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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    The RSO is very much like a tar. Comes in a syringe. SUPER sticky.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hi ladies- taking a break in a private room here at my client site. Busy day getting some things ready to send to my client as she returns this Thursday from time away. Some late afternoon meetings and then off to meet friends at a brewery for some evening fun. My attitude has shifted to do what I can for this place with everyone out, and to let go and enjoy my summer.

    Goldie- I am doing a bit of away time (hot springs for a few days) then will be in town to take care of some medical apts that need to be done (next round of follow ups). My patio furniture should be here around that time too and it will give me space to be home for the delivery vs tying myself up with a "delivery window" during the precious weekend time.

    MemaSue- sounds like you are in the same place with not bending over backwards for others. I have a friend who asked me about doing a weekend at the hot springs this summer, but would never commit to a time. We talked about going in early August and just filled up my schedule for that time and sent her a note to say "sorry, got other plans now." Not interested to wait indefinitely for those who either cannot follow through on their own suggestion. Don't need this person to do the hot springs with, and have my plans to go now in July. She can find someone else to go if it is important to her, yes?

    Cami- I am so glad to year you were able to go and enjoy the party. Sounds like an awesome time and with great food along the way too. Sounds like you are doing better at least for the moment with the D. Glad your body is letting you have some summer fun!

    The results of that skin treatment I got came out so good! Got rid of the residual brown spots and my skin has never looked better. The healing finally finished this weekend from that treatment 10 days ago and I am very pleased with the outcome this time!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Didn’t freeze the wine, just kept it on the bottom shelf of the fridge, the coldest part, so the cork (composite, so already denser than a natural cork) was nearly frozen. I can always get spare needles and argon capsules from the Coravin site, as well as at some Sur La Table and Binny’s stores. Bob indeed finished the bottle, after I told him that what he'd thought was a special stopper was just the regular cork with the broken part of the plastic-sheathed needle sticking out.

    Cami, so glad you were able to party!

    Today is our 45th anniv., so we’re going out to RPM Steak and I intend to have champagne AND a little really good red.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Well, thoughtIwould get everything back on the computer, apparently I never set up One Note to be backed up.Had quite a lot of stuff in there that I think I've lost, but nothing I can't live without or recreate.A bit disappointing, though, I try to be so careful about keeping stuff backed up.Right now I'm reinstalling my back up program and the first thing I will do is make sure One Note is on the back up list!Aha, found my old One Note stuff, now to get it back up on the desktop and working again.Gonna be a good day!Got a bit of a surprise yesterday, and not a good one.I was driving by Aunty's Bed, Breakfast and Boarding Kennel, saw Aunty outside, stopped to talk for a minute.Saw she was limping a bit, but she has knee problems and that's not too unusual.Got up next to her and she looked 20 years older than last time I saw her, and then when she spoke I was floored.She had a stroke a couple months ago, and I never heard a word.She's going to speech therapy every week, and can still drive and get around well, but I didn't see her smile.She looks and sounds so different.And she's only 12 years older than me.So scary.This morning I keep trying to tell myself I dreamed it all, that it wasn't real.

    Cammy--so glad you made it to the party!Love the "usual Italian meeting place" description.Homemade Italian Ice, sounds very yummy, and probably tricky to make, do you have a recipe you can share?And you oldsters stayed as long as the youngsters?Pretty good!

    Goldie--People call me crazy when I talk about hypothermia precautions on the open water in the summer, they simply do not realize how fast 50 degree water can suck the life out of you.Or how fast the conditions can change.But then I grew up here and can remember many missing fishermen incidents. At least the kayakers were found, that's so often not the case, and makes things even harder.

    Mema--I really want to hire someone to do the housecleaning, but the house is too terrible to have anyone see it now, so I need to clean it up to the point where I can get some help, a vicious circle, right?Maybe if I look for someone who does disaster recovery and go from there. . .

    Goldie-- does that stuff taste as icky as it looks?I'm imagining bitter, oily, generally gross tasting.

    Jazzy--so glad the treatment came out good for you!And I would go to a spa alone, but then I go on cruises alone, too.If I waited for someone to do things with I'd never get to do anything!

    Chi--Happy Anniversary!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Wedding Anniversary



    Shake with ice and strain into a glass.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, I think you are within reason to cancel the August hot spring with your friend. Glad you like all of your cosmetic outcomes.

    Happy Anniversary Sandy, I hope you and DH had a wonderful evening.

