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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Goldie, my housekeeper packs Bob’s overnight bag for him--and the bottle is so he doesn’t run up a bar tab. (IL doesn’t have in-room minibars any more).

    Jazzy, next month we’re going back to Italy. Four full days in Rome (not counting flights from Chicago and to Pisa), three in a resort condo in Tuscany, and two more in Rome. Fly in the ointment (Aquaphor?) might be the results of next Tues.’ followup mammo and BS’ NP visit--but regardless, we’re pressing forward with that trip. If I do need further treatment, I’ll be even more grateful to have had this wonderful travel experience as the opportunity may not present itself for a long, long time, if ever.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Aaaand, the hits just keep on coming. Remember how, when I saw my derm to check on what the Immediate Care Center nurse said looked like pus in my back biopsy incision, she said it was “normal drainage," removed the sutures and did a culture swab, saying she'd be surprised if it came back positive for anything? Well, she just called me. The culture is back and not only is it positive, it's MRSA! Dunno how & where I caught it, as my pre-lx nasal swab was negative, and Bob repeatedly tests negative. The Immediate Care Center nurse? My housekeeper? The derm or her nurse? Anyone who works in health is at high risk. She's putting me on two weeks of doxycycline BID (I had a pretty spectacular reaction to Bactrim the last time I took it 27 yrs. ago--red as a lobster all over with burning pain and a 104 fever, requiring a Benadryl drip. Could've been the pneumonia for which it was prescribed, but not likely). Hope it works.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Chi- OMG, MRSA? I am glad you got on top of that. I hope you can do okay on the meds. Ugh.

    Your trip to Italy sounds wonderful. I have been to Rome, Sicily and several places in Tucscany. Florence is one of my favorite places on earth. I wanted to move there after visiting.

    Feel better sister!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    I’m feeling fine--no fatigue or fever, which is why this MRSA thing is so weird--the wound isn’t red or swollen and the drainage is minimal. But now I have to use only paper towels to dry my hands, wear only bleachable clothing against my skin (even though the bandage fully covers the wound), and use only bleachable bath towels & washcloths (which we each use only once before washing them). Wonder whether I need to disinfect EVERYTHING I wear. My housekeeper already has her hands full. This may push her over the edge. As to the meds, I’ve always handled tetracyclines--including doxy--just fine as long as I take them with food & water and don’t lie down. Hope I can still cook for my family.

    Back in late March (two days before I left for London), I fell on a sidewalk & severely scraped my elbow (even though my leather jacket wasn’t scuffed and my shirtsleeve wasn’t torn). Despite wearing a waterproof band-aid and using antiseptic gel (left my bacitracin home because I mistakenly thought I could buy some OTC in London or Switzerland, just like here), the scrape kept oozing yellow and wouldn’t scab over iuntil I got to Paris, where the pharmacist disinfected it, applied aureomycin ointment (in France pharmacists have discretion to sell some Rx drugs OTC) and instructed me to cover it loosely with a sterile non-stick pad & paper tape. Within a day, it began to scab and it eventually healed. I still have a scar, though.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited June 2016

    Oh, ChiSandy! This better not interfere with your trip to Italy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    I don't have time to stick around this morning. Stepdaughter and family will be here and may even be spending the night. I haven't heard any recent updates.

    I'll be bock tomorrow!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    Sandy WTF, Oh I hope whatever they give u works well. I don't know but I think it's hard to figure where and when u get MRSA, but like u said u do have to give special care. y brother has Sepsis and is always on something for it--I forgot of course, He feels OK tho, I don't know if that is related. Oh u'r travels sound fantastic. And as long as u feel well u will so enjoy it I'm sure. I still feel awful about the 2 chances I turned down for Greece and Italy, how stupid I was. I think that's why I really enjoy pics when u gals go on vacay. Of course I just enjoy pics in general but u know what I mean. And of course keep us completely updated with what's going on.

    Jazzy that fire looks horrendous, u didn't take that pic. I hope. Jazzy I know what u do with work, but of course I don't fully understand it, but I do know there are And yes please take care of going out u don't need any more crap.

    Lori u really have strange things going on with u'r fire too. And u actualy see ash? Are u safe where u are, well u must be, but u too be careful going out there.

    My PT person was here yesterday and we started taking about the computer and NM she was telling her how much time it takes away from patients and of course I thought of u, cuz it sounded so similiar and now they are going to start another program on it and she said they al find this so aggravating and she said there are so many reports she ends up doing at nite too. So this must be a problem all over.

    Waving HI to everyone, really did.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunny Saturday!Gorgeous day shaping up hear now that Sadie and I have stumbled out of bed and started to wake up. Enjoying the first cup of coffee, going to sit in the sun on the deck when I'm done on the computer.Looking forward to a leisurely day of puttering around the house.

    Cammy--good heavens lets get up a posse and go hunt out this post eating gremlin and bury him in the swamp!

