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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Enerva I'm glad u came here by mistake--U'r still a young woman and u should have the high respect u deserve, u've been going thru this for a while and there is no reason to. I too don;t know about Canadian medical stuff (hell I don't even understand America's stuff) but what the girls have told u u have to know is right--U take this to any level u need and u don't have to feel like a pill popper to feel better. Wow u are beautiful and so is Milky? And u should feel as good as u look. I honesty thought u were better and I'm sorry u'r not YET--but I do know a pain Dr. is just that, theyhelp u manage pain any way they can without heavy drugs--I always thought when Dr. really cant figure out what the problem is they send u to a pain Dr. and I do know they search further for help for u. U'r a sweetheart, I know.

    I just knew it--Sandy u couldn't wait till Thursday to drive--wow-- another stubborn one. But I'm glad it worked out for u. And going that long without washing hair always feels icky, even if u take a shower so u must have been miserable. Can u drive at night tho? All right I know u'r again going to do what u want. Just be super careful, but I do know u won't drive if u really can;t and just have a good time. And break a leg--do they still say that.?

    Jazzy u always sound like a wonderful hostess, u'r friends must really enjoy visiting u cuz u always put their likes on top.

    Oh Julie those were beautiful--was he the one married to Patricia O'Neal? Not that that's important LOL, it just came to mind..

    SusyQ u should have u'r results back right? we're waiting.

    OK I think I'l relax, oh I know what u'r thinking, but I need to relax my brain so badly

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Thanks, Cami--yeah, they still say “break a leg.” (I always add “but don’t break a string”). But the director of the show I’m in every Dec. says (and Brithael can back this up) that the expression comes from Elizabethan-era London theater. It means “may you do so well that you get a curtain call.” And back then, you didn’t just bow from the waist--you swung your leg in an arc around the front to the back, where you extended it behind you and then slightly bent the opposite knee and bent over at the waist as well. Sort of like an elaborate curtsy--but done by men. The “leg-swing” thing was called “breaking a leg.”

    I’ll find out tomorrow night how well I can drive at night--my vision is normalizing more every hour. I saw just fine walking at night, and it was almost completely dark by the time I pulled out of Whole Paycheck’s parking lot a bit after 7 tonight. If oncoming headlights look too glare-y, I’ll keep to the right hand lane. But I am excited to discover that I do see things now at night that I couldn’t a few weeks ago.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sandy it is amazing how our bodies heal and sometimes quickly as u'rs is and I know u'll be fine for Friday nite. after all the show must go on. And I never knew why people said that (cuz it is strange to say) but now it makes sense.

    Today is HUMP DAY ( I think) and it's flying by again.

    I'll be back

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Supposed to get some rain here today, and we do need it badly.Hopefully it won't be gully washer rain, but more gentle.

    Cammy--work is going steady, no big issues, no major problems, no super long days.I'm sure it will pick up again soon, but in the meantime I'm enjoying the stretch of "normal" workload!And I AM drinking--limoncello being the tipple of choice just now.Lovely to sip on in the evening while reading or watching TV.Glad Joey is better.Getting a printer in the house will be a good thing, too!And good for you letting calls go to voice mail!

    Julie--Great sayings!Need to look up Roald Dahl when I get a minute.He sounds like a smart man.

    Jazzy--so happy you and your friend had a good visit.And now you can start looking forward to the NYC trip.I enjoy the anticipation of a trip almost as much as the trip itself, so you are in for a good time!

    Enerva--something is not right there.If the PS can't do something maybe you should see the breast surgeon.I can understand not wanting to get on the pain pill bandwagon, but living in in pain shouldn't be the only option.

    Chi--that does sound like a buzzer of a coffee!!!!!

    Julie--scar tissue is good--much better than other options!And same and similar are NOT interchangeable, I agree.Good point about Murphy and the glasses.

    Chi--Hooray for being able to drive again!Lighted glasses for menureading?What an incredible idea!Someone is getting rich off that.Sounds like you are discovering a whole new world, and it sounds like so much fun.Hoping you can wash your own hair soon!