    NM, sorry to hear about Aunty, praying that the therapy will get her back up to normal. It was several months before my neighbor washed up on shore, so you can imagine how decomposed he was. The RSO does taste horrible. I just squirt it in my mouth and swallow. Some people do it as a suppository!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Lowee - that is exactly what I had last summer, til my cooker quit. Will have to start asking for RSO specifically at the stores. I remember getting a bag of empty capsules and squeezing it in one end or the other of the capsule, then took like a pill. Is that how you take it? WOW just read how u take it, u a brave one. Did you get any rain yest. It's threatening here altho still in the 90's.

    Jazz - yes, she can make her own plans. Proud of ya. Glad the skin treatment worked, I forget, did a derma dr do that for ya?

    Sandy - I misunderstood, thank you for clearing it up. LOL on Bob and finishing the bottle. HAPPY 45TH ANNIVERSARY. Your plans sound wonderful, enjoy.

    NM - Happy 2fer to u too. What a pain with the backup. I have a back-up hard-drive but haven't figured out how to get computer to do it auto at least once a week. Will have to talk to my puter repair guy soon. I had a laptop freeze sev yrs ago, took to the geeksquad, they cudn't get it to work either. Broke my heart as my gs's 1st 4 years were on that puter, now lost forever. I don't believe your house being so bad that a housecleaner hasn't seen, but then I always organize and clean up a bit before the cleaners get here…LOL.

    OMG so sad about Aunty, I'll send some prayers up for her.

    Nice DOTD for the happy couple.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hi ladies- I had a physician in from one of my vendors on my project and we had a really great day. We went to lunch to and she was an ED doc and told us a lot about her experiences. The providers here seemed to appreciate her being here, but think we still have some buy in issues. Once again, need the business owner back in town as not my job to get them on board with this project anymore (almost 8 months into it now.....)

    Chi- Happy Anniversary and wishing you and DH a wonderful celebration together.

    NM- you are single like me, right? I have learned to do many things without anyone in tow, always been that way. Day trips, weekends away, cruises, tours, road trips, etc. The friend who asked is a busy mom with young children so it is not like she can get away easily. I just sent a quick e-mail yesterday and said weekends in August are tied up and maybe some other time.

    Mema- yes, a derm did it at their medical spa. It was one of my derm's colleagues and she had me laughing the whole way through. Nice to know about her if I want to do another one sometime (although I think I should be good for now) or have anything else come up and my primary derm is not available. My primary derm did basal cell cancer surgery on me a few years ago. They have both medical and spa type services. I am going in Friday to have skin tags removed as my final derm apt for awhile. Got a bunch on my neck and they could not do them for me when I was there a few weeks ago. Back we go one mo time.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Dinner was fantastic. Had a flute of Pol Roger champagne with our seafood tower; and a generous glass of 2013 Round Pond Kith&Kin Cabernet Sauvignon (couldn’t finish it!) with a 50-oz. grass-fed ribeye (shared 3 ways and we took home leftovers). So I have to teetotal for a few days.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Got a cool front coming through, lots of rain in places, even got a flood warning up for heavy rain with "ponding on roadways and reduced visibility."Well, we need the rain, but I would rather have it come in the form of a steady overnight rain that doesn't interfere with anyone's life.

    Goldie--You are brave indeed to take that stuff that tastes so bad!I really hope it's helping.Better than doing it as a suppository, I suppose.

    Mema--I use Carbonite--it's an online back up system, and well worth the money.Set it up to back up whatever (I have it back up everything), and it backs up whenever I'm connected to the internet.It has saved me more times than I can count now, mostly with being able to get back files but also when I got a new computer and could just download everything the way it was on the previous computer.And I don't have to think about it.I do keep the site password written down, though!

    Jazzy--Yup, I'm single like you.Traveling with someone is more fun than traveling alone, but I do enjoy vacationing by myself, too.After 8 months on a project even the most stubborn doc should be able to figure out that change is happening if they like it or not.At this point it's time to let it go and start dealing.But docs can be a law unto themselves.

    Chi--WOW!What a dinner!And you get to relive it for a few day, that's fun too!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Purple Rain recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Sue, is it just pure hash oil? It's quite expensive. I'm feeling a bit loopy this moring! No rain here, just all around us! I swear it's what got you to NED. Especially with the brain. I think it's more known for treating that.

    Jazzy, I had a dry patch on my upper lip, never thought anything of it. Since being on chemo for a year, it has disappeared. So it makes me wonder if it wasn't cancer…hmmmmm.

    NM, they say doing the RSO as a suppository, it goes right to the blood, therefore no high feeling. So they say.

