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how about drinking?



  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Hello ladies! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend.

    Mine was pretty uneventful. I got some good hiking in yesterday and this morning. Went out to dinner with my dad tonight. I had 2 glasses of Mer Soleil Silver, an unoaked Chardonnay that I love.

    So many nice photos y'all posted! Rainbows, a hot sax player, a patriotic beef cake! Oh my!

    Goldie, those red, white and blue drinks look so good. It's been hot and humid here, and that would hit the spot about now.

    Your salmon technique with the citrus sounds delicious! I've steamed fish in aluminum foil, but never with orange and lemon slices. I'm going to try that. I poached Verlasso salmon last night for dinner in white wine and water, and made made a sauce of Dijon, ground mustard, a little sugar, extra virgin olive oil and fresh dill.

    It's nice that your DH likes to get away for fun excursions.

    Mema, Baxter and Bella are adorable! What sweet little fur babies!

    Scarlett is gorgeous! LMFAO with the flipping the bird comment. Scarlett is your step granddaughter's baby?

    Cami, I don't like having worker's in the house, and the sound of anything that even remotely resembles construction drives me batty. But it will be nice once the floors are installed.

    Chi, don't get me started on salt. I have Danish smoked, hickory smoked, black truffle, pink Himalayan sea salt, Espresso, Merlot, besides regular sea salt. I'm obsessed. Ha ha to the Forever 61 comment.

    Native, I'm sorry you couldn't have a 3 day weekend, and Sadie had to enjoy it solo. I hope you poured yourself that big glass of wine!

    Jazzy, my girlfriend who lives in Manhattan suggested the Regency if you want to stay mid town. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I love me a good sale! I bet you're excited for your patio furniture to arrive.

    I am a big believer that size matters. The bigger the better!

    I'm referring to wine,of course:)


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    LOL, hsant!

    We grilled grass-fed NY strip steak tonight, and because it’s the 4th we drank All-American: finished that Bouchaine 2013 Carneros Pinot Noir, and for dessert opened a Mumm’s Napa Demi-Sec. We have about 4-5 bottles of it, from Mumm’s Club Vivant shipments, but hadn’t opened any of them because we’re not really fans of sweet bubbly (though we never turn down that little glass of sparkling Moscato that B'way Cellars sometimes pours as an after-dinner lagniappe). I was very surprised to find it wasn’t at all sweet, but rather off-dry--and not in the way a Kabinett Riesling is off-dry. Almost like an “Extra Dry” champagne such as Mumm’s Cordon Rouge or Möet White Star. Delicious on its own, as an aperitif or for a toast. We sipped out on the deck as we listened to the firecrackers & fireworks going off all around the neighborhood (only occasionally catching glimpses of an actual firework). The pyrotechnics have been going on pretty steadily since before sunset, but we kept the TV on so the cats wouldn’t freak out. We did catch snippets of Macy’s fireworks as well as “A Capitol Fourth."

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!I survived the holiday on call, Yeah!Ended up working until 7 pm, but that's hardly a surprise.At least I got to turn it all over to the regular on call nurse then and was able to sleep without worrying about hearing the phone ring.And I slept hard, too. Dragged my butt out of bed, now to face the 5 days of visits in 4 days routine.Poor Sadie, I usually take her with me when I work on call, but it was too hot for her to be in the car any length of time, so I left her home. Boy did she give me a dirty look as I left!

    Jazzy-- oh, yes, Sadie has to be right next to me when she shakes off. Must share the experience, after all. Since I love to swim and am usually pretty wet myself it's no big deal. There is nothing like the smell of wet dog, though. Poor Sadie has gotten sprayed with Febreeze a time or two when she jumped into bed still smelling like wet dog. Sounds like a great trip to NYC shaping up! I would worry about the staffing issue with the change over, too.

    Goldie--ooh, another great Salmon recipe! I need to start a recipe collection! The "with food" part can be a swallow of milk or juice, or a couple of saltines, or half a slice of toast,it doesn't have to be anything very much. The 12 hour thing must be a royal pain. As to the hotel/assisted living combo, I wouldn't worry much, the two facilities would be completely separate with limited access back and forth between the two, to protect the folks in assisted living from possible mistreatment by the hotel guests. Have fun in Laughlin!

