

    Lowee - It sounds awful, but you doing better getting those FU pills down. I pray for ya that you find something that will help with your hands/feet. I remember when u visited that they looked so painful (((Lowee))). Did I miss something, you found RSO? Have a great time camping.

    Hsant - I too will take dry heat over humid heat, cwacked me up bout 'no under boob' sweat. I really was a wonderful spa day. I tink my DH would like to go again soon, meee too. Slippery Nipples are delish, but can only do one shot as they are too sweet for me and hit my brain in a flash, LOL.

    Jazz - so sorry to hear that you and your sister both got the RB, how did ur sister fare in her bi-annual check up? Will be sending prayers and positive energy to you both. ((Jazz))

    Sandy - YAY on the 'all clear'…congratulations!!! I don't drink wine but I shall have a dwink in celebration of your great news.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Good evening ladies. Started off my day with a two mile hike at 6:30 this morning. There's a Metro Park nearby with a lot of beautiful trails. Been in a chronically cranky mood the past few days, and I think it's due to lack of physical activity. I'm going to try and do this every morning when the weather permits.

    Mema, big congrats and a woo hoo to NED!!!! I'm lifting my glass of Sauvignon Blanc to you as I type.

    It's so nice that your hubs also likes the spa experience. My hubs would rather swallow a bag of glass than get a massage or facial.

    When will you and DH meet baby Scarlett?

    Genny, the Clevelanders are going crazy! I could not imagine being downtown right now.

    Great photo of you and your golfing ladies! I've said this before, you're so elegant, and it's going to drive me crazy until I figure out which old time movie star you remind me of.

    Nora is such a little cutie!

    Jazzy, it absolutely sucks that you and your sister were diagnosed so close to each other, but you must've been a huge comfort and support system to each other, also. Sisters are THE BEST!

    Do you get a mammo every 6 months? I'm surprised that an MRI isn't routine after a breast cancer diagnosis and a lumpectomy

    Chi, congrats on a clean mammo! I'm sure that's a huge relief.

    Native, I hope this week has been easier than last week. I hate thunderstorms. Rain doesn't bother me, but I'm not a fan of the sound of thunder.

    Gotta get going. I have a hot date tonight with my DVR. See you ladies soon!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!Oh, my, just heard a news report, 3 kayakers went out on the ocean yesterday, didn't return as planned, a search started, one person found hypothermic, two eventually found dead of hypothermia.What a horrible thing to have happen while on vacation.The Atlantic can be so dangerous, even in summer.

    Genny--glad you can stay out of the crowds, big crowds like that make me feel like I'm being crushed.Not fun.Love the pics!

    Goldie--have fun camping, see you next week!

    Mema--HOORAY for NED in the Head!

    Hsant--I bet that hike felt good!This week is running busy, but so far I'm able to keep up pretty well.Crunch time starts today--Thursdays and Fridays are usually very busy, we'll have to see how it goes.I like to watch the lightening during thunderstorms, and as long as they don't surprise me I like them.I'm NOT afan of waking up out of a sound sleep to a huge clap of thunder, though!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Pink Flamingo



    Mix all ingredients, shake and serve in a tall glass.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2016

    Good morning girls, I think the Cleveland craziness is over, at least until the RNC. We had an estimated 1.3 million people downtown yesterday, lots of clean up going on today. I golfed yesterday and 2 of the ladies on my league went, they said they had to park then walk 45 minutes, can't really imagine why anyone would want to do that but to each their own. People were standing on top of the port-a-pots and they collapsed...yuck!

    NM, I'm with you, just looking at the crowd gives me clausterphobia. Plus being short, my nose is always in everyones armpit. TGIF right around the corner.

    hsant, thanks for the complement, and again I elegant? But thanks. Hope you and DVR had a good night.

    Sue, sorry you didn't get to see Maddy, hope you will soon. Congrats on NED!!! WOOHOO!!

    Lori, have fun.