    Jazzy--Stay out of the smoke and take care of your lungs, my dear, those of us with asthma need to do that.What did you have done to your face that has left you puffy and scabby?Sounds horrible! Sounds like the car stuff isn't turning out too badly for you. Somethings are worth spending money on, though. Good for you for staying out of the politics. Nothing winds up the politics more than having an audience. And I had my first summer lobtah roll yesterday for lunch.Local vendor at the waterfront, lobstah meat and mayo stuffed into a hot dog roll, bag of chips, bottle of water, $12.Great lunch! Fun watching the gulls hanging around thinking they were going to get some chips or crumbs. Obnoxious beasts.

    Goldie--hoping the fire is under control by now. Sounds like his Mom is the better choice for a refugee station, more in common and maybe she is retired/not working? More time that way. Ensure with the FU pills is good if you can stand the stuff. I've tried it, cannot see how people can live on that stuff, but many do. Carnation Instant Breakfast is almost as good, much cheaper, tastes a lot better and can be mixed up with a lot more things for variety.

    Jazzy--Scary photo!

    Chi--I would love to see Rome someday. I am so jealous of your planned trip!I hope it's as wonderful as it sounds. And now MRSA in the "surprised if it comes back positive" culture? You just can't catch a break! As to where it came from, could be anywhere. The best estimate these days is that half the population at large, and 75% or more of health care workers will test positive for MRSA at any one time. But if it's in a surgical site, it got in there during surgery or right after, most likely from contaminated hospital linens or equipment. It's so freaking common these days it's almost more surprising when someone DOESN'T get it! The doxy should take care of it nicely. A benadryl drip? Holy moly that was one extreme allergic reaction. Benadryl is not used to treat pneumonia, and certainly not in drip form. You must have been miserable. Another thing you can do is to wash the sheets with a little bleach, also the pillow cases.And if the pillows can be washed, do that once a week or so until the site is healed. If the pillows aren't washable setting out in the sun for a few hours per side is helpful. And you can still cook for your family. The usual safe food handling practices are good protection. It's good that you feel good and the drainage is minimal, it means your immune system is handling the infection nicely. A little Auntie B help should have you right and tight in no time.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Ale Flip recipe

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hi friends- out and about today enjoying life. I am past my 48 hours now for out of the sun time, so I will leave this vampire life now and go back out with the normal people. I was at the spa today getting my foot treatment (ahh) and heading to see some outdoor music with a friend shortly.

    It is REALLY hot outside, 100 plus degrees and I was told at the spa today that it is going to be like this the next 8 days. I looked at the person that told me in shock and verified it on later in the day. Good lord, we're going to melt out here! My flowers in the pot are starting to die. Sigh......

    The week ended on a better note than most of the week went. I was able to speak with a provider from the vendor and she is coming down to work with my physician team the week after next. I had a frank conversation with her about "loosing my provider team" with the work we are doing that they are not reacting to in a good way. The big dog doctor was hesitant at first, but then came on board with the idea on the project call yesterday. Let the doctors on the team help with the other doctors. This should help.

    I also got my convertible back yesterday and found my May invoice payment in the mail, so those things made me happy too.

    NM- I had a laser treatment on my face to remove some sun damage spots. I had some done a number of years ago but some things I just wanted to get rid of. A cosmetic procedure, and the reaction was not that bad. Little puffiness and minimal scabbing. No biggie.

    Cami- I do project management for a number of things, but been working mostly on the big system electronic med systems. You know, all the stuff they used to put in written charts they do on line now? I usually work for the back end (billing, etc.) but this is an integrated project with both clinical to the end. It is big and complicated and messy!

    Wishing everyone a good Sunday Funday!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2016

    Hello girls,

    I am finally feeling better, did have a full blown sinus infucktion. Thanks for your healing thoughts girls. You all rock de boat! Jest lub mese goils.

    Suz, yay, a big congrats on becoming a GGmom, love it. Scarlett is jest beautiful, even with her poor widdle whipped face. I hope she and her Mama both feel better right soon. Give that widdle goil a kiss from DorKy Dara. And a hug of congrats to you too ((((Suz)))).

    Lori, hope the ensure worked with the FU pills and not make ya sick. Hugs to ya goil (((((Lawreee))))). And hope your visitors contribute to the food supply, it is the right thing to do. And geez, those kids better behave for ya, especially when you are trying to sleep at night.

    Jazzy, sorry about the issues with the car. And you are so right, Orlando sure has had its tragedies this week, crazy, just one event after the other. Hope the smoke leaves you soon so you can go out and about without hurting your lungs. Prayers for all that are affected by the fires out there, truly sad. I always worry about the wildlife too, tragic for everyone and everything.

    Cammy, good to see ya. And yes, I feel your pain with the damn post gremlin. I hope your home session went well and was helpful to ya. how is JOey, his he done school yet this year? He is such an amazing child with such an old spirit it seems. Give him a kiss from me, Dorkey Dara hehe. Love you goil.

    Chi, MRSA, yikes, I hope the anti'b's kick it out quickly. And what is Neil-Med sinus flush? I too can't take too many decongestant meds due to both high BP (also controlled) and my body's reaction to that class of drugs. The only thing that I know of that I can take without many horrible side effects is Sudafed. And even that makes me feel jittery and gives me dry mouth to the max. Keep of dwinking those fine wines girl, sounds ubber delish. And I will keep dwinking mese JD, yummmm, you should try it, a much different buzz than with wine. Wine puts me to sleep, nothing more but to each their own, right?

