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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016

    Good Day Dahhlinks!

    Haven't heard back from Cardo-doc about the angiogram. Still feeling the odd-ness in my chest, but I will carry on. Have a bunch to do today. Gonna drive up to St George and do some shopping. Haven't been feeling well, just fn tired all the time, my bad for not yaking with mese girls.

    Dara - dang girl, you are between a rock and a hard place. Hoping your MRI will give an answer. I am saying prayers for my dahhhling Dara and hope you can feel da BIG HUGZ I'm giving you.

    Lowee - OMG that tm count must be a mistake, I'd b making them do a retake. I know getting a blood draw not fun, but that much of a jump doesn't seem right. How come you stopped with RSO or did I miss read that? They finally opened a dispensary here…woohoo. Anyway, I hope you too can feel da BIG HUGZ I'm giving you.

    Hsant - still praying for you and your dad.

    NM - glad that the nasty cold is at least bearable today, but u still need ur rest so don't over-do.

    I kno I'm missing Jazz, Sandy, Cami and others. Just kno I hope/pray for health and HAPPINESS for all of us.

    Gotta run….lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016

    happy birthday

    Today is Mrs. Vino's (Allison) B-Day....hope u have a GR8 day...lubs n miss u!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2016

    NM,lol on your breath smelling like cough drops. You should try dwinking on de job, it helps foah shoah hehe! Remember, you are ONE PERSON damn it. I bet you forgot a few times already? So glad no hospital for you. I do recall the nightmare of the past as me and Julia hadda dump a few bodies into the swamps of florida. Glad you recovered quickly, well relatively compared to episodes in the past since we were little kids back when we first met. You been through the wringer no doubt. Thanks for the encouragement on pain management. I really have no problem living without the vitamim V (valium forI newer goils). I have taken so little over the past few years compared to when I was taking 30 mg daily. But I will struggle with not dwinking but will give it a try. who knows, might be something different that I actually like. As for the willie, I tink I have a way to beat the test. I bought a few home tests to check it out so we will see. I've def slowed way down since im onna tight budget. I have to try to call unemployment again tried this morning and held for a half hour at a time. It was the way the findings letter read that made it confusing. will try attach a copy when I have more time. in a crunch now as I have my cat scan in one hour and should be getting ready.

    Cam. you are so sweet. Your words are so kind and warm my heart. oops, gotta run, did not realize that it is 1:46pm, gotta be at doc at 2:30, yikes, will report back latah.

    cheers from Idaho

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Hi friends- quick hi but still getting some work done tonight. My client is crazy right now, passive aggressive about our end of the year go live schedule. They decided today to put the pedal to the metal on this project and just going to go with whatever they want to do. Their decisions, their systems. Ready to wrap this up!

    Got some sad news from another sister here on BCO about a young sister here who lost her battle with BCO. She is on the singles thread with us and we have been concerned about here as she has been gone for a couple months. Anyways, despite that sad news, I like how people here watch out and care for one another.

    I have to go finish a status report. I picked up a fat check today for my Sept invoice and remind myself I am grateful to be paid by the hour!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Genny, it ain’t over till it’s over. (Far as I know, I don’t hear any rotund female opera singers warming up yet). Your pitchers were a collective brick wall, no wonder they swept the Jays. Dara, sorry about your appeal. Hope the courts can set things right for you.

    No alc. for me tonight—got a big day tomorrow (trip to Iowa City for a music conference and then a big concert I’m doing Sunday) and have yet to pack my meds before hitting the sack. Wasted lots of time printing biz cards and figuring out how to get 4 showcase flyers onto a single page—and can’t dredge up my paper cutter. Gotta pack tomorrow, too. At least Gordy brought in the Halloween candy from the car (I might not make it home till Monday and someone has to appease the little goblins). Hope 600 pcs. are enough. (If not, my housekeeper will be back Mon. and can make an emergency Walgreen’s run).

