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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    SundayFunday…hope all have a wonderful day. I have to keep this short, my head is spinning. We lost Blondie, I remember her. Big HUGZ to her family and may she rest in peace.

    We lost a very close friend yesterday, he lost his wife 2 years ago. We'll go to the reception on Thurs. Am beyond sad.

    Jazz - sending prayers for your friend. I think playing the flute for him is a wonderful idea. ((Jazz))

    Dara - You did good girl with the complaint. Can't wait to hear what they have to say.

    Lubs you all, please take care of yourselves.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    MemaSue- good to hear from you. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. My head has been spinning for a good four days now.......

    The visit with my friend went okay. Another friend was there and I played my flute and it helped him to relax and fall asleep. I am glad I went.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day!Sun's coming out again.Spent a lovely day yesterday making stuffed zucchini boats, cole slaw with avocado to go with Churrasco burgers,probably going to make the flatbread pizza after work tonight.Sadie had a grand time cleaning up the kitchen floor and snitching a zucchini boat off the counter.Discovered that she will eat sweet pepper, too.Got my list of wines to look for to go with next week's menus thanks to ChiSandy.

    Jazzy--it was too chilly for swimming this weekend.It's supposed to warm up this week, we may go swimming after work one afternoon.Depending on what time I get out of work.And Sadie does make a fine pillow, very comfortable.Music is a wonderful gift to take to your friend.Praying for a comfortable, peaceful death for your friend, and peace and support for his family.His daughter sounds like a wonderful lady.

    Mema--So sorry to hear about your friend's death.And praying for Blondie's family.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Magic Flute



    Shake ingredients well in a shaker. Strain into a cocktail glass glass over three or four ice cubes, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Good morning and happy Monday!

    I had a pretty good weekend. I went hiking on Sat. and Sun. did some cleaning and other chores.

    Jazzy, Prayers are out to your friend's family. How lovely that his daughter paid homage to her father on FB. It's at times like this when I'm a big fan of social media.

    She does sound like an exceptional woman.

    On a different note (pun intended), you play the sax!? You must be one bad ass woman. I don't see very many female sax players. You are obviously very passionate about music.

    Mema, I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. I've read that when one spouse leaves, the other may not be too far behind. So sad. Prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time

    Native, I forgot how Maine can get chilly in the summer. It's still one of my favorite states. Absolutely beautiful.

    What time do I show up for dinner? Your meals sound fantastic! I promise to bring a nice bottle (or 2) of wine.:) Oh, and some treats for Ms. Sadie!

    Chi, I absolutely adore blinis with caviar, but I skipped it, because....carbs. I took a piece of salmon, put a dollop of creme fraiche, rolled it and topped it with Osetra. Combined with the champs, delicious! I had two full flutes, and will drink the rest of the bottle tonight, since it will inevitably go flat soon. Hey, sometimes you have to make sacrifices. There are sober children in Africa!

    Goldie, hope you had a great time Laughlin!

    It's going to be a warm one today. 89 degrees with 100% humidity. I hope to be able to get in a hike later this afternoon/early evening.

    Wishing all you amazing gals a wonderful day!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies---every time I'm coming here my phone is ringing, How rude.

    Jazzy what a sweet idea playing for u'r friend and he sounds like he has a wonderful DD--How sad to watch.

    SusyQ so very sorry for loosing u'r dear friend. It's hard to come up with any words for me.

    And Jazzy I was thinking about Blondie this weekend, I really liked her, I don't remember any harsh words from her as there were some going on usually.

    Hsant it's super warm here today, u must be in the same strip, well more humid than anything. And u'r another wine lover, we have quite a few here. I hope u'r doing well with u'r dad. U'r dad is so blest to have u (I know I must have said that before but I really mean it, living so far away)

    Sandy I know this is a silly question, but did u learn about wine from u'r experiences? U sound like a teacher of wine--which is amazing. I know I told this story before but years ago we (my sister and I) decided to fim my dad for a commercial for the wine he was drinking, now he was blind so we had to tell him what to remember and go over and over it and at the end he'd take a sip, well we rehearsed a lot without the wine first, but once we started with the wine, we told him not to really drink it (Yet) Well of course my sister and I were LOLing so hard u could hardly hear him pus he was drinking the wine, by the time we finished and he did get the words pretty good, he was drunk--we sent it in anyway the whole tape, of course it didn't make any commercial but we did have loads of fun. Since he was in his 90's we thought that would sound like the secret of old age. My dad was so much fun.