    NM, kudos on passing the inspection thingy's, I know having people snooping around like that is stressful. I'll dwink to no deficiencies! Hope you and Sadie girl enjoying the weekend.

    Hsant, thanks so much for the suggestion on the sinus issue. I tried it and it really did make me feel better. Sending prayers up for your Dad, glad the doc is not concerned about the swallowing. Keep doing what you are doing, I am sure he appreciates you. And trust me, I know that it is not an easy task, one of the hardest tasks in my life was caring for my Dad. And gosh, I really miss him. He has really been on my mind with Father's day being tomorrow. SPeaking of...

    Happy Father's Day to all you father's out there (meaning spouses, children and other loved ones of mese bwest fwends).

    Queen, thanks your borked toofers for sending mese borked toofers the sympathy, wese appreciate it. I get so depressed over mese ailing toofers, have spent tens of thousands of dollars on them over the years plus what my parents spent on braces and to have them start deteriorating is berry berry sad. Anyway, stay cool like you are goil. And tanks again to yer toofers hehe! (You really made me laugh when I read your comment).

    To eberybuddy else, a big hailooo to all. And wishing all of mese fwends a happy happy rest of de weekend.



    ~~ hey, what's a dumb boy doing in our lounge???? Arghhhh said de pirate, arrrrrr.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Dara, Neil-Med isn’t a drug. It’s a specially designed squeeze bottle for buffered saline solution--invented by an ENT whose kid (Neil) was having a miserable time trying to use a Neti pot for his sinuses. It has a tube connected to the cap that doubles as the nozzle--and fits into your nostril. You pour body-temperature distilled water into the bottle up to the line at the top; take a packet of buffered saline (I think it comes with 50 packets), pour the contents in & shake it up (finger over the hole in the nozzle). But instead of tilting your head back & to the side like with a Neti pot (which is messy as hell and gives you a crick in the neck), you lean forward over the sink, stick the bottle in one nostril and tilt your head slightly toward the other nostril. Then squeeze--the solution goes up the nose, over the septum and out the other nostril, taking all the yucky gunk with it. Blow your nose and repeat till the bottle is only half full. Then repeat with the other nostril. And to clean it afterward, rinse, squirt in a drop of dish soap, fill with hot tap water, shake it up and--holding it upright--squeeze! The soapsuds squirt up & out like Old Faithful. Repeat till the bottle is empty, add more water, shake, repeat till the water is clear with no soapsuds. My cat loves to bat at the stream of suds. We call it “Mt. Vesnotvius.” The whole thing--including the buffered saline packets (gotta use them, plain salt water will sting like crazy)--costs about ten bucks and you can buy a twofer even cheaper at Costco.

    My derm messaged me back and said that since (thus far) it’s just a superficial infection, no need to bleach everything. Just use towels & washcloths once and throw them in the hamper. Dry my hands with paper towels (wash with liquid hand soap). I can spray down my sheet & blanket with Lysol. The doxycycline and the Hibiclens should take care of it. I can even go to the gym--just stay out of the pool till it’s fully healed.

    NM, the Benadryl drip was not for the pneumonia but to reverse the severe allergic reaction to the Bactrim (sulfa). My then-PCP switched me to Ceclor, which did the trick for the pneumonia. (Z-Packs hadn’t yet been developed).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Supposed to be "sweltering" here today, but right now there's just enough breeze to make it cool enough for a light shawl over the camisole top for coffee on the deck.I am ashamed to say I got absolutely nothing done yesterday, other than sleeping in the hammock chair on the deck and playing fetch with Sadie.So need to get motivated to do housework!

    Jazzy--foot treatment at the spa, how lovely that sounds!Sounds like you will need to water your potted plants every day, or even twice a day!Glad work ended on a better note than it began.Docs can be royal PIAs to work with sometimes.Getting the docs to work with each other is a great strategy, but can be a lot like herding cats or nailing Jello to the wall at times.And you got your convertible back, and a payment, nice, nice!Ah, I had a picture of you with your whole face puffy, red and scabbing over, not just a few spots.This is a much better picture!

    Dara!So glad you are feeling better!Sadie and I are enjoying the weekend, even if nothing is getting done.Maybe today. . . CheeRs indeed!

    Chi--Wow, that Neil-Med thing sounds pretty handy.I use a Netti Pot, and used to buy the buffered salt for it, but then found out I can make it at home by adding1/4 teaspoon baking soda to a quarter cup of salt. But Dara--with your sensitivities you might be better off buying the professionally buffered salt.I don't mind a bit of stinging.This time of year it's fascinating to see all the yellow pine pollen that gets washed out. And how my white Jeep turns yellow in a couple of hours parked in the office parking lot.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD;

    Pine Cone



    Pour southern comfort on the rocks in a tall glass. Add amaretto, fill with pineapple juice, and stir.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Sunday Funday Ladies,

    Oh Sandy I'm glad to hear u caught the MRSA at a stage that extremities for care aren't drastic, altho what u have to do is enough for sure, and with u'r DH it has to give u some peace of mind.