    Enerva--thanks for sharing your story, and do feel free topost from time to time, don't just lurk!We can be very helpful, here, despite being drunken sots much of the time.Couple of very pretty ladies in the pic!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Bukhara Coffee



    Stir the vodka, Bailey's Irish Cream and creme de cacao in a large preheated mug. Pour into boiling hot coffee, top with whipped cream, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    NM, I’m going to try to make a variant of that Bukhara coffee, only with a vanilla bean, cocoa nibs, and nothing with sugar in it--maybe for the booze part a good double-distilled brandy (Cognac, Armagnac, Calvados, Asbach Uralt, Carlos I) or neutral-flavored grappa. And make the black coffee an “Americano” (two shots of espresso brewed into a cup of very hot water). Bukhara (whether the Uzbek town or the N. Indian region) doesn’t particularly say “dairy” to me, so no whipping cream. But when it comes to whipping cream, booze and buzz? A properly-made Irish coffee is heaven to me. My fave, of course, is from the Buena Vista bar on Ghirardelli Sq. (can’t visit the Bay Area w/o going there), but I make mine with Jameson’s or Bushmill's (not Tullamore Dew, which deserves to be sipped like Cognac) muddled together with a Demerara sugar cube, and I whisk my cream by hand to not-quite-peaks and pour it delicately on top so it simply floats w/o rising over the rim. Drives me nuts when I see bars make it by pouring coffee into a shot of Bailey’s, then squirting whipped cream atop it and drizzling with either green creme de menthe or green sugar.

    Last night, with my pan-seared king salmon (WF had it on sale, so that coho fillet in the fridge will be tonight’s dinner when I get back from my bc support group meeting) I had a couple ounces of that 2010 Jean Farris Pinot Noir from KY (just s. of Lexington). Still yummy, and the bottle was tapped months ago!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Been reading to try n katch up. Test results were NED…But I have to ask the nurses if they kno what 'heart hepatic cyst redemonstrated' and 'sludge versus calculi gallbladder' MO wants me to go back to my PC about my gallbladder. I've been having intense pains at gb site, but it comes and goes, so am going to try and change my diet and see if it helps before I consider gb surgery. The other bit of info from onco is that us bc peeps need sleep. I've been sleeping much better altho I find my mouth guard elsewhere. Was so tired yest afternoon after my appt, went in for a nap at 4p, DH woke me at 6:30 for Chinese food. I told him to put in frig and Id have it later. Well, other than getting up to pee (3x) and wait out the night sweats, I slept the entire night.. I must have needed it. Gotta run the pooches to the park and then go to the gym. Haven't worked out in 9 days, my bad.

    Sandy - sounds like the eye is healing, I bet it was/is a PITA.

    NM - It's cooling off here to, lows in hi 60's, highs just under 100. I wore glasses during hi school, was so glad to get contacts, but had to go to bi-fold (lineless) glasses about 10 years ago.

    Lowee - hope you have fun with the family and that u don't let your mom stress you out too much. Stay safe!!

    Cami - poor Joey got the flu or a bad cold. I find it refreshing that he doesn't want to miss school. Let us kno how ur blood work turns out. I pouted when I read about DD. It is hard living with others and it sounds like u both might have a stubborn gene in ya.

    Jazz - I kno what u mean…I like the 'go' part of seeing some friends.

    Hsant - Aww am so glad u got some alone time with hubby. I don't kno how u do it. Hard sometimes to keep it together…good for you two. Pleased to hear about ur dad about the wound and using A&D ointment.

    By the way, if any of u girls have those annoying teeny white bumps on their legs or arms. Try Neutragena exema (sp), I put on my arms every night and within days it was gone.

    Julie - still including ur mom in my prayers, hope ur holding up OK. ((Julie))

    Enerva - am glad u found us. Nice pic, but yes, which is you? Welcome!! Hope you get a PS to fix you up right (((E)))

    Gotta run….lubslubslubslubslubs and prayers for those who need it. MUAH!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Mema, “sludge vs. cacluli gallbladder” means that you do have gallstones, but they are too small to even be considered “gravel.” “Calculi” are calcified stones. “Sludge” is sometimes referred to as “sandbag” gallbladder. Any way you slice it, if you have any form of gallstones and you are experiencing pain, your doc will recommend that you and your gallbladder part company. (Ultrasound lithotripsy with or without Actigall is limited to a very low number of distinctly visible stones, and it’s being used less & less these days). Until you can see your doc, keep dietary fat to a minimum, because a lot of that pain is your disabled gallbladder working overtime and unsuccessfully to process that fat. I speak from experience, two ER admissions with pain that mimicked a heart attack (my husband the cardiologist and the 911 dispatcher were fooled but the EMT in the ambulance nailed it)--the first time, they couldn’t identify stones on my ultrasound, but a HIDA scan after a medically-ordered big fatty breakfast showed dysfuncion; the second time, in 1994, the ultrasound revealed “many small stones too numerous to count.” The ghost of my gall-bladder is my “dietary fat cop:” if I overindulge, I get queasy and spend a lot of quality time “riding the porcelain Harley” several times a day.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    sue woohoo for the ned, chi nailed the gb description and if its causing problems its needs to come out , the other one might be a typo, you can have b9 liver cysts and liver cysts that get big enough to exert pressure on the big blood vessels which can mimic heart failure but with todays scans that a rare diagnosis these days now go celebrate that ned and i here you on the sleep

