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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Okay, try this (audio only, no video):

    Go to my website

    In the menu on the left, click on “Music." On the music page, scroll down to “Caffeine" (you can stream hi-or-lo-res, and listen to other songs from the CD as well).

    Fair warning: I just wrote “Chocolate," and will be doing a quick GarageBand version in the next few days.

    Bob finally made it home from work--will open the bubbly (Mumm’s Napa Santana Brut). Despite the awful events of the day in NYC, NJ, Philly and Syria, the fact remains that the Cubs did clinch the NL Eastern Division for the first time in 8 yrs. Better late than never.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!I cannot believe I fell asleep before I checked in yesterday! So not a good move!Got some basil in the drier for use over the winter.Saving out some to infuse into some good olive oil for dipping oil. Got some thyme, too.I think there is some garlic in the fridge, so I can make a nice multiflavor oil, too.Yum!

    Cammy--Can't forget the housework, gotta at least keep up with the progress made the last 3 day weekend.But not going to go overboard. LOL at kitty being a sleep whore!Cats are different.So very different.

    Jazzy--ah, sumatra, very nice coffee!

    Mema--44 is chilly, but in a few months I'll be considering it really warm!But for now, it's chilly.

    Chi--Wow, you've got a really nice collection of coffee makers!OMG, a plug in expresso maker?What a wonder!And the looks you must get have got to be worth every one to have that kind of convenience!I've stayed away from getting a Keurig for home cuz of the waste of the pods, I'll have to look into the EZ Cup option.

    Julie--HOORAY FOR B9 CHANGES!!!!!Damnable radiation, though, the he## it puts us through with it's side effects and damages.Smart Kindle, knows where you like to be!

    Dara--pain management specialist use more than just drugs to manage chronic pain, and may be able to get to the cause of the pain.I'm asking you to re-think a consultation with pain management.After pain has been going on for a few months the nervous system changes physically, and the whole thing needs a totally different approach, and most PCPs don't have that background.Not to mention the new regulations coming out that will make it nearly impossible to get adequate pain control for most people in the future.Sadie and I had a lovely cuddly sleep in yesterday and again this morning.So nice to have a warm Sadie to cuddle up to when the night gets chilly!One of the best pleasures of life.


    Cammy--I can just picture you starting Joey on coffee at such a tender age!I'm sure you've done him no real harm.Hmm, maybe he's so good to you cuz you are supplying his addiction?Naw, can't see that happening.Shots in the eyes?{{{{CRINGING}}}}}What a horrid thought!I hope Enerva comes back, too, she seems like she'd fit right in here!

    Nice Green Skyy Dwinky!

    Chi--Any excuse is a good one for opening bubbly!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Acapulco Zombie Ingredients


    Pour the alcohol in first, then finish off the glass with the two juices. Also, remember, just a little Creme de Menthe, not too much!

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Hi ladies- we had the BEST time at the Cyndi Lauper concert last night. What a dynamo, she is a petite little thing with a power house of a voice and some incredible energy. She sang all her classics, but a lot of her new music too and she has a new CD out that has a western focus and many redos of some of the Patsy Cline, Hank Williams and other songs. I read something in one of the local papers about her new musical focus and how this has been a dream of her since the late 1980s. She talked with us about following our dreams and not letting others put a time frame on when things need to happen. Just loved the whole darn thing! Perfect night for outdoor music too with no rain and the full moon rising over the nearby mountains. Who could ask for more?

    They had a list of 20 bottles of wine that were a price of $20 per bottle and we chose something called Drops of Jupiter, which was a CA red blend. It was very good and here is some info on it for you winos.

    Drops of Jupiter

    Cami- don't you want to just say to some folks "just give me the high points please" when it comes to health stuff? We talk here in details about stuff as a health related discussion board, but most people don't want to hear the gory details of others problems, procedures, etc. in conversation. Shots in the eye is not something I would want to hear about either! My sister is a TMI type too.

    ChiSandy- that is a fabulous web site you have there! So impressive and love what a Renaissance woman you are from your legal expertise, musical talents, travel experiences.