    Oh NM why do u always have to be busy? A Hammock u know I've never seen one in person and always thought they looked so comfortable so that's what u and Sadie should always do especially t the beginning of the day before the horrid heat comes down. It's coming back here I know.. I wish I had u'r energy---Oh wait I'm older hahaha;

    Dara I love when u get in here one thing u make my spelling seem pretty normal and since I started typing with 2 fingers need I say more? But I'm glad u'r feeling better, everything takes time and tell us when u'r toof is getting taken care of? BTW more pics please. Not of u'r toof but of Logan, we're missing him, and we haven't seen Nora, Jackson or Sammarah for a while either. WTF u know how I love pics.

    Jazzy I hope u'r week is better for u, this sounds like a bummer for u. But I always give u credit u find a real way to make u'rself feel good. U always have.

    I have to make a decision this week about home care and going with all these Drs., and not seeing my own primary, but for now it makes sense to do that, it used to be so easy to make any decision before, now I want someone to do it for me, that's bad. But I have been doing my excercies more than I ever did for weeks now, I just take more pain meds. OH OH I'm starting to complain again, gotta stop that.

    I hope I don't hear from the crazy lady from yesterday, I don't get it she's been a customer since I started working and she complains, yells at me and is miserable, why does she keep coming back? I think she has a crush on Dan, cuz she always wants him to come just him. Bwahahaha.

    Well I hope everybody has a great day today and everyday. And BTW my favorite drip has always been benedryl oh what a wonderful feeling. The pill just doesn't do it.

    Damn I'm still watching Orlando, so much is happening, it's like a maze of horror. Those poor people.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Mema, congratulations on baby Scarlett! She is such a little beauty! I hope you'll post more pics of her beautiful little Punim (face in Yiddish).

    Goldie, Cancering? Hmm... I'd rather be vacationing.

    What is going on with the fire? How are your DSD's in laws? It must be terrifying for them.

    How's it been for you and DH with the kids? You mentioned that they have different hours than you, and eat differently. That can be tough with house guests, especially if they stay up late and you and DH go to bed early.

    Dara, I'm so happy you're feeling better. I wouldn't wish a sinus infection on anyone. You are in my thoughts and prayers today. The first holiday with out your loved one is the hardest. Damn, you've had a rough year! And between work and the sinus infection, it seems like you can't catch a break. I hope things ease up for you soon. And you can toast to your pops with a little JD.

    Chi, MRSA! Yikes! I'm sure it was a relief to hear that the infection is superficial. You mentioned something about an appointment for a follow up on your mammogram. Is there an issue? How often do you get mammograms once you've had a lumpectomy?

    my father loves soup, always has, so I make all his favorites anyway. He's been on a tomato bisque kick recently. The Ensures have nothing to do with his swallowing issues, and they're not used for meal replacement. He fills up easily and doesn't get enough calories from regular food. After dropping down to 100 lbs at 5'8" 4 years ago, getting a pressure ulcer (bed sore), he put on 40 lbs with the aid of Ensures. This was when he was still driving, doing his own grocery shopping, errands, etc. For someone like my dad, who is not in danger of type 2 diabetes, Ensures can be a life saver. There are 13 grams of protein and 350 calories in one bottle of Ensure Plus. Every doctor, nurse, physical therapist and nutritionist whom I've been in contact with regarding my dad are big fans of Ensure.

    I love rose champagne. My absolute favorite is Billecart Salmon. Veuve Clicquot is another favorite. But I love Veuve in general. It was the champagne I served at my wedding. I like Mumm's and Chandon for a reasonably priced sparkling rose.

    Jazzy, did you have a chemical peel? I'm due for a pedi/foot reflexology treatment. I also think I may get some Botox. my forehead is driving me crazy. I'm officially a Sharpei.

    How's the car?

    Native, how are you? You've had a rough week with respect to patients. I hope you're enjoying the weekend. I was also planning on getting motivated today, but just couldn't. Maybe later.

    Your deck, hammock, all around outdoor area sounds delightful. Pics??😊.

    Cami, Recockulous. That's funny! I hope the crazy lady goes away. My favorite drip is the red wine one.;)

    My dad wants to spend Father's Day in bed. The worst thing for him. Equivalent to someone with heart disease who wants to eat deep fried twinkies all day. But I'm taking a step back. I know one day will not matter. It's his day. We have dinner reservations at a restaurant that has one of my favorite unoaked Chardonnay's by the glass, Mer Soleil Silver. Looking forward to that glass.

    Wishing everyone a Happy Father's Day! Hubbies, sons, grandsons, nephews, cousins, etc!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- it is going to be another scorcher out there, so I got out early to do some yoga on the patio, a bit of gardening, and also finished cleaning the windows and screens I started a few weeks ago. Now I am inside and contemplating the mess inside my house and wear to begin. Looks like tornado alley here today!

    I went to some really great music last night at the outdoor jazz with a friend and we just had the best time. It cooled down enough that we enjoyed some great music, wine and conversation. The outdoor music here is some of my favorite things to do in the summer, and last night was outstanding!

    NM- do you get down the shore at all in the summer? I met someone at the spa yesterday who is also originally from the northeast and we lamented how we both still miss time by the ocean in the summer.