    Mema--the weather here has been great! Warm, sunny, not too humid. Nice breezes to help keep the bugs down. Humidity is supposed to build today, though. Thank goodness for the AC in the car.

    Adorable pooches!

    Jazzy--hooray for a lovely break from work! Neighbors put on quite a fireworks show last night that was fun to watch, although Sadie was a bit nervous about the noise. If she could have she would have been right in my lap!When we went to bed she pushed over the laundry basket of dirty clothes and made a nest of them in the closet. I suppose she felt safer there. It was kind of funny watching her figure out how to tip the laundry basket over, then use her snout to move all the clothes into a pile against the back wall. But she went right to sleep despite there still be fireworks going off sporadically, so it was all good.

    Chi--good point about bedbugs. Funny, I never think about that when I'm traveling.

    Mema--Scarlett is so CUTE, and so precocious!

    Hsant--I did get that VERY big glass of wine last evening, thanks! And I enjoyed it immensely!

    Chi--sounds like a great 4th of July meal and evening!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:




    Pour into a champagne flute, garnish with a twist of orange, and serve.

    Best served in a Champagne Flute.

    Fireworks recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    LDB, I didn't know they made life jackets for dogs! Awwww, Bella and Baxter look adorable and look at that pose! OMG…Scarlet is a beauty! And she's learning early! Junie would have gotten a crack out of that pic.

    Jazzy, sorry the family is not letting you visit. But sounds like you are very understanding to the situation, and I'm sure the family appreciates that. I hope you are able to have a short visit before his passing. Providing that seems to be in the near future. Not everyone passes right away after going on Hospice. In fact, there are several ladies on here in that situation. It never dawned on me that the assisted living/hotel situation would be for family/friends visiting someone at the hotel. Just seems weird, but perhaps going to be the new normal?

    Hsant, if you do make the salmon, don't skimp on the dill. Our weekend was pretty uneventful too.

    Oh gosh NM, working until 7 pm, holy the cow! Too funny about dogs coming close to shake their wet bodies. Never gave it any thought, but it's true! The Embassy is like a square, with rooms on 3 sides. The other end is the lounge, check, bar, etc. I guess they closed the restaurant.

    Visited at a neighbors yesterday, gal there had her 2 grand daughters there visiting for a week, so we went down there for a visit for a bit and I took one of them for a ride on the quad.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Goldie- I heard from the daughter of my friend today and they want me to try to come again this weekend. So I have plans to go this Sunday and will check in with them before hand. My mutual friend told me he has 2 weeks or less because he has refused any food at this point. So I need to get over there soon. I hope I can make it in time. She said they had a very good weekend together as a family, and was glad to hear that.

    Yes, there are folks who go on Hospice and continue on for awhile. Ladies here and have known friends parents who went on Hospice and then were declared to "not be dying." So I know that can be the case. Just does not sound like it in this situation. The fact he stopped eating means he is ready to go now.

    I may ask the mutual friend if she wants to go with me. She is very close to him and very heartbroken and it might help if we go together. That is my thought at least.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Had a good morning at work and a miserable afternoon at work yesterday.A nurse at a facility I was visiting reamed me out a new one cuz she had to wait 4 hours for a hospital bed to be delivered for one of her residents. And I agreed with her staff that the resident was being over medicated with the pain meds, but like she said, what do I know?I just met the resident a couple days ago, she's known him for 2 years.What do I know about pain medication, I'm just a Certified Hospice Nurse andBoard Certified in pain management.I only spent 3 hours there on Sunday doing an emergency admission and getting orders and arranging for medication delivery that was actually her job for her.And I only went in to see the resident twice on the 4th so she didn't have to come in at all on the holiday.I guess I'm just not going to be able to please her. At least the family is happy with my services so far.Arrgh.Should I be worried about drinking wine from a water glass after work yesterday?(actually, that was the only clean glass in the kitchen, need to wash some dishes!)

    Goldie--I love the idea of the life jacket for dogs, especially the handle on the back!Great way to get hold of panicked doggy and pull them out of the water!And that is one classic "I am the greatest!" pose!Yep. Worked late on the 4th so the nurse on call for the facility didn't have to come in.I was in the other part of the building attending a death, so it was just a short walkthrough 3 or 4 doors needing secret codes to get through. Only set of the alarm once, though!