    Dara- I am concerned for you about the headaches. Are these newer or are you one who suffers from migraines? Did you research the boards for women having head aches to get some insights? I am not sure what you have for insurance yet so getting some tests may be difficult until you get on a plan. I hope things are better soon and that you can get some help with this.

    Mema Sue- how was the doggie park yesterday and are things cooling down in Vegas?

    Hsant- hope you are having a good visit with DH and some good outings together with your dad. Hoping the pressure sore is healing well and glad you got on top of that.

    Got some house stuff and errands done yesterday. Going to try to stay home for the most part today to get this place more organized and some things taken care of that need it. I am missing a denim jacket that the friend who was here borrowed and swears she left hanging in a closet but it is not there. Hard to locate something you loaned when the person is not here to help. I hope I find it as it is a fav jacket although not expensive and going to call a restaurant we were at last Sunday when I remember seeing it with her last. Wish me luck!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Need to get some more stuff uploaded--updating my blog (next to BCO, I post more often at CaringBridge, knowing most of my fans would rather not get a running color commentary, much less play-by-play of my medical journey). With my singing partner’s permission, might temporarily “leak” streaming teasers from the next CD due out in Dec. (or our seasonal EP, which is going back on sale for holiday 2016). My next solo CD is about half recorded--every time I gear up to go downstate to Sparta to track some more, new songs seem to write themselves. I might have to rethink the whole hard-copy distribution model, since more and more people are willing to give up physical possession of music (even as downloads) for the freedom to access it (whether paid or not) at the slightest whim. I still do CDs because folk-radio DJs most of my fans are our age and prefer to have a disc they can play in the car or home stereo and rip to their computers to make playlists. I am furious about Apple morphing iTunes into Apple Music and putting our carefully-curated-over-time music libraries into the cloud so that we must spend hours (in my case, days) uploading them to our mobile devices in order to listen to whatever we want (and have already paid for) without internet access (such as on planes or in cellular dead-zones).

    End of rant. Last night, popped the Santana Brut to finally toast my Cubbies.(Better late than never). Despite the horrors yesterday in NYC, NJ, Philly, St.Cloud MN, and Syria, sometimes we still have something to celebrate. Going to my friend’s house in a few to help him ring in his 65th with some more of my bubbly and his excellent home-brew--with the guitar passed around.

    NM, it’s possible to lessen the eco-impact of a K-Cup by recycling the foil and plastic and composting the paper and grounds (though on a DIY basis). And one of the reasons I sometimes use a Nespresso for espresso is that Nestle has a capsule-recycling program both here and in Switzerland. Their boutiques (and some gourmet cookware shops that sell their machines) give out free recycling bags, and for every one you return filled & sealed, you get a free coffee drink of your choice. The aluminum side panels of my Pixie used to be Nespresso capsules!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good news, I found the missing denim jacket. Smile

    Bad news, I may be coming down with a cold SickTired

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2016

    Hello my breasties, getting a bit easier typing from this mini. Been on ebay looking for another faster laptop, I prefer HP's as I know the keyboard so well, stupid reason, shirley, could get used to another brand.

    Thanks for the suggestions on pain management. There are two issues with that, the first being financial. I am still without health insurance and not even able to find a pain mgmt doc to take me without insurance! The cost will also hurt as it will include labs for pee testing. The other bigger issue for this Willie fan is that I will have to abstain from my "Medical MJ". For me, it is a God send when life seems to be falling apart. A hit or two of willie makes all of the pain of life go away and it helps put things in perspective. I have used much less now that I am not working. It was the one thing besides alcamahol that would help me decompress after a difficult day. For this goil, the willie isa great psychiatric drug and I just do not see myself sacrificing it to see a pain mgmt doc, darned druggies that are making things so difficult for people like me, there is no easy answer. As for the headaches, I have been getting them for nearly three months now and have them on most days. When I google tension headaches, it describes them to a T. I have put myself on a low dose of gaberpentin as it is said to be a great preventative. My cousin who is a pharmacy tech gave me the go ahead based on the current drugs I take. We will see. The headaches just consume me and make for a horrible way to live. Alcamahol does help but lately, I have not been dwinking meseself into a stupor ebery night. ugh, again!! Such a Dara-Downer I am these days!!.