    Remember when I mentioned about picking a bunch of green and red amaranth a few weeks ago. Well, what I thought was the green amaranth was a weed!! I picker weed, one that gets like burrs on it. Way to go Scarecrow!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hi friends- quick note as I am a busy girl today.

    Goldie- my sister commented when she went through chemo, all the things on her skin disappeared? She has had skin cancer twice too. It is very possible you had something started and got a two fer on that one?

    NM- my client is back and already heard from the unhappy doctors about our work. It sounds like the senior leaders have already been talking and are getting involved in solutions around the engagement issues. Yay, the circus and monkeys are back to their rightful owners!

    Gotta run, more soon!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    Goldie, there’s a restaurant around here called Elizabeth (named after the chef’s late sister) which features plants foraged in the wild by the self-taught chef Iliana Regan. You have to buy tickets for it, rather than make a reservation, and she’s booked well into autumn. BYOB, too. Amazing that she can charge four-star prices for serving weeds and making diners bring their own wines.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2016

    Good evening ladies! Well, I've been hiking everyday. Nothing major, between 2.5 and 3 miles. Time is limited for me , because of my dad. But I get in some good climbs, much better than I imagined considering it's Ohio.

    Taking a vacation solo is on my bucket list. I love going to dinner, lunch or happy hour by myself. The only person I'll see a movie with is my husband. Otherwise, I prefer to go alone.

    Cami, the party sounds Like it was a lot of fun. The food sounds delicious. Ice cream cake is one of my all time faves. There is nothing like being with the people you love the most, and being able to to laugh like crazy with them.

    Goldie, What is the goal with the RSO? I was under the impression that MJ was used by cancer patients to alleviate SEs from various chemo treatments. I've read that it does much, much more than that.

    I didn't even feel full after the 1 lb steak. Slept well. No complaints.:)

    Native, what new recipes have you tried? I'm so curious about everything you're cooking.

    I'm so sorry about Aunty. Is she a relative of yours? It's terrible to watch a loved one decline.

    Jazzy, did you have a chemical peel? Love 'em!

    It's interesting how two people who share the same DNA can be so different. My sister and I were also different, but our core values were the same. Where does your other sis live? Is she a physician, also?

    I bet you're excited about the arrival of your new patio furniture!

    Mema, how many fur babies do you have? Which breed?

    Ok, Kitty Kats, It's past my bed time. Wishing everyone a happy Thursday!image

    Pic of my hike today

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Hsant- I like that you are getting out for daily hikes. You inspire me as I am trying to move my body more each day. My knee was bothering me for a few days so I eased off but went for a nice walk tonight. Tomorrow I will do the gym after work. Keep those hikes up and love the photo. Good that you are taking care of yourself as you take care of your dad.

    The fun thing about vacationing alone or even through group trips is not having to be accountable to another person's expectations. I have several friends who are excellent travel buddies, but have been on some trips with friends that have really gone south. Some of my favorite trips to do are tours and yoga retreats. I have done some tours to Central America and the Middle East and had people to travel with, but no one I had to be accountable to but myself.

    But you have to be careful of those group things too because sometimes the leaders have their own agenda. I have been on tours where the leaders take you to places they like and expect you to buy things at their friends places. My most memorable experience was being in Egypt and being taken to a jewelry store to buy a gold cartouche. I was in my 20's and it took a lot for me to save up and do that trip, I had no money to buy an expensive piece of jewelry.

    I also went on a yoga trip to Italy where the leader would structure time in the cities for us to go off and explore. She chose to go to the churches there (being Catholic, it was important to her) whereas a number of us went off to shop, drink wine and she seemed to have a problem with that. I still do local retreats with her, but won't do any more international trips (too expensive and not that much of an interest). It is easier to say no in the group situations as those people are being paid the to ensure you have a good time, not do what they want!

    Sometimes just doing a weekend to a spa or something like that on your own can be fun too! NM and I can give you all kinds of ideas if you want to try a solo vaca some time.

    I agree about the sister thing, we definitely have similar values and my sister has a good heart. She is with someone who has very different values though, so that is where the conflict can arise. And yes, she is a physician.

    Getting my project back in a better place now with my client returning. She was solid with me being gone for a week in late July.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2016

    That’s why I have problems with group tours--the guides don’t just steer you to friends’ shops, many if most get kickbacks for tour members’ purchases. Ditto with restaurants they suggest (or some that are included in the tour). It happened a lot less on Viking cruises I’ve taken, but Global Holidays through Europe & China, as well as our tourguide in Israel (my temple & 2 neighborhood churches organized it)--who, when snowy sleety weather made a visit to Nazareth out of the question en route to Jerusalem, had us stop at the diamond cuttery & exchange in Netanya. (Many pairs of ear studs were bought).