    NM I'm glad u just relaxed for once and I did not know u got that cool in the summer but it makes sense. We all want Sadie as our pillow, I enjoy that with our furbabies so much.

    Joey wants to also play the flute this year, cuz he like the sound of the relaxing for people. I guess someone said that it was a girlie instrument but he just said theres no such thing, Anyone can play whatever they like--I guess that ended that debate, so he's gearing his way to the flute too. I hope he does it too actually.

    Lori should be back today, and I hope she had a good time and felt well.

    OK gottsta do some work now--I was supposed to get my colon thing today, but I got sick over the weekend and he cancelled it--oh I wanted to just get it over but I thought I'd better tell him just in case. Oh well.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Cami, in your pocket for your gut to heal enough to get your colon procedure and put it all, uh, behind you. I never went to wine school, but acquired my knowledge over a lifetime. When I was in college, we used to go up to Brotherhood Winery up in Washingtonville, NY and take their tours & tastings--and at the time most of what they made was that sweet stuff made from native E. Coast grapes. When I moved to WA, the local wines weren’t much better--mostly fruit, not grape-based. But then we would go camping down the Pacific Coast, and I learned a lot during many visits to the (then free) tasting rooms in the Napa Valley. Jeff Smith (the Frugal Gourmet) was our law school’s chaplain, and his wife & I would go to the tastings that Nordstrom used to hold when they first branched out into being a full-service dept. store (instead of just selling shoes). That was my first exposure to Burgundy & Beaujolais. From those tastings I found out about Esquin, a wine merchant downtown that held more specialized tastings (champagnes, Bordeaux, Madeiras & sherries). Unlike in NYC, you could buy wine in the grocery stores in Seattle (had to go to the state liquor stores for the harder stuff), and there was also a wine merchant in our local strip mall. When we moved here, I sought out wine merchants that offered free tastings (either on weekends or one with an open tasting table every day). The latter store ran a wine-and-food tour of Germany & France back in 1990, so that’s where I learned a lot of the more serious stuff. When on vacation, we always seek out local wineries and taste--whether in CA, VA, Long Island, WA, OR, France, Germany, etc. We plan to hit at least one or two in Tuscany next week! I did a lot of reading on wine-and-food pairings, and whenever we go for prix fixe dinners we ask for the wine pairings. We have a neighborhood restaurant, B’way Cellars, that is serious about its wine program--reasonable prices, lots of by-the-glass options, and monthly tastings/buffets and winemaker dinners every other month.

    hsant, I too am trying to stay away from the carbs (though I am always weak late at night, we’re going out with Sloan and her DH tonight for tapas--and paella; and we’re off to Italy next week, where pasta is unavoidable). But I like my caviar straight, no chaser (and osetra is my fave--the most flavorful). I’ve collected a number of those little pearl or horn spoons over the years, and I like to eat the roe straight off the spoon and pop the eggs against the roof of my mouth. Yum! Some say the only thing to drink with it is iced vodka, but I never liked vodka--so I drink the driest brut I can find.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Oh Sandy u are so interesting, all those places and and law school too. I think u'll love Tuscany, I've never been but know people who have or were born there--just remember to wear a crossbody purse or a fanny pack. Take it from an Italian. LOL I've never tasted caviar, but now I wish I had when it was offered just to know. When I was younger and drinking wine I didn't develop any certain taste, just wine--I think that now I would be more particular tho, but I don't drink very often. Oh and as everyone knows I've had my D problem for 9 yrs, with no dr. ever figuring it out. So my Hopes don't go up with a new Dr. They just give up. LOL

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    So sorry about your D issues--is it IBS-D, or chemo-related?

    hsant, forgot to mention that if you have a good champagne stopper, a bottle in the fridge should keep its bubbles for almost a week (or until you finish it off). Make sure it’s for champagne--they have those little hinged “wings” or they screw tightly atop the bottle--and not just for wine.