    Jazzy--so sorry to hear about your friend. Glad that he had a good visit with family last weekend.Hope you and your friend do get to visit and have a chance to say good bye.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Agua de Valencia



    Put all ingredients in a pitcher. The Cava can be very cold.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    NM, I think you would like the salmon that way. I was never much of a fan, but now I love it. That nurse that confronted you must just be jealous. We and your patients and families know what a good nurse you are. Please don'

    Jazzy, I hope you are able to get to your friend. You know he may not really be refusing to eat, but just can't. I can totally relate to that, seeing it in my neighbor that had passed and even within myself. Lately I've had to force food down so I can take my FU pills. Ok, you mention that you think he is ready to go, I think so too. I hope you are able to have a nice visit. So sad, how old is your friend?

    We will be leaving early in the morning, I'll check in if I can, be home Sunday. So Monday will be a crazy crazy work day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday!Went from hot and muggy all day yesterday to much cooler as a front moved through last evening.The rain really came down hard for a bit, there, but we still need more.I don't think rain is going to be a big deal today, but the cooler, drier weather will be a change.

    Goldie--have a great trip!The nurse manager at the facility is just a jerk, I've decided.Needs her ego stroked, so I'll stroke it and let it go. It's all about her, and it should be all about the patient.So I'll focus on the patient, pay lip service to her ego and move on.

    Wow, where is everyone?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Lonely Night



    Add the coffee liqueur, irish cream, hazelnut liqueur and vanilla ice cream to a blender with one cup of crushed ice. Blend until smooth. Pour into a parfait glass, and top with whipped cream. Sprinkle with chocolate shavings, and serve.

    Best served in a Parfait Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good morning friends! Short work week but tomorrow is Friday again, yay! Weather is hot here again and going to be hot again through the weekend. Ugh, usually once the monsoons start, it's better and it was better for a few days but alas the moisture has come and gone for the time being.

    NM- I expect we may have some ladies here like Goldie and others off on some summer holiday week adventures. Been less folks in at work this week, although the ones that are can be kind of loud, know what I mean? Sadie gets to go swimming this weekend! She can't wait! I know you were working last weekend and hope you get some nice downtime and good weather this weekend.

    My music class starts tonight and so excited!

    Wishing everyone a "cool" day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Wow, can't believe I missed 2 days posting. Our 4th was uneventful. Went out to a couple of bars, then settled at Stateline. They put out a buffet, which my DH promptly filled and wrapped to take home. Neither of us got tanked but I'm the only one that won any money, woohoo. SIL and niece came over from LV on Tues, spent the day with us. Went for lunch at a Mexican place. It was a nice time catching up. SIL is 70ish, and niece is a few years younger than I. We missed our work outs, I went yest and did as much as I could, wasn't feeling right, dizzy/weak but at least I managed 45 mins with the weights.

    Hsant - Yes the little cutie Scarlett is my step-grandsons child. DD's hubs had 2 kids when he met and fell in love with my Jen. He even donated a one of his kidneys in 2009, we were all shocked that he was a match, both doing very well but Jen will never be able to have kids and my son is just tooo busy to settle down.

    Sandy - ur posts always amaze me, never knew there were sooo many diff wines. My pooches also got panicked during the fireworks around here. They both snuggled in the bed with me and were much calmer.

    NM - LOL over Sadie giving u the evil eye, mine just hang their heads, try to make me feel bad. And that she tipped the laundry basket and made a bed for herself. I remember one of my rotties would get in the shower and hide bhind the door. Sounds like ur weather was perfect! Don't work too hard, it's almost the weekend.

    Lowee - yep that pic is zackly like one of Jen's Mastiff's one. Have a great time this weekend. I will miss you!

    Jazz - still sending prayers your way for your friend in hospice, I too hope you can see him this weekend (((Jazz).

    Hope everyone has a jam-up weekend, time for me to get the pooches to the park. Then home to do laundry…ugh.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Jazzy, I'm so sorry about your friend. I hope you get to see him over the weekend.

    What kind of music class are you taking?

    Native, it sounds like that nurse (Nurse Ratched😁) is threatened by you. She should've been grateful that her patient was under the care of someone competent and conscientious, and that the family was pleased with the level of care and compassion that you provided for their loved one. Instead, it seems she let her ego get the best of her.

    I like drinking wine (and cocktails) out of a mason jar, but if I had a day like yours, I would've just swigged it straight from the bottle.:)

    Fireworks, festive cocktail!