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Juliet, re those “ostrich EMTs:” I used to joke that I’d take caffeine by any delivery means necessary. But my singing partner’s wife has me beat. She had to undergo some minor surgery that required general anesthesia, and had to be NPO (no food or drink) since midnight. When she came to in the recovery room, she told the nurse that she was having a raging headache.The nurse asked her if she was a coffee drinker, and she replied “four cups a day.” “When was your last cup?” asked the nurse. Came the reply “Yesterday.” The nurse drew some black coffee into a syringe and squirted it into the I.V. So I might joke about my caffeine addiction, but my singing partner’s wife actually can truthfully claim that she’d “mainlined" coffee! (BTW, probably my duo’s most-requested song is “Caffeine,” which I wrote).

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    It's me LOLing at Julie, then thinking what u'r going thru now (Julie)))

    Sandy that is hysterical about the syringe with the coffee, I never knew u coud do that really.--U sound good Sandy and it sounds like u'll do great friday nite.

    OK SusyQ WAHOO NED is so good to hear and u can;t hear it enough. But u r going to loose u'r gallbladder so drink to it's departure. I bet most of us don't have one anymore, in fact I think my DD is having GB problems now--after all u've been thru just know this is really simple now a days so that helps. But just listen to u'r Dr. on what u can do for sure.I'm sorry that u'll have to go thru this tho really.

    NM I'm glad u'r week is going well and the weather here is good too for sleeping especially. And Sadie must be nice and snuggly now too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for images of happy dancesLET'S HEAR IT FOR NED

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Friday Eve!Lovely brisk ayem today, 44 degrees.So nice to have Sadie to keep myback warm these chill ayems.But it makes it hard to get out of bed.Ah, well, such is life.Love the sunshine this time of year, too.

    Chi--nice variation on the coffee recipe--love the way these recipes can be played with.And the variations of coffee beans out there--never ending exploration, just like with wine!Salmon is so good when it's fresh, now I've got to look for some.

    Mema--HOORAY FOR NED!!!!!!nothing like a good long sleep to make a gal feel good!Good luck with the diet and the gallstones/sludge.Gallbladder problems are not a good time.I've had to graduate to bifocal and now progressive contacts as I've aged.I look a little funny sometimes when I have to move things around to line the small print up with the right part of the contact to read it!

    Chi--good description of sludge in the gall bladder.Sorry you've had to go through all that, and funny how the "ghost" plays "fat cop".

    Hi, Julie!

    Chi--my chin hit the floor when I read that a nurse squirted coffee into an IV!It's amazing your singing partner's wife survived that.


    Cammy--Sadie is nice and cuddly, and I am so loving it!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Anatole Coffee



    Blend cognac, coffee liqueur, Frangelico hazelnut liqueur and iced coffee with a little cracked ice in a mixing glass. Pour into a chilled white wine glass. Add whipped cream, garnish with a sprinkling of chocolate shavings, and serve.

    Best served in a White Wine Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good morning friends- pushing through a crazy busy week with work. That vacation cannot come soon enough! One more day on site this week and home tomorrow to work and also just be in my own space.

    Mema- very good news on the NED. So glad to hear this girlfriend.

    Juliet- your post hits home for me as I have been in a cycle of insomnia for a few weeks, but finally easing in to sleeping better the past few nights. I personally think that just comes from the exhaustion of having company visiting. I hope you are sleeping okay, or at least sleeping enough?

    ChiSandy- every heard of amaro tosalini? It is an after dinner drink and had it Sunday night at my fav italian restaurant. Total delish and has a nice herbal finish and a perfect digestif. I think I am going to find some here in town to have on hand for my get togethers here at the house.

    NM- sounds like things are cooling down over there. I heard the northeast has been very hot and humid late summer and into Sept. We are cooler here too, highs in the 70s to 80s and 50s in the morning. Nice to have cuddly Sadie in the cooler months, yes? Sounds like her days of swimming may be dwindling. Although a water dog will always want in the water regardless of temp!

