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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    LOL NM on the name of the DOTD. Oh I wish u could video u'r day today. Whatever happens it should go all u'r way. And personnally only if I knew someone would I want them in my house, member I wach way to many crime shows. And If I stayed at home I would probably have a hamer in my hannd--my trust in people has really gone down.

    Jazzy u'r patio set is so pretty and the chairs actually look comfortable, which mean everyone will stay longer. My dad was in a nursing home the last yr. of his life and my BIL never missed a morning giving him breakfast and of course his shot of Annisette, he took care of my dad like he was his own and we poped in a lot so all in all we think he did get good care, well plus we used to bring things for the staff. And my dad never complained so he really was easy to care for.

    Hsan MICE??? Oh that freaks me out, nothing belongs in a house that should be outside ever. I'm not an outside person really. When I lived in my condo I put all fake flowers around (they really looked good) cuz I didn't want bees there. U know it sounds like u have done wonders for u'r dad, I have to ask were u always close to him growing up?

    Lori u had the same surgeon??? Holy chit. That poor woman, how could such a big mistake happen. U'r D and appetite problem must e from something u'r tking. Oh what a thing to put up with. I drink lots of protein Propel and I like the flavors, of course it's not 100% but it does hel and this is the newer one now, has more electrolytes in it. I don't need weight but u do so maybe u should have something more too. Is that u'r garden? It looks huge, I don't remember it being that big before.

    I should get paid today, so I hope to go to Walgreens and get a bunch of my over the counter meds and personal stuff which costs a lot damn D, It's only about 4 blocks from us, wel it's probably about 4 blocks away from anyone on the corner of Happy and Healthy, so I made my list, then I get a gift card so I can order off the computer my fav. thing to do of course. Now I have to see when he remembers to pay me, we go thru this all the time, e really has no idea of time, unless it's a regular job. And I remind him. U really have to know him to understand.

    Our rains here have been torrential inches in no time and flooding all over the place. Some lady actually got hit by lightening but she's OK, her shoulder and her blouse were all burnt and these storms just come like crazy. I know I have more to say, but my memory is raspy this morning. Have a good day and NM go get em'


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Cami- have fun at Walgreens. I get my scripts there too and a whole lot of other stuff.

    Wow, that is quite a photo!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Jazzy, love the patio set. I get dibs on the swivel! I do have some Imodium, I am just not a medicine person and will avoid what I can. No rain here at all, just all around us.

    Hsant, I hope you get that little critter and hopefully it's only one. I had one not too long ago, I was shocked. It was like how in the heck did he get in here??? Sad that those care givers caused your dad to decline. And yes, my mother is sharp as a tack. I'm sure the Xeloda has messed with my stomach. Every time I would take them, it just felt like I was putting all of these chemicals in my body, that's just eating me away. I am certain it was the Xeloda and RSO that caused the "war". Thanks for the link on the protein drink.

    Jazzy, I'm one of those that the rat bastard reared its ugly head again after 5 years. I encourage you all to do at least 10 years and don't quit follow ups until 10 years.

    NM, I am just cracking up at you wanting to create a ruckus. Can't wait to hear all about it. Just hoping you still have your job afterwards! Sorry that Sadie didn't get to go swimming.

    Boss Lady, yes that is my garden. As for my appetite, I think it's just all that crap working its way out of my system. And I don't need to gain any weight either. I'm good with the loss, so far it's perfect. I thought Propel was a vitamin drink, but it's protein?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Morning DahhhhhLinks

    DS and his gf came over early yesterday. We spent 2 hours trying to get the UI 14lies done. The state unemployment peeps changed their website and it not as easy as the previous one. Anyway, DS will call this morning and straighten it out hopefully. Had a nice dinner last night with a few friends. We had to leave early cuz another storm was coming in. So 2 nites in a row, thunder, lightning, and lots of rain. Got appointment to get my hair done in about 40 mins, so don't have much time.

    NM - I used CARE when I found someone for Dara. My current cleaners I met at dog park and came to find out she is the mother of a very good friend. Think I have used her for at least a year now. She doesn't charge much and does a decent job, comes every 3rd Monday. I like it, helps a lot. Good Luck!

    Jazz - sounds like a really good day with the medical peeps. Your patio furniture is beautiful.

    Cami - Big HUGZ!!!

    Lowee - U r welcome for the recipe. I stayed in the house when my cleaning peeps 1st started, then after awhile I trusted them so I'd go to store or dog park. Anyway, no problems at all. Sorry about ur D and loss of appetite….I can remember when I lost mine, I forced myself to eat a few bites of anything, hung with the soups, ramen noodles, fruit etc. Now my appetite is back, am eating ½ portions, but that is all my body wants, cuz I fill up fast. Still losing wt tho, been 144 the few times I weighed last week. I'm praying it stops soon…(((Lowee)))

    Oh I wish to address all of you, but my time is up, gotta run.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Sloooowly de-jet-lagging as I type this. I didn’t bring a laptop (not even the MBAir) this trip, just an iPhone & iPad, so I didn’t check in here while in Italy. Typing on the iPad is slow and infuriating--especially Auto-Incorrect. You can find out where I went and what I saw on the “Lumpectomy Lounge” and “CrazyTown” threads, and where & what I ate over at “What’s For Dinner?”