    Cami- what are your options if you don't get the home care? I am sorry to hear you are on more pain meds. Is Joey keeping you good company this summer?

    Today is Father's Day and since my dad is gone, no real celebrations but expect many of you may be having them with your spouses, or male children perhaps? I found some great photos of my father and I together from the time I was around 6 to 23. My dad and I had a special relationship, he taught me so much about the practical things in life, including how to maintain a car. He was my cheerleader in my early days. Will always miss him!

    Wishing you a Happy Father's day for those celebrating, nice memories of your dads if now gone, and a Sunday Funday for all!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, cheers to your father. Pictures and memories are so special.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    We really like Mumm's Napa sparkling rosés--Brut Reserve, Santana Supernatural and DVX. Also a bunch of rosé cavas and Italian trad-method rosé sparklers (not Proseccos, which are bulk process).

    Tues. is my first dx mammo since my lx. It's “routine" in that it's a post-op followup, but I'm nervous because it's 8 months, not 6 months post-op. (They assumed that I didn't want to go out of pocket at 6 mos. because Medicare supposedly doesn't cover “dx" mammos after a bc dx, figuring you've already had a diagnosis, unless there's a lump or other anomaly. So they originally scheduled a one-year followup dx mammo. They assumed incorrectly. I've been having little pangs in both breasts since before my initial dx, so I'm more than a little nervous).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Chi- wishing you luck with your first follow up. I was a total wreck my first one, I had double lumpectomy and was convinced it was back on both sides because things hurt. That was the scar tissue though, and that has lessened with time. Remember the nerves take time to regenerate. My boobs finally calmed down after a few years. I have follow ups every six months and will have my seventh next month.

    I won't say it gets easier, but once I got down the pike through a few of them, I knew at least what to expect.

    They usually come in and tell you right away once you have had bc, no waiting for stuff in the mail like olden days.

    I wish you the best sister, clear films and good outcomes!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!Back to work we go today.Brought home some work and never did it, so have to get busy first this this ayem and get that done.But that's ok, It was my choice not to work on it over the weekend.Summer has arrived, we got the Triple H yesterday peeyem--hot, humid, hazy.Well, it wasn't all THAT humid and there was a lovely breeze, but we haven't seen temps in the 80's until now.I did get quite a bit of housework done before it got very hot, so I did good!

    Cammy--I always have to be busy cuz it's just me and Sadie here, and Sadie doesn't help with the housework!And I hate doing housework.I do it then the very next day it all has to be done all over again, what's with that?And some days I think you have more energy than me!Ah, the crazy lady who keeps coming back, you guys are probably the only ones who haven't fired HER!Or maybe it is just a crush on Dan.Poor Dan!

    Hsant--Rose Champagne, I didn't know that existed.I like Rose wines, I bet a Rose Champagne is marvelous!The weekend was restful and rejuvenating, if not a lot of progress made in the house reclamation department.The deck is one of my favorite places, I'll work on getting some pics.Happy Father's day to your Dad.

    Jazzy--I do get to the ocean pretty regularly, year round.Love the ocean side. I so wish I could afford oceanfront property, but talk about EXPENSIVE, both in land cost and taxes.Heck the taxed on land with an ocean VIEW, without direct access is outrageous.

    Chi--I hear you about the nerves before the mammogram.And the nerves about waiting.I used to be a wreck before mammograms after diagnosis.As in needed my Xanax and a couple boxes of tissues.Don't you hate it when "they" assume things instead of asking you what you want?Talk about arrogance.{{{hugs}}}

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Southern Bahama Mama recipe

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Good morning ladies!

    Had a nice, long chat with the hubs last night about the fact that I will not be able to go home for any significant amount of time, so we're working on a plan where we alternate months. I fly back for a few days and he'll do the same the following month. I booked a flight for August for a five day trip. He'll make the time to come here in Sept. It's hard for him, because of his work.

    Native, Bahama mama has all kinds of sentimental value for me. When I first moved to LA after college in my early 20s, my hang out with friends was this Jamaican bar. Bahama Mama was my cocktail of choice. Fruity and potent!

    Sparkling roses match really well with all shell fish. I highly recommend picking up a bottle of Mumm's or Chandon. Most grocery stores carry this, and it's pretty reasonable for a sparkling wine. Under $20 a bottle.

    Chi, wishing you the best for a clean Mammo. I have a strong family history of breast cancer. Started getting mammos in my early 30s. Always unnerving. I would be nervous for my first mammo, post diagnosis. Keep us posted.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, I believe the fire near you has burned more than the near me.12,000 acres here, and 19,000 acres in NM. Sorry to hear about your flowers. Are the pots small enough that you can move them to a sunny spot in your house? Glad you had such an enjoyable evening with your friend at the concert.

    Sandy, sorry to hear about the MRSA, but no symptoms? Are you sure they didn't make a mistake, and maybe gave you someone else's diagnosis? Interesting on the Neil-Med. I have just used salt water and a turkey baster! Do it in the shower, but I bend my head forward and to the side. I had a Benadryl drip with my chemo, would knock me right out. Good luck on the mammo, praying they find nothing. It just sucks that insurances don't cover certain things when we have cancer, and need to know. My previous supplier (not the word I want, but I can't think of it) wouldn't cover for scans, only xrays. And then they would cover if something showed on an xray. Well, xrays don't show what scans do.

