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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Whoa, Jazzy--and I thought I was being a super-badass smuggler by bringing home some cryovac-sealed Jamon Iberico from Barcelona last Dec.! If only it were possible to bring home some of that insanely wonderful house-made mortadella we were given as samples at that butcher shop in Terricioli! Wish we'd gotten the chance to get lost in Siena or Volterra--Siena was too far for us to take up a whole one of our 3 days in Tuscany; for Volterra, every one of the parking lots (even the underground garage) surrounding the walled town was chock-full!

    You've had Prolia shots and mentioned SEs--it it then six-of-one/half-a-dozen-of-the-other when it comes to Prolia vs. Zometa? Zometa wouldn't cost me a penny (Medicare Part B and my supplement cover it 100% as a “treatment)" while Prolia would cost me $5K/shot because Medicare considers it just a “drug" under Part D, and Part D carriers are free to set up their own formularies--which includes what tiers to assign and even which drugs to exclude.

    Yesterday the wines we ordered at LaSpinetta in Tuscany arrived. Bob was spending the night down in Oak Lawn because today was an early-morning echo-reading day, and I'm teetotaling so long as I'm on Lasix; so I haven't even opened the boxes. We still have half a dozen bottles to pick up from B'way Cellars as well.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Chi- if you ever get a chance to go to Sienna or Volterra, very much worth the trip! We stumbled into some great jazz in Sienna after a fabulous shopping experience there. Just love anything about that area. I think I would love to go back, but want to return to France next. Just not right now.

    I have been taking the Prolia shot for a couple years now. I saw your post on the Prolia thread about not being able to get it approved through Medicare. I have private insurance, initially approved through BSBC and then through another locale healthcare org this year. What I know about Prolia that makes it more ideal for us as bc patients is that the same drug is used for bone mets in patients. Plus, add to that this more recent study that says it helps keep reoccurrence down. I talked to my MO about it the time before last and he said the studies are early, but the evidence is there. He was the one who suggested Prolia if my bone health went south. So maybe your provider needs to appeal the denial on this to get it approved? I know many who get Zometa to help with bone health too.

    Looks like monsoonal moisture is about to move in here again here this afternoon. I think my possible plans to do outdoor music tonight are out the door, but was not fixed on it. I have a concert on Tuesday outdoors though to see Michael McDonald and Bozz Scaggs and hope it won't be a bad weather night. A bit of rain is not a problem but the lightening is what we worry about!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Thanks, Jazzy. DaraB has Aetna for her Medicare Part D, and it covers her Prolia (it’s a Tier 4 drug for which she has to pay 1/3, but it beats going fully out-of-pocket). Acc. to my MO, Zometa is just as good to prevent bone mets--but she also admits that papers presented at the next ASCO conference might say Prolia is superior. But she also says she’s having more and more problems with prior auths and appeals with a variety of carriers. So it might be futile to switch plans--and any formulary info they release in Oct., when I’d apply, might be different come Jan. 1, when the switch would take effect.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! This gal is very glad the weekend is here, even if she does have hours and hours of computer work to do.At least the work won't be piling up while I'm scrambling to keep up with the visits.And I get to take breaks and play with Sadie in between writing notes.Now to stop feeling sorry for myself and get my butt in gear and get going. . . .

    Genny--Sounds like you've been having a life, good for you!Nora is so cute!

    Jazzy--hmm, never thought of doing my own back up on the tablet.Great idea, thanks!

    Hsant--yes, I can do the work outside, and probably will do a lot of it on the deck.It will go more slowly, what with stopping to toss balls for Sadie, or answer calls for tummy tickles, but it will be a lot nicer than in the office, especially in the afternoon when I can take a glass of wine with me!Supposed to be in the 80's, near 90, partly sunny, so getting to the lake is a real possibility today.if you do a You Tube search on "how to get someone up off the floor safely" you'll see a whole bunch of videos on ways for one person to get another person up safely after a fall.There's a bunch of different techniques that are safe, and don't require much lifting on your part.So glad you Dad didn't get hurt when he fell.

    Genny--I work with a couple of facilities that do not allow staff to help people up, which I think is totally asinine. There are a whole bunch of ways to safely help people up, they are not hard to learn, and they are risking a lot more serious injury trying to get up without help!What are these poor people paying for if not for help when they need it?The problem has gotten so bad at some places that the local EMS has started charging for"lift assist" calls after the 3rd one at the same address.It's just a crazy situation.

    Hsant--so sorry you have to miss your DH's birthday, and he sounds like a great guy to be understanding.And the Brugal Mule sounds SO yummy!

    Cammy--I am home this weekend, gots lots of computer stuff to do, but at least I can take breaks and do other stuff and be on my own schedule for the next couple days.I did go in to work early yesterday to try to start getting caught up.Did get some stuff done, and, of course, cuz I was in the office I got lots of piddly stuff to do as well and spent lots of time on the phone doing things for other people "since you're right there anyway".I was not a happy camper by the end of the day.

    Jazzy--It can be hard to work with people who are half checked out of the current job, but maybe she's just tired and overwhelmed and frustrated? I think it's a good idea to put a time limit onyour involvement in the project, it sounds like you are committed but the workplace people aren't.Both sides need to be committed to make it work.Steel drums sound so exotic and fun.And to meet someone with a connection in class, very small world!And the lady hiding meat under her clothes, really?Did she really think that would work or was she really just loopy?

