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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Whew, it's finally Saturday, and I finally get a chance to breathe and slow down.Still got a lot of charting to do and have to deal with a lot of humidity for around here, but it's supposed to be better today. Which is good since I MUST get some housework done, and some meal prep done for next week and carve out some time to take Sadie swimming today or tomorrow, or better, both.We'll see how far I get! I really love all my co-workers, but there are a couple I would happily smack upside the head right now.Every day last week were 6 or 7 unit days (a full day = 5 units).I did an admission for one co-worker, who then wasted almost half an hour of my time complaining about getting this new patient and how she was going to have to work more than 8 hours to get all the visits in.With the new patient she had a 4 unit day. Another coworker kept asking me to pick up visits for her cuz she had 5 units and a lot of driving to do.(I was doing a 2 hour, 90 mile drive most days myself), and then wasted 20 to 30 minutes of time every day complaining about the situation.Had all I could to nottell them that I worked8 am to 8:30 pm Monday, 7:30 am to 7:30 pm Tuesday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Wednesday,6:30 am to 8 PM Thursday,6:30 am to 7 PM Friday.Ah, enough wining and moaning, it's over with now, time to let it go.But sometimes I get jealous of the girls who have kids and husbands and HAVE to get home by a certain time and so get to decline visits.

    Chi--that's a great discussion of the difference between absolute and relative statistics.The 12% is the absolute risk, the 11% is the relative risk.Great example of how you have to know both numbers and come up with a final number to truly understand the effect.And I'm with you, if medical science cannot tell us for sure exactly how cancer starts, how can they tell us for sure exactly how much effect alcohol or diet or weight or exercise or anything else has?

    Jazzy--it's getting crazy who does and doesn't accept various plans and discounts.Well worth the time it takes to research that and make changes as needed.

    Hsant--oh, my goodness, what a wonderful DOTD!I am adding rose, raspberries and rose syrup to my shopping list right now!And adding the recipe to my list.

    Cammy--The yearly fireworks show sounds like a blast!I can see why everyone looks forward to it.Figuring out the food sounds like a big job, though.And your own personal bathroom if you need it, Yeah!And too funny!But hey, what are you gonna do if you havta go?

    Chi--beer prevents cancer?Does that mean I have to learn to like the smell and taste of beer?That's gonna be a hard one.That wine dinner sounds scrumptious, and I've barely looked at the wines!I have GOT to find similar things going on around here.

    Jazzy--I hear you about barely surviving the week.It has been a freakin long, hard week. I'm trying to keep focused on the good stuff--the problems solved, the understandings gained, the pain relieved, the last wishes granted, the big smiles, and the sincere "Thank Yous."And the blessing of working for bosses that are willing to let me get away with late paperwork and put up with the occasional meltdown.

    Cammy--so Joey's got his family figured out?Good for him! Your SIL's mom is a jerk. Just a jerk.She'll probably pay for it someday.I'll go look for a computer ghost exorcist.Or computer gremlin exorcist.We need to evict that bugger.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    I love Limoncello, and strawberries are in season here right now, and I feel a bit like a zombie, so this is the perfect drink for today:

    Move over mimosa, there's a new brunch cocktail in town! This sparkling, fresh drink features the Italian lemon liquor perfect with strawberries and Prosecco!:

    Move over mimosa, there's a new brunch cocktail in town! This sparkling, fresh drink features the Italian lemon liquor perfect with…



    • 1 Lemon, Zest
    • 1 Strawberries

    Beer, Wine & Liquor

    • 1 Lemoncello liquor
    • 1 Prosecco


    1. In champagne glasses, add the sliced strawberries. Pour 1 oz. lemoncello over the berries, and then fill the remaining glass with the champagne. Top with a few strips of lemon zest. Enjoy in moderation.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Lost my entire post from word. Am po'd beyond belief. Don't have time to repost, jest kno I

    Lubslubslubs all of you.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016

    Happy Saturday evening to all my BCO friends, sorry again to be so absent but I do think of you all everyday. I'm sitting here with my low carb cocktail, vodka, club soda with a splash of crystal light. Haven't lost an ounce but I'm hanging in there. I ran a 5k this morning, very slowly but I manage to take 1st place in the 54-59 age group. Don't think there were many of us tho, it was called the dirty dog run and they were giving free baths to pooches and there were a lot of dogs in the race, if I do it next year I'll take Junior. I had Nora last weekend, what a hoot she is, we had so much fun. We spent the day at the outdoor shopping mall, we started with Finding Dory but she only lasted 40 minutes, too bad cause I was really enjoying it. Then we went sunglasses and hat shopping. I showed her 2 hats and asked which one she wanted... she grabbed one, ripped off the tag and put it on her head!.... Ok, I said, guess we'll buy the pink one! Then we went and had pizza, then frozen yogurt, then rode the train. Oh and they have a play area for kids and water squirts up from the ground so I took her bathing suit and she ran around there for awhile. Then we got home ate dinner and DH and I took her to the pool, needless to say I didn't have much trouble getting her to sleep, or me for that matter. I bought her a kids make-up kit and Sunday morning I told her she could put make-up on me, so she did that and then herself and Papa and Emma and then her dolls. So she say to me..." Yaya, can I eat this?" I said no and she said "why?". I told her the directions said "Do Not Eat!" And she said... "WELL THAT"S JUST NUTS!"...... Ha...cracked me up!

    Tomorrow we have DH's sister, husband and 15 year old triplets coming from FL for 2 days, yuck, I dread this visit every year. Some of you may remember her husband is a know it all putz and you have to watch everything you say around her because she will take things completely out of context and get pissed about stuff. The kids are fine, last year the girls were just typical grumpy teens that looked at their phones all the time. The boy was still more prepubesent and ok. Anyway, it's only 2 days, thank God...

