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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Apologies for being MIA yesterday, was up most of Monday night with the "D" as cammy calls it, was wiped out by the time the alarm went off, called in sick at work then, after a couple more rounds of running to the toidy I slept until 5:30 peeyem.Poor Sadie,I did fill the din-din dish in the ayem but I wasn't much company for her all day.Went to bed at 8 peeyem, got up with the alarm this ayem, feel fine, but need to get some fluids going, definitely a little on the dehydrated side this ayem.Not sure what triggered that go round, butglad it's over!

    Goldie--PAP test is for screening for cervical cancer, which is highly correlated with HPV infection and sexual activity (the more partners the higher the risk).Since I have neither risk factor, and am looking to get out of as much screening as possible (what you don't find you don't have to deal with, right?) I'm looking for excuses not to get it done.And, yes, I know, early discovery saves lives, etc, etc, but I just do not EVER want to have to go through cancer treatment hell again.Here's to you having great travels, and posting lots of pics for those of us who travel vicariously through you!

    LOL at the Car Seat for seniors and long distance drivers, and I would add Visiting Nurses!

    Cammy--I developed my own prayer style after years of hearing how important it is to pray and "pray ceaselessly" combined with all kinds of crazy formulae for prayers and high-falootin language.The two just do not go together in my head.I figure if I should be praying all the time, then I don't need to be using crazy language and nutty formulae.I just talk to God.The way I talk to anyone else.And Yes, I have occasionally used a swear word when talking to God.I figure He can handle it.Boy, sunglasses can be important! So sorry the D got in the way of your party.So not fair.

    Hsant--I can see you serving that dessert! Bet it would be fun. You can get a hyster without removing the ovaries, thus no early menopause.Too bad no one explained that to you years ago.

    Jazzy--praying for good results on scans and tests, and easy appointments!The spa sound so wonderful.And the sunset is gorgeous!

    Hsant--those Frozy Navels sound FANTASTIC!

    Cammy--sometimes it's the short names that are hardest to hear correctly on the phone, isn't it?

    Goldie--HOORAY for better TMs!The CEA is considered no change, those are so close.Nice solid decreases in the CA15-3 and CA27.27.GOOD FOR YOU!

    Jazzy--Another HOORAY for the good mammo and US!Ah, nothing like new beans to grind and brew in the ayems!I loves my coffee, too.I could give up the alcamahol if I had to, but never my coffee!Hmmm, seems a couple years ago someone mentioned in passing that we should get together on a cruise, and lo and behold, it happened!We did promise Dara that the next get together would be on land, I think a spa or hot springsvacay would be fantastic, and wouldn't mind the getting there part.Or a meet up and then I could add a hot springs or spa stay to the trip for a longer vacay for me.What kinds of things go on in Denver?Sadie hasn't gotten her swim in yet, but the weather is hot and humid, the work load is back more like normal, so I should be able to get home early enough in the afternoon/evening some day this week for us to go swimming after work.If not, then probably over the weekend.

    Hsant--So glad operation shower was successful.Does your Dad have a shower chair or bench he can use?That's a simple thing that can prolong someone's independent for a long time, not to mention increasing safety.Having someone in the house is a good idea too.Has your Dad looked into getting some home health services?He'd probably have to pay out of pocket, but a few hours a week of someone coming in to help with things like showersand such that he's in control of may give him some more confidence.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:(thanks hsant for covering yesterday!)

    image alt="">


    • 1 part Hornitos® Plata Tequila
    • 2 parts Ruby Red or Pink Grapefruit Juice
    • 1 part Simple Syrup
    • 2 parts Club Soda
    • (Optional) Fresh Rosemary Sprigs
    • Grapefruit or Lime Wedges


    Build in order over ice in a tall glass, stirring once before adding soda and once after. Garnish with a lime wedge or grapefruit wedge and a rosemary sprig (optional).
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good morning ladies- I am up and getting ready for another morning apt, this time back to the derm to have some skin tags removed. That should be my last visit there this year. Plan to get some errands done on the way back, a trip to the gym in, and then going later today to the mid week farmer market and meeting a friend there I have not seen in a good year. I love having space to do things I want and need to do this week!

    NM- I am really sorry to hear you were sick. It sounds like whatever it is, you got through it in 24 hours. Maybe picked something up from one of the patients? I know health care workers tend to have more immunity to bugs with working around sick folks, but we are human and have our problems too. I hope you are feeling a bit back to normal and able to get through your work day. I am sure Sadie was happy to just have you home that day.

    Cami- I was sorry to hear you were not feeling well either and had to stay away from that party. Stupid D. Is your work busy this week? When does Joey go back to school? I think he has another month or so. They go back here in a few weeks already. We have tax free weekend coming up in August and take advantage of that even without kiddos!

    Genny- there is nothing like spending the day with your BFF. Mine lives back east and have not seen her in a few years, but we write, talk, etc. and keep in touch on a regular basis. She and I have gone through everything together from loosing our parents, to weddings (hers), elder care issues, self employment challenges, health crises. Good or bad, she is there.

    And wow about that house and huge pond! I would have wanted to stay in that water all day long. I love the comment about the dog hangovers too. Sounds like everyone had a good time!

    Before I go, I wanted to show you my cute new cropped hairdo I got yesterday. I have been sporting a longer almost shoulder length layered cut this summer, but with the heat, the back of my neck is always soaked and hair not long enough to get a ponytail. So I told my stylist yesterday, off with the hair on my neck and came away with this cute short bob. Feels SO much better. A girl has to do what a girl has to do in this very hot summer.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Jazzy, so glad all went well at the docs. As for 10 years on AI's, I would have done it, if someone would have told me so. I was 6 months after I quit the AI's that I got the mets. I hope your week is going well. As for the anxiety, oh yeah! Your hair looks super cute.