    I am getting my walking started in the mornings again and see some beautiful wildflowers and balloons floating over head each day. It can be the best part of my day sometimes!

    Looking forward to my weekend time and going to see Cyndi Lauper in concert here on sat with a friend. Because girls just want to have fa-un

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I like the optional part of the drink, but anything with coffee always sounds good to me. I think I drink anywhere from 3-4 cups a day, the first one goes down pretty quickly, after that I sp (iced) thru-out the day and as soon as I stop I can take a nap-that's why I usualy drink it most of the day and after I have any procedure or operarion my first words are coffee, cuz I too get a terrible headache.

    Oh I forgot to tell u I was supposed to get my Heiny scope Friday (Tom) but my PCP called my last nite--she know I stay up are and we talked for a whie--I lubs her and tell her. Anyway my numbers are not good, so she called my Dr. who was doing the scope and he did not want to do it yet. I've been waiting 4 months for this. So she wants me to take a lot of shit to get things up even for a short while and take a test Monday, if my Pot. at least gets close to normal he'll squeeze me in right away. All of a sudden he can do it right away. She's the only one that watches every test even tho other Drs. order them--I know she's supposed to but she takes them seriously. He wouldn't have looked. Jeez a lot of my numbers were off, but at this time she was concerned about my pot. cuz of the junk u drink before. But she did say u must be feeling awful--Well I always think it's in my mind so at least I know

    I'm not crazy. I had to call my "Boss" last nite and he started effin around with me, I LOLed so hard cuz I needed money for some new meds and then he felt so bad for teasing me and he was so serious and I told him stop that I'm the same person that swears at u everyday so don't treat me any differently, u ASS . He just got so so serious with me so he'll get my new meds today. see why I love him. OK I complained enough for now anyway --Sorry but I just want ro get this stooopid test done so he can go on and figure out if he can help me. And Joey made green jello, too. LOL

    Oh and Marty isn't working now--I hate ths, he was promised another job and so happy about it and quit his job, then a big delay started he is to mad at himself for anyone to say anything. He just trust (still) people at their word, he would have waited--that's why I had to call my boss. And now if Leslie has her GB out, it's going to be another set-back, and this bothers her so we are in the same mess as we always end up in. I never know what the eff is happening in this house, I don't bring in enough money for everything so again we're going nuts. OK again I'm complaining chit right now my head is just going dumb. And I just tell u guys about this crap with money soI let it out here. Thank you for putting up with my crazy stuff.

    I watched American Horror story last nite, eeeeek now I'm stuck, cuz it keeps on continuing every week and I hate that kind of show.But I think I'm stuck. Hsant I thought I'd see more fireworks on Reunion 3, but no so my TV nite was a bust . LOL

    OK my phone is going.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Cami, so sorry about Marty, and Leslie’s upcoming gallbladder surgery. Good call on delaying the colonoscopy, because the aftereffects of the prep can deplete your electrolytes (of which potassium is extremely important). Hope you get everything evened out soon

    Jazzy, that Amaro looks interesting--hope it’s better tasting than Fernet Branca (I just go near the bottle, and my stomach pleads “I’ll behave, I promise--just don’t feed me that stuff”). Speaking of bitter Italian aperitifs/digestives, once we visited The World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta. At the end of the tour, you’re led into a huge room, given a tall cup with ice, and told to take your pick of any variations on Coke sold in N. America. You put your cup on a platform, and your soda spouts from the dispenser in an arc that lands in your cup. Off in a corner is a smaller machine, with various flavors of international Coca-Cola, Inc. beverages unavailable in the U.S. You get a little bathroom-Dixie-cup and are invited to sample as many as you want--but only once per flavor. There was one flavor sold in Italy, called Beverly, described as “non-alcoolico aperitivo.” I took a sip and...gack! Bitterer than Moxie, even Diet Moxie. The tourguide said that’s the most popular flavor in the machine, and they have to refill it constantly. I asked why, and she said that people take a taste and yell to their companions, “Hey, Bubba, you gotta taste this stuff--you won’t believe how it tastes!” Some use more graphic language.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Sandy I love that story, didn't expect that. LOL Oh Sandy the only thing I really know about IS potassium out of all of this. I landed in the hospital with my numbers at 2 one time. Another time it was 2.1 and other times also. And after every chemo I was there the next day getting pot. I never had a problem in my life but all this D does that to u, and that's why I know so much about it. It was not that bad now 2.8, but I knew he wouldn't do the test with those numbers And I'm always preaching as they give it to me go slow, go slow this is how they kill people in prison for the death penalty. See why drs. hate me. Well it's almost Friday ad I hope u'r doing well. BTW interesting story about the tasting of coke.