    Gotta run, time to get the pooches out, DH already left for golf outing and I work today.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- back to work from home today and happy to do so! My client is still away and her employees tend to act out when she is not around. Children had to be put back in the play pen tomorrow. I made a good decision to not be there as much this week. Things with the providers are better though.

    Genny- that is super good news about the NED on your brain scan and that you dropped down to a Stage 3. Anorable is still so adorable, and can tell how much you enjoy her!

    Goldie- enjoy the camping and be safe!

    Native- that is very sad news about the kayakers. The ocean is very dangerous and if anything comes up quickly, people get in trouble fast. I hope the one they found will make it. After growing up around the ocean, I have great respect for it's power.

    Hsant- you hike sounded wonderful. I have really not been keeping up with my exercise and working to get back into it. You are right, no exercise makes us cranky. I am going to do some yoga this morning and go to the gym later for some weights and a swim. Hope the hike made for a great start to your day.

    I do get a mammo and ultrasound every six months and should be hearing anytime now that the orders are in from my BS to get the process started. I also see my MO next month for check up there and get my next Prolia shot.

    Cami- where are you girlfriend?

    ChiSandy- hoping you are doing well and kicking that MRSA to the curb.

    Went after work to do a few errands and then caught a great jazz clinic at a local music store where they brought in Nathan East a few months ago. This fellow I did not know though, Greg Abate, great sax player from the east coast. I got two of his CDS, priced at $25 for both. He told us his manager has to have rotator cuff surgery and all the proceeds for his CDS right now are to help his friend with surgery expenses. A good soul. The music was fantastic, some of my favorite local players and this dude. Loved it!

    Wishing you all a good Thursday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Just got home from doggie park, it's 9:15 and already 95o, supposed to be upwards of 115o later….ugh.

    Hsant - cwack me up with ur dh and swallowing a bag of glass. We won't be visiting Scarlett for sev weeks, want her to stay healthy. In my day, you didn't take ur babes anywhere until they were at least 6 weeks old. Prob old hat nowadays.

    Has anyone heard from our kayak friend Nancy? Wonder how the seizures are going.

    NM - I heard the report too about the kayakers, jes too darn sad. I don't like big crowds either, but I do remember a time, long, long, long ago when I was out there in the middle of it all. And I do so appreciate your reference to my HEAD, lol.

    OOO that Pink Flamingo right up my alley…yum yum.

    Genny - yuk…I'd give up if I had to walk 45 mins and then the idiots on top the portapots….glad I wasn't there.

    Jazz - Think u meant me on the NED brainscan, and they didn't drop me to stage 3, I was just thinking why they call it re-staging for a stage IV. J

    Cleaning crew here, better ck off and give them room.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Mema- whoops, the heat has fried my brain. Anyways, I am glad you are doing well and nothing showed up!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    So sad about the kayakers. Mema, yay on the NED brain scan! Jazzy, the name Greg Abate sounds familiar to me--when I was growing up in Brooklyn, we had a family friend named Olga Abate (we called her “Aunt Olga,” even though we not only weren’t related but were of different faiths), who was a bacteriologist and one of the reasons I became so interested in medicine from the time I was still in grade school. And her nephew Joey was a year ahead of me in our high school and won a football scholarship to one of the Ivies. Abate is not a rare Italian surname, but neither is it all that common.

    After wicked storms last night (rain & wind & some trees down, but none in my ‘hood; floods in the ‘burbs; several twisters downstate) it’s bright and sunny, and in the high ‘70s. My tomato plants loved it. Tonight I’m going to a “20/20” tasting--20 wines, 20 bucks. Italy is tonight’s theme, with a buffet to match. Will take every molecule of willpower to resist the pastas and eat just the tops off the bruschetti (desserts usually don’t float my boat). Hoping there are some Etna Rosso wines represented--most wine merchants here go heavy on the Tuscans, Alba, Aosta, and Alto Adige/Trentino. I will easily resist the Proseccos--too one-dimensional for my tastes, compared to the trad method sparklers.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    OMG I keep doing this, the days go by ike I blink and there goes nother one. I just skimmed, wel a litte more than that, but still don't remember much.

