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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2016

    Hey Ladies,

    I am sooooo tired but jest had to poop into the lounge and see what mese fwiends are up to. Been tinking a lot about all of you this week, seems my mid day prayers get me started. So I have been working sooooo many hours. Mortgage rates hit another all time low. goils, if you have not yet refinanced, DO IT now. rates are starting to climb back up but relatively very low. and gosh, I am wowed by the incentive that my employer is giving to get us processors motivated, they are paying double overtime, that is wild n crazy, I think of how many hours I will work in terms of how many bottles of gentleman jack I can buy per hour hehe! Sadly, I have not been dwinking enuff. tonight I started at midnight, yep,, seems that dwinking n working slows mme down some. aint nobuddy got time for dat.

    gonna try to get back in the lounge this weekend girls cuz I miss each of you. Just a few comments then off to bed, a big day tomorrow, I am soooo behind right now, two days behind in responding to emails, that jest a start of how I am behind as if I have not been showing up despite working 130 hours this past two weeks. Gonna try to pay off my car and pay down the mortgage. anyway so...

    Genny, coulda told ya to neber eber look at google in diagnosing ourselves. long story short, when I had my bone scan and they gave me films to take to mese dr, I looked at them and saw dark areas around my pelvis, came home and googled same and omg, for a day, I jest knew my time was running out fast. Lesson learned. Hope your puppy will be alright.

    Camille, oh mese oh mise, I saw the airplane that crashed in your hood, gave me chills from head to toes so glad that no one other than the pilot were seriously injured. something similar happened here in the 90's where two private planes collided in the air and the remanants, including on of the fusaloges, crashed into a home and the home blew up. It was freaky, jest a block away from mese seester. She told me that the authorities were putting flags everywhere including her yard to ID airplane parts and uh, body parts, sooo disturbing. prayers to your hood's peeps. n you so funny but I relate, I am not good at listening to mese dr's instructions...welll jest not good at following direction at all if it does not suit me. not good but do i care well maybe a wittle bitty. hugs goilfwend.

    oops, stopped typing for about a half hour to watch late night tv, they doing skits about the convention, funny funny stuff. but i've got to find my bed now, well after guzzling down my first freaking dwink of the day. I am so sleep deprived and I know that is not healthy. mese will hybernate as usual until dinner time on saturday night and totally miss the am and early Pm on that day, oh well. cant jest work and do nothing fun right?

    well sorry all about me, speaking of,, my show, the adventures of old Christine is on now, jest came on. she is such the narcissist as I have said before . well tongight, I am feeling a bit like her. she IS bad though, mese not that bad at least.

    so I love and miss you all. i want so bad to talk to ye all. hope I can or I should say WILL make time to visit de lounge over de weekend and talk to all mese bwest fwends.

    cheeRs, titties up if ya got em!



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF!This gal is ready for it to be 5 peeyem and all the work done.Won't happen that way, got a whole list of meeting notes to get written up before noon Monday, and haven't had a chance to start on them yet.Got more than 20 to do.Ah, well, such is life.At least they've turned the dictation feature back onin the tablets, so I can dictate rather than type them out, so it will go faster.Now to get through today, which looks to be another long day, but at least I can sleep in tomorrow.Ah, the luxury of sleeping in!

    Genny--that's good news from the endo!I completely understand the getting worked up about it all.I would have been crazy, too.I'm not totally caught up at work yet, hope to get that way today, but I think I'll need time over the weekend to do that.But last weekend it worked pretty well with me working on the charting stuff while cooking up the meals for the week.New box of meals should be delivered today.It's been nice to come home and just need to heat up an actual meal. And there is nothing wrong with running a home for the convenience of the pooches, IMHO.I do evny Sadie snoozing away on the ottoman in the ayems while I'm getting ready for work.

    Jazzy--I am so jealous of your hot springs trip!Ah, pleasure of turning on the "out of office"automatic e-mail response!One of the little things I really enjoy about going on vacay.So do your funereal duty, then go to the hot springs, shed a tear or two and get some pampering. Time to rest, renew and rejuvenate.

    Cammy--things at work will ease up next week, my partner will be back from her vacay, and I'll get more of a chance to breathe.We had a bit of weather earlier in the week--official report is 2 tornadoes and 1 microburst.No human injuries, some property damage,mostly from the microburst.Some very surprised chickens when a tree landed on their coop at one place.Also took down the chicken fence, so they're probably still chasing them birds through the woods!

    Goldie--if you are already keeping track of all that stuff you should be able to find enough to get up to the line for claiming medical costs on your taxes, and then you will get back the cost of the RSO!

    Dara--too funny thinking about the over time work as how many bottle of Master Jack per hour!Double overtime is definitely a good thing.Enjoy your late nite TV and Genetleman Jack, and grab you some OT $$ and get those loans paid off!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    image alt="">

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi ladies- finally to friday and just a few things to do this morning before I can tune out my client site and go on my way next week. I did most of my packing for my little trip last weekend so just have to finish up a bit there and with picking up around here. I will go celebrate my friend's life this afternoon and then going to the gym tonight to exercise and let some stuff go in the pool.I will be on the road by mid-morning tomorrow and heading to soak it all away......

    Dara- I hear you on the working a lot of hours. I have been working 9-12 hour days this week but feeling more ready for my break. Won't get everything done I had hoped, but the critical things will be addressed before I wrap up at noon today and as you know, work will still be waiting for me. And OMG on that picture! Those girls gave up a long time ago!

    I have wanted to refi but did not make much money last year and know as a self employed person, those tax returns will be key. I have excellent credit though, and you are making me think I should talk to my credit union again about a refi. I have been paying down my mortgage in big chunks when I have lucrative contracts as I want my house paid for in the next few years. I had to revise my goals for that a few years ago when bc came along for a visit. I now hope to have it paid off in three more years (my 30 years would be done in 15).