    I hope Enerva comes back, she's really so nice--I go back a while with her and she's had problems..

    For some reason I felt like today was Friday and I couldn't shake it all day. I had bad D today and I have to get my meds tomorrow to quickly bring up some numbers. I'm waiting for my boss to stop by--he never pays any attention to time, but he knows I don't either--he can be such an ASS.-It's almost 11PM

    I hope everyone sleeps well tonite and dreams pretty. I have a dream catxher so I shoukd never have bad dreams I think.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Cami, hope the D goes away. As to the potassium (I abbreviate it “K," its symbol on the Periodic Table, because it's shorter and nobody thinks I'm talking about medical wacky-tobacky, which is legal now in IL if you can get your MO to sign your app), I really hear you. When Bob was first admitted to St. Francis to “medically manage" a perforated bowel caused by a botched colonoscopy done at a freestanding SW suburban GI-endoscopy center (not naming names), the residents wouldn't send him home because his K was too low. So they kept the I.V. in and kept shooting a K bolus in every so often. He told me it stings like hell unless they drip it in slowly, which these kids didn't do. And they gave him so much fluid he went into overload and nearly into heart failure--he had to pull rank as a cardiologist (and they actually said, “you're an Advocate, not a Presence cardiologist") and threatened that I would sue, before they finally sent in an 80-yr-old semi-retired Thai cardiologist (“oh, is no big deal, you're just in fluid overload") who let him write his own orders for Lasix and K-Dur (and by the next day he had lost all 18 fluid lbs. and was able to go home). Being a patient--and being mismanaged by two different providers in two different suburbs (Oak Lawn & Evanston)--is a real eye-opener for a doctor.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday!TGIF!Looking forward to sleeping until the sun comes up in the ayem tomorrow.Do NOT like getting up in the dark.AT all.However, not much I can do about it but cope, so I shall cope.

    Jazzy--it will feel so good to be back in your space, I'm sure.That amaro sounds like something fun to try.Yes, it is cooling down here, tis that time of year.Having Sadie cuddles is one of the best parts of this time of year.Good for you for walking in the mornings.I don't have the discipline to give up sleep time for exercise.Really need, to, though.Hope you have fa un at the concert!

    Cammy--Coffee is one of the essential food groups, to my way of thinking!I even like it at bedtime.The only way coffee keeps me awake is by making me need to pee.I have 4 coffee makers--a regular drip, an alcohol percolator, a french press, a vacuum maker, and an espresso machine.I love my coffee!Your numbers must be pretty crappy, if you feel that badly and your heiney scope was postponed.Glad someone is keeping close track of you and your numbers.Green jello is the best, except for watermelon.And your poor boss, you must drive him just as crazy as he drives you!Poor Marty, why is the world taking such advantage of his good nature?So not right.Praying for a quick recovery for Leslie.

    Chi--LOL at the "Hey Bubba" story!And I LOVE Moxie, so maybe I'd like that Beverly Coca-Cola. Never heard of Fernet Branca--yet another item to explore!I love this thread!Your hubby went through the wringer, didn't he?

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Brooklyn Cocktail

    • 1 1/2 oz rye or bourbon
    • 1/2 oz dry vermouth
    • 1/4 oz Amaro CioCiaro (in place of Amer Picon)
    • 1/4 oz maraschino liqueur

    Stir with ice & strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    TGIF Ladies,

    Oh Sandy I can not even imagine how u'r DH (being a card.) could go thru with all that knowing al that he knows and how it should be, I just knew cuz I watch all the crime shows and I do know it is mixed with another drug to kill them, but still u'r DH has way to much knowledge.

    NM this sounds good. U'r weekend will start without u having all kinds of pressure so u and Sadie can enjoy--forget the housework this time.

    Well my cat was a sleep whore lst nite going everywhere except with me, cuz I was up and in the bathroom most of the nite, so she abandoned me--cats re so different.

    Jazzy now the fun starts for u looking forward for u'r trip, like NM said the anticipation can be just as much fun.