    Chi--Ah, the joy of getting a box delivered!I can just imagine how much fun it is to open them and try one of the bottles.

    Jazzy--lightning is an issue, can be a problem!I do keep an eye out for that when I'm on the water.Fortunately, Sadie is very sensitive to thunder and lets me know if she hears any, and she hears it way before I do, so it's like having an early warning system when we're at the lake.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    "Steel Drum Island Rum Collins"

    Rum Collins… Relax!

    Steel Drum Island Rum Collins

    2 oz. SDI Gold Rum

    Club Soda to fill

    1 oz. Lime Juice

    1 oz. Lemon Juice

    1 slice Lemon

    1 tsp. Sugar, powdered

    Soda Water to fill

    Combine rum, sugar, lemon and lime juice and shake with ice. Strain into a glass full of ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water and stir. Garnish with the lemon slice.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Morning DahhhhhLinks

    OMG - been days since I posted…sawee. But have been reading when I can. Been feeling sickly since Weds. Finally had to relent and spend 2 days in bed. Think I am feeling somewhat better today.

    Cami - I can't believe it is August 6 already. I don't know where the time goes. And I missed a whole week. I went to WalMart to pu an online order that was due Aug 8, well they didn't have it….because it was Aug 2.…I even had all my schedules written for the 1st week and actually they aren't til next week. I'm losing it girls…LOL on using the men's b-room, I've actually done it myself several times.

    Hsant - glad to caught that critter and hope there are no family members lurking behind the walls. Sorry u can't make it home for hubs bday, but he sounds like he's over it.

    Sandy - sounds like you had a marv time. I would love to go to Italy, but don't think I could stand the hours on de plane. I shall enjoy vicariously thru u. Glad the Lasix seems to b working for you. Can't help it, but had to laugh at the trainee getting so dwunk.

    NM - We had 2 nights of storms, DH had to connect the pump again. Now we are clear and HOT, only 9ayem already close to 100o on my shaded patio. Got some errands to run today and not looking forward to the heat. I don't kno how u keep your cool, I would be FREAKIN NUTS if I lost all that. I do have a exterior modem that I back things up to. Sorry

    Lola - I get headaches off and on all day and night. Sometime really sharp pains, but I don't think it is drinking, I always feel better after a cocktail or 2. And I don't take any AI's.

    Lowee - u prolly traveling right now, but wanted to tell ya that building muscle helps with the wrinkly, saggy skin after weight loss. Stay safe and have a wonderful time, will miss you!

    Mary - U go girl, keep on enjoying living, Nora and your travels. Glad u pooped in tho.

    Well 'dogs to park' time. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

    Lubslubslubslubs ya'll

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Hi friends- who is watching the Olympics? I am not into it myself and been hearing about all the problems they have faced being ready for this. That and the Zika hot zone, oiy! I hope the athletes are able to compete well and do okay during their time there. I personally like to watch the winter Olympics more (downhill skiing, ski jumping, etc. far more interesting to watch). I had family that lived in the Lake Placid area for awhile, and we saw some live ski jumping in that area years after their winter Olympics. Man are those jumps tall!

    NM- so with you about being to the weekend. I am glad the back up idea helped, we self employed people back up often! And I agree with you about the client side not being engaged as they should. I am pulling back a bit and doing what is required contractually, but also talking to others in case this whole thing comes to an end soon. As a self employed person, you need to create boundaries as clients often have none!

    Oh that woman on that trip was definitely in her own world and we found out later she was super high on the Ambien the whole trip. We would get dropped off in various locations like Sienna, San Giaminano, Volterra or other communities for the afternoon and told to meet back in this one spot by a certain time to go back to the villa. She would never make it and all of us had to go looking for her. She was usually found in some shop sampling food, or buying something and oblivious to the time. I have not done an international yoga retreat since, they became too much work with the other people, including the trip leaders.

    Mema- I am sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Do you think you had a 24 hour bug or something else going on?

    I was out to aqua zumba this morning and now home for the rest of the day. We had rain last night and may this evening too. Having some at home time today and wishing everyone a good Saturday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Well, before leaving for Milwaukee this a.m. I forgot to put the limoncello in the fridge. D’OH! Had a good gig, though I felt pretty sick after they took the tent down from the stage and I was packing up in the hot sun. Nauseated, crampy, sweating like crazy--thought I was having a heart attack (except my metabolic panel suggested that was a very remote possibility). Established a meaningful relationship with the Porta-Potti, got help loading the car, drove home and crashed on the couch for half an hour. Just finished putting together the insalata Caprese for the block party dinner; and to my delight discovered a bottle of Mumm’s Napa Demi-Sec chilled in the downstairs fridge. So heading down the block right now with the bubbly & the salad--will sip a bit before heading back to fetch the folding chair for dinner.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Yikes ChiSandy, you okay girlfriend?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Fine now. Helped myself to a slice each of tomato and cheese as I was putting together the salad, and felt much better. (Could have been dehydration and sodium depletion)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, I'm about half done with the computer data entry for work, only got 24 more notes to write, fortunately all of these will be short and mostly copy and paste from earlier notes.Hopefully no more than an hour or an hour and a half of work.Sadie and did get a swim in yesterday, not a long one, but it sure felt nice in the nearly 90 degree weather!I was surprised that there wasn't any one else there on a Saturday peeyem, but had the place all to ourselves.Sadie kept heading to a camp next door to "rescue" the lady who was cleaning weeds out of the water in front of her camp.She didn't need rescuing, she was standing ankle deep in the water, but Sadie wanted to save her anyway!Sorry, I didn't get any pics this time, didn't even think to take the phone with us, will try to remember this afternoon. Planning on going again.Funny, it was clear when we went, within 30 minutes of getting home it was thundering.Nothing like crazy weather.