    Bob really wants to see lots of museums & churches in Rome this time, so I’ll bite the bullet & go along--he has agreed to take a vineyard and olive oil tour and cooking class in Tuscany (assuming they haven’t been sold out). We will also go to only one well-known restaurant in Rome (Piperno, in the Jewish Quarter--it was closed last time, so we had to settle for Taverna del Ghetto, which turned out to be great)--the rest of the time we will explore Campo dei Fiore and Trastevere and just go with the flow and follow the locals. And at our age (and since we’re not made of money), shopping doesn’t really appeal--any goods for which Rome is famous (and legal to bring back here) are probably way out of our price range, and we’re at the age when people begin to streamline their possessions.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    ChiSandy- when I was on that same tour that took me to Egypt, we stopped at the diamond cutting factory in Haifa. It was interesting to see them doing that work but we had such a great guide in Israel that I did not feel pressured to buy anything. I did learn on that first big trip many years ago that those local guides get kickbacks from when they bring their friends around.

    Your trip to Rome and up north to Tuscany sounds fabulous. I agree about the streamlining too. My last trip to Italy in 2009, I bought way too much stuff but got some amazing leather and textiles (most of which I still have!)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday, AKA Friday Eve!Had some real gully washer down pours yesterday, right next to places that only got a drop or two of rain, very strange driving weather yesterday.We need the rain, though.None of the promised thunder storms yet, though.Unless I've been in the wrong place to see them, which is possible.

    Goldie--that RSO sounds like really odd stuff, but if it works that's what counts!So you went out week picking?Sounds like something I would do!

    Jazzy--Hooray for the return of the rightful Ring Master!

    Chi--I bet that eating at Elizabeth's is a real experience, but a fun one.But how does one know what kind of wine to bring?

    Hsant--solo vacationing can be a lot of fun and is definitely relaxing.No one to please but yourself, do what you want when you want, or do nothing at all and no one complains.One bit of advice--when you travel alone leave good tips, once the staff figures out you are a good tipper they will take GREAT care of you!The most recent recipe was Baked Ricotta and Tomato Orecchietta--plopped a hunk of ricotta in the middle of a pan, surrounded it with cut up tomatoes, drizzled with olive oil, fresh oregano leaves and crushed garlic, baked while the broccolinni and pasta are cooked,drained and then mixed in with the ricotta and tomato and tossed until the ricotta breaks up, VERY YUMMY!Never would have thought of plopping down a hunk of ricotta and baking it.Aunty is one of my Aunts (Mom's sister).She takes care of my Sadie when I go away, unless she's in Las Vegas visiting her daughter/my cousin.I've also often stayed overnight there if there was something going on near there and I didn't want to drive an hour home afterward.So she's referred to as Aunty's Bed, Breakfast and Boarding Kennel.She took care of Sadie for almost 3 months when I had recon surgery and couldn't lift/pull/etc for so long.Pretty hiking spot!I recommend a cruise as a good first solo vacay--enough structure to always have something to do, help available if you need it, lots of choices of locations and activities, and a great way to make new friends.If you work with atravel agent you always have someone to call if you run into a problem before or after the cruise.

    Jazzy--I've often wondered about group tours.Seems like a nice blend of people to be with and not being tied to someone else's agenda. Any tips on identifying a good group tour?

    Chi--I'm not a big one for shopping on vacay, either, just enough to get the obligatory souvenir gifts for family, once in a while an item for myself.Much rather see the sights, eat good food, a cooking class sounds like a blast!Would definitely like some time on my own to explore, or at least hang out by the pool or go swimming somewhere.Would love to be able to say I've been swimming in all the oceans of the world.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Around The World



    Pour rum, cognac, orange juice, sour mix and creme de noyaux into a blender with one cup of crushed ice. Blend until smooth, pour into a wine goblet, and serve.

    Best served in a Red Wine Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2016

    Good morning girls, I've read and caught up but no time to talk this morning but it sounds like everybody is doing OK. Long weekend coming up, yay for that. Just wanted to let you all know that I had a complete metabolic profile, and CBC, all was fine with exception to my TSH. In Jan it was over 3.0 so she up my synthroid, now it's .0006 so she lowered it, ordered a thyroid ultrasound which I get tomorrow and repeat test in 6 weeks. Thinking I might ask for a T3 and T4 too, what do you nurses think? So, I hafta get in the shower now and get to work, have a good Thursday and I'll see ya all later.