    NM- oh that out of office message! I actually set that yesterday so it will automatically go on this afternoon after I am done. I talked to my leads yesterday and got them in place to be my eyes and ears while I am gone. Been letting go all week and feel like I was mentally letting go days ago.

    Chi- I am thinking of you over in Tuscany enjoying the great food and wine. One of my fav places anywhere on this earth! Hoping your travels went well.

    Goldie- I realized yesterday that when I go back to work, it will be the first day of August! This summer is flying by for sure. That being said, it has been SO HOT here and monsoons have just not happened and ready for fall. The weather dude said this may go down as the driest monsoon season yet. We have had a lot of fires this year too. It should be cooler up north where I am going for a few days.

    Will wish you ladies a good weekend and pop in next week after I am back and through a few apts. My six month follow up begins on Tuesday morning......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Dara it's so good to see u in here. All those hrs. tho, hey u can buy into Mr. Jac and make a fortune. U must be exhausted, do u see an end to this madness? So u can have some downtime.

    I'm sorry I'm trying to post but my phone is ringing and I'm getting confused with what I was going to say here, going back and forth. The weather is crazy here, the storms were scary here last nite, I actually left my room to sit with everyone and the dog just sat right by me and stared like u dont belong here and never did see my cat of course. And the heat index stuff is bizzarre even the dog just goes out and comes right back in, where we would let him roam the yard before, he doesn't want to and the cat is staying out of anything in the house that has the sun in view.

    Lori OMG what a terrible feeling when u can't stop it. At least u were home, well that's how I look at it. Of course keep hydrated and sometimes plain water isn't enough, so check to see what the best thing to drink, they say Gatorade is good, but again I'm sure u know all about all of this so I can't give u any advice just care and hugs.

    NM u'r DOTD is so cute this morning.And I hope u'r weekend is good to catch up on some well dserved relaxation and Sadie.

    It was pouring like crazy last nite and Leslie remembered how I used to clean the car--when I knew a storm was coming we would go outside and put joy liquid soap in top and on the hood and trunk and tires and let the rain wash my car. I never took a car to the car wash. And she said she always thought I was so smart until she got older and realized I was the epitomy of lazy. She had some memories she was LOLing about with Marty, it didn't make me look so good, just more crazy, I guess to Marty. But I don't care my kids seem to have had fun.

    Oh I'm rambling and I apologize but u gals let me so so Thank you.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Good evening ladies. Not much going on here. Had my Tm's checked on Wednesday. Waiting for results.

    I did find my sunglasses. Yippee! I found them in the six pack paper towel bag when I went to pull out a new roll. Must've had them on my shirt and they dropped in there with out me noticing. So, I apologize to the fictitious person I created in my head when I thought for sure they were stolen from the shopping cart. Once again, I know this isn't a big deal, but I am happy that they showed up where I least expected.

    I know absolutely zero about medical marijuana, and what it entails to acquire a mm card. My girlfriend who lives in NYC couldn't get a card in the state of NY. She spends her summers in southern CA, so she recently went to a mm marijuana clinic in Venice Beach. Per her, the doctor's definition of a physical was taking out his stethoscope and checking her heart rate. That's it. she realized that his office was already making up the certificate before she met with the Doctor. Bottom line is the cost of the certificate is expensive, so this doc. is making serious money. She also mentioned that the receptionists and pretty much everyone involved in the "office" were stoned.

    Genny, phew! Huge relief. I'm glad you got worked up over nothing. Key word being nothing.

    My mom was diagnosed with bone mets right out of the gate, but my sister recurred twice, the second time with liver mets, which were found thru a routine TM check. She wasn't symptomatic at all. I read on one of the threads here that the reason why a lot of Drs. no longer check TMs is because the results can be inaccurate, that elevated numbers can be caused by a variety of things. I asked both my MO in CA and the one in Cleveland about this, and they both said the same thing. It's not true. The controversy with respect to checking TMs is that the treatment plan will be the same whether you're symptomatic or not, so therefore it's not necessary to check your TMs.

    I remember that my sister also had scans done every 3 months, along with getting her TMs checked. I can't remember if this was in the form of an MRI or ultrasound, but I do know that this was routine 17 or 18 years ago, at least for women who had lumpectomies. And yes, I wonder if this is no longer the case because insurance companies are dictating the protocol.

    I recently found out that certain insurance companies don't consider a yearly Pap smear to be preventative anymore. The new protocol dictates every 3 to 5 years. My gyno in Cleveland gave me this info when I saw her a couple of weeks ago. She said this has been the case for the last two or three years.

    Jazzy, I'm so happy to hear that you're healing. Perfect timing for your trip to the hot springs. Have a wonderful, relaxing time!

    I'm not a fan of the gym, either. Swimming is an amazing form of exercise. There isn't any major impact on your knees, hips, etc.

    Mema, Happy Birthday to your DD! I hope you had a nice visit.

    Booze does make you poop. When I'm a little plugged up, a few sip of The Grape, and I'm good to go (literally). I read an article about this a few years ago. Can't really remember what was said, but it was something about how alcohol stimulates something or other.

    Native, Kahlua that takes months to make sounds very professional! Do you have a name for it?

    Grandma's Punch looks very tasty. I especially like the instruction that says "repeat". I'm one to follow instructions.:)

    It sounds like you'll have some work over the weekend, but I it's great that you can sleep in tomorrow. I hope you and Sadie can take a trip to the lake for a little swimming and relaxation, if the weather permits.

    Goldie, Wishing you the best today for good numbers. It would be pretty f***ing awesome if RSO. Is the answer to controlling cancer.

    Cami, it's been hot and humid here. It was sunny all week, but it rained this morning, and thunderstorms are expected later today. The dish soap on the car is pure genius.

    Dara, I hope you can enjoy the weekend. You obviously need the sleep!