    There is a story I have to tell you all about my niece but I'll do that next posting so I don't take up the whole page. Also, my MO office called to move my bi-annual appt for next month and told me she will be leaving the office that is close to my house, not sure who will be replacing her yet. This is thru Cleveland Clinic, anyway I PM'd hsant and got her MO's info and have made an appt for Aug 22. He is independent of hospitals and is old school and does TM's. I've not been able to get a Cleveland Clinic MO or University Hospital MO to do them. It's 45 minutes or so from me but I have a feeling it'll definitely be worth the drive. Lori, I'm sure you're shaking your head at the idea that I think 45 minutes is a long drive.. Anyway, enough about me...

    Sandy, sounds like you are enjoying your fine food and fine wine as usual, your posts always make my mouth water. And now that we are both low carb the meals sound extra good. When I took my granddaughter for pizza I ate just the cheese, and skipped the frozen yogurt...sigh.

    hsant, insomnia is no fun, I don't often have trouble with that but my hot flashes wake me up all night long, last night I spent half the night putting my face in front of my little fan on my night stand. I think I'll take a Xanax tonight, sleep thru em. Reuniting with old friends is so great. I googled Blondie and it says her death was an internet hoax and she is alive and well. Love the wine truck!

    jazzy, so very sorry to hear of your friend's passing..(((Jazzy))). Hoping your weekend of restoration brings you much peace... and fun with friends. I love the sound of steel drums.

    Cami, I agree with you about "them" changing their minds every 10 years or so, hard to keep up with. I'm still trying to convince my MIL that she can have more than 2 eggs/wk. Joey playing the flute< how nice. The party sounds fun, hope you have a great time!

    NM, oh, sounds like you are working way to hard. Hope you and Sadie get some R&R. Do you thing next week will be any better?

    Lori, oh my, I'm so so sorry. Glad you are feeling better, are you just going to stay off of conventional Tx and just take the RSO or will you go on the Ibrance? What a scary and sad night that must have been for both of you. Hope you are having a weekend that will help you both to feel much better. (((Lori))).

    Sue, hope all is well, sorry about the damn gremlins.

    Well, I started this about 2 hours ago, now I'm falling asleep, try and come back tomorrow... sweet dreams and love to all!


    New hat and sunglasses!


    Riding the train.


    Fun pond party at Molly's with my girls.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Cami, my secret is portion control. If I cook at home, I can clean my plate and short-pour my wines; but in restaurants I always have up to half of it packed to go and don’t finish my wine. If I am traveling, and my hotel room has a fridge and microwave, I do the same thing--and I have it for breakfast the next day. Restaurant portions in this country are way too big, except in the most upscale destination restaurants where they know people prefer quality over quantity (foodies don’t complain that they’re not getting enough for their money). In Europe, portions are saner.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016

    Good Sunday morning ladies. Getting ready to take the pooches to the park, trying to get back into the habit of daily posting. Got to start getting the house ready for our guests, ugh.

    Sandy, leaving wine at the restaurant? You have way more willpower than me!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday, exccept I've got to get a lot of charting done and this week's visits scheduled. Sigh. At least it raining this ayem, so I won't be so distracted.And cooler, so I can prep cook for the week while I'm working on the work computer. Did get some stuff done yesterday, then parked in the hammock swing for a break and had an absolutely lovely nap. Between that and an early night last night and a nice sleep in this ayem I feel so much better than I did on Friday.Didn't get to the lake yesterday, probably not today in the rain.So I owe Sadie a lake trip after work one day this week, which means I have to schedule visits so that I get done "on time" at least one day next week.On the other hand, I saw a notice that we got another nursing position approved, so there will be more help coming soon!

    Mema--We have GOT to evict that post eating gremlin!

    Genny!Good to see you!Miss you when you aren't here, but happy to know you are busy and living life.Nora is a hoot and a half--"That's just nuts" indeed!I'll be praying for peace and patience while your DH's family is visiting.Driving a bit to get care from a place/doc you connect with and trust is worth it.I drove 90 miles to the MO I saw.Not sure if this coming week will be much better or not, I think it will cuz I think at least one of the nurses on vacay last week will be back this coming week. If not, then things will be better the week after, since all three will be back to work.

    Nice look for Nora!Great looking party pic!

    Chi--good point about portions.

    Genny--have fun with the housework!

    Julie--how are you and how is your Mom?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Sunday Brunch Cocktail Beer Mosa


    • 6 oz Bud Light
    • 6 oz Orange Juice
    • Orange Wedge


    1. Pour the orange juice into your glass.
    2. Next pour the Bud Light over the orange juice.
    3. Garnish with an orange slice and drink!
  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Jazzy, I am so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you will be surrounded by friends this weekend. This is the time when you need support from the people who are closest to you.

    Cami, Thank God that you didn't get hurt when you fell! Thank God for Sox! You may want to consider changing Sox's name to Lassie.

    it's wonderful that you laugh so much with your family. Leslie (well, all your kids) are obviously protective of their mama.

    Your cousin's party sounds like so much fun! 70 people is a lot, but depending on the person's home/yard, I can see where it doesn't seem like that many people. Yes, feeding and supplying drinks for seventy is expensive!

    Sometimes people get threatened by a close family (your SIL's mother). You all have a really wonderful and special relationship, and that can be threatening to an outsider. However, to exclude Joey or make him feel like he's not a part of that side of the family is unforgivable, IMO.

    Native, I LOVE limencello. My MIL makes it from scratch with grain alcohol. However, she'll only pour about an 1/8 serving into a shot glass. Just enough so you can compliment her, but never enough to truly enjoy. Done discussing my MIL, so I can take off the rope of garlic.

    (Slap) I just did it to your annoying co-workers. Trust me, they won't know what hit'em, literally😀. Im glad you're well rested and feeling well, and good to know that there will be more nurses on board, so you can get a break!

    Chi, I also love caviar straight from the jar. Being the classy lady that I am, I use my finger to scoop it up. Mmm....that pop you get between tongue and roof of mouth, pure joy.