    NM, love the looks of that purple martini, so pretty!

    Cami, so glad you made it to the party!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2016

    good morning all , let me explain my absense and say sorry , got a 5am phone call on the 5th june that my mother was very ill and that care was now tlc,so flew home,flew back yesterday with her dc date being monday! she decided that she wanted to go to matts wedding so halted the dying process process literally, explain more later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Damn u've all been so busy. Good for u.

    Lori OMG u take that used motor oil (I'm sorry that's what it looks like) u r brave my darling, as long as it helps it's so worth it. U picked WEEDS LOL Actually when I was a kid we used to make salads out of well washed weeds, Italians litterally eat off the earth. OK all of u do know I don't understand any descriptive letters for medical things nor what most things mean so u have to say if it good or not. Even tho I get all these tests I still have no clue the drs. just call and change medications so I know things aren't right. All I know is what they do and really don't know why. That's cuz I don't want to know anything really.

    Jazzy I always enjoyed u'r trips over time and what u come up with. I'm glad u'r skin has healed and u'r happy with it. See that's what my DD does (well one of the things) people are starting to ask for her now, and she's so happy about that. Anyway u always think of great things to do with u'rself whether alone or with a group.

    Happy Anniversary Sandy, u and u'r DH sound so happy with each other and it's wonderful to be with someone u really like. And u enjoy so many of the same things, not so easy all the time.

    SusyQ everyone is still dancing for u and NED--great couple, such a good thing. I still remember when I heard those letters after a couple of yrs, I had no idea what they meant but when my Onc. started yelling and telling everyone she was so excited and hugged me and said I didn't think we'd get here I knew it was good. Then had to explain it to me, she still didn't understand after those years I didn't know. But she did believe my clueness of everything was one of the reasons, so it came in handy.

    NM I'm sure u'r home is not as bad as u think, we always think the worst so u should just get someone to come in once a month and really clean and u'll be surprised at the difference that u will feel, u'll have so much more time to be relaxed and u really need it. And I'm so sorry to hear about u'r Aunty, it gets so sad.

    Has anyone heard from Julie? I might have missed a post i know, but I try not to miss anything.

    My BIL's SIL died 2 days ago. she was 88, looked 75 and acted like 65 all the energy she had, was just at the /dr's and said everything looked good and she was watching TV and just died. She was so kind hearted and very religious So this is a very sad time for all of her family. I only saw her like once a yr. at Christmas, I sound cold don't I?) but I don't mean it like that. We just never saw each other much over the years anymore. But I always liked her.

    Oh Joey came thru for me with his busy schedule, I didn't feel well yesterday and vomited a couple of times. well he must have heard me and when I cleaned up and came to my room he was siting on my loveseat waiting and when I sat down he put both arms around me and rubbed my back and said I felt warm, so he kissed my forehead and just held me for a while. I swear that kid always makes me feel better, so he tells Marty to go out and get me some gingerale and Marty listens to him and I started feeling a bit better, but I had no D LOL

    Nancy I see all u'r pics on FB and u do look good. And working hard. What a sport, lots of muscle.

    Mary I hope u have some more time soon to tell us what's going on.

    DARA, DARA, DARA-----u think she heard me?

    If I missed anyone I'm sorry I so try not to but my brain is---oops I forgot.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Jazzy, I think I got a toofer too! The spot had been there quite some time, I just thought it was a dry patch of skin. LOL at the monkeys and circus. I hope the rest of your week will go smoothly.

    Sandy, that would surely be an interesting venue to attend. We watch a lot of the shows on tv where people live out in the wild and have to live off of it too. And you see several who know what wild plants are edible.

    Hsant, why only go to the movies with the hubs? I'm not sure about the time line of the MMJ. It is used for pain and nausea. Also it has been used on kids that are having seizures. But there are also claims that it cures cancer, I just don't know about mets. It certainly can't hurt to try. Like I said, I'm grasping at straws. I'm just not ready to die. Pretty pic from your hike. I love nature.

    Jazzy, interesting that your tour guides take you where they want and not where you want. I'm amazed at the travels you and Sandy go on.

    NM, I did pick some weeds, along with the amaranth. And cooked me up some greens with black beans, pasta and seasonings. Was pretty good. And I have lots more to pick, and then pull out from within my beans, I'm going to cook some and freeze it. Not sure how pasta will freeze. Might have to make it without the pasta and then add that when I cook it to eat.