    Wishing everyone a happy Friday!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016

    Hi girls, it is so hot! We are going to Molly's tomorrow to spend 2 days and cook out and float in the pond, may have to skip the bond fire.We sure did pick a good weekend for it, supposed to be close to 100 tomorrow. The dogs will be happy, they love it there. Emma is fine, it was a common worm, a one time medicine dose and they are gone.

    We have to go to a funeral first, my niece's husband, sort of... Anyway, my 46 year old niece, she has 2 kids a boy and girl ages 16 and 17. She married their dad when she was 25, and they move to Indiana and after the birth of the 2nd she called my brother (her dad) one day and told him that hubby was an alcoholic, had lost his job and couldn't be trusted alone with the kids. No one had any idea. So she divorced him, moved by her dad and brought him with her! He joined AA and remained sober for 15 years or so. They were a regular married family, camped, boated and all that. He floated from job to job, she is a teacher. Apparently, about 6 months ago, maybe more, he fell off the wagon in a big way. She kicked him out, didn't have to worry about a divorce because she never remarried him. I don't know if the kids even knew they were divorced. So he was living in a hotel for the past 6 months, calling her up and threatening to shoot himself while she listened. Went to the psych unit twice, got the gun taken away (thank God!), and told her he'd go back to AA if she'd let him come home. Nope she'd had enough, so he got a little apt, was in the process of getting furniture and getting moved in and she nor the kids heard from him for a few days. She called the police to go check on him and he was dead. Appears to be sleeping pills and alcohol. He was 51, what a waste. I do feel so bad for the kids, I think he was a good dad thru the years. He had not come to the last 3 family gatherings so I figured things might be rocky, my niece had been confiding in her dad but swearing him to secrecy. She is such a sweety, it breaks my heart, I hope she finds happiness in her next chapter of life.

    hsant, very interesting what your doctors told you about TM's. That's what I have thought, they all have told me, knowing sooner won't prolong my life. I would want to know sooner rather than later and I feel that that is my right. I think it saves the ins co $$ since the tx is the same, they just don't have to pay for it as long. Anyway, I am looking forward to meeting your MO, I feel that it is the right choice for me. My gyn told me the same thing, she said that a lot of problems resolved themselves and our generation was being over treated. The standard now is no pap till 21, even if you're sexually active, sounds crazy to me. Yet men get routinely checked for prostate CA... So happy that you found your sunglasses!. That's how I lost my prescription glasses, hung them on my shirt. Coffee makes me poop....TMI? Try and stay cool this weekend.

    Cami, oh I hope you have fun at the party and I hope the D goes on vacation this weekend. Good food, fun people, it sounds like a great time, I would love to see a pic or 2!

    Dara!!! So good to see you and so sorry to hear you are working so much altho the extra $$ is a nice thing. Jest a terrible ting that it's interferring with you and Jack....... ain't right. Hope you make it to the lounge this weekend, I won't be here but I'll ketchup on Monday. Is your cousin still living with you? And pooches ok? Hahahahaha..... those are the biggest, lowest hanging boobs I have ever seen not wearing a bra in public!!

    Jazzy, I hope you are kicked back and relaxing with a drink in your hand right now. Please rest and regroup this weekend, enjoy the hot springs.

    NM, I hope you are kicked back with a drink in your hand too, you have been working so much. I hope Sadie lets you sleep in tomorrow. The hot springs do sound nice, don't they, I am jealous too.

    Lori, praying for low TM's...yep I'm with hsant, wouldn't it be amazing...... fingers and toes crossed. (((Lori))). I would prefer to jump on it sooner, I will start the thread, I'll do it next week. I've told my MO's about you when they insist no blood tests are necessary, they just poo-poo it, like I don't know what I'm talking about. Anyway...I hope the D stays away and feeling floopy is relaxing.

    Got to run, will prolly check in to read this weekend but may not post.... love to all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016
  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Well, it's evening here, most prolly wont read this til tamary. Anyway, DH has a full belly after several brews at the bar and is fast asleep on the couch (his bed, we haven't slept in together for several years). I had nails n toes done today, altho I almost slept thru it. Have been reading posts everyday, but mornings are usually tough for time especially since I've been going to the gym, feeding the dogs, then off to the park etc. Have a friend I have to go see tamary. She just got home from the rehab after hip replacement, then other day dislocated the hip, so now back in rehab. Will take her favorite food…from McDonalds…fish sandwich and fries. Yuk…but if it makes her happy, no problemo.

    Been unbearably HOT today and will be for next 2 days…112o today….ugh

    Lowee - My RSO was sticky and tar like, in a syringe too. Sorry for not being clear about it, but I would push some into the small end of the capsule and then take it like a pill. The reason I kno how awful it tastes is cuz I would lick the extra ooze from the syringe, LOL. Am still praying u stay with it and that it helps with the TM's. I just got a newsletter from RELEAF in Vegas explaining the difference between the plants, derivatives, and the effects they have. Was very interesting. I got finger printed what, 3 years ago, but the state never asked for them on the forms, and still haven't. IDK.

    Jazz - good for u for not letting peeps use up your time. Something that was hard for me cuz they say I don't know the meaning of 'NO". Well, I've come along way and now find it easier to decline (I try to squelch the Catholic guilt too). Praying you can get resting time next week…it is so very important.

    Cami - I wish my DH would quit reading a bunch of stuff on line too, then he tells me not to do too much of this or that, etc. I don't pay much attention, but bless him for getting involved and trying to help me. I think he's a keeper tho.

    NM - OOOHHH I hope you can get caught up. Am sure you've heard about 10 thousand steps each day, well hell, I can't even do that. Think it best to start slow and increase as you see fit. Good advice to Lowee….we save all receipts, even aspirin and claim them as med expenses on our taxes. Same with travel for treatment or dr appts, dentists, eyes, etc. You are right on. I LOVE apple pucker, so I think I would really enjoy the Swamp Water.