    Hoping everyone has a good start (and finish) for this weekend.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good morning friends- waking up to a cool morning after a night of some pretty big T-storms. I was down at campaign HQ last night doing the phone bank, and saw some fabulous lighting at sunset over the mesa. That was amazing until I got on the freeway heading west and the bolts were cracking overhead. Yikes! Made it home in one piece, and then heard lots of rain overnight. We love our rain here and it is running well into Sept which is good.

    Cami- Enerva is on my singles thread so if she does not come back, will drag her back over here. She is a busy gal with work, school and a lot of other things she does. She is one of my buddies on the bco site.

    I hope you can get your H-scope done soon. When you are ready to get that over with, you are ready to get that over with, yes? I am going for my second one the week of Thanksgiving. Excited just like you are! I am on the five year plan.

    NM- I agree about coffee being a food group! I am enjoying some sumatra from my favorite roaster in town right now.

    Going out for my morning walk ladies and check in again later.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Thanks for the 'amens' on my test results.

    And I must admit I goofed on the Neutragena exema it's really Neosporin eczema essentials.

    Sandy - Wow you kno a lot about the GB, thanks so much for all the info, I will be calling my PC later today. I often say I'd like an IV of coffee, joking of course, but now I see it really can be done. You wrote a song called "Caffeine" wow am I impressed, doesn't take a lot to impress me, being tone deaf and no singing voice. If u think about it post a link if have recorded it, I'd love to hear it.

    Julie - thank u too for the info, wudn't the liver cysts show on the scan?

    Cami - thanks, I will keep u posted on my GB status. Love the Smiley pic. Sounds like things are pretty hectic around ur abode, will send some BIG HUGZ and prayers. (((Cami)))

    NM - 44o that is chilly, thank goodness for the sunshine to git ur arses outta bed. LOL.

    Jazzy - so cool u get to see Cyndi in person, always liked her toons.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Have to get ready to drive up to a gig in Madison today, but will try to find a link tomorrow where you can stream “Caffeine” w/o having to pay to download it. (Our most popular version is the Andina & Rich one, with my singing partner taking the lead on the first & third verses....though I wrote the whole thing).

    NM, I have a Hario drip filter cone and teakettle, a Technivorm Moccamaster drip (which I hardly ever use these days), a Keurig 2.0 for convenience, a Nespresso Pixie (also for convenience, with a separate Aeroccino frother that is very picky about the milk being used); an Aeropress manual single-cupper (looks like an old-school breast pump), Handpresso manual espresso machine (looks & works like a bicycle pump, uses pods) and an electric mini-kettle for on the road; a couple of French presses in different sizes--individual, insulated, and insulated travel mug; a plug-in moka pot (Bob likes his Cafe Bustelo); and my pride & joy, a “prosumer” Andreja Premium espresso machine (heat-exchanger boiler so I can brew espresso & froth milk simultaneously--and it will froth almond or coconut milk, not just the real stuff) and a Mazzer Mini pro grinder I bought on eBay from an espresso bar that was going out of business.

    Years ago, I started with the kind of steam espresso machine that brews a weak pseudo-espresso into a little glass vessel, then graduated to a series of thermoblock machines (Krups, Saeco, Espro) that make real espresso but without as good a “crema” layer as you’d get from an espresso bar because they can’t match the temp & pressure and have wimpy little portafilters; then a single-boiler Rancilio Silvia that makes pro-quality espresso but is tricky to use because you need to “temperature-surf” to get the water to the right temp and pressure to brew the shots and then froth the milk, and the boiler is too small to make multiple cappuccinos or lattes for a party. (It still lives in my basement for when my Andreja is in the shop for annual maintenance). Over the years (since 2005 for the Silvia and 2009 for the Andreja) since I’ve been making real espressos, cappuccinos & lattes, I’ve saved a bundle--more than the equipment originally cost--on coffee drinks at my local cafes or at Starbucks (when I’m out shopping and want an espresso drink, I do the math and wait till I’m home).