    When the hubs and I were dating, we frequented this little caviar bar. This was back when you could get Russian Sevruga, Osetra and (the holy grail) Beluga. A one oz. serving of caviar came with toast points, chopped boiled egg and creme fraiche. We would drink extra dry vodka martinis with a twist to accompany this. I have to say, yes. Vodka pairs really well with caviar, but I prefer a good brut.

    Wishing you safe and delicious travels in Italy!

    Genny, Nora is such a little cutie!

    Congrats on taking first in your run! Huge accomplishment!

    I too have know-it-all family members. So annoying! I just sip (guzzle) my wine and tune them out. I hope the next two days go quickly for you.

    I get the 45 minute drive concept. I hate driving, so the 20 minutes it takes to get to Dr. Price's office feels like a schlep, but he's worth it.

    My MO in CA prescribed TM blood work every 3 months, and Dr. Price concurred. The only area where they differ is CA MO prefers the ca 15-3 and Dr. Price, ca 27.29. So, he orders both. No ego.

    I'll admit that I'm an ageist when it comes to doctors. The older, the better. I feel comforted knowing that a doc. has decades of experience under his/her belt. Generally speaking, I find that there is also a passion (for lack of a better word) that comes with the older generation of physicians. Heck, when my dad was practicing, he would always be at the hospital to admit a patient, regardless of the time of night, even when he was in his 70s. He would also make a house call visit if a patient was too incapacitated to come to his office. He did this until he retired in 2003.

    Mema, I hate losing posts! So frustrating! How's baby Scarlett?

    Tso, I hope those drains come out soon! Mine were in for four days, and it really makes a difference with respect to comfort when they come out. BTW, I'm a huge chicken, and was scared about pain when the surgeon removed them. No big deal. Easy breezy.

    The weather is beautiful this weekend. I'm about to head out for a hike.

    Had a lovely dinner out with my dad on Friday, where I enjoyed a filet with sautéed wild mushrooms, and a glass of 7 Deadly Zins Zinfandel, and when I say a glass, I mean two!

    Wishing everyone a happy Sunday Funday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    We are home, had a nice visit with some friends and my step DIL and her DH.

    Again, not going to try and respond to everyone. Will just jump in and say that I have read everyone's post.

    Jazzy, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, I do hope he went in peace. That's one thing I always hope for. And I'm glad you got to see him.

    LDB, do you know how to "undo" in Word?

    Mary, good to see you and I LOVED hearing the Nora story. Yeah, I wish I only had a 45 minute drive. It's an hour one way for labs every 6 weeks. I am staying on the RSO for now and nothing else. I have labs done thiscoming Friday, so we'll see what that shows. We decided that if the markers aren't down, we may have to go back on the FU pills. I dread going on the Ibrance.

    NM, you sure are a hard and dedicated worker. I hope you and Sadie get to make it the lake soon.

    I have some plants to put in that I bought on the way home and of course a ton of other stuff that won't get done!

    And we are heading to TN the first week in August.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!I'm trying hard not to dread the coming week, my partner is on vacay and we've got a full caseload, and I'm not sure how much help I'll be able to get. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how it works out.And drink lots of coffee.Lots and lots of coffee.I did get 3 meals prepped for the coming week, even though I had to substitute beef for the pork chops that Sadie snitched off the counter when I wasn't looking. . .Now I just need to find the recommended wines, methinks I am going to need the adult beverages this week.

    Hsant--I never thought of making limoncello.I do make Kahlua, sometimes.I'll have to start looking for a good recipe.Too bad your MIL only gives out tastes.Not the way to truly enjoy a good drink!Thanks for the slapping the co-workers for me!Mostly they are a great bunch to work with, I guess my patience wore thin last week.

    Goldie--Glad you had a good trip, and welcome home!How long have you been off the FU pills?Praying for better numbers on Friday's blood draw.

    Julie--where are you?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016

    Good morning ladies, getting ready to take the dogs to the park. We finally got a good rain last night, the dogs made sure we were well aware of the thunder. The RNC started in Cleveland today, I pray there will be peace, wish it would storm everyday to keep the protesters at a minimum but the forecast will be clear after today. The SIL, husband and kids got here about 4 yesterday and so far so good. Of coure the 3/4 bottle of wine I drank didn't hurt. DH made ribs and I did corn and salmon on the grill. Only words of advice from the putz was how to cure heart disease. 2 years ago he was telling me how to cure BC but at least we've moved on from that. They leave tomorrow morning and I am working anyway so all should be fine. Tonight they are taking us out to dinner and I think today they are taking the kids to the beach.

    NM, I hope your day goes smoothly, albeit busy for sure with partner on vacay. A glass of wine should be a perfect end of the day.

    hsant, I like the older doctors to, I just don't like it when they retire before I'm done with them. My BS was my favorite doctor of all time, she was about my age but she move to Atlanta to semi-retire. Her best friend died from BC, a fellow BS who ran a breast cancer women's center. She went there to help run it after her BF died. Sounds like your dad was a wonderful doc, too bad we don't have them anymore, unfortunately the hopsitals run most practices now. Hope you had a nice walk.

    Lori, praying for low TM's, wouldn't it be wonderful if the RSO kept them down?? No SE's from them right? How does your MO feel about them? Why are you going to TN? Talk about a long drive!

    Well pooches are getting restless, have a good day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies...It's Monday

    Lori I'm glad u'r home and pray pray pray u' numbers are good-BTW I think I pray better than I type so don't worry.

    "Mary" that kid cracks me up, this is the funnest time and her new hat is so cute-she's got good taste. I can see why u'r so busy.

    Hsant it's so nice u go out with u'r dad for nice dinners and 'A' glas of wine--that must help somewhat. And u keep right up with sandy and all I can think of is why the hell didn't I try this years ago when I had a chance LOL so I never realy know what u 2 are eating, drinking yes, but eating no.