    Hsant, I hope your dad will be ok, and good for you for sticking to your guns, cuz you knew he could do it alone. I will not be starting the Xeloda again just yet. I have labs again in 6 weeks, so I want to see what those show, with only doing the RSO. Cuz we know I can't do both! How long did your mom do the chemo before she passed? My appetite is coming back. Instead of eating a whole hamburger, I can only eat half. I made stuffed zucchini boats yesterday, so filled up on that! Glad your TM's are within range. I was never comfortable until I was off the AI's, so for 5 years. And it wasn't then until I actually would go a day without thinking about cancer.

    Mary, you can see an answer to your questions above, about the RSO. Glad you had such a good time at Molly's, but I knew you would. Molly's place is beautiful, and pond is pristine!

    NM, wow that was a strange "D" experience. Glad it didn't last. Ha ha, my travels aren't too exciting! Except when we go camping and riding, which is coming up this fall. HPV is only contracted if sexually active, isn't it? If so, I think I might pass. But they really aren't that big of deal. Just uncomfortable, being on the table and pap itself. Yes, I'm happy with the declining TM's. It's just such a shit to have to live your life 6 weeks at a time.

    Hi to all the other lounge lizards. Julie, how is your arm and your mum?

    Mary/Cami I will be traveling to Michigan, be there from Sept 13-24th.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    G'afternoon DahhhhhLinks

    Lowee - sounds like a pretty good harvest considering de animals and the weather…I love ur garden too. Glad you were able to keep ur ovaries, but not tyo be the bearer of bad news, those ovaries will quit working, usually about 10 yrs out from partial hysterectomy. Then I thought of my neice, they said it was cancer of the uterus n cervix. She had multiple tests, biopsies, etc., and when all was said and done it was in her bladder. Yeah, I get a little po'd, maybe had they found it early we wouldn't have lost her last year. OK, enuf. LOL on keeping us BEAST.

    I am sooooo tickled pink, doing da pink happy dance. I believe there are healing properties in the mj, glad u will keep taking it. (((Lowee))) LOVE the terlet seat for the car. GR8 news about ur Tms.

    Nancy - wonderful pics. Mese tinks Jackson and Samarah jes too cute. I picked you out too, before I saw the orange. So proud of you and what you accomplish everyday. And Congrats on the seizures calming down. And I agree with Lowee, Y do they want to wait to biopsy?

    NM - it's after 1p here n I was scanning ur post from the 25th (my bad) and u mentioned laundry….I forgot I put a load in, b right back. OK, where was I? That din din sounds good. My DH would love it especially the broccoli. Did I tell ya I love your prayers (talks). I say traditional catholic prayers most of the time, but sometimes I jes talk to HIM, feels more real for some reason. Thanks!!!

    Cami - Am so sad you missed the party cuz of the D. Joey is such a love, doing research, telling you all about it, oh and all the kisses too. He's a keeper.

    Hsant - I hate the transition from hot outside to 'cold' inside. I always take my light hoodie with me and the minute I enter the store, on it goes. My DD suffered for years with the fibroids, finally they grew together or joined forces or something and she ended up in surgery, had a 400gm fibroid removed. That was about 3 years ago, and 2 months ago was back in surgery to remove more fibroid. However the big ass cyst ruptured so doc was able to make 3 small cuts and suck all the blood and yuk out. She had a partial hyst prior to this but kept her ovaries. The docs told her that the fibroids will likely come back. But she is willing to take that chance and keep her ovaries. N I told they will likely give out soon and she'll be in full menopause. She not happy bout dat. Good for you about ur dad, and u are right, they do feel good that they did it themselves. Prayers for your dad.

    Jazz - sooo envious but glad you had a wonderful relaxing time at the hot springs.

    Will be sending positive energy for your 6 mo f/up and that everything is ALL CLEAR!! Sounds like your friend had a marvelous send off. Grief is important to healing, hope u take the time to do so sometimes. Just read that ur mammo n ultrasound went well, woohoo. I just love love love the hair. Am seeing my beautician on Monday, see if she can help me with a style that won't require attention everyday.

    Gotta run. Am making 2 quiches for dinner….well, will freeze one. Love the receipe….all ingreds in 1 bowl, pour into pie shells and bake….easy, peasy and so gooooood!!

    Lubslubslubslubs to all, and BIGHUGZ to those who can use one.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday Eve!Hot and humid here, even with the ceiling fan and a second fan I didn't sleep very well last night.Don't know why I didn't get up and turn on the room AC, that's what it's for after all.I suppose sinceI haven't had to use it for so long that I'm resistant to using it now.Silly me.Going to use it tonight if it's still muggy at bedtime.If not for me, for poor panting Sadie.

    Jazzy--so nice you have space and time to do things!Sounds like a wonderful week so far.I don't think I picked up anything from any of my patients, I think I had a little bout of diverticulitis.It happens every so often.I keep thinking there is something I am eating thattriggers it, but haven't figured out for sure what it is yet.BEAUTIFUL hair cut!

    Goldie--The "D" experience isn't strange for me, it happens from time to time, I'm thinking it's probably mild diverticulitis or something I'm eating from time to time.It's amazing howhorrible the gas and poo can smell during one of those attacks, though!The biggest reason I called in sick, besides being so tired, was that I was supposed to be in a meeting all morning, and still passing very stinky gas even though the D itself had tapered off.Did not want to expose any one else to that horror!HPV is sexually transmitted, and certain strains are associated with cervical cancer.There are a couple of vaccinations available now for the most dangerous strains of HPV available for prepubescent girls, it's created a bit of controversy.And it must be horrible to live your life 6 weeks at a time.