    Mary, my doctor does the T4 and she put me on Armor Thyroid. I was taking what you are taking, but she said the Armor Thyroid is better. You might want to ask about that.

    Awww Julie, so very sorry to hear about your mom. I does one prolong death? I hope she makes it to the wedding and I hope you are doing well. And you certainly don't need to apologize. (((Julie)))

    Cami, it's much thicker than motor oil, more like tar. I won't know if it's helping until I get scans again. I suppose my labs might reflect something, I don't know. I remember you saying you don't want to know anything about your health. Just tell me what I need to do. Sorry to hear about your BIL's SIL, took me a minute to figure that one out and you don't sound cold at all. I hope she went peacefully. OMG, I just love Joey, and he loves you soooooo much.

    My DD's bff was just killed in a motorcycle accident, which most of you already know. She wasn't even 30 yet. They drive on the left side of the road there, and Sarah's BF was coming down the road, in the left lane, and a tourist pulled out of a gas station, turn right and turned into the right lane. So they either t-boned or hit head on. My DD thinks her friend went flying, and hit a brick wall. Her helmet was still on and there was no blood, so they thing perhaps it snapped her neck. We are heading to town today and the movies. Not sure what we're seeing, I think something about Zombies, which isn't our thing, hubby just wants to sit and relax and have his popcorn.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    Sweet Angel Sarah


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited June 2016

    Good morning friends!

    Juliet- I am so very sorry to hear about the situation with your mom. I hope she is well enough to go to the wedding. Please keep us posted and hear to listen if you need us?

    NM- regarding tours and group vacations, I try to interview who ever is hosting them to ask about how the days are structured. Expectations for time to be up to get in a bus or other for the day trips, how free time is handled, how meals work, etc. Theme vacations can be very enjoyable from cooking trips, wine tasting tours, biking adventures, etc. I think knowing how long they have been doing the particular trip is really important too. Going on trips where the whole process is new and the kinks are not worked out is where I have had the most problems. Learned that one the hard way on two different yoga retreats lead by two different people. I am not willing to be on the initial trips anymore.

    Also, on line reviews of the tour is a great way to get info from the others. I am a huge fan of TripAdvisor and use it a lot to both review and to read others reviews. The nice thing about it too is you can post questions to others who have taken the tour. Great way to find out the demographics of who really goes and their experiences. Other people are your best advice to choose an group tour or stay away.

    College alumni can sometimes offer great trips and tours. My sister did one to Australia, NZ and Fiji and said it was great, but did find she was one of the few on the trip still working. The trip was more retirees than not.

    Also, if a group is doing a trip and a meeting to discuss questions is offered, go. Those have been helpful to me every time. My sister and I were going to go to a week group tour to Cuba this past March. I went to the meeting on it last fall and after going, realized it was going to be a lot of money for five days in Havana. After we talked about it, I told my sister it was not a trip I wanted to do for the price. Because travel is now opening up to Cuba, lots of interest to go there right now and the tours are pricey.

    Woke up to t-storms and neighborhood rainbows today. Getting ready to head in for one mo day on site before I get a four day break. Livin' for the weekend!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2016

    The red is the amaranth, growing amongst my beans. The green plant, which I also picked the leaves, cuz there is green leaf variety. However, mine is not amaranth, its a picker/burr weed, shown below! I have half of it done. Hard to see due to the shade, it was morning. Need to get out there before it gets too hot. But I need to get those out of my beans.



  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Goldie, I am so, so sorry about your DD's best friend. She was so young and beautiful! My heart goes out to your daughter and Sarah's other loved ones. Such a tragedy!

    I've read wonderful things about the benefits of MMJ with respect to cancer.

    I like going to the movies alone, because I'm particular about where I sit. I also I don't like sitting next to people, so I usually go to matinees when theaters tend to be less crowded. My husband is super easy going, so whatever I want he's fine. Wow, I just painted a really neurotic picture of myself.:)

    There was a foraging cooking challenge on Top Chef All Stars a couple of years ago.

    I'm fascinated by the fact that you pick weeds from your property, and incorporate them into a meal.. You must be extremely knowledgeable about weeds and other edible wild vegetation. Your pasta dish sounds fantastic! Gorgeous photos of your garden!

    Native, ditto to your baked orecchiette. If you don't mind, I'm going to make that over the weekend. I think my dad and uncle will love it. Ricotta is super smooth and easy to swallow.