    Mary - Yahoo hoo hoo for no cancer. And not silly to get worked up, it's a natural reaction for me and others. Hang in there girl (((Mary))) Glad Emma is fine and hope you both will have a wonderful weekend. LOL on ur 'exercise' and CPR post.

    Dara - OMG is it really you? J/k. That is the BEST pic of yo titties giving up, thanks goil for the laugh. Miss our fireside talks and alcomahal.


    Hsant - Yay on finding your sunglasses. Chit, I didn't kno squat about marijuana except that it made me feel sick and paranoid when I tried smoking it many years ago. So it wasn't something I wanted until the RatBastard hit, and friends talking and all the literature about the different types and the benefits…I started researching and am now OK with some types. I too was diagnosed with bone mets right out of the gate. Brain mets came 3 years later.

    You touched on pap smears, been meaning to ask those of you who'd had full hysterectomies if you are still required to have the paps? I haven't had one since 2009

    And nurses, is the cervix removed in a hysterectomy? I've had my killa and mind not functioning well. Duh!?!?!

    Thanks for the Bday wishes for my DD.

    I found out today, when I was getting my mani/pedi, that my tech has uterine and cervical cancer. She is 5 mos pg with 2nd child. I am worried to death, she is only 40yoa….she has to go to St George so they can do whatever is nec to keep her somewhat healthy so she can carry the baby long enough to survive a c-section. PRAYERS please for Kim.

    OK, waaaay past my bedtime so will sign off for now.

    Hope I didn't forget anyone….but ya'll have a wonderful, restful weekend.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016

    Sue, last year my PCP told me I needed a pap, hadn't had one in years, had a hyster when I was 39. Anywho, I got the pap and it came back abnnormal cells (of course). So she sent me to the gyno, (another ologist). The gyno said that since the cervix was removed the abnormal cells can't do anything and I did not ever need a pap again. She was a young gyno and up on all the latest stuff, she's the one that said our generation was over treated. So the answer to your question is yes the cervix is removed in a hyster, as Molly would say, you have a "dead end", and no you do not need paps.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Well, another long week is done, and even ended on a high note.While I was in the office yesterday ayem the boss slipped me a note--I got a raise! Pardon me for bragging a bit, but this is not a year that pay raises go through--that happens every other year--but corporate management decided to award raises to the top performers in each office this year to recognize the work and commitment.2% may not sound like much, but it makes a noticeable difference for me!I'm not in this work just for the money, but getting a raise sure does boost the ol' ego! OK, I'll shut up now.

    Jazzy--By now you should be on your way to a lovely soaking session, wish I was in your suitcase!Good for you for letting go of the work stuff for a while! I know about the "pre-vacationitis" mind sent..

    Cammy--sounds like you are getting some real weather your way.Hope you are safe and sound.We had severe thunderstorm watches up last night, but nothing happened.And even a severe thunderstorm here in Maine is mild compared to a typical thunderstorm in your part of the country.I love the idea of putting Joy on the car and letting the rain wash it!Not lazy, innovative!And I love your rambles, so ramble on, girl!

    Hsant--Hooray for finding the sunglasses.And it IS a big deal.I am currently using uncomfortable sun glasses when I'm driving, and am having trouble finding a comfortable pair.Good, comfortable sunglasses are a wonderful thing to have, and a big loss when they go missing!I've heard MM certified docs can make serious money, there are a couple in the area that only do MM and seem to be doing very well financially, even with office only open part time!Regarding scans and TMs and such, 17 or 18 years ago it would have been routine to do scans after a lumpectomy cuz the medical community hadn't proven that lumpectomy and rads was as good as mastectomy, and there was an expectation that women getting lumpectomies would be more likely to get recurrences and mets.And since then the insurance companies have gotten more involved in determining treatment protocols based on cost, so things have changed.I do remember reading some research about TMs that showed that rising TMs identified recurrent or metastatic cancer only about 2 months sooner than not doing them and working up only when there were symptoms.Treatments were the same, but lasted a couple months longer if started based on TMs than symptoms, and neither group lived longer than the other.So current thinking is that earlier treatment of recurrence or mets doesn't give any advantage but costs more.Of course, that was getting close to 10 years ago, TMs may be more accurate and more reliable now.

    Genny--oh,dear, so sorry about your niece's (sort of) husband.Sounds like he was able to get things together for a while, too bad he couldn't keep it together.And good for her for not letting him get away with theI'll-change-if-you-do-this-first thing.Hard for the kids, though.Sadie did let me sleep in this ayem, in fact, I got up before she did!She was stretched right out on the floor under the ceiling fan and very relaxed when I rolled out of the sack.But she was quick to remind me to fill the din-din dish while my coffee was brewing!And I had a very nice glass of wine last night, a blueberry wine from a local vinyard, so good I have GOT to get some more!

    I choose Tequila!

    Mema--I have heard about 10,000 steps per day. When I had a working FitBit my goal was 3,000 steps per day. Yup, three thousand.Managed to get that many in once in a while, too.I have to set baby step goals, cuz I cannot get anywhere near the "recommended" levels.

    Good Morning, Lord, it's me again.First I want to say Thank You for the raise I got, the timing was, as usual, perfect.Just when I really needed an ego boost You come through for me!I'd like to ask you to come through for another Kim, now, though.You know the one, Mema's mani/pedi lady.Please protect Mom and Baby.Please keep Mom healthy long enough for Baby to be born full term and healthy.Then please keep Mom's strength up during her treatment, and please, if it is Your will, cure her so she can see her babies grow up.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    G'afternoon DahhhhhLinks

    Have a few mins b4 DH gets home so I'll make the best of it.

    Mary - thanks for the info on the paps, sounds like u got it from a good source

    I do remember the 'dead end' part, LOL. WOW, so proud of you for u taking 1st place in ur age bracket…proud of you girlfriend. Love the pics of our Anorable, thanks for sharing. And I LOVE the exercise post, but prefer TEEEKIlla…LOL.