    Mema--crazy when you remember that you have laundry in the wash and forgot it--some of my laundry gets wash 2 or 3 times before it gets hung out!Thank goodness for the mildew and odor control properties of vinegar.Am I the only person who keeps a jug of vinegar in the laundry room as well as in the kitchen?Quiches are great fun to make, aren't they?And a great way to use up leftovers, too, especially when there isn't a whole serving of a few things.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    STAR DUST SHOTS 1 oz (30ml) Peach Schnapps 1 oz (30ml) Blue Curaçao 1 oz (30ml) Grenadine 1 oz (30ml) Pineapple Juice 1 oz (30ml) Sweet N Sour 1 oz (30ml) Citrus Vodka Shake with ice and strain Rim with @littlewaisted Bavarian Cream Sugar Glitter:


    1 oz (30ml) Peach Schnapps

    1 oz (30ml) Blue Curaçao

    1 oz (30ml) Grenadine

    1 oz (30ml) Pineapple Juice

    1 oz (30ml) Sweet N Sour

    1 oz (30ml) Citrus Vodka

    Shake with ice and strain Rim with @Little Waisted Bavarian Cream Sugar Glitter

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good morning friends- I am awake early, but fell asleep early too and feel rested. Today will be my 'at home' day and have the cleaning company coming this afternoon, and just have a bunch of things to do here with finances, filing, picking up to be ready for the Molly Maids (I call it the cleaning before the cleaning, lol).

    I had another good day yesterday and after my derm apt, took myself to breakfast on one on of my fav patio spots. Then I went to a few of my fav stores in the same area, place I have not been to in awhile. Just super fun and picked up a few gifts along the way for a birthday and other things. Okay, a few things for me too.

    I also met a friend of mine in the afternoon that I have not seen in awhile, and whom helped me SO MUCH with my surgeries back in 2012 when everything went down. We had not connected in a year, and after picking up a few fresh veggies, we opted to get out of the heat (101 yesterday afternoon) and go have an ice tea and have a good visit. I learned she is going to be a grand mother early next year with a daughter who was never expected to be able to have children after she was badly injured in a car accident 15 years ago. Miracles are everywhere!

    NM- only the diverticulitis stuff. I have the pockets but never been sick from it, or so I believe. My mother had it and she was warned not to eat nuts. My GI tract is tricky business most days too, and hope you can figure out what food may be a problem for you. Sounds like you are back into your groove. Tomorrow is Friday, do you work this weekend? Sadie told me to tell you she wants to go swimming.......

    Cami- I am watching old reruns again this morning and watching The Lucy Show! Love that Lucille and Vivian together!

    Going to do some early yoga practice on the patio and then get to my day. Wishing everyone a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Sue, when I moved out here and had to find new doc, they asked me why they didn't removemy ovaries and cervix. Said, that was stupid, not to remove those, due to cancer risks. Oh well, I am not the phucking surgeon!!! I think you should keep taking the RSO. They say a gram every day for 3 months, then a gram once a month. Can I have the quiche recipe please?

    NM, I can't sleep if it's too hot and the thing with me, I HAVE to be covered up. Living life 6 weeks at a time does suck, but the next med they want to put me on requires weekly blood work. Onc told me maybe I could go every 2 weeks. Oh boy! I have heard about the HPV vaccine. I use vinegar for lots of stuff. Yummy Star Dust shot and so pretty too.

    Jazzy, I would do like you and Sue and clean before the cleaning crew. Sounds like you had a great day yesterday and today won't be too bad either. Congrats to your friend on becoming a grandma. I hope the daughter is able to have a healthy pregnancy and baby when it comes.

    Just learned from my hygienist that one of the other girls in the office (she had BC previously) has just been diagnose with bone mets. She had been in a lot of pain and I guess just was ignoring it, she also quit her AI's like 2-3 into them. She was in surgery yesterday to have a pin put in her hip. Asking for prayers for RayLynn.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Goldie- I am sorry about RayLynn and hope she will have a quick recovery. Will keep her in my prayers.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Good morning, ladies. Not much going on yesterday. I had my hair cut and colored, and ran some errands. My dad didn't want to leave the house yesterday (big sigh), and nothing I said could get him to go to the gym and out into the world. It was quite the nasty fight, but he won.

    He promised he would go today, and if I get even an inkling of hesitation, I'm putting him in a nursing home. Just kidding. Thing is my dad loves to work out, but he has an intense fear of falling, and the fitness room is far from the front entrance. 98% of the time when my dad doesn't feel like he can "make it", I can get him to the gym. Not yesterday.

    Genny, gorgeous property! Where does your friend live? Your weekend sounds divine. The perfect getaway.

    It's wonderful that you have a great support system! Friends you've had for decades understand you better than anyone. You never have to explain yourself. They just get it.Your friendship with Molly is obviously special, and your husband sounds amazing!

    I don't have the brca gene. My mom tested negative in 2000, but it was recommended that I get tested last year. This is before I was diagnosed.

    I hope you like Dr. Price. Connecting with a doc is very personal, and what works for one person, may not work for another. I trust him implicitly.

    Jazzy, LOVE your hair cut! And the color is beautiful!

    Congratulations to you friend's daughter! What a blessing!

    Yesterday sounded like a lovely day. I love taking myself out for meals, and getting some good alone time.

    I agree about visiting the doc post diagnosis. It's just not the same.

    My dad does have a chair and bars in his shower.

    Native, I'm glad you're feeling better! I'm sure you needed the sleep. Do you think it was a 24 hour bug? I bet Sadie understood that her mama wasn't feeling well.

    Thanks for the info about the hyster. I probably wouldn't have done it anyway, because I have needle phobia (the irony of that comment is not lost on me). Kind of scary that my reputable GYN didn't bother to share that with me.

    My dad's bathroom is an occupational therapist's dream. A chair in a stall shower, with two bars on either side. Plus, the toilet is directly across from the shower, so it's about a step and 1/2 and he can sit down once he's out of the shower. He wears sandals with rubber soles and a good tread, so he won't slip. No area rugs.

    Love the Star Dust shots!