    So my DOTD is an iced vanilla almond milk decaf latte.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!First day back to work went well.Came home tired, but not totally wiped out, got everything done for one day.Got more ketchuping to do, but I think I've got it planned out in a reasonable way.Saw a posting for a third Clinical Manager, that's an office position, lots of coordination and organizational work, one step up from where I am now.I put in an application.It would be a lot less driving, more predictable hours and a chance to do more teaching and a big chance to bring more technological support to direct caregivers.Now to sit back and see what happens.Last time there was a new Clinical Manager position opened up they had a particular person in mind, who has done extremely well, BTW, and I don't know if there is someone already in the pipeline for the spot this time.I imagine I'll find out pretty soon.

    Genny--I bet Nora is exhausting!And I am feeling better, thanks, looks like I'll survive this bout of asthma and be good for at least another year!

    Cammy--not going to overdo, this time.Promise.I know that's what got me into this in the first place.

    Goldie--I did make it back to work, and I was ready.I am a little taken aback by one of the Clinical Managers mentioning how much money she lost not being able to work her second job because she was covering because I was out sick last week, not sure how I am supposed to take that. I was thinking I can't do the work of 2people and not get sick, and now you want me to be responsible for your financial situation as well?Nope, not going there.Not sure if I'm going to talk to her about that comment or not.

    Mema--the cold is better, getting kicked to the curb, thanks to good drugs!Sorry to hear about you feeling tired, that is NOT fun, not at all.Praying it's a fixable issue.

    Dara--Praying for an easy CAT scan, quick report on results, and something easily fixable that cures all the pain!

    Jazzy--oh, boy, Go Live time!Big changes coming for the company, but they've had plenty of time to get the prep work done and lots of good help (you) so they have only themselves to blame if Go Live creates total chaos!Tears for the young sister.Too sad.

    Chi--good luck on the big trip, safe travels, and have lots of fun!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Iron Lung



    Pour yukon jack into a shot glass. Top with a small float of bacardi 151 rum. Add a small topping of whipped cream.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016

    Quick poop in before work...There's a birthday in the house!!! Guess who's???




    Love you girl!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2016

    And for you Sandy... it's only one game and you're right, I do not yet hear the fat lady singing.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- this week is kicking my ars, and up early to get in for an 8 a.m. meeting. My client is being very passive aggressive this week, but they are determined to get this change in by year end. We had a steering committee meeting yesterday which went well, but at the end my client was freaking out around a few things so I scurried off to take care of a few things. I am going to adjust my attitude, push to get the work finished and also working on finding my next work opp for 2017. One of my partnering firms here has something where they need PM help that would have me working from home 3 weeks out of 4, and traveling once a month. I sent the VP there a note last night to say I want to know more. Ready for something else in 2017 and working from home more is exactly what I want next go around.

    NM- glad to hear you got back to work and were not totally wiped out last night. I like that you are applying for the clinical management position that may be less physically tiring for you. Let us know how that goes and if you get an interview (I predict you will!)

    Goldie- your apt on the recent blood work is on Monday, correct?

    ChiSandy- hope your travels go well, and that your Cubs win too. I think I heard the other team came out of the gate pretty strongly though.

    Dara- sorry to hear the appeal process has not gone in your favor. I hope the atty can help you to get some resolution around this unfair situation. Sounds like you are going to have an MRI too to figure out anything else going on. Praying for good outcomes here.

    Cami- you asked about diabetes and yes, been dealing with this since 2013. My PCP had done an A1C test the year before and it indicated a pre-diabetic situation. Then a year later, the number hit the line. I went on a low dose of metformin and began researching if there may be a relationship between cancer and diabetes. Well, there is and plenty of literature that says insulin resistance creates a risk for bc (and my endocrinologist echoed this), but also have read a lot of women end up with Type 2 after treatment. Chemo and the AIs change our body chemistry, and I may have been heading that direction anyways (mother had it later in life), but do believe that the AIs have changed things for me as well (my PCP also believe the AIs contribute to the blood sugar issues).

