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how about drinking?



  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited July 2016

    Just popping in to say hello! My life has been super, super busy and chatting online has not been a priority. I did want to report that on June 2, I had my first mammogram since my diagnosis last October and it was NORMAL!!!! Hooray and Praise the Lord!!! I've seen my MO this month also and have to get started on a bisphosphonate due to my osteopenia. We tried to get Prolia so I could get one injection every 6 months, but insurance denied it and said I have to try bisphosphonates first. So, now trying to decide the best one. She wants me to try Fosamax but I'm not sure I want to be on that med. Any of you taking it? Our little pooch, Bella, is doing well and adjusting to life with DH and I after we rescued her in January. I have continued my training for the 10K (6.2 mile) race in Atlanta on July 4th called the Peachtree Road Race. It's the biggest 10K in the world with around 65,000 people scheduled to participate. So I'll be "running" (more like walk/run intervals) that on Monday with my daughter, daughter's friend and my sister. Hope everyone is doing well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    No, it wasn’t Christine that creeped me out--it was the Nightline segment on competitive tickling. And I guess my plumbing was jealous of the attention the icemaker & fridge were getting: this morning we awoke to a hole in the U-pipe below the right half of the double kitchen sink, and all our stuff in the cabinet beneath was floating. That pipe was at least 30-40 years old (dating back to the last kitchen remodel before we moved in, if not even before). So we earned some more frequent flyer points with our plumber (gave us a $40 discount considering how regular customers we are).

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Native, I've never put a cooked pasta dish in the freezer, but I've done this with mashed potatoes, and it was disgusting when I reheated it.

    Chi, have you tried Lawash low carb wraps? They are awesome! 4 net carbs per wrap. Put one in your oven for a few minutes and you can use it as a substitute for chips. Works great with guacamole and other dips.

    Goldie, my father said the reason why you're required to take some meds with food is because that medication should be released slowly into your system, and food slows down the absorption of the medicine.

    Genny, wishing you the best with respect to your thyroid ultra sound.

    Dara, congrats on your bonus! I can't even go into the nightmare that is my Viking refrigerator. Sooo expensive. It leaked water, ruined our floors and the custom built refrigerator enclosure.

    Fearless, congrats on a clean mammo!

    Wishing everyone a happy holiday weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Hsant, I haven’t heard of Lawash brand wraps, but we have a brand of low-carb (3 net gm. for small. 7 for large) whole-wheat tortillas (Azteca, IIRC). I make breakfast burritos with them (salsa, guac, scrambled eggs, and grated cheddar), and also sometimes toast them and then top with mozzarella, sliced tomatoes and basil for a quasi-pizza. But i’ve also toasted them, spread them with butter and devoured them whole!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday!Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this ayem.I go on call at 8 ayem tomorrow, on call until 5 pm Monday.Hopefully there won't be much going on over the holiday weekend.We'll see.

    Goldie--Hoping for an uneventful weekend, too.Tuesday starts the business of the short week, doing 5 days' worth of work in 4 days. Always an interesting proposition.I was wondering if Independence Day was going to be any good, I enjoyed the first movie.Some medications should be taken with food to prevent nausea, some to protect the stomach itself from the harshness of the chemical.Not everyone has nausea or stomach lining irritation, some people can take the chemicals without problems on an empty stomach.

    Fearless--HOORAY for normal mammogram!Good for you for doing the 10K. You've got more energy than I do.

    Chi--oh, boy, being regular customers of a plumber, sounds like a love/hate relationship thing!Then again, 30 or 40 years is a good long time to get out of a pipe, or anything else, for that matter!

    Hsant--I've never tried freezing mashed potatoes.Guess I won't have to ever try that now!Come to think of it, I have frozen uncooked Lasagna many times and it heats up fine, but I've only done it with homemade noodles.Don't know how pre-made ones would work.They have pre-made lasagna noodles that don't require boiling first, wonder how those would work?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    July Passion



    Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Add lemonade, garnish with a sugar-dipped strawberry, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Hi Fearless, good to see you pop in. I hope you had a drink while you were here. Congrats on the clean mammo.

    Sandy, so sorry about the broken pipe. Water can do so much damage.

    Hsant, tell your dad thanks for the information. And thankyou for thinking of me enough to ask him.