    Goldie, my mom was on the chemo train for about 3 or 4 years before she lost her will. Whatever treatment she was getting at that time was effective, but she just didn't want to do it anymore. She stopped eating, and once she started to refuse fluids, my dad told me it's time to come home. My father will say it was a combination of early onset of dementia, plus the fact that we lost my sister a year 1/2 prior. My mom understandably had a very difficult time with my sister's passing. There were still quite a few options left for my mother when she passed. She was only 71.

    I am very happy to hear that you're regaining your appetite! I know you were on Xeloda for well over a year, but it can wreck havoc on your esophagus and gi tract. I'm sure you know this. The combo with RSO I would think would be fairly unknown.

    Prayers and positive thoughts out to RayLynn!

    Mema, I'm so sorry about your niece. How old was she?

    I just did a conversion of 400 grams to Cm's, since this is how my fibroids are measured. 40 cm's! Holy shit! That's the size of three grapefruits! I remember you posting about your DD's surgery a couple of months ago. I didn't realize the cause was a ruptured fibroid. Oy! Poor girl! I remember you posting that she recovered fine. Wishing her continual good health.

    My new gyno in Cleveland said that cervical cancer is very slow growing, and it takes about 3 to five years for a tumor to form. Whatever. I still want my yearly paps. Maybe because they're just so much fun! Just kidding.

    I love quiche!

    Well, I've been writing this since fairly early this morning, and I'm now at the gym! Yee haw! It's a good day. Wishing everyone a happy Thursday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hsant-does your dad's work out place have a pool? A lot of older folks do water aerobics and the like for the concerns about falling. They often need help in and out of the pool, but the rest of it is easy. I do aqua zumba and it helps my achy AI joints.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Finally Good Morning Ldies.

    I hate missing days and yet I don't know where they go, And It's TGIF

    Lori if NM says yea about u tests then I really fee good about them. And BTW u ics of u'r grden canning never bores me, I love how u arrange everything and how good it looks and I don't see fresh veggies anymore, so feel free when u want to. Oh Sept that's not to far away.

    NM I'm so sorry u got D and totally understand th whole stanky thing, but glad it was over quickly. U'r immune system must be great tho, which is good, u'r exposed to so much.

    Jazzy I LOVE u'r hair, the color, the cut, if I had u'r kind of hair I would do that in a minute, it's beautiful. Glad u had some good time with u GF too.

    Oh SusieQ I like quiche's as long as it's easy, pleas give us the recipe, when u get a chance (I think it was u)

    Hsant the shower for u'r dad sounds exactly like it should be. But u do get at a point that falling is such a fear, that u avoid anything that might cause one. I have been lucky with every fall I've taken, but I can't help but think one time I won't be. And of course I member my dad's fear was sitting outside--being blind he could not stad that he couldn't see the bees or wasps and yet I never knew him to fear them at all. In fact when I was growing up he taught me how not to be afraid of them, so where that came from I'll never know.

    I just wrote a whole thing for Mary, where is it??? Anyway the home and land is just beautiful and the pic. has a perfect view. So lucky to have u'r DH and Molly helping u thru all this crap.

    Oh my D was bad yesterday I even thought of going to the ER, but of course I didn't--and yet I didn't miss a call, of course who knows what the hell I was talking about--my head sometimes gets spacy. Dan (my boss) said I never saw anyone put everything they have to say in one huge sentence. U'd think I never went to school. Well I get my point across. I'll tell u I am so aggravated that none of these Drs. know what to do with me. I've had so many over the yrs. It's starting to get to me bad. Oh well.

    Well Sandy must be having a wonderful time, it's so nice she cn go to so many places.

    DARA, DARA, where are u??? maybe she'll hear me.

    OK I'd better open up my work stuff, it's so busy now and when I get 2 calls at the same time I have no idea how to deal with that, so I just call them back.Yesterday after talking to me 2 eople said Oh I see, u'r just an answering service, I said o to the first one and then I said I just don't know anything. Oh how could I say that.? That'll put a 5 star rating up. In all fairness they do ask me technical questions. I can barey work this damn phone and ear plug thingy. OK I rambled enough.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Hsant, my mom has that fear of falling, but she is quite obese too. Mary is gonna try your doc? Wow, 3-4 years on chemo. I don't blame her for quitting. You just get to a point where you just don't want to play this game anymore. Which is why I am doing the MMJ. Gosh if I lived until I was 71, that would give me more than 10 more years! RSO and X SE's, are no longer unknown! But as we all know, just because that is what I experienced, doesn't mean that is what someone else will experience. I also had fibroids, they told me mine was the size a 3 month fetus.

    Cami no, Sept. is not that far away! And my mom is always like it's so far away. And I'm like, it will be here before ya know it! My mom says when she falls, it's always in slow motion. And she explains it as God laying her down gently. It' just unreal that they can't figure out your "D". Do you think it's meds? Nice DOTD.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhhhLinks

    I been reading a little bit of the posts and some of you want the recipe for the quiche…here it is.

    Pre-heat oven to 450o

    1 pie crust-lined pan I use 2 frozen deep dish pie crusts from the grocer, so you know I tend to overload on the ingredients. I DO NOT thaw the pie crust.

    1 ½ cp of milk

    3 eggs (can use part egg beaters)

    1 tsp Wocestershire sauce

    ½ tsp salt

    ½ cup of cheddar and monterey jack cheese (I love cheese so I increase to almost a cup of each)

    ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese (I use ½ cup)

    ½ cup of meat (optional) can just us ½ cup of vegs of your choice

    ½ cup chopped onion

    I also use spinach, 1 cup cut up and about 8 oz of fresh mushroom

    Saute the onion n mushroom, when almost done, turn heat down to simmer, add spinach and cover until steamed done. Cool completely and drain off the liquid.