    NM - Hoot Hoot Hoot for the raise…u surely deserve it and more. My MO never seemed to worry about the TM's either, so idk. In 2012 I walked 3 miles at least 4 days aweek. Don't know how many steps that is, but was enough for me.

    OOO NM - thank you so much for the heartfelt prayer, u da best!! Island Tini sounds too scrumptious.

    Sandy - I do the same thing, I'll even ask for a mini-fridge and microwave. My appetite has improved, but still can't get thru a whole meal so always have left overs.

    Hsant - LOL about the rope of garlic. Never have liked caviar, but have tried it in any other fashion but plain. Your recipe I would try. Haven't been to see Scarlett yet or Autumn either. Really hoping to soon. Will try and get pics and post em.

    Sandy - preparing for a trip like that takes time so make it fun fun fun. Safe travels and have a blast!

    Cami - You cwack me up with u n sisters arguing, ok conversing, over the salads and deserts. Hope it all goes well.

    I love yaking with mese gals, altho I miss days too often. You all always lift my spirits.

    Lubslubslubs ALL!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!It is so much cooler and drying the is morning, I think I can actually do something today.Yesterday about all I did all day was sweat!

    Mema--for me 3,000 steps is about 1 mile.I imagine that is different for people with different stride lengths.I wonder who comes up with these numbers and what research they are based on, anyway?Would be interesting to find that out someday.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:



    1. 12 oz Shock Top (1 bottle)
    2. 4 oz bottled mango smoothie (I used Bolthouse Farms Mango)
    3. orange slice candy
    4. dried mango
    5. maraschino cherries
    1. Pour 4 oz mango smoothie into a 16 oz glass. Slowly add bottle of Shock Top, waiting for the foam to reduce. Stir gently to mix (but don't shake). Add dried mango, orange slice candy, and maraschino cherries to garnish and enjoy!
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Wacko, that is too much work. Glad you have incentive tho for the overtime. You gotta take time for life girl, and that little sweet grand baby of yours. Oh my gooness, those hanging boobs, that poor woman.

    Jazzy, I sure hope you are having a most relaxing weekend. And good for you running that mortgage down to 15 years. We've had some rain, but not much to make much of a difference. And why can't winter go by as fast as summer? What is your elevation? We are at 6000'.

    Cami, I sure don't miss any of that cray cray weather, worryingabout tornadoes, or just a bad storm. We don't really get that here. How funny that you put dish soap on your car so the rain can wash it. Did you have your party yesterday?

    Hsant, glad you found your glasses. As for the TM, that was how I found out I had mets. Had I waiting until there were symptoms, I might not be here today. I know there is nothing to stop mets, but you want to try and catch them as soon as possible. It's only blood work, I don't see why these oncs make such a big deal out them. Yeah, those docs that hand out the MMJ cards are making the money for sure, And you have to renew them annually. I imagine that the paps are't covered now, except for every 3-5 years, that way they can have more women getting ovarian cancer, or others, uterus or cervical. And make the big bucks for the docs and the big pharma. I'll check my labs tomorrow.

    Mary, sad about your niece, but glad she got out of that relationship. He could have taken her and the kids with him. That is horrible that your docs won't listen to you. What do they care if you have labs or not??? I know you can order your own labs, but you have to pay for them.

    LDB, I'm with you on the McD's fries and fish…YUCK! But so nice of you to do so. You are busy in the mornings and that is my time to chime in. I did not have to get finger printed. I think anyone can go in and get a card. Altho this so called doc did ask me to bring something in showing my diagnosis. Had I said I didn't have it, I don't know if he would have just poo pooed it or what. Is that Releaf newsletter online? I would like to read it. I haven't had a pap in a few years, and Doc said since I was married and monogamous that it's not needed as often. And when you aren't having hardly any sex, what's the point. I only had my uterus removed, so I guess it could be to detect cancer. Sending out prayers for Kim, and her baby. Dang, I can't get through a meal either. Had scrumptious burgers last night, but could only eat half.

    NM, congrats on the raise, fist bump girl! See, it's not just us that know how good you are. Interesting information about the TM's and them only making about 2 month difference. I had never heard that. Mine had been going up for several months until I brought it to my oncs attention. I have never had any symptoms of cancer, other than being able to feel the lump, never any pain. Nice cocktail with the Shocktop. How is your garden doing?

    I harvested 1 cuke, maters, beans, pulled out onions, not sure how many of those. Planted more tomatoes, not sure if they will make it to produce or not. Have some squash, zuchinnin and variety of peppers to get as well. I love my garden!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2016

    Hello everyone sorry I have not kept up. It has been kinda crazy. We had our first race in Akron the first on the month and our first boat which was all breast cancer survivors they got second place and beat the number two boat in the World. My boat was in the community division which competed against boats that had at least 12 men in them that were all under 40 and very strong and healthy. We were the only all women team and came in 11 / 16. Pretty damn good considering that if we would have been in the BCS division we would have came in third right behind our teammates. :) This weekend we go to Chicago and defend our title and race a 500 meter race there. We take the month of August off and then Sept 10 we race in Alexandrea KY and then Sept 24 we race in Pittsburg PA and then Oct 17 is our last race in Orlando FL.

    I have been doing ok. Seizures are much better. I still have a few when I am really tired or don't feel well. They found a spot on my right breast that we are watching closely. I have to have another scan in November. It will probably have to be biopsied. Jackson is getting really big and started to ride a bike with no training wheels. Made me cry and Samarah starts Kindergarten in two weeks! That really makes me cry!

    Miss you all and love ya all. Here are current pictures for you to enjoy.