    So who has plans for the weekend? I do NOT.

    Of course we need to be festive!

    Super Slushie

    Here's the recipe if anyone wants it, it's pretty long.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Lowee - u eat the leafs of those prickly things? They don't look that bad, whatta ya do, jes season and steam em? So sorry about Sarah, she was truly a beautiful lady. Hugs all around…BIG HUGZ!!! I freeze pasta n reheat it. It is mushier that when just cooked. I think waiting and adding later is a good idea. No, mine was mj. We were visiting and he showed me his grow house, wish he was still doing it.

    Julie - prayers and hugs to you n your mom. Hope she gets to go to the wedding.

    Cami - RSO does look nasty, once I licked my finger and the stuff felt like sand but I believe it did the trick on my Left Ventrical function. I went from low 60% to mid 70%. U cwack me up with 'not wanting to kno anything'. U jes do what the nice dr sez and u bese fine. You don't sound cold, a good relationship means you can have strong feelings even tho u don't see them often. That Joey is something else. So thoughtful and caring, he loves you a lot, I'm glad he's thee for you…((Cami))

    Jazz - I LOL'd til I starting hacking my lungs up over the circus and monkeys. Beautiful rainbow. We got a huge storm last night, lots of rain, supposed to be the same today. The rain smells sooo nice.

    Hsant - I don't like crowds, so theaters we will visit the matinees. But lately we have been ordering movies on the TV, cheaper than the theater and we always have popcorn on hand. I hate being on a schedule too. My DD, her hubs, me, my son and mayb his gf are booked in a beach front hotel in Cancun for Thanksgiving week. I'll have my own room and can do whatever I want…woohoo. I have 2 Malshi's, brother and sister from a diff liter. They are about 8 mos apart in age. Baxter looks like his Maltese daddy, where Bella looks more like her Shitzu mommy. They are 5yoa this year. I'll try and post a pic.

    Dara, dara, my dahling dara - been missing you. Thanks from de bottom of mese heart for da toast. Big Happy Dance for your bonus…woohoo. LOL on the Neil-Med thing, but glad u tried it. DH and I do nasal washes with otc nasal saline spray. Works well too. Tickling…a new sport? Jeeez, must b lotza bored peeps out there.

    Well above is what I wrote yesterday, then got called away from it. Had to get up early today to take DH to work, his twuck got dwunk last night, heehee.

    Nancy - What is TSH? Hope your thyroid ultrasound is OK. Missing you around here, but understand how 'life' can pull you away. Oh n what is T3 T4?

    Fearless - So good to hear from you and another HAPPY DANCE for normal. I get Xgeva shots for my bones, now every 2 months instead of every month. My back still screams at me, but a naproxen and heat pad help a lot. Good for you for training for the road race. I did hi-impact aerobics for too long and now my shins can't handle running. Glad Bella is adjusting. My Baxter and Bella are bugging me to take them to the park, not going, too wet.

    We had another thunderstorm last night with more rain than the night before. My pooches are mostly white, just got groomed a few days ago, so I don't want them in the mud.

    Sandy - What a mess, I'd b upset to the max, good thing u've got a good plumber.

    Hsant - thanks for the info on taking meds with food. Most of my meds require it too. I thought, like Lori, it was to prevent nausea, now I kno. Thanks.

    NM - thanks to you too about the meds, even with food I am often nauseous.

    I think I am finished….forgive me if I missed anyone. Got bills to pay…NO plans for 4th cept mayb inviting our neighbors over for dinner and drinks, hope everyone has a GR8 weekend!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning my beautiful ladies--I missed so much.

    Julie I'm so sorry bout u'r mom, it's very difficult I know.Fearless nice to see u and great n u'r mammo.

    Oh Dara we miss u. but understand and grat for the bonus u deserve it big time. I watch Christine too, and her character is so selfish really but funny stuff., How I met u'r mother is next then Hot in Cleveland--I'm up so often during the nite I have my own regime--But u have to try raising Hope, it makes me LOL out loud. See what an exciting life I live? LOL I guess I have to start screaming for u more, and I'm always loosing osts, don't have a clue what key I hit.