    Mema--I thought I was the only one who had trouble keeping track of time!Frustrating, though, isn't it?100 degrees by 9 ayem?Way TOO hot!Bad enough to get near 90 in the afternoon with a nice breeze! I am trying very hard not to get bitchy about the lost data and all the time I'm spending this weekend making up for it, that really doesn't help any.Have fun at the doggy park!

    Jazzy--So crazy when one side of a project is more involved than another.And being self-employed you need to be looking to the next project before this one is over, right?I'm not sure I'm organized and committed enough to be successfully self-employed.I admire people like you who are all that!

    Chi--woops on the Limoncello! Sounds like you got a good case of heat exhaustion.Doesn'ttake long when the heat and humidity and/or exertion level is high enough.I usually do that to myself doing yard work at least once a summer.My magic fix is a glass of ice tea with a teaspoon of salt mixed in.Sipping on that usually makes me feel better pretty quickly.Then a nap and I'm all set again.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    Category: All-day


    3/10 Nettare di fragole (strawberry juice),

    7/10 Spumante Brut

    Preparation: Build it directly in a Champagne flute, pouring juice first and then Spumante Brut. No decorations unless you feel very creative.. .

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Good morning! I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Did my usual morning hike yesterday and today, errands, gym. So pretty typical. I had a nice dinner out with my dad last night. I enjoyed a glass (aka 2) of a Napa Cab with my Caesar salad, filet and roasted mushrooms. I can't remember the name, but it was quite good. My dad did pretty well with his caprese salad, halibut, mashed potatoes and warm butter cake with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce. He drank about 1/2 glass of Parducci reserve merlot, and I was tempted to finish it, but I was driving. Next time I'll bring a flask, so it doesn't go to waste. Just kidding (sort of).

    I'm scheduled to get Botox shots on Tuesday. My girlfriend recommended her PS, who has a "Botox Party" every 3 months, at a discounted price. She looks amazing, but my issue is I couldn't get a quote over the phone. Typically it's a set fee per area, at least in LA. I'm going to call tomorrow and push for some kind of price range, and if I can't get one, I'm cancelling.

    Instead, I'll get bangs at my next hair appointment.

    Cami, I Know!! Time really is flying by. It kind of freaks me out how fast it's going. I've been procrastinating things I need to do around my uncle's house, and you're inspiring me to get my Tushy weekend. You and Joey are such a great team!

    Jazzy, you are a good daughter to fly out to your mom after a fall. It is scary. Fortunately, my dad doesn't typically take falls. His sneakers weren't secure on his feet, so he lost his balance. And he was in his room, which is carpeted.

    The crazy meat lady sounds like she was on something, but I think Ambian is a sleeping pill. It just takes one person to bring down a group in that type of setting. Sorry you had to experience that.

    I'm recording the Olympics. I like gymnastics. It must've been really cool to watch ski jumping in person! It looks insanely scary on TV.

    Mema, I'm sorry you were feeling so sick. I'm glad that you took care of yourself with a couple of days in bed, and I'm glad you're feeling better.

    Native, thank you for the you tube recommendation. I Will definitely watch. Ok, so ya got a lot of work to do this weekend, but I would hope that being outdoors, with a nice glass of vino would make it easier. I'm happy that you and Sadie could make it to the lake. Sadie is so cute epwanting to save someone who obviously was t drowning. She is a giver. I hope the rest of your Sunday is easy with respect to work, and you and Sadie can get some R and R before the end of the weekend.

    Love the rum Collins!

    Sandy, the dreaded porta potty! Oy to the vey. It's bad enough when you have something unpleasant coming out of one (or both ends) of your body in the comfort of your home. A nice public restroom is bad, but the porta potty is the worst! I'm glad you're feeling better, and hope you had fun at the neighborhood party.

    Time for me to get crackin' and start the day. Wishing everyone a happy Sunday!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Good morning ladies, hope you are all enjoying the weekend. DH is golfing all day today, I'm leaving in awhile to take the dogs to the woods. We finally got a bit of rain the other day but not nearly enough, wish it would just rain for a few days. I'm getting Nora this evening and keeping her till tomorrow night. I talked to her on the phone yesterday and she said, "Yaya, can you come here and take me to your house?" Well that was it, I have to see her now. Her parents were trying to get her ready to go somewhere and she kept dilly-dallying and playing with her toys and they told her she had to stop and get ready to go and she said.. "oh, you're just impossible!" Ha, 2 1/2, they have their hands full with that one! I accidentally came home with 2 pair of her shoes so I mailed them to her. Her mom said she was so excited when they came in the mail.