    I had my A1C down for quite some time with giving up sugar and not eating many carbs, but this year, it spiked back up and the PCP has upped the metformin and then the endocrinologist suggested the Victoza would help both with blood sugar and with weight loss. My focus is to get the extra weight off and blood sugar down to improve my health and it is working! Blood sugar readings are really good now and weight is slowly coming off. Going to turn this ship around!

    Going to get myself dressed and out the door. Think I will do the gym tonight for some yoga. I need some stress management this week!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    OH waiting for results suck, every time all we can do is pray it's better than we imagined. Praying all is good and all is fixable for sure.

    Sandy u sound like some fun is coming up and I hope it is, and I know the cubs lost last nite everyone around here was sad. This is a sport house for all of our Chicago teams so we'll see.

    Jazzy u seem like u have a load going on right now. Hoping it ends in all good results, u always work so hard.

    NM I'm not going to yell at u this morning, but do not feel responsible for anyone else but u and if u start to feel not right STAY HOME--see no yelling.

    Oh Dara what can I say, I always want the best for u and now u've got these goofu headaches and other problems--this has to work out for u. That's how I feel. U've had a trying year and enough is enough.

    Is it my eyes or did I not see any pics of Anorable?


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    LDB, I feel you with the being tired, damned fatigue. I hated that! But lately have been feeling so good, it was then I realized how awful I actually felt! I hope the numbers are a mistake too! The gal that did the draw said I had so much scar tissue there. So going in before I need to is not something I am anxious to do. I was done with the RSO, and just on maintenance dosage.

    Dofey, hoping to hear back from you today, after all it is yer birfday!

    Jazzy, I saw where your friend had passed. I'm sorry to hear that. I have also been following (a little bit) LongTermSurvivor (Stephanie). Amazing what she has been through and for so long!

    Sandy, have fun at your gig and I hope you have enough candy for all of those little goblins. I think I would just close the door with they are gone!

    NM, praying that you get that position. I know you like the teaching aspect, but I also think you like that one on one with the patience. What will be, will be…right? Hmmmm, not sure if you should say something to the co worker or not. Sometimes I think it's best to just keep quiet. Or, maybe wait a week before you say something. I mean you should feel like you have to apologize, but maybe something like "I'm sorry you had to do the work of 2, it's too bad our company doesn't cover for us when someone is sick".

    Hey Mary, glad you got some nice lookin "Jack" there!

    Jazzy, working from home 3 out of 4 weeks, good luck on that one! Yes, I see my onc on Monday. Not sure how that will go, more so cuz I don't know what I want to do! Congrats on the lowering sugar and weight loss.

    Cami, at least I didn't bump you into the pewl today. LOL at your eyes, and not seeing any aNORAble!

    Happy Birthday to my WACKO friend! You shouldn't have any trouble getting a bottle of JD today!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Image result for jack daniels birthday wishes

    Image result for jack daniels hunks

    Image result for gentleman jack birthday wishes

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Image result for happy birthday hunks


    Image result for happy birthday hunks

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2016


    Gotta rush, my onco appt is in 2 hrs and it takes 90 mins to get to LV

    Lubs ya all

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Goldie- I hope the blood work is wrong too. So many times a re-run will show another result and hope they will double check it before they make any other recommendations.

    I pop in to the Rosevalley thread on occasion to check in on her. I saw a post from LongTermSurvivor and agree about her journey. I love how present so many women can be here with each other no matter what is happening with them.

    Oh and whose b-day is it please? I see the cakes and boy toys and drinks but who pray tell?

    So on the work front, the partnering firm on that work from home, travel on occasion thing is not something I will pursue as the rate is really low, especially for something that requires periodic travel. I told that partnering firm thanks for giving me the skinny on it, but not interested.