    Lori please listen to me, u are not ready at all to die, it'll be a while so keep doing what u'r doing and u'll remember I said this, I'm just soo sorry u have to go thru all this. U'r garden looks great and I know u work hard with it, but u certainly do know what u are doing. OMG what a horrendous thing that happened to u'r DD's best friend--so beautiful, young and a life made short, so very sad.

    NM U would be on call this holiday, I really hope it's quiet for u, but u still have to wait at all times. I think u'r weather will be good tho, so that's a plus even if u have to drive.

    Oh we've always frozen our Lasagnas cuz we might make 2 or 3 and they taste great after, but there are things that don't taste so good after freezing.

    SusyQ I can't remember what I was going to say to u now and u'r on the last page so I can't go back, but I'm sure it had to be good.

    Sandy all the stuff that u put together always sounds so good. But I'm sure it had to be nice.

    The kids are gone this weekend and of course I'm miserable, not cuz they're gone but cuz we are have all the old carpeting picked up in the living room, kitchen, and hall way and they are putting down wood flors and one of the workers has a fear of dogs do this is tough, I have to leave him outside and he's not happy and my room is so small he's not happy here to, I feel so bad, but I don't know what else to do. My cat just hides, so she's all right. Then my D started yesterday afternoon while they were working in the hallway, Oh boy, then the doog didn't like the feeling of the bare floors and was crying for Leslie--we were up til all rs. but so far my d has stopped a little while ago and the dog is outside (poor thing)-So crazy weekend, but Jodie said she's coming back early--tomorrow I think and she would come here.

    Jazzy u really have a good system on finding out how to travel, and smart of u not to do the things that aren't worth it. I've always admired u'r way of doing so much.

    Hsant I really never liked to do things by myself---I usually wait for movies to come on TV. They seem to come so quickly now so it's not to bad. My TV is on 24/7 unless I'm going someplace. So u could say I'm an addict. And I think u'r DH is super laid back, u'r very lucky.

    I hope I didn't miss everyne cuz I read everything but of course I can't remember.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    imageFor all good stuff.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Wine last night was 2013 Bouchaine Pinot Noir (Carneros), served with wild salmon

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi friends- I have been out to summer sales today, and shopped up a storm! Went to Dillards big end of the season clearance where they mark the sales items down 30% on top of the sales price. I went with the mission to find some more "bottoms" like pants, skirts and shorts. Well, I came away with a bunch of stuff and also some new walking shoes and a Fossil purse for our trip to NYC that is coming up in three short months! Then I came home to crash for awhile. Shopping is exhausting!

    Cami- you are so kind. I think my experiences in life have just been hard earned with deciding what to do or not do. My free time is precious and don't like it to get wasted by others. Vacation time especially. I seek drama free experiences during my restorative time.

    Oh the hardwood floor stuff is so hard and disruptive. Especially for the pets who are are terrified of the sounds no doubt. I hope the floors come out beautiful. I had my carpeting torn out and beautiful flooring put in over the past few years and so happy with it. I hope you will be too.

    Goldie- I have some plans and some non structured time this weekend. Went to see a jazz artist by the name of Paul Taylor last night at our local zoo. It rained for a bit, but my friend that joined me and I were prepared with rain gear. The sun came out shortly after and more double rainbows in the sky last night). It was nice to see my friend who is a bestie here and working out of state so we have not seen each other as much this year. We are both consultants working on hard projects so we were able to talk about our challenges. Tonight I am having dinner with a friend (seafood pig out), and will go see another friend (unfortunately on Hospice, so important to go see him this weekend). Monday is no plans day and plan to just be home enjoying the patio, listening to music and dong NOTHING! I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

    Fearless- that is great news on the clear mammo. I have been on Prolia for about 18 months now and it is usually approved for cancer patients without going through the other meds first (my MO said the same, but more insurance is covering Prolia for cancer patients including for women on the AIs. There are more studies coming up that suggest that it helps to reduce re-occurrence too, so it is definately a two fer as far as I am concerned. I am getting my next shot in a few more weeks. The Prolia really helped to improve my bone health back to original numbers after two shots/1 year. Good luck with the meds.

    NM- sounds like you are busy working this weekend. Has Miss Sadie been swimming yet?

    Chi- your wine and parings always sound delicious.

    MemaSue- I hope the storms have moved on through for you. Monsoons are here and we have more rainy spells every day. We love the moisture when it comes.