    In a LARGE bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well. Pour into pie crust(s) and place on cookie sheet. Both pies don't fit on any of my cookie sheets, so I just place a sheet of foil on the oven rack.

    Cook at 450o for 15 mins, then turn down to 350o and continue to bake until all is set (eggs). If the top edges of the crust are browning too fast, cover with foil.

    Let stand for 5 mins before cutting.

    That's it….enjoy.

    Will be back soon…have a gym day. Prayers going out to RayLynn

    Lubslubs to ya all

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hi ladies- finished my follow ups today and all is well. Will write more about some tidbits from those visits today. I was up early today and tired so going to nap before I go to jazz tonight with one of my bffs.

    Cami- so sorry about the D being so bad. Are you a candidate for the fecal transplant?

    More this weekend!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2016

    Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Tis 4pm here. Have dinner on the stove, already made the salad, so good to go when dh gets home.

    In the quiche, it looks daunting, or might to some….but it's really all in one boawl and mixed then baked. I use ham or sausage in mine, a fav of dh, but u can put anything in there.

    Lowee - You did have that fibroid cyst removed, yes?

    Cami - da Cinnamon Dreamsicle sounds delish. I'd b a nut case if I had the D for so long. Don't blame you for feeling so helpless. (((Cami)))

    Hsant - bless you for thinking of my DD. The one that was 400gm was removed about 2 years ago. This last bout burst in her pelvic region so surgeon only need to make 3 tiny incisions to suck out all the blood and gunk. Sounds gross don't it?

    My niece was just shy of her 45th birthday. Such a shame. Had LOL about how much fun u think paps are.

    Well, don't know where the time went, but must sign off. DH be home soon. Plus I need another dwinkie - anyone???

    Have a fab weekend girls….LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!This is one Loungette that is VERY happy it's Saturday.Went in to work early yesterday to get some charting done cuz I knew Fri would be a busy one.Well, it was busy, as expected, with a twist.On top of the routine admissions we had scheduled we got referrals for 3 Emergency admissions. Emergency admissions mean someone is in the dying process or there is a symptom out of control and Hospice input is needed ASAP to support the family and get the patient comfortable.When these calls come in we scramble to rearrange visits already planned and get a nurse to the bedside as quickly as possible.Often we can be there within an hour. Yesterday afternoon I got a call, there was an Emergency admission at one of my nursing homes, so I rescheduled a couple of visits and went straight there, arrived about 2:30 peeyem.Find the social worker, who is all over me, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, I'm so glad you came so quickly!"Go to the nurses' station, getthe name of the person, and find out that there isn't any family visiting.No family will be able to get in until 5:15 peeyem.Patient is not actively dying.In fact, the patient is not eligible for Hospice cuz of getting skilled therapy.Back to the social worker--patient is being taken off skilled to allow for Hospice and better pain control.Back to the nurses' station, the nurse practitioner is in, fortunately one I know well and work with a lot, find out patient hasn't got good pain control cuz there are no orders for pain meds, get the pain med orders written.Call the family, couldn't get anyone to cover at work, will be in shortly after 5 peeyem, REALLY needs to talk about patient's care.Call the office to update and hopefully have the after hours nurse do this admission, and send my Social Worker back (she had been sent out to help with the admission, had been waiting for half an hour. After hours nurse already doing Emergency Admission #3.Social Worker reassigned to help with Emergency Admission #2, back in the town she left to come where I was.I try to catch up with the nursing home social worker, she's meeting with another family.I go out and do the visits I rescheduled, come back to the nursing home at 5: 20.Spent an hour and a half listening to the family expressing extreme displeasure at the poor care patient has been getting, how a complaint is being filed with the state, how the plan from the hospital got changed without the family being told or agreeing to the change.So I'm there until almost 8 peeyem getting the Hospice paperwork signed and doing the basic nursing stuff the patient needs to be comfortable (and should have been done that morning).And all of this is AFTER I've already done one scheduled admission.So now I have 2 full admissions to write up over the weekend, and am planning an epic temper tantrum in the office Monday morning.An EPIC tantrum.My Social Worker is going to sell tickets!

    Jazzy--how did you go about finding a cleaning company?Any tips on how to tell if a company or person is reputable?I really need to get some help with keeping up the housework.So wonderful for you friend becoming a Grandmother!No, not working this weekend officially, but do need to do a lot of charting.Swimming is on the agenda even if the housework doesn't get done.Or anything else, for that matter.Ah, yoga on the patio,I do some on the deck sometimes.Really need to do it more regularly.

    Goldie-- Iusually have to be covered up to sleep, too.Makes the room AC and all the fans a good investment!Praying for RayLynn.So not fair.

    Hsant--I feel so sorry for your poor Dad.It must be so hard living in fear like that.I wish there was something that could be done to help.Would he use a wheelchair between the front entrance to the work out room?He wouldn't fall then.And if he gets more work out time he may get more confidence.I don't think I caught a bug, I really think it was a mild diverticulitis, it happens every once in a while, usually doesn't last as long as this bout did, but I was tired from the long work schedule recently and had not been eating as well as usual, had gotten so tired I actually ate from McDonald and Wendy's a couple of times, and I know those foods are not very good quality, but they were quick and convenient at the time.Sadie does take good care of me when I don't feel good, though.As long as her din-din dish gets filled at least once a day. Wow, sounds like big fibroids. You don't still have them, do you?

    Cammy-I do have a pretty healthy immune system, even if it did let me down about the bc, and I am grateful for that.I rarely get sick, and it's usually minor stuff like colds when I do, if I pay attention and don't try to push through it too much.I keep reminding myself I have to take care of myself for Sadie's sake.I wonder what would have happened if I told the office yesterday that I couldn't work late cuz I had to go home and take care of Sadie?Hmm, another point for the Monday ayem tantrum.

    I want a Cinnamon Dreasicle!Thanks for covering, Cammy!