    But what that did for me is to have me reach out on something else I am developing as part an output from this current gig. A collaboration of sorts to do what I am currently doing for other clients. I called that fellow today and we had a great conversation and going to talk further in a few weeks when he comes to town. I do feel very good about this one, and it will have the same model of working from home, occasional travel.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited October 2016

    Happy Birthday, Dara!!!! Wishing you a healthy happy year filled with all the happiness you deserve! I'm so sorry that things have been shitty for you. Prayers out that all that changes quickly. I also hope that there is a solution to your horrible headaches. Btw, I'm a Klein, too. Changed my name to the hubs' five syllable (which includes an apostrophe) Italian last name when we got married.

    Goldie, prayers are out that those numbers are wrong. Sending you a big hug! From what I read, it seems like you have a lot of options with respect to chemo.

    Genny, Go Windians! Woo hoo to the tribe! It would be awesome if they won, especially after the Cavaliers won their championship. Cleveland is in da house!

    Native, the combination of bronchitis and asthma sounds dreadful. I'm glad you're feeling better, but you must've knocked on your butt. I think saying no with respect to your work is a good idea. You need to take care of yourself. Glad Sadie was a good little nurse to you.

    Mema, did you get the results of your angiogram yet? Prayers out for normal results. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well.

    Cami, it's incredible that Joey is such a natural little care giver. I'm glad Leslie's surgery went well. How is she feeling? I hope you're getting a break from the big D.

    Jazzy, good for you for going to the gym and doing yoga. I haven't been hiking since my dad went into the hospital and went into home hospice. Have you heard of Lily's chocolate bars? They're made with stevia and are delicious.

    Chi, good luck with your concert on Sunday. Hope things worked out with your car insurance.

    My dad is doing really well (knock on wood). Just trying to enjoy every moment with him. Hating hospice more and more, but I'm trying not to focus on the negative and concentrate on my pops.

    The nurse basically told me that she thought it was strange that I was crying all the time, and jumping out of my skin with grief. Um... I believe this is called anticipatory grief? She told me that no one lives forever (thanks for that pearly bit of wisdom! Who knew!?) and I should read books about death, spirituality and grieving. I told her I could write a book about grieving since I lost my sister/best friend/business partner when she was 43 and I was 37 to cancer, and I lost my mother. She also told me that I'm very sensitive. I told her I'm vulnerable since my dad is in Hospice, and I would think that's quite normal. Good F...king grief. Thank the good lawd for red wine.

    Breathe Deep Hot Gin Twist

    • Breathe Deep (or other similar eucalyptus/licorice/cinnamon blend) teabag
    • Hot Water
    • 1.5 oz/44 ml Dry Gin (I made this twice – once with Martin Miller's Ginand Sipsmith V.J.O.P.)
    • Squeeze of fresh lemon juice
    • Sugar to taste
    • Garnish: lemon twist

    Fill a mug 1/2 – 3/4 full with hot water over one teabag, making sure to leave room for other liquid ingredients. Allow to steep for about three minutes then discard the bag. Stir in the gin, lemon juice and sugar (I used about a tsp). Twist the peel over the mug and run it skin-side down over the rim, then drop into the drink.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2016

    Happy birthday, Dara! May things turn around for you soon, and a hunky male strip-a-gram turn up at your door!

    The trip to Iowa City normally takes me about 4 hrs. In decent weather. But today it stormed like crazy. Took me an hour to get about 6 miles, 2 hrs to Oakbrook, and 3 to get to the outer edges of the burbs. I was crying as I inched through traffic and my bladder was getting angrier. Finally detoured just so I could pee safely. (Sorry, Claim Jumper's of Lombard--some day I will actually eat your food, not just use your loo). Took almost 7 hrs to get to my hotel. Fortunately, the restaurant/wine bar was open and it was the bottom of the 9th--so my DOTD, a flute of Domaine Chandon, was appropriate. Amazing how well Schwarber has come back from a blown-out knee

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, yesterday turned into a long day.Had to go to Walk In care and get a note to be able to back to work, then had to deal with a flat tire.Was making the last visit at 6 pm.My day is supposed to be over at 5, INCLUDING an hour lunch break, which I did notget.We're all getting stretched thin at work again, hope this lightens up soon, or that I'm just feeling the effects of the steroids and will be on a more even keel after a few more days.Right now I feel like they want me to keep doing more and more and more.I am so hoping this is just lingering aftereffects of the steroids!That will go away soon!