    Here is a photo of the jazz artist I saw last night as well as the pretty rainbow that showed up after the rain.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Longettes!Happy Sunday Funday, middle day of the long weekend!

    Goldie--Great Super Slushies!The recipe sounds yummy.Looks great, too.

    Mema--Cancun for a week!Wow!That is going to be a great trip, I bet.Some people do have nausea with some pills not matter what.Have you tried eating a couple bites of something and taking the pills 10 to 15 minutes later?Sometimes that helps.

    Cammy--We all have to be on call on some holiday or other, this is the one I pick.Don't usually miss anything with the family as Mom and Dick always spend the holiday with the neighbors and I generally don't have to worry about snow or ice if I get called out.Poor doggy, doesn't understand that the banishment is temporary and misses Leslie on top of it all.Glad the d stopped.

    Chi--YUM!How did you cook the salmon?

    Jazzy--Ah, the joys of a day of doing nothing but enjoying the patio and recharging the batteries!Sadie hasn't been swimming yet, that's on the list for next weekend, if the weather is good.Very breezy here and a touch cool yesterday or I would have taken her to the lake yesterday.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Nuclear Rainbow



    Carefully layer, in order, into a glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    NM, we bumped yesterday, right into the cool and how refreshing that was! 5 days worth of work in 4 is not fun, but I know you'll get it done! I've frozen a stew like meal before, with chunks of potatoes in it. The potatoes were gross, the texture of them. As for the lasagna noodles, I just use Wal Mart ones.

    LDB, I stir fried the greens then I like them with chicken broth. But the weed leaves were amistake. I did not know it was a weed. Altho, you can eat many a weed. I think adding pasta when needed is the right choice. Wooo hooooo for Cancun! Nancy may answer, but the TSH is part of the blood work up they can check for the thyroid.

    Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

    A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) blood test is used to check for thyroid gland problems. TSH is produced when the hypothalamus releases a substance called thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). TRH then triggers the pituitary gland to release TSH.

    TSH causes the thyroid gland to make two hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). T3 and T4 help control your body's metabolism.

    Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) are needed for normal growth of the brain, especially during the first 3 years of life. A baby whose thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone (congenital hypothyroidism) may, in severe cases, be mentally retarded. Older children also need thyroid hormones to grow and develop normally.

    This test may be done at the same time as tests to measure T3 and T4.

    Cami, you are so funny. I DO LISTEN TO YOU, and I did say I wasn't ready. Not meaning to imply that it was happening soon. Where did everyone go? I see Joey on a quad again, do they rent those? Sorry you couldn't go and are home alone, you just be careful and make sure your phone is always with in reach. Sounds like Les is doing great at her job. Lasagna is such an easy dish to make several of to freeze. I just can't ever remember if I take it from the freezer right to the oven or let it thaw first? Funny about Sox not like the bare floor.

    Jazzy, sounds like you made a haul on your shopping. Believe it or not, I'm not much of one to go shopping. Of course we don't have any malls either! WOW, you have your weekend all planned. Sorry about the friend in hospice. We have had rain yesterday and day before. Nice eye candy, the musician and the rainbow.

    Ok, so yesterday I took both my doses of FU pills without any food and was fine. So does that mean I can do that if need be? Or do I need the food for the slow release, and Hsantn's dad said?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Jazzy I am glad to hear u are floppin' out tomorrow, u really need to and the rainbow is beautiful and placed behind u'r wonderful music is so appropriate.

    And like I said NM I hope it's a quiet weekend for u and Sadie.

    Well another fun night, Sox finally settled down and I barely saw the cat. But the floors are down to the underlay so they don't like the feeling on their feet. Oh I had a phone medical thing yesterday going over all the crap fr my procedure on the 11th, of course I did get someone with an accent. Who knows how I answered her questions. I honestly couldn't remember what it was for til 1/2 thru the call-my colon thing, yes another one he's insisting on putting me out and I'm fighting him on this. I'm sure he'll win, but I can try.

    Well back to the sound of hammering another thrilling day, I hope this is the last day.Cht I just nodded off for like 15 mins. with my head on the computer. Silly me.

    OK I'll check bac latah--Oh Joey called yesterday to see how I was--Just him. LOL


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Thanks Lori I got knocked right into the pewl but u made sure someone was in there for me.