  • tsoebbin
    tsoebbin Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2016

    Hey all... I'm still lurking and enjoying each of your posts. I'm off my narcotics so I'm hoping to join you in a post op toast soon. Still have 3 drains in and see the surgeon tomorrow. If I even get one of these things out I'll certainly celebrate!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! This week is starting out with a bang at work, I was in the office until 8 peeyem last night. Did an admission that is just heartbreaking yesterday.48 years old with Huntington's Disease (like Parkinson's disease but much more severe), married 25 years, 2 children 16 and 23 years old. Life is so not fair. Silly Sadie was so sweet when I got home, met me at the door with her current favorite tug toy and made me stop and play with her, laid on my feet while I drank my glass of raspberry wine, then let me use her as a pillow for a while when I went to bed. Don't know what I'd do without her!

    Hsant--dinner time is whatever time I get home from work, so it's a bit variable, so show up any time!Last night I warmed up the leftover ground turkey mix that I stuffed the zucchini with and put it over a burger bun, it was yummy! It can get chilly here, now we're back into warmer temps, and the humidity is supposed to start building over the next few days. Gotta love AC!

    LOVE the wine truck!

    Cammy--weather in Maine is quite variable, especially in the summer. It's variable in the winter too, but the difference between cold and colder isn't as noticeable. Filming that commercial with your Dad must have been a riot! I hope you have a copy of the film.

    Chi--Wine tastings sound like a lot of fun and a great way to learn about wines. I'll have to see if I can find some around here to try out.

    Tsoebbin--what's your drink of choice?We'll make sure Pant and Jock stock up.And there's a very comfortable lounger right next to the Percotini fountain.Come on in and get comfy!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Operation Recoverer



    Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Garnish with in-season fruit, and serve with a short straw.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Mornin' Ladies.

    Tsoe Ok surgery over, I hope there's not much pain left and u should be loosing those drains soon. Just take it easy and don't overdo anything.

    NM it's so good u have Sadie, I think she keeps u sane--she knows when u have to stop. Sorry u had such a late night, especially at the beginning of the week, I hope u'r week goes better.

    Sandy remember when I was in the hospital last time in ICU and when I finally left my DX was "a fluke" and that's about what they say about my D.--If they find the problem will probably be a fluke too for 9 yrs. LOL

    Hot yesterday, Humidity like crazy and I guess again today.

    Oh ast nite everyone was sleepig and I got up to get something from the kitchen, well somehow my body twisted and I hit my head and landed o my side on the kitchen floor, with everyone sleeping. So all of a sudden Sox came to me and licked my head ad started to moan and went to Leslie and made noise to wake her I guess cuz I heard her say Oh u have to go out now???? So as she's talking to him he's leading her to me, so I caled her and she says where are u and of course I said I'm down here and sox was licking the hell out of me, but I coldn't move yet and was worrying about the popsicle melting on the floor. And of course we were LOing so she says wel get u'r bearing while I go to the bathroom, so when she came back she saying see u needed a popcicle and look where we are now, really we were LOing I couldn not get to my knees, now the cat comes and I swear they were trying to help me up--I finally got to my knees then I can usually get up. Am I sore this morning but my cat didn't leave my side last nite and the dog checked up on me. I couldn't fall asleep, I wanted that popsicle, never got it. hahaha. If I didn't fall in slow motion I would have broken so many bones by now and when they ask me have u fallen in the last 6 months I usually say wel what day is today. So this should be a fun day.

    Lori should be back today I think, so she'll be in the lounge cooling off with our tenders today.

    Oh it's only tuesday, it feels like Thursday, don't know why.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good morning friends- whew, yesterday was a Monday for sure, but I did survive. My test lead is back on site after being remote last week and we had a long talk about the project as well as our shared client. Then off to steel drums which is super fun still! Today back to the grind and lots of fun meetings (said no one ever!)