    The heat & rain here while I was away made most of my tomatoes ripen and the basil threatening to escape its planter, so my housekeeper gave the ripest ones away to the neighbors. One of them is going to Italy himself in a few days, so he’s having his brother check his garden and bring us zucchini & cukes. Almost the first thing I did after getting home (despite a possibly broken foot--see the CT & LL threads) was pick the ripening tomatoes still on the vine to protect them from squirrels (who got 5 of ‘em while we were away) and slice up the very ripest ones (before they rot) to make a salad.

    As for drinking while in Italy, lots of Vermentino (white, from Tuscany & Sardinia), brut Spumante (Metodo Classico) and Sangiovese & Pinot Grigio--the latter two freely poured in the hotel’s Exec. Lounge--in Rome. In Tuscany, local Vermentino, Verdicchio and rosé of Sangiovese at dinner; we also visited the La Spinetta winery in the village of Casanova (between Selvatelle--where our condo was--and Terricioli, aka “Citta da Vino,” or “town of wine”). We had a formal tasting of several of their wines: brut and sweet Spumantes, Vermentino, plain Sangiovese, Chianti (regular, Classico and Riserva) and some “super-Tuscans” (which use mostly Bordeaux varietals, which are not native to the region, so they used to have to be called uncertified “vino da tavola,” or table wine--despite some of them, like Sassicaia, costing way more than 100 euros a bottle. Nowadays there’s even an official “Super Tuscan” DOC designation). Bob was horrified that I tasted and poured out wines--he accused me of “wasting” them. I told him that’s the only way to ensure you can even tell what you’re drinking after a while, and that in France they actually spit after swirling and taking a small swallow, not just pour out the remainder of the glass. Besides, guess who had to drive back to the condo afterwards? So I let him happily pickle his liver while I exercised whatever moderation was possible under the circumstances. The tasting was accompanied by a platter of various salumi (prosciutto, salami Toscana and mortadella), cheeses, bread and local olive oil. We bought a mixed case (including two magnums) for shipping home--we didn’t want to schlep a rolling box around airports (and they’d have charged us more as an extra bag on the Pisa-Rome leg in the little turboprop puddlejumper--not to mention forking over duty at O’Hare--than shipping ended costing us). Because of that, the owner waived the tasting charge (that platter was an entire lunch!) and sent us home with a gift of a bottle of 2011 La Spinetta Casanova Chianti Riserva that we opened to drink with the steak I grilled last night. Our last night in Tuscany, we ate at an enoteca and drank a 2009 local Sangiovese-Cabernet Franc blend (with rabbit cacciatore and tagliatelle with wild boar ragu). For dessert, cantuccini (cookies) dipped in sweet Vin Santo. Our Fri. night dinner in Rome at Glass Hosteria (incredible) also included a Metodo Classico brut and a 2008 Benanti Etna Rosso. Sat. aft. we had Prosecco with our spaghetti alla vongole (clams) and with the tuna-artichoke cheeseless pizza we drank a local (Lazio, Rome’s province) very dry rosé. On our flights we drank Prosecco and Sangiovese.

    And of course, there were the ubiquitous after-dinner shots of ice-cold sweet limoncello, usually with the waiter or chef slamming them back with us. (Yes, we brought some home). Many restaurants “roll their own” from grappa or vodka, simple syrup & lemon juice. Sadly, I’m gonna have to teetotal for awhile--not just because of any recurrence risk but because of all the freakin’ calories....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    OK I just lost my post, WTF did I hit.

    Sandy I welcomed u home and it sounded to me like a great time--Are there any pics--I love pics. It always gives me a better idea.

    I have my own cleaning crew, except for my messy room--actually it's just not big enough otherwise it wouldn't be so bad.

    OK I have to tell u about my day--but first Lori the propel just has electrolytes in it and vitamins and it's the newer water from them, that's all., but I'm so thristy all the time so I drink quite a bit. Anyway i had a huge blowout from my d today and I had to take a shower and Thank God Leslie heped with everything. But then I came i my room and just passed out, my body was so weak, apparently my phone rang (since it in my ear, I must have heard it) and I took the call--Oh boy. I have no memory of this--but later when I was looking something up I saw there was a call (which was already read) from a chubby checkster (name) then I went on to read a messge that no one would or could do to a wall, possibly to another human, but not a wall. I know it happened cuz I did have a phone # there---I got that right and it was in my phone.I did call the guys and explained, they thought it was me being silly, and they would check it out tomorree and figure it out. That was a first even for me. This damn D. One thing tho since we have the wooden floors it's better than the carpeting which I stained like crazy, now Les just quick cleans it. (I know again TMI) but u gals have heard and seen it all.

    DARA, DARA, DARA just thought I'd try.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!I think the world is conspiring against me.My work tablet died yesterday, needs to be reset by the IT folks.So I call, wait time is 36 minutes, leave my number, wait an hour and a half, no call back, place an online ticket, wait another hour and a half, give up and go out and do my visits taking notes on paper so I can get them put inthe computer, eventually.When does IT call back?After 4 peeyem, while I am out of cell phone range.So, this ayem, I get to go into the office and start over since they close the ticket after one phone call.Arrgh!I keep telling myself it could be worse.And I did have an absolutely lovely tantrum yesterday.And followed it up with a very long and detailed e-mail.I suggest 2 changes:when a call comes in for an "Emergency" referral, that we get 3 pieces of information:the patient's name, location and the name and number of the Power of Attorney/Next of Kin. Yes, we get referrals and go out to admit without knowing the name of the patient.Second, someone from our agency contacts the POA/NOK and makes an appointment for the admission.That will stop this whole nonsense of showing up for an "Emergency" admission and the family not being there or not knowing we are coming, or coming when the family doesn't want us until the next day.I did get a little push back from admin on this, too many variables in the way referrals come in to have a process that applies to all referrals (really? Like Medicare doesn't already require this?)I, however, have decided to adopt a new process.When I get a call about a referral, my first question is almost always what's the patient's name? Cuz I tag all the info to a person's name in my mind.If I get the "we don't have a name yet" answer, I'm going to give the "then we don't have a referral, nothing to talk about" answer.Maybe that will help, too.