    Boss Lady, good to see you! Yes, I am safe. The fires usually burn in the tall pines, which we have none. And yes, we have seen some ash. Is PT helping at all? What sort of decisions are you having to make about home care? Sorry about the crazy lady customer, I have one currently as well. He bought a timer from us, one that we have made just for us. Well the ends come off, one end screws to the faucet and the other end to a hose. Well, he took those ends off, and when he put them back on, he put them on wrong. So the water was going into it where the water should be coming out, and he wants me to send him a new one!

    NM, nice lunch you had, the lobstah roll. Oh thank you for the response on the Ensure. I did not have any issues with it and the FU pills. Unfortunately I still have 3 or 4 Ensure I have to drink. I will try carnation next. IF, doc keeps me on the pills. If you remember, he wanted to take me off. And not a darn thing wrong with not getting anything done for a day, so what. You made me LOL at nailing jello to a wall.

    Wacko, so happy to see you. I am ok, the kids were fine. They don't listen to their parents at all. In fact, they play more of a parent role than the kids. GD's hair was horrible. The back of it actually matted, and in some spots right at the root. She wouldn't let mom comb/brush it. So I made her let me do it. Finally after about a good half hour, I was able to get all the tangles and mats out. As for my sleep at night, not a problem, especially with the RSO. For which I have moved up to half syringe. Supposed to be able to take a whole syringe per day. But at $60 a syringe, not sure how long I'll keep up with it.

    Hsant, I'm with you on the vacationing! They are saying the fire is 40% contained and the in laws are fine too. So all is good. We managed ok with the kids, well at least I did. They drive my DH nuts, I really don't think he cares if he see's them at all. He would be happy just seeing his daughter. I hope you and DH are able to work out the every other month thingy.

    Well, guess I better get my EWWA moving. Going camping Wednesday. See ya'll tomorrow morning. Happy monkey day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Lowee - how did the Ensure do with ur FU pills? Scarlett does live in LV so I bet I will get to see her lots. Hoping to see Maddy tomorrow after my MO appt. Will also get results of my Brain MRI.

    Sandy - Italy, how cool. My DD and SIL love it there too, been at least 3x's. They love the wine and usually have some shipped home. You will have a glorious time. OMG MRSA!!! That scares me, hope the anti-b works before u leave for Italy. Good luck on ur mammo f/up. Prayers on the way.

    Cami - LOL I can see you waving Hi, u cwack me up.

    NM - Yum lobstah in a hotdog roll, sounds gr8, And I agree about gulls. Good advice to Sandy on her pillows and sheets. I am surprised at how wide spread it is. Da Pine Cone sounds like something I would try…mmmm.

    Jazz - been in the 100's here too. Supposed to get up to 115 by weeks end…ugh.

    Dara - Sooo glad you are feeling better. Thanks for the praise of my ggd, still can't wait to see her. But I took have been suffering from sinus, gone to my chest a little bit, so don't wanna be around a new born until I'm sure I'm not sick.

    Hsant - My DH loves tomato bisque. I didn't realize that about Ensure. That is wonderful that your dad did so well on it. Peeps around me want me to start drinking it, nope, not gonna. My saggy skin will look better after a couple more months of working out. But I do agree my legs and arms make me look 80. Took my DH for a his/her massage and facial yesterday. I had the BEST massage ever. After the massages we went to the private spa pool (no kids) then ordered lunch and ate it out in the garden area. Then finished with the facials. Hafta say it was a wonderful day.

    Gotta run!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Well, one f/up (“f" not standing in for “follow," if you know what I mean) has been resolved--the new glasses finally turned out perfect. Still trying to get used to the “Sexy-nerd" or “naughty-librarian" look. Have a small enough face and am pale enough that the tortoiseshell is a bit darker than I'm used to--and most of the frames in the store were waaaay too big for me. Here are some pix--sorry for the poor lighting & reflections off the lenses:



    The derm took pains to say the MRSA infection is “superficial” and the doxycycline and the Hibiclens wipe-downs at each band-aid change are aimed at keeping it that way till we knock it out. The drainage was much reduced and less yellow last night, mostly a little blood spot, and the scar looks a lot paler red. No fever or fatigue. Meanwhile, last night I got either a paper-cut or a cat-claw nick (not even a scratch) on my R index finger, and I’ve been washing, Neosporin-ing, and bandaging it. Was barely visible last night--just felt the usual itch I get from a scratch; but this morning it was a distinct little red dot. Not taking any chances! Fortunately, it isn’t hampering my guitar practicing.

    Gonna check on what’s left of that bottle of Mumm’s Napa Santana Brut in the fridge. If it’s flat, it’s going into the braise of leeks & mahi-mahi I’m cooking tonight (now that the fish is finally defrosted--took 2 days!). If not, and if Bob doesn’t get home till late, I’m drinking it. But if he does want dinner when he gets home, we’ll crack the bottle of Entre-Deux-Mers (the quintessential kick-back-on-the-deck summer wine) he brought home from WF Saturday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    ChiSandy- those glasses are great. Have you heard of this company, Warby Parker that does glasses with frames and lenses for around $100? They were on 60 Minutes and going to take my script to them this fall when I go to NYC. None around these parts, but in major cities.