    Mema--Great quiche recipe, thanks for sharing!

    Jazzy--Hooray for "all is well" on the follow ups!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Basil Limoncello Lemonade


    4 ounces Limoncello

    1 small lemon juiced plus a few more slices for garnish
    5 tbsp agave
    2 tbsp hot water
    1 handful fresh basil torn up plus some small basil stalks for garnish
    Ice cubes
    4 cups cold fizzy water

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good morning friends- I am through my 6 month follow ups and all is well. Got some good info from both my MO and BS yesterday that went like this.

    I saw the MO first, a three pronged visit that included blood work, the office visit, and then my bi-annual Prolia shot. They were going to try to do a new genetics test called the Breast Index test that shows the risk vs. benefit of doing the AIs for longer than the 5 years. My IDC tumor was super small so there was not enough sample to do it. The end of my 5 years on the drugs will be March of 2018 or about 17 more months to go and we will discuss it more then. Things change all the time with the research so we will see what the recommendations are at that point. The other main outcome of my visit with him is a referral to an endocrinologist to help me with weight loss. That is going to be my goal now is to focus on loosing the extra pounds which we discussed does increase the re-occurrence risk.

    Oh and I asked him about the booze question, as the original recommendation I have been following is from another MO that said stick to 2-3 max per week. He says he does not think it makes that much difference with the estrogen increase, but the weight issues do so my focus is in the right place. I still plan to keep the drinking to a minimum, but perhaps during times I am on vacation and want a bit more, won't worry about it so much?

    Second apt was with the BS and that went very well. She and I are doing much better together and had some good conversations. She said that I don't need to see her again until next July. I will still be seeing the MO in Jan and also have my six month imaging done, but that will be one less apt for next summer. That one was a big surprise!

    In between all this, the moving company called to schedule my new patio furniture delivery for later today. What a day!

    Want to write more later today to respond to a couple things you ladies have been talking about, but for now, wanted to let you know this girl is done with her follow ups!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2016

    Good Sat. Morning Ladies.

    NM OMG what a day u had, and it' sounds so confusing, jeez u must have gone home exhausted, emotionally too. So glad u have Sadie, cuz I know the relaxing feeling our furbabies can give us, after they eat. Now u have the paperwork too, Oh I'd be going crazy on Monday morning. All u'r DOTD'S are looking so so good.

    SusyQ thank u so much for the recipe at first I thought oooo but after reading it, it's really not so bad to make and sounds yummy.

    Oh I've had so many Dr.s to treat me and I asked for a transplant but they really do that for Cdiff, which my sister had and almost got, but her meds actually got it under control. And I had this before all these meds were ever taken. Again I tell u gals the most of how I feel, cuz my sister and cousin get so worried, that's why I pour it out to u and I don't like Joey going all OMG on me--so again Thank you. Sometimes I get so down about it physically and emotionally if I was a crier, believe me I'd be in tears a lot. For some reason I just don't Oh well.

    It's a little cooler today, but still warm and we need the A/C on--boy who's making money this summer?

    Wow there is so much violence in Chicago it's so scary, heat always brings out more. I've alwys said round up all the gangs and put them in the service (without guns for a while) and let them get their frustration out on really bad people, I know sounds stupid..

    Oops my phone.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    NM- what a tough time you had this week. You are entitled to your epic tantrum. I call it "blowing a gasket" and my current healthcare org makes me crazy with stuff that makes me want to do the same. Ugh, you will need to have some conversations on Monday for sure. Hopefully you and Miss Sadie can have some nice time together this weekend. I like that you do yoga on your porch!

    You asked about a cleaning company and how I found one. Actually, my sister got it for me when I went through my surgeries in 2012 and could not do much for awhile. She called Molly Maids, which is a national chain, and they were coming weekly during the worst of my problems. They do a good job, there has been some minor breakage but nothing of value and they paid for it quickly. They are insured and bonded which means if thing get broken or are missing (never had this happen), they will address it. I keep my valuable jewelry out of sight when they are here and am in the house when they come to clean. I went from weekly to bi-weekly, and now just have them come in to do a deep cleaning once a month and am able to keep up with the rest. Molly Maid and most other services only do mon-fri hours, and they will do it for you if you cannot be home, but will require a key to your home (in my city, I will never do this).

    The other option you can do, which is usually cheaper, is to find someone who does it freelance for extra money. Many folks do it as a second job here around something else, but the downside is they usually are not insured and if things get broken or are missing, then you are out of luck. I have friends who use individuals and some have good luck with using individuals they trust and others have had problems. If the person decides to not do it anymore, then you have to start over finding someone.

    I might suggest you ask some folks at your work or in your other communities where you live if they have cleaning help? Then you can get the best referrals from your friends to interview them for when they work, cost, etc. For busy working folks, a company you can depend on may be your best option.

    There is another national chain called Merry Maids too?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016

    Sue, I think you and I like the same sort of foods! Thanks for the recipe. YES, the cist was removed, hence the hysterectomy.

    Well NM, what a day at work! Holy the cow! Can't wait to hear about the tantrum. Can you try that website, it's Angie's something or other, maybe Angie's List? Where consumers review businesses. To find yourself a cleaning company. Oh wow, that Basil Lemonade looks awesomely yummy.

    Jazzy glad that your follow ups all went well. Such a relief.

    Cami, I feel the same way about coming here. There are things I share here and only here. Certainly can't blame you for not wanting to share too much with Joey.

    Jazzy, I think I would have to be in my house when someone was cleaning, to keep an eye on them and to make sure they do things to my standards. Good idea to ask around, if other peeps are using a cleaning service.

    Had a nice day to myself yesterday, hit a flea market, ran into and old neighbor at Wal Mart. She was telling me how she was in the hospital for a couple of weeks, I ask why. She says they THOUHT I had colon cancer, went in for surgery, they remove half of her colon, only to find out it was diverticulitis!!!! I ask her who her surgeon was. It was the same one that operated on me, that came in and asked me right before surgery if I wanted a lumpectomy or MX.