    I'm glad u understand all about the thyroid, wow it's such a tiny thing too.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi friends- happy second day of the long weekend!

    Goldie- I like to go to the Dillards sales twice a year. Not much of a mall shopper, but it is a good place for my business clothing needs. Sort of hard to find those in this smaller city and the things I like (Eileen Fisher) and good time to buy them at discount. Did not find any of that yesterday, but some other things that work.

    Thanks for more eye candy, and in right white and blue too!

    NM- Sadie will look forward to her outing next weekend no doubt! She is a lab, right? My sister has a golden retriever and they have a pool, so her dog regularly takes herself swimming. LOL! Can't keep those water dogs out of the water!

    Cami- oh the pets and the floors and so much more. I know you said the kids are gone, are you alone completely or folks around checking in?

    I called my friend's daughter to check in about visiting him but no answer and also no voice mail. I don't want to just go over, need to be sure it is okay to still visit all things considered. Going to try to call her again in awhile. If today is not good, we can try for tomorrow too. I know I just need to be patient and kind and do what helps them the most.

    Wishing you a good Funday Sunday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Oh and something to make you smile!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Jazzy, I love Eileen Fisher. I practically live in one or the other (orange or pink) of their linen-knit T-shirt dresses all summer. Do you have a Chico’s nearby, or can you shop online? I find a lot of their stuff is chic and professional enough for office wear without being stodgy.

    NM, I simply sprayed a T-Fal skillet with grapeseed oil spray (Spectrum Naturals) and pan seared the salmon filets. Season each side with salt & freshly-ground black pepper (plain kosher salt on the skin side, either kosher or flavored sea salt on the top side--I find that alderwood-smoked works nicely on wild Pacific and caper-infused works on farmed Atlantic. I got the smoked salt at Sur La Table and the caper salt in Sicily. Normally I’d use these salts for finishing, but seasoning with them seems to infuse the fish better). Preheat the pan on medium-high, start the filets skin side down. After 30 sec., turn the heat down to medium. Flip when you see the fish slowly turning opaque (viewed from the side) just before the opacity reaches halfway up (about 2-3 min.). Then give it about another 2 min. and remove to a plate, covering loosely with foil. After about a minute or so the “carryover cooking” stops and the fish is cooked perfectly. You can add tartar sauce or lemon at the table if you want.

    Oh, and forget the advice we used to get in Home Ec or Joy of Cooking that fish should be cooked until it “flakes easily with a fork.” By that point, it’s overdone. When tested with a fork, it should cleave in glistening barely-opaque slabs.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Chi- yes, big Chicos fan too. I buy things there for work too, and was there this week for their big summer sale, but pretty picked over for sale and not enough of the fall stuff in yet. I did pick up a few casual things, but nothing for work.

    We have an Eileen Fisher store in Santa Fe which I get to when I am up that way too. I buy from them on line too. This year, they don't have a lot of the cool colors they usually have, everything is black or neutral. I love their shoes too, I have a pair of her shoes, her boots and a pair of fabulous pink sandals!

    Well, my friend who is on Hospice ended up having some family come in to town this weekend, which I think is a good thing. I talked to his daughter today, who sounded very glad to have family coming in to be there. I told her I would come another time and she thanked me for something else I did for them to help out with all that is going on.

    Been just doing a lot of nothing today, but on my way to the gym and meditation class next.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Jazzy, I’ve never been to an Eileen Fisher store--do they have stores in the major outlet malls? I’ve gotten my Fisher stuff from Nordstrom online. I sometimes refer to Chico’s as “Forever 61.” Where else can I buy clothing that fits, and honestly tell people I’m a size 3 or even 2?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Independence Day!Happy 4thof July!Steady day at work yesterday, one admission and 1 unscheduled visit, both in the same facility, which was nice.3 visits on the list so far today.Gonna get up and moving to try and beat the parades and traffic.

    Goldie--SPLASH!Glad the pool is heated!Many weeds are edible, indeed.Dandelion greens, fiddlehead ferns, I imagine even lettuce is a weed when it grows where it isn't wanted.I'd be careful about taking the FU pills on an empty stomach, over time that could cause irritation and give you problems.Doing it now and again in a pinch is probably ok.