    Goldie, I hope you have a great time in Laughlin!

    Memasue, wow! Your son in law sounds like a wonderful man. I'm glad they are both doing well.

    Congrats on winning $! I remember you won quite a bit of cash not too long ago.

    It's another hot and humid day here in the mid west. I'm off to take my dad to the gym. Thank the good lord for air conditioning. I hope everyone has a great day!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2016

    quickie cuz I need to get sleep, tossed n turned til 3aFREAKINGm last night, ugh.

    So i am really p/o'd over my footwear issue. For 15 years now, been wearing the same style of shoes/sandals in the summer time. And i have recently bought four pairs of aerosole sandals and told that despite that two of the pairs have gemstones on them, they are considered freaking flip flogs. Well my boss has told me no more,whatta ugly biotch she is. So I decided to send an email to our anonymous question/complaint line for work and jest cracked myself up with how I said what I said. See below, copied the verbiage. And what is funny is that I said the old "I have a friend who ....." and never admitted that it was me that was reprimanded. here goes....waiting patiently for an answer and for those on de edge of dere seats, I will post soonliest after hearing back lol.

    Subject sandals or flip flops??

    Details I want to clarify that a certain pair of shoes are acceptable per the company dress code. The reason I ask is that one of my coworkers was sent home from work for wearing something similar and she was told it "flopped" so therefore a flip flop. Here are my shoes : My shoes 1) do not make a flapping sound. 2) they look neat as per the verbiage in the dress code statement which says to be logical and make sure you look professional and also neat and tidy. 3) flip flops do not cost much, they can be purchased at Old Navy's annual sale for .50 each! My friends "sandals" cost her 68.00. 4) if you google and select images for flip flops, you will see those plastic/rubber so called shoes that have the little buttons on the bottom of the sole. See link: =flip+flops+pics&biw=1600&bih=789&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjj5Prljd7NAhWMNx4KHSssCEsQsAQIGw&dpr=1#tbm=isch&q=flip+flops+ And finally 5), the web site which i purchased my sandals shows that these are sandals. again, see link and also I've copied the verbiage from the link since you'd have to click into details to see what I am referring to ... Complement your chic summer ensemble in the versatile Julianna slide sandal. Leather or suede upper. Lightly padded footbed. Please advise since I do not want to ever be sent home for disrespecting the dress code and just need to be sure that I am in compliance! If I am sent home, I lose income which will cause me to not to be able to afford to make soup for the homeless. Thank you in advance for you future response and for listening to me. Have a great day :-)

    Check one Remain completely anonymous

    Your Relationship to this Organization I am currently an employee

    Sue love pic of Bella n Baxter, give dem kisses.

    Chi, tanks for tailing use what ya dwinking cuz inquiring pea brains jest need to know.

    uh, not gonna talk about what jest happened yet again, this website has serious issues, will say no more cuz it won't be nice!

    Love all mese goils and did scan possts to make sure eberybody is well. And Cam, on ting - I am not staying up for Old Christine show but very funny, I too often watch the exact line up with you ending with the Golden Girls at 5am hehe! we should compare notes.

    k, gotta really get to bed, can't wait to hybernate tomorrow .... uh I mean saturdey, til about 5pm ahhhhhhhhhh! have a great day my girls. ANd sorry for being so uh Christine-ish!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Had a bit more Cabernet than is prudent for an ER+ bc patient at the ball game last night (Bob’s patient is the Operations Mgr. for U.S. Cellular Field--aka “the Cell”--and invited us to a party in his skybox). Big spread of prime rib, hot dogs, buffalo chicken, salads, cheeses, fruit, dessert, etc. Sox won, too! So tonight I made sort of a diet version of NM’s “Lonely Night:” whipped some skim milk, sugar-free Irish cream syrup and unsweetened coconut-almond milk up in the Aeroccino frother, poured it over ice, and pulled a shot of decaf espresso into it. There’s leftover bubbly in the fridge, but tonight’s tragic events make it definitely NOT a champagne night.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi friends- whew, what a week, but got through some hard stuff with my project and client site and am kicking some ars again. Tomorrow I have work to do from home, but will at least be home instead of on site.

    Thank you for all the kind sentiments about my friend, and will let you know how things go this weekend. I feel ready to do this.

    Hsant- I am learning how to play the steel drums!