    I am done getting any more glasses from my current eye doc. I bought an expensive pair of Oakleys from my eye doctor a few years ago that were defective and they kept trying to fix them instead of just give me a replacement pair. You know those are expensive! Anyways, they offered to give me another pair for half price last year, but the price was no deal and I called them on it and told them I would not buy another pair there. My eye doctor told me the office was going through changes and hoped I would be patient. Please be patient patient! A dysfunctional check in process which they have is different than wasting money on defective products. I will be seeing him again shortly and will do my eye exams there, but forget buying glasses there.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    I really wanted Warby Parkers, but am well aware that my prescription will change drastically (in a good way) after my cataract surgeries. The lag time between order & delivery on Warbys is just too long; and unless I go to their shop in Lincoln Park, fitting might be problematic. I don't trust online tools based on webcam pics or uploaded photos. When my prescription is finalized after surgery (and by then, only readers and non-Rx shades may be all I need), then I'll take it to Warby and get a few pairs in different colors & shapes. At this point, I needed AVP progressives (Warby orders only standard-field, with less smooth transitions), anti-reflective, and photochromic--and only LensCrafters was able to get them done on-site.

    (BTW, my frames are nearly identical to Warby Parker “Annette.” I looked at the rest, and they are definitely either way too large or too “millennial” or “hipster" for me, and the ones with smaller lenses than the Annette are too short in height to give me enough area to make progressives practical).

    My ophthalmologist (who will be doing my cataracts) does great refractions (the LC optometrist said my 2-yr-old script from him was spot-on), but the glasses he sells from his office take way too long to make. Bob wasn't nuts about the frames he got from him....and (not so inadvertently, I suspect) stepped on them when we were in Europe; he's wearing an older, Pearle pair even though the script is old--he just takes them off to read). He's a friend of Bob's & mine, and a good sport about our wanting a larger selection and faster turnaround time.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2016

    Good morning girls, yes it's me, alive and well. Obviously I can't catch up so I'll start with this page. No excuses for not being here other than I just don't pick up my computer much anymore. Little miss aNorable is growing fast and as bullheaded as ever. Golfed in a big outing with Molly last Saturday, it was Play for the Pink, all $ for breast cancer research, about 300 women participated. DH dropped us off and picked us up so we could drink, was a long day but lots of fun. It's hot, hot hot here but nothing compared to what Lori and Jazzy are getting. DH is out of town till tomorrow so I'm on dog duty and watering the flowers altho it only takes about 15 minutes with the pooches since they don't like the heat. I had a bunch of bloodwork drawn yesterday and go to my PCP for yearly next week. Had a shot in my heel last week for the plantar faciitis and my foot is sooo much better, tendonitis is much better too. Went to the opthalmologist, the appt was 2 1/2 hours long, tested for everything. She says the blue sclera is caused by thinning which is probably from the AI's, says if it can thin bones it stands to reason it can thin sclera. She says it's mild and I have plenty of sclera left and it should never be a problem. Other than that all tests came back borderline, I may or may not have very early macular degeneration, I may or may not have glaucoma and very early signs of cataracts which is everything the optometrist told me. The purple spot on my lower eyelid looks and acts benign so unless it changes, ignore it.That's my big exciting ketchup news! Quite the exciting life I live, eh?

    Chi, like the new glasses, pull the hair up and you could do the sexy librarian for sure. Glad to hear the MRSA is just superficial, sounds like you should be able to kick it to the curb without too much problem. Got my fingers crossed for a clean mammogram.

    Hsant, Did you watch the Cavs game? Pretty exciting stuff for Clevelanders. Your husband must be a very understanding and patient man, that is a long time to be apart. Are you an only child? Glad you'll get to go visit in August, do you have someone to stay with your dad while you're gone?

    Lori, sounds like you had your hands full with DH's daughter and g-kids, sounds exhausting. I'm going to have to read back on what RSO is, glad it's working but sorry it's so expensive. So you are still on the FU pills? I thought you were going to a different tx? Hope it's keeping everything at bay. The fires sound so scary, glad you and your in-law are safe! I sure hope you get a break from these temps soon, ugh, it's 90 here and I'm complaining, hope it's cooler where you're camping. How long are you going for? How's your mom? Sure hope we get to connect next time you go to see her.

    Cami, home care for you, and Dr's coming to your house instead of you going out? There are some decisions that others can't make for you I guess, I hope whatever you decide it works out for you. I've had customers thru the years that come in every month and complain about the haircut I gave them. I had one that I told, maybe you should try someone else and she looked at me shocked and said "but I love the way you cut my hair!" Some people just love to complain.

    Sue, 115 degrees! Ugh! Prayers on a clean MRI. Hope you have a great time with Maddy. And you're a great gramma? How exciting, I'm going to have to scroll back and find the pic, congrats!!!!

    NM, some days getting nothing done is just what is needed. My DH is always so busy I feel guilty doing nothing so when I do it I really enjoy it. Hot and humid here too but sun is so bright, I don't last long out there. Hope you get all caught up at work today.