    NM the morning drinks are all so yummy I want to taste everyone. I remember making Irish cream at Chrisas time and giving it to certain people, it was good but cost more than the actually bottle. And u are just to to nice with u workers, but I know it's for the patients that u think of first. U really have a hell of a hard job, very emotional, has to take a toll. Bless u'r heart.

    Jazzy I remember years ago u always worked hard, but on weekends u'd find such fun or relaxing things to do and I'd think oh I wish she lived next door to me, cuz u could pull me out. and all this time later u still do this for u'rself and that's the nicest thing u can do for u'rself

    Confusion--did Sandy leave yet? It's this week right? Oh sounds so wonderful. And there better be pics--u gals know how I am.

    I'm buying a new area rug for my bedroom/office floor and as hard as it is to find the color I want I call it cat pewk gray. So I decided to get one with all the colors u can think of so maybe u can see nothing. But I have about 5 different rugs in my carts fro different places, all I want is a 3'x5', I'm staying around $100.00, if I go to cheap tht's stupid. y floor is very lite, not like the others for me it's fine u really don't see as much--this needs a good cleaning that's for sure. I can't hide everything.

    Last nite we had quite a storm here for a while, of course my kids were seeping but Joey came in here and we talked for a while then we were tired too. Katie-Kat came out of hiding so we knew it was over..

    I'd better hook up my phone and get ready for workoops I'm already dressed.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    NM, Sadie is a bad girl for snitching your chops, do you scold her? But I guess her hooman should know that she is known to snitch things from the counter. I do hope you get some help at work and it's not as hard of a week as you are anticipating. I have been on the FU pills since Dec 2014.

    Gosh Mary, your friends couldn't cure cancer? Well, I wish them well on the curing heart disease. One of these would make them rich. MIL is in TN and we will fly. MY onc is ok with me trying the RSO, as long as I kept up with my FU pills. Well, they were killing me! I did not tell him I quit. I was due a week off anyways. I am now extending it. At least until we see my labs. Not sure what I will do if the TM's are up? Suggestions? The dose for the RSO is for 3 months. I've only been on full dose for less than a week. As for SE's of the RSO, I get "floopy", as Cami would say. I stumble too. You would think I was drunk. My DH was to maybe get his mom on it, she is in so much pain from her RA. But I'm afraid she might fall.

    Cami, $100 for a 3x5 rug??? Holy Cow! Hey, working from home, you don't have to get dressed! Take it from me!

    Well, hubby needs to leave early and I have to have all the mail ready to go. He has them packed, I have to go out and make shipping labels for them.

    Is it Friday yet???

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Still here, running around like a headless chicken getting ready for our trip (we leave Wed.). Of course, a bazillion errands, voice lesson, doing travel alerts on credit cards, setting up foreign cell & data plans, plus trying to second-guess the tomato plants’ ripening (my nightmare is that they’ll all have ripened & rotted before we get back and we’ll have to start buying tomatoes again in Aug). At least I don’t have to run to the bank to buy Euros, as I have enough left over from the last trip to get us through the first day or so.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Holy Chit sandy, u've got so much to do and not much time to do it. But I'm sure u'r so excited, now this is fun being busy.

    Oh Lori I wish I really understood all the crap u take, it's terrible feeling dizzy and floopy, something has to get better. And I can not believe this started in 2014, OMG it just doesn't seem that long ago and all this time u've been going back and forth with this crap. I'm so sorry. My sister only takes one thing NOW, but she did start a couple of yrs before u and she's doing well cancer wise, just other crap now. Lori is $100.00 for that size rub to Much? I don't even know prices anymore, I've been searching but some just look cheap and those didn't eem it, but maybe they are.

    Well I'm awake, of course I slept a lot today taking calls 1/2 sleeping and u can tell. But I do remember talking to my cousin aout the choices for food sat. nite--Holy chit, she's ordered so much and she's still worried it's not enough. And now we're in a big debate about appetizers, my sister is causing the trouble and I'm telling Joanne to do what she wants. She's getting 3 different types of lettuce salad and wanrs ti use them as apps. and forget al the stuff that everyone fills up with. Well my sister said that was stupid--so we have the salad debate going on now. Of course I'm always in the whatever is easier group, which is just me---so will see. My sister will win, she always does. Cuz my cousin always thinks my sister is more proper thinking. Yea right She has the dessert list already and it's like a sweet table and most of it goes too. It's like animal feeding time. OK I'm going to try to go to sleep now--see u latah.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday!Not too bad a day at work yesterday, got done with visits by 5 peeyem, able to get all the charting done by 7peeyem, with a break for some quick grocery shopping and to heat up the beef with nectarines for dinner.Never thought of cooking nectarines before, but it was good, especially since the nectarine wasn't totally ripe to start with.And a couple of ripsnorter thunderstorms to watch yesterday.Even had a tornado warning and a possible tornado (very small) way up north.Now to see what today brings.

    Genny--a bottle of wine makes lots of things go more smoothly, doesn't it?Glad the visit is going well so far.Listening to crazy ways to cure heart disease must be easier to listen to(and probably tune out) than crazy ways to cure bc.My work day was busy, but not crazy, so far so good for this week!

    Cammy-- thanks for the blessing, I can use all I can get!It can be so hard to find something for the home when you have a specific color in mind.And going to cheap usually doesn't work well, you are right.Seems like we all are getting a bit of weather right now.Hope it all stays fun to watch without damage.

    Goldie--I didn't scold Sadie, I didn't catch her doing the deed.I figured it out when I was prepping the other stuff to go with the chops and reached for them to start cooking them, and they weren't there.Apparently I stepped out of the kitchen, or turned my back too long working on charting, and she snitched them and took the package outside to tear apart and devour.You would think by now I would know enough to leave such items in the fridge until I'm ready for them.Fortunately I had some beef from another recipe I didn't make up (didn't sound very good once I looked at the recipe) so just cooked that up instead.Wow, you've been on the FU pills for almost 2 years? I am praying so hard that your numbers are down this cycle and the RSO is working.Nope, not Friday yet, but a little bit closer!