    NM- I had a good friend from back east who had Huntington's. It is one of the worst, and know it runs in families. She passed about four years ago and was in a nursing home the last four to five years of her life. I have seen far too many people go down too soon in life, and will say that disease is one of the worst. Life is so darned unfair sometimes. Thanks for doing what you do sister.

    Cami- oh dear about your fall. You have some outstanding pets that came to your assistance and tried to help. I hope you are okay and nothing broken, bruised or the like? I know you have to work today and hope you can also rest. Ice anything that needs it please!

    Even though work was hard yesterday, I was glad to have something else to think about. The weekend was tough for sure with with the Blondie news late week and then seeing my friend. Doing things to feed my soul (music) and body (exercise). Going to the gym tonight to exercise my body. Been eating less carbs and loosing some weight and GI tract seems better too (I suspect some gluten issues these days).

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    I'm home, but don't have time to post. Having company this morning and also need to pack now for Phoenix. Leaving Thursday. Doctor appts and DH's Birthday celebration. And dealing with some business stuff. But while away in Laughlin, I got pretty sick. DH was going to take me to the hospital when we got home. I thought I was on my way out. I'm doing much better now! I'll explain more when I can.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Goldie- oh dear friend, your post is concerning. Sending healing energy your way. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Safe travels to PHX.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Cami- this is for you. Great jazz tune with the steel drums. These guys are having fun!

    Andy Narrell

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Ok, here's my story (below), and I would like everyone's opinion on my decision. As in what would you do? Not we stand by your decision. I have read everyone's post but not really time to reply to everyone.

    Just Cami.... I'm so sorry about your fall, but more sorry you didn't get your popcycle. I hope you are feeling better.

    Jazzy, glad you got to go and see your friend and even play the flute for him.

    Well goils, I thought I had hit the end, or the beginning of the end. You all know I was doing the RSO, and then I have my FU pills. Sunday was supposed to be my last day before my break. Well, in the last week or so I have been losing my appetite. Thinking it's just cuz I'm at the end of my cycle. We go to Laughlin, I'm still not feeling well, but my hands and feet are looking way better, as well as the rash on my legs, arms, chest and back, like 80% better. On Friday my DH wanted to go and get a bite to eat, and I'm like I can't. I can't even fathom food in my mouth. So he got a foot long hot dog, wanted me to eat, so he cut off about 2", I couldn't even finish that. Then I start crying, he's crying, blah blah blah. So I'm trying to except the fact that this could be it. Anyways, we go to bed, both crying ourselves to sleep. Well he can't sleep, so he's up and on the computer searching to see what is wrong with me. What he found out was that the RSO was trying to fight off the FU pills, as they are synthetic. RSO is made from a natural source. So I quit my FU pills early, I think Thursday. My appetite started coming back with 24 hours. My rash is almost completely gone and my hands and feet are almost back to normal. Well, I am considering quitting my FU pills and just doing the RSO, and see what it does. I have spoke with my brother, my son and of course my husband, and they are on board with me quitting the FU pills for now.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Goldie- I am not sure what FU pills are but if they made you so deathly ill, and you feel better off them, then it sounds like the right decision to me. If there is an alternative to whatever those are, for sure ask for that, and if they are just something you need to stop, then I would want to know the risks of not doing them. We unfortunately figure out a lot for ourselves and think you know this is just not for you.

    I hope you feel better friend. Very scary to feel so bad like that and being away from home too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Well, yesterday was not quite as long a day as Monday.Left the office at 7:30 peeyem rather than 8 peeyem.Hoping the trend continues.Now if only the Angel of Death and the Imp of the Perverse would gang up on someone else for a while!I will be glad when this cycle of admissions and crises starts heading downhill.

    Cammy--Good Lord, woman, I am so glad you fall in slow motion. And I'm sorry you didn't get your popsicle.I imagine you are pretty stiff and sore.Do we need to put another lounger beside the Percotini fountain for you to use?You can keep Tsoe company.