    This is when her dad let her dress herself.


    And this, believe it or not is her great-grandmother! Genetics are amazing!


    Sue, so sorry to hear you were under the weather. Hope all is ok now. Time is flying by isn't it? Will be Labor Day before we know it.

    Jazz, I like to watch parts of the Olympics, want to see Kerry Welsh playing beach volleyball and see Micheal Phelps swim and I do like the gymnastics. Might watch some of the golf too. Hope the weather cooperates for your concert, sounds like a good one.

    Chi, glad to hear you are feeling better, meaningful relationship with the portapotty...funny! Hope you had a good time at the block party and you get to enjoy your wine soon.

    Lori, what dates will you be in Michigan? I want to try and clear my schedule if I can, would really like to get together again. Hope you're having fun on the first leg of your vacay.

    Cami, hope you're having a fun, D free weekend. Joey will be back in school soon, the summer has gone by so fast. What grade will he be in?

    hsant, glad your dad is ok. Sorry you had to cancel the birthday plans with your hubs, how long will he be able to stay in Sept? Kelleys Island is wonderful, you should try and go some day, you could even take your dad and rent a golf cart for the day, go for a bite to eat. He'd probably enjoy it, we keep talking about taking my MIL but haven't gotten around to it. There's a lot of history there, they were one of the biggest wine suppliers during prohibition. The ferry leaves from Marblehead, it's only a 20 minute ride.

    NM, hope you get plenty of outdoor relaxation today in between you working. It is crazy to not be able to help them up when they fall but I guess you just don't always know if something could be broken so it's a big CYA thing. I guess I can see both sides but it is too bad when the residents are afraid to get help for fear they'll be sent to the hospital or worse yet the nursing home. Then if they are deemed too much of a fall risk our facility can make them either move out or pay extra money for more assistance, neither of which is appealing. We are supposed to be an independent living facility but it has become more of an assisted living because they want to keep the place full.

    Well, Ive got to go, started this in the ayem, stopped and took the dogs to the park and came back here to finish. Got to get it in gear and get to the store to get some goodies for my girl. Sorry if I missed anyone. Have a good day, lubs to all!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good morning friends- it has been a lovely morning here and I was up early to enjoy the start of the day after a good night's sleep. The rain is definately cooling things down and there were so many hot air balloons up this morning that were coming through the front and back yard. Balloon fiesta is a couple months away and around this time, the conditions begin improving for the morning launches and more balloons can be seen around. It is a definitely highlight of living here. Some pics included at the bottom for you!

    NM- ha ha, that Sadie was ready to rescue your neighbor! Water dogs are so cute with that, ready to jump in and save anyone who needs saving! My sister's golden retriever paces around their pool when I am there and looks very worried. She is always ready to jump in and save the day (and sometimes has!) I usually have to go over to the edge of the pool and talk to her with her furrowed brow and let her know I am okay. Just so adorable.

    And yes, always looking for the next gig. I am still hoping to talk to that start up just to see what they have going on but no word back yet.

    Hsant- although I am one who has no issues with the botox, face lifts, etc., I will say I am leary of those parties. Just does not feel like the right setting to do that and know too many friends who have issues with those types of things. Also would not like being told what the cost would be, any medical spa would be able to give you that price so you could know whether you want to do it or not. My medical spa does this thing twice a year where you can pre-pay for a service and get 20% off. I did that a couple times for the lasar treatments I had. Just a suggestion if you opt out of the party style botox thing and want it done anyways. Good luck!

    After some reading time on the patio and a short yoga practice, I am gearing up to head to Old Town and do the local art museum and brunch with a friend. Wishing you all a good Sunday Funday!



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Ever since lines first appeared on my forehead (at age 37), my motto has been “bangs beat Botox.” Cheaper, they grow out, and there are no side effects! Add a bold pair of eyeglass frames and you can even skip most of the eye makeup.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, got all the data entry done, yesterday, finally.Seems like it took all day, but I was doing other things, too, so it was mostly me feeling sorry for myself.Gotta stop doing that.

    Hsant-- Warm butter cake with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce sounds absolutely fantastic!Giggling at the mental image of you whipping out a flask and little funnel and making the merlot disappear.We get doggy bags, why don't we get doggy cups, too?The drinks are sometimes more expensive than the food!And it really wasn't so bad doing the computer stuff, when I could stop and do other stuff.

    Genny--oh my, Anorable is such a sweetie, and how could you possibly resist a request from that little face?Giggling over the shoes in the mail.She sure is a handful, I bet! Wow, she and her great-grandmother are practically identical.Amazing.

    Jazzy--our doggies are just so focused on us and keeping everyone safe, aren't they?Those balloons are beautiful.Used to see them a lot around here but not for the last few years.Not sure why, they were fun to watch.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Afternoon Balloon


    • 1½ parts light rum
    • 1 part crème de banana
    • 1 part blackberry liqueur
    • 1 splash coconut cream
    • 1 splash lime juice
    • 4 parts pineapple juice
    • Coupette glass


    1. Combine all ingredients in a blender with ice.
    2. Blend until smooth.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    Woops I did it again, missed 2 days, I honestly don't realize that and yet whe I'm not here I think of questins I want to ask, but of course I forget.