    Jazzy--back to the fray with abetter attitude is an improvement!Hope it holds for you.Sadie is nervous about thunder so she wasn't really so miffed about not going swimming.But it's still on the to do list.

    Cammy--I suppose I'm more trusting than I should be sometimes.Not so worried about my stuff, but I am concerned about how having someone coming in will affect Sadie's life.We need some rain here, too, but we need it to come over some time, not inches all at once!Talk about getting washed away!

    Cammy--you feisty little old lady, you!

    Goldie--I still have my job, at least for now.Turns out I'm not the only one who has met with admin and pointed out this issue.So are you doing the RSO right now and not the FU pills?

    Mema--I'll donate some body weight if you need it.I've got about 100 pounds to spare!

    Chi--Good for you for not taking a laptopwith you!I like to get entirely away from the computer stuff when on vacation, makes it feel more like a break from regular life.And coming home to garden fresh tomatoes, yummy!Broken foot?Wow, what were you doing when that happened?Sounds like you had a great time, so glad you enjoyed yourself!

    Cammy--Wow, what an adventure!And a mystery phone call toboot!What a world you live in.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    August Moon

    1 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur

    1 oz vodka

    1 splash Bailey's® Irish cream

    5 - 6 oz Coca-Cola®

    1 oz amaretto almond liqueur

    1 oz triple sec

    1 oz orange juice

    Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with a few ice cubes. Shake well, strain into an old-fashioned glass, and serve.

  • Angtee15
    Angtee15 Member Posts: 72
    edited August 2016

    Morning ladies! All these cocktail recipes look so good. I've lurked here before but never posted.

    I have a question. I was given the green light to enjoy a drink or two but am experiencing considerable foot swelling after doing so. I didn't have this problem pre cancer, didn't drink during chemo, and have had a couple drinks here and there in the last month. I have an oncology appointment this morning.

    Anyway wondering if this happens to anyone else!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    LDB, 144 is where I'm at now. Yesterday I ate the most I've eaten in quite some time. Still having D, so guess I gonna have to resort to the Imodium. Going to a family reunion in VA and if I have the "urge", we are out in the boonies. The only thing nearby is anouthouse. And what if someone is in there???


    Sandy, sounds likea very nice trip. What did you do to your foot?

    Cami, glad that I don't have carpet either! Right there with ya boss lady.

    NM, I hope you are pleased with your Monday rant! We need rain here too, bad. But like you said, not all at once. Correct, I am doing RSO only. DH found out that I don't have to take it as long as originally thought.

    Hi and welcome Ang. I have not had that problem so I don't have an answer for you. However, I can call for a Tender to bring you a drink!

    Leaving tomorrow for Phoenix, fly out Thursday. Let me tell ya, this reunion is your old time blue grass festival type reunion.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    Welcome Ang, hmmm u swell just when u have a drink" Wht are u drinking usually? One of our nurses will know so check back and stay with us.

    NM everything u figure out sounds so logical, I'm surprised they don't jump right on it. U always try to encompass all angles with u'r patients for their own good. How could anyone not see that?

    I just got a call about someone coming here to discuss my insurance with medicare--WTF I've never had this happen, is she trying to sell me something???

    OK I'm trying to work right now but Lori u'r leaving again? Just feel good and be safe.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Morning DahhhhhLinks

    We didn't get any rain last night, woo hoo, we could use it but it soaks the dog park, lots of muddy areas, I don't like mese pooches to get in de mud. Petty I kno, but what the hey. Had a fab workout yest, am just kinda sore this morning. My winkled legs are looking a little better, my sagging upper arms need more work as not responding as well as my legs, o listen to me….chit will shutup.

    Sandy - Your trip sounds like you had a maauuvy time. Thanks so much for sharing with us, some of us travel with you in our minds. LOL about your dh getting dwunk n u having to be his driver. Really nice that the owner waived the tasting charge and then sending you out with a bottle of wine. What is an enoteca? And what the heck did ya do to your foot?

    Cami - u poor thing, and then barely remembering the call and no one taking u serious. Yes, good thing for the flooring, much easier to clean than carpet. Hope you get to feeling better soonliest.

    NM - Ohhh I would have thrown a tantrum too. I hate the, "leave your name, etc and I'll call you back by the end of business day" yeah right. I always have to call back the next day and it's like no one knows what I'm talking about. I hope the 'no name, no referral' helps. Thanks for the weight offer, but I like my weight where it is now, cept for all the saggy skin. I used to weigh 145 when I was in my 20-30's and was addicted to working out. Hoping to get the flab to muscle soon. I am going to Cancun over Thanksgiving and don't want my wrinkly skin to go with me. Your August Moon sounds like something I would enjoy…woohoo, tits UP.

    Angtee - I drank during chemo and still do, never had any swelling, might ask ur onco this morning. Good Luck, and come and visit with us whenever you can.

    Lowee - LOL cuz yest I ate the most I've eaten in a long time, a whole entire sandwich…my dh was surprised and thrilled. Loved the pic of ur garden, much better angle. Leaving again??? Good for you and I will pray no one is in the outhouse when u need it. Stay safe and give urself and dh a hug from me.