    Jazzy--being able to stay home a little more sounds like a great idea to me right now!Hope this opp works out for you.The freaking out client sounds like it's getting tiresome.How long has that project been going on?Hooray for good blood sugar readings and weight loss!I need to follow your example and start working on making myself healthier with some exercise of some kind.

    Cammy--thanks for not yelling at me!I will stay home if I start feeling sick again, believe me.And work will get done when it gets done, not going to knock myself out trying to keep up when I'm tired.I managed to stay out of the ER this go-round, but I know I won't be as lucky next time if I don't look out for myself now.And I do NOT want to be in the ER, do not like it there.

    Goldie--I am not going to say anything to the co-worker right now, she is one of the 2 Clinical Managers already in place, I have just applied for the 3rd Clinical Manager position and would be working beside her (rather than reporting to her).Don't want to rock the boat too much, especially since I know I can be touchy when I've been on steroid therapy, which I'm just coming off, and I really do not believe that she meant anything by it, that she is just as stressed and stretched as the rest of us.

    Jazzy--sorry the job opp didn't work out.Praying another one comes along ASAP.Woops, you already have one lined up!You work fast!

    Hsant--bronchitis plus asthma is a BAD combo, indeed.Asthma can really kick butt, too, and did me hard, but I managed to stay out of the ER, which is my biggest goal, after being able to breathe enough to stay alive, when asthma kicks up.And you need to call that Hospice agency and talk with a supervisor.The individual's family is as much the patient of the Hospice team as the individual, precisely BECAUSE they are grieving, sensitive, depressing, emotional and requires emotional and psychological support as well as education, and Hospice is supposed to provide just that kind of care and support to family members and caregivers.There is no excuse for what that nurse said to you, none.There is no excuse for that nurse judging your reaction.As a Hospice Nurse I routinely IDENTIFY how a person is reacting, IN ORDER TO PROVIDE APPROPRIATE SUPPORT.Or PM me the Hospice company name and contact info and I'll do it for you.

    That Breathe Deep Hot Gin Twist looks great!I need to pick up the stuff for this one for myself!

    Chi--ouch,what a trip!Glad you arrived Safely!


    Image result for Happy Birthday, Dara

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Neon Ghost



    Shake it with ice, and serve it in a cocktail glass

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

    Neon Ghost recipe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Image result for birthday cakes with alcohol bottles on topHAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SWEET DARA, A LITTLE LATE, BUT STILL MEANT WITH A BIG CHEER

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- one more day at the client site and then get to be home tomorrow. Yay for the weekend! I still feel like I am recovering from the trip, but another weekend of some home time will get me back to where I need to be. It is almost like you need another week after a week of vacation to recover? Always makes me realize how much I am doing all the time when I am not home to do it?

    So it's Dara's birthday! Happy Birthday Dara, wishing you a better year ahead because as Hsant said, this has been a crappy year for you and wishing you a better one dear. Go have a birthday cocktail and make it a good one!

    Hsant- wow, about the hospice nurse judging your grief. I have most certainly had those experiences with people from the earliest days of having a father and brother very ill at the same time (my brother died when I was 32 and watched my father decline with early onset Alsheimers in my 20s and 30s until his passing when I was 39). What are you supposed to do, sit their stoically to make that person comfortable? Maybe you just need to tell her that her judging your grieving process is not helpful to you. I have had to call people out on this stuff when I am going through loss (even in advance like you are). Did the same when several did not think I was recovering "fast enough after cancer treatment." No one wants to be told how to feel during difficult times. She needs to focus on helping your dad and leave you alone. Sorry sister, you should not be having to deal with this. I hope each day with your dad is comforting to both of you.