    Wait a second, Mary that bottom picture is anorable's great grandmother? Absolutely amazing.and she's so funny getting dressed and now really wanting to come to u;r house---this really starts the funny times.I remember whe Joey would call me and ask me to get him, cuz "the hooligans were so loud when they talked" And it just gets more fun and less work.

    Sandy the heat really got to u, glad u caught it right away and got to o to u party. Oh some great wines are waiting for u. BTW do u take Lasix once a day or 2x a day? Personally I thought that med worked well. but for some reason they took me off and put me on something else (I forgot why) and Lasix worked much better. So I hope it helps u as well.

    Jazzy u do the most outrageously fun stuff, u always have--Somehow u find all these thing that most people would never think of and u just go for it. I luv it. Working on u'r own tho must be exhausting whe a project is coming to an end and u hace to find another, u have such a take charge mindset tho U alway get right to another.

    SusyQ I'm glad u'r feeling better, it's strange now to me anyway, whenever some bug goes around u'r never sure if that's what u have or just another type of reaction to something. It's still bee so hot around here it's awful, u can't just go out for no reason, there has to be a reason, not fun--no sitting outside even at nite.

    NM I luv u'r adventures with Sadie, she's such a fun partner and keeps u hopping. Like u'r work doesn't do that enough and yet we always get a yummy DOTD, I think all of u gals type fast, cuz u can say so much and it takes me forever. With all u do u must be a whiz.

    Has anyone spoken to Julie, I hope things are going well for her.

    Hsant I'm glad u had such a nice dinner with u'r dad and he must be doing all right.Remember take a flask, forget the funnel u can do it. Only a few more weeks til u'r DH is coming--how long is he staying? Or did I ask that?

    What a weekend everyone was working and I tried to do some cleaning while Joey did most, took me forever and he kept on telling me to stop, but I felt like I have todo something. He was probably right my back was so bd I had to take my pain meds and thenthe next day was my D day extreme, TI but it was all over and I had to cean the floors (everyone was sleeping, by this time) and again I thought this is it, I can't even think straight til it stops for a few hrs ad i get water i me. Damn. I can no longer clean o my knees so it was such fun, but the interesting thing was our dog came out and watched me like if I realy needed help he's get someone and then went to her bed after--he never just gets up at nite. It actually made me feel better, cuz I really knew she'd get help for me.

    I miss Lori, just hope she's doing all right and enjoying herself.

    OK my phone has started--A/C stuff, that's how bad it is here. Most of wht we're doing now.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good morning friends- weekends are too short and here we are at Monday again. That being said, I had a fun afternoon yesterday down in Old Town with a friend of mine who invited me to do a new exhibit at the local art museum about Route 66. So many neat photos of things here in ABQ, as well as around NM and other parts. Sometimes I see things and wish I could be teleported back to another time to see something in it's hey day or another period of time. Where is that darned time machine when you need it?

    We went and had some delicious salmon fish tacos after and walked around the area after and did a bit of shopping. Got another August birthday gift taken care of and few goodies for myself! Then was on to a few must do errands and home to relax for a bit before I got working on a presentation for the exec committee on Wed.

    Genny- that little Miss Nora is such a cutie pie. I love the "you're impossible" statement to her parents and the delight with shoes coming back in the mail. Like getting a gift all over again! I love how children can have such delight in the present. When do we loose that and get doing the thinking-about-the-past-or-worrying-about the future thing that we adults are so good at? I can see how much you enjoy her and understand why!

    NM- glad you got caught up with your data entry and hopefully you will have a better week. I feel sorry for myself sometimes too, especially when stuck with situations with my project I should not have to be dealing with since the client is gone too much. I anthink it is good to remind yourself sometimes the things you can influence and the rest that we need to let go of . Easier said than done! You had a hard week last week and think this one will be better!

    Hsant- hope you are out doing your morning hike today and that you get some answers on the botox questions!

    Cami- how are you doing? Is the D still a problem? What is Joey up to here at the end of the summer?

    I think Goldie is away and hoping all the others here who pop in are doing okay.

    Got a busy day and week ahead. Going to see my PCP for my other annual check up tomorrow.

    Wishing everyone a great week!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Good morning and happy Monday! I cancelled my Botox appointment, because one of my dad's hearing aids went out, and that takes precedence over my vanity.:) So will get that taken care of tomorrow morning at the VA walk in clinic. However, I did get a price per area, and it's pretty standard, so I scheduled a time for the plastic surgeon's next discount day.

    Jazzy, gorgeous pics! I've always wanted to take a balloon ride, but I'm scared of heights and tend to experience bad vertigo.

    I'm an old hat when it comes to Botox. I started in 2001, and been on and off with it for the last 15 years. The doc here doesn't have real parties. I just refer to it as that, because of the discounted price. About ten years ago, my plastic surgeon in LA had a real Botox party. Fancy hor d'oeuvres, champagne, etc. but you would get your treatments/fillers/Botox first before any alcohol was offered. It was quite the lovely experience.

    I went on my usual hike this morning. I'm probably going to change up the trail I take tomorrow, because it's getting a wee bit boring.

    The art show sounds like it was a lot of fun. I know there's a big art community in Taos, and other parts of the state, fish tacos.... Yum! Glad you had a nice weekend!