    Gotta go get my mac salad started, gonna have it with ribs tonight, mmmm.

    DARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, where are you??

    Where has Julie been, DW again?


    OOOPPPS, I pushed Cami into da pewl…it was an assident, weely!

  • lola12
    lola12 Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2016

    Hi All,

    I want to try all of these drinks! Since I started taking Femara, I get a headache every time I drink. I tried to take advil, and claritan prior to drinking, but it does not help. Anyone else experience this? Any solutions?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Hi newbees- question about swelling with drinking. I noticed that I have weird swelling sometimes since starting the AI meds 3.5 years ago. I put on ten pounds right away and when I went off them for a month because of having a hard time adjusting, I immediately lost 10 pounds. So the AIs can cause fluid retention and think things like heat, booze, etc. can make us swell too. I agree with others here, ask your MO about it to see what they think?

    Getting through re-entry at work. Yesterday was hard, today a bit better. I also got contacted today by a healthcare start up here (software company) that wants to talk to me about a position in their company. Kind of interesting! Not sure I would give up lucrative consulting for that world as they often expect a lot of hours for not great pay, but stock options when they go IPO. But it is always good to go talk to anyone who is interested in you and there could also be consulting opps there. Waiting to hear about an apt with them soon!

    NM- tantrum sounded perfect, sorry about the tablet going though. You and Sadie will be swimming soon, I am sure of it.

    Cami- oh that darned D. You can share here, we understand. And the person coming to talk about Medicare, my guess is someone is trying to sell you on the supplimental part of it that is not covered. Part B I think? Part D is for medication. Do you have supplimental coverages or just the primary?

    ChiSandy- wowza, all those yummy drinks and foods. Sounds like you had a good time. Good for you for limiting technology while on a grand trip to Italy. So many people I know are going to Italy this summer, I wish I were going too! Hope you get settled in from the travel and the time change.

    Goldie- sorry about the D and the worries about travel and outhouses back east. Nothing worse than having GI troubles and not having a dependable place to go. Will keep you in my prayers for safe travels and immodium to kick in. That stuff really works. Hope to hear about your trip when you are back!

    A friend came to take my old patio set away today and you would have thought I gave her a million bucks. I have been thinking a lot about the familiar and how we stop appreciating things with time. The old set was a handmedown from some friends when I built my house and did not have extra dough to buy a patio set. So grateful for that gift. My friend is a newer homeowner and in the same situation, given her some other things too I no longer needed.

    I had breakfast on my new set this morning. Just love it!

    MemaSue, Hsant, ncollett, Dara, and everyone else, hoping your week is going okay.

    Okay, some things to do and to bed early tonight. Long few days getting back into the groove. Plus the prolia shot did not have me feeling optimal. Better days a comin!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    “Enoteca" literally means “place containing wine." (“-teca" is analogous to the French “-theque," as in “bibliotheque" for “library" and “discotheque" for "recorded-music dance club"). Its practical meaning is a "wine shop." Most of them also have wine bars and/or restaurants.

    I never had swelling with letrozole when I drank before this trip. But I did have wine every day, with lunch & dinner, while in Italy and on my transatlantic flights, so that may have been a precipitating factor in the swelling. What did I do to my foot (or feet)? Short answer: I overused it, compared to prior exercise levels. I got a bone bruise atop my R foot and a heel spur on the bottom. (At least it wasn't a fracture after all). Long answer: my usual Fitbit step level is 3000-5000 steps/day, but on this trip I had three 10,000-step days (including one that was almost 15,000)--and throughout my trip, the daytime temps were in the 90s (nearly 100 the day I hit 15,000 steps, the first 2/3 of them being in the Forum). Much if not most of my walking was on uneven pavement--cobblestones and in the Forum, also large paving boulders. There were a lot of near-ankle-sprains, and I wore thick cork-soled orthopedic sandals (Clarks, Alegria) or orthopedic (Vionic) loafers. In retrospect, I should have worn sneakers, as I did on my cruise last Dec.; but they practically scream “American tourist." And the last thing I wanted to do (especially in the current geopolitical climate) was call attention to ourselves as such--we left all our logo t-shirts home for that reason. I wore dresses and fashionable pants & tops (well, as “fashionable" as a pasty-pale obese woman can be in southern Europe) and my comfortable cushioned sneakers would have simply clashed horribly. I couldn't imagine going into a nice restaurant (at least in Rome, for dinner) wearing them. Even Bob felt awkward wearing his New Balances, and they're plain gray. My sneakers are huge, thick-soled and neon turquoise-and-lime-green. Almost every Italian I saw, including our tour guides, was wearing normal sandals, with thinner soles than mine. Perhaps their feet (and their sense of balance) were inured to conditions.

    My primary's NP saw me today, took blood to determine kidney & liver enzymes (she pretty much ruled out heart failure) and ordered bilateral foot X-rays to rule out fracture and confirm her suspicion of a heel spur. She also put me on Lasix to shed some of the weight gain she is certain is water retention (gee thanks, Letrozole) rather than fat.

    So it was the combination of Letrozole, a sudden dramatic increase in walking on inhospitable surfaces while obese, extreme summer heat, drinking more wine than at home (in fact, exponentially more--2-4 glasses a day, compared to 2 or 3 glasses a week here in Chicago), and sodium hidden in restaurant foods--especially salumi & cheeses that caused my foot and leg edema (and the heel spur is a classic “overuse injury" most commonly seen in weekend-warriors). And, of course, a 10-hour flight home, after committing all these excesses.