    Dara- those are not flip flops, but considered 'slide sandals' which just means they don't have a back to them. Winter shoes like mules don't have a back either, and not considered flip flops. Flip flops have the thingy between your toes and they can be noisy, but what you showed seems totally fine for a work environment (unless open toed shoes not allowed). Tell that bimbo to back off or we are coming after her.

    ChiSandy- I want to share a meal and some fine wine with you some day! That sounded delicious!

    Speaking of delicious, I found this tres adorbes bottle of white sangria from Spain.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Jazzy, Whole Foods carries that brand of sangria.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Just a quick poop on, long day yesterday, two deaths, gonna grab another half hour'S sleep. MORE TOMORROW.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016


    Slushie Mojito


    • 1/2 c. fresh lime juice (about 4 to 6 limes)
    • 1/4 c. agave
    • 1/3 c. fresh mint leaves
    • 2 limes, zested
    • 1/2 c. light rum
    • ice
    • Mint sprigs, for garnish
    • Lime wedges, for garnish
    • garnish
      1. Add the lime juice, agave, mint leaves, lime zest, and rum to a blender. Blend until smooth. Fill the blender to top with ice and blend until slushy.
      2. Pour into glasses, garnishing each with a sprig of mint and a lime slice.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hsant- I want to be just like Andy Narrell, world's most famous jazz steel drum player. Here is one of my most favorite videos ever.

    Coffee Time by Andy Narrell

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Jazzy, pretty dang cool! What is your favorite genre of jazz? I love Brazilian, circa the 1960s.

    Dara, those shoes are most definitely not flip flops. Flip flops are typically made from plastic or rubber, but the defining characteristic is the thong between the big and second toe. If you don't believe me, just ask google.:

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hsant- well, hard to say as I love the standards, but also love brazilian/bossa, and also the newer smooth jazz. I even like jazz fusion, there is a great band out of Norway called Dirty Loops that does some incredible jazz fusion.

    Been a bit of a sad day this way. We lost a sister here on BCO. Some of you may have known her, Blondie. I met her on the Hermits threads way back when as I came here and think that is where I met Cami too. We got to know each other pretty well through the years. Last weekend I had a nice text exchange with her. A mutual friend/sister here contacted me yesterday to let me know she was not doing well and then sent a note last night she passed. I felt pretty numb until this morning. Then it sank in. She was a strong woman. May she rest in peace.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Lazy Saturday!Boy did I get wiped out yesterday.By the time I got home I was so tired all I did was put on my pjs, settled into the recliner, turned on an audiobook, and took a nap.Didn't even fix any dinner.Dear Sadie woke me up once so I could feed her, then woke me up again later to go to bed.Then she decided that it was going to be tug/tummy tickle/general play time for half an hour!Poor baby, I wasn't much company last night.And today is chilly and drizzly, so probably no trip to the lake for her, but maybe tomorrow.Now to play ketchup:

    Jazzy--I expect lots of Loungettes are out enjoying the summertime, good for them!Music class sounds like fun.I know you've probably already said, but what kind of music?

    Mema--Are you saying your DH filled up a buffet table, wrapped it up and took it home?How'd he get away with THAT?Be careful working out if you are dizzy, don't go getting yourself hurt.Sadie is very good at making herself comfortable.I'm thinking I should get her a doggy bed and put it in the closet, but then where would I put my laundry basket/hampers?

    Hsant--I think that nurse is threatened by me.But, she did give me a very sincere "Thank You" after the patient died.I suspect she was in over her head, knew it, and was afraid I was going to call her on it or make her look bad--which is not what I do, and not allowed by the company I work for.Anyway, it's all over now, patient's family is pleased with the care and how everything worked out in the end, so it's a win for everyone.

    Dara!I have to admit those shoes do not look like flip flops to me.They look appropriate for a professional office environment to me.I can see where they could make a sound like flip-flops, but I also know some women who wear similar style shoes and they do not make flip-flop sounds.Do yours make noise when you walk?And do you walk around the office so often that the sound is disturbing to others?I doubt it.I'm really curious to see what the question/complaint line response is!