    NM- sounds like you have a lot going on with the resp. system. I get all those things sometimes too when sick. Sounds like the job is pushing at you harder and harder and when you are clearly not well yet. I deal with this at this client site too, but not an employee so if I am not well, I can just be home and/or work from home. Employers can be anything but good when you are not feeling well. Hope you can slow down this weekend and rest in bed with Sadie snuggles?

    The project I am working on started for me late last Dec in a pre-contracting phase and we are about 10 months in now. It is a beta though, meaning a never done technical approach before, so there has been enormous R&D to get us to where we are now with testing and training. We still have some unknowns we have to vet out with the vendors, but hope to install this by end of the year. Problem now is the client site is trying to put in tons of projects at the same time in Dec so it's a big struggle. I am ready to wrap this up and go.

    Hoping that everyone has a good slide down to the weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good Mornin' Gals,

    NM I really don't know how u got back to work so quickly. I personally think it was way to fast, but u'r the nurse, the ones who make the most difficult patients. But I do know u'r a trooper but please know how much u can do. U'r job is very trying and I think that's why I think this way.

    Hsant I'm glad u came in. I can't understand how anyone, let alone a nurse can even fathom to tell u how u should feel and however u act is the way u act. I do apprecite how hard these nurses work but to say anything personal with a negative way is so uncalled for. But I know u know that which helps u do as exactly what u do. When my DD was in the ER a few weeks back a nurse told her just get ussed to the fact that u have a chronic back pain and live with it. Well she was in to much pain to give her one of Leslie's comments, otherwise that nurse would have spun around. But there are much more good nurses than thoughtless ones and we always hope we get the good ones. This is a very difficult time for u, and I wish we could help u more--(((HSANT)))

    SusyQ did u get results yesterday? Please let us know.

    Lori I think when someone gets Stage IV after a few years, it is much harder on u that having it from the very beginning. So I hurt for u, but like I said just the last couple of years have brought so much to the Stage IV table and I pray everyday for u and SusyQ. Mentally this is very hard, but they do have more options.

    Sandy I didn't realize how bad our weather was, well for u, I stayed inside. I'm sorry it took so long, but I hope everything went super well after all this. Oh our Cubbies won last nite, this is going to be long series, I think.

    Jazzy it looks like u'r all set for u'r next job--well that's how I read it, like I've always said when I'm reading about u'r jobs I semi understand but if someone asked me there would be the big ole question mark on top of my head. But it always seems like u've made a success out of what u do, and that's wonderful to hear.


    Dara we're all waiting to hear what's going on, there is so much going on right now, plus another year older Holy Chit what else???

    U know if I didn't talk to u personally, I never mean to leave anyone out ever, but sometimes I do.

    My boos and one of the men should be back today, they went to Vegas for a seminar (oh yea right) So we've had a skeleton crew, I'm the only one that's not a skeleton, but it's been crazy and I get crazier, plus my D acts up thruout the day even when I'm talking to a customer, I know TMI but I had a mess on my hands yesterday. What makes me even madder is the fact that I get to weak to take a shower everytime, but I do have all the wash without rinsing crap that I do use all the time at least.

    OK I'll close for now my phone has already started so I'll check in later.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    LDB, hoping all went well with your appt. girl.

    Jazzy, good luck on the job front, and I hope you LOVE whatever it is that falls into your lap. Of course it won't literally "fall", as we know you work hard for it!

    Hsant, glad to see you and glad to hear that your dad is doing fairly well. But so sorry for the insensitive nurse….really??? And she works in hospice? She should be reported and then let go!

    Chi, glad you made it safely, were able to detour to pee and the bar was open!

    Oh my NM, not a good day for you at all, I'm so sorry. And when you still don't feel up to par. You are so understanding, re the person you work with. But yes, if you will be working next to her, best not to say anything. Well, you certainly said more than I did in regards to Hsant and how she was treated. Of course you would chime in, and I'll bet your seeing RED!

    Jazzy, a vacation from vacation always sounded good to me. I kind of figured that you would figure out who's birfday it was.

    Well, should have had a pool par tay this am. I would have went in with Jazzy and BossLady!