    This is my boat during the race in Akron. I am on the left 4th row look for the orange on the paddle


    See if you can find me


    Relaxing after practice yesterday. It was 97 with a heat index of 103


    Samarah and Jackson at my brothers a couple of weeks ago


    Jackson on July 4


    Samarah at my house yesterday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day!Yesterday was a lovely day of doing nothing except some laundry.Got to really go through the clothes and get rid of a bunch of stuff I don't wear anymore, so I can find the stuff I do!Made up the one pot chicken broccoli alfredo for dinner last night, would definitely do that again, nothing easier than cooking pasta in a fry pain and getting pasta and sauce all at once!

    Goldie--the TM thing is statistics, and we all know that stats only apply to groups and not to individuals.I think that getting TMs done should be a choice offered to everyone.I actually didn't get a garden going this season, the weekends I should have done that I was too tired or the weather wasn't cooperating.I'll try again next summer.My PCP actually said I probably don't need PAP tests at all due to my age, being HPV negative, and never been sexually active.Still wants to do the annual pelvic exam though.Not sure what the point is there, but whatever, right?

    Collett--WTG Indy Survivoars!11 out of 16 against young healthy men is fantastic! Samarah starts kindergarten?Wow!Jackson on a big kid bike?Wow again!They grow up so fast!

    Great pics!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Swirl chocolate sauce into your cocktail glass

    Add cake vodka, Irish Cream and Almond Liqueur.

    Add frozen coffee ice cubes and top with half and half or milk.

    Garnish with a cherry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Nancy, great to see you and congrats on your races. Why do they want to wait and watch that spot on your breast? I would want it biopsied asap. Of course, I saw all ofyour pictures on facebook, the race, the kids, etc. Gosh, I wonder if the MMJ would help you with the seizures. I spotted you before seeing the orange on the paddle.

    NM, perhaps the pap is to check for cancers? Oh my, I would surely get sick on that cocktail!

    Forgot to tell ya, we saw Ghost Busters. It was ok. Gonna be busy the next couple of months with travels. I will keep y'all a BREAST of what and when. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Happy Monkey Day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Someone posted this on FB and I thought it was funny. I could def. use one!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies--

    NM I'm sooo happy for u and u'r raise which is so deserved nd especially when it's not time to get raises, we've always said how specil u are and now it's official with u'r work. And I've always loved u'r prayers and I said it as fervently as it is meant to say and I feel a part of them. U've been our nurse, minister and mixologist (one gist I like) all these years and so appreciated.

    Nancy I felt like I was doing "Where's Waldo" u hide well. How wonderful u can do this sport, but I'm sure it's not easy. The kids are looking a little older all of a sudden and as cute as can be. It seems like u just started practicing and already it going into Sept. for u. But it seems like u feel better this year so that's all good.

    SusyQ u busy bee, sounds like u'r feeling OK tho.It's funny everytime I look at u'r pic. I see u smiling and I always think u are.

    Mary I had a what they said a full hysterectomy and no one has ever told me to get a pap smear since. I just assumed everything was out.

    Lori we usually see pics of u'r garden flow or aren't u ready yet? U've been going all over the last couple of weeks but u sound nervous to me (((LORI))

    Sunglasses what a subject, a few weeks back my sister left hers at my oldest DD's andthe world had to stop. Now it took bout a day to figure out how they would be returned, my cousing Nicky said he's bring them to her but she didn't want him to go thru all that trouble so my BIL said he's meet him 1/2 way and figure out the best place to meet. Now this is the thing..My DD lives about 5 miles from my sister and so do all the rest of my family there. Oh so u see sunglasses R very important.

    Well I hardly to at all this weekend except for work--I look so forward to my cousins prty but I didn't make it, altho the temp index was over 100 I was not going o let that stop me but my D did, and I was so upset--It started late Fridayand ended middle of the day sat. and I went to bed (well my bed) for a few hrs. I was mad and sad, and I really stayed to myself except for Joey-he's the only one I really talk to. But now he talks like he's even older than before.we had a talk about drinking and he said (now of course) he doesn't want to drink when he's older (he sees alot of it with my oldest DD's DH and he just doesn't like it. But he did say he would consider having a glass of red wine everyday because the properties in wine are good for u. We talked about some very rare disease (that he talked) and explained it to me, never heard of it but he read ll bout it and so on. See that's why I like to talk to him he keeps me currant and he kisses me alot LOL Well I have some d today but so far it's not horrible--hope that was it.

    OK I hope everyone has a good day and NM the DOTD sounds scrumptious.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Oh Lori sent me right in the pewl, ah it felt good. I like that seat.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Good morning ladies. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. It was hot as hell, in the 90s and humid. It rained a little yesterday, but otherwise it was sunny. Thank the good lord for AC. I don't mean to sound like I'm kvetching (complaining), but I felt like I was either super hot from being outside or really cold, because the gym, stores, etc., really blast the AC.

    I am finding that my morning hikes really set a precedence for my mood during the day.

    Genny, I am so sorry about your niece's husband. Such a tragedy! and my heart goes out to the kids. Prayers out to your niece, and her children.

    Both of my MOs feel that early detection of metastatic cancer will prolong ones life. But even if it didn't, who wants to experience symptoms from bone, liver, lung or brain mets? I know with liver mets it's pretty advanced once one starts to experience symptoms, and it's extremely unpleasant. I would hope that any doc would want his/her patient to experience as little pain or discomfort as possible.

    This past weekend was perfect for a nice swim in a pond and a cook out. Molly is your daughter? I hope you had fun!

    Cami, damn! I am sorry that the big D got in the way of your party. I've said this before, Joey is obviously an extraordinary young man. He has an old, wise soul. You, and Leslie and Marty must be so proud of him. I love hearing stories about your relationship. Thank you for Sharing.

    Goldie, I want that seat for my passenger side of the car. No joke. I always say to my father we need a toilet on your side. Haha! Thinking about you today, and wishing you the best for good results.

    Your garden sounds amazing!

    Native, big yum to the Monkey Coffee cocktail! I think this would be great as an after dinner dessert/cocktail for a little dinner party. I would add a brownie or chocolate chip cookie as a garnish to add to the dessert theme. Yum!