    As far as remarrying DH1, would be a marriage of convenience. Won't say more, ye all can figure it out. I care deeply for both of my ex's. And they are night and day in personality. DH is the sweet and sensitive one that will wait on me hand and foot and always be a good ear (he is in the mental healthy field and often has great advise). DH2 is a pita but we do enjoy partaying together mostly. We will be heading back to Atl City NJ on Wed for two-three days! This crazy life of mine, uh.

    I'm getting anxious as I have my unemployment hearing on Tuesday via telephone, prayers would be appreciated. The hearing is because I was terminated. I have yet to receive any income since being fired on 8/11. I've already put a dent into my savings and do not have as much saved as I would have prior to the rat bastard who just took took took from me in soooo many ways. ugh, enough negatively on that subject!

    K, gonna hit submit before I lost this post then try to continue. Mese roomie, Cheryl, is taking a hot tubby so I can continue while she is tied up. We both love my hot tubbie btw, got the bubble jet tub right before my DX and was not able to indulge for the most part of the past six years so really loving it, I had a lonnnng hot tubbie mydernself earlier today. When I got outta de tub, heachache had eased up quite a bit but back with a vengeance. Gotta put some ice on my head but will be back soonliest, k?

    CheeRs!! see ya all in a few....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Dara- good luck at the hearing. I hope they don't fight unemployment. It is never a lot but better than draining your savings.

    This headache thing does not sound good to me sister. Did you ask your former company about the Cobra coverage?

    I always had insurance for a period of time when my jobs were eliminated, and had time to move to Cobra if I wanted to (or something else) and think it could be retroactive to when it ended (meaning if you pay anything out of pocket, you can get reimbursed) but not totally sure about that. I do know companies have to offer it to you and it covers you up to 18 months. I had it offered with leaving any job I had either by choice or due to their choice. I did use it once. It is expensive, but at least you may be able to continue with the plan you had and ensure you can get some medical care. Important to do and to be able to move forward to another job.

    I hope this is helpful to you.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    I happen to have all of these things in the house! And I don't feel a need to wait for the holidays either!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2016

    I'm bock as the terminator would say!

    Suz, sorry you are also dealing with bad headaches. Oh, foygot to mention that sinus issues were initially blamed, have had two sinus infections lately but those are clear and no relief for mese head. I wonder if it could be related to my grinding?? You got me tinking. I hope you feel better dolling, I really do.

    Jazzy, sounds like such a good time at the concert, you deserve every minute! Glad ya found your jacket, was it left behind at the last place you saw it? hOPE that you are NOT coming down with anything, take good care of yerself lady.

    Cam, omg, needles to the eye and you both lol'd?? Yikes, I'd pass out. Funny about ya turning Joey into a coffee addict, I bet it makes him feel grown up. And who can blame a dude for loving the java so much? Sorry about your D and also sorry about the family financial issues, sucks to the max. Saying prayers that things get better in all areas. That FN D makes me so mad, you really deserve a break. I have no night complaining bout mese headaches, they'll go away somehow someway, I pray that the D does the same soonliest! Hugs to ya my dearheart!

    Genny, Genny from de block, where you bese? Missing yer face here, hope you report in soon.

    NM, glad you and Sadie where able to enjoy your weekend, wish there was anudder day of it for you both. You musta needed the sleep last night, never worry about us, we will always be here de next day. Agree that having a fur baby by our sides on a chilly night IS one of lifes great pleasures. I have to tink about this pain management thing. I tink I'd rather give up narcotics to stay engaged to mr willie! Hope you have a good work week.

    Julie, hope DW is fun. And mese forgot to say congrats on ned, woooo hoo, i'll dwink to dat, indeed! cheerS!