    Sandy, I had bangs for a couple of years to hide the wrinkles. I have bangs in my avatar. My issue is that I hate having hair on my forehead, drives me bonkers.

    Genny, Nora is pure preciousness! You and your DH must get such a kick out of her. She sounds like a little sass ball. So cute!

    Native, I love that you find cocktail recipes based on what folks are talking about on this thread.

    I'm glad you are caught up on your work. You have a right to have a pity party with yourself. You have been ridiculously busy and overworked for the past few weeks (months?). You and Sadie need and deserve a vacation.

    Mema, I hope you're felling 100%, and can take your doggies to the park today.

    Goldie, I hope you had a great time at your family reunion, and the big D stayed away.

    Cami, how are you feeling? I'm kind of getting the vibe that you and Joey are like Lucy and Ethel, in the best possible way. Please let your DD,SIL or joey do any clean ups. They love you dearly, and want you to be safe. So please, relax.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016


    I am feeling much better. DS and I spent most of yest trying to finish Qbook entries and payroll taxes. Another sign my mind is lost, thid morn I took dogs to park wearing my workout gear, except my tennis shoes, came home, dropped dogs off with cleaning crew, grabbed my workout bag and headed out. Got to exit of my street and realized I still had my flipflops on…back home I went. Geeezz!

    Jazz - I am watching the Olympics, I love all of it. I love the winter ones too. About the drugged woman, only takes 1 person to spoil it, am I right?

    Sandy - Sounds like u had a bit of dehydration going on. Glad ur feeling better and hope u had a good time at the neighbors.

    NM - 24 to go? Sounds like a lot to me. LOL on Sadie thinking she needed to rescue that lady. She's a good girl.

    Hsant - Oh your din-din with your dad sounds wonderful. Aren't flasks a marvy thing. DH found one (don't kno where) that looked like a bottle of suntan lotion, so he bought 2. Too bad u didn't have one and the merlot was left behind. I'd be afraid of the botox, personally, especially if done in someones home, you are right to keep pushing for the cost. Keep us posted and if u go for it, post b4 and after pics please.

    Mary - OMG how sweet is that, I find it totally amazing how much kids her age remember, either from us of tv or whomever. What is that she has on her head, actually around her forehead, I see the bunny ears, but can't figure out the other.

    Thanks for sharing your Anorable with us. She does look like her Ggma, incredible.

    Jazz - love the hotair balloon pics. I actually rode in one some years ago, fun kind of scary. Hope your annual tomorrow shows ALL OK!!

    Cami - U hit the nail on the head with the heat n such, the winds are starting again as I type this. I don't think I had a bug, this has just been my life, 'good days and bad days'. Sometimes I jes get thru the days and other times I take a time out, even if it is for 2 days. LOL

    Time to start dinner. Hope ya'll have a great week. Muah!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Cami, my PCP's NP had me on Lasix twice a day--morning and about 4-6 pm, so I wouldn't be up all night peeing. I was on it only from Tues. aft. thru Fri. morning. That stuff has one helluva half-life!

    Tonight, with my roast duck (precooked, crisped up on the grill) I had a couple ounces (love that Coravin!) of a 2010 Jean Farris Pinot Noir.....from Kentucky! Yup, they grow grapes (real vinifera as well as hybrids) in Kentucky, mostly on reclaimed and re-planted remnants of mountains whose tops were removed to mine coal. (Not to get on my soapbox, but that's the only upside of the deplorable practice of mountaintop removal). Not all KY wineries are excellent--most grow native and hybrid grapes which make very iffy-tasting wines, IMHO. Farris grows mostly vinifera, and every wine it makes (on-premises) is either from its own estate-grown grapes or vinifera grown from more hospitable climates (OH, MI, VA, CA, WA, OR). They have a great tasting room (which offers cheese & charcuterie platters to harmonize with the wines) and a wonderful elegant restaurant. The Pinot is very full-bodied and higher in alcohol, more in the blockbuster Napa/Sonoma/Paso Robles style than the lighter and subtler Willamette Valley (OR) or Burgundian style. But it is delicious. It would have been even better with seared rare duck breast, venison or prime rib--and it would have overpowered even the most robust Pacific salmon. Just over the state line in VA is West Wind Farms Winery, which makes a lovely Viognier--a Rhone white that isn't popularly grown in CA but does very well in the Northeast (incl. the N. Fork of Long Island), Appalachia, and WA's Columbia Valley.

    But I'm waiting for Bob to come home......there's a bottle of limoncello in the freezer.....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Can't sleep and now ChiSandy is making me hungry, but I am fasting for blood work int he am! Happy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Got through my night on call without getting called out, Yeah!Didn't sleep super well, but that's ok.Slept well enough.Of course the Jeep decided to act up yesterday--had to be jump started twice.So I'm driving a rental until they figure out what that's all about.Poor thing only has 97Kmiles on it.Still got a bit to pay on it, be glad when that bill is done.Has anyone checked out the Perseid Meteor Shower yet?Going on now, peaking the nite of the 11th/12th, after midnite.I may try to get up for it, should be able to see up to 100 shooting stars per hour.