    Jazzy--Huntington's is a truly nasty disease.The family has already been through so much, and now is neck deep in high level caregiving and anticipating the end of life, so justnot fair.Having to turn the case over to a nurse that really didn't want to take it on was hard, too, but I just can't give that family the attention and support they need with my current caseload, and the other nurse has a 3/4 full caseload and more time to give.I really didn't need to have to waste 20 minutes listening to complaints, biotching and moaning yesterday.Ah, well, such is the life of a working gal, right?

    Goldie--Welcome Home!Glad you are feeling better, worried about you being sick.Let us know what's going on when you can.In the meantime poop in and just say "still here" every day, ok?Oh my goodness, you must have felt awful to be thinking it was the beginning of the end.Sounds like the combo of RSO and FU pills isn't a happy one.For what my opinion is worth, I think a break from the FU pills is in order, with or without continuing the RSO.BTW--I now have 2 patients using RSO!I've got to get myself more edumacated on this stuff.Praying for you and your family.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Duck F@#K



    Find a large shot glass. Fill 80% of the way with Tanqueray Gin. Fill another 15% with Stoli or Absolut Vodka. Fill to the rim with cheap "Ice" beer (best results w/Busch Ice).

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    Lori I'm glad u'r home and I worry about u so much. My opinion stinks cuz I'm not as conventional as I should be--but u know I'm going to give it. If the Drs. can come up with a comparable med for u, maybe u should give it a try but with all the crap that has gone into u'r body some things just are not good for it. U'r metabolism can't not absorb it in the way it should--I would stop immediately too, it's hurting u more than helping u, Remember when I went into the hospital last time and in ICU they told my kids to say good=bye--it was ALL from a new med I was trying, well they stopped it immediately of course and did tell me that was a rare reaction but very possible, so who knows what this crap is doing to u'r body (I'm not at all trying to make this about me) I just am insisting on how these meds can f*ck us up and all u need is one. Stay away from it. Just to let u know how much I care for u I'm writing this while I'm chitting in my pants cuz I had to say all of this--Now I have to get in the bathroom LOL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Jazzy, the FU pills are a form of chemo and I have been on it for over a year. We don't think its just the pills, but the pills combined with the RSO. The next treatment for be would be Ibrance and with that I would have to go for bloodwork every week.

    NM, you have patients on RSO? Really? I would imagine for pain? I was pretty scared. It's horrible when you know you NEED to eat, but just can't. And of course I appreciate your opinion. I appreciate everyone's.

    Cami, what my DH found out that the RSO was fighting the FU pills cuz they are synthetic, therefore not wanted in the body by the RSO, as it is natural.

    Leaving at 6 am tomorrow for Phoenix, be gone for another few days!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    Goldie, I agree that the FU and RSO might be interacting or canceling each other out--but it has nothing to do with “natural” vs. “synthetic.” Intolerances and allergies come in all “flavors:” whether the irritants or allergens come from a plant or are made in a plant (factory or lab) is irrelevant. AFAIK, the component of marijuana that eases nausea and enhances appetite is THC, not CBD; and RSO, being legal because the hemp from which it’s extracted probably has no THC, could be--instead of suppressing anorexia--magnifying the chemo’s anorexic effect. My advice would be to level with your doctor(s), and pick one drug or the other--not both. (Or, if AZ is a med-mar state, get a permit and try the real thing).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good evening, Loungettes!Been a long day, and I should be doing my charting, but just too tired to bother.So I will be getting up and heading straight out to the office tomorrow ayem to play ketchup.For now I am going to go to bed, give Sadie tummy tickles till she laughs out loud, and listen to an audiobook until I fall asleep.

    Goldie-- yeah, I've got a couple people using it.Both are hoping for it to destroy all the cancer and cure them.When you get back from your next trip can you get your DH to share the websites he looked at?I cannot figure out how the RSO can interact with "synthetic" FU since the body metabolizes the drug to it's active form, making it totally natural--made by the body itself.I'm still looking for reliable info on how RSO works and for drug interaction testing research. But I'm still searching. . .