    Cami, you are in this stage IV group too ya know. I do know that there are more options, I just don't know if I want to go there and go back to feeling like chit. We'll see.

    Jazzy, How about this slide, to get us to the weekend???

    Image result for slide down to the weekend

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Goldie- eek! That is the death slide I think? Where the heck is that?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh Lori what was that pic. of horrors, Is that for real. She looks so happy. Jazzy that shook u up too. U know for this wild and crazy drinking thread, it seems to wrap up before 5PM anymore. Does anyone remember when it went much later? LOL it craked me up cuz we are starting some crazy new tradition here. Lori u know my sister is Stage IV and except for her bad knee and her bad eye, she's really doing OK, she goes for the shot every month but for now they can't fix her knee cuz of the C-dif for some crazy reason. That's why I said when u'r Stage IV from the beginning it seems like they throw everything at u from the start and all kinds of shots and other stuff so if they can get u to NED it's all worth it, but later on it seems to shake up u'r body and another theory to me is u'r body is much stronger at the beginning to fight with whatever is going on. That's why I had chemo forever and different operations, I'd spend 2 days a week at chemo, sometimes 3 for a couple of years for whatever new thing at the time they found. But my body was stronger then. Of course it left it's mark on me as u see how I complain pretty much destroying a lot of my bone stuff, causing heart problems and gastric like crazy and some other things. But they did their job and my body let them succeed, now I'm not so strong, but that's the way it is. I'm also much meaner than I was too. really I used to be so nice. Oh well, my sister is not so nice any more but we LOL about it, she can hide her feelings better than me, well not to her DH who we both always yell at. See there I go babbling again.

    Oh I've been pretend shopping for Christmas and I already spent a fortune, so now I have to start thinking for real and no one is really getting much of anything, but in my head, wow have I done good job, everyone would love what I pretend bought them, I even went over budget and didn't care. I'm so generous. I did buy sam (My boss's baby-who's 2) a little Sweatshirt that says GENERAL MAYHEM on it as one gift--I only buy for him cuz baby things are fun. (to buy, not to actually have in the house)

    Oh the Cubs play tonite, these neighborhoods have gone crazy, what was once a quiet rolling up the streets by 9PM has turned into firecrackers, bull horns and screaming out the door and that's just us. Everyone is in on it tho.

    OK any test results back yet? we're all waiting This crap still takes way to long to find things out.

    OK I'll check back later to see.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Image result for bartenders recipes for alcoholic cocktails Relax this morning NM--let this be the DOTD

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, back to work is back to work long days and multiple problems to solve that should have been taken care of already.I am so tired again, already.Not sure what I'm going to do about next week'svisit schedule, I just cannot do it all by myself, and am not sure how to get the message across.Not feeling like I'm being headr right now.If all else fails I'll call in sick, too tired from being expected to do too much.Or something.

    Jazzy--I think we should all get a week vacay to recover from vacay before going back to work, routinely!I don't think we do realize how much we are doing (or trying to do) until we get a break.Definitely have Sadie snuggles on the agenda for the weekend.Lots and lots of them.I wouldn't think that trying to implement multiple big projects at once would be a realistic idea for any work place, but then, what do I know about stuff like that?

    Cammy--I went back to work so fast partly cuz I was not sure that my patients were getting the attention they really should have been getting.The clinical manager that was seeing some of my people tends to cut corners and do the absolute minimum in the field so she can get back to the office or to her other job.It's really hard for her to pick up extra work, but she doesn't seem to look for any other answers either.I know her issues aren't mine, but I can't help seeing how things are.And I was brought up with that pesky Downeast Puritan work ethic that says that asking for help is a sign of weakness, and putting myself first is selfish and egotistical.I know it's not, but. . . So Boss and one of the men went to Vegas for a seminar?Sounds like fun!

    Goldie--I am so upset with the way Hsant was treated by that so-called Hospice nurse.So not right!

    OMG!That is not a slide, it's a suicide device--for scaring yourself to death!