    Cammy--they probably took you off the lasix cuz of the ongoing D plus the lasix will make you very low in potassium, which can be dangerous.But they should have explained that to you at the time.Live the story about Joey and the "hooligans" being too loud! Made me LOL!The typing class I took in high school is one of the best things I ever did for myself.I can type at a decent rate and reasonably accurately, saves me lots of time at work, and makes posting on the boards fun.So glad the dog got up and kept you company while you were cleaning at nite, they do look out for us, don't they?

    Jazzy--So far this week has been better, and should stay that way.I keep trying to remind myself about what are my monkeys and what are NOT my monkeys, and only deal with mine.I've got enough monkeys to herd!

    Hsant--Sounds like you managed to get a good price and an appointment for the Botox even with taking care of your Dad's hearing aids.I was thinking you were talking about a real party--sounds like the ones in LA were very swanky!Glad you have a choice of walking trails, that makes a difference.I've been looking at vacations for next winter, maybe another cruise, maybe try something different.Still looking and thinking.

    Mema--that set of 24 notes only took me a couple of hours of actual work time, longer cuz I was taking breaks and doing other stuff.Mostly just restatements of stuff already written. Busy work to keep Medicare happy.

    Chi--I have got to get some Limoncello, you have me craving it! Roast duck sounds yummy.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    Blood Sucker Cocktail


    recipe tools


    In a shaker with ice pour rum, cointreau and juice. Shake and pour into a rocks glass. Dip the end of a drinking straw into the puree, hold the tip of your finger over the other end and use the straw to squirt puree into the bottom half-inch of the drink, where it will sink in red blobs. Do not stir.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Jazzy why is it when we have to fast we wke up and wnt to eat? It cracks me up, cuz I do the same thing. If I'm getting a regular test it doesn't even bother me.

    Oh sandy I really enjoy how u describe (and most here) the wines u drink and like. I did think of my brother tho, cuz he would talk about wines a litle and I think now I could really have a conversation about wines and he'd be impressed.

    SusieQ I understand the bad and good days and I myself get confused if I'm coming down with something or it's just time to not feel well. But u re so busy all the tie, I would imagine u'r body would want to slow down a bit.

    NM I hope u'r week started off well, cuz that's good sign.

    JULIE, DARA--where are those 2???

    Oh thinking of my brother, do u gals remember he was going to get married? well she sure fooled him, he was madly in love with her. He put one house in her name too so she could have privileges to all the clubhouse and pool and things. He died so suddeny that was the ony thing in her name but boy did she clean up on it and would let it be sole til she got money out of it. But the worst is that she still has my brothers ashes and she thinks they are worth something to his kids so she's waiting it out.Personally I believe that that's all they are, not him anymore just ashes and let her have them--they owe her nothing else--she got some beautiful gift from him and engagement ring, that's more than enough.

    Oh even Joey is moaning about how fast this summer is going, he just finished another script and there is not enough time to get it all filmed. I'm sure it stupid, but he likes it, and he's always so busy with friends, but we still have our coffee together in the morning and usually talk at nite, but he gets to stay out later now so he loves that.

    My silly cat was sitting with me and pushed the remote off the area and it hit my foot straight on and it really hurt, now it's swollen twice the size and I can't get my shoe on nor walk well on it. It consistently hurts but much worse when I move it at all. I'll see in the next day or so, but there is no bruise???? I hope I can get to the store today, I still haven't gotten there hahaha, my SIL has just informed me our coffee pot just broke, so I think I'll be able to get out and I'll buy one for the house--we are coffe people I hve my leftover xold coffee from yesterday, but just one cup--so not enough.

    OK gottsta look up what's close here to buy one where I can easily walk around with my cat foot and my bad leg, on the other side LOL

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Sandy - the other night I tried a few sips of a pinot gri(don't kno how to spell it), anyway I took 1 sip, dh said to wait a few mins and try another sip….yuk yuk yuk, guess I don't have the taste for vino. Although I remember years ago, early in our relationship, having a Merlot, it was good, I remember putting fresh peach halves in it. When do expect Bob home, hope it's soon, sounds like you miss him.

    Jazz - I hate the fasting, couple of times I almost passed out. So now I take the earliest possible appt so I'm not passing out b4 the procedure. Hope the lab work comes back A-OK.

    NM - Wonderful for a good night w/out call outs. Thanks for the info on the Perseid Meteor shower, I marked it on my calendar, will try and get up too. 97K is a lot of miles, but I kno some keep going up into 200K, Hope you get it fixed soon. DOTD sounds yummy, am going to print it, see if my DS would like to make a batch for his yearly Halloween parties, he goes way out there in the decorating. Everyone has a good, drunken time.

    Cami - ur brothers gal sounds like a gold-digger to me. May she get her due and may ur brother RIP. That darn KittyKat, sure it wasn't on purpose. Did you put some ice on it? NO bruise, I'm surprised, I jes have to walk into the edge of the door and poof…huge bruise. Hope the swelling goes down soon so u can put some shoes on and go shopping. I'd have to have a new coffee pot post haste, can't start my day without it. (((Cami)))

    Lubs to all!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Mwma, not everyone likes dry wine. That’s okay--everybody doesn’t like something. (What you tried was probably Pinot Grigio. My mom used to keep a bottle in the fridge at all times and had an ounce or two as a nightcap. I’m sure that at that rate, after a while what was left in the bottle was pretty undrinkable to even the most dedicated wino--er, oenophile). It’s not my fave white wine because I find it boring.