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:evening edition:

    Summer Spritzer

    1 oz ginger brandy

    1 oz citrus vodka

    4 oz lemonade (Or limeade or orangeade)

    2 oz soda water or seltzer

    Mix brandy and vodka in lemonade, top off with soda water or seltzer.Garnish with mint.

    This is what I am drinking right now!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016

    BTW, I just decided to ruminate on what one of the wellness counselors said tonight at our support group meeting. We were talking about dietary risk factors. She said that statistics showed that women who had one drink a day, or 7 per week, had an 11% higher risk of developing a postmenopausal breast cancer, following that with "therefore, alcohol is a known carcinogen." WTF?? There are so many other variables....but not only wasn't there a controlled prospective study (there can't be, because there's no money in it since drug companies can't bottle and sell motivation and discipline), but we are talking pure statistics. Not biology, not chemistry.....just arithmetic. (Last I checked, you can't get cancer from math).

    And before anyone either panics or beats herself up over having enjoyed that glass of wine every night at dinner....that 11% is not ADDED to the 12% risk of getting bc by age 80. At first, you might think "OMG--by having a drink a day I upped my risk to 23%!" Nope--that 11% increase is 11% of 12%.....which is 1.32. THAT is what you add to 12% to get the enhanced risk....a whopping 13.32%. I don't drink every day when I don't dine out--but danged if I'm going to limit myself to half a liter of wine for the entire 10 days I'm in Italy starting next week. (Only 1/2 c. of pasta a day, and no bread, sorbetto or gelato, is bad enough).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Chi- you are reminding me once again to ask my MO about how much is okay or not okay to have. When I was first diagnosed, my BS had me to an out of state MO during my out of state rads visits. She was trying to control all my care, and that seemed wrong to me, so I talked to my PCP about it and she did a referral to a local MO who I have been seeing since. That first MO consult said no more than 3 drinks a week, but never have really talked to my current MO about it. Will add that to my list with him for our visit in another two weeks.

    Working from home today and had the first of two eye apts scheduled for tomorrow. I used my AARP discount for my vision test and then have a separate test for my optical nerve for something else they are watching. Anyways, found out today none of my discounts or insurance are part of their accepted plans so that is that with them. I would be out of pocket $600 or more so time for someone else. I am not unhappy about it, because this place has really not been very good for awhile. I had a bad experience with them around some faulty Oakley sunglasses they sold me and never made right. I told myself I would just do my vision care there but that is done now too. Already found two new places for my needs and that have the discounts and insurance I have. Time for a change (and really overdue on this one anyways......)

    Working from home today and had my stucco repair guy in to fix a few spots that needed attention. Another thing off my check list.

    How is everyone else doing here? Any big weekend plans?

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Good morning, ladies! It's been a busy week. I don't have a lot of time this morning, but I thought I would post a cocktail, since Native has obviously been a very busy worker bee. I hope she and all of you have a relaxing weekend planned.

    Goldie, I'm so sorry you had to go through that horrible scare! My sister went thru something similar when she was taking Xeloda. I understand your situation was a reaction from the combination of the pills and RSO. I'm glad you started feeling better and regained your appetite almost immediately after you stopped the Xeloda.


    • 2 c. rosé, divided
    • 1 1/4 c. sugar
    • 3 c. frozen raspberries
    • 1/2 c. fresh raspberries
    • mint, for serving


    1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine 1 cup rosé and sugar. Bring to a boil, whisking constantly until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.
    2. In a blender combine frozen raspberries and 1/2 cup rose syrup. Process until smooth. Taste the mixture, adding more rose syrup if desired. Pour into a loaf pan, cover with plastic wrap and freeze until firm, about an hour.
    3. To make floats, scoop small portions into champagne flutes and top with more rose. Add fresh raspberries and a sprig of mint to each glass.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    I think I missed (somehow some posts)

    OK Talking about drinking, now it has come out beer is good for u for not getting cancer, the hops or something. and (not cancer) sucking u'r thumb as a baby is good and something else we used to discourage. So my conclusions are do WTF u want, cuz no matter what u do or don't do in 10 yrs or 5 it will either be fine or forgotten.