    Chi--what exciting things you have going on!I think the anticipation and prep for a trip is as much fun as the trip itself. Hope your tomatoes wait for you to get back!How long will you be gone?

    Cammy--oh, my, the great food debates are on!I'm with you, go with easy, most people go to these functions to see family and ketchup with the family gossip and the food is secondary, but the food always gets the most attention in the planning phases!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Sandy, have a fun and safe trip. Gosh, too bad about your tomatoes. How long are you gone for? Any neighbors or family around to come and snatch them?

    Cami, there is lots of MMJ out there, and I don't know the difference in it either. The pack of gummy bears was only like $20, for 10. Mine is $100 per day. Mind you, I had to work up to that amount and I only have to do it for 3 months. BUT…the place in Flagstaff will sell it to me for $30.00. The most I have paid is $70.00

    NM, glad your day ended up not being too bad. Yeah, I guess you really can't blame Sadie, she wouldn't know any better if she didn't get caught and scolded right then. And then like you said, her hooman could have left it in the fridge or put it somewhere that Ms Sadie can't get to it! Too funny.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Good morning! Beautiful day here. Not a cloud in the sky. I had a really nice hike early this morning.

    Over the weekend, I accidentally left my sunglasses in my cart at the grocery store. Now, I know this is not a tragedy like losing an arm or a leg (one of my mother's favorite expressions), but it really irks me that whoever found them didn't turn it in to lost and found. They're the ones I'm wearing in my avatar. I really liked them. Ok, now I'm over it😀.

    Genny, I love when we get a good rain during the middle of the night. Makes everything nice and green, but doesn't get in the way of your day.

    How long are your relatives in town? Wine makes everything more pleasant, doesn't it? I always say that I prefer to view life thru rosay colored glasses. Dinner sounds delish!

    Native, Sadie had a feast with those pork chops! I don't blame her. Pork is tasty. She obviously has a very good palate.

    I love grilled nectarines, and I'm not a fruit lover. Yes, peaches and nectarines shouldn't be cooked when too ripe, at least for a savory dish, because there's too much water in the fruit at that point, and the fruit will turn to mush when cooked.

    How do you make Kahlua?

    Cami, I remember you mentioning that you're not a fan of fish. In my experience with people who aren't seafood lovers, caviar makes them gag. If you don't like seafood, then there's a good chance you're not going to like the eggs. I think you made the right choice.

    The party sounds like it will be so much fun, but oy vey! Too many opinions flying around about what to serve. I'm Jewish, and I have found many similarities with Jewish culture and American Italian culture. It's all about family and food. Plus, a good argument thrown in for good measure.

    Did you choose an area rug?

    Goldie, positive thoughts and prayers for good numbers. You've been on Xeloda for over a year and 1/2 with good results? That's fantastic! If your numbers are adequate, why would you consider switching chemo treatment? I know a lot about Xeloda, because of my mom and sister, but Ibrance wasn't around 15 years ago. The one thing I loved learning since my diagnosis is there are more treatments offered in the past 10-15 years, and there were a lot offered back then.

    Jazzy, you are in my thoughts. I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend with friends, and you are taking care of yourself and healing.

    Time to get my dad out the door and to the gym.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhLinKs

    Lowee - yes I kno about the undo...LOL, but that didn't work either. OH well. Good for you for being honest with your MO. Mine says 'absolutely not', but I do it anyway. You have been busy too, don't kno how you find the time to post. Fri we missed our workout cuz it was the wake for the friend who passed. He passed on what would have been their 49th wedding anni. His wife passed 2 years ago, so he was in heaven with her on that special day..I bet they both had a few brews to celebrate.

    We're going in to LV today to visit my DD, she will be 45 on Thurs, and has to work, so today is only day. Also have an appointment at 12::45 to renew my MMJ card at DMV.

    Mary - thanks for the story of your day with Nora...she is just too cute. GR8 pics too.

    Wish I had time to visit more, but l dont', I'll try and check in tammary.

    Lubs ya all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016

    Hi girls, company is gone....ahhhhh... No arguments or any problems this visit. I tuned out the putz when he started on his chit that nobody cares to listen to. We all went out to dinner last night and had a very nice time, I worked today and they were gone when i got home. Took dogs to the park this morning and went to pick up Emma's poop and saw little worms in it...ewwwww! So I bagged it up and took it straight to the vet, they called awhile ago, said to come in pick up some pills, just a one time dose...$100 total. Said it's a worm caused by fleas but she is on flea prevention meds and heartworm meds so IDK.

    Also, my PCP called me day before yesterday and renigged on the thyroid US being ok, she's sending me to an endocrinologist, I go tomorrow. I just can't rid myself of ologist no matter how hard I try. I am a bit worried, report says I have a heterogeneous (uneven) hypoechoic (weaker echos than surrounding tissue) hypervascular (lots of blood vessels), all which may point to thyroid cancer as I research them. I see a xanax in my evening plans. I'm so glad they got me in as quickly as they did but it makes me nervous at the same time. I'll deal with the PCP telling me all was ok at a later date. SO anyway girls, cross your fingers for me, I see a biopsy in my future. Putz says I need to take more iodine, the stuff in salt is no good he says....blah, blah, blah...

    Sue, so sorry to hear about your friend but glad to know he got to be with his wife on their anniversary.

    hsant, I lost my prescription glasses last month at my work. No one turned them in, can't figure out where they went. Sorry you lost yours, were they expensive ones? I'm swearing off them from now on, only cheap for me cause I never lose them.

    Lori, so you take it for 3 months... then what? Is NED the hope? Wow, 2 years is hard to believe. I'm going to have to google it and see what it's all about. When are your next TM's?