    Well Lori will be gone til Monday, bless her heart for liking camping, I did go one time, tht was it.

    Sandy I luvs pics as everyone knows and u look lovely with u'r glasses . And I'm glad u.r mammo is done. Yep we had quite a storm last nite but missed the worst of it t least--all the tornadoes where flying round all over the place. Kind of scary actually. But everthing here was OK.

    SusyQ dancing with NED is always good and they don't call me anything but cancer free.

    Mary Anorable is getting so big and cuter too. such a wonderful age.U must be so busy now.

    As usual Jazzy u'r as busy as a bee, but u always get some enjoyment in too. And u really know how too. It's funny too my sister and I both got our cancer a couple of months apart, but she was also stage IV but never got chemo or radiation. She got what Lori is getting now, but at first a monthly drip??? Never understood that tho, but she's doing good. But we didn't experience a the same things so it was different.

    NM I'm glad it's TGIF for u, u don't seem as rushed as u were, hope it is good for u. and now the weekend? I always thik of Sadie and how she loves it.

    My Dr. is trying to equalize my electrolytes still, they're all messed up, well the D isn't helping for sure, I jst can't feel that good. Oh well it happens.

    Work has been ultra busy, Im really screwing up and trying not to. Someone called and asked if we work n Woodstock, well of course I said it was out of our area--I was thinking of the 1969 Woodstock, knowing that wasn't close, but My SIL told me we have one in IL too. Everyone knows my geography is crap.I lost a big job for them, t least we're so busy now it wasn't horror but I still felt bad. My boss brought me some great Chi Tea this morning ro cheer me up.

    Jodie's 50th BD party is Sat. nite, Damn I hope I can make it, I've had D a little bit everyday this week, so I missed lunch today with my GF's, so I'm trying not to think of it. But one thing for sure her and her DH are not good party planners so Leslie and I are secretly adding things to her list and not telling her. Nicky and I talked about it too.Her DH is the big planner and when it's for his pool friends he goes all out, but family he's so effin cheap and she lets him, but she did listen to Nicky for somethings this year, which is a first. Well we'll see.

    I'm sorry I haven't been here I honestly just loose track of time and yet I think of u gals all the time and always hoping things are going well.

    OK nuff said.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF!Apparently I'm ready for the weekend, I woke halfway up around 5 ayem and thought it was Saturday and I could relax and snooze to my heart's content.Very rudely reminded of the actual day of the week when the alarm went off at 5:30.I think I said some bad words, Sadie was giving me her patented "Yeah, yeah, I hear yah, now get up and put food in my dish, please" look.Sometimes I get NO sympathy from Sadie!

    Genny--What a lot of people in one place!And climbing on top of port-a-potties?Gross by itself.Then they collapsed?EEEWWWWWW!!!!! Have a good day with the pooches and have a good day at work.

    Jazzy--Glad things are better with the providers.Sorry you are having such a time with the staff.They do sound a lot like a bunch of children.The surviving kayaker will recover.One of the ones that died is a local ocean kayaking guide with years and years of experience, a reputation for being super safety conscious, and a spotless record.Just goes to show how fast the conditions can change.Word is all three kayaks capsized when the wind and waves came up really fast.All wearing life jackets, which is the reason the 2 bodies were found, which is a blessing in the long run.It's much harder for the families when someone disappears completely, which happens all too often on the water.The jazz clinic sounds like a wonderful way to end the day!

    Mema--I'm loving the 70's and 80's here, no way I like over 100, and if there is any humidity, I just melt.I hope you've go AC in the house.You have a cleaning crew?I'm jealous!

    Chi--Glad the wind and rain fed your tomatos.The wine tasting sounds like a blast.I have got to try to find some wine tastings around here so I can get to be as edumacated about wines as you are!

    Cammy--Glad the tornadoes missed you, too!Sadie and I need to really make the most of this weekend, I'm working next Sunday and the holiday on Monday.Hopefully it will be uneventful.Your boss is so good to you, you are lucky that way.Having a good boss is a blessing.Hope you make the party Saturday, and I imagine it will be a lot of fun.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    French Flamingo



    Shake ingredients well with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lime peel, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- hope everybody survived the week. I had a good day of working from home and have another today, plus have the cleaning company coming today for monthly cleaning. Going to do a little yoga on the patio shortly before I get my work day going.