    I still get paps and have been getting pelvic ultra sounds since I've been in my early thirties. I have large fibroids I've been living with for over a decade, so my gyno recommended a hyster about ten years ago (now, they're so large that it would require surgery in order to be rid of them). I just didn't want to go thru early menopause in my late 30s, so I passed.

    I'm glad you had an easy Sunday, and you and Sadie had some down time.

    Congrats on your raise! Woo hoo! You deserve it!

    Mema, I failed to mention that my friend purchased (for lack of a better word) the card for recreational use. The doctor didn't question her at all about why she would need pot for medicinal purposes. She got her certificate with a photo ID, paid with cash, and was on her merry way. I've never been a recreational drug user. I've always taken a pass on all of them when they've been offered. I'm a fan of the bottle (hic).:)

    It was recommended that I remove my ovaries after my bc diagnosis. I passed. There isn't a history of ovarian cancer in my family, and after having the ta tas chopped off, I really wasn't emotionally ready to log thru another major surgery (another scar), and I'm not ready to part with my ovaries. I need Somethin' I can hold on to where I still feel a little female. Just joking (kind of).

    Ncollett, nice pics! I assume those gorgeous little nuggets are your grand kids? You have a beautiful home. I love your fire place.

    Prayers out that the spot in your breast is benign.

    Jazzy, I hope you a relaxing time at the hot springs, and you're continuing to heal from your loss.

    Time for me to get out of the house and start the day. Wishing everyone a happy Monday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good evening ladies- I am back from the hot springs and had a relaxing time up there. No TV at the place I stayed, which I found to be a welcome break from all the crazy news. It was warm up there, spent a lot of time in the cooler pool but soaked in the hotter ones when it was not as hot. Got a wee bit of sunburn too. I had a two hour treatment on Sunday that was just divine! The new place I stayed at this time has wonderful jazz and had a great evening of music on on sat. I left this am, did a few hour stop in Santa Fe for a bit of shopping and then on home. I am gearing up to go unpack the car and get some laundry going. It is hot here still, but trying to rain tonight.

    Tomorrow I begin my six month follow up check up beginning with a mammo and ultrasound. My BS apt scheduled for wed got pushed to Friday so I get two magical apts on that day with the MO first including my Prolia shot (scheduled six months ago) and then with her. Just like old times, multiple doctor visits in one day! Fingers crossed there are no new findings or anything of concern.

    My friend's services last Friday were very nice and it was a huge turnout. The gathering afterwards was at a church with lots of yummy food and great visits with many common friends I had not seen in awhile. I feel a huge sense of relief to be beyond the services, and doing better emotionally. He will be missed by so many, but know as with all those who have left this earthly plane, their journey is done and it is our job to keep on going.

    Will write more soon but here is a lovely sunset from northern NM for you until we meet again.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Frozy Navels


    • 1 46 oz. can frozen orange juice concentrate, softened
    • 2 c. frozen peaches
    • 2 c. peach schnapps, like DeKuyper
    • 1/2 c. orange liquor, like Grand Marnier
    • Sliced peaches, for garnish


    1. In a blender, pulse orange juice concentrate. Add frozen peaches, schnapps, and orange liquor and blend until smooth.
    2. Pour into glasses and garnish with peach slices.
    Jazzy, gorgeous pic! I'm glad you you had a nice, relaxing time at the hot springs. You needed that! Prayers out for a clean mammo and ultrasound
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Hsant it's been so hot here too, I don't know how u go out so much in it. I lways tell u u'r dad has a wonderful dgtr, I could never go so far from home especially for as long as u do.

    Jazzy u'r days sounded wonderful (and well deserved) and an evening of jazz too. I think we all had some envy for u but still happy for u. Damn I wish we all lived closer, much closer, what an interesting thought LOL

    U know I have to say I have my stories with Joey, altho I talk (phone) with my sister often and my cousin and my GF's he's the only one that I really have in person--Oh I talk to my DD and SIL but not the same way--Joey and I talk about so much (we always have) he keeps my brain going more cuz I have to think about what we talk about.

    It takes me so long to write my post, I have to stop to take calls and send them out, I did it again I asked someone to spell their last name --SMITH--people talk to fast for my ear LOL

    I'll be back latah goils


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Cami, I haven't put any garden pictures up cuz they would pretty much look the same as others I have posted, so didn't want to bore. I am saddened that you did make the party.

    Hsant, Molly is Genny's (Mary) BFF. Or at least one of them. It's good to hear that early detection of mets can prolong ones life. Altho I have bone mets, hip, spine and groin, I've never had any pain. One of my fears is dying in so much pain. Bad enough this toopid disease will kill us, but does it have to be so brutal?? I was 40 when I had my hysterectomy, they put me on a hormone patch right away. I think I wore it for about a week and that was it. Never did have any horrible menopause issues, never have, until chemo! I'm pretty sure if I didn't have an medical proof of my diagnosis, that doctor would have still gave me a card. I can't say for sure, but I would bet on it. Especially if you saw the peeps that are in there buying.

    Jazzy, a 2 hour treatment….oh my! Calgon take me away! ( I know, it wasn't a bath ) Praying all goes well on Friday. I love your comment about your friends life here on Earth as a journey, and now it is complete and we have to move on. We do get some glorious sunsets during monsoon.

    Forgot to tell yesterday, my TM's did come down some more!

    Except for the CEA, it went from 6.1 to 6.5 (normal is 3.4)

    CA15-3 went from 84 to 70 (normal is 30)

    CA27.27 went from 76 to 61 (normal is 37)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi friends- my mammo and ultrasound went well this morning, no new findings. Whew, I always hold my breath on this part of the follow up, and for those who are still having imaging done, no doubt you do too. Friday will be the rest. The mammo and ultrasound are the most stressful for me. I may find out on Friday about whether my MO wants me to do more than 5 years on the AIs. He was doing a breast index genetics test that is new for assessing risk vs. benefit to stay on them longer. I have not seen an EOB come through for it though, and wonder if it got done? I still have to be on them for another 18 months for the full five years so we have time to get this answer.