    Cami, wow, the party sound like so much fun, and you get your own potty, even better. All desserts, sounds pretty good to me.

    NM, raw pork chops huh? I'm sure they were delicious. Only a 12 hour day today, you are going to be so spoiled! Hope nobody else goes on vacay and they get the new person trained soon.

    Sandy, have a wonderful trip, wish I could go pick (and eat) those tomatoes for you. We are having our first garden tomato on our salads tonight. A deer apparently came and ate the chit out of my cucumbers last night, I have to cover them tonight. Anyway, have a good time.

    Got to run, time to make dinner. Sweet dreams to all, see you tomorrow.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi friends- I have been overwhelmed these past few weeks with loosing friends and also with work, but wanted to say hi. I am doing better now about the loss of my friend last week, the heaviness sort of "lifted" on sunday after feeling so heavy for weeks as we knew he was leaving, but now feel at peace with it. The client site where I work is where we first met many years ago and everyone was talking about it yesterday as the obit came out in the paper. There will be a service on Friday afternoon that I will be going to with many other friends who cared for this man.

    Work is a bear and worked 12 hours today without even realizing it and should be better the next few days. After I finish work on Friday and the services for my friend, I am heading north for a few days to my favorite hot springs and then back in town for medical apts and house things. I am so glad I get a break from this client site.

    Will be back here next week sometime and catching up on all your news!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!So far so good this week, if there aren't any big crises or surprise admissions I may just make it through this week OK!I have gotten some help, and am very grateful for it.Even managed to get all the visits done before 5 pm yesterday, and only an hour of charting once I got home!Of course, I didn't take a lunch break, but I did grab a convenience store sandwich between visits and ate lunch.A nice cool front has come through, last night was wonderful sleeping weather, cool enough to need a blanket and Sadie to keep my back warm.

    Goldie--The stuff you are taking sounds a lot more reasonably priced than traditional chemotherapy that probably doesn't have any greater track record of results.I can't imagine how it feels to be in your situation. I keep praying the RSO fixes everything for you.And yes, can't blame Sadie for the hooman's oversight.I'm SUPPOSED to be smarter than her, right?

    Hsant--it's hard losing a good pair of sunglasses!It's hard to find a comfortable pair that work well, in my experience.But, like your Mom says, not like losing an arm or a leg.But annoying none the lest.Yes, Sadie had a good time with the pork chops.Organic pork chops.That I was looking forward to eating.Oh well,that will teach me, right?I have 2 Kahlua recipes, one for immediate use and one needs to sit for at least 6 months before using.It's basically putting instant coffee and sugar into water and boiling until dissolved, cooling and adding vodka and vanilla.With a secret ingredient or two.

    Mema--so sad your friend is gone, nice he got to spend his anniversary with his wife, though! You get your MMJ card through the DMV?Seems odd to me, but what do I know?I would have thought it would be through DHS.Oh, well.

    Genny--glad the visit went well this year!Perhaps the beginning of a trend?One can hope.The hypervascular part of the thyroid US sounds ominous, but I'm sure there are other reasons than cancer that can cause all that, and I'm praying it's one of those B9 conditions.But I fear a biopsy is in your future, it's the only way to be sure.Yup, Sadie got raw pork chops, complete with bones.I'm hoping the new person gets started soon and is trained before the school year starts as my partner is going back to nursing school to get her degree. I'm going to miss her, but she's going to be a fantastic nurse, and hopefully will come back to work for us when she graduates.

    Jazzy--sounds like a tough time for you.Glad you have plans to take care of yourself and getting a break from the client site.Enjoy your break!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Hsant, sorry about your sun glasses. There just aren't that many nice people out there. Maybe they haven't been found yet (in the cart), and someone will turn them in. So keep calling. I haven't followed the Ibrance thread, but I don't think they get as long ofrun, but I could be wrong. I just dread all the labs.

    LDB, you MO says no MMJ? I really do believe it's what helped get you to NED. Perhaps along with traditional treatment. But it's been proven I can't do both. I am starting to wake up a bit more normal, not quite as loopy. How long did you do RSO? And you made your own? I think there is something to your friend passing on their anniversary. Happy Birthday to your sweet baby girl….Jen Girl.

    Mary, I sure hope Emma will be ok. When will you get the all clear? At least the meds are just a one time dose. Oh my, I hope all goes ok today and that you don't have to worry for long Mary. Stay out of Google. Everything can be cancer, according to them. The RSO, you work up to a full syringe daily, and take full syringe for 3 months, then just a syringe or two per month. I'll go Friday for my TM's. And yes, to get to NED. I have only been pretty much "stable".

    Jazzy, I'm so sorry you've had a rough week. I'm glad some of it has lifted. I'm hoping it's beginning to lift for my daughter. She has another acquaintance that is on life support and they are waiting to pull the plug. So that did not come at a good time for her. (((Jazzy))). Enjoy that time away.

    NM, glad you got an easy day. I hope the rest of the week goes just as well. Well, chemo is at least covered by insurance, the MMJ is not. But someone did tell me they got all the money they spent on MMJ, back on their taxes. How true that is, I don't know. I'm not one to believe here say! You gave me a bit of a chuckle about you are suppose to be the smarter of the two! I don't know, I think Sadie proved otherwise!

    Oh yeah, MMJ card at the DMV? I had to see some quack doctor and give him $150 cash.

    Well, as I said, I get my labs on Friday, will check them on Monday. I won't even have been on a full RSO syringe for 2 weeks and it's suppose to be 3 months. If my TM' go up, should I quit the RSO and go back on chemo? I can't believe how much better my rash, hands and feet are. I really don't want to go back on that shit. Also, got word from our hygienist (she was here yesterday) that one of the gals in the office, she was diagnosed several years ago with BC and did the chemo and radiation, and now they think it's back. Her TM's went up, so now they will do a biopsy and scans. If it were me, I think I would just do the scans. A biopsy just doesn't seem necessary to me.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Am feeling weird this morning…I kno what the prob is…I'm clogged up again even after 2 nights of laxatives. Just can't find a happy medium. I do kno what seems to work tho….TeeeeKilla!!