    I'm sorry about your aunt. Even though it's a part of your job to see patients decline, I'm sure it must be so difficult to see this with a family member. Strokes can do so much damage. Prayers and positive thoughts out to you during this difficult time.

    Juliet, prayers out for your mom, you and your family.. I bet your mom makes it to the wedding.

    Jazzy, gorgeous photo! Is that your house? It's lovely!

    You are smart to take it easy when your knee is bothering you. It's so important to listen to your body, and not over extend yourself physically. I'm trying to be moderate and consistent with respect to to exercise.

    About eight years ago, my husband went on a cycling trip with his buddies, and I did a spa weekend local to my home at a five star hotel. Loved, loved, loved my experience. This is when the full-on solo vacay went on my bucket list.

    I would love to do a beach vacation,someplace like Turks and Caicos or somewhere on the US Virgin Islands.

    I'm not big on tours, because I like doing my own thing on trips, and hate being on a schedule.

    Cami,hugs to you and Joey. I had the same relationship with my grandmother. I hope you're feeling better.

    I did the usual with my dad, went on a short hike (2 miles), and had a hot rock massage spa pedi. After, I enjoyed oysters and a glass of Chardonnay.

    It's all good.:)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2016

    F**k! I jest wrote a novel and lost most of it. I did copy once while typing when I hit something and thouht i lost my post but then did it freaking again and lost it. damn it. Not going to pick up where I left off cept to readdress a few. ------------------------Hi girls,

    Gotta be quick as I am again up way toooo late and am sleep deprived from last night too. Just skimmed through three pages, wow, never have missed so much.

    Sue, a big fat toast to ya, go you NED goil, GO GO GO. Love you so much and so happy to hear this news.

    Cam, glad you got to the party and had fun. And great to see you, I did hear ya calling mese name and I came a running as fast as I could not i'm not a fast runner. Well I don't imagine I could run if I tried hehe. Hope you are feeling well n0w, hugs.

    Lori, so sorry about your DD's friend, what a beautiful gal, such a tragedy. Sounds lke she did not know what hit her but still so so sad. Hugs. And love your yard pics, wish I could visit it for real some day.

    NM, love when you mention friday eve, I call it that too! I tink wese the only ones that do. Ya furcited for a long weekend? Hope u and your goil can play and have tons o fun.

    Jazzy, the fires sound aweful, makes me so sad especially for the wild life, poor innocent animals, jest breaks mese fart heart.

    Genny, good to see you pop in, hope all the tests come in fine. And good for you in asking our nurses, love having them as a resource.. Nora is simply adorable, love that widdle goil.

    Chi, I bought the Neil-Med thing as you suggested and can't say I love it as I hate anything like that running through my nostrils. but oh my gosh, it does work wonders. Thanks for suggesting it. Hope you are feeling alright. What is your wine of the day?

    Julie, sorry you are going through so much with your Mum,, hugs and prayers for you. I did sorta chuckle when you wrote about your Mum postponing meeting God but I understand your pain too well. muah!

    Genny, hope the test goes well, nice to see ya.

    So about me - wrote a novel but lost it so rewriting some. It was all about mese anyway which is narcissistic. and speaking of, does any of you watch or have watched the TV show The Adventures of New Christine? I am hooked on that show, she is such a narcisiist but I love her jest the same. I have a ritual this time of night when I state how many minutes til Christine, comes on at 1am. 13 minutes til Christine!!! so I got news today that I am getting a very sweet bonus tomorrow for mid year, woooo hoo, what a surprise. Will pay for the roof I jest put on the house last month and then some. I need repairs to my icemaker which the warranty expired a month before the thing took a chit - don't buy whirlpool, my first and last. Bought the thing two years ago, June 1st. And I need to get mese oven going again. the knob jest spins, guess it is stripped somehow. Bought the stove in 2004, not sure how long it should last but God knows that I do not use it, used to call it ornamental Happy. My doggies need shots, more frontline and heartworm preventative too, stuff is pricey.

    ok, gonna call it a night, no Christine for mese, wahhhhh~its been a hectic month, glad its over. reminds me - rabbits rabbits rabbits, white rabbits white rabbits white rabbits or however that goes. anyone know?

    a big toast for Mema Sue!!!!


    oops, make that chEErs!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2016

    ps jest heard on the news that tickling is a new sport, REALLY??? I hate being tickled and it makes me pee my pants.