    The "D" has returned and I'm having trouble eating again. WTF is going on?? I don't feel sick, I just am not hungry and no appetite. Haven't eaten in two days. Gonna have to try and get something down today. After reading the ingredients in those protein drinks, I will not do anymore of those. I guess try and push the water and try to get as much protein as I can. And I was feeling so good yesterday morning, when I took off for the day.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2016


    For you Boss Lady

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Good morning friends- happy Funday Sunday, as NM says. We had a wicked t-storm last night that had the winds up to crazy speeds, sheets of rain, hail, and very dangerous lightening around. This was our second night of violent t-storms, and although the rain is so needed, it was a bit scary both evenings. On Friday, I was at the zoo waiting for the jazz concert when that one started up and was huddled under the awning to the entrance with many others. The storms here have been coming up fast and can catch a person! I have to check today to see how much rain we got in the last few days, mother nature seems to be making up for the dry monsoon season so far.

    Goldie- that story about the woman having half her intestines taken out is scary. I know they are always looking for cancer first, but she could have easily have been treated with medication for diverticulitis. That surgeon sounds like a walking malpractice case.

    I am sorry you are having problems keeping things in. Have you tried Imodium to stop things or is it beyond that at this point? I hope you feel better friends. In the heat, loosing that much water can be dangerous to you with dehydration. Drink lots of water. Hugs sister and wishing you better days. You and Cami with the D.

    My new patio furniture was delivered yesterday and so happy with it!


    I head back into the fray tomorrow and will go on to the client e-mail and start getting myself up to speed on the week I missed. Gotta get back to making money after buying this expensive patio set!

    Wishing everyone a good day and a great week!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Finally got all the charting done yesterday, and a decent amount of laundry.Was thinking about loading Sadie into the car to go to the town landing when the big ol black clouds moved in, so I sat down for a few minutes to see if they would blow over, and fell asleep in the recliner.So, Today is going to be Take Sadie to the Lake day, unless it's actively thundering.Right now it's just cloudy.Cloudy is ok.

    Jazzy--Hooray forgood reports!Funny how the research can change the recommended treatment during the term of the initial treatment.Probably best to set one goal, then re-evaluate the evidence available then and make another decision.And getting cut back with the BS is good news!AND new patio furniture!YEAH!

    Cammy--I'm actually looking forward to putting on a bit of a show on Monday morning.And I plan to enjoy every minute of it.Gotta give the ticket buyers a good show!I still pray someone can figure out the D and fix it.You've dealt with it long enough!

    Jazzy--thanks for the Molly Maid info, and the bonded/insured thought.Giving someone a key to the house would be problematic, since I don't have any keys to lock the doors with in the first place!But I can replace a doorknob on one of the doors and use that, I suppose.O did have a woman coming in, she was a neighbor, starting up a new home business, but she started bringing her teenage son with her and he and the dog I had at the time did not get along, so we parted ways.I like the idea of a company better, but will check around locally, too.

    Goldie--Aha, Angie's List, hadn't thought about that!Thanks for another option!Being here when the cleaning person/people is/are here isn't an option for me with my work schedule.So dependability is important.Breakage isn't a big concern, Sadie is pretty rambunctious so I don't have many fragile things that are easily knocked over or bumped into.And I'm not too worried about standards, mine aren't high enough to get it done now, so anything will be an improvement!Hope you feel better, or your bowels settle down and behave soon.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Sparkling Tarragon Gin Lemonade


    Servings: 6
    • 10 large sprigs tarragon
    • 2 lemons, thinly sliced
    • 2 tablespoons sugar
    • 3/4 cup gin
    • 3/4 cup St-Germain (elderflower liqueur)
    • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
    • 1 12-ounce can club soda


    • Muddle tarragon sprigs, lemon slices, and sugar in a large pitcher. Add gin, St-Germain, lemon juice, and club soda. Add ice and stir to combine. Serve over ice.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2016

    Woops, Jazzy, bumped you into the pool!

    That is a gorgeous patio set!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    NM- my sister has a wonderful person who cleans their house and has also been a sort of personal assistant to them when they both needed help. Sometimes in the past, her person has had to bring her small children with her, and like your friend with the son, these are sometimes the complications of using a person vs. a company. I don't have pets, but it makes one think about someone coming in to the house without you there and a dog or something else that cannot deal with it. Anyways, the company approach works for me and perhaps there is also a local company that is not a national chain that you could consider. What I like about my arrangement is being able to reduce or increase the frequency of cleanings if needed.

    I am glad to hear Miss Sadie is going for a swim today! Hope the clouds stay away so you two can go have some fun together! Take pics please! Sadie sounds like the best companion ever.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2016

    Good afternoon ladies.I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Mine had been pretty good until I saw what appears to be mouse droppings on the kitchen floor (yuck!) this morning. I'll purchase some traps at the hardware store today. I have a critter phobia (including, but not limited to mice, rats, raccoons, possum and roaches), so I'll have my uncle set the traps and deep six the dead body or bodies (shudder).

    Native, can you take vacation time anytime soon? You need it! Friday sounds like a nightmare.

    How is that patient doing now?

    I hope you're getting a little R and R with Sadie. And I hope you and Sadie could make it to the lake. Would love to see pics!

    I love that limencello cocktail. The hubs and I drink wine and cocktails out of mason jars at home. I think they're pretty and they don't break easily like wine glasses.