    Mary - WOW I'm flabbergasted…I've lost count of how many 'ologists' you have seen. Prayers coming your way today, hope it's all good news (((Mary))).

    Jazz - glad your sorry has 'lifted' somewhat. Wish you could take some time off work to really grieve your loss, but I know sometimes not possible. OHH yes…the hot springs should help a lot. (((Jazz)))

    NM - send some of that cool weather my way. My Baxter likes to lay next to my back where Bella prefers the crook of my legs. But it's not long before all 3 of us are too hot and they jes head to their own beds. For my MMJ card I have to file all kinds of paperwork with the State DHS. If all OK they send me a letter with a confirmation # on it, I take that letter to DMV for my pic, they give me a temp on paper and tell me my actual card should arrive within 10 days. The actual card looks egg-zackery like my NV DL but has "Medical Mariguana" across the top.

    Lowee - I think so too about him passing on their anni. The Lord works in mysterious ways. I took the RSO every night. Went and bought empty capsules and used the small end. Never worked up past a full dose, but that is the only time by LVEF showed improvement. I didn't make it, a friend did, then he jest quit, that was over a year ago. So was really happy to find it again, altho lots more money for a lot less product. His was strictly made from mj leaves, no hemp. Thanks for the HB wishes for Jen-girl. Prayers for your DD too. Oh, and I too had to see a diff doc for the MMJ and she charges $135.

    Well time to get my ewwa to the gym, then rest of day I can relax. Hope all you wonderful ladies fit some relaxation into your days…MUAH to all.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi friends- I am working a bit later to get some things done and then stopping by a nearby venue to see my steel drum player doing a performance. The gym after that, and it will feel good to exercise. I plan to exercise EVERY day I am off between Saturday to the following Sunday. I am getting a Prolia shot in another week or so, and will see what I will be able to do that last weekend though. Always feel a bit "flu-ish" and achy after that for a few days.

    I actually do feel better now about my friend's passing. I am getting some requests this week around the services and that has been hard to do and expectations I will drop what I am doing sometimes to help. It is all hitting during a week I am so busy, but pushed through some things today. I was caught off guard by this part, and hard to say to folks "going out of town next week, limited time." I think some of this will settle after Friday. I will have some time away to process some of this next week. I am thinking I may not want to come back!

    My Sept is looking very busy. I have plans to go up to Taos for Labor Day weekend, a friend may be coming the following weekend and then I may be going up to the Stanford campus to take a class in a program I got involved with a few years back. A class this fall that would help with my current work, but found out today it's full so I am on a wait list. Hoping an opening comes up and I can go, and already found a hotel right next to campus that will be perfect. I love that school, the campus and the bookstore too!

    Hope everyone

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    OMG I miss one day and don't know it and read so many sad things going on in everyone's lives. I'm so sorry for that. Sometimes it seems like it all comes in bunches and it's hard to feel the right way at the time and it takes longer to grieve or to think about things in order.

    Mary another "gist" dr. But please don't read anything on google, it seems like the worryish things are all written in caps in our eyes and that's what we remember. There are some other reasons why u'r Thyroid is all screwy so let's just think of the bestest--(((Mary)))

    U gals do know I know nothing about what u talk about when u talk numbers and stuff, I know I should but really don't. One of my nurses asked me if I ever look anything up and I never do or did, unless it's something I can buy. I rarely listen to my Drs. that's probably why I'm never feeling right. Oh well. But I do pay ttention when u gas explain u'r specific things then I really think about it and I send up prayers for u.

    Oh this wether is horrible, it's super hot and humid and will be like that the next few days. My cousin has no ac in her house----so we'll see about Sat.

    OK goils, I'l close for now


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Friday Eve!I'm just a tad behind with the charting for work, not bad, but just did not have the energy last night to work on it when I got home.Hopefully things will keep going without crises and I can get caught up today or tomorrow and not have to work the weekend. We'll have to see.I really need to find a way to get some exercise going, I am so tired of being tired all the time.

    Goldie--actually, you might be able to get the cost of the RSO back on taxes.If you can total up all the money you spend on health care--including health insurance premiums, co-pays, co-insurance, the cost of band-aides, over the counter meds like aspirin, any equipment like splints or dressings, glasses, contacts, supplies for contacts, over the counter creams and ointments (including sunscreen and sunburn treatment).If you keep track of the miles you drive to appointments you can add that in (I forget what the per mile rate is), and if it all adds up to equal or more than 7% of your adjusted income, you can claim it as a deduction.I kept track of all of that when I was in treatment and recon, was able to claim several thousand dollars 3 different years.It's amazing what counts, you can even count the cost of massages if you have a doc that will write a prescription for them.That was years ago, so the percentage may have changed, but you might want to check it out.And Sadie is definitely smarter than me.I mean, look who lies around in the sun all day and who is out driving around working?And who gets first choice of the pillows on the bed at night?Tain't me!Wish I knew what to tell you about RSO vs FU Pills vs Ibrance.There just doesn't seem like there's an answer to this that makes sense.Need to be able to live life as well get treatment.

    Mema--Keela for constipation?Never heard of that one.But I know a couple of people who will welcome that news!Well, I guess it makes sense to have the DMV do the cards, they have the set up for it.Not sure if the "green card" in Maine has a pic on it or not.In Maine only certain docs can "prescribe" MMJ, I think they get a flat fee too.Apparently there are a couple of docs that have the certification that will see you for 30 seconds, take your money and give you the script or whatever and are getting pretty rich.

    Jazzy--You are so disciplined to go to the gym every day.I so need to do something like that.Are you helping with your friend's funeral arrangements?That must be hard.Hoping a spot opens up in your class this fall.Do you know how far up or down you are on the waiting list?