    NM- i have done a lot of work for this client off and on for years. The work is always good and it is good paying work, but I have to put up with a lot of bs too. Each contract brings it's own challenges and problem children. I have to remind myself every day "you are just here to do the work!"

    Being the self managing gal that I am, I decided yesterday I am going to take the last week of July off. I have not had a solid break since this project started in December. I had a couple things planned for the spring, including a trip I did not end up taking and a conference that was postponed. I realize part of all this is that I am just feeling burnt out, so it's time to take a break. I am contractually obligated to give them a months heads up if I will be out of the office for planned time out so I am doing that. Going to take the last week of July off. I also have my 6 month foll up apts that week so it will be good to be able to focus on that without the pressure of all the stuff going on over there. I will be sure to have some fun too while I am off that week.

    Cami- sending good thoughts your way that you will feel well enough to be able to attend DD's special milestone b-day party. Got your outfit and jewelry all picked out? If I remember correctly, you are a woman who loves here accessories.

    I remember you told me your sis and you got the dx around the same time. My sister went through chemo, then had an mx with recon, and did herceptin infusions for a year. I had bilaterial with double lumpectomy, internal rads and the five years on the AIs. Completely different treatment plans and we both reacted differently to our dx and in the post cancer world. We are very different people. Someone asked how she is doing and her check up went fine, thank you for asking!

    ChiSandy- I grew up in a large italian area in southern CT and knew a few Abate's myself. Think I even went to highschool with a few! Here is a link for you of his quartet at a jazz fest. Talked to him after and a nice fellow.

    Greg Abate Quartet

    Time to get in the shower and then on the yoga mat. Wishing everyone a good day. Smile

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday.I am so happy to be able to say that I got everything done at work last week, have nothing to do over the weekend, and am not even going to turn on the work tablet!So there!Going to be a beautiful day, gonna enjoy it.

    Jazzy--You need to carry around a copy of this:

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Crazy Monkey



    Combine all ingredients in a blender or Island Oasis machine. Blend and serve in a hurricane glass. Top with whip cream and garnish with a strawberry and orange.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning ladies- waking up to cloudy skies which has us cooler, but also could smell smoke in the air today so the fire over to the east has things shifting this way. They got that fire contained and mostly out, but it is still burning, today's air reminded me of that. I have some errands to do, a swim to get in at the gym today and then have some jazz under the stars tonight.

    NM- I love that expression and say it all the time. When we had the big blow up with the providers, my test lead said that very thing to me on our way back from the meeting with them. Problem for me has been with my client out, it was becoming my circus and monkeys. Not my job mon! Anyways, things were much better this week and think I have this thing wrangled back down and moving ahead again. This client site is very needy, always has been and always will be. One has to have to the boundaries as they have none!

    I am going to take the last week of July off and was working on some plans yesterday to get some apts set up, and also some fun things in motion. I have to do my six month follow up that week and already had an apt set up with my MO, but got the rest set up with the imaging center and my BS. It will be good to not have to be there as I go through my apts next month. I also expect my new patio set to be coming around that time too, and it gives me space to go see it, make the final payment and arrange for deliver. Plus I am giving a friend my old hand me down set someone gave me when I moved in here 13 years ago. So that gives me space to have her come get the old table before the new one arrives. That week has already become full with lots of to dos, but taking the work thing out will just give me a break from them which I need.

    But the fun thing I am going to is a weekend up to my favorite hot springs for a weekend to stay at this place I just found out about this week from an owner of an inn up that way who was at the jazz clinic with Greg Abate. This place is not only much more affordable than the springs, but has a whole little swinging jazz thing going on Friday and Sat nights too! So I am hoping to get a room there for the third weekend of July (left a message there yesterday and waiting to talk to the owner today) and will stay there and then do some springs time but fold in the jazz for Sat night. I could never my fav get away spot here could get better, but think it just did! I am going to bring my flute with me just in case I can sit in for a song with the band. Why not, right?