    Hsant, hoping you and the hubby are enjoying one anothers company. Also wishing your Dad and your uncle well and hoping no drama from the stewpid cousins of yers. Hugs!

    Chi, I am listening to your music now, very impressive! It makes me sad that I gave up playing semi-professionally when I started my prior job back in 2001. I believe I was in the same musicians union as well. Gonna keep on listening, you and your band mate crack me de hail up!

    GOnna hit send before I lose this, doing so much better on this teeny tiny keyboard, wooo hooo for mese! joy joy joy, cept for mese fn head hurts....gonna relax a bit and turn down some lights. see you all soonliest, have a great night and a greaterest week!

    WEBK for all hehe!

    chEErs! n titties up iffen u gotz em!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Well guess who's awake??? Oh it's me. I started reading a while ago and Sandy had to stop and listen--Fantastic--u'r voice is bootiful and love the songs, no wonder why u enjoy this so much u have super talent and thank u for sharing with us.

    Jazzy u being in this business to must enjoy Sandy's songs--Caffeinne cracked me up. BTW Jazzy u know alot about insurance for Dara I hope she gets it all, cuz I don't And the drink u posted to me is an everyday drink, I enjoy that one.

    NM this weekend must have flown by for u, u actually missed a day. never happens.

    Dara Oh Dara--I hate these headaches u'r having, I know it could be stress--God only knows what stress does to everyone Headaches are very hard to figure, but I hope u find out how u can--Wait I thought everyone has some kind of insurance if u can't afford it. Another thing I really don;t have knowledge about. I'm sure u'r call will go fine with unemployment, there is no reason it shouldn't go well. I would think a big company couldn't really fight it since it did happen. At least some money will come in so it will help. I know u'r good friends with u'r exes, something only u can attest to one ex I can see, but both? Well my first ex I stayed in touch with even tho he lived in FL, he'd call and we did get along, of course his wife didn't like it, but we did share 2 kids, well he didn't so much but he'd always keep in touch. But my 2nd used to call me and i'd just hang up I actually learned to hate him, really hate which I don't think I ever hated anyone else in my life, it was a terrible feeling and I just had to let that go--But I enjoy that u get along with both and u will make the right decision when u give this good thought. Just wait til u actually feel better. OK I was just thinking, how about if u pick out u'r favorite relaxing sound, rain, ocean horses clippety cloppin' on cobblestone, thunder--whatever and rub u'r head with aspercreme slightly all over and lay down and breath properly and think of happiness like u'r bootiful grandson for a period of time--no calls, no TV no sounds but what u'r listening to. U'd be surprised how relaxing that is. I know it's difficult with all that's going on, but I've known u as a strong woman, maybe u can call on some more strength. (((DARA)))

    OK remember and never forget pee until it;s almost white and clear. whatever.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for ingredients for drinks with vodka I might have done this before, but u can't have enough of a good thing, which is about any drink. It's still warm out too. So relax this morning NM

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2016

    Image result for tropical drink pics CHEERS!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2016

    hotmalesandstuff: “ Follow HOT MALES AND STUFF and TISSYS STUFF please also check out FAGGY BUDS ” Hot Men And Their Bulgesnaughtyjorj: “Rob Maya by Ray John Pila ”

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Another week begins. Looking for a steady but not crazy week.Starting out so near a full moon who knows what will happen, though.Boy did the humidity build in yesterday peeyem, and now its foggy as all get out.Had to run the fans last night, it was so warm, and Sadie moved onto the cooler floor after an hour or so of cuddles.

    Jazzy--sounds like a grand time at the Cyndi Lauper concert!Drops of Jupiter sounds like a very nice wine, very celestial!Good luck finding the jacket, hoping it is hanging up in a closet, maybe not one you would expect it to be in.I'm sure it will turn up.

    Chi--Your site is lots of fun to explore!I am not crazy about the whole streaming thing, doesn't seem to work to well for me.Waiting 10 minutes for a 3 minute video or song to download just doesn't sit well with me, and there is so much area around here without strong (or any) connectivity.Ah, well, guess we need to live with what we get, right?Good to know about the recycling options for the K cups and such.