    Chi--Got my HelloFresh box delivered last evening, today I'm going to make Pan-Seared Chicken with Yukon potatoes, green beans, creamy dill sauce, Seared Steak & Nectarine Salad with feta, Pecans, and shallot vinaigrette, and pork chops with rosemary-grape salsa, sweet potatoes and roasted broccolini.What wines would you recommend to go with these meals?I'm going to cook them up today to eat over the next few days. Or taking them with me to work for lunches next week, to help me establish the habit of taking a break in the middle of the day.I get 60 minutes for lunch, almost never actually stop, maybe I wouldn't be so wiped out at the end of the day if I did take a break.Wouldn't take the wine with me for lunch, but would definitely have it once I got home!

    Jazzy--ars kicking is a good thing!Glad you got through some hard stuff with the project.Hope you get a visit with your friend this weekend.I agree with you that Dara's shoes are not flip-flops and look good for a work environment (that allows open toed shoes). That bottle is so cute!

    Hsant--thanks for covering the DOTD!That looks sooooooo gooooood!

    Jazzy--what fun that was to listen to!


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    In Memory of Blondie

    Blonde Moment



    Mix over Ice and garnish with a cherry.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Hi Ladies, I did it again--I don't know what happens with these days going by like crazy.

    Lots of posts, but I did read everyone but u know my memory is chit.

    NM u are one smart and dedicated nurse no one cancompare to u, so I'm sure she was somewhat green with envy.

    Sandy if I drank (or cooked) I would certainly be taking notes, so interesting and u'r interests are so many.

    Jazzy u'r like that, ut I'm sorry about u'r friend---and reading about Blondie just touched my heart so--she was always so sweet and apologized for missing time, when she was really so sick. Damn these are so hard to hear.

    Hsant u'r still hanging in there--Wow and I feel the same way about noises now, I don't remember this feeing a few yrs back, but things annoy me now that didn't used to.

    Ah Dora sounds like u and good for u, flip flops are not sandals in any way. I remember yrs. ago we were not allowed ro wear jeans and that was fine. But then they were coming out with brown and black and outfits they called denim and with the deep colors they had more of a dressy look to them. well like u I had to write and say something and not long after we were allowed denim so it does help to write sometimes and u have a valid reason too.

    The hospital called and as usual I asked for all names so I could put them in my obit if necessary--I always tell them that--I never mind tests just the putting out part, but this dr. won't try to help me without this test and since all the rest came out 100% it makes no sense to me but $$$ is $$$ I guess--Like I always say I'm a perfect asshole and I have proof.

    I've been so busy at work but crazy all kinds of calls back and forth and with the guys, just confusion to me

    SusyQ I LUBS u'r pooches, just the right size to sit on u'r lap and those cute little faces. All of our furbabies are different sadie cracks me up with her antics, mine is a big baby that even the man who had a terrible fear of doggs made friends with him, but his bark sounds like he's going to go for u't throat. They are all characters and they don't get used to us, we get used to them--they train us well.

    OK another weekend so quickly they go. Well the weather here is great so that part is good for anyone planning anything and I hope u all enjoy it.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    image I had a leftover dance i my head.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    NM, for the chicken I would do an unoaked Chardonnay, Soave, Pinot Grigio or maybe a dry Chenin Blanc. If the dill in the cream sauce is prominent, a NZ Sauvignon Blanc to echo the herbaceousness. (CA would have too pronounced an aroma, as would even the dryest of Rieslings). For the steak and nectarine salad, a light and fruity red such as a Beaujolais, CA Gamay or a Valpolicella. If you can find a sparkling red Pinot Noir (Mumm Napa makes one) or a full-bodied brut rosé, that’d be an inspired and unexpectedly good choice. If there's more nectarine than steak, buck the “red-with-red meat" trend and try a young Viognier (WA, VA, OR or the N. Fork of Long Island), nice ripe Vouvray or CA or WA Chenin Blanc which themselves have notes of ripe stone fruit. For the pork, a full-bodied-and-colored dry rosé would have been perfect were those sweet potatoes not in the picture, so I'd go with a red ZInfandel, from WA or CA. That rosemary would clash with something even vaguely sweet, and it & the grapes would overpower something dry and delicate. Any other red, depending on which one, would be either too fruity or austere; and I don't think there's a white, not even a Viognier, that would stand up to the fruit, sweet potatoes and rosemary. Even a big oaky Chardonnay (the Mack truck of white wines) would clash horribly with the sweet potatoes.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi friends- getting a few things taken care of her at home before I head to bed.