    Cammy--keep in mind that no one can do anything to you unless you sign the consent forms.Don't want another colon thing done? Don't sign on the dotted line.No signature = no payment, no payment = no procedure.

    Jazzy--Yes, Sadie is a Yellow Lab, and she LOVES the water!LOL at the pic, and come 5 pm I get to have a BIG glass of wine!

    Chi--Yum, yum, yum, what a nice way to cook salmon filets!And so right about the overcooking using the 'flakes easily with a fork" method.

    Jazzy--sounds like you are a very good friend to your friend in Hospice.Good to have a day with a lot of nothing, too!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    4th of July



    Layer in order given. Pour into a shot glass.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good morning friends and Happy July 4th! Wishing you a good day whether you are bbq-ing with friends or hanging out at home. I am going to do an early run to Sam's Club here in a few (what is she thinking?) I have a business membership that allows me in early before the crowds but doubt it will be busy today anyways. Going swimming at the gym this afternoon!

    Chi- the Eileen Fisher store here is on the Santa Fe plaza. I think you find it with other high end stores in places like SF, Aspen, etc. Not sure where their outlets are but do think they have them? Dillards carries EF, and one boutique here. I have also found some great EF pieces at consignment too. Otherwise, I get them on line like you.

    NM- oh Sadie is going to enjoy that swim when she can. My favorite part of a swimmer dog is their need to come up next to you after and shake their fur so everyone can enjoy the water! And nothing like the smell of wet dog too! Sadie will enjoy her swim. And I hope you enjoy that big glass of wine too!

    I reached my friend's daughter yesterday and found out a bunch of family came in to town this weekend last minute. I expect that was the result of him going on Hospice this week. So it did not turn out to be the right time to go yesterday or today, but will keep in touch going forward. I did something for the family to try to help with something I could do, and she told me yesterday how thankful she was and how much it had helped them. That felt good to hear to know I could help my friend and his girls. I am praying for an easy transition and thankful Hospice is now involved.

    So I am on the search for a hotel change in NYC for Oct. I learned yesterday that the Waldorf Astoria is going to be converted into condos and will remain as a small boutique hotel after the renovation. My sister was the one that really wanted to do the Waldorf, as she stayed there 30 years ago and said it was an awesome experience. The reviews on TripAdvisor were not that great about the Waldorf, and let her know but perceptions from long ago rule.

    But now this transition has been approved, and no real indication of when this work will begin. Oh and they are letting go like 1100 workers go too and so we talked about whether we would be dealing with disgruntled employees during our stay? I don't want to arrive and have a hassle with the hotel, so I suggested to my sister we find another Hilton and found one in Midtown that looks perfect. Close to the plays, shopping and more. A good friend of mine who lives in the city says this is a much better choice for us location wise. So I will make that change today and think it will take away any concerns about the lodging. The trip is now 3 months away, whoot whoot!

    Enjoy your day friends and will check in later to make sure Cami has not gotten herself in trouble.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Boss Lady, I wouldn't bump you into the pool without having someone there to save you. You have to have another heiny scope? How are you doing "Home Alone"?

    Jazzy, I think Dillards is where I got my wedding dress for a steal. It was right after prom, so all of the formal gowns were marked down. I don't think I paid $100 for my dress. I guess it's good that you called your friend before visiting. Perhaps you could say that you'll only stay 10 minutes?

    Sandy, my salmon, I layer orange and lemon slices on the bottom of my pan. Alternating the slices. Sprinkle salmon with lemon pepper and dill weed. Top with more lemon and orange slices, wrap in foil and put it in the oven or grill. Sooooo yummy!

    NM, thanks for letting me know that I probably shouldn't take the pills on an empty stomach. It's just the time schedule and the fact that I have to eat then, when I don't want to. Suppose to take them 12 hours apart with food. I'm only up about 12 hours! So that means eating as soon as I get up and right before going to bed! Sounds like you have had to work this weekend, but like you said, you signed up for it, and you didn't have any big plans to cancel.

    Still nothing going on here. Just another day. I guess we are leaving Thursday for Laughlin. This darn husband of mine just doesn't want to stay home!