    But did I have fun? Hell, yeah. Only hope the Lasix turns things around.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Gonna be a long day, I think, coming up, and still have lots of charting to ketchup on after the tablet wiped itself Monday.So, time to buckle down and spend lots and lots of time working hard.Sigh.I'll get caught up eventually.As long as I don't get thrown any curve balls today. . .

    Angtee15--Glad you pooped in!I've heard of people getting swollen feet after drinking, don't know why it happens.Be interesting to see what the Onc has to say about it.What's your drink of choice?

    Goldie--have a great time at the reunion!Praying the D stays away!

    Cammy--I thought it was pretty logical.Now to see what happens with it.The person coming to talk about Medicare may be trying to sell you something.I recommend that you do not sign anything.Tell her to leave whatever she wants you to sign and you will go over it and think about it. If she pressures you or says you have to sign right then you'll know it's some kind of scam.

    Mema--Muddy doggies are a bit of a handful, aren't they?Yeah, the whole leave your number, expected call back in 36 minutes, wait all day thing does NOT work for me.Hope that problem is done with for quite a while.You and Cammy heading for the swim up bar?

    Lola12--getting a headache when you drink is not fun!Have you tried drinking extra water--like a glass of water before having a drink and in between drinks and maybe even afterwards? Drinking can cause dehydration that can cause headaches.

    Jazzy--breakfast on the new patio set sounds lovely!I bet you enjoyed every minute..It is funny how we stop seeing the familiar stuff around us sometimes.

    Chi--Oh my, you really did have a good time and move around a LOT!No wonder your feet hurt and your legs are swollen.Don't worry, though, a couple doses of lasix usually fixes that kind of problem quite promptly.Just stay near the bathroom for the next couple days!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:



    • 50ml. Smirnoff® Espresso Flavoured Vodka
    • 50ml. Cream
    • 50ml. Freshly Brewed Coffee
    • 1tbsp Brown Sugar
    • 1sprinkle(s) Chocolate Powder

    How to make

    1. Fill a shaker with ice.
      Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
    2. Add Smirnoff Espresso, cream, coffee and brown sugar to the shaker.
      Using a jigger, measure 50ml Smirnoff Espresso, 50ml cream, 50ml freshly brewed coffee and 1 tablespoon brown sugar into the shaker.
    3. Shake until cold.
      Shake the mixture until the surface of the cocktail shaker feels chilled.
    4. Strain into a coffee cup.
      Use a cocktail strainer to strain the mixture into a coffee cup.
    5. Garnish with chocolate powder.
      Sprinkle chocolate powder over the top of the drink to garnish.
  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Good morning ladies, and happy Wednesday. Well, we had one casualty yesterday morning, and all is right in my world again. Mr. Mousey is hopefully enjoying a big wheel of cheese in rodent heaven. Another trap was set, and I really hope there was only one mouse.

    My dad took a spill on Monday. Thank God he's ok, and is only experiencing a little neck and shoulder soreness, but it was scary. My dad is so cautious, and doesn't typically fall.

    Goldie, I truly hope that the big D devil doesn't rear his ugly head. It's bad enough when this happens in the comfort of your own home. The reunion sounds like it'll be a blast. Have fun and safe travels!

    Native, good for you for raising a little hell! I would think something as basic as someone's name would be a requirement to have before you arrive at the patient's home. I would think It would make the experience more personal for the family and patient if the hospice team knew the patient's name and next of kin before arriving.

    I hope you have an easy breezy day, and can get caught up on your paperwork. I assume that IT fixed your tablet?

    Thanks for the Mouse Trap cocktail! It would take about four of those in order to get me to deal with a real trap that contains a mouse (blech).

    Jazzy,the job opportunity does sound interesting! It must be flattering when a company contacts you. You obviously have a good reputation and impressive resume for that to happen.

    Your previous furniture is lovely, so it's not surprising that your friend was appreciative of your kind gift. When I rented my first apartment with out room mates when I was 23, a co worker sold me her gorgeous brass bed frame for 50 bucks. She bought it at a New England B&B that was going out of business, and could've received a lot more than $50 for it. I still have it and it's in our guest bedroom.

    Cami, yes, I was always close to my dad. I was really lucky to have great parents and an amazing sister.

    What happened with the person who wanted to pay a home visit to discuss insurance? That does seem unusual.

    Crazy that someone was hit by lightening! I'm glad she's ok. I really don't like being out when there's a thunderstorm.

    Oy. I'm so sorry about your big D attack! It must've have been really bad if you passed out from weakness. I'm glad Leslie was there to take care of things. That's what kids are for. You were obviously a great mom when your kids were growing up. Your children want to pay it back to you.

    It sounds like you're drinking a lot of electrolyte and vitamin filled drinks, which is obviously good. I'm a fan of wood or tiled floors over carpeting. Keeping floors clean is a lot easier and sanitary. I remember in the 70's carpeting being popular in a the kitchen and bathroom.

    Mema, I don't blame you for not wanting the rain cuz of the mess it will make on your dogs. What a pain that would be for you.

    Chi, sounds like a wonderful vacay. Exercising discipline for me when I'm on vacation has always been a problem, so kudos to you! I would most likely be on team Bob with respect to not wasting the wine if I were in that position. I don't think I've ever emptied wine in one of those buckets (let alone spit it out) when we've been on wine tasting weekends.

    Angtee, what did your MO say? Water retention is common with drinking, because you can get dehydrated. I notice that my rings fit a little tighter the morning after one or two glasses of wine. Welcome!