    Cami- thinking of you today and hoping that you get to have a great time at DD's birthday party!

    Chi- how was the 20/20 tasting? That sounded like a smokin' deal. Any good finds?

    Hsant- how is your dad doing this week? Are you getting out to hike every morning?

    Dara- thinking of you girlfriend and hoping things are better for you as the summer goes on.

    To everyone else here I am probably missing, wishing you a first great full weekend here in summertime.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Another sizzling day. I have already been to the doggie park, they can't even last more than 10 mins. They get their summer cuts on Monday, mayb then they'll be cool enuf to play a little. Already have 2nd load of laundry in dryer, when that's done it's off to the gym for me. My bad that I didn't have time to go yest.

    Jazz - no worries, my brain is fried too. Sounds like your July is going to be fabulous. Hoping your 6 mos f/ups are all good good good! New hot springs sounds ideal, hope the owner calls you back soon with 'OK' on a room.

    Sandy - WOW a storm that damaged trees, glad it wasn't in your 'hood. Your outing tonight sounds wonderful, I'd go for the pasta myself, cuz I'm just not going to restrict myself…well, I do restrict my portions. Have fun!!

    Cami - u too with the storm….we are so dry, wish we'd get some rain, can u send some my way. LOL, I would have thought the Woodstock from the 60's too. Hope dr can get ur electrolytes equalized. Can't believe Jodie is turning 50, hope the party turns out well and that you are able to join in.

    NM - LOL on the post for Jazzy…love it. OOO so cool u have nothing work related to do this weekend…hope u n Sadie have the bestest rested weekend ever.

    OK, time to finish hanging things up from dryer then hit the gym, hope you all have a gr8 weekend.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Mema- I hope the gym was good. I got in the pool today for the first time in a LONG TIME and it was awesome!

    No work for me this weekend, except for the completion of a status report for the past three weeks before my client returns. I wait until sun night to do that so I don't feel work has a grip on my precious weekend time.

    Oh and they called back and I got a room for that weekend I wanted! Hot springs here I come and jazz too!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Well, I was able to avoid cheating at the tasting, since there was plenty there I could eat: salads, antipasti (salumi, olives & cheeses), sausage-stuffed portobellos, insalata Caprese, Tuscan white beans & sausage, and whitefish piccata. The wines were heavy on the northerns: Tuscany, Alto Adige, Veneto, Alba, Aosta; but there was one Sicilian red (sort of young & thin) and a delightful red blend from Puglia. I liked that one, a Nebbiolo that was a “stealth Barbaresco” because it was grown on younger vines on the other side of the highway; a Grechetto that seemed austere and heavy until I tried it with the whitefish; a rosé of Sangiovese; a vino nobile of Montepulciano; and a surprisingly balanced Müller-Thurgau by Alois Laedeger from the Alto Adige (I’ve had his unoaked chardonnays and pinot grigios). It’s a varietal you usually see only in Germany (mostly Rhine) and sometimes Austria. There was a sweet nebbiolo-moscato “frizzante” that was my only concession to sugar. (Fortunately, they ran out of cannolli long before I could be tempted). There was plenty of tiramisu & biscotti, but I was pretty full by then. I was inspired when I got home to take a slice of low-carb whole wheat bread and spread it with some ricotta spiked with a little sugar-free apricot preserves and a few drops of rum extract; it was an acceptable substitute for a cannoli (but one I would never serve to an actual Italian).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Having a lovely morning, cooking up some meals for the week to come, trying to figure out where I picked up something in my computer that is creating havoc, getting ready to reset the thing and start over.Hard to function when every time I click on a web page I get sent to sites trying to sell me antivirus, antimalware, etc "protection".Very irritating.

    Jazzy--we health care providers can be very needy, can't we?I so wish there was a hot springs near me, that sounds like such a wonderful way to spend a weekend.Even if I really should be doing more housework and not running off for pampering.