    Jazzy, almost knocked you into the pool this morning. 1100 workers let go? That's a lot. Glad you found out about the hotel. They are doing something similar to the Embassy that we liked to stay at, except the rumor on that is that they are turning part of it into an assisted living space and still keeping part hotel. Now who wants to stay at a hotel that is part assisted living????

    Happy 4th Everyone

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. We are going to the bar, they r having a buffet and a band. I really prefer to stay home but it beats standing over a hot grill in 110o weather.

    Jazz - I about blew my coffee outta my nose when I read your 'size matters' post. Of course my mind went right to the gutter…LOL. So sweet of you to check in on ur friend, glad he had lots of visitors during the weekend.

    Sandy - thanks for the recipe for salmon. I personally hate it, but dh loves it and I am always worried about under-cooking it, so it's always overcooked.

    Cami - when we pulled our carpet and put down fake wood, we laughed til we cried when the pooches tried to run on it. They are both used to it now. Am sorry u have to do another colon thing, but you know u can refuse it. Then again they might find the reason for ur D. (((Cami)))

    Lowee - that some NICE eye candy, send him my way soon K?

    NM - How's ur weather been lately? DOTD sounds delish. My pooches are afraid of the water, or jes don't like it. When I had Rotties, they loved the water. My DD had 2 mastiffs, both love the pool. She hads trained them not to enter the water without their life-jackets on. Smart I think.

    Well ladies, I must get my ewwa in gear, mese tinks its gonna b a looonnnggg day.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Going to try and post pics of my pooches, can't remember who inquired about them.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    MemaSue- those dogs are super cute. It is going to be hot here too and staying in for the rest of the day except for my trip to the pool for some swimming this afternoon. I love the idea of a buffet and band on the 4th in the cool indoor setting.

    Glad you like the post too about size matters, I think all our minds go to that place first! Ha ha!

    Goldie- I talked to a mutual friend this morning and she too was turned away for a visit this weekend. So I think the family is just wanting privacy right now and will respect that.

    My sister is open to changing location in the city, but I decided to post some questions on TripAdvisor about both places. Not getting great responses on the suites at the Hilton Midtown and posted a question to the Waldorf community about when they will be moving to make the change. They may need some time to get those plans in place, in which case, this may be the chance to experience the Waldorf before she becomes condos with a small boutique hotel attached. The good thing about Trip Advisor is it hits their management as well as the community. As we know, businesses will tell you what you want to hear, but the travelers might be able to say "oh yes, things have started and we did not have a good experience." I have no doubt their employees will start bailing on them with the news of their employment ending at some point, right?

    A lot of assisted living places are starting to create places for people to stay during their visits with aging relatives, etc. I heard about this recently from some folks I know looking at places back east, and they liked that they had places there for relatives to stay when they come from out of state. But that being said, I would not want to stay at a hotel attached to an assisted living unless I was visiting people there. Perhaps this is the future of hotels as there is more need for places for folks to live with services available and hotels follow the aging population needs?

    My plan to do Sam's Club was a good one. Hardly anyone there and in and out with a flash. Now I am out of the heat and going to do some home things before I head to the pool. Three days away from my client site has been heavenly.

    May your burgers be tasty and your fireworks be colorful!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    When we go to NYC and must stay in Manhattan instead of at the Garden City Hotel (across from a LIRR station), we've liked the Doubletree and Hilton Garden Inn in the Times Sq. area and rent a car only for when we need to go out to L.I. or other suburban destinations inconvenient to trains. We've also had good luck with the Drake and Regency on the Upper E. Side and the Hampton Inn on 8th Ave. Really like the Berkshire Place on 5th Ave. too.

    One caveat is about bedbugs--even the most upscale hotels in NYC and other large cities can have them. Trip Advisor reviews are helpful, but take the ones that mention bedbugs with a grain of salt unless they’re very recent. Bedbug Registry is also a good reference. Again, I wouldn’t give credence to reports more than a couple months old.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    ChiSandy- The Doubletree in Times Square was the one I was first looking at and thinking to look back there as well. Thanks for saying you liked that one. I talked to my sister today and we are going to check a few more things out before we settle on a hotel for October. We will keep the Waldorf reservation for now.

    Where did the weekend go? I want more!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Hi Ladies, a bit dwunk but gonna try and post the latest pic I got of Scarlett.