    I celebrated by stopping at a coffee house I have been eyeing for awhile that is en route for me many days. The place is awesome, great food and drinks and came home with three bags of coffee beans for my morning brew. Well, I may not drink all the booze I used to, but don't get between me and my coffee! Now I am on to my list of additional to dos for today and have a hair cut later this afternoon. I love having the space to check out new places and just take care of me this week.

    Goldie- I am glad to hear your TMs came down. My MO does not do them on me, but used to have CA-125 done for awhile when they were concerned I could have ovarian. I pray you continue to get good care around your bone mets. I often get pain in my bones, not regularly but know that can come with the AIs and the Prolia shot I get.

    It has been so hot here still but rains came last night and more clouds and cooler today. Northern NM was getting rain every night this weekend and saw the clouds building up on my way down yesterday. Hoping for more moisture and the humidity is definitely up this week!

    Cami- it would be so awesome if we could all get together. I know some here too and perhaps a trip to the hot springs can be in the future. If i remember, someone here asked me to scope out a meeting spot for a possible meet up in 2017? I suggested Denver because there is so much to do there and great places to stay. Hot springs here are great, but a bit of work to get to......

    Genny- I read about your neices husband's passing and sending love and hugs your way. Suicides and/or overdoses are so tough, everyone feels so guilty and I don't think anyone can really ever know what is going on with a person or how far things can go. It will be tough for the family and the young children and hope the love and support of friends and family can help them to move through this. Just so sad.

    Hsant- are you still doing your morning hikes?

    NM- congrats on the raise. You work hard girlfriend and do work not everyone can do. I so admire anyone who works for Hospice, many people I know many, including my mom got such excellent care, during their time of transition. What will you do to celebrate? Did Sadie get her swim in yet?

    Ncollett- I love the photos you posted. Rowing, young people, and more. Good to hear your seizures are getting under control. You seem like you are enjoying your summer!

    Mema Sue- anything new with Anorable?

    Gotta get to some to dos here today. This week will go fast, already Tuesday! How come weeks go quickly when you are working and every day feels like Monday when you are working?

    Have a good Tuesday ladies!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Hi ladies. It's been a little stressful the past couple of days with my dad. He didn't feel he could take his usual shower this evening with out help. My dad showers independently, so this came as a surprise to me. He was genuinely scared, and felt "things have changed" in the last day. It breaks my heart when I see this fear and self doubt in my dad. However, I know I can't validate his feelings of insecurity, so I told him that he's more than capable of showering on his own, and I would stay upstairs, but not in the bathroom while he showers. This may sound mean, but I know my dad, and I know he feels great when he accomplishes something that he feels he couldn't do.

    Operation shower was a success.

    Goldie, big yay to the lower numbers! Are you going to restart Xeloda?

    my mother never experienced pain from bone mets. Zometa was her only treatment for the first two or three years after she was diagnosed, before she went on the chemo circuit, but she was prescribed a very low dose of OxyContin. This didn't affect her energy or ability to work.

    How is your appetite?

    Jazzy, I'm hiking every morning, unless it's raining. It really clears my head and relieves stress.

    Congrats on a clean mammo and ultra sound! I just had my TMs checked, and the numbers are normal. This is the first time I was genuinely nervous. I think it's because I'm going into my second year after diagnosis.

    Cami, I'm not a great daughter. I was fortunate to have parents who lived their lives for their kids. I could never give to my dad what he has given to me. Hope you're staying cool! The humidity sucks!

    I love hearing about your,family dynamics, because you all obviously love each other very much. Joey for President 2036!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hsant- sorry to hear things are changing for your dad. Does he have one of those chairs in the shower so he can sit down if he needs to?

    Glad to hear your TM's are down. I will be four years out this fall, but will tell you ever follow up, I expect to be told something is not okay and then just breathe a sigh of relief when they say things are okay. The imaging is by far the worst part for me, but also worry what will come up with the MO visit. I was thinking today how life is so different when visiting the doctor now in the post BC world.

    Glad you are hiking. Tomorrow is the gym for me!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016

    Good morning girls, have to get ready for work but wanted to pop in. All is well here, the 2 days at Molly's were fabulous, like a vacation at her house. I'll post a pic for those that haven't seen her property. We swam and floated and drank and ate and played golf. Dogs were hung over all day yesterday, they can just run and run, Emma swims, Junior explores the woods and gets covered in burrs.

    hsant, as Lori said Molly is my bff, we have been friends since jr high. She and my DH are my rocks, don't know what I'd do without either of them. So sorry to hear about your dad and his fear. We spend our lives gaining our independence and it must be so scary to start losing it and have no control. I see so much of it in my job, good for you for talking him into showering by himself, I'm sure he felt better once he accomplished it. Do you have the BRCA gene? I got tested and do not but my mother did not have it and I did not know till then that it cannot skip generations. Told my DH about my MO change last night, I thought he'd have more questions about the distance since he doesn't understand about my wanting the TM's but he didn't say anything. He's of the just do what the doctor says mindset.

    Lori, I am soooo happy about the TM's coming down, you will continue RSO for the rest of the 90 days? When do you do TM's again?

    Jazzy, yay for neg results. so glad your getaway was nice and restorative.

    NM, yay for the raise, you deserve it!

    Hi Nancy, kids are cute as ever, congrats on the great rowing! What's up with the wedding, still on hold?

    Hi, Cami, so sorry you couldn't make it to the party, I know how you were looking forward to it. I'm voting for Joey in 2036, I can say, I knew him when.

    Hi Sue

    Can't address everyone, have to get ready for work now, golfing league after. Have a great day all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2016

    This is an arial view of Molly's, 4 acres with pond and house, and 3 acres of woods, a nice place to get away.