    Mema--Poor puppies needing their summer haircuts.You're way ahead of me, I'm just putting my first load of laundry in to wash.And Sadie and I are getting lots and lots of rest, snoozed most of the afternoon and into the evening, it was muggy and sleeping felt soooooo goood.

    Chi--Love the descriptions of the wines, and the cannoli substitute sounds like fun too!

    Princes Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Rum Sunday



    Blend briefly all ingredient (except overproof rum) with half a glassful of crushed ice. Pour into a collins glass, float overproof rum on top, and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- wishing you a good Sunday Funday.

    NM- ha ha, not the nurses dear, just the doctors! They get really loud when they are unhappy! I am more cut out for the money side of health care. Hope your day of cooking goes well, I plan to do some myself.

    Chi- that all sounds super yummy. Like you, I don't eat sugar either.

    Went with a friend to see an outstanding performance by local Ryan Montano who has several hits through the smooth jazz networks. He does a concert with the jazz under the stars each year and just gets better and better.

    Sort of some nice eye candy too (Cami do you agree?)

    Ryan Montano

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    DH is off work for next 4 days, we have a grocery list that is crammed with things we need. Hate the idea of going, ya'll kno how I am.

    Jazz - gym was good, cept I hurt my elbows, weights too heavy I guess. Will be going back tomorrow and we'll see. YAY on getting the room for the weekend at the hot springs…wish I was going with.

    Sandy - mmmm all sounds so delish, glad u didn't cheat.

    NM - I vote you take a mini-vacay. Housework will still be there and you work so hard you deserve it. Sounds like ur having a very relaxing Sunday tho. Good for you. Rum Sunday sounds delish, but then I'm a fan of ice cream.

    Hope all have a great day, lubslubslubslubs

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Happy Sunday! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I went for an hour hike yesterday, and an hour and1/2 hike today. It was 85 degrees today and very humid, but I'm basically hiking in the woods, so at least there's a lot of shade.

    Also had a nice dinner out with my dad last night. I managed to ingest an entire 16 oz bone in ribeye (sounds daintier than a pound), along with roasted wild mushrooms, and a glass (OK, two) of Klinker Brick Zin.

    NM, that is so sad about the kayakers. Kayaking is pretty common in southern CA, and I can't imagine doing this in the ocean. Kayaks look so flimsy to me.

    I really feel for you when you thought it was Saturday on Friday. What a bummer. At least Sadie says "please" when she demands breakfast. You raised her well.

    Yay to a work free weekend, but boo to computer glitches. Those can be beyond frustrating. I hope you got it all worked out.

    Whatcha got cookin' for the week?

    Jazzy, i feel so much better since I started hiking. I need to be outdoors, moving and experiencing nature. I found a cardio barre studio near my dad that I'm interested in trying. I'm not really a gym person, but this form of exercise seems very cool. It tones the whole body, while using your core, so ideally you get a nice, flat stomach. I'm very thin, but over the past year I've developed a pooch. At first I thought it was the contrast to not having breasts, but I realize my body is changing, most likely because I have one foot in the door to that room called menopause:).

    How were (are) your sister and you different with respect to how you've handled the BC diagnosis?

    You really seem like you need a vacation. So much work, and so much pressure. You are obviously passionate about your career, but it's nice that you're taking a break. The hot springs and Jazz combo sounds perfect for you!

    My dad is doing pretty well. I would love to see him eat more, but no complaints. Thank you for asking!

    Mema, you have inspired me to move my ass, with all your going to gym business. Thank you!

    Cami, I hope you made it to your party, and the big D isn't getting in the way of your fun too much.

    Chi, my northern Italian MIL mixes mascarpone with sugar and ground espresso, and spreads it over bread when she wants something sweet. Kind of the same idea as your ricotta combo. Although, Italians are pretty serious about their bread, so maybe nix the low carb stuff if you ever want to serve this to an Italian.:)

    Genny, I can honestly say that I would rather get a root canal with out novocaine than tackle downtown for the parade. I have friends who did this, and it just ain't my thing. A 45 minute walk from the car to your destination? Not for me.