    Cammy--not everyone wants to know every detail about their health care, not everyone needs to.Nothing wrong with that.No AC in hot humid weather can be a problem, hope your cousin will be ok.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    image alt="">

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016

    Morning girls, I thought I posted late last night, was half asleep but I musta not hit submit cause I don't see it here. Anywho, you were all so right, I should stay away from Dr Google, endo said while my thyroid US is not normal it looks like a typical Hashimoto's thyroiditis thyroid. My TSH is still screwed up and my symptoms, or lack of don't match we will just do a full thyroid panel in a few weeks and go from there...phew, was silly of me to get so worked up about it. With a TSH of .0006 I should be dropping weight like crazy, one symptom I wouldn't mind. Instead, I'm gaining weight but no biopsy, no cancer...ahhhh. Thanks girls for seeing me thru my craziness.

    Lori, I did read up on the RSO, so glad you are able to get it. I'm praying for lower TM's for you ar at least if they have stayed the same since you just started the full dose. Medical MJ not yet legal here in Ohio but supposed to be coming soon. So sorry to hear about your friend and I hope the TM's are up for another reason. I am thinking about starting a thread to see how many ladies here found mets by TM's alone since The National BC society or whoever says no need to do them till symptomatic. I wonder if it's driven by insurance companies to save money. I am so happy to hear you are feeling better....praying, praying, praying for you.

    NM, hope you get caught up. My pooches have it made and call the shots around here too, they definitely know what they are doing, I envy them every morning when they are snoozing after a nice run, with a full belly as I head to work.

    hsant, thanks for your concern, you were right, got myself all worked up for nothing.

    Jazzy, can't get myself working out cept for the occasional running. Got to get back to it. Good for you. So sorry about your friend, hope your time away makes you feel much better.

    Sue, yep too many ologist for someone that wanted to spend 2016 avoiding them. You working out too, I feel so lazy.

    Got to run and get ready for work, DH did pooch duty this ayem so I got time to post. Have a good day all!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good morning friends- I am up and getting ready to head over to have my oil changed and a few other things checked before I have my trip this weekend. I think I am going to come back in much better shape than I have been, hot springs help to heal what ails ya, physically, emotionally, etc. It will be good to have a break and just de-compress before I have my week off. Today is my last day on site and then after I finish a call tomorrow and send out an exec status report, the out of office on the client e-mail goes on and I turned them off. Can you tell I am ready?

    Although I try to exercise every day, I cannot handle that gym every day. I did go last night to do my weights routine and the music they had going was the WORST! Although many bring their phones and ear phones, I only like to use those when I am seated. I love the pool because you don't have to listen to anything! I am going swimming tonight and hope to get there more next week.

    And yes, doing a few thing to help with the services. My last thing to do is to pick up a fruit tray tomorrow between the services in the afternoon and the gathering that follows somewhere else an hour later.

    Feel tired, used up, sad, and seeking restoration this next week.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Exercising, I can't even spell that word anymore, it's is so hard to be disciplined. Oh I do my PT stuff, but that not really anything, it's just for movement and it's only 10 mins. at a time. But this year no one really wnts me in their poo cuz of my D--oh I don't blame them, cuz it is so whenever and that's my favorite thing to do and can do that for hours at a time. Oh well.

    Jazzy I'm so glad u are getting away for a couple of days and just flop to u'r own needs, it's such a good thing.

    NM the DOTD looks great, u keep topping u'rself. U really deserve some down days I do hope u get some soon, u have to be so so tired with all the hrs and emotion u give to u'r patients. Everyone who deals with u are very lucky to have u and Sadie is the luckiest (and maybe a little smarter) but all of furbabies are smarter than most of us.

    Hsant u must be getting a little bit of the weather we are, right? we have weather advisories out for a few days now, and just walking outside is like a big whoa, this is crap, I feel bad for people who have to work outside, of course I think they shouldn't have to, but that's how i think.

    Lori tomorrow u go for u'r blood work, so we are all sending good (((VIBES))) for u, but u know that. U and SusyQ are troopers and just don't let things stop u. AMAZING.

    My phone has started, so I'll check back latah.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    LDB, when I was reading on Rick Simpson website, itsaid they let the MJ soak in a solvent. I guess this process takes out the THC? And that yours was in capsules. Mine is a syringe, and very sticky and tar like. I posted a picture before, you remember. I think we can get our own MMJ cards, but it involves getting finger printed and what not. I think it's easier to just pay and be done with it.

    OMG Jazzy, to hear you talk about Labor Day…summer just got here. And your relaxation weekend will be here before you know it. Hang tough there girl!

    Boss Lady, no AC in a house that is hosting a big party this weekend? I see your temps to be in the low 90's this weekend with 60% humidity. And that's it for my weather forecasting! As for the "D", I had it yesterday, was outside at the grill, talking on the phone to my brother and "WHAM", here it comes. I yell at him, I GOTTA GO. He's like "what's wrong, are you ok?" And here it comes, all the way into the house and into the bathroom. Not much left when I got there. At least the mess wasn't as bad as I had expected. I sure try and be a trooper. But I'm still so very tired. But I guess that is what the RSO does and it tells you that is your body saying to rest, so it can heal.

    NM, we do keep track of most of that stuff for taxes. Keep our receipts for all of it. And I'll get a note/script from my onc, he said he would write one. I don't do over the counter stuff. The guy I went to see took my picture, and he took care of the rest. Within a couple of weeks I got my card. Love the Swamp Water.

    Mary, if you do start that thread, let me know. Mine was found from TM's and so was gal at dentist office. She was having pain though, I wasn't. But I guess she wasn't going to the doctor about the pain. So she could have maybe jumped on it a little sooner. Cuz you can't stop it. Unless this RSO is the key! How nice would that be? Did you hear anything back in regards to Emma?