    See, told you the jacket would turn up!Boo on the cold.

    Dara--I'll admit that no insurance + pain management specialist is not a good combo.And not wanting to give up the willie is understandable.Tension headaches are caused by muscle tightness, have you tried heat on the back of your neck and/or shoulders?The hot tubbie relief may be from muscle relaxation, then the headache comes back as the relaxed muscle begin tightening up again.Praying for the unemployment hearing.

    Jazzy--NICE dwinky, for ANY time of year!

    Cammy--the weekend did go by too fast, but they all do.Love the advice about listening to relaxing sounds.I used to listen to a metronome to get to sleep.

    Thanks for posting the great DOTD, Cammy!Looks WONDERFUL!

    Undie's in the house, and has been taking pics!!!!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Thanks NM I hope u do have a good week.

    Thanks to undie we have our pics in our heads to start the week.

    Jazzy I did forget to mention Cyndi Lauper she has some amazing credits to her name and over the years I have gotten to really like her. And she's been married forever to someone that we could never imagine, and she seems like a very kind and supporting person to so many good causes. It must have been great to see her.

    Drs. don't think it's Leslie's GB now, Holy chit they don't know what it is. Another mystery in our family, poor Les, I fee so bad for her and there is nothing I can do even to help her. So back to her Dr. or a new one I think. UGH

    OK have a good day everyone


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good morning friends- another week begins. I took it easy yesterday for the most part, but do feel like I have some sort of a cold or bug going on. Not bad, but going to work from home today. I just need some more time at home and without the constant pressure that goes with that place. My client is at a conference this week, and when she is away, it is best to not be there as much. I am congested and have a slight sinus headache and going to stay home and take care of me today, but still work to keep the money going!

    Cami- I think Cyndi is a great artist as well as a good humanitarian. She told us a great story about how when she was 4 years old, she used to listen to Patsy Cline and decided early on to be a singer. She had something to do, and knew it early on which I think is cool. She talked a lot about the things important to her and seems to be an ultimate feminist, which I love. She talked a lot about her grandmother who was from Sicily too! Got a real sense of her beyond the music Sat evening!

    I am sorry to hear they don't know what is causing problems for your DD. Nothing worse than feeling poorly and no answers to it. Been there before.

    Dara- you mentioned that you are needing a new computer. Have you ever had a Lenovo? They are great for business, but many people have them personally too. I think they may have a sale going on so check out their web site. Also, lots of HPs can be found at places like Sam's Club. Best prices for things like that. I hope you find something you like.

    NM- like you, hoping for a productive but not crazy week. How is the foliage your way, starting to turn yet? I used to spend a lot of time in Maine in the day and a college boyfriend had family in Ogunquit and we would go up there every fall. We don't get a lot of color here in the fall, although we do get fall. Our trees turn mostly yellow then brown then over. Nothing prettier than the fall in the northeast. We may see some color when we are in NYC soon.

    Speaking of NYC, lots of concern about the bombings over the weekend and hearing about more bombs found this morning in a NJ subway station. Oh lordy.

    And I did find the jacket! My friend had left it on the bed and with changing some bedding, it slipped down and under the bed. Whew!

    Wishing you a good start to the week friends.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    cammi-hope they can find out whats wrong with dd soon

    jazzy-good news they have arrested the bomber and some accomplices so hoping your trip will go smoothly

    dara-have you talked to a pain management office and discussed lack of insurance ? also their position on use of willie,there's such a wide option availible now for pain control and i would reccomend an eval by one for your headaches,with all the stress you have had the last few years,plus the surgeries there might be scar tissue contributing to the pain if nerves are trapped or damaged but concerning narcotics i can see the regulations getting even tighter down the road so getting established with pain management for anybody with chronic pain issues is a must if narcotics are the only thing that works, dara any meditation /relaxation classes around because if relaxing those tissues in hot tubs helps then somethins like that may help too, reluctant to suggest massage, can;t remember have you had mri/ct head and neck?

    had fun at dw but hot 90f and humid, too hot to eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drank a litre of water first hour i was there and still didn't need to pee, tmi but had seared scallop and then cheese soup and steak from canada , its only small portions and artisan cheeses, only stayed 2 hours then went back to the pool then went to disney springs in the evening,

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Juliet- I saw that they caught one of them. I know others will pop up with time, but feel better knowing they got one of them for now. There may be others operating a cell in the NY/NJ area, time will tell.