    Goldie, hope you had fun camping

    Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hsant- exercising every day is important. I am proud of myself I have done so the past four days in a row with different things. I don't like to do the weights, but with the bone issues on the AIs, important to keep up with. I find it also helps my joint stiffness on the AIs. The class you found sounds great and worth checking out? I won't even talk about my abdominal area. I am a hot mess.

    Where my sister and I are different lies more in the way we are living our lives these days. We are both busy people, but I have simplified my life quite a bit since having bc where as she continues to add things to her plate and then stresses out when something breaks, or needs attention, etc. I am just not overextending myself for anyone or anything anymore. She has a high demand significant other, and those demands can come this way too. Back to "not my circus, not my monkeys" once again. That expression fits in so many directions I look these days!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Well, I learned the limits of my Coravin yesterday. Had been chilling a Maryhill Rosé of Sangiovese in the fridge for a couple of days. Pulled it out last night to decant a couple oz. of it to drink with my grilled pork chop, w/o having to open the bottle. Well, it took a Herculean effort to puncture the capsule & cork, and when I did and hit the trigger, I heard the argon “hiss” but nothing came out of the bottle. I took a look and discovered that the needle had broken off in the near-frozen composite cork and dislodged from the Coravin. Couldn’t remove the needle fragment from the cork, so I had to open the bottle the old-fashioned way, which started the clock ticking on having to finish the wine before it goes bad. Fortunately, I have a spare needle, and installed it. So if I want to Coravin a white or rosé, I need to do it on a room-temperature bottle and then chill the glass of wine itself in the fridge. (Either that or submerge the bottle in ice water only up to its “shoulders” and if I then store it in the fridge, take it out, stick it in the ice bucket and wait for the cork to warm up again).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!Back to work I go.Going to be interesting to see how this week works out. Spent a big part of yesterday resetting the computer to get rid of some crap stuff I picked up somewhere.Thank the Lord for automatic back up plans, so far I haven't lost a thing that I can't get off the back up.Got a lot of stuffI don't use cleaned out, too.

    Jazzy--the cooking did go well, thanks.Nothing like new recipes to try!I know docs can be a handful, but so can us nurses when we get out dander up.Cute musician!

    Mema--ouch, take care of your elbows, them is important joints, almost as important as knees!Did have a pretty relaxing weekend, now if only I could figure out how to do all the housework AND chill all weekend, every weekend. . .

    Hsant--hope you are talking lots of water with you on your hikes.And good for you for getting out hiking!Kayaks are pretty sturdy, but they are very, very small in the ocean.Very small. The story so far is that a squall came up, sudden wind, sudden 3 to 5 foot waves, all three got capsized so fast none of them had a chance to trigger their emergency beacons.Did get the puter glitch taken care of, now just need to reload a few things and all will be back to normal!

    Chi--Yikes!Sounds like the gizmo met it's match!Glad you had a spare needle.Can you get more to have on hand in case this happens again?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Mad Scientist recipe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning ladies,

    Sounds like everyone had a good weekend. And I love how disiplined u all are in what u do for u'rself--hiking, exercize , and watching how much u eat at a wine event. But I do exercise some since I've had my PT and atho all the ain is still there, it can hoit. SusyQ no one can stand this heat being out very long, for sure. We're getting a good heat index here too.

    Well I made it to the party Woo Hoo, I fasted on cheese and crackers for 2 days but then I was afraid to each much so I just tasted and everything was so so good. My cousin Nicky went to other town to get homemade meatbals (yummy) and my other cousin brought homemade Italian Ice--another yummy. And of course Chicken and platters of stuff, ice cream cake, so all in all food was great. My sister and cousin were there and bunch more cousins came but we didn't go in the pool, most did, it was hot-so my sister and cousin and I went in the usual Italian meeting place and stayed in the kitchen for a while--we figured we'd leave around 9PM and let the young ones stay. Well we left when they did around midnite. This was the first time I saw my sister with her cane, we were LOLing so hard, it's really not that easy (well we don't think so) my cousin is still holding out. Kat and Dan brought thebaby (Dan my boss) so we enjoyed him and he enjoyed the water.. So yesterday I had to recoup and of course had some of my D but not awful, but we were all tired. So the next big party isn't til the middle of July and that's so fun too, it's at the lake my cousin's back yard. We all look forward to that one too.