    I am such a coffee geek that I used to roast my own beans (in an electric roaster that looks like a toaster-oven with a rotisserie basket), but I couldn’t handle the smoke smell after a while. I live very close to the best small-volume roaster (Metropolis) in the country, and my WF carries its, Intelligentsia’s, and other local roasters’ beans. I’m very picky about freshness, though--espresso needs to be less than two weeks old (ideally, 4-10 days) for the best taste and crema, and for drip the beans should ideally be no more than a couple of weeks old when you buy them and used within a month or two. I will not buy beans, under any circumstances, roasted more than a week before they go on sale. I shake my head in wonder when I see beans on store shelves roasted 3-6 months ago--when mine get that old, they get used for dried flower arranging. The first cup from that package may taste decent, but after that you’re brewing from sawdust. And never, ever, EVER keep beans in the freezer (unless you freeze one pot’s or cup’s worth in individual baggies) or (the horror) grind it in

    And as a birthday gift last year I got a (I kid you not) plug-in car espresso maker! It uses pods, you pour water into it, plug it in to the cigarette lighter or power port, and after a few minutes it heats up to the right temp and pressure to turn upside down and pour into a cup. The looks I get at highway rest areas and parking lots are priceless, and I don’t have to look for a Starbucks any more. (Of course, I need to idle the engine, otherwise there’s no current running to the power port, but I have my priorities).

    And I recently found a little plastic holder called “EZ Cup” that lets me use freshly ground coffee in my Keurig. (The “My K-Cup" plastic mesh holder is a joke--makes lousy coffee and is messy to clean). It uses little K-Cup-shaped paper liners you fill with coffee, then fold the tab over, snap the lid on and use it just like a K-Cup capsule. When done, take the lid off and dump the liner into the trash or compost bucket. And it tastes better than any of the commercial K-Cups. (Target carries it & the liners).

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    good news from dermatologist.biopsy b9 just radiation changes

    Now at kindle now suggests disney whenever I say I ,m now at

    Camino just when I thought things,were straightening out .lots of prayers

    Chi.lots of smiles at the coffee but your poor hubby,you know that status be nice to your nurse she stops the doctor killing you so true.I spend so long tracking labs and lungs sounds and while most docs appreciate the call you get the one that doesn't,t and that is so much fun

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2016

    Hi girls,

    I am writing from my teeny tiny mini HP, it takes me forever to type since the keyboard is so small. ugh. I miss you all so much but do read almost daily as long as my headaches are not too brutal. Still suffering on a daily basis. Went to see my PCP again and wtf, he wants to send me to pain management??? I was not even asking for drugs except for what I believe is a non narcotic rx, fiorinal, for headaches. Cheryl takes them and I tried them and they work well although not for long. But I am hesitant taking anyting that is not prescribed. I do get a monthly rx for pain meds for PMPS but for the most part, jest hoard them since the time is coming where I will not be able to obtain from PCP thanks to the fn addicts and the CDC....long story, the nurses are prolly aware of it. and Chi too since she knows most eberyting lol. Anyway, pain management is out for this goil since I love mese willie way too much also I am still without healthcare insurance, tinking of getting married to DH1, will say no more about that but I think you all understand,,,., I'be been trying to take better care of myself by eating and sleeping like normal peeps do. I had been really beating meseself up. If my nurse friends or any other peeps have suggestions on relieft for the headaches, all commentary is very welcome. I have been spending many hours daily doing breathing and relaxation exercises, having frozen washclothes on the front and back of mese head and also cutting back on mese BFF JD!! ugh, chit, this is NO fun hehe! well enuff bout mese!

    Suz, a big congrats on NED!! Such great news. I hope the GB can come out without event. Sending hugs and sloppy webk to hehe (been a long time since that term has been used...and YOU coined it)! You sound good. Glad you are sleeping well and that you are getting relief from your jaw issues. Prayers for you always....MUAH!!! MUACH MUAH x infinity!

    Julie, first and foremost, still praying for your Mom and hoping she is without pain and not suffering. I pray that God keeps her comfy until be comes to get her and bring her to heaven. Good that you are at Disney, a perk of not workings allows for much more time whoring around DW. Was happy to hear your good news on your foob issues, I can relate with the pain of the scar tissue and such. Mine hurt all the time, I just deal for the most part, so unfair isn't it? Hope you continue to feel better.

    Enevra, welcome. Glad you accidentally stopped by. I said a prayer for you. WTF, being dismissed, what a horrible feeling. Come on back, we are all cool and you need not be an alcamaholic to join us, Cammy is de the MOST fun lush on our thread and she speaks highly of you. HUGS!\

    Lori, hope you are having a great time, I imagine seeing your Mom in her current state is hard but still hope you are enduring and enjoying yourself at the same time. So you are seeing our own Genny? Today maybe? Wish I was there. Did you bwing your RSO or not allowed on de plane? Iffin ya ever need to know how to smuggle, I can help, I always carry de willie when I fly. Hope to see you soon!