    Lola, I take Tamoxifen, and haven't had any side effects with respect to drinking. When you say you get a headache, do you mean the next morning or a couple of hours after having a cocktail?

    I have a couple of friends who started to experience migraines the morning after having as little as one glass of wine. This came out of the blue.


    So, just checked, and the trap is still intact, hopefully, there was only one critter in the house.

    Wishing everyone a happy Wednesday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Cami yes, I'm leaving again. TN and VA, get home from there, and then to MI shortly after, and of course we will want to get some camping in. Oh, and at some point we are going to Kaibab UT for their Old West Days. I think I'd find out more about what that person is coming over for. Please don't let anyone in if no one else is home.

    LDB, I didn't know we could work wrinkles out of our skin. Go you! LOL on a whole sandwhich. We too funny!

    Hey Lola, hi, welcome, cheers and all that good stuff.

    Jazzy, more hours and not so great pay….nahhhh. My trip is nothing too exciting, just seeing family. So nice to hand down the old patio set.

    Sandy, glad your foot seems to be ok, and if you can't do sandals then you just can't. Good luck on the water retention and your labs. One of my biggest problems about going away is eating out. I like to eat my own cooking.

    Hsant, almost bumbed you into the pool. Yay for mousey, nay for your dad falling. Glad he is ok. Don't ever remember carpet in kitchen or bathroom, in fact I'm certain we didn't.

    Gots to get moving….chEeRS!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    Lori is off and running---I just hope u rest if u feel like u should, but I do know u take good care of u'rself and I'm happy about that.

    Jazzy I'm sure who u gave u'r patio set was thrilled, cuz again it had to be in great shape, cuz that's the way u are. And how woud u realy like not working independently? It's been a while, I would think it would be a hard transition, but u know what's best for u'r future.

    Oh I figured out this is scammy about selling more ins. (to late tho) I have medicare or caid plus for working for the state I have the coverage that med. doesn't take. So I guess I'm in a decent place for someone who is so not a thinker or planner. I really don't now what i was thinking. Honestly my brain is dry sometimes.

    Welcome Lola, I always get headaches when I drink anything that is cheaper, if I drink the good stuff I don't. So whatever that means.

    Sandy u'r poor foot, but u sure walked an awful lot, OMG that's like 2 workouts a day. Well u did have a good time tho, which u and u'r DH deserve.

    SusyQ that pewl felt good, anytime. It's been hot here and not nice hot, just miserable. And it's true when going out when we can't sit near the bathroom we don't take the table, one time I went in the men's room the ladies was full--u gotta do what u gotta do. LOL Just once tho.

    Hsant I'm glad u'r dad is all right with that fall. It's such a worry, one time when my mom fell (and she was a small woman) it was so hard ro help her up, I guided my dad to where she was and he picked her up, I couldn't do it, Thank god he really kept his strength til the end, cuz when he would fall he's get himself up. OOOO I hate those little critters, they're so small but they don't belong there, just keep the trap there anyway.

    I keep going back and forth with these phone cals today, no wonder it takes me forever to write one post.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Got my labs back--all normal (glucose is 98, the high end of normal--but it was postprandial, not fasting). So the edema was due to physical stresses and too much dietary sodium in Italy, rather than my heart, liver or kidneys. Lasix is kicking in, I'm down to 197 this morning (7 lbs. in 48 hrs), and the swelling is way down. (Still need to wear ugly cushy sneakers for awhile--and may take my NP up on her recommendation I see a podiatrist for orthotics (or, heaven forbid, surgery to remove the heel spur--I already have cataract and trigger-thumb surgeries in the pipeline, and I really don't want to add any more).

    You want a bigger wine-wasting horror story? My very first trip to Europe, in 1990, was a food-and-wine tour with a North Shore wine merchant. There were supposed to be 20 of us on a bus, but people kept dropping out for personal or medical reasons until it was down to 3 of us--the merchant, his sales trainee, and me--in a Mercedes, getting our meals and lodging comped most of the time. (Bob said it was okay with him if the merchant's 8-mos.-preggers wife was also okay with it. He says it was my consolation prize after 4 unsuccessful attempts to give Gordy a sibling). Our third day (last day in Germany) featured a vertical tasting of a celebrated Rheingau riesling, from barrel samples all the way back to a rich and yummy 1976. The sales trainee kept swallowing every pour, and by the time we got to the '76, not only couldn't he tell what he was tasting, but we had to help him walk back to the car. He was still hung over the next morning for his flight home from Frankfurt while the merchant & I continued into France.