    So it's back to work, I've already started and I hope I don't goof up as much this week. BTW I talk about all of u to everyone and how NM puts up the DOTD of the day. They all thought that was the coolest thing too.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Mary, I have vapor MMJ. Have not used it yet. Only want to try one thing at a time, otherwise I wouldn't know which was working. Love your costumes and OMG, that girl can't get any cuter. Standing on a port a pottie? Oh my, not good!

    OMG SUE, NED yet once again. Doing a HUGE Happy Dance for you! LOL on the restaging. Yes, I did get RSO. Up to a third of a tube a day. Suppose to be able to do a whole one, every day. Not sure how long I'll do that. Chit's expensive. Sorry you didn't get to see Maddy. I hope your elbows are better.

    NM, very sad about the kayakers, so very sad. I had neighbor that went out with friend in the winter, on snow mobiles, to go ice fishing, and fell through the ice, and it was months before their bodies were found. I love that saying "not my circus, not my monkeys". Glad you got your computer fixed.

    Jazzy, glad you could work from home when the adult children need to be put in the playpen. A weeks vacation, whoo hoo. Gonna go anywhere? Ahhhh, I see a little weekend get away to the spa, and just catching up on things that need to be done…BUT NO WORK!

    Sandy, your 20/20 wine tasting/buffet sounds very nice. Pasta is a hard one to resist for me! LOL at your "makeshift canola".

    Cami, I love camping. And we have a full kitchen, bathroom and shower, tv, music, etc. So much different than camping in a tent, which was all I ever did. Having a toy hauler and the toy is so fun. I just hate it that they can't equalize you, to whereyou can feel at least half way decent. I hope you are able to make your DD's B'day party. YAY, you did!!!

    Hsant, a 16 oz. steak? Holy the cow! It must have been so yummy you just couldn't stop. Were you miserable after that? I hate that feeling. Gosh, I wish I could have LOST weight during menopause.

    Well, we had a wonderful relaxing week. Got rained on every day, up there in the mountain, but not any heavy down pours. Now back to a busy work day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Jazz - I agree, nice eye candy. I am a fan of not overextending myself for peeps anymore too. Done pretty well, my DH needs some more insight tho, he loves to plan my day for me….he's learning tho.

    Hsant - Wonderful that you got your dad out last night. I bought two ribeye, bone in, yesterday…my fav steak. Ugh heading for da menopause. But really it's not so bad, just waking up every 2 hours or so til it passes, then try to get back to sleep, then kinda grouchy in the ayem, piece of cake. LOL U r welcome, some of you have inspired me, plus losing all the weight and my skin sagging like I'm 90. I hate going but once I'm there, all ok. Will have to ditch the heavier weights til my elbows are better, but I can work on my pooching abs and wrinkly legs. The cardio barre sounds gr8, let us kno if you join.

    Sandy - never heard of freezing wine. Glad you had a spare needle, so, did you finish the bottle? Or will it last a day or two?

    NM - like I said, housework will still b there. But I too want my house decent…so my cleaning crew comes every 3 weeks, I clean at least once in between. But then I don't work hard like you do every week…ok I'm blabbing…done.

    Cami - good for you for getting some exercise, if you can keep up with it you'll see and feel the difference. Sooooo happy happy for you that you made it to the partay, sounds like you had a marvy time.

    Lowee - Thanks for the happy dance, glad you are back. If you aren't vaping, then how are u taking RSO, didn't know they had diff forms for ingesting. Expensive is right…makes it difficult to stick with it once we find what we like. Hope and pray that it works for you girlfriend.

    Gotta run, pooch grooming in about an hour and I'm not even dressed yet!