    Cami, anyone with IBS or any bowel sensitivity will get D big-time with Lasix, especially if injected rather than oral (happened to my Mom once, after a shot at the doc’s office she wasn’t able to get to the bathroom in time when we got home....15 min. later)!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    I saw Boz Scaggs in concert. Dang it was good, always loved him and never seen him in concert all these years. His voice is still very pure.

    This is a clip very similar to what he did for us. Enjoy

    Boz Scaggs

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Smooooth, Jazzy. I never saw him in person, either. Will keep an eye out--I think he’s set to play City Winery this fall. Meanwhile, seeing Pearl Jam next week and Springsteen (“The River” tour redux) at the end of the month.

    To continue the drinking thread: more Jean Farris 2010 KY Pinot Noir, this time with grilled grass-fed top sirloin. And Bob came home late, so after I finished making pesto, we did ice cold limoncello shots straight from the freezer, out on the deck. Here’s a little tip, though: before you freeze the bottle for the first time, unscrew the cap and then put it back on. (We didn’t. Both of us are nursing achy hands. But after the limoncello kicked in, it didn’t hurt as much).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Beautiful weather continues here, makes for lovely lunch breaks outside.And it's been nice to be able to take lunch breaks so far this week.Still driving the rental, haven't heard anything about the Jeep yet.Don't like the rental, but that's hardly news, I don't like driving small cars.But it's getting me where I need to go, so I will hush up and smile and be gratefulI have this option.

    Cammy--oh, my, your brother's intended sounds like a real gold digger.I agree, she's gotten plenty, I mean a house, a ring, clubhouse and pool privileges, sounds like a lot to me.What does she think she's going to get for the ashes?More money?Joey is writing and filming movies?How cool is that?How heavy is your remote to do that much damage to your poor tootsie?Hopefully it clears up really quickly.I hear you about the coffee thing, too.One cup is NOT enough, ever.Most stores have wheelchairs or motorized scooters you can use to get to the coffee pots and to the checkout.I say use one, just so you can say you did once in your life!

    Mema--I've always wondered why I would need to fast for 7 or 8 hours for some things and for 11 or 12 hours or longer for others.I used to ask why when I was scheduled forlater times for procedures.Never did get a real answer.

    Chi--it is amazing the range and variety of flavors in wine.Makes trying new ones an ongoing fun time!

    Jazzy--great advice about the limoncello!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Gold Digger Cocktail

    1/2 oz (15ml) Peach Daiquiri Mix

    + 1/2 oz (15ml) Mango Daiquiri Mix

    + Fill with ice

    + 1 1/2 oz (45ml) Peach Ciroc

    + 1/2 oz (15ml) Mango Rum

    + 1 oz (30ml) Kinky Gold

    + Splash Pineapple Juice

    + Top with Cranberry Juice

    + Splash Sprite.

    The Gold Digger Cocktail is a fantastic drink made of tropical fruit juices, booze and a splash of sprite. Server over Ice.

    Float Bacardi 151 or Everclear on top

    Gold DIgger Cocktail

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh Jazzy u have the best "sees", before u I just knew NewM. was a balloon state and it sounded boring, ever since we've talked u find the most interesting things to do and see, u could be the ambassador for the state, it's so fun reading wht u do. But u've always been a fun person.

    Sandy I've known Chicago for a fun place but u bring out the best fun places and it's so good to hear how well u'r doing and u'r DH sounds adorable. When I started drinking I really went rght to vodka, but as the years passed I only drank wine and I had it everyday in the evening. My cousins never ever drank but when I was drinking wine they would have a half glass maybe, but again after a while they had it every night, so no matter who's house we were in there was always wine which we really enjoyed, but we knew nothing about it, now is when I'm finally learning, but my sister is the only one that has kept the tradition going. And now I have a voice in throwing around names. LOL

    NM u do sound more relaxed the last couple of days, I hope that's true. and u'r kickin' a$$ with the DOTD's, but summer drinks especially are so colorful and sound so good. And it's already humpday.

    I hope Lori is doing well.

    My foot is still a wreck--swollen like crazy and the remote didn't fal on me horizontally it fell straight up and she swung hard, so it must have hit something crazy and SusieQ I lways bruise too, now I see my toes with brousing at the bottom and they are all huger than usual LOL-still can't get a slipper on. Damn I complain all the time to u gals, but really u'r the ones I come to for all my ailments--I don't even like telling my sister, cuz she worries about me so and she has enough going on. So u'r stuck with me.

    OK goils have a good day--I always think of Everyone loves Raymond when he was talking about a Chinese restaurant. It's silly.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Sandy - I don't even kno the diff between dry wine and the others. I'll stick with my vodka, killa, and brandy…LOL. Froze your hands did ya, glad it didn't hurt as much after the linoncello kicked in.

    Jazz - Haven't heard that name in many many years. He is very good, thanks for sharing.

    NM - glad you are getting a few lunch breaks. DOTD is perfect, only I don't kno what some of those ingredients are.

    Cami - u can complain all you want, you kno this. I'm glad we are stuck with you. Are you going to see anyone about your foot, or wait it out? (((Cami)))

    Time to get to the gym. I over slept this morning, and I hate rushing. Will check in with you all tamary.