    NM, hope you and Sadie bug had a great sleep. Like you, I am really loving these cool nights. But hating what is to come, HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE winter. So you and our own Cyn Cyn had facetime again? Hmm, will have to dig further into that, maybe you talking aobut another goil named Cyndie? Glad to see you NOT posting dis aye em and hope to see you later todey. Good for you in following your plan with no posting in de aye ems during weekends. Oh, do you have any pics of Sadie's crate with the pan etc? She jest cracks me de hail up time after time, love that widdle pooch!

    Sandy, good for you in gitting to yer hairdresser. Baby steps. Sawry you having such difficulty recovering from the eye surg. Hope it is all worth it at the end of de day. I laffed mese EWWA off at yer bandmate's wife's story about the IV java. I agree, could not live without it. Saw a segment on GMA today stating what people would give up for life instead of coffee..... chocolate was one of the tings, not sure about dat one, glad I do not have to give up either. And crud, sorry your DH has had such a hard time too.

    Gonna hit submit cuz I jest lost what I wrote but tankfully was able to undo same.

    cheeRs! be back goils, til then dwink up!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Enerva - wtf tis 'Brasilian' crap and what diff does it make? Good for you for making other plans for your surgery. Keep us posted.

    Sandy - cool on streaming that song. And yes you are a caffeine addict. I mean I like my coffee, but only have 2, one regular like Mr. Coffee, the other a Keurig. Tried those paper fillers. Used an empty egg carton for the paper and pre-filled each one. Do like the idea of a plug-in for the car tho.

    Juliet - soooo fn relieved it was b9. U def deserve fun fun at DW.

    Dara - OK now ya gotta spill the beans about DH1 when u can. Am pleased that you are trying to take better care of yourself, and quit with beating urself up. U r a very special lady and I lubslubs u. LOL'd of the webk's, has been awhile hasn't it. For those that are new at the lounge, webk means 'wet eyeball kisses'. Maybe a few of those would help ur headaches, j/k. I get headaches every day too, ENT wanted me to take 600mg of ibupro every day. That would eat my stomach up. So didn't do it. But taking the expectorant and using the mouth guard are helping.

    Lowee - Hope ur having a wonderful time. Still sending prayers for your mom.

    Time for the doggie park, EVERYBODY….find time to SMILE today…MUAH.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Dara, take it easy and let the pain specialists do their thing--doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get addicted. Funny you should mention chocolate--I got stuck in awful traffic (four-car fender-bender plus construction) en route to Madison late yesterday aft. and by the time things eased I had already written a song about that, too! Here’s a video of us performing “Caffeine” (no need to pay to stream it on Spotify):

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Oh damn---Sandy I can't pick the song up on my puter. see if anyone else can. Where in the hell do u put all these pots, LOL I'm crackin' up just reading about them and jeaous of all of them. I so enjoy my coffee and I did not know about the time thing with that. When I lived aone, I used to go to 7/11 and have them grind the kind of coffee I felt like that week and so enjoyed that---I started Joey on it when he was 4 and he loves his cup every mornng. I know not good, but hell I'm not his mom.

    Julie great news and of course the DW has to come out to pay now---(((JULIE)))

    Wow Dara WTF, I don't remember u having headaches before--coud it have anything to do with sinuses, I'm sure that's ruled out. I have no tricks to give u and speaking of tricks, what is this about remarrying u'r DH!, I thought u were closer to DH 2 or it's the other way around. This is big huge news--it does sound so romantic--maybe u can make a date by some huge landmark and a movie can be made of this--oops I think that was done. But I'm am sorry for u'r headaches and u orobably should go to that Dr. Like sandy said--u have to try something.

    SusyQ I guess I didn't realize u always have headaches too, what do they say?

    I haven't heard from Lori, I hope things are OK.

    Oh I talked to my sister today and she always has to go into details about what her Drs. do to her, of course we are LOing but today she started getting those shots in her eye, all I was saying is OMG< OMG< OMG she did say it didn't hurt at all but just the thought of it hurts me. I had a day in the bathroom today and still going, I did eat a banana and some eggs so I guess it's my fault. Yea right.

    Jazzy I knew Enerva from another thread, but I honestly don't remember which one, but I've settled here now, but I have met some pretty remarkable women and some PITAS along the way. I know u would never say that but I will. I do hope Enerva comes back tho she's just sweet all the time. I'm so glad u came here I've always enjoyed and liked u.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for ingredients for drinks with vodka GOTTA HAVE SOMETHING FOR BED.