    My dad had caregivers for 4 months April, 2015 until August for up to 12 hours a day when I was home in LA. He went from someone who shaved, showered and dressed independently to someone who was receiving sponge baths, had someone shaving him and helping him get dressed. He went from someone who went to the gym and grocery shopped every day to someone who would only leave his bedroom for meals. Refused to leave the house. I don't blame the caregivers. They're paid to do what the patient asks, but what pissed me off is that they wouldn't listen to me. They thought they knew my father better than me. He felt he was mentally and physically incapacitated, and his confidence was shot, his exact words. Wheel chairs are available at his gym, but it doesn't build his confidence. It just enables and validates his feelings of insecurities. It took me a month to get my father back to where he was after coming back to Cleveland.

    Goldie, my mother had very few physical side effects from all of her chemo treatments, even taxotere (taxol?). My point is there are so many treatments out there now, and you can live a long life, with good quality when you have metastatic cancer in this day and age. I know you know this.

    You may want to consider seeing a gastroenterologist. My sister ended up in the hospital, because she couldn't keep food down and became extremely dehydrated, weak and was in intense pain.Her MO at UCLA medical center and her MO at the Cleveland Clinic told her to "get comfortable", implying that this was the end. She was checked out by a gastroenterologist when she was in the hospital and the cause of her pain and illness was a yeast infection on her esophagus, which was caused by Xeloda. Easily treatable.The same thing happened with my mother two years later a few months after she started Xeloda. Mo said it was cancer, but it was esophagitis candida. I know this isn't your experience, and you're not feeling sick, but maybe the combination of RSO and Xeloda has done something funky to your GI tract?

    There's an organic protein drink called Orgain. If you don't have a Whole Foods near you, you can order it online. The only reason I don't purchase this for my dad is because the caloric count is significantly less than Ensure Plus.

    Your mom sounds like she has an anxiety disorder, like my father. They have fears that get in the way of a good quality of life. It can look like they're lazy, but their fears feel real to them. BTW, this is not related to cognitive impairment. I know you've said you're mom is sharp as nails, and my father's short term memory is better than mine.

    Beautiful garden!

    Jazzy, The gym has both an outdoor and indoor pool. My mother loved aqua aerobics. It's not my father's thing. He works out on a treadmill or recumbent bike for 30 minutes. He used to work out his arms with 10 pound weights, but has stopped doing this. Fortunately, he doesn't have arthritis, and doesn't experience joint or muscle pain.

    Your furniture is beautiful, and looks so lovely on your patio. You have your own little haven in your back yard!

    Congrats on finishing up on all your follow ups! I just read about the breast index test. I was prescribed Tamoxifen for 10 years, which will be changed to an AI once I'm officially in menopause. The reason for my 10 year prescription is there have been studies that show ER positive bc has an elevated recurrence rate between 5 and ten years post diagnosis.

    We had scattered thunderstorms over the weekend. I hate the sound of thunder, so I put in ear plugs.

    Mema, I love your quiche recipe, saved it in my recipe file. Thank you for posting it!

    Cami, I'm terrified of wasps and bees. If I were blind I know that would exasperate my fear.

    I'm sorry that you had an especially bad bout of the big D. I hope it hasn't reared its ugly head today, and you get some relief.

    The cinnamon Dreamsicle looks delish!

    I'm off to get some mouse traps. It's a glamorous life, but someone's gotta live it.

    Happy Sunday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited July 2016

    Hsant- I think no one can understand what a loved one needs better than family. My mother was in assisted living the last 8 years of her life and got good care, but we had to keep on top of them. They do what they are asked to do, that is about it. I am glad you were able to help your dad back to a better quality of life.

    There has always been the five year mark, but know far more women here who have had it come back after that.

    Well, I went on and read my client e-mails from last week and nothing earth shaking. Got an invoice to get typed up and submitted for tomorrow and will get a head start on a status report I did not finish before I left (usually do it the following monday) so I will get a few billable hours today.

    Rumor has it more storms coming.....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!I'm going to make things interesting at the office this ayem, and I'm betting some of my co-workers will join in. I've also got the whole thing written up and will be e-mailing it to administration.I'm rather looking forward to creating a ruckus and seeing how far it goes.

    Jazzy--Sadie is miffed at me cuz the swimming didn't happen.Thunder was rumbling off and on all afternoon, and I don't like to go swimming in the thunder.I will try to get some pics when we do make it, maybe after work tonight, depending on what happens and what time I get home.I didn't mind the cleaning lady bringing her son so much, it was his fear of dogs that was a problem for me.I didn't want to shut that dog outside all day when it had be going fine with the cleaning lady putting the dog outside while she was here and letting her back in when she was done.But that is one of the complications of using an individual rather than a company.Sadie is crate trained, so that whole issue is easier, but still an element to consider.

    Hsant--Friday was a crazy day, and the patient and family were comfortable when I got done.Notes from the weekend look like things are going ok.I'll find out for sure today.Mousie poopies?Yikes!Not fun.There can be a lot of problems between caregivers and family members sometimes.It can get very frustrating to deal with.It must be so hard for you to keep him at his best functioning.Good luck getting rid of the mousies.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Mouse Trap

    2 oz vodka

    3 oz 7-Up® soda

    1 1/2 oz triple sec

    1 1/2 oz grenadine syrup

    2 oz orange juice

    Shake vodka, triple sec and orange juice with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass and add 7-up (do not shake, stir). Layer the drink w/ grenadine on top.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good morning friends- well it is back to work day at the client site. Fortunately, no big meetings today and my client is out today (also thursday and friday this week). She is getting the last of her days away before school starts here. I will have a long day as my drum class is tonight and we finish on thursday this week too. Into the fray we go again, but with a better attitude.

    NM- sorry you were not able to get out yesterday to let Sadie swim. I am highly respectful of thunder, even more so of lightening. I have learned since living here that lightening can strike from well over a mile away and have seen horizontal lightening here. So even if Sadie is a bit miffed, she will be grateful you kept her safe.

    Wishing you luck at work today and the conversations you need to have.

    Hoping that you all have a good start to the week and the month of August!