    Dara, OUT! more cheerS!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    I got creeped out just watching the first few seconds of that, Dara. No wine for me tonight--ate leftover chicken, Bob’s staying in Oak Lawn because he has early EKG reading tomorrow. I hear you on the icemaker--my 5-yr-old LG’s is leaking again, then the drips refreeze and the tray falls off its brackets. I have to keep taking the bin out of the door and hacking away at the frozen globs of ice (they fall out of the tray as a unit instead of nice & separate. Stuff is freezing in the fridge--I like fro-yo, but not when it’s ice crystals in the Fage; and frozen salad greens are just plain disgusting.

    I want SOOOO much to have some chips & guac right now--cucumber slices & pepper strips just don’t satisfy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friedday!Hope most of you are getting ready for a long holiday weekend.I hope everyone has lovely weather and lots of fun!

    Genny--Wow, talk about a thyroid roller coaster!Do you feel any different?

    Julie--oh my goodness, what a difficult time for you!The human will is an amazing thing, isn't it?{{{hugs}}}

    Cammy--You are probably right, I should just find someone to come in and clean and quit worrying about it.Oh, my, so sorry to hear about your BIL's SIL.Nice way to go out though, quietly and peacefully and comfortably. Joey is a real treasure, you are so lucky to have him!

    Goldie--I've had mixed results with freezing cooked pasta dishes.It seems like the "wetter" the dish the more likely the pasta will get mushy when it's reheated.I've had pretty good luck with freezing cooked pasta by itself, so I could control the moisture and cooking time when reheating it, that might be a workable approach.What a lovely angel!

    Jazzy--Thanks for the group tour info!I wouldn't have thought about asking about how long the tour had been running, and I bet the first few trips are glitchy.Gorgeous double rainbow!

    Goldie--pretty plants!The bottom one is pretty but looks ouchy, too.

    Hsant--be my guest with the Baked Orecchiette, it's something I'll probably make for myself again someday.I was so surprised to see the change in my Aunty.It is hard to see.

    Dara--I'm working Sunday and Monday, but I will get 8 ours of comp time to use with my next vacay as well as the $90 call pay.As long as it isn't busy I'll be fine, but if it's busy I'll be one very tired gal come Tuesday ayem, then only have 4 days to get 5 days worth of visits done, so will be VERY busy.But I'll get through, somehow. HOORAY for the bonus, nice work!

    Tickling as a sport?I don't think so.

    Chi--frozen salad greens?Nope, not gonna like that, and the ice maker issues sound like a terrific pain in the anatomy.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Born on the 4th of July



    Pour blue curacao into an ice-filled collins glass. Carefully layer both the sloe gin and cream on top of the ice. (The result should be a blue and red drink with tendrils of white shooting through the colors.)

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Hsant, I do not know what weeds to eat. I had the plant, gave seeds to a neighbor who grew it, and then told me that it was edible. I have to say I like tours, but I guess it depends where you are going. We went a few years ago and visited "Custard's Last Stand". I didn't think I would care for, and I would have, had we not done the tour. Same with Mount Rushmore. But these are touristy things, so maybe not the same.

    Dorky, I'm so sorry you lost yet another post. And I know what you mean about hitting something and "POOF" it's gone. It's got to be some sort of key strokes that do that. BCO is hard to get an undo to work, you have to do it several times, and even then it doesn't always work. Which is why I do it in Word. The undo is easy with that program. Not sure I could run either, at least not without hurting myself! Congrats on that bonus, sounds like it came at a good time! How is that little cutie of yours, sweet little Logan. OMG, who likes being tickled, besides a child? I hate it! I've never had an oven give out on me. The one I have now I've had for over 10 years. Not familiar with Christine.

    Sandy, what creeped you out about Christine? Frozen salad greens, if fresh are gross and slimy!

    NM, that plant is ouchy. We also have tumbleweeds that are very picky as well. The greens/pasta is pretty moist, so maybe it won't be so good. I have made lasagna with raw noodles and froze it like that, and that works out well. Oh I hope Sun/Mon are quiet for you and you get to enjoy the long weekend. I imagine you would still be catching up on Tuesday regardless?

    Saw Independence Day in 3D. Didn't think I would like it, but it was good. Ended up giving my popcorn to DH, haven't had much of an appetite lately. I was going to get more Ensure, or something similar, but after looking at the ingredients, I passed. I drank one yesterday morning, that was my "food" to take my FU pills with. Which brings me to ask our resident medical staff. Why do we need to take food with some meds? Is it because it could cause me to be nauseas? If so, I did not get nauseas, took my pills yesterday, both morning and evening doses with no food.