    Jazzy when I read u'r posts, as I do with others, I can't help but think how u gals have made u'r lives successful by hard word and obviously brains and I never could have done that in my whole life. I am always in awe of how all of u have handled u'r lives and done well. It's wonderful And I know I've said this so many times but I still feel that way. And HSANT what u have done is something again I know I'd never do. I took care of my parents alot, but they lived downstairs from me and I had no health problems, so that was no sacrifice.

    Lori gone again right? I hope she's feeling good this time.

    I was talking to my cousin and next weekend is the yearly fireworks where she lives and we were counting the people cuz she ordering all the food this yr, she just can't do it ll anymore and last yr. there were almost 70 people there LOL, wel there is so much yard and water area, patio and porch u don't notice, so we're trying to figure out the food. Cuz u can't have to much and we all look so forward to this, and even Joey can't wait--it's just so relaxing and fireworks are just 300feet from us--beautiful, but very loud. And that's kind of like our Christmas in July thing, that's why I get so excited--so Joanne sets up the bathroom for me under the sink and she has 2 so if I need to they are al rerouted to the other one. She's so funny.

    OK I have to get myself set up here, I've already started with calls, but I'm not organized at all.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016 (hops) as a cancer preventative? I do have 4 bottles each of Clausthaler Amber and O’Doul’s Amber in the fridge--both hoppy but no alcohol. Carby, though--so only protein, fat & fiber for the rest of the day.

    Last night, went to a Bastille Day wine dinner. Arrived late due to having played a gig in Evanston early that evening, so I missed the first couple of courses (and the Sancerre that went with the second course). They started me with some cremant d’Alsace (sparkling wine from the Alsace region east of Champagne), and with a smoked duck breast salad, a Brouilly (a “cru Beaujolais,” or a wine made entirely within one of the designated villages within the Beaujolais AOC--e.g., Julienas, Chenas, Fleury, Regnie, Brouilly, Morgon, Moulin-a-Vent, etc). Weightier than a Beaujolais-Villages--much less a Beaujolais or Beauj. Nouveau--but not quite so much as a Mercurey or Burgundy. Then with the coq au vin made with Cornish hen, a Bourgogne (Burgundy) Rouge blend. Finally, with creme bruleé, an off-dry Vouvray (made with Chenin Blanc in the Loire Valley). As a good little bc patient, I drank only about an ounce of each (okay, two ounces of the bubbly); and I got a lift home.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi Friends- I hope everyone has survived the week (I have barely). My friend passed away yesterday, so I am a sad girl once again. Well, been pretty sad since Blondie last Thursday, then him yesterday. No longer a fan of Thursday's my people.

    That being said, going to spend some time with friends this weekend. Coming at a good time.

    Also very upset about the people killed in France. What a horrible tragedy.

    Well, going to take a break for the weekend and try to restore from all this stuff. Wishing you a good one people!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2016


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Jazzy I'm glad u'r planning to be with friends this weekend. That does come at a good time.

    Holy chit I didn't watch the news at all for 1 day and then all of a sudden Turkey is in it, France is in it. WTF is going on. Of course I had t on for a while thinking--no one has to have a war, each country will just kill itself, including us. It was crazy to watch, the news was getting confused. It's hard to watch. So I see what my weekend will be.

    Sandy what night u had, how in the world do u stay at u'r weight? And whatever you're eating and drinking sounds delish.

    My kids are going to My SIL's nieces grad. today funny thing, Joey doesn't want to go. He's finally figured his family out. haha Marty doesn't even want to go. Joey said to me he loves doing things with "our" side cuz everyone LOL's and just has a great time. His family someone starts to argue about something and it goes from there. and (this one gets all of us) my SIL's mom LOVES her 4 grandchildren like mad--oops she has 5 Joey she doesn't not like Leslie nor me for that matter and Joey has figured it out. I just screwed up my post and then it returned.

    OK I'll be back later when the ghosts are out ofthis puter.