    Dara, so good to see you in da lounge. Sorry to hear about the sinus infection, glad to hear you are kicking it to the curb. Hope work is going better altho I know it's always so stressful. Your first Fathers Day without your dad, always the roughest one, hope your memories helped you thru it. Is your cousin still living with you?

    Jazzy, I have just lost my second pair of expensive prescription glasses. Ugh, I have 3 pair from Zenni Optical, it's an online place, you put in your picture and can try glasses on, enter your script, didn't pay more than $40 for any of them, think I can lose those? Of course not! Great music, wine and conversation, sounds like a perfect evening. Hope those fires and crazy temps let up soon and you get some rain for a change.

    Hi Queenmom.

    Sue, I just went back and looked at the pics of Scarlett, she is jest bootiful! Looks like she had a rough time coming into this world, so glad she's doing ok!

    Lori, I jest saw that your Tm's are mostly unchanged, yay ! How are the hands and feet?

    OK, time to get the pooches out hope I didn't miss anyone, have a great day all, miss you goils!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    LDB, I don't much care for the Ensure, but I just sort of sip it, or I'll gulp! But I didn't get sick from the FU pills. How fun that you will be seeing Scarlet bunches and you are seeing Maddie. Have fun. Praying you are still NED girl! How sweet that you and DH did the spa thing.

    Sandy nice glasses. I just can't wear the dark ones, they just don'tlook righton me.

    Mary, you'll have to let us know about your labs. I can just see lil Miss Sassy Pants! RSO is Rick Simpson Oil. Comes from Marijuana. My mom is the same, other than she doesn't come out of the bedroom much. My doctor wanted to change my treatment. I said I wanted to wait, things weren't that bad. New treatment would require me to do labs every week. Hands and feet continue to get worse, but I can deal with it.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Goldie, Great news that the fire is contained! Your insurance doesn't cover RSO?

    Where are you going camping? Have fun! It'll be a nice getaway. Different from the casino getaway.

    Mema, At least you get dry heat in Nevada. I took a five mile walk yesterday, and it was only 82 degrees, but very humid. I was sweating like a pig. But no under boob sweat!:)

    You just described my perfect day. Massage, facial, pool, lunch in the garden. 'Nuff said.

    Nice way to celebrate Father's Day!

    Genny, I didn't watch the game (bowing my head in shame). I'm not a basketball fan, but I'm super proud of our city. I think this is the first time in something like 50 years that a sports team won a championship. I think. Don't quote me on that.:)

    Your golf tournament sounds like a lot of fun, and obviously for a great cause. How sweet that your hubs offered to be the designated driver, so you ladies could have a some cocktails. My hubs has done this in the past.

    My dad was diagnosed with dry macular degeneration about 12 years ago. His vision is better than mine. Did your ophthalmologist mention whether it was dry or wet?

    I lost my sister to breast cancer 12 years ago. She was the one who would take care of my parents when a medical emergency would arise, not me.

    Planter warts suck. So painful! I'm glad you're feeling relief.

    I would rather be outside in 100 degrees with no humidity than 80 or 90 degrees with the humidity we're experiencing. The air just sticks to your skin. Yuck. However, better than snow.

    The Real Slippery Nipple


    A delicious recipe for The Real Slippery Nipple, with grenadine syrup, Carolans Irish cream and DeKuyper Buttershots liqueur. Also known as a Buttery Nipple.


    Shots & Shooters


    by base-ingredient


    10 ml grenadine syrup
    1/2 oz Carolans® Irish cream
    1/2 oz DeKuyper® Buttershots liqueur


    Pour the buttershots and carolanns into a shot glass. (let them mix)Add grenadine to form a perfect nipple in the bottom of the shot glass.Take as shooter, lick nipple from bottom of glass.


    Shot Glass


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends- happy summer! Did you see the lovely Strawberry Moon last night?

    Hsant- I am sorry to hear you lost your sister to BC. My sister and I were diagnosis three months apart, and went through cancer treatment at the same time. No history in our family outside of a cousin's daughter who got it early when she was pregnant in her 30s. Well, we know cancer does not discriminate. My sister just went through her bi-annual check up and I am due for mine next month.

    You are taking very good care of your dad.

    Genny- I have plantars in my feet too but never had shots. I have a massage therapist who works miracles for me on my feet and legs and just saw him this past weekend. Is the shot a cortisone shot?

    Going to be another hot one here today, but chances of rain starting tomorrow. We can only hope. Stay cool my peeps in NV and AZ and anywhere else hot. The west is on fire, literally and figuratively this week.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Well, on the drinkin’ front, gonna go check on that Mumm’s in the fridge. If it’s flat, I’ll walk over to the wine bar at Whole Foods for a half of the real stuff, mammo was ALL CLEAR! Conflicted about whether to grill--have to cook that mahi-mahi, but afraid it’ll stick if I do it on the grill, even with a well-oiled fish basket. Sometime tonight I have to bring in all the chair cushions and crank down the umbrella--starting early morning we’re in for severe storms--hail, flash floods & high winds likely, with a moderate risk of tornadoes. Ugh. Hope my tomato plants survive.