    Took some time for self care today with a fabulous aqua zumba class at the gym I have not been to in awhile, then a later afternoon trip to the nail salon where I got a mani/pedi/brow wax to pretty myself up. I have the most stellar pedicure! Got a few errands done today as well as house things. Keeping this weekend simple with all that has been going on lately.

    I am going to see my friend on Hospice tomorrow morning (mutual friend will be there as the same time). Praying for an easy transition for my friend.

    Sleep well friends. Blessings to you all.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Hi ladies! The insomnia bug has taken a big bite out of me. I just can't sleep tonight.

    I had a very nice conversation with a childhood friend, whom I haven't seen or talked to in 40 years. She moved to AZ from OH when she was 11. She is also a cancer survivor, diagnosed at 42. Anyway, she found me on Facebook, and it was super nice to catch up with her.

    Jazzy, my thoughts and prayers are with you when you visit your friend. I can't imagine how difficult this will be for you. Sending you a big hug.

    I was thinking of Blondie a couple of days ago. It's so sad to hear of her passing.

    Which instruments do you play? In my dreams, I've always wanted to learn to play the sax.

    Ha ha to your pic!

    Native, I hope you and Sadie are enjoying a nice weekend. You've been working so hard, and for so many hours and days! Girl, I've got your back on days when you're too busy to post a DOTD, but I know all the ladies are in your corner. I just managed to beat 'em to the punch.:)

    Your fresh box meals sound delicious!

    Cami, I'm doing fine. Thank you for inquiring! How are you? I hope the big D isn't getting in the way of your weekend. How's Joey?

    Chi, all your talk about champs, I just had to. So I picked up a bottle of GH Mumms brut Cordon Rouge. Also picked up a 1 oz jar of Osetra, smoked salmon and creme fraiche. Sunday will be Funday for me.:)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Yum, hsant! Gonna make blini to go with the caviar, salmon & creme fraiche?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Sadie and I did very, very little yesterday except recharge the batteries, and I feel much better today. Don't even mind that it's foggy and raining and only 55 degrees, cuz that means I can do some cooking today and still be comfortable.Must have been chilly last night, cuz Sadie let me use her as a pillow all night.Usually when she gets on the pillows and won't move, and I use her as a pillow it only lasts a couple of hours, then I think it gets too warm for her and she moves to her usual spot beside me.

    Cammy--the days are going by so fast, aren't they?I swear it was just the beginning of July and now it's almost the middle of July and where did it all go?Good for you for taking names when you get calls, that always makes people take notice.The insurance and health care payment world is a crazy place these days.And the furbabies do train us very well,very well indeed!


    Chi--Thanks for the recommendations, making note of them in my Wines to Get list!

    Jazzy--great way to take care of yourself.Praying for a good visit and a good death for your friend, when that time comes.

    Hsant--ketchuping with long lost friends is a great thing to happen, isn't it?Yummy sounding nibblies, there, hope you enjoy them very much!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Pink Pillow



    Pour the vodka into a beer mug, and add grenadine until pink. Add equal parts of sour mix and ginger ale until full.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good morning friends- happy Sunday Funday. Wishing everyone a good day.

    Cami- did those floors get done? I knew you would want to know about Blondie too. I remember I met both of you on Hermits long ago. Kind of knocks the wind out of you when you hear this news.

    NM- sounds like it may be a bit too chilly for swimming this weekend. I like that Sadie makes for a fine pillow. She sounds like such a sweet dog and a great companion.

    Hsant- I play the alto an soprano sax, the flute, and the violin besides the steel drums I am in the process of learning. I have been playing the flute and violin since my youth, mostly classical then and then switched to jazz in my 30's when I picked up both horns.

    Last night I had an idea about music when going to visit my friend. I am going to bring my flute with me and play for him today. He has never heard my music and the flute is a very soothing instrument (and because I have been playing it the longest, I play it the best). I have been wanting to bring something with me, something I could offer at this point, and realized I can offer music today during my visit.

    My friend's daughter put the word out and some great photos on FB of him and their family and friends through the years saying his time is coming to an end soon and asking anyone who would like to reach out before he leaves us to let her know. I really feel so for this daughter as she was just married this past winter and should be enjoying the start of her new life with her spouse. She is the most lovely young woman too, he should be very proud.

    Will let you know how it goes but perhaps not right away. Sometimes I just have to be with these things for awhile.