    That meal sounded delicious!

    I have been looking for a watch I misplaced since Feb. Today while looking for a fall purse, I found it in a pocket. Two fer two with loosing and finding things so far this week.

    Also got confirmation from the insurance company that my colonscopy in Nov will be 100% covered, no out of pocket for OP procedure. Whoot whoot!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    There was only one bomber--his fingerprints and other common features were found in all of the devices, whether successfully detonated or not.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    british paper reporting they picked up 5 armed men in a car who were friends of his? before they got him but now reporting they have all been released no charges as of yet!

    good news on the 100% coverage and finding stuff thougth to be lost my nieces arrive saturday so theme parks every day oh my

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Cami- do you watch The Voice? Made me think of you. I love this kid and loved what Adam did after too!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Oh Jazzy, that didn't work, it said it has been taken off or disappeared. Sometimes I think my puter gets goofy too. U'd really better take care of u'r cold, good thing u'r working from home so it limits u'r exposure too. Be well.

    Julie it was still too hot, even for u??? Holy chit--to hot to eat? I would have left right then, but u r a DW so I wouldn't expect u to leave, but I think it's good for u especially now.-

    My DD has a Dr.s app't thus morning with guess who--One if my Drs. I told her not to mention me for sure--but I do hope they get to the bottom of this, pin comes from something and she's the type that really doesn't complain, so I have to ask and we all just want her to feel good. And I always think she's to young for feeling crappy--which I know that's not true, but that's how I feel.

    I'm going for my blood work in a few hrs (fingers crossed) with Leslie, she's going to the same place. My PCP is thinking of putting me into the hospital--hope that doesn't happen, but in a way that would be a good solution. IDK what;s happening. Oh well.

    NM this weather is pretty good, but I did see the A/C was put on for a while yesterday. but it cools down at nite and that's good enough for now. It's fall today or tomorrow??? so soon it will be cold and snowy. Since I don't have to drive in it, it doesn't bother me anymore.

    Dara keep up with us, u know that.

    OK have a great Twofer Tuesday everyone,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for ingredients for drinks with vodka It's still warm out --so this looked good to me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!So far work is being uneventful.Weather is being gloomy, but we are getting some much needed rain.Long ayem meeting at work today, hopefully won't be as boring as usual.Would like to get out of work a bit early today if possible.That being said, today is the day SOMETHING will happen to blow my schedule out of the water!

    Cammy--Poor Leslie!Praying for her.

    Jazzy--Good for you for taking care of yourself!Nothing makes a cold hang on like trying to ignore it.Great that you can work from home and keep the money coming in while getting some extra rest and maybe some extra fluids.Foliage is just starting to turn here.The mysterious "They" are predicting a very short foliage season this year.With so much windy weather and being behind on rain the leaves will come off the trees quickly once they start to turn.I must really be out of touch, the only thing I've heard about the weekend bombings have been mentions on the threat here.Guess I better go look for more info on that.So glad you found your jacket!

    Julie--90 degrees and humid = way too hot for me!Too hot to eat, wow, that is HOT!Drinking that much and still not needing to pee is crazy.The scallops and cheese soup and steak sound wonderful, though!I'd have stayed by the pool in that kind of heat, too.Disney Springs, is that where we had dinner the evening before the cruise?That is a very neat place.Love to see more of it.

    Jazzy--Two for two on the findingthings, YEAH!I thought colonoscopies and other such screenings were all supposed to be 100% covered under Obamacare.Did some insurance companies get an exception?So complicated.Glad yours will be covered.