    Cammy--baby gifts are fun to buy, aren't they?My Christmas Shopping is 1/4 done.Found a gift for Mom, now I just need to find one for her partner and one for my brother (won't be too hard) and one for his wife (gonna be very hard).But I do it all on line, so that's much better than it used to be!

    Thanks for the DOTD, Cammy!That sounds SOOOOO GOOOD!!!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited October 2016

    Good morning friends- up early to go have my eye balls looked at. This will be my last doctor apt until end of December, but then have a colonoscopy coming up next month, or the "heinyscope" as Cami calls it. LOL!

    Cami- I am meaner than I used to be too. Or maybe it is more that I am just intolerant of a whole lot of BS and drama that goes on in the world and with many people. I used to make excuses or be more forgiving of people's behaviors, but no more. I live by the Maya Angelou saying "see people for who they are, not what you wish them to be."

    NM- I put together a calendar of all the projects going live in December along with outages in December with people taking time off, and my client is going to talk to senior leadership about a few things for us. I can see how my client is being pressured by her new boss, but he is really not the one to have the final say.

    Glad you have some good downtime planned this weekend with lots of snuggles to look forward to!

    Met a friend for dinner last night and on the way home, stopped at a nearby Kohls around 8:30 p.m. to look for a piece of luggage to go with a set I started there last year. I remembered around this time last year doing an evening run to Kohls and almost ran in to a guy running out the door with a backpack and a bunch of stuff in hand which he was obviously stealing. Literally thought about this as I parked the car, and as I got out of the car and came around to head to the door, out runs a young man to a car parked next to the curb with an armful of stuff. Good lord, I cannot believe I witnessed this exact thing two years in a row! Kohls needs some security people at their stores. And a reminder to not go there at night again.

    Wishing everyone a freaky Friday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    The downtown Los Angeles skyline is about to get a whole lot more exciting -- and possibly a little scary for anyone afraid of heights.

    CBS Los Angeles reported the U.S. Bank Tower, the tallest building west of the Mississippi, is getting a scream-inducing new tourist attraction called Skyslide. The 36-foot-long glass slide will allow thrill-seekers to slide from the 70th floor down to the 69th floor on the outside of the building.

    The slide is waaaaaaay up there!

    Image result for la slide skyscraper

    Cami, you are so sweet. Yes, I know your sister is stage IV as well too. And all the chit you went through really did wreak havoc on your body. None of it is easy, for any of us. And I think you only THINK you are mean, cuz I don't see it at all! Guess I better not ever piss you off!!! I think you should print off everything you bought for everyone, and wrap it. What a great gift, what a great memory, and OHHHHH HOW FUNNY! Asfor staying up late at night here, that was never me.Love the Smashed Raspberry Lemonade.

    Oh NM, mese tinks you went back to work too early. I sure hope youcan make it through the day and have the weekend all to yourself. No call ins I hope! And I knew you would be upset with Hsant's situation. It upset me too!

    Jazzy, looks like you better stay away from Kohl's at night! Did you find your luggage?

    Well, I told y'all that I started back on the RSO, well you have to start out taking small bits and work yourself up. Well, I moost have taken too much yesterday, and hit me late afternoon. Had to have hubby help me into the house! Wooooooozy Woooooozy! Leaving tomorrow for Phoenix.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2016

    Lori r u up to going to Phoenix? Is this all Dr. stuff? Then I know u have to go. Oh Lori u have to be careful of how much u take, u poor thing.

    NM I think Lori's right, u went back to work a little to soon, u'r knocking u'r self out. I know how dedicated u are to u'r patients, but if u'r sick u can't help them. U'd better hide out in u'r hidaway this weekend with Sadie and really rest.

    Jazzy what kind of crime wave is going on at Kohl's and u witness it. I'm sorry I had to LOL some, imagine how much goes on when u don't see it. Just don't go there at night anymore, stay safe.

    OK check back later.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2016

    Cami, we have some business stuff to attend to in Phoenix, it's my step daughters birthday and I have dr. appt. on Monday.