    Our first stop in France was based in Beaune, for a couple of days' Burgundy tastings in the southern Côtes de Beaune (whites and lighter reds) and then the northern Côtes de Nuits (the famous big blockbuster reds). Last stop on the second day was Méo-Camuzet, with up-and-coming “boy wonder" winemaker Jean Méo, and a couple of negociants. We went into the cellar and directly tasted barrel sample after barrel sample (siphoned directly with a large glass bulbless-turkey-baster-sized pipette, from the barrel into our waiting glasses). Méo deliberately didn't tell us what we were tasting till the end. Everyone swirled, sniffed, slurped and swallowed only a tiny bit, spitting out and pouring out the rest into a spittoon. The last one was amazingly delicious, achingly yummy, and yet everyone was spitting, so I did too. When we were told what it was, I was shocked: “I spat out a RICHEBOURG???!!!" ($400+ per bottle, from the Domaine de Romanée-Conti). Everyone laughed, and the wine merchant said, “Now you can tell everyone you're so wealthy you can afford to spit out a $400 wine!" But later in the trip, after a couple days in Bordeaux (Medoc, Pomerol & St. Emilion), we finished up in Sauternes, at none other than the legendary Chateâu d'Yquem. The elderly cellar-master took us through, explaining the process in as elementary French as he could muster (he spoke no English). But there were no barrels to sample--the stuff is too damn expensive to waste. (Some go for as much as $600/bottle, even higher in great years--the grapes stay on the vine till they ooze sugar--ideally, afflicted with the botrytis fungus, or “noble rot"-- and are picked not just cluster-by cluster but one-by-one, with the pickers going over each vine at least twice a day, often having to swat away the hovering bees). At the end, he opened a half-bottle of the '85 (a lesser vintage, since it wasn't botrytised, but still honeyed and delicious). You'd better believe the three of us gladly drained the whole thing, saluting and making ever more ridiculous toasts with every pour as we grew loopier and loopier. Then we slept it off in the parking lot for three hours before daring to hit the Autoroute to Paris.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday eve!Well, I got thrown a curve ball at work yesterday--my tablet wiped itself out AGAIN.So another hour and a bit on the phone with the IT folks getting the tablet set back up, and I had data from Wednesday's work that's been lost, so now I have 2 days of ketchup stuff to do.Sigh.There goesa lot of my weekend time this weekend.Sigh.

    Hsant--One mousey gone, hopefully no more around!Glad your Dad isn't more than sore, must have been scary for all of you.The "emergency" referrals where don't even have a name take place in nursing homes.Before we go into someone's home we have to have made contact with the patient or a family member, so we have the info we need before the visit.It's only in nursing homes that we have the kind of problems I pitched a fit about.IT did fix my tablet the other day, but I had a full day of work and no time to work on the backlogged stuff.Now I have even more backlogged!Not fun!

    Goldie--You are always on the go!Visiting family can be fun.Enjoy!

    Cammie--as long as you know the thing is a scam and you don't sign anything, maybe the lady coming will be entertaining, at least.

    Chi--Hooray for normal labs!Glad the lasix is working.7 pounds in 2 days is a lot of water!Oh, my, that poor trainee!Oh my goodness, spitting out a $400 wine? What a story!I can just picture the bunch of you sleeping in the cars in the parking lot afterwards.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Mouse Brains


    1/2 oz. Schnapps

    1/2 oz. Baileys Irish Cream

    3 drop(s) Grenadine


    Chill the schnapps and warm the Bailey's Irish Cream. Pour both into a rocks glass and you will form the brain. Pour in the grenadine to be the blood. The grenadine should stick to the 'brain'.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Hi girls, sorry to be so absent and this is just a quick pop in before work. I will catch up this weekend. Last Sunday did an impromptu trip to the Lake Erie Islands, then spent the night in PC and went and watched Nora for the day. Just havent had time for computer. Golfing too. Anyhoo, hasen't rained here in 2 months, grass is all brown, so hot and dry. So, I'll see ya all later when I can read and ketchup. Have a good Thursday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    NM- quick thought for you on the tablet. If you have any type of usb port or the like on your tablet, stick that in at the end of the day to save your current work file. It usually takes no time to do and that way, you won't have to depend on IT for old backups.

    Definately use a secured thumb drive where you need a password etc. because of PHI.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Good morning ladies. Not a cloud in the sky right now, but we're supposed to get some rain and thunder later in the afternoon. I had an especially nice hike this morning. I saw a family of deer, and a wild turkey. So far, no more mice!

    Native, Nooooo!!!!! Not again?! What a pain! This must be so frustrating for you! It's one thing after another for you lately. You can't catch a break. I hope you can take some time and relax with Sadie, maybe go to the lake? Is it possible to do some of your work outside, so at least you can be outdoors for a while?

    Cami, my dad is around 128 lbs and about 5'7", and it was pretty difficult getting him up off the ground. My father is extremely protective of me, so he didn't want me to hurt myself. He wanted his brother, who's 83 years old, and has a heart condition to help him, which I nixed immediately.

    How are you feeling? I hope the big D is under control today, and your not getting too many calls at work.

    Genny, it sounds like you had a lovely weekend. When I was a kid, we spent many weekends on Put-In-Bay. I bet you had a great time with Nora. She is such a little cutie! It rained on the east side a couple of days ago. No rain in your area for two weeks? People are talking about the drought in Ohio, but compared to the lack of rain I experience in southern CA, we've still had more rain this summer than CA has had in the past 5 five years.

    Goldie, I try to avoid the pool. Don't want to get my hair wet.:)

    Chi, once again, I don't spit. I swallow.:) Great story!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Good morning ladies, I have about 20 minutes until I have to get out with Junior and then ready for work. Tried to skim back and catch bits and pieces but will have more time this weekend. Emma is off to Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital with DH so she has to conserve her energy.

    hsant, so sorry to hear about your dad's fall, thank goodness nothing was broken. Seems like at least one person a day falls where I work, the aides are not allowed to get them up in case of possible injuries so they have to call the squad each time. The residents know this so they come down to get their hair done and tell me stories about falling in their apartments and scooting around and finding furniture to help and spending 20 minutes getting themselves up. They are so afraid of being taken to the hospital if they push their fall button. They come and have me look at their backs and heads for bruises. Anyway, hope your dad isn't too sore today and is feeling up to the gym. Except for one 10 minute shower a few weeks ago, we have had no rain for 2 MONTHS! I've never seen it this dry, every time it rains the lake seems to blow it south of us. I went to Put-in-Bay last weekend for the first time in about 10 years, we usually go to Kelleys. Have you been there? It's my favorite, going with DH and the dogs in a few weeks. We rented a house for 3 days, then 2 weeks after that going with my gf's for 2 nights.