    Cammy--hope the blood work went well.I hear you about the AC this time of year.On, off, On, off.Was it yesterday I had the heater on in the car for a few minutes on the way to work and the AC on the rest of the day?If not it will happen soon.

    LOVE the Berry Lemonade!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good morning friends- wading through this bug, whatever it is. I am pretty sure now it is not a cold as it is not progressing as such, but I have something. Going to work from home again today, fortunate to had a week that allows that right now (client out of town at a conference) and need to get better.

    NM- I think that is probably true about the colonscopy. I know other things like annual check ups with the PCP and the gyn are covered this way, this will be my first time getting one since being on an ACA plan. I had the first one in 2011 before those plans were in place and had to pay the outpatient co-pay. This will be my next one (on the five year plan) and will be done by noon the day before Thanksgiving and then have some time to rest that weekend. Last time, I needed a couple days to feel better after so won't assume it won't be the same. The anesthesia thing.

    Cami- on dang, sorry the link does not work. You can find the video on The Voice web site and look for Riley Elmore's video on the front page which includes all the auditions from last night. I think you will love it. He is only 16 and has an amazing jazz voice!

    And the hospital girlfriend, what is happening? Are your counts low?

    Juliet- theme parks every day, fun but expensive? I have only been to the Epcot center there many years ago but loved it.

    Going to go get a few things done before I have to get on line. Wishing everyone a good day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning,Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Almost overslept this ayem, the Kindle battery died and so the alarm didn't go off.GodBless Sadie for getting me up and getting me going this ayem.So, running on short time before I need to get out the door.

    Jazzy--Yuck on catching a bug.Hope it runs its course quickly for you so you can enjoy the weekend!Anesthesia does strange things to some people, and it takes a long time to get completely over it.A lot of people don't realize that.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Chocolate Cappuccino



    Pour Carolan's irish cream, creme de cacao, Kahlua coffee liqueur and milk into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, until frothy. Strain into a cocktail/martini glass, garnish with a chocolate ovation, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good morning friends- happy last day of summer. The fall is upon us now! NM has more tropical moisture moving in today. We always welcome the rain here as you can imagine.

    NM- glad Miss Sadie got you moving this am. Dogs are like alarm clocks, yes?

    The bug is pushing its way through. Staying home yesterday was a good move on my part and did feel better as they day went on. Got some work done too, more than Monday. Today i have to meet with one of the VP's and was also asked to advise to the Compliance dept on a program process they need, which I wrote up last night and submitted to the Director. Love those advisory type requests.

    Got to get my butt moving and wishing everyone a good day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    well got my note of the therapist see ortho tomorrow ,hope to be released, thn the girls arrive saturday, jazz i have annual passes so a lot cheaper plus take in water and get breakfast at the hotel so can save some.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Good early mornin' ladies,

    Jazzy I hope u'r feeling better. Sometimes these little bugs act slowly and u start to feel ok, then u don't--so just go as easy as u can.

    Julie ok today I guess u'r going to the dr. But again u have a lot of things to keep u busy and why wouldn't u have a "special" pass for Mickey, after all being the DW gives u privileges. I'm glad u'r keeping busy now, I think u need this too.

    OK shooting for Monday for my heiny scope, now we'll see, and yes I know getting put out is crazy for me too and other people don't really get it. It's crazy and I don't like it at all; Leslie has an app't the very next day with the same Dr. to have the down the throat scope, geez I hope whatever it is it's very fixable. This is a crazy time in this house (as usual)

    I did all my Walgreens ordering yesterday, it's great--no shipping charge, just tax like in the store plus some better pricing so I never thought of it all these yrs, don't know why I started but glad I did. Oh did I tel u about the deodorant? I finally bought the dry spray dove, and after u spray it of course there is a little white mist. I totally forgot I'm (like most of us) am completely numb under both arms so I can't feel any spray coming on me and have no idea where it's going. I guess I won't buy this again.

    Well I'm going to go back to bed, I think but 'll do a DOTD for NM today.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Image result for bartender drinks recipesCould this be ANY bigger????