    Lori, hoping we can get together again, what days will you be in Michigan? I wonder why you're getting D? Is it a SE of RSO? Have you tried eating bananas and yogurt? That's always helped me when I've gotten it.

    Well girls my 20 minutes are up, I'll get back tonight or tomorrow to truly catch up. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Genny, my dad is feeling fine, and is back at the gym. It's scary that some of the residents where you work won't push their fall button. I get why, but still.

    I have never been to Kelleys Island. I have friends who go there, and love it. It sounds like you have some nice vacation time planned with your DH, and your girlfriends!

    It's so interesting how the weather can vary between the west side and side of the city. There has definitely been rain in the last two months. Not a lot, but some.

    Well, I was scheduled to go home next week for my husband's birthday, and I cancelled my flight. I just can't leave my dad. Had a lovely argument with the hubs about this last night. It was fun! I'm kidding. It was pretty miserable. DH was ok this morning when I spoke to him. I really am lucky to be married to him. He's coming out to visit in September.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Friday!

    The Brugal Mule Cocktail


    • 3 oz. ginger beer
    • 1/2 oz. lime juice
    • 2 oz. dark rum


    1. Pour ginger beer in a glass filled with ice. Add lime juice.
    2. Top with dark rum and garnish with a lime wedge.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sandy I was crackin' up at u'r story, so cute, but that's why I said the better the wine the better u fee. even if u end up in a car.

    Mary so glad u were with Anorable, that's always fun. And u do sound busy, so come back when u can and catch up with what u'r doing;

    Hsan that's what I meant, like u'r dad is a small man but getting up is so difficult. And I agree with Mary too I never want to call the emergency, I crawl and then get help and sometimes it takes a while to get the movement back. Oh we have had the rain, more storms last nite and a lot of rain, it must be just issibg Mary, cuz it seems to be in our path.

    NM U have been having so much crazy stuff with u'r puter lately. All the work, beside all the work. TGIF but I hope u are home this weekend.

    These days are flying by and I don't like this. I'm sure work has something to do with that-Still plenty of A/C calls and by the tie I get them all organized it's in the afternoon, but I'm slow don't forget.

    NM must be busy this morning or running late. Leslie and Marty are both working tomorrow so Joey and I are organizing cleaning the house--Oy--so we'll see/


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Hsant I was just going to check for the DOTD, but i see u;r on it. I'm so sorry about u'r arguement, but I think u'r DH is amazingly wonderful, and Sept. now really isn't so far awaySillyHeart

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good morning friends- back to work this week with Prolia shot SEs in tow made for an extra special good time. My client was gone most of the week again (I would say this summer she has been out of the office anywhere from 4-5 weeks in total). Part of me says this is summer vacation time, but also feel she is checked out based on conversations when she is there. She seems unhappy and tell myself, don't be surprised if she is interviewing and looking to make a change. I have been in that place myself before and know the signs. We will find out if my contract will be extended through year end next week. I have made the decision I will do that through year end to try to finish this project, but won't stay any longer than year end. Better things on the horizon for me in 2017! Doing what is best for me!

    I finished my steel drum class last night and we had a great time. Turns out one of the women in my class is the sister of someone I know from a previous job here, and who is also a musician type. Small world stuff. I had a couple friends come and take pics and do videos. We plan to continue on later this fall when our teacher is back from fall travel. In Sept, I will be working with him to get my own tenor pan (yay!)

    Chi- I hope you are feeling more settled from your travels to Italy. I have a funny/not funny story to tell about my last trip to Italy in 2009 on a yoga retreat to Tuscany, and a woman who was high on Ambien the whole time. We would go into little towns for hours in the afternoon (Sienna, Voltare, etc.) and she would always get lost and found herself in some Italian meat shop at the end buying this huge chunk of some kind of Italian meat. We all asked her 'how you gonna get that home?' Would have been smarter to have them ship it, but no instead she hid it under her clothing and lied to customs. We heard later they almost missed the flight as a result. Those people don't like to be lied too. Crazy cold cut lady.

    Hsant- I am sorry about your dads fall but he sounds okay. My mom used to fall a lot, and sometimes when I was with her. She fell one time and hurt herself and refused to go to the doctor. I had to fly to the east coast to take her to the doctor and she had a hairline fracture. Got her set up with some care and PT. Falls are scary for older people (and I worry about them too with my creaky bones).

    Glad your DH will be coming next month and hopefully can make up for the August birthday with a nice dinner somewhere.

    Goldie- sometimes when people approach me about FT jobs, I used it as an opportunity to have a conversation about how I can help them on a consulting basis or in the interim until they find the right FT person. Being invited to talk to folks in the past about FT job opps and always accept the invite. I have not been contacted yet by that fellow since the original outreach on Tuesday, but will wait to see if something happens. My guess is he is doing this with a few in the area. I won't take anything that is less than. My work I do now is not always easy in self employment world, but I do well with my current work financially. I got contacted by someone else yesterday but it is for travel work and not that girl anymore.

    Cami- is your D better end of the week? You busy with work? And what is Joey up to this summer?

    NM- thinking of you catching up on your i-Pad and hoping you and Sadie can take a break for some fun.

    Gotta get to some work and a project call with my team in a few hours. Wishing you all a